Henry VIII: November 1513, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: November 1513, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1078-1084 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1513, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1078-1084.

"Henry VIII: November 1513, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1078-1084.

November 1513

11 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 84. R.O.
2439. WM. MASON.
Acknowledgment by Wm. Mason of receipt of 20s. from Roger Lupton, clerk of the Hanaper, for his gown. 11 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Sealed.
11 Nov.
S.P. Scotl. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 19. R.O.
Received on 6th of this month her letters, dated Windsor, 18 Oct. Thanks her for her sympathy in the misfortune fallen upon her, signified by Friar Bonaventure, provincial of the Friars Observant. Hopes she will keep her brother in remembrance of her, that his kindness may be known "to our lieges and realm," as she has explained to Bonaventure. Perth, 11 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
12 Nov.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 106. B.M.
The Council's order to the Warden of the Fleet to receive four Bretons, prisoners, and he shall receive 16d. a week for the board of each. Richmond, 12 Nov. Signed: William Cantuar, Ric. Wynton, T. Surrey, C. Somerset, Thomas Lovell, Thomas Wulcy.
Small paper, p. 1. Add.
13 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 85. R.O.
Sir Andrew Wyndesore's order to Mr. Daunce to deliver John Pultney, yeoman of the "Henxmen," 7l. laid out upon necessaries for the Henxmen in the time of the wars, as appears by the King's warrant "hereunto annexed," dated Turney, 11 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII. Windsor Castle, 13 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
13 Nov.
Calig. B. VI., 37. B.M. Ellis, 1 S. 1, 93.
2443. [4556.] DACRE to HENRY VIII.
Has received the King's letter of thanks, to his singular comfort; he perceives by it that the King gives no credence to the sinister reports surmised against him. On Thursday last assembled 1,000 Northumberland horse, and rode in at Gamllespeth, and so to the water of Kale, two miles within Scotland, and set forth two forays, viz., brother Philip, with 300 men, destroyed the town of Rowcastell with all the corn. Sir Roger Fenwike did the same with Langton. Came with a stale to a place called the Dungyon, a mile from Jedworth; so to the Sclater Ford on the water of Bowset; was pursued by the Scots, assisted by Dand Kerr of Fernehirst, the Laird of Bondgedworth, and the sheriff of Teviotdale; the Laird of Walghope and Mark Trumbill are hurt. Was glad to meet, at a place called the Bellyng, his brother, Sir Christopher, who had entered by Ledesdale "to the Rugheswyre," and sent out two forays; one under Sir John Ratclif, with 500 men, who burnt the town of Dyker, both roof and floor; and after, the towns of Sowdon and Lurchestrother. Nic. Haryngton, Nic. Rydley, Thos. Medilton, and George Skelton, in the other foray burnt Hyndhalghehede, floor and roof; W. Fawsyde and E. Fawsyde. Forming a union with his brother, they saw the Chamberlain with 2,000 men, on which the Dacres retired, "and rode no faster than nowt, shepe, and swyne that we had won would drive, which was of no great substance, for the country was warned of our coming, and the beacons burned from midnight forward." The gentlemen of the country are backward, as Lord Ogle and the Constable of Alnwick. Has thus fulfilled the King's command, with the loss of one man only. Cannot see how an inroad is to be made on the West marches, as he cannot leave the Middle March for fear the Scots should burn the country in his absence; and the horses of those who were in this last raid are wearied, having gone 28 hours without bait. Will, however, do so "the next light." Begs the King will send orders to the Lords Clifford and Northumberland for their tenants to attend the wardens, as usual.
John of Barton, who passed into France with the navy of Scotland, landed at Kirkobrighe, and there fell sick and died. A great council has been held at St. Johnstone, when it was resolved the Bp. of Aberdeen shall be abp. of St. Andrews, the Bp. of Caithness bp. of Aberdeen, a brother of the Earl of Adthill bp. of Caithness. The abbey of Arbroath is given to George Douglas, s. of the Earl of Angus; the abbey of Dunfermline to James Hebburne; the priory of Coldingham to the Lord Chamberlain's brother. A brother of Dand Kerr's, of Farnehirst, has forced his way into the abbey of Kelso. The castle of Stirling is to be victualled and fortified, the Lord Borthwick to be captain, and have the young King in his keeping. They have not yet been able to determine which of the Lords shall have the rule of the realm. The Earl of Aren, Admiral of Scotland, is come home with the ships; and a French knight (fn. 1) with him has brought letters from the French King and from Albany. Three of the greatest ships have been left in France to assist the French navy. The great ship run aground. The Scotch soldiers speak ill of their entertainment by France. Harbotill, 13 Nov., 6 a.m.
