Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.
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'Henry VIII: March 1513, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp759-770 [accessed 22 February 2025].
'Henry VIII: March 1513, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp759-770.
"Henry VIII: March 1513, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp759-770.
March 1513
1 March. S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 114. R.O. |
1663. [3763.] EDMUND BISHOP OF SARUM to THOMAS MAYNARDE, Upholsterer, and NICHOLAS POLE, Weaver. |
Lease for 24 years of the Bishop's mills, with their appurtenances, in New Sarum, at the annual rent of 30l. Dated 3 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Confirmed by Wm. Attewater, D.D., dean of St. Mary's cathedral, 1 March, 1512. | |
Lat. Copy, large paper, pp. 4. Subscribed: Fiat nova dimissio premissorum Johanni Watkynnes, molendinario. | |
3 March. Stowe MS., 146, f. 45. B.M. |
1664. JOHN CLYFFORD, Governor of the Merchant Adventurers, to JOHN DAUNCE. |
Certifies the despatch, on 28 Feb., of certain pans, kettles, brooms and shovels shipped in the Trynyte of Bylbow, master Pedro de Bredendela, for delivery in the Temmys to the King's use. William Jonys, mercer, dwelling in St. Lawrans Lane, will give a reckoning of what money is received of Mr. Jerom Fryschobald. By advice of Dyrykke Nyghtyngale, has bespoken other pans and kettles at Andwarpe, according to the commandment of my lord of Winchester; and they will be ready by the 14th inst. Gave the workmen, in earnest, 20l. which he borrowed of Jerome Fryschobald. Barow, 3 March 1512. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: customer of London. | |
3 March. Vesp. C. I., 30. B.M. |
1665. [3766.] KNIGHT and STILE to [HENRY VIII.]. (In cipher.) |
"On the oon and threty day of Jenyver that last past, we receyeyd yowr gracyus letter and conmyssyon, wyth the copy of a treaty to us yowr servantys, sent by the Conmendador Mussyka, the Kyng of Arragon yowr good faders servant; and a cordeyng to the conmandament of yowr hyzghnys, and the tenurys of the same treaty, we had comunycacyon wyth the Kyng yowr sayd good fader. And as tucheyng to the furst artycle of oon hwndard thow[sa]nd crownys to be payed to yowr sayd good fader after the forme yn the sayd treaty specefyed, the Kyng yowr sayd faders answer ys that with so smal a som there wylbe very lytyl or nothyng don or taken, upon the sayd enterpryse, and that for the grete costys and chargys that he hath yn other partyes that hys hyzghnys ys not abyl for to supply the rest of the costys and chargys nescessary for the sayd warrys, hys grace sayeyng also that he wyl not do as that some other pryncys do whych largely receve money and in effect do nothyng therefore. | |
"And yn lekewyse, and yt plese yowr grace, unto the secund artycle hys hyzgnys wold not agre, sayeyng that yn case that he schuld receve oon hundard thowsand crownys as hyt ys specefyed in the sayd trety, and another hundard thowsand crownys after the conqwest of the Duchy of Ghyayn, retaynyng the sayd cuntray yn hys handys unto the tyme that he were payed the sayd hundard thowsand crounys of the revenuys of the same, hyt wold be comunely spoken that he dyd geve ayde and socurrs yn the sayd enterpryse of Ghyayn, more for the covytenys of monay then for the specyal faderly love whych oftentymes hys hyzghnys sayth that he bereyth unto yowr grace, and that yn case that he schuld wyth yowr hyzghnys make any such apoyntment that hyt schuld be spoken to hys dyshonore, for the whych yn no wyse he sayth that the sayd offer contentyth not his mynd. And as to the thyrd offer of yowr grace tucheyng the payment of syx thowsand men after the rate of syx pens by the day for the space of syx monythys oonly, the Kyng yowr good faders sayeyng ys that he thynkeyth not the sayd offer yn any wyse convenyent, sayeyng that the vyctory schal lemytte the end of thys warrys and non other day appoynted; sayeyng that after hys openyon hyt cannot be so secretely agreyd upon a determynat end of thys warrys, but that yt wyl cum to the knowlyche of yowr enymys, whereupon thay wold enforce to fortefy them self more largely upon trust that the tyme lemyttyd schalbe thend of the war, and that therupon myzghte grawe grete hynderans to yowr sayd enterpryse. Yowr sayd good fader sayeng also that the warrys yn Gyyayn schal endure as long as yt schalbe the plesure of yowr grace, and yn lykewyse the peas at altymys schal be gevyn, when yt schalbe thowzght by yowr hyzghnys most exspedyent, and non otherwyse; and thus notwythstandyng the best moschyons reasons and persuasyons that we cowld devyse unto the Kyng yowr good fader to thentent that hys hyzghnys schuldbe contentyd for to be agreabyl to the artyclys in yowr sayd treaty specefyed, or to be contentyd wyth yowr other royal offers as aforesayd, to the whyche nor non of theym hys hyzghnys wold not grant enterely, but acordeyng to hys awne mynd and plesure hathe conmandyd a nwe tretyse to be drawnen the whyche he now sendyth un to hys ambassatwr resyant yn yowr royal corte, the duplycate whereof we do at thys tyme send herewythal unto yowr grace. | |
