Lateran Regesta 306: 1431-1432

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 306: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 306: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 306: 1431-1432". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCVI (fn. 1)

1 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Dignitatibus Vacantibus

16 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 19d.)
To the prior of St. Mary's, Inishmurray (Insula Muregaid), in the diocese of Killala, and Donatus Odubda and Mulerus Brun, canons of Killala. Mandate as below.
John XXIII ordered to be granted in commendam for life to John Bared, an Augustinian canon of St. Thomas the Martyr's by Buttevant (prope Batoniam) in the diocese of Cloyne, the administration called the provostship, a dignity, of the church of Killala, void because Alan Ohanmchy, priest, of the diocese of Killala, when holding it, had obtained the deanery of the same, also a dignity. Subsequently, upon Martin V being informed by Charles Ohanmchy, clerk, of the said diocese, that the said John Bared, after obtaining the said administration, had abandoned his said monastery and the regular habit, lived amongst seculars, alienated the possessions of the said administration and committed fornication more than once, the said pope ordered the abbot of St. Mary's, Easdara, in the diocese of Achonry (Akaden.), and Cormac Oheara and Dermit Macgedagan, canons of Achonry, if Charles would accuse John before them, to summon John, and if they found the above to be true, to annul the said commenda, [and in that event to collate and assign the said administration to Charles, as above, p. 72]. Seeing that, as the recent petition of Thomas Laigleys, perpetual vicar of Leaccam in the diocese of Killala, contained, the said Cormac, proceeding alone, by a definitive sentence annulled the said commenda, and seeing that, as the pope has learned, the said administration is still void by the obtaining of the said deanery, although the said John has unduly detained possession for more than two years since the said annulment, the pope orders the above three to collate and assign it, a non-major nonelective dignity with cure, value not exceeding 10 marks, to the said Thomas, who is of a great noble race, summoning and removing the said John; notwithstanding that he holds the said vicarage, value not exceeding 2 marks, which he is hereby specially dispensed to hold for life with the said administration. Nobilitas generis, vite etc. (An. and Jo. Rode. | An. xxiiii. Quarto Kal. Februarii Anno Primo. de Adria.)
16 Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 26.)
To Robert Poer, bachelor of canon law. Collation and provision to him, a priest, of the archdeaconry of Lismore, a non-major, non-elective dignity with cure, value not exceeding 20 marks, void and reserved by the resignation to the pope of Henry Burnham; whether it be void as stated, or because the late John Reve, when holding the rectory of Kylmidon in the diocese of Waterford, obtained the said archdeaconry and held both for more than a month without dispensation, or by the death of the said John or of William Mauncell, or by the consecration of Richard, bishop of Lismore, or in any other way; notwithstanding that he (who was lately dispensed by papal authority to hold for life two benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased) holds the deanery of Limerick, a major dignity, value not exceeding 44 marks.Litterarum etc. [See above, pp. 108, 150.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Adria and the precentors of Limerick and Ossory. Litterarum etc. (An. and H. Raiscop, P. de Montella. | An. xii. xiiii. Tercio Non. Maii Anno Prino. de Adria.)
7 Kal. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 27.)
To the abbot of Macosquin (de Claro fonte) in the diocese of Derry, the dean of Clogher and Maurice Ochathan, canon of Derry. Mandate as below. Martin V made provision to the late John Macmolinn, priest, of the diocese of Clogher, of the deanery of Derry, a major dignity with cure, void by the death of Donald Macgillabride [Cal. Lett. VII, p. 202]. Subsequently the said deanery became void and reserved, under the said pope's general reservation of all benefices of all members of the papal court void by their death in any places not more than two days’ journey from the papal court, by the death, without having had possession, of the said John in the pope's castle of Cave (Caven.) in the diocese of Palestrina, less than two days’ journey from the pope's city of Anagni, where was the papal court and whence the said John had gone for recreation or other cause. The said pope having died without disposing of the said deanery, which remains reserved, the pope orders the above three to collate and assign to Cristinus Olucherean, canon of Armagh, priest (who asserts that Catholicus Macgillabridi, priest, of the diocese of Raphoe, has unduly kept possession of the said deanery for more than two years under pretext of papal letters which are null because they do not mention that Donatus Ochearuallan, priest, of the diocese of Derry, was then unduly detaining possession [see Ottenthal, Regulæ Cane. Apost., p. 248, i.e. Regulæ Eug. IV, No. 81]) the said deanery, elective, value not exceeding 50 marks, summoning and removing the said Catholicus; notwithstanding that Cristinus holds a canonry in Armagh. Vite etc. (An. and G. de Elten.) | An. xxxi. Non. Maii Anno Adria.)
2 Id. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 45.)
To Gerald Offeargayl. Collation and provision to him (who is of a noble race of dukes, and was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman related in the fourth and fourth degrees of kindred, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure) of the deanery of Ardagh, a major dignity, value not exceeding 24 marks, void and therefore reserved by the death at the apostolic see of John Macgillimaneam; notwithstanding that he is litigating in Ireland about the perpetual benefice without cure called the rectory of Muindterangaili in the diocese of Ardagh, value not exceeding 50 marks, of which he is in possession. He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect, to hold the deanery. [Nobilitas generis], vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Alet and the priors of Saints Island (Insula Sanctorum) and Inchmore (Insula Magna) in the diocese of Ardagh. Vite etc. (An. and Hubanto, A. de Camporegali. | An. xiiii. xvi. Nono Kal. Septembris Anno Adria.)

