Lateran Regesta 311: 1431-1439

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 311: 1431-1439', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 311: 1431-1439', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 311: 1431-1439". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXI (fn. 1)

1 Eugenius IV

De Regularibus

5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 25.)
To William, abbot, and the convent of the Benedictine monastery of Bury St. Edmunds in the diocese of Norwich, immediately subject. Decree as above, p. 368, and for the same reason, in regard to the faculty granted by Martin V on 13 Kal. March anno 1 [1418] for the late abbot William, the above William's predecessor, and for his successors, to dispense fit monks of the said order, after attaining their twenty-second year, to be promoted to the priesthood and minister therein.Decet ex benigno. (An. and Pizolpassus. | An. lxxx. de Adria.)
(f. 32d.)
To James Cameron, Augustinian prior of St. Mary's Isle (Insule Sancte Marie) in the diocese of Whiteherne. Decree etc. as below. It was set forth to Martin V by the above prior James that on the voidance of the chapel of St. Mary, Forgon, in the diocese of Dunkeld, wont to be held by secular clerks, by the death at the apostolic see of its rector, Henry de Ogilwy, John Lyon, knight, of the diocese of St. Andrews, to whom the presentation for that turn belonged (he, and Walter de Haliburton and William de Erskyn, temporal lords of Dyrlton and Kynnole respectively, in the said diocese, being the patrons thereof) presented the said James, then prior of St. Mary's Isle, to bishop Robert, who instituted him as rector by his ordinary authority, under pretext of which presentation and institution he took possession of the said chapel, detaining therewith, as he was still doing, the said priory. Pope Martin therefore, on prid. Id. March anno 13 [1430], rehabilitated him, requiring him to resign the said chapel. Further, the said pope on the same day granted to him in commendam, after he should have duly resigned, the said chapel, to be held by him for life together with the said priory, which has cure, value not exceeding 8l. and 60l. sterling respectively. The pope hereby decrees etc., as above, p. 368, and for the same reason. Racioni etc. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxxv. de Adria.)
16 Kal. March.
(f. 204d.)
To Master Laurence de Arecio, papal chaplain and auditor. Mandate to reserve to his gift, and afterwards to collate and assign to Theoderic de Ondencoep, canon of Soutmallyng in the diocese of Chichester, an abbreviator of papal letters, a certain canonry and prebend in the church of St. Mary, Utrecht, about which he has had a suit against two papal notaries [named] and certain clerks [named] of the dioceses of Liége, Utrecht and Mũnster; notwithstanding that he holds a canonry and prebend in Soutmallymgh (sic), value not exceeding 20 marks sterling, etc. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Petri. | An. Gratis pro familiari domini vicecancellarii. Quarto Kal Maii Anno Decimo. de Adria.)

[De Tabellionatus Officio.]

3 Kal. March.
(f. 223d.)
To the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Faculty to confer the office of notary public on Richard Wetton, priest, of his diocese, if found fit after examination, and if he have completed his twenty-fifth year; with the form of oath. The incipit is Ne contractuum, as usual. (B. and Blondus. | B.xvi. Valven.)

De Plenaria Remissione. (fn. 2)

Indults to the following that the confessor of their choice may grant them, being penitent, plenary indulgence once only, namely at the hour of death. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34. Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. All are dated at Ferrara.
10 Kal. May.
(f. 245.)
Simon Bindele, layman, of the diocese of Norwich, and Margaret his wife.
Ibid. John Baret, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Salisbury.
Ibid. John Stork, donsel, nobleman, of the same diocese.
13 Kal. May.
(f. 245.)
Thomas Septvauns, esquire (armigero), nobleman, of the diocese of Canterbury, and Alice his wife, noblewoman.
8 Id. May.
(f. 245d.)
Richard Walsham, Benedictine monk professed of the church of Norwich.
Ibid. John Hev[e]rlondi, prior of Norwich.
16 Kal. June.
(f. 245d.)
David Nant, archdeacon of St. Asaph, I.U.D.
Id. May.
(f. 246.)
William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, and Alice his wife.
11 Kal. Sept.
(f. 246.)
Thomas Payn, layman, of the diocese of Lincoln.
6 Kal. June.
(f. 246d.)
Ralph Hawlande, citizen of London, nobleman, and Maud his wife, noblewoman.
3 Kal. Sept.
(f. 246d.)
Geoffrey Chyttok, citizen of London, and Margery his wife.

De Altaribus

Indults to the following to have a portable altar. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34. Sincere etc. All are dated at Ferrara.
10 Kal. May.
(f. 248.)
John Fastolf, lord of the town (ville) of Oldton, of the diocese of Norwich, nobleman, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Richard Baret, lord of the place (loci) of Ryngstede, of the same diocese, nobleman, and Cecily his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Robert Popy, rector of Lyng, of the same diocese.
Prid. Kal. May.
(f. 248d.)
Thomas West, nobleman, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of London.
Prid. Id. May.
(f. 249.)
John Fyldyng, lord of the town (ville) of Newnam, of the diocese of Lincoln (sic), nobleman, and Joan his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Thomas Hikeford, lord of the place (loci) of Emescote, of the diocese of Worcester, nobleman, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
Id. May.
(f. 249.)
William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, and Alice his wife.
9 Kal. June.
(f. 249d.)
Thomas Prodman, nobleman, of the diocese of London, and Felicia his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Christopher Preston, nobleman, of the diocese of Meath, and Elizabet his wife, noblewoman.
4 Id. June.
(f. 249d.)
Roger Chambirleyn, knight and lord of the town (ville) of Geddyng, of the diocese of Norwich, nobleman, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
8 Kal. July.
(f. 249d.)
Sibyl de la Bere, damsel, noblewoman, of the diocese of Hereford.