Pp. 5. Add.
13 Nov.
Sanuto, XVII., 325.
2444. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 17 Nov. 1513.]
From the Signory of Florence to Pietro Bibiena, Papal ambassador, 13 Nov.—Their ambassador writes from France, on the 3rd, that the King was sending his men into garrison, having learnt the passage of the King of England who, for love of a lady, was in mourning with all his Court. The Scots were prospering against England. * * *
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 355.
15 Nov.
Galba B. III., 130. B.M.
2445. [4561.] SPINELLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last on the ... inst. Yesterday came the post from the Emperor, despatched at Norlyng on the 8th. The Emperor has gone towards Newrenberge, and has ordered the ambassadors to meet him at Geslyng, three leagues from Ulme. My Lady thinks he has done so to be nearer Italy and the Swiss. Encloses an extract of the news from the Emperor to my Lady, and a copy of an article written by himself to the Deputy of Calais respecting the coming of the French to repair Terouenne. Artois the herald is departed for England; my Lady sent after him the dispatch from the Emperor, and recalled the other drawn according to the resolution taken by the Bp. of Winchester and Mr. Almoner. By the news brought to Zeland by the two ships from Scotland, it appears the Lords there are not pleased that the Queen should have the rule, as they fear she will comply too much with England. They are in constant intercourse with France, and their ships pass by the back of Ireland. "Charles de Sempol, of your grace's acquaintance, at my Lady's departure from Lisle, by her licence went unto the Lord Dangulem to bear him a falcon that was taken in this country having the French arms, of the which I understand your grace hath knowledge; where he was well received, and gave him a gown of crimson velvet and a jacket of cloth of gold and white satin." Angulem said "they had won nothing by the death of the King of Scots, nor greatly lost, considering that the Duke d'Albany should shortly go into Scotland, and there receive ... King, who, with his experience and the entire affe[ction that] he hath" for France, will acquit himself better than did his predecessor. The French say that Margaret of Savoy was the sole cause of the aid given by the Emperor to England, but as soon as the Prince comes to the age of fifteen, and is out of his minority, "if here been not taken other way and better council in the matter, they shall compel him by force to do it"; that the alliance of marriage between the Prince and my Lady Mary is contre le bien publique; that he shall have no other than the second daughter of the French King, or they will give her to Don Fernando his brother, and trouble the succession. The nobles and people of France are dissatisfied with their King, for his avarice and obstinacy; they distrust the Swiss. Encloses a letter respecting Tournay received from a friend, and another he has written to my lord captain there. My Lady has sent to him touching the musters. Gaunt, 15 Nov. 1513. Signed.
Pp. 4. Mutilated.
15 Nov.
Exch. Dipl. Doct. 740. R.O.
2446. [4560.] MAXIMILIAN.
Confirmation of the treaty made between Margaret of Savoy and Henry VIII. at Lisle, 16 Oct. 1513. Augsburg, 15 Nov. 1513. r. Rom. 28, Hungar. 24. Signed: Maxi. R. Countersigned: Renner.
Latin. Large parchment. Seal appended, slightly broken.
15 Nov. 2447. [4562.] The LIEUTENANT and COUNCIL of RHODES to HENRY VIII.
Otho, C. IX. 11.