De Provisionibus Prelatorum

3 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome
(f. 61d.)
To Zanonus (fn. 2) [de Castillione]. Translation of him, who is at the apostolic see, from the see of Lisieux to that of Bayeux, void by the death of Nicholas, during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Romani pontificis.
Concurrent letters to the chapter, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of the church of Bayeux—Romani etc.; to the archbishop of Rouen—Ad cumulum; and to the king of the French—Gracie divine. (Ja. and P. de Montella. Ja. xxii. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. Aprutin.) (fn. 3)
11 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 65d.)
To John Floytare. Provision to him, a Cistercian monk of Meriros (sic) in the diocese of Glasgow, priest, of the Cistercian abbey of Kynlos in the diocese of Moray, which became void and reserved to Martin V by that pope's provision to William de Blare, then abbot thereof, of the Cistercian abbey of Cupar in the diocese of St. Andrews [see above, pp. 110 and 144], and which remains reserved, pope Martin having died without disposing thereof. Inter solicitudines. [See also above, p. 295, and below, f. 319.]
Concurrent letters to the convent of Kynlos, to the abbot of Melros, and to the bishop of Moray—Inter etc.; and to James, king of Scotland—Gracie etc. (An. and H. Raiscop. An. xx.x. x. x. x. de Adria.)
5 Id. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 86d.)
To the provost of Tuam. Mandate as below. Martin V, on being informed by Odo Ohuigi[n]d, an Augustinian canon of Cluaneis in the diocese of Clogher, that the late Thomas, abbot of the Augustinian monastery of St. Michael, Mayo, in the diocese of Tuam, was disgraced (notatus) in those parts by divers crimes, ordered the abbot of Knockmoy (Collis victorie) in the diocese of Tuam, if this were so, to deprive and remove Thomas, and to make provision to Odo. The said Odo set forth to the said pope that the late Cornelius, abbot of Knockmoy, deprived and removed Thomas, although Thomas had lawfully taken exception to the said letters on the ground that they did not sufficiently express Odo's illegitimacy, and that Thomas appealed to the apostolic see, impetrated letters of the said pope, in the matter of his appeal, to the abbot of St. John the Evangelist's, Tuam, and caused Odo to be summoned before John, abbot of St. John's, who by a definitive sentence is said to have confirmed the sentence of the said abbot Cornelius. Thomas again appealed to the said see, impetrated letters of the said pope to the archdeacon of Tuam, and caused Odo to be summoned before archdeacon John, who revoked the said sentences by a definitive sentence from which Odo appealed to the said see. The recent petition to the present pope of Malachy Imulabayll, a canon of St. Michael's, contained that Thomas, in vigour of the said sentence delivered in his favour (seeing that Odo renounced, under a certain expressed condition, before John Ofergasa, clerk, of the diocese of Tuam, chosen by Odo and Thomas as arbitrator, his said appeal and suit and all right to the said monastery, and swore not to oppose the said arbitrator's decision), was restored to possession, but that Odo, regardless of his said renunciation and oath etc., obtained from the said pope, without mentioning the said renunciation etc., letters (which were therefore surreptitious) addressed to the abbot of Holy Trinity, Ballintober (de Fonte Sancti Patricii) in the said diocese in the matter of his appeal and the re-validation of the said first-named letters [above, p. 110]; and that Thomas having died, he, under pretext of the said letters, intruded himself and has unduly detained possession for two years. The pope therefore orders the above provost to summon the said Odo and others concerned, and if he find that Odo has no right, to make provision of the said abbey, value not exceeding 20 marks, to the said Malachy (on whose behalf the convent have petitioned the pope, and who is the son of an abbot, a priest, of the said order, and an unmarried woman), causing him to be blessed by a catholic bishop, who shall receive and send to the pope his oath of fealty, as usual, according to the form enclosed. He is hereby dispensed on account of the said defect. Ex suscepte servitutis. (An. and H. Raiscop. | An. lx. de Adria.)
3 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 88d.)
To the dean of Mayo in the diocese of Tuam. Mandate as below. The recent petition of Odo Ynaraid, an Augustinian canon of St. Mary's, Casdara (sic), in the diocese of Achonry, contained that Martin V ordered John Omellaid, abbot of St. John the Evangelist's, Tuam, to be deprived for his demerits, and provision to be made to Patrick Ydubthaid, a Premonstratensian canon of Cella Parva in the diocese of Annadown, after which the said Patrick brought the said John before the executor of the said letters, Cornelius, Augustinian abbot of Holy Trinity, Ballintober (de Fonte Sancti Patricii), in the diocese of Tuam, who is said to have proceeded short of a conclusion. The said petition adding that it is asserted by some that neither of the litigants has a right, and that the said monastery became and is void by the death of Thady Yduinissaid, the pope hereby calls up the said cause to himself, and orders the above dean (Odo suspecting abbot Cornelius to be too favourable to Patrick) to resume the cause as it stood before the said abbot and to hear and decide it, and if he find that neither has a right, and if he find Odo fit, to make provision to him of the said abbey, value not exceeding 20 marks, whether it be void in the way stated, or by the death of Gibunus de Anglo, or by the free resignation of the said John, or in any other way, causing him to be blessed and his oath received etc. as in the preceding; without prejudice to the archbishop of Tuam, to whom St. John's is by ordinary right subject. Solicite consideracionis. (B. and P. de Montella. | Valven.)
2 Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 177.)
To William [Grey]. Translation from the see of London to that of Lincoln, void by the death of Richard, during whose life it was specially reserved by Martin V, who died without disposing thereof, so that it remains reserved. Romani pontificis.
Concurrent letters to the chapter, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of the church of Lincoln—Romani pontificis; to the archbishop of Canterbury—Ad cumulum; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (An. and Jo. de Crivellis. An. xxii. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. xi. de Adria.)
2 Kal. May.
St. Peter's Rome.
(f. 178d.)
To Robert, elect of London. Provision to him, archdeacon of Northampton, S.T.M., priest, of a race of barons, of the said see, void by the translation made by the pope this day of bishop William to Lincoln. Regimini universalis ecclesie.
Concurrent letters as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis (An. and H. Raiscop. | An. xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria.)
10 Kal. July.
St. Peter's. Rome.
(f. 188d.)
To David Chycbury (or Chyebury), (fn. 4) elect of Dromore. Provision to him, a Carmelite and a lector of theology according to the custom (secundum morem) of the said order, priest, of the said see, void by the death of William, during whose life it was specially reserved by Martin V, who died without disposing thereof, so that it remains reserved. Before receiving possession of the administration he is to take to the archbishop of Armagh and the bishop of Annadown (Enakudunen.) the usual oath of fealty according to the form enclosed. Romani pontificis. [See above, p. 344.]
Concurrent letters to the chapter etc., as above. f. 177, mutatis mutandis; to the archbishop of Armagh—Ad cumulum; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (An. and P. de Montella. | xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria.)
13 Kal. Aug. (fn. 5)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 216.)
To William, elect of Kildare. Provision to him, archdeacon of Kildare, of the said see, void by the death (fn. 6) of John.Apostolatus officium.
Concurrent letters to the chapter etc. as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis; to the archbishop of Dublin—Ad etc.; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie etc. (Pe. and P. de Montella. Pe. xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. de Casatiis.)
4 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 217d.)
To Hugh, sometime bishop of Châlons, (fn. 7) archbishop elect of Rouen. Validation of his translation by Martin V on 14 Kal. Feb. anno 14 [1431] from Châlons to Rouen, void by the said pope's provision to John, cardinal priest of St. Laurence's in Lucina, then archbishop of Rouen, of the archiepiscopal see of Besançon; the said pope having died before his said letters of translation were drawn up. Decens reputamus.
Concurrent letters to the chapter etc. of Rouen—Decens etc.; and to the king of the French—Gracie divine. (B. and Jo. de Crivellis. | B. xxviii. xiiii. xiiii. xiiii. xiiii. xiiii. xiiii.Valven.)