"Also and yt plese yowr grace yt ys thowzghte by the Kyng yowr good fader that the naturralys inhabytantys of Ghyayn beyth effeccyonat unto yowr crowne of Yngland, wherfore he thynkeyth that expedyent yt schwld be that yowr grace schuld send yowr standard royal and herawlte of armys wyth thoys syx thowsand Almaynys for whom the Kyng yowr sayd fader sendythe at thys tyme, and that yowr hyzghnys schuld geve ful power and autorryte to the cappytayn of the sayd Almaynys to receve take and admytt yn the name of yowr grace alsuche persons as wyl submyt theymself unto yowr grace and yowr crowne of Yngland; and the sayd cappytayn and Almaynys for to reamayne to the use of yowr hyzghnys, in suche placys as schalbe there yolden or gotten for yowr grace, unto suche tyme that yowr hyzghnys schal plese for to send of your subjectys for the kepeyng and govornance of the same; sayeyng that yef lyke attoryte were gevyn un to hys lyvetenant and cappytan generral of the Spaynardys yt schuld cause the pepyl and ynhabytantys of the duchy of Ghyayn for to be verry obstynat, fereyng that the Spaynardys under that colore wold uswrpe that cuntray to thayre awne behove, whereupon schuld enswe grete hynderance to the sayd enterpryse. To the whych and yt plese yowr grace we yowr servantys made thys answer unto the Kyng yowr sayd good fader that we thynke and know verrely that yn case that hyt schal plese yowr hyzghnys for to pay the waygys of any suche Almaynys as be hys hyzghnys ys desyreyd, yet that yowr grace wyl not put them yn that trust for to have the kepeyng of any suche fortaresys or placys as that schalbe gotten or yolden yn the sayd duchy of Ghyayn, but rather that yowr grace wyl send som of yowr trusty subjectys for to receve and kepe the same, or els that yowr hyzghness wyl pwt yowr fwl trwst yn hys hyzghnys as yowr good fader, that he schal pwt suche of hys trusty servantys in the sayd places as that he schal thynke most convenyent for the saf kepeyng of the same to the use of yowr grace, the whych the Kyng yowr sayd fader hathe grantyd so for to do. And yt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr good fader ys much affeccyonat to the Almaynys, sayeyng that they be the most exsperteyst men of the warrys that nowe ys useyd, and that the Fre[n]sche Kyng hathe many Almaynys yn hys warrys, for the whych hys hyzgnys saythe that hyt ys reson that yowr grace and he schuld have yn case lyke; sayeng also, and hyt plese yowr grace that Almaynys and Spanardys do always wel agre yn the warrys, the whych Yngelyschemen, he saythe, do not agre wyth the Spaynardys, for where that now of late yowr subjectys have com twyys ynto thys partys and that at nether tyme they and the Spaynardys have not wel agreyd. | |
"And where yowr grace wold that the Kyng yowr good fader schwld augment hys armey by the se to the number of fyve thowsand men in lyke wyse as that yowr grace entendyth for to encreas yowr armey by the ze yn lyke wyse to the sayd number, he answerryth that hyt ys not possybyl for hym to make or set forthe by the ze above the number of thre thowsand men for the grete lacke of maryners that be yn thys partys, and for the grete costys and chargys that he ys at wyth hys warrys yn Ytaly [and] Barbary, and now schalbe wyth thys warrys yn Navar and Ghyayn. And where that yowr grace wold have yt conventyd wyth yowr sayd fader that hys armey by the ze schwld be preparyd and set forthe by al the monyth of Marche for the kepeyng of the ze yn the placys yn the sayd treaty specefyed, yn lyke wyse as that yowr hyzghnys declaryth to be determynyd by that tyme at the farthyst for to set fo[r]the yowr armey by the ze, yowr sayd good faders answer yn that behalf ys that ynno wyse, as he thynkeyth, that he cannot set forth his armey by the ze byfore the begynyng of the monyth of Juny next comeyng; nevertheles hys hyzgnys sayth that he wold use the best delygens thereyn that he can or maye for the setyng forth of the same. And where that yowr grace wold have hyt conclwdeyd that yef nescessyte reqwereyd or such danger were aparente by the reason of the grete multytude of the Frensch navy that hyt were nede that the armey by the ze of Spayne schuld ayde or socur yowr armey, that the armey of Spayne schwld be bownd so for to do, haveyng knowlyche from yowr admyral of the ze of the sayd nescessyte, and yowr armey royal yn lyke wyse for to ayde and socur the armey of Spayne, beyng reqwyred by the admyral of the sayd armey yn lyke nescessyte; yt was answerd unto us yowr servantys by the Kyng yowr good fader, that by cawse that hys armey by the ze thys last yere departeyd from thys cost of Spayn yn to yowr ream of Yngland thate grete ynconvenyentys were leke for to have fallen that yn case that the Frenschemen had come wyth thayre armey by the ze, when that thay cam by land yn to the provynce of Lypwsca, thay had taken and desstroyed al that cuntray; for the whyche hys hyzghnys hathe sayde that he wyl not be agreabyl to that artycle, sayeyng that yef hyt so were that conclwsyon schwldbe take upon the sayd artycle, yet or ever that eyther of the sayd armeys myzghte reqwere other and ajoyne, al jeperdy schwldbe pasyd by oon meanys or other. Nevertheles in case that any such grete joberdy schwld apere, whych God defend, yowr sayd good fader saythe that he schalnot oonly send hys foresayd armey, but also prepare the exstreme of hys power for the defence and socur yowr nobyl ream. Yowr sayd fader the kyng of Arragon sayeyng that he mervelyth gretely that yowr hyzghnys hathe apoyntyd so long a day as un[to] the monyth of Juny for the setyng forthe of yowr and hys armeys by land, thynkeyng that by that seson the tyme of the yere wylbe far past and spent. | |
"That notwythstandyng, and yt plese yowr hyzghnys, as far forthe and by that we can conjectwre upon that we can and may dayly se here, and also by the Kyng yowr good faders sayeyng and preparacyons, the sayd apoyntyd seson and tyme schalbe verry erly for the setyng forthe of hys armey here; for hether unto as yet here ys no towardnys nor apoyntyng for the setyng forthe of the sayd armeys, nother by ze nor by land, oonly excepte that the Kyng yowr good fader at thys tyme sendythe the Conmendador de Aghelar and Syr Gyhot from hens towardys Almayne, by the ze, for syx thowsand Almaynys, the whyche be thoys that the Kyng yowr good faders desyre ys that yowr grace schuld pay thayr waygys, as hyt apereyth by the nwe treaty that hys hyzghnys now hathe causyd to be drawen after hys mynd. And notwythestandyng, soverayn lord, that hyt wyl be a longe tyme and the yere schalbe far spent, or then that the sayd Almaynys canbe assemblyd and browzghte hether, yet they haveyng the waygys of yowr grace, by possybylyte thay myzghte be here, or then that the Spaynardys be redy for to set forthe wardys, suche ys the penary and poverty here, and men of war beyng so yl payed that those that wyl folow the warrys schalbe glader for to goe under the hope of spoyleyng of the cuntray of Ghyayn then for the trust that they have of thayre waygys. Notwythstandyng the Kyng yowr sayd fader schalbe constraynyd, as far forthe as that we can persayve, of nescessyte, for to prepayre and set forthe a grete parte of hys armey long byfore the day apoyntyd for the defence of the ream of Navar and the provence of Lypusca; for yn Bayon and yn the cuntray there ajoynant there be a grete number of the Frensche party men of war, and yn lyke wyse yn Byerne the late Kyng of Navar wyth hys power; the whych paysancys do tary nothyng but the tyme of wetheryng for to begyn the warrys yn thys partys yn such placys as thay schal thynke thayr most advantagys. | |
"And hyt plese yowr grace, after that we had procedeyd thys far yn wryteyng of thys present, we dyd and have persayveyd that the Kyng of Arragon yowr good fader of late ys and hath byn sclacke yn the prepayreyng of the thyngys nescessary for the warrys to be made unto the Frensch Kyng, as also yn the geveyng of hys answer unto us yowr servantys upon the treaty of late by yowr grace to hym and us sent, aswel as unto yowr royal offers to hym made, and by us to hym declareyd, the whyche answers wyth al delygencys to us possybyl we precwreyd dayly for to have the whych we cowld not attayne, but always were delayeyd wyth wordys and other maters that thay had yn hand. The Kyng yowr sayd fader, as hyt apereyth nowe, taryeng and atendyng the retwrneyng of the provyncyal of the Graye Frers Observantys, the whych cam hether on the thre and twenty of the monythe of Febrwary now passyd, from the corte of France; the whych comeyng of the sayd Frere was not dyscloseyd un to us yowr servantys by the Kyng yowr good fader unto the sevyn and twenty day of the sayd monyth; at the whych tyme the Kyng yowr good faders sayeyng to us was that hys hyzghnys had apoynteyd and sent the sayd provyncyal of the Gray Frerys of Arragon for to have passyd yn to yowr ream of Yngland, and for to have byn confessor unto the Qwynys grace; the whych Frere cam unto the porte of San Sebastyans. And the sayd Frere and hys bwepere fereyng the passage of the ze, as the sayeyng of the Kyng yowr sayd fader ys, that he and hys bwepere made laborys unto hys hyzghnys for to have lycence for to go by land, the whych lycence yowr sayd fader grantyd in case that they wold jeburde for to pas thorow France; the whych jorney the sayd frerys toke on theym, and at Blays yn France thay were taken by cawse that thay were Arragonesys. The Frensche Qwyn hyreyng thereof, sche sent for the sayd Provynsyal, as the Kyng yowr sayd fader hath sayed unto us, and that the sayd Frensche Qwyn desyreyd the sayd Provynsyal for to retwrne unto the corte of Spayne wyth hyr letter unto the Qwyn of Arragon, the whych letter the sayd Qwyn dyd to be wretyn and sent a varlet of hyr chamber, the whych conductyd the sayd Freer thorow France unto the passage of Fowntraby. And so the sayd Freer cam wyth the sayd letter to thys corte as aforesayd, but not so secretely but that hyt was knowen byfore that the Kyng yowr good fader gave unto us any knowlych therof; for hyt was precheyd yn opon pwlpyt by a freer, monysschyng the pepyl that thay schwld pray for peas, and sayeyng that a freer of hys ordor was cum oute of France, the whyche he trustyd had browzght peas wyth hym. And thys, and hyt plese yowr grace, hyt was knowen, or then that we knew hyt, at owr comeyng to the Kyng yowr good fader. | |
"On the sevyn and twenty day aforesayd, hys hyzghnys schawyd unto us that the Qwyn of France yn hyr letter had wretyn unto the Qwyn of Arragon sayeyng, consydoryng that the Kyng of Arragon ys hyr unkyl, and that the French kyng hyr husband ys unkyl unto the Qwyn of Arragon, that for the sayd nere alyancys thay awzghte and be bownd for to precwre amyte and peas be twyx thayre sayd hwsbandys. And where that sche wel knowyth that the breache of peas that is be twyxt the Kyng hyr lord and the Kyng of Arragon and yowr grace ys prencypally for the Chwrchys cawse, for the whyche now the Kyng hyr hwsband ys determynyd and myndeyd for to be reformeyd yn al ryzghtefwl cawsys tucheyng the Churche, the Kyng of Arragon, yowr grace, and al other pryncys, for the whyche the sayd Qwyn desyreyth the Qwyn of Arragon for to make ynstante laborys to the Kyng of Arragon hyr husband, that a mean may be made that a trwys and treaty of peas for the space of oon hole yere may be had bytwyxt the Frensche Kyng hyr hwsband and yowr grace and the Kyng of Arragon, and yn thys tyme of neyther party no warr to be made a thyssyde the mowntys Alpys, in the whych tyme yowr ambassatwrs may ajoyne and meyt for the reformaschyon of al causys, and for to treat of a contynwal good peas, to the whych mater as the sayd Qwyn by her sayd letter, as the Kyng yowr sayd fader sayth, that sche wryteyth that the Kyng hyr hwsband and sche be asuryd that themporowr ys and wylbe contenteyd and pleseyd. | |
"Whereupon, and yt plese yowr grace, as that we can and may persayve by the Kyng yowr good faders sayeyng unto us, and also by hys other demosstracyons, that he ys contenteyd wyth thys moschyon of the Frensch Qwyn, sayeyng consydoryng everry thyng how that hyt standythe wythe the pope, themperowr, and the Venyschyans, and other partys of Ytaly, and that yowr grace and he cannot be redy for to prepare and set forthe yowr armeys, but that furst the yere schalbe far spent; for the whyche he thynkeyth verrely that hyt schalbe best that the sayd truys schuld be taken acordeyng to the Frensche Qwynys moschyon, and that bytwyxt yowr hyzghnys themperowr and hym a place may be apoynteyd where that yowr ambassatwrs may best ajoyn and meyt for to comune wythe the Frensch Kyngys ambassatwrs upon al causys; and that the ambassatwrs for yowr grace and for themperowr, and for the Kyng yowr fader of Arragon, to be as oon yn al causys and maters aparte from the Frensche ambassatwrs. And yn thys tyme also that yowr grace and themperowr and the Kyng yowr good fader for to send yowr ambassatwrs unto the pope and to the Venyschyans, or at the lest way, yowr grace and yowr sayd fader for to send for to have the parfyte certayn knowlyche what apoyntament that thay wyl take wyth yowr hyzghnysys yn fwrtheryn of the sayd warrys for to be contynwyd ayenyst the Frensche Kyng, and that wyth theym may be take a suche supstancyal apoyntment that thay may not vary therefrom yn tyme of nescessyte; for the Kyng yowr fader of Arragons sayeyng ys that the Popys holynys and the Venyschyans and al the Ytalyans be verry varryabyl, and not stedfast of thayre promysys. For where that the Pope and the Venysschyans were and be bownd unto hym for to pay the waygys of hys armey yn the partys of Ytaly unto the tyme that the Frenschmen schwld be clerely expulsyd oute of Ytaly, the whych waygys hys hyzgnys sayeythe thay have payed no parte thereof sythe the monyth of Apryel hetherunto; for the whyche yowr sayde fader ys gretely dyspleseyd wyth the Popeys holynys and wyth the Venyschyans, sayeyng that thay be of that conduschyons that thay wyl never use to kepe thayr apoyntamentys unto such tyme that thay schal have nede of socurs and fryndys and that when that thay schal have the knawlych that yowr hyzghnys and yowr fader of Arragon schalbe upon a treaty of peas wyth the Frensche Kyng thay wylbe the glader for to com to a good apoyntament wyth yowr grace and wyth yowr fader of Arragon, and also wyth themperowr. | |