[De Confessionalibus.]

4 Id. June.
(f. 250.)
Roger Chambirleyn etc. as above, f. 249d. Registered under the rubric ‘de altaribus,’ but with incipitBenigno etc.’, i.e. indult to choose their confessor, as below, f. 257.
6 Kal. Sept.
(f. 250.)
John Moreyn, lord of the place (loci) in Twenyng, of the diocese of Worcester, nobleman, and Lucy his wife, noblewoman.
3 Kal. Sept.
(f. 250d.)
William Friston, lord of the town (ville) of Altoftes, of the diocese of York, nobleman, and Isabel his wife, noblewoman.
10 Kal. Sept.
(f. 250d.)
William Child, lord of the place (loci) of Rostreley, nobleman, and his present wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of Worcester.
3 Kal. Sept.
(f. 250d.)
Geoffrey Chittok, lord of the place (loci) of Lampet in the town (villa) [of] Fyshed (sic), of the diocese of London, and Margery his wife.
17 Kal. Sept.
(f. 250d.)
Richard Tylney alias Pumpy, perpetual vicar of Clare, of the diocese of Norwich, M.A., and lord of the place (loci) of Wykes in Clare, in the said diocese.

[De Plenaria Remissione.]

4 Id. June.
(f. 251.)
Roger Chambirleyn etc. as above, f. 249d. Registered under the rubric ‘de altaribus,’ but with incipitProvenit etc.’, i.e. indult of plenary remission, as above, f. 245.
5 Kal. July.
(f. 251d.)
Lucy Lentale, lady of the town (ville) of Hamton, of the diocese of Hereford.
4 Kal. July.
(f. 251d.)
Philip Malpas, lord of the place (loci) of Haldyng, of the diocese of London, and Juliana his wife.
12 Kal. Nov.
(f. 254d.)
Nicholas Wymbyssh, archdeacon of Notingham in York.
Non. Jan.
(f. 254d.)
Robert Conuers, lord of the town (ville) of Scheworth, knight, of the diocese of Lincoln, nobleman.

De Confessionalibus

Indults to the following to choose their confessor, who may as often as they please, after hearing their confession, grant them absolution, enjoining a salutary penance, except in cases reserved to the apostolic see. Registered briefly as above, p. 36.Benigno etc. Both indults are dated at Ferrara.
4 Non. Oct.
(f. 257.)
John Sarisburi, prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, S.T.M.
Ibid. Michael Skylling, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Winchester, and Alice his wife, noblewoman.
The indults to the following persons are registered under the rubric ‘de confessionalibus,’ but are in the form ‘Provenit etc.Et insuper etc. Porro etc.,’ i.e. indults of plenary remission, as above, f. 245. They are all dated at Ferrara.
5 Id. Dec.
(f. 257d.)
John Merston, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Winchester, and Rose his wife, noblewoman.
7 Kal. Dec.
(f. 258.)
Thomas Mylde, donsel, nobleman, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of Norwich.
Prid. Id. Jan.
(f. 258d.)
John Lynford of Stalham, [layman], of the same diocese, and Sibyl his wife.
3 Non. Jan.
(f. 258d.)
Thomas Kirkeby, priest, rector or parson of a moiety of the parish church of Eckyngton in the county of Derby, of the diocese of Lichfield. (An. and A. de Florentia. | An. Adria.)
The indults to the following persons, like the preceding ones, are without a rubric of their own. The incipit is ‘Sincere etc.’, i.e. indults to have a portable altar, as above, f. 248, or, less probably, to have mass before daybreak, as above, p. 42. All are dated at Ferrara.
3 Non. Jan.
(f. 259.)
Thomas Kirkeby … Lichfield, as in the preceding. (An. and A. Florentia. An. x. de Adria.)
14 Kal. Jan.
(f. 259.)
Thomas Kirkeby … Lichfield, as in the preceding. (An. and Blondus. An. x. de Adria.) [Registered immediately after the preceding, and with the same incipitSincere etc.’, the differences being in the date and the subscription.]
Ibid. Thomas Barton, citizen of York, and Maud his wife.Sincere etc.
4 Id. Feb.
(f. 266.)
Thomas de Clamorgan, nobleman, lord of the place (loci) of Ranville, of the diocese of Coutances, and Catherine Dargouges his wife, noblewoman.


  • 1. Described on the back, as usual, ‘Eugenio IV. 1431. Anno 1 (corrected in pencil to 1–8). Lib. 107,’ below which in pencil is ‘Tertius mixtus i-viii.’ On a flyleaf is the contemporary note ‘Johannes rubricauit librum istum,’ and ‘Tertius mixtus de Regularibus primo et tertio, de prouisionibus, beneficiis vacan., Regularibus, exhibitis, Tabellionatus, plenaria et diuersis viiio annis domini nostri pape Eugenii pape IIII.’ The same contemporary description ‘Tertius mixtus,’ hardly legible, is written on the bottom edge of the volume.
  • 2. The following indults are subscribed by An. de Adria, and Ja. Aprutin., as usual.