De Litteris Dominorum Cardinalium

Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 249d.)
To Ardicinus, cardinal deacon of SS. Cosmas and Damian's.Motu proprio reservation, for collation to him, of the archdeaconry of Northampton, a non-major non-elective dignity with cure, value not exceeding 250 marks, about to become void by the pope's promotion [above, f. 178d] and the forthcoming consecration of Robert, elect of London; with dispensation, also motu proprio, to hold it with his said church and his other benefices. Dum exquisitam. [See above, p. 315.]
Concurrent mandate to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Adria and London. Dum etc. (An. and M. Pinardi, Jo. de Crivellis. | Gratis pro persona domini cardinalis, Octavo Kal. Decembris Anno Primo. de Adria.)

De Plenaria [Remissione]

Indults to the following that the confessor of their choice may grant them, being penitent, plenary indulgence, once only, namely at the hour of death. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34, the ordinary form being ‘Eugenius, etc.,’ address and ‘salutem etc. Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. Datum ….. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
10 Kal. April.
(f. 272.)
Agnes Crostwald, relict of William Cros[t]wald, of the diocese of Bangor (Bongorien.).
Ibid. John Gargrofe, esquire (armigero), of the diocese of York. [Without ‘Porro etc.’]
9 Kal. April.
(f. 272.)
Joyce (Jocosa), noblewoman, wife of John Typtofe (sic), nobleman, of the diocese of St. Asaph.
6 Kal. April.
(f. 272.)
Joan Knywet, damsel, noblewoman, of the diocese of Norwich.
7 Id. April.
(f. 272d.)
Thomas Clrek (rectius Clerk), canon of Lichfield.
3 Kal. April.
(f. 273d.)
John ap Jevan ap David, rector of Coruan, of the diocese of St. Asaph.
2 Id. April.
(f. 274.)
John Wareyn, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Norwich.
Ibid. John Hoton, priest, of the diocese of York.
2 Id. April.
(f. 274.)
Bartholomew Colbayn, layman, of the diocese of London.
Ibid. Thomas Dany (or Davy), of the diocese of Norwich, and Alice his wife.
Ibid. John Tye, priest, of the same diocese.
6 Non. May.
(f. 277d.)
William de Seton, priest, bachelor of canon law, of the diocese of St. Andrews.
4 Non. June.
(f. 278d.)
Siuban Panrys, [lay] woman, of the diocese of Annadown (Enachdunen.).
8 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 279.)
To Humphrey, duke of Gloucester and Eleanor his wife. Indult that the confessor whom each of them shall choose may grant them, being penitent, plenary remission, alike in life and in the hour of death, once only. Provenit etc. Hinc est quod nos ….. (Registered more fully than usual, and subscribed An. and M. de Pisis. | An. xxxx. de Adria.