By virtue of their obedience, Thos. Newport, "bajulus aquilæ," and Thos. Scefild, preceptor of our pre[ceptory] of Synghai, and treasurer of the Order in [England], have arrived at Rhodes. Learn from the same that the King wishes to retain with him Thos. Docray, their prior. Request that he may be sent as soon as the King can spare him. Will retain Newport and Scefild. Rhodes, 15 Nov. 1513.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
16 Nov.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 57. B.M.
Wrote in his last, the ... of this month, "that the [Emperor would see] me again within a day or twain. This day ... before 8 o'clock he sent for me, and tarried [with me in] his chamber till it was 10 o'clock, in which [time after his] accustomed manner, he had many devices and demands." He showed Wingfield that he gave audience to the Pope's orator, who said that the Pope desired an un[ion] of Christian princes, so that some good expedition might be made [against] the Infidels; "and that where all the weight of war th[at was] in Christendom was betwixt his Majesty and the Vene[tians, and] betwixt your grace and the French King, in both which ... his Holiness judged his Majesty to have great gree ... remedy, for the war with Venetians was his own par[t and as for] that with France, he thought that your grace would [also be] advised and counselled by him, and so the rather that wa[r be ended;] nevertheless if so be that the Venetians would not c[ome to] an honorable peace with him, he would not fail to p[roceed] to their utter ruin; and furthermore, if it might not [appear unto his Majesty] and your grace, with other Christian princes, that the ... till France were 'corecte, his Holiness w[ould condescend to] your desires; and where there is ... ath but gev ... perfect conclusion and effect."
To which the Emperor made answer that he would gladly see peace established between himself and the Venetians, and between England and France; but that as for himself he had always accepted every reasonable offer of peace, which had been broken by the Venetians; nevertheless, he could be better contented to make an honorable peace with them than to procure peace between Henry VIII. and France, because he believed there would be no steadfast peace and concord in Christendom till France be "corecte"; and he was in great doubt that if it be not brought to order now France would become more petulant than in time past. Wherefore he thought it best that peace should be made between himself and the Venetians, and that the Pope and the other powers of Italy should enter into a league with the Emperor, Henry and the King of Aragon, against the French, "which an they would de effectually ... all things should be reformed ... grace and the King of ... by one assent will purvey ... that other list not lay hand to help ..."
The Emperor then showed "that where at the castle of Anthoyne beside ... he [advertized] me that, by a secret ambassador from the Pope, he was [informed] that his Holiness would undertake that the Venetians [should] condescend to give him 1,000,000 ducats, so that he w[ould consent] to part with the cities of Verona and Vincenza, and so make [firm] peace with him; and that he would in no wise condescend [to surrender] Verona, but he would deliver them the city of Cremona [which would] be as profitable to them, and under that manner at the p[resent] he was content to conclude peace with them, and with that a[nswer the] said Pope's ambassador was despatched. And where since the conflict and battle (fn. 2) hath been between hi[s Majesty and the] Venetians, and the Venetians' army utterly destroyed, and t[he Viceroy] of Naples, with his army, hath and intended to have proceeded [unto] Fryole, and wasted and destroyed; yestereven he wa[s informed] that the Pope hath written to the Viceroy [to proceed] no farther in damaging that co[untry but condescend to] make a peace, to which * * * showed that where the Cardinal of Gource ... Rome, and such other as be in commission with him, have [his au]thority to conclude with the Venetians after the manner and [for]m before written, as well because of the change made by the [fo]resaid victory, as that the Emperor is informed that the Venetians are unable from poverty to pay the said sum of 1,000,000 ducats, he is content to conclude a peace with them after the form that Pope Julius and the King of Aragon ordained; and if they will not so, yet he will be content to be ordered either in peace or truce as the Pope and the King of Aragon shall order. Upon this point the Emperor desired Wingfield's advice whether he should leave the whole authority to the Pope to conclude the peace, or to him and the King or Aragon together.
To which Wingfield answered that as the case was changed by the Emperor's victory, and the report respecting the poverty of the Venetians, he thought it was well done to assemble the Pope and the King of Arragon together. The Emperor then showed Wingfield five principal reasons for his coming into these parts and by that way; 1st, the variance existing between the Archbishop of Cologne and the country of Westphalia; 2nd, between the Archbishop of Mayence and the Duke of Saxe; 3rd, between the country of [Swa]ve and that of Franconia; 4th, an universal dissension between the cities and towns of Almain, of the people against the government; and, 5th, "for his own business [for to assemble] all the estates of all his countries to have [their aid] in his wars with the Venetians. And he shewed me that he was in good hope to have [aid of] the Empire, all which and all other aids that may be [had in the] Prince's countries, he would employ it in your g[race's cause against] the French King, and also that of his own countries, y[f] ... disturb him not." The Emperor also asked if Henry were much hindered by the Scots? To which Wingfield answered that he could not say till he had received information, but thought rather nay than yea. "It seemeth his Majesty hath been advertised that the French [intend] to send folks into Scotland, and so empesche you there, th ... not may keep your appointment of returning in ... "The Emperor also wished Wingfield to request [Henry] "to write a letter of credence to the ambassadors of Venice, [and to] have it ready, if any embassy shall be sent to him, as [he hopes] there shall," and to send Wingfield instructions on the same.