"Yowr said good faders sayeyng ys that for the hevy mynd and despleswre that themperowr hathe toward the Venyschyans, themperowr wold never enter ynto the leage wyth the Pope and wyth yowr hyzghnys and wyth yowr sayd good fader, but rather now of late hathe made a nwe leage wyth the Pope ayenyst the said Venyschyans; for the whych, and yt plese yowr grace, the mynd of yowr sayd good fader ys that yowr ambassatwrs and hys, beyng sent ynto Ytaly, schwld labore acord and a peas to be made bytwyxt themperowr and the Venyschyans, and that the Venyschyans and the Ytalyans, as Myllan and Florentynys, may ayde themperowr wyth the waygys of ayzghte thowsand men on fote, and amongys theym fyvetyn or ayzght[y]n hundard horsmen, so that themperowr myzghte wythdraw hys dysplesure from the Venyschyans, and fully take parte ayenst the Frensch Kyng yn case that yn thys tyme of treaty the Frensch Kyng wyl not conformc hymself to reason yn al thyngys wythe the Pope, and wyth yowr hyzghnys and wyth yowr sayd good fader of Arragon. Then yn that cas that yowr hyzghnys and yowr alyes yn the sayd tyme of trwys for the space of oon hole yere schal persayve all thyngys, and thereafter for to conclude a ful peas wythe the Fraynsch Kyng, or els for to prepayre and make everrythyng redy for the warrys, and for to begyn for to set forth yowr royal armeys yn the monyth of Apryel the next yere, whych schalbe yn the yere of Our Lord Jhu Cryst a thowsand fyve hundard and fowrtyn; and then yowr grace for to enter by the partys of Pyeardy and Normandy, and themperowr by Burgoyn, and the Kyng of Arragon by Ghyayn, and the Ytalyans by the Dolfany, so that by the grace of Almyzghty God victory schalbe had of yowr ennemyys. Thys ys the mynd and openyon of the Kyng yowr good fader. And yn case that the Venysschyans and Ytalyans wyl not conforme theym for [to] geve ayde and socurs unto yowr hyzghnys and to themperowr and to the Kyng yowr good fader as aforesayd, that the warrys may be made to the Frensch Kyng, nor that the Frensch Kyng wyl not be conformeabyl acordeyng to reason, then the Kyng yowr sayd faders sayeyng ys that hyt schalbe benyfecyal for yowr hyzgnys and hym and for yowr enterpryse of Ghyayn that the Frensche Kyng do entend and be besyed yn the warrys of Ytaly so that parte of hys power may be devydeyd that waye. | |
"Fynally, soverayn lord, by al the reasons and meanys that we can or may persayve that the mynd secrete and entente of the Kyng yowr fader of Arragon ys that he ys and wold be lothe for to make any farther war to the Frensche Kyng, yn case that he may be aswreyd that the Fraynsch Kyng wol not hereafter atemte warre ayenst hym for the reamys of Navar, Napulys, and Cycelya. For yowr grace may be ynsureyd that yn case that hys hyzghnys do folow hereafter the warrys hyt schalbe for fere of leseyng of the sayd reamys; and so we yowr servantys now of late yn good maner have declareyd and playnly spoken to yowr sayd fader, and howe that yowr hyzghnys began thys warrys wythe the Frensche Kyng speceally for the defence of the Churche and by hys conforte and moschyon, where els your hyzghnys myzghte have had the most onorabyl and profytabyl peas wythe the Frensch Kyng that ever had prynce of Yngland, and that therfore hyt wold not stand wyth hys onore that he schwld treate of any trwys or peas wyth the Frensche Kyng wyth oute the assente and consent of yowr grace. To the whych, and hyt plese yowr, grace the answer of the King yowr sayd fader was that he wold rather lese oon of hys armys then for to make any apoyntment wyth the Frensche Kyng wyth oute the asent and consent of yowr hyzgnys. That not wythstandeyng, on the last day of Febrwary hys hyzghnys sent from hens the bysschop of Catanya towardys Fowntraby, and as hyt ys secretely spoken, that the sayd bysschop schal go to Bayon for to have communycacyon wythe the Frensch Kyngys conmyssaryus there. And yt please yowr grace by that we can persayve that the late Kyng and Qwyn of Navar schalbe fayne for to be contentyd oonly wyth thayr cuntray of Byerne for takeyng the Frensch Kyngys parte. And where, and yt plese yowr grace, that byfore yn thys letter yt ys specefyed that herewyth we do send the copy of the nwe treaty made by the Kyng yowr fader of Arragon, for dyverse consydoracyons, and for the more sure convayance of our letter and the sayd treaty unto yowr royal handys we yowr servantys have wretyn another letter, the whych, wyth the sayd copy of the treaty, y yowr servant John Style do send purposely by yowr subjecte my servant Rycharde Prows to thentent that my said servant ynmedyatly may returne hether, yowr hyzghnys so beyng plesyd, with yowr gracyus answer. And hyt plese yowr grace thys ys the verry copy of the letter that we yowr servantys have sent by my sayd servan yowr subjete. | |
"After the aforewretyn we have had conmunycaschyon wyth yowr sayd good fader of Arragon, the whych hys hyzgnys hath declaryd un to us yowr servantys that he hathe sent the aforesayd Bysschop of Catanya to Bayon yn Ghyayn for to have conmunycaschyon wyth the person that the Frensch Kyng schal send thother, and for to apoynt that yowr messengers and hys wyth yowr and hys letters may pas thorow France safly, by the reson whereof yowr hyzghnysys may the soner and better determyne yowr causys; yowr sayd fader sayeyng also that yn no wyse he wyl not conclwde nor apoynt anythyng wyth the Frensch Kyng but wyth the advyse and consent of yowr hyzghnys other wyse then that he wyl apoynt for yowr grace as for hymself; that the Frensch Kyng schal not make any warrys by water nor by land unto yowr grace nor to themprowr, nor to the Prynce of Castyl, nor to yowr sayd fader, unto suche tyme that answer schalbe had from yowr hyzghnys, and that assone as that asswrance may be had that yowr messengers and hys may pas safly thowrow France yowr sayd fader wyl send a cwrrer by land un to yowr grace by whom we schal also wryte and certefy unto yowr hyzghnys al the nwes yn thys partys acwrrant to owr knowlych. Of a trawythe, Soverayn lord, the Kyng yowr sayd fader hath declareyd unto us that for thys yere he ys not provydeyd for to make any armeyys by ze ne by land ayenyst France, and that he hath sent nwe attoryte unto hys ambassatwr for to conclwde wythe yowr hyzghnys upon hys nwe artycles, yowr hyzghnys so beyng pleseyd. And as that the nwys yn thys partys here after schalbe acurrant we schal certefye the same unto yowr hyzghnys wyth al delygencys to us possybyl, by the grace of the Holy Gost who preserve yowr royalyst asstate long for to endwre. And yt plese yowr grace wyth yowr royal letter we recevyd a byl of exchange of the some of ayzghte hwndard and thre score docatys for the some of two hwndard powndys sterlyngys to us yowr servantys sent for owr dayly exspencys. Thys wretyn yn the Kyng yowr good faders corte and town of Medyna del Campo, on the thryd day of March, by the most hwmyl servantys to yowr grace, Wyllyam Knyzghte and John Style. | |
Hol. entirely in cipher. | |
Vesp. C. I., 72. B.M. | 2. Decipher of the first part of the preceding. |
Pp. 5. | |
6 March. S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 118. R.O. |
1666. [3774(2).] SIR THOMAS BOLEYN. |
Pardon. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 12. | |
Modern copy, pp. | |
6 March. Simancas MS. |
As he writes, 22 Jan., that his Italian allies are so intractable, he must withdraw to Naples. If the Pope dies he shall promote a speedy election. Medina del Campo, 6 March 1513. | |
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 88. | |
8 March. Ven. Transcr., 176, p. 134. R.O. |
1668. VENICE. |
8 March, 1513.—Proposed letter (upon news that 11 cantons of Swiss had capitulated with the Duke of Milan) to be sent after Secretary Alvise de Piero, from the Doge and Senate, to the effect that, besides the letters of Zuan Piero Stella, which they sent after him to Padua, advices have come from Rome that, as regards Milan, an agreement of the Swiss with France is now impossible; and, according to letters of 14th ult. from the Florentine ambassador at Blois, the preparations of the King of England and other things were embarrassing the King of France. Any enterprise in Italy this year is therefore unlikely, and, consequently, any agreement with France could only harm the Signory. Piero shall make no conclusion unless he and Stella are assured that the agreement of the Swiss with France is certain; and he shall warn Andrea Gritti to make none, who may excuse himself as superseded by Piero's coming. | |
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 2. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 226. | |
9 March. S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 121. R.O. |
1669. [5751.] THE GREAT NICHOLAS. |
William Crane's account of expenditure (detailed) in "[repairing], riggyng and emperolyng" of The Great Nicholas, moored in the Thames against the town of Woolwich, from the [xv]ijth day of January, 4 Hen. VIII., to the 9 March following, 7 weeks and 2 days; for timber, nails, tar (4s. 4d. per barrel); pitch, 4s.; 1½cwt. of rosin, 7s.; tallow, 7s. 8d. per cwt.; 7 doz. lb. tallow candles, 7s.; oakum, 5d. per stone; lead, 6s. per cwt.; solder, 6d. per lb.; cordage, baskets, needles, &c., 150 sail needles, 4s. 10d.; furnace, gunpowder boxes, 4 doz. tankards, great and small, 42s.; 13½ doz. drinking bowls, 13s. 6d.; 11 doz. "treen" platters, 11s.; a compass, 2s. 8d., &c. | |
ii. Wages of carpenters and others (named) for the same, from 2d. to 6d. a day, mariners, 5s. per month. Victuals of men employed about the same; 282 doz. of bread, 14l. 2s.; 67 pipes of beer at 6s. 8d. per pipe; 28 qrs. of beef, at 4s. 2d. per qr.; 500 dry fish, 47s. 8d. per 100; 800 cades of red herring, 5s. per cade; 6 barrels of white herring, 7s. per barrel. | |
Pp. 15. | |
9 March. Galba B. III., 66a. B.M. |
1670. [3777.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII. |
Wrote last on the 6th. To-day the post from Rome brought a despatch from the Cardinal de Jorco, by which the King will probably learn the death of the Pope. By letters of the 5th from Spiers, the Archduchess was informed that the Emperor had received the news by the Count de Carpy, and that either Cardinal St. George or Flisco was likely to succeed, or else the Cardinal of Aragon. It is not certain whether the schismatic cardinals will be admitted to the election. The Viceroy of Naples occupies Bologna, to keep a check on the new Pope. If the election go as it is expected, the Venetians will agree the more readily with the Emperor. Sends the report made to the two brothers of Zerizee by their servant, who left Brest on the 1st Sunday in Lent. The English ambassadors do not write, as they wait the coming of Lancaster. Malines, 9 March 1512. Signed. | |
French, mutilated, p. 1. Add. | |
10 March. Harl. MS., 295, f. 155. B.M. |
Account of the funeral of John Veere earl of Oxford, who died on Thursday, 10 March, 4 Hen. VIII., at Huningham. | |
In a later hand, pp. 3. | |
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 126. R.O. | 1672. PIRACY. (fn. 1) |
Petition to the Earl of Oxford by Wm. Bochether who is in Colchester Castle, laden with irons, lying on the bare ground without meat and drink. Came from London on Wednesday and anchored at "Grafys Ind" till Friday morning, when we came to Lee. By the way the owner went down into the hold and there found four mariners, who were there unknown either to Bochether or to the owner. On inquiry it appeared they had been taken in clandestinely by the crew. The men then came to the owner and said "We are good fellows that will strike a hand, if you will consent with us"; but he refused. They then applied to Bochether, who told them that he had a good occupation able to get his living with truth, and advised them "to take a better way with them, and danger not yourselves in the King's law." The owner then offered to set them on shore where they pleased, which they accepted thankfully. This happened between "Recollvareys" and "Margett Rood." Bochether then fell sick and desired the owner to put him on shore, to which he consented, if Bochether would bring the ship to Lastop Road. That night the four mariners took the boat while the crew lay asleep and laid aboard the Breton, and then weighed anchor and ran out to sea. When they woke, found the four mariners and the boat gone. They boarded the Breton unknowing either to Bochether or the owner. The owner then desired him to weigh anchor and go to Lastop Road. When there, "there a man on thylle with a pontbott" took him in, and his gear. So came to Laborrow and there heard service on Sunday. On Monday came to Harwich. Asks his lordship to have "remores pete and compassyon of your sayd pororator and dayly bedman Wyllm Bochar, for thys hys the truthe." | |
Pp. 2. Headed: "To my Rt. Honorable Lord of Oxford." Endd. The copy of a letter to the Earl of Oxford. | |
10 March. Add. Ch., 8404. B.M. |
Licence by Sir Thos. Lovell, Justice of the Forests on this side Trent, to Sir Thomas Lucy and Elizabeth his wife, to cut 21 acres of underwood on his ground in Rokyngham Forest, in a copse called Halkytgrove lying between Waterswaloes and Fullidyate Playn, and abutting on Hygyns Ferry and Thralowe; provided that it is done within three years, &c. 10 March 4 Hen. VIII. | |
Small parchment with seal appended. | |
10 March. | 1674. THE ENGLISH IN FLANDERS. |
Complaints. See No. 1721 ii. | |
11 March. Stowe MS., 146, f. 46. B.M. |
1675. CABLES. |
Note of the weights of certain hawsers and cables "that came out of Italy" received of Fryscabald for the King (altered from for the Carak), 11 March 4 Hen. VIII.; in all, 6,098 lb. | |
ii. Receipt for the above subscribed by John Dawtrey. | |
Small paper, p. 1. | |
11 March. Galba B. III., 101. B.M. |
1676. [3779.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII |
Wrote on the 9th. In the evening his messenger arrived from Normandy. Sends a memorandum of the news he brought. By advice of Mr. Controller and the other ambassadors, has sent back his informant to the same place, according to the King's command, and given him 13 rose nobles, as appears by his acquittance (enclosed). Madame last night received letters from Spiers, of the 7th, that the Emperor had started for Brussel en Zwaue, 3 leagues off, to give audience to the ambassadors, Don Pedro Durea and Count de Cariate, on the Venetian business in which they had agreed to a treaty. The Master of the Posts has had letters from Jacques Bannisis and Baptista his nephew, stating that the Viceroy of Naples was in Bologna with a good body of troops; also, that in the opinion of the Court the Cardinal of St. George had the best chance of the Papacy. Madame is afraid that if the King does not secure the Swiss, they will join the French, in consequence of the death of the Pope and the offers made to them. By Madame's advice has, with Mr. Controller's knowledge, given 100 fl. that she may send a skilful person to learn the news at Blois. Begs he will not forget his brother the ecclesiastic (frere ecclesiastique). Malines, 11 March 1512. Signed. | |
French, mutilated, pp. 2. | |
Vitell. B. II., 36. B.M. Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 72. | 1677. [3780.] ELECTION of POPE LEO X. |
Headed: "Comes Carpensis orator Cæsareus ex Urbe. ..." | |
Wrote on the 10th that the Cardinal de Medici was elected. Had already written of all that took place before the entry of the cardinals into the conclave. The election lasted eight days; would have lasted longer, but the seniors were beaten by the juniors, who were unanimous in their determination, and thus a young cardinal of 37 was elected. Some of the candidates were known to be suffering from disease. The proceedings were as follows:—The deacons and younger priests resolved on the election of De Medici, for his gentleness, innocence, and virtue. There was an inclination to the Cardinal of St. George, but the seniors could not agree among themselves. After four days the seniors began to give way. Some talked of breaking up the conclave, but did not attempt it. The Cardinal of Volterra, whose brother was deposed at Florence with most of the Soderini, though an enemy to De Medici, greatly assisted the election. Seeing how it would go, he made a private arrangement with De Medici, and supported him. His example had great influence, and drew over Cardinal St. Vitalis. Sion always took the same side. Cardinal Hadrian, who had stoutly opposed him, fearing [the election] of St. George, exclaimed, "Si hic pontifex oreatur, ultra Sauromates fugere hinc libet." | |
The writer had sent his secretary, a servant of Sion, to the conclave, to induce them not to elect a Frenchman or Venetian, and to see that no simony was practised. On the first scrutiny Cardinal Arborensis obtained 13 votes; with 3 more he would have been elected, contrary to the intentions of those who voted for him. At last it fell upon De Medici, who was carried with great rejoicings to the church of St. Peter. Honores mutant mores; it is thought they will have no effect upon him, except for the better, as he is a prelate of great mildness, and his election was free from all simony. Hence he is under great obligations to the late Pope Julius, who both favoured his return to his own country and passed a law against simony. He addressed the people, expressed his resolution to abide by the League, and hoped that other Christian princes would be compliant. He spoke highly of the Emperor, and of his own restoration to his country by Gurk. He spoke much to Carpi to this effect, and of his anxiety for a universal peace. He has written to the Kings of Aragon and England and to the Swiss, stating that he will abide by the conditions of the league. Has informed the King of France of his election. At the intercession of the Cardinal of Aragon, he has removed from the Duke of Ferrara the Church's censures for two months and given him and the Bentivogli a safe conduct to Rome. The Colonna dislike the election, because of his affinity to the Orsini. | |
The disturbances in the city are extinguished. Julius has left less money for the Church than was expected—only 213,000 ducats to be found in the treasury, two triple tiaras adorned with most exquisite jewels, and single tiaras, many silver vessels, a few of gold—in all 500,000 ducats. Above 80,000 were spent upon his funeral, in payment of his soldiers, his debts, and in peculation of officers. Not a penny would have been left had not the governor of St. Angelo opposed the greed of the cardinals; for these good fathers had resolved, under one pretext or another, to divide the money among themselves; but the governor showed them a brief of the late Pope, appointing him to deliver St. Angelo and the treasury to the newlyelected Pope. They did not desist, and called him a rebel; but he remained firm in his resolution, unmoved by threats or bribes. Thinks the new Pope will not be fond of war like Julius, will favour literature, oratory, poetry, music, employ himself in building, will not neglect the dominions of the Church, but not enter on any war unless from compulsion, except, perhaps, against the Infidels. Tamen homines mutantur in horas. If he observe the articles of the conclave, to which, however, he is not compelled, he will be but half a Pope. Yesterday he was consecrated priest, and to-morrow will be consecrated bishop, (fn. 2) and on Saturday or Monday receive the triple crown. Nine days after Easter he will proceed to receive the diadem at the church of the Lateran. The old cardinals are exceedingly mortified, not so much for the loss of the papacy as for the green age of the new Pope. "Spem tamen vultu simulant, sed premunt altum corde dolorem." | |
Latin. In Spinelly's hand, pp. 8. (fn. 3) | |
15 March. Stowe MS., 146. f. 40. B.M. |
1678. GUISNES. |
Indenture, 15 March 4 Hen. VIII., witnessing receipt by Sir Nicholas Vaus, captain of Guisnes, from John Daunce, of wages (specified) of the garrison for two months, from 10 Feb. to 6 April. Signed: Nicholas Vaws. | |
P. 1. |