De Altaribus Portatilibus

Indults to the following to have a portable altar. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34, the form being: ‘Eugenius etc.,’ address and ‘salutem etc. Sincere etc. Datum ….’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
6 Kal. April.
(f. 280.)
John Rouchester, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of London, and Agnes his wife, noblewoman.
7 Kal. April.
(f. 280.)
David —, (fn. 8) priest, of the diocese of Bangor, I.U.D.
3 Kal. April.
(f. 280.)
John ap Jevan ap David, rector of Coruan, of the diocese of St. Asaph.
Kal. June.
(f. 280d.)
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, and Eleanor his wife.
13 Kal. July.
(f. 281.)
Richard Jevecok and Elizabeth his wife, [of the diocese of York?]
Ibid. Thomas Strickland, knight, nobleman, and Mabilla his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of York. [This is immediately preceded in the Register by the above indult to Richard Jeuecok.]
Ibid. William Preskwyk (rectius Prestwyk), rector of Stoke, of the diocese of Exeter.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

13 Kal. Aug.
(f. 281d.)
Laisseach Oconchubair, layman, of the diocese of Kildare (Daren.). (Registered under the above rubric ‘de altaribus,’ but with the form ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.,’ i. e. indult of plenary remission, as above, f. 272.)
17 Kal. Aug.
(f. 282.)
Laurence Chene, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Ely, and Elizabeth his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. John Basset, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of London, and Catherine his wife, noblewoman. [Cf. below, f. 305d.]
Ibid. Nicholas Holdy, perpetual vicar of Swavesey, of the diocese of Ely, bachelor of canon law.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

7 Id. Aug.
(f. 282.)
Edward Fytzeustace, knight, nobleman, and Alice his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of Dublin. (Registered under the above rubric ‘de altaribus,’ but with the form ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.,’ i.e. indult of plenary remission, as above, f. 272.)

De [Altaribus] (cont.)

3 Id. Aug.
(f. 282.)
John, donsel, nobleman, son of the late John Irland, knight, of the diocese of Lichfield, and Ellen his wife, noblewoman.

De Confessionalibus

Indults to the following to choose their confessor, who may as often as they please, after hearing their confession, grant them absolution, enjoining a salutary penance, except in cases reserved to the apostolic see. Registered briefly, as above, p. 36, the form being ‘Eugenius etc.,’ address and ‘salutem etc. Benigno etc. Datum ….’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
Id. June.
(f. 283.)
Thomas Treuley (or Trenley), a Benedictine monk of Radynghe in the diocese of Salisbury.
8 Kal. June.
(f. 283.)
Joan, queen of England. (Subscribed in the usual way:An. x. de Adria.)
14 Kal. July.
(f. 283.)
Ralph Maschal, a Benedictine monk of Winchester. [Cf. below, f. 299d.]
Ibid. John Parkman, an Augustinian canon of Phympton (sic) in the diocese of Exeter.
Ibid. Walter Chester, a Cistercian monk of Bukfast in the same diocese.
Ibid. William Hille, and Augustinian canon of Phympton (sic) in the same diocese.
6 Kal. July.
(f. 283d.)
Thomas Wotton, layman, of Chester, of the diocese of Lichfield, and Cecily his wife.
6 Kal. July.
(f. 283d.)
Robert Hewster, layman, of Chester, of the diocese of Lichfield, and Ellen his wife.
12 Kal. April.
(f. 283d.)
William Liddeford, a Benedictine monk of Glastonbury in the diocese of Wells and Bath.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

Indults of plenary indulgence, as above, f. 272. ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
12 Kal. July.
(f. 284.)
John Dorward, esquire (armigero), nobleman, of the diocese of London, and Blanche (Blanka) his wife.
Id. July.
(f. 285.)
Richard Hasting, knight, nobleman, and Elsabeth alias dicta Elisabeth (cf. below, f. 287) his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of York.
5 Id. July.
(f. 285d.)
Adam de Wotton, layman, of the diocese of Lichfield, and Joan his wife.

De Litteris Ante Diem.

Indults to the following to have mass celebrated before daybreak. Registered briefly, as above, p. 39, the form being ‘Eugenius etc.,’ address and ‘salutem etc. Sincere etc. Datum …..’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
Kal. June.
(f. 287.)
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, and Eleanor his wife.
13 Kal. July.
(f. 287.)
John Pecche, knight, nobleman, of the diocese of Canterbury, and Anne his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Richard Hastyng, knight, nobleman, of the diocese of York, and Elizabeth (cf. above, f. 285) his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. William Baronum, citizen of London, and Joan his wife.
Ibid. John Chymbeham, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Canterbury, and Alice his wife, noblewoman.
8 Id. Feb.
(f. 287d.)
Roger Thornton, donsel, nobleman, and Elizabeth his wife, damsel, noblewoman, of the diocese of Durham.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

Indults to choose confessors etc. as above, f. 283. ‘Benigno etc.’ Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
5 Id. July.
(f. 288.)
Hamund de Bestok (rectius Bostok), a Benedictine monk of Chester in the diocese of Lichfield.
6 Id. July.
(f. 288.)
Roger de Barow, and Augustinian canon of Norton in the same diocese.
Indults of plenary indulgence, as above, f. 272. ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
8 Id. Feb.
(f. 288d.)
Robert Hoton, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of York, and Joan his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. William Helperby, Cistercian abbot of St. Mary's, Byland (de Bellalanda), in the same diocese.
3 Id. Sept.
(f. 289.)
Margaret ingen Yflafertaidh, [lay] woman, of the diocese of Annadown (Enachdunen.).

De Locis Interdictis

Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 290.)
To Humphery, duke of Gloucester, and Eleanor his wife. Indult to have mass and other divine offices celebrated, privately, in places under interdict. Registered briefly as above, p. 43, the form being ‘Eugenius etc.,’ address and ‘salutem etc. Decocionis etc. Datum…’

De Altaribus (cont.)

Indults to have a portable altar, as above, f. 280.’Sincere etc.’ Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
8 Id. Feb.
(f. 294d.)
Robert Hoton, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of York, and Joan his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Henry Markert, donsel, nobleman, of the same diocese, and Maud his wife, noblewoman.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

Indults of plenary indulgence, as above, f. 272, with the form ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. Datum …,’ except where otherwise indicated. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
14 Kal. May.
(f. 299d.)
Robert Burgh, priest, perpetual vicar in the church of Wells.
Ibid. Thomas Iatele, priest, a Benedictine monk of Radinghe in the diocese of Salisbury.
Ibid. Ralph Mascall, priest, a Benedictine monk of Winchester. [Cf. above, f. 283.]
Ibid. Walter Amyet, priest, of the hospital of St. John Baptist, Wells, living under the rule and after the institutes of St. Augustine.
Kal. May.
(f. 300d.)
Stephen Bron', the elder, of the city of London, nobleman.
4 Non. June.
(f. 301d.)
Alan Ohoreachtaid, layman, and Sadb his wife, of the diocese of Tuam. (Provenit etc. Quodque per unum annum etc. Porro etc. Datum…)
Ibid. Bernard Oflathbertaigh, layman, and his wife, of the diocese of Annadown (Enachdunen.). (Provenit etc. Quodque… as in the preceding.)
Kal. June.
(f. 302.)
Matthew, Augustinian abbot of St. Mary's de Portupatrum in the same diocese. (Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc., as also in the following indults.)
4 Non. June.
(f. 302.)
John Ohallmarain, layman, and Avilina his wife, of the same diocese.
Kal. June.
(f. 302.)
Thady Olaighe, layman, and Morina his wife, of the same diocese.
Ibid. Gormlaith ingen Yhiurain, [lay]woman, of the same diocese.
4 Non. June.
(f. 302.)
Dubdara Ocind[u]aeladh (sic), an Augustinian canon of St. Mary's de Portupatrum in the same diocese.
10 Kal. July.
(f. 302d.)
Donatus Ocinduacladh (sic), priest, of the same diocese.
3 Kal. July.
(f. 302d.)
John Fitzrery, priest, a Friar Preacher of Athnary in the diocese of Tuam, S.T.M.

De Altaribus Portatilibus (cont.)

Indults to have a portable altar. ‘Sincere etc.,’ as above, f. 280. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
10 Kal. April.
(f. 303.)
Thomas Lovell, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Norwich, and Cecily his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. Thomas Benett, priest, of the diocese of Worcester.
8 Kal. April.
(f. 303d.)
Eve Seyntjohn, noblewoman, of the diocese of Chichester.
Ibid. William Seyntjohan, nobleman, and Elizabeth his wife, noblewoman, of the same diocese.
5 Kal. April.
(f. 304.)
Walter Tretheywy, rector of St. Nicholas's Oloff, London, bachelor of canon law.
Ibid. Walter Adam, rector of St. Christopher's, London, bachelor of canon law.
Ibid. John Warde, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of York, and Ellen his wife, noblewoman.
3 Kal. April.
(f. 304.)
Robert Colas, rector of Alvescote, of the diocese of Lincoln.
6 Id. July.
(f. 304d.)
Ranulph Maynwaryng, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Lichfield, and Margery his wife, noblewoman.
5 Id. July.
(f. 304d.)
Thomas Daukynson, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Bangor (Banchoren.), and Lettice his wife, noblewoman.
2 Non. July.
(f. 304d.)
William Oldhall, knight, nobleman, of the diocese of Norwich, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.

[De Plenaria Remissione] (cont.)

Indults of plenary indulgence. ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.,’ as above, f. 272. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
2 Id. July.
(f. 305.)
Henry Gudswan, a Benedictine monk of Dunfermlyn in the diocese of St. Andrews.
12 Kal. Sept.
(f. 305d.)
Thomas Somerford, layman, and Isabel his wife, of the diocese of Térouane (Morinen.).
Ibid. John Basset, layman, and Catherine his wife, of the diocese of London. [Cf. above, f. 282.]
4 Non. July.
(f. 306.)
Hugh Spencier, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Chichester.
2 Non. July.
(f. 306d.)
William Oldhall, knight, nobleman, of the diocese of Norwich, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
12 Kal. Sept.
(f. 307.)
William Macgoreachtaid, an Augustinian friar, of the diocese of Tuam.

De Altaribus (cont.)

Indults to have a portable altar. ‘Sincere etc.,’ as above, f. 280. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
3 Id. July.
(f. 308d.)
Joan Le[r]chedekene, widow, of the diocese of Exeter.
Ibid. William Wotton, Augustinian abbot of St. Mary's, Cirencester, in the diocese of Worcester.
7 Id. July.
(f. 308d.)
Robert Craas, nobleman, of the diocese of Exeter.
Kal. May.
(f. 308d.)
William Cole, layman, nobleman, of the county of Essex, of the diocese of London (nobili viro W. C. seculari comitatus Essexie Londoniensis dioc.).
Ibid. Robert, donsel, nobleman, [son] of Robert de Warcop, and Joan his wife, of the diocese of Carlisle.
7 Id. Aug.
(f. 309.)
Simon Ade, priest, of the diocese of Lincoln.
7 Id. Oct.
(f. 309d.)
Richard Weltden, nobleman; of the diocese of York, and Catherine his wife, noblewoman.

De Litteris Ante Diem (cont.)

Indults to celebrate or cause to be celebrated mass before daybreak. ‘Sincere etc.,’ as above, f. 287. Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
3 Id. July.
(f. 313.)
James Cuddelegh, esquire (armigero), nobleman, and Radagund his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of Exeter.
7 Id. Aug.
(f. 313.)
Simon Ade, priest, of the diocese of Lincoln.

De Altaribus (cont.)

Indults to have a portable altar. ‘Sincere etc.,’ as above, f. 280. Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
Id. Jan.
(f. 314d.)
Thomas Mortemer, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Lincoln, and Joan his wife, noblewoman.
Kal. Feb.
(f. 314d.)
Thomas Cudde, priest, of the diocese of Worcester.
13 Kal. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 315.)
To William Nuby, burgess of Leicester, of the diocese of Lincoln, and Maud his wife. Indult for them and for each of them to have mass celebrated before daybreak, when needed, in their lodging situate in the said town, and in other fit places. (Sincere etc. Hinc est quod nos…. Registered more fully than usual.)

[De Diversis Formis.]

11 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 319.) (fn. 9)
To John, Cistercian abbot of Kynlos in the diocese of Moray. Confirmation as below. Lately, on the said abbey becoming void (because Martin V made provision to William Blare, its then abbot, of the abbey of Cupar in the diocese of St. Andrews), the said pope made provision thereof to the above John, who did not cause the letters of provision to be expedited within the statutory time, so that the said provision became void. Nevertheless, as his recent petition contained, John, trusting to his agent in the Roman court for the expedition of the said letters, has exercised the administration, as he still does. The pope therefore, who by other letters (above, f. 65d) has made provision to John, confirms and approves hereby the acts of his said administration. Religionis zelus, litterarum sciencia (fn. 10), vite etc. (An. and H. Raiscop. An. xxxx. de Adria.)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual modern Italian description: Eugenio IV. 1431. Anno 1. Lib. 8 A flyleaf has, in contemporary hands, ‘Andreas,’ ‘Liber primus de dignitatibus vacantibus, de prouisionibus prelatorum, de litteris dominorum cardinalium, de plenaria remissione anno primo domini Eugenii pape iiii ti .’ and ‘Rubricatus per me Andream Brippium.’ Another flyleaf has, also in contemporary hands, ‘Lubbertus Rubricauit in mense Januarii, 1433’ and ‘De Regularibus anno primo,’ before which a modern hand has inserted ‘Secundus.’ This second flyleaf evidently belongs to another Register, but not to the preceding Register, No. CCCV, which, although ‘de Regularibus,’ is described as ‘Liber III.’ See above, p. 347, note.)
  • 2. *Zanono.’ The spelling ‘eundem Zanonem episcopum’ also occurs.
  • 3. On f. 120 is the translation, dated at St. Peter's, Rome, 4 Kal. Feb. 1431[–2], of Peter [Cauchon] bishop of Beauvais, to the see of Lisieux, void by the translation made by the pope on that day (hodie, sic) of Zanonus to Bayeux; with the usual concurrent letters, including one to the ‘rex Francorum.’
  • 4. Eubel, in Hierarchia, ad verb. ‘Dromoren.’ refers to ‘Arm. XII, 121, p. 264,’ and has the spelling ‘Chyrburg,’ which he modernizes as ‘Cherbourg.’ The reference is to Arm. XII, vol. 121A, p. 263, where occurs the entry ‘Dromeren. 1431. Die Veneris x Kal. Julii p[rouidit] ecclesie Dromeren. per obitum Guillelmi ultimi episcopi de persona religiosi viri fratris David Chyeburi ordinis Carmelitarum.’ Gams, Series, pp. 217 and 233, has’ David de Chirbury and ‘David Chirbury.’ Stubbs, Reg, Sacr., spells ‘Chirbury.
  • 5. Eubel, Hierarchia, ad verb. ‘Daren.’ has the date ‘1431, Aug. 14,’ and refers to ‘Arm. XII, 121, p. 265.’ In Arm. XII, vol. 121A, p. 265 occurs ‘Daren. 1431. Eadem die [i. e. vi. Id. Aug., the date of the entry which immediately precedes] de persona D. Willermi archidiaconi ecclesie Daren. eidem ecclesie prouidit vacanti per obitum [Johannis], cui alias per d[ominum] Martinum papam v predecessorem de eiusdem Willermi persona prouisum fuerat,’ so that Eubel's ‘Aug. 14’ ought to be ‘Aug. 8,’ which is presumably the date of the expedition of the above bull of provision of 13 Kal. Aug. [July 20].
  • 6. i. e, without the Roman court (extra curiam), as always understood in the Calendar when the contrary is not stated.
  • 7. The provision to John [Rolin], archdeacon of Autun (Eduen.), of the see of Châlons. void by the above translation of Hugh, occurs on f. 145d, under the same date, viz. 4 Kal. June, 1431.
  • 8. The Register has a stroke in place of the surname.
  • 9. The contemporary foliation is cccxvii.
  • 10. His academic degree is not mentioned.