The Count Palatine Frederick recommends himself to Henry, and hopes soon to "depart hence towards ... his authority for the Emperor about the Pr[ince] ... things that he ... Pope's orator that is here, that an [ambassador] from the Pope is passing to your grace, and as [far as I can] perceive he is passed through the Switzers' country. [He is] a Neapolitan born and Bishop of Chieti of the house of [C]arrapha." All nations resort to this Court, and Wingfield judges that no Christian prince before Henry had so diligent an officer of arms as the Emperor, who celebrates his name and good fortune to those that come to him from strange countries; and all Henry's actions on this side the sea to the Emperor's departure from him, and those against the Scots, is "all Almain over in print." (fn. 3) [Augsburg, 16] Nov. 1513.
Hol., pp. 6. Headed in a later hand: 16 Nov.
18 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 37. B.M.
2449. THE LEISH.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for gowns, &c., to John Singleton, Ric. Symson, Ric. Donnall and John Williams, children of the Leash. Windsor, 18 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
18 Nov. 2450. HENRY VIII. to [the INHABITANTS of TOURNAY].
Regrets to learn that some of the citizens have left the city, carrying off their goods, and that there are others who have the same intention; which seems to show, either that they do not cherish due obedience or that the governor he has appointed has not treated them as he desired. Hears also that they have set afloat a rumor that he means to hand over the city to some other Prince; which is not true, as they will learn from their deputies whom they are to send to the Parliament after Easter. Hopes they will induce those who have left to return, &c. Windsor, 18 Nov. 1513.
French. From Hocquet's Pieces Justificatives, No. XXVII. See Nos. 2385.
20 Nov.
Declared Accts. (Pipe Office), roll 2970. R.O.
[Declaration of the account of John Clifford one of the commissioners for taking up hoys for transport of the King's army.]
(Heading lost.)
Receipts from Sir John Wyltshere, "another of the said commissioners," 11 May 5 Hen. VIII., and Sir John Daunce 13 July, 23 Aug. and 4 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII., in all 6,605l. 4s. 8d. Fl.
Paid for ships (number and time of service given but other particulars referred to a "book of parcels upon this declaration showed") of Antwerp, Barowe, Seryksee, Atten, Tergoos, Rosendale, Tollen, Steenberghen, Remerswale, Armewe, Flusshyng, Tergowe, Bruershawyn, Tervere and Yersyke. Paid to the Lord of Hesylstein and 1,000 horsemen. Paid to John Ward 20 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. for conveyance of the King's ordnance from Antwerp to Calais; also to Miles Gererd and John Heron, "controller of the Custom of London." Necessary expenses such as messengers, rewards, writings. Clifford's own wages.
Paper roll of 10 pp.
ii. Warrant to John Sedley, one of the auditors of the Exchequer, to view the books of John Clifford, "governor of our English merchants" and allow him wages at 10s. a day from 16 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. to 20 Nov. next following. Lambeth, _ (blank). Signed at the head.
P. 1. Add.
20 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 15. R.O.
Had heard the news of his joint victory with the Emperor; confirmed by the King's letters of 24 Sept., stating that the King of Scots had been slain and his army defeated. The wresting of the cities of Terouenne and Tournay will bridle the power of this enemy of the Church; without it he could have found no security in Italy. The French have restored Milan this day, which he has garrisoned, and promised the restoration of Cremona in a few days. "Ex arce Portæ Jovis Mediolani," 20 Nov. 1513. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.


  • 1. La Batie. See Leslie, p. 97.
  • 2. Battle of Vicenza, 7 Oct. 1513.
  • 3. See No. 2173.