Henry VIII: November 1511

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: November 1511', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp476-492 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1511', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp476-492.

"Henry VIII: November 1511". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp476-492.


November 1511

2 Nov.
Exch. Accts.
417 (6), f. 77.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Piers Barbour, the King's servant, a black chamlet gown, &c. Richmond, 2 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
2 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII.
[Edit Allen
I. 238.]
926. [1925.] ERASMUS to AMMONIUS.
Returned him his flagon with some clumsy verses. The carrier (auriga) says he gave it to More as Ammonius was away at the time. Will visit London on 1st January, for he would rather spend summer than winter at Cambridge; and it is not expedient he should be too far from his Jupiter. (fn. 1) Sees some hope of gain, if he can play the busybody. Wishes to know how the bishops of Winchester and Durham received his letters. Begs him to enclose his letters in the packet for Italy. Thinks his prayers have been heard who invited the streams, fountains, lakes, and deeps to weep for Italy. "Ημας λυκος ειδε προτερος ut nutibus sit loquendum tanta est raucedo." Cambridge, 4 Non. Nov. 1511.
3 Nov. 927. SCOTLAND.
Nicholas West, ambassador. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 2.
4 Nov. 928. SCOTLAND.
Henry VIII.'s pardon to the Scots. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 7.
Election. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, Nos. 5, 6.
4 Nov.
Exch. Accts.
417 (6), f. 76.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Tebbe, serjeant of the Vestry, 30 surplices for men and 10 for children, albs, &c. Richmond, 4 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
4 Nov.
Knight's Colet,
p. 334.
931. [1933.] JOHN COLET.
Will of Dr. John Colet, dean of St. Paul's, son and heir of Sir Henry Colet, alderman of London, for the foundation of St. Paul's school. Dated 4 Nov. 1511.
5 Nov.
Le Glay,
Negoc. entre
la France
et l'Autriche,
I., 444.
French account of the first session of the Council of Pisa on Wednesday, 5 Nov. Cardinals St. Croix, St. Malo, Bayeulx and d'Albret were present, with 17 bishops, 5 abbots and 20 doctors.
8 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII.
8. [Edit. Allen,
I. 239.]
933. [1948.] AMMONIUS to ERASMUS.
Either his messenger is specially unfortunate, or the yokels of Cambridge exceed in barbarism "those inhospitable Britons." They know not what it is to carry a letter and not deliver it. They don't know that often the salvation of more than one man depends on a single letter. As soon as he had received the letter of Erasmus, he sate down to answer it. He paid the porter, and sent with his reply another flagon of Greek wine (Grœcanici lagenam); learns that his letter has miscarried; oh, the monsters! If the wine is drunk, hopes Erasmus will recover the bottle. Presented the letters he sent to the Bishops of Winchester and Durham, who were delighted. Winchester complains that Erasmus makes himself a complete stranger. Ammonius offered the best apology in his power. Your Mæcenas (Mountjoy ?) has been in the city (urbanus) three days. It rains day and night. The plague has somewhat abated, but a famine is dreaded. Is not astonished that wood is so dear and scarce; the heretics cause so many holocausts, and yet their numbers grow. The brother of Thomas, his servant, lout as he is, has founded a set (in the name of goodness !), and has his followers. A league has been formed at Rome between the Pope, the King of Spain, and the Venetians, on these conditions: the King of Spain is to assist the Pope with 1,200 lances, 1,000 light horse and 10,000 foot; the Pope to keep in pay 500 lances, 8,000 foot, and find 40,000 g. cr. per month. The Venetians to furnish what they can. The Council of Pisa fares badly. Card. S. Crucis, the author of the schism, having through the King of Aragon obtained the Pope's pardon has escaped into Campagna. Any Christian prince may enter the league within 40 days; or afterwards be admitted by the Pope. England has not yet resolved what to do. The Emperor remains a spectator. There is a talk of the Florentines forsaking the French. If Erasmus was in London, would soon cure his hoarseness by a single small dose. Is sorry he does not come before January. Will enclose his letters for Italy. Sends compliments to Bovill. London, 6 Id. Nov. 1511.
Power to the Earls of Surrey and Shrewsbury. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 29.
* This power is described in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 57 (and again, apparently in No. 71) from the copy at Simancas.
11 Nov.
Eras. Ep., App.
935. ABP. WARHAM to ERASMUS. (fn. 2)
Received two letters from him, one in Westminster Hall, the other by so bald a man, he had scarcely a single hair on his head, stating that Erasmus was labouring from a cough. Sends him 20 gold angels to cure him, "inter quos Raphælem salutis medicum reperies." Is glad to hear he intends visiting London next January. Lambeth, 11 Nov. 1517.
11 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII.
9. [Edit Allen,
I. 240.]
936. [1957.] ERASMUS to AMMONIUS.
Received his scolding letter 10 Nov., with a flagon half full of Greek wine. The man who brought it asked two drachmæ; Erasmus gave him 6d.; but on reading the letter perceived that the flagon had not been sent with his letter of the 8th, but with an earlier one, and that was clear from the colour of the wine. Wondered also it was not sealed; these men are as mischievous as they are rude. Did not expect the wine, and is more anxious for the missing letter Complains of the stupidity and carelessness of the carrier. Cannot refrain from laughter when he sees Andrew boiling over with anger. Deserves to meet with any misfortune as often as he remembers his leaving Rome. Is sorry to hear the bad news from Italy. Has reason to be angry with the heretics for increasing the price of fuel on the coming of winter. Thanks Ammonius for delivering the letters to Winchester and Durham. Before he comes Ammonius must find him a warm hive for the winter. Would not like to be far from St. Paul's; will not go to Mountjoy's house so long as that Cerberus sits at the door. Might find shelter with the Augustinians. Has received an invitation from Francis of Padua. Is glad of Mountjoy's return, and requests he may have his letters; wrote to him and the Bp. of Rochester by the messenger who brought the last. Will wait for his letters before starting. Bovill desires remembrance. Is to ask More if he gave Erasmus' letter to the Archbishop. Cambridge, 3 Id. Nov. 1512.
12 Nov.
Sanuto, XIII.
937. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 15 Dec. 1511.]
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo to Francesco his brother, London, 12 Nov.—Effect of a proclamation that none but lords and knights shall wear silk, with other regulations for apparel. This is done that the gentry may save money to buy arms and horses. It will injure the Genoese and Tuscan merchants who are bringing silk.
Ib. 356. ii. [Received 27 Dec. 1511.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 12 Nov.—The King out of town. Others tell him that he will shortly hear good news,—implying that the King will join the League and break with France.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 138–9.
12 Nov.
Exch. Accts.
417 (6), f. 71.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Lloid, gentleman of the Chapel, a black chamlet gown, &c. Greenwich, 12 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
13 Nov. 939. THE HOLY LEAGUE.
Henry VIII. joins. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 40.
* An abstract is given in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 58, from the copy at Simancas. The copy sent to Venice is given in full by Sanuto (Vol. XIV., p. 244).
Marshal of Calais. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 48.
In pursuance of his letters has bought eight hobbies and sends them by his servant Simon. Good horses are scarce in England, where they are spoilt by being worked too young. They go through France with the French ambassador's passport; for the Most Christian King loves the Marquis. London, 15 Nov. 1511.
See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 129.
15 Nov.
Le Glay,
Negoc. entre
la France
et l'Autriche,
I. 450.
* * * The King has the response from England to his answer given at Lyons to the English ambassador. His ambassador reports the good disposition of the King of England and his Council and that the new league has been made without that King's knowledge, who as yet knows nothing of it and wishes to keep himself free and remain at peace with all, although he much desires a good peace and would willingly be mediator of it. The King of France says he is inclined to peace, but without the settlement of the Emperor's dispute with the Venetians he will hear of no appointment with the Pope; to this both he and the Emperor are bound by the Treaty of Blois, but the Pope practises to separate them. He greatly regrets to hear that Mons. de Reux, captain of the Burgundians, is taken prisoner by Venetian stradiots near Verona. * * * Blois, 15 Nov.
15 Nov.
Adv. MS., 332.
Wrote lately of the injuries done him by the Venetians, the enemies of Christendom, which had compelled him to take arms against them. Had entered into a league with the Pope, and the Kings of France and Aragon against them, but the Pope, for the sake of recovering possessions to the Church, as he said, began to oppress the subjects of Maximilian, to the prejudice also of the King of France, against whom he has made open war. Has lost no opportunity of composing these new differences. The King of Aragon has been persuaded to make a league with the Pope and the Venetians, directly against France but also against Bologna, the Duke of Ferrara and the Florentines, Maximilian's subjects and feudataries. Fears it will lead to a European war, and give an advantage to the Turk. Begs that James will use his influence in assisting to compose matters. Innsbruck, 15 Nov. 1511, 26 Max.
Lat., copy, pp. 3.
16 Nov.
Exch. Accts.
417 (6), f. 70.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Geoffrey Wren, clerk of the Closet, sarcenet for mending "our traverse." Richmond, 16 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
17 Nov.
Exch. Dipl.
Doct. 733.
Treaty made by Lewis Carroz, commissioner for Ferdinand king of Aragon, and Johanna queen of Castile, Thomas [Howard] Earl of Surrey, treasurer and marshal of England, and George [Talbot] Earl of Shrewsbury, steward to the Household, on part of Hen. VIII. 1. To defend the Church. 2–5. Aragon to carry on hostilities until the Pope recovers possession of his Italian states. The two kings to attack France in Acquitaine, and in April 1512 send thither 6,000 men. 6. Necessaries for both armies to be provided at reasonable rate. 7. Both kings to keep the sea from "le Trade" to the mouth of the Thames. 8. All lands in Acquitaine to be delivered to the King of England. 9. If the King of France attack either out of Acquitaine, both to attack him. 10. The Lateran Council to be acknowledged. Powers for concluding the above, dated, Ferdinand's at Valladolid, 31 July, 1511, and Henry's at Westm., 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII., are recited. Westm., 17 Nov. 1511. Signed by Lewis Carroz.
* This treaty is more fully described in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, Nos. 59–60, from the counterpart at Simancas signed by Surrey and Shrewsbury.
17 Nov.
Exch. Accts.
417 (6). f. 59.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver George Kene, gentleman usher of the Chamber, a black chamlet gown, &c. Richmond, 17 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
17 Nov.
Ib. f. 75.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Syngleton, Ric. Dondall, Ric. Symson and John Williams, children of the Leash; coats, &c. Richmond, 17 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
Eras. Ep.
(Edit. Allen),
I. 242.
The reason why he did not write when he sent to Erasmus lately was that the King (? ille) was hastening to leave the city and Fisher had to go out to meet him. Gave however the little gift which Erasmus had asked—not out of that deposit which he is supposed to hold, for as a matter of fact he has nothing at his own disposal. Seeing Erasmus so necessary to the University, Fisher will not suffer him to want so long as his slender supply lasts and will exhort Mountjoy, who is now in Court, to help. London.
18 Nov.
Eras. Ep.,
VIII. 25.
[Edit Allen,
I. 243.]
949. [1982.] AMMONIUS to ERASMUS.
The carriers had left when John More brought him a letter from Erasmus, but none for Mountjoy. Understands that the flagon had been opened, and half the contents drunk, before it was delivered to Erasmus. Thinks he paid too much if he gave 6d. for the dregs of such ruffians: "Novi præterea quam ille calvus consueverit calvere"; but, as Erasmus says, humanity is not to be expected in such monsters. Sent the wine to see if he could extract a fresh copy of verses. Hears from Linacre the Archbishop has sent Erasmus a sum of money and would provide for him. If so, his complaints will diminish, but if any survive "in amicum effundes sinum." Erasmus has gained immortality; Ammonius has tramped after Fortune "ad ultimos Britannos," and never been able to overtake her. Of his friends one has been made Vice-chancellor (fn. 3) of the Roman Church, the other Chief-penitentiary, (fn. 4) and both upbraid his folly for leaving Rome. Regrets his poverty and desolation, as he is growing old, in this "Cimmerian darkness." Has not yet been able to pay his compliments to Mountjoy. The Bp. of Durham promises to exert himself for Erasmus; the Bp. of Winchester speaks less openly, but more friendly. He thought Erasmus had a living, and bade Ammonius remind him of it. Does not know where Erasmus can hive; fears there is no one at the Augustinians' with whom he can be chamber-fellow; knows not whether Erasmus would like him to ask the blind poet. Hears that they have some apartments for hire, but unfurnished. The monastery is crammed where Ammonius lodges, and they keep a poor table. There is a college near St. Paul's of certain doctors, who, as they say, live comfortably; but Ammonius thinks it no better than a watercloset. He might perhaps try Francis, only that he is as poor as a beggar. What of asking the kindness of Griphius, especially now when D. Jo. Baptista Boncantus is away ? Has not yet seen More, who is daily with the Archbishop. No news from Italy. Sends compliments to Bovill. London, 14 Kal. Dec.
18 Nov.
Exch. Accts. 417 (6), f. 66. R. O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Wise, groom of the Chamber, London russet for gown, &c. Richmond, 18 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
18 Nov.
Add. Ch. 12,516. B.M.
Certificate given by "Jehan due d'Albanye, Conte de la Marche et de Lisleman, tuiteur de mes damoiselles les contesses de Bouloigne et d'Auvergne, dames des terres et seigneuries de Leuroux et Bouge," to one of the tenants of the said ladies. 18 Nov. 1511. Signed.
French. Parchment with seal appended.
20 Nov.
Eras. Ep., App. 1. [Edit. Allen, I. 244.]
952. [3535.] JOAN. SIXTINUS to ERASMUS.
Is pleased with the sharp humor of his letters, although he suffers from them. The assertion of Thaleus, that the copy of his Copia (fn. 5) was lent only to be restored to Erasmus, would anger any one. Was certain he gave it; as such copies as were not sold he distributed to friends, to Allen, to Shirley, to the writer. Had no time to read it then, as he was much engaged in his law studies at Bologna; and therefore he never spoke of it, as he knew not so much as the title of the book. Begs he may be acquitted of all suspicion of dishonesty, as he seems to be when Erasmus writes of trying to find a place near him; which Bovill promises to effect. Their friend the Dean (fn. 6) is much delighted at the prospect of Erasmus' visit, and has ready for him on his arrival 40 crowns (?), (fn. 7) unless he send them to Cambridge before. Would he had come: "essentque vini non epistolares inter nos sermones." Laments that among the many letters of Erasmus none had come for him, and that he had only been remembered at the close of his letters to others. Has been late in this reply because the letters of Erasmus dated on the Nativity of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.] did not reach him until 15 Kal. Dec. London, 20 Nov. ao 1497. (fn. 8)
20 Nov.
Exch. Accts. 417(6), f. 61. R. O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Harpur, "groom of our chamber," a chamlet gown, &c. Richmond, 20 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
20 Nov.
Ib. f. 69.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Alderson and Arthur Lovekyn, "our scholars," gowns of tawny cloth, &c. Richmond, 20 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
Marshal of the Household. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 62.
23 Nov.
Exch. Accts. 417(6), f. 68. R. O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Giles Duwes, the King's servant, a chamlet gown, &c. Richmond, 23 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
26 Nov.
Ib. f. 74.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Henry Pole, the King's servant, a black damask gown, &c. Greenwich, 26 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
26 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII. 24. [Edit. Allen, I. 245.]
958. [1997.] ERASMUS to AMMONIUS.
Received, 24 Nov., his letter dated 27 Oct. Must lay the fault on St. Jerome if he sends a short answer. Jokes on the verses he had sent. The Pope's pilgrimage to Lorretto. If any fatality befal the Church, it will be owing to Julius, nimium forti. Suppose the French are driven from Italy, will the Spaniards or Venetians be more endurable ? Fears the result. Sorry he does not like his change of residence. When Erasmus comes to London, in December, they will study Greek together. What news of Mountjoy ? Has written to him twice, and, as usual, received no answer. Where does he advise Erasmus to settle ? Has had three letters from Ammonius. Has written to Colet and Peter the one-eyed. Does not know whether More has given his letter to Fisher. Cambridge, 6 Kal. Dec. 1511.
26 Nov.
Ven. Transcr. 176, p. 109. R. O.
959. VENICE.
Ratification by the Doge of the League concluded at Rome, 4 Oct. 1511. [Venice], 26 Oct. 1511.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 2. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 131 and 133.
26 Nov.
Ib. p. 110.
26 Nov. 1511.—His letters of 7 Sept. and 5, 10 and 18 Oct. received. It appears that the King, the bp. of Durham and the Treasurer have expressed surprise that he has no news. Besides theirs of 26 Aug., they have both written several letters and charged the late Hieronymo Donato to write. Suppose the letters intercepted. Enclose a summary of news to be read to the King. Are sure that, now the League is concluded, the King will, as his preparations import, play a glorious part and abase that French pride which, not satisfied with the lordship of Italy, aspires to the monarchy of the world. Sending money. The King to be told that the galleys shall go now that the Signory is united with Spain.
Italian. Modern copy, pp. 3. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 132.
27 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII. 6. [Edit. Allen, I. 246.]
961. [1998.] ERASMUS to AMMONIUS.
Sends his "Icaromenippus" for Ammonius to copy, if he can do so without inconvenience, or get More to give it to his brother to do. Is preparing some dainties for the new year, and can find no one at Cambridge to transcribe them; O Academiam! Begs he will have the letters delivered. Camb., 5 Kal. Dec. 1512.
Summoned. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, Nos. 74–6.
28 Nov.
Close Roll 3 Hen. VIII., m. 17d. R. O. Dugdales' Summons to Parlt., p. 487 (extract).
Writ of summons, in the usual from (See No. 205), to W. abp. of Canterbury, primate of all England, for a Parliament at Westminster, 4 Feb. next. Westm., 28 Nov.
Similar writs are directed to R. bp. of London, R. bp. of Winchester, H. bp. of Exeter, J. bp. of Ely, W. bp. of Lincoln, R. bp. of Chichester, Th. bp. of Durham, J. bp. of Carlisle, J. bp. of Rochester, G. bp. of Co. et Lich., M. bp. of Llandaff, R. bp. of Norwich,—(blank) bp. of Hereford,—(blank) bp. of St. Asaph, E. bp. of Salisbury, Th. bp. of Bangor, E. bp. of St. David's, and to the keepers of the spiritualities of the abp. of York and bps. of Bath and Worcester, in remotis agentibus.
Also, for personal attendance, to the abbots of Peterborough, St. John's Colchester, Bury St. Edmunds, Abingdon, Waltham Holy Cross, Shrewsbury, Cirencester, St. Peter's Gloucester, St. Peter's Westminster, St. Albans, Berdeney, Selby, St. Benet's of Hulme, Thorney, Evesham, Ramsey, Hide next Winchester, Glastonbury, Malmesbury, Croyland, Battle, Winchcombe, Reading, St. Augustine's Canterbury, and St. Mary's York, and the priors of Coventry and St. John's of Jerusalem.
Also to Edward duke of Buckingham, Thomas marquis of Dorset, Henry earl of Northumberland, Thomas e. of Arundell, John e. of Oxford, Thomas e. of Surrey, Richard e. of Kent, Henry e. of Essex, Thomas e. of Derby, George e. of Shrewsbury, Henry e. of Wiltshire, and lords Henry Clifford of Clifford, George Nevyle of Bergevenny, George Hastyngys of Hastyngys, Thomas West of la Warre, William Stourton of Stourton, Richard Lumley of Lumley, (fn. 9) Robert Radclyff of Fitzwater, John Broke of Cobham, Edward Sutton of Dudley, Richard Nevyll of Latymer, William Willoughby of Willoughby, Charles Somerset of Herbert, Thomas Darcy of Darcy, John Bourchier of Bernes, William Conyers of Conyers, Robert Willoughby, of Broke, William Blount of Mountjoy, Walter Devereux of Ferrers, John Zouche of Zouche, Thomas Dacre of Dacre, John Bourchier of Fitzwaren, George Fitzhugh of Fitzhugh, Thomas Ormond of Rocheford, Henry Scrope of Scrope and Upsale, Thomas Fenys of Dacre and Ralph Ogle of Ogle.
Also to Sir John Fineux, Sir Robert Rede, Robert Brudenell, Humphrey Conyngesby, William Farefax, John Butler, William Grevyle, John Ernley, King's attorney, Lewis Pollard and Richard Elyot.
Also to the sheriffs of counties, &c., as before (See No. 205), and to the sheriffs of Bristol.
28 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII. 10. [Edit. Allen, I. 493.]
964. [2002.] AMMONIUS to ERASMUS.
Four or five days ago gave a priest a letter for Erasmus. Stated that Winchester was well disposed, but so much occupied he can scarcely attend to any other business than his own. Has no reason for apprehension if he comes to London; the plague is entirely gone. If he does not like Mountjoy's Cerberus, it will be easy to find a chamber elsewhere. They learn by letters from Italy that the French have had the victory; the Spaniards are starving. The Council of Pisa goes on. The Cardinals S. Crucis, Cosenza, Bayeux, and Narbonne have been deprived. Famine and plague devastate Bologna. London, 4 Kal. Dec. 1512 (sic).
29 Nov.
Sanuto, XIII. 319.
965. VENICE.
[Summary of letters received 15 Dec. 1511.]
From Count Hironimo Porzia to Zuan Badoer, doctor and knight, Rome, 28 Nov., 1511.—Piero de Rizo, Papal agent in England, writes that the King will say no more than that he is for the Pope and will do his best to agree him with these Christian Princes. The Cardinal of England has said he fears Spain more than France, owing to the uncertainty of his keeping faith; that the interception of his King's couriers lately was unfortunate, but if the Emperor came to terms the League would be joined by England who leans more to the Emperor's grandson than to the King of Spain. The Pope says that the Emperor has dismissed the Cardinal of San Severino and admitted Campeggio, auditor of the Rota, to intimate the Lateran Council. The Legate de Medici wrote on 22 Nov. from Faenza that there was hope of agreement between the Emperor and Venice. The Duke of Ferrara and Hannibal Bentivoglio are in conference with Joan Jacomo Triulzi at Parma. The King of Hungary sending the Cardinal of Strigonia hither. French galleys at Genoa, and other preparations. Letters from Venice of the 12th state that Alberto da Carpi had arrived there from the Emperor, and the Signory forthwith resolved upon the agreement; and Gurk was coming to Venice, upon hostages being given, and afterwards to Rome. Other news of these matters and of the Turks. The Pope's army.
Postscript, 29 Nov.—Gurk has written to a friend that he finds himself in the Emperor's Court in greater favour than ever, and is the friend of Venice and enemy of France. The Duke of Termeni left this morning for the enterprise.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 136.
Ib. 321. ii. [Summary of letters received 14 Dec. 1511.]
From Hironimo Campanato to Pier Venier, Naples, 23 Nov. 1511.—The Viceroy has set forth news from Spain that a daughter of the late King Philip of Castile should marry the Duke of Lorraine's son, who should have in dower Savoy and all Languedoc and the reversion of Naples. Thus "Grande Roy" will again become "Petit Gian." The fever is worse. The Venetian secretary at Rome announces the election of ambassadors (Venetian) for Spain and England, &c.
29 Nov.—The old queen here has had news from England that the English army had moved against France. Genoa.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 137.
29 Nov.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 451.
Regrets to learn by her last letter, of 13 Nov., the failure of the assault on Vennelo, and still more the loss of good and brave men there. It is the fortune of war. Next summer he will come to conduct the war in person and meanwhile she shall continue measures for security during the winter. Is pleased with the gracieux departement she gave the English. Urges the completion of the blockhouse before Waghemmighen to starve Nymeghen and protect shipping coming down the rivers from Cologne. Munde, 29 Nov. 1511.
Eras. Ep. (Edit. Allen), I., 244A. 967. JEROME BUSLEIDEN to ERASMUS.
Rejoiced by receipt of his letter because report had been spread of his death. Thinks he writes rather freely about the Kings, and advises prudence. Although the matter of a living for Erasmus is not yet settled, there seems good hope that he will at length obtain what he has long deserved, and meanwhile he should continue to press his Moecenas.
Er. Ep., VIII.45. [Edit. Allen, I., 241.] 968. [5732.] ERASMUS to ROGER WENTFORD.
Thanks him for the interest he takes in his writings, as evinced by his not wishing the Copia to be published unless for the glory of Erasmus. Is rich in golden promises. If Wentford laments for an empty purse Erasmus has greater reason to complain, for out of 70 nobles he brought hither (istuc) not a fraction remains; which shows how money runs away here where he bears all costs and has to do with two most voracious Charybdis. Does not see how he can live there except he lives with Grocin; and would rather live with him than any one else, but does not like to impose on his generosity. Is finishing his work De conscribendis Epistolis. Intends correcting his Copia. Remembrances to Grocin, our common patron and preceptor. Spoke to D. William N. concerning the boy, although Linacer had already done so.
1. Richard Rowthale and Hugh Asheton, clk. Custody of the lands of Thomas, s. and h. of Sir Ralph Grey, to be held to the use of Thomas bp. of Durham, during the minority of the said Thomas and as long as they remain in the King's hands; with issues since 20 April 24 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 1 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. [1923.]
2. Nicholas Weste, LL.D., Dean of Windsor. To be special ambassador to James king of Scotland, with authority to treat of the pardon and remission of all quarrels, &c., between the subjects of England and Scotland, and to deliver letters patent thereupon under the Great Seal and receive similar letters patent from James. Del. Westm., 3 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Scotch Roll, 3 Hen. VIII. m. 10. Rymer, XIII. 309. [1926.]
3. John Wyntreshull and Juliana his wife. Licence (for 60s. 6d.) to convey the manor, and advowson of the free chapel, &c., of Frolbury, in the parish of Kingsclere, Hants, to Tho. More and Will. Wolffe; and for them to re-convey the same to the said John and Juliana and the heirs of the said Juliana. Westm., 4 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1927.]
4. John Kydwelley, LL.D., and Peter Potkyn, LL.D. Commission of inquiry into matters whereon Alice, wife of John More, relict of Will. Huntyngdon, of Exeter, brought, by Will. Falke, her proctor, an appeal from the Court of Admiralty, before John earl of Oxford, Great Chamberlain and Admiral, or Chris. Middelton, his commissary, who made a decree against the said Alice, although the cause was not in the jurisdiction of that court, as asserted. Westm., 4 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5d. [1928.]
5. Malmesbury Abbey. Warrant to the Lord Chancellor for letters patent restoring the temporalities of the monastery of Malmesbury, Salisbury dioc., on the election of Richard Frampton as abbot of the same. Richmond, 28 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Nov. S.B.
ii. Commission to Edmund bp. of Salisbury and Sir John Hungerford to receive the fealty of Richard Frampton, abbot of Malmesbury. Knoll, 17 July 3 Hen. VIII.
iii. Form of the oath, viz.:—"I shall be faithful and true, and faith and truth I shall bear to the King our sovereign lord, and to his heirs kings of England; and truly I shall knowledge the services due of the temporalities of my monastery, which I claim to hold of our said sovereign lord the King, and which he giveth and yieldeth me; and to him and his commandments in that that to me attaineth and belongeth for my temporalities of my said monastery, I shall be obeisant. So help me God and his saints."
iv. Certificate of Edmund bp. of Salisbury, that on 22 July last he took the fealty of Ric. Frampton abbot of Malmysbury, vice Th. Olvest, dec. Remmesbury, 1 Oct. 1511, 10th year of his translation. [1929.]
(2) Writs to the escheators of Wilts, Glouc., London, and Bristol, for restitution of the temporalities. Westm., 4 Nov.
ii. Mandate to the tenants of the abbey. Same date. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18. [1930.]
6. William Gurre. To be, during pleasure, the King's brigendarius, with 10l. a year. Windsor Castle, 14 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1931.]
7. Scotland. Henry VIII.'s pardon, in accordance with the treaty, to all the subjects of James king of Scots for depredations, &c., committed on his subjects. - Del. Westm., 4 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. ("Not. pro data," in the margin.)
ii. Duplicate of the preceding. Del. Westm., 4 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Scotch Roll, 3 Hen. VIII. m. 10 (two entries one dated, the other not). [1932, 2038.]
8. Matthew Baker, squire for the Body, and James Worsley, groom of the Robes. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of searcher in the port of Southampton, vice Piers de Champayne, dec. Richmond, 27 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18. [1934.]
9. Thomas Browne, alias Clerc, late of New Salisbury, Wilts, brewer. Pardon. Richmond, 28 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [1935.]
10. Charles Somerset lord Herbert, Lord Chamberlain, and William Compton. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of steward of the lordship of Woking, Surrey, and master of the park there, with 6l. 13s. 4d. a year. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [1936.]
11. John Nevell. Grant of the manor of Hellowis in Crowley, Bucks, and all lands there, late belonging to James lord Morley, attainted temp. Hen. VII. Eltham, 13 June 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1937.]
12. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Wilts.—Westm., 5 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [1938.]
13. Gaol Delivery.
Bury St. Edmunds.—Sir Rob. Drury, John Aleyn, John Suliard, John Heigham, and Will. Powle. Westm., 5 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3d. [1939.]
14. Pontefract priory. Inspeximus. See below.
15. Stephen Cope. To be, during pleasure, constable of the castle of Porchestre, and lieutenant of the forest of Southbere, Hants. Windsor Castle, 3 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [1940.]
16. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Yorkshire (West Riding).—Westm., 6 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1941.]
17. John Godegam, of Hackney, coiner. Pardon for killing Edw. Middelton in self-defence, as certified by an inquisition before Hen. Kebull, mayor of London, Th. marquis of Dorset, Th. earl of Surrey, Th. Docwra, prior of St. John's, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir And. Wyndesore. Ric. Broke, John Neudegate, and Th. Jakes, justices of gaol delivery at Newgate. Westm., 6 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3. [1942.]
18. John Tresawnowe and John Payn, late of Tregirthik Crabbe, near Trevorvowmer, or Trevorvowemne, Cornw., alias late of Killyowe near Tregeny, alias late of the parish of St. Marther, alias late dwelling near Ponstresulian, in the said parish. Pardon. Richmond, 4 Nov. 3 Hen VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [1943.]
19. Giles Duwes, the King's servant. Licence to import 100 tuns of Gascon wine. Richmond, 31 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. 7 Nov. 'Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [1944.]
20. Henry Strete, yeoman of the Crown. Grant of the rent of 4 marks due from him by patent 28 June 23 Hen. VII., granting him, for life, the office of keeper of the park and warren of Stokenham, Devon, with herbage, &c., at the above rent. Richmond, 2 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [1945.]
21. William Vaughan and John Williams, yeomen of the Guard. Grant, in survivorship, of a tenement, with three cottages annexed, in the town of Northampton, with certain bedding, brass, &c., valued at 14l., lately belonging to Sir Richard Emson. Richmond, 2 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1946.]
22. Francis de Bardi, merchant of Florence. Licence to export 150 sacks of wool from London, Southampton or Sandwich, through and beyond the Straits of Marrok, paying for all customs and dues 5 marks a sack at the end of three years from date of shipment. Del. Westm., 7 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 19. [1947.]
23. Sheriff Roll.
Cumb.—Edward Musgrave, *John Skelton, of Armathwaite, John Crakenthorp.
Northumb.—Wm. Hilton, Thomas Carnaby, *Sir Edward Radclyff.
York.—*Sir John Constable, Sir Wm. Bulmere, Sir Ric. Woderofe.
Notts and Derby.—*Ric. Basset, John Dunham, John Curson, of Ketilson.
Linc.—*Edward Guldeford, Simon Fitz-Richard, John Byron.
Warw. and Leic.—*Sir Maurice Berkeley, of Wymondham, Ric. Saucheverell, Sir Ralph Shurley.
Salop.—Sir Th. Cornewall, *Th. Skryven, Wm. Otteley.
Staff.—Sir John Draycote. *John Egerton, Wm. Chetwyn.
Heref.—James Baskervile, *Th. Monyngton, David Ap Guyllym Morgan.
Worc.—Sir John Savage, sheriff in fee.
Glouc.—*Chr. Beynham, Robt. Morton, Wm. Denys.
Oxon and Berks.—Th. Haydok, *Wm. Baryntyn, Sir Geo. Forster.
Northt.—*John Spencer, John Tresham, Th. Andrewes.
Camb. and Hunts.—*Sir Giles Alyngton, Th. Thursby, Th. Cotton.
Beds. and Bucks.—Ric. Greynfeld, Th. Langston, *Ralph Verney.
Norf. and Suff.—*Roger Townesend, Th. Barnerdyston, Wm. Pleyter.
Essex and Herts.—*Anth. Darcy, Henry Frowyk, Edward Tyrrell.
Kent.—*Sir Th. Bullen, John Engeham, Robt. Sandes.
Surrey and Sussex.—*Sir Roger Lewkenor, Edmund Howard, John Gaynesford, of Blokfelde.
Hants.—*Wm. Paulet, Robt. White, John Cailwey.
Wilts.—Sir Chr. Wroughton, John Danvers, *Hen. Long.
Somers. and Dors.—Sir Edm. Carewe. *Walter Rodney, Sir Ric. Warr.
Devon.—Robt. Cary, Sir John Speke, *Th. Goodman.
Cornw.—James Erysy, John Carewe, of Antony, *Wm. Carnsuyow.
Rutland.—John Calcot, *George Makworth, John Haryngton.
Westmor.—Sir Henry lord Clifford, sheriff in fee.
Del. Westm., 8 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1949.]
24. Sir Richard Knyghtley. Mortmain licence (carrying out indentures 23 Nov. 13 Hen. VII.) to alienate to the monastery of St. Augustin's, Daventre, Northt., the manor of Throp near Daventre, and lands in Throp, Bukby, and Welton, Northt., of the annual value of 40 marks; and to the monastery to grant the said Richard and his heirs certain lands belonging to them in Falwesley, of the annual value of 18l. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14.
ii. To the same effect, without the licence to the monastery. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. ib. m. 25. [1950.]
25. Edmund Knyvet. Annuity of 50 marks in reversion, now held by Matthew Baker, esquire for the Body. Greenwich, 20 May 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [1951.]
26. John ap Guilliams, sergeant-at-arms. Fee of 12d. a day, for life, pertaining to his said office, vice Lyon Crayford, sergeant-at-arms, deceased. Richmond, 4 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [1952.]
27. John Cole, clk. Grant, for life, of the free chapel called Le Hermytage in Blakemore, Dorset. Del. Westm., 9 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1953.]
28. Commission of the Peace.
Cornwall.—Westm., 9 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1954.]
29. Thomas earl of Surrey, treasurer and marshal of England, and George earl of Shrewsbury, chief steward. Appointment as general and special ambassadors to Ferdinand king of Aragon, with power, without prejudice to the league between the King and Ferdinand, of making with the said Ferdinand (in his own name and that of his daughter Joan queen of Castile) a league for the defence of Holy Church and the recovery of Bologna, and preservation of the Pope's authority; Pope Julius II. having written that Bologna which has always been the patrimonial farm of the Church is invaded by enemies. 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 4 Hen. VIII., m. 5. Rymer XIII. 341. [1955, 3513.]
30. Joan Calthorpe. Grant to her and the heirs male of her body by Sir Philip Calthorppe her husband, of the reversion of the manor and lordship of Polstedhall, in Burnham, Norf., granted to Thomas Fenys, and Anne his wife, now dec., in survivorship, by pat. 22 Feb., 21 Edw. IV., exemplified by pat. 6 Nov. 5 Hen. VII., and the manor and lordship of Erpyngham, Norf. Richmond, 8 July 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18. [1956.]
31. Edward Guldeford. Grant in fee of the manors of Casthropp, Braghton, Mabelthropp, and Garnethropp, Linc., and all lands in Lincolnshire in the King's hands by attainder of Edmund Dudeley; with issues from 28 April 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [1958.]
32. William Dyngley, of Charleton, Worc. Grant, in fee, of the lordship or manor of Shiresfeslenche, Worc. Richmond, 28 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. [1959.]
33. John Dyngley, groom of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the lordship of Upton-upon-Severn, Worc., and keeper of the park of Hanley, during pleasure. Richmond, 28 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1960.]
34. William Compton and Philip Tyndale. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of bailiff of the manor or lordship of Tatteshall, Linc., keeper of the great park and chase, and of the little park, warren of coneys, woods and castle there; on surrender of patent 28 July 1 Hen. VIII., granting the same offices to Edward Heven. Richmond, 5 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1961.]
35. Walter Colepeper, esquire for the Body. To be, for life, bailiff of the scunage of the town of Calais and the isle of Colne, vice Andrew Hawarden. Richmond, 8 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1962.]
36. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Herefordshire.—Westm., 11 Nov.
Norfolk.—Westm., 11 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1963.]
37. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Notts.—Westm., 12 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1964.]
38. Arthur Plantagenet, and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of Edmund Dudley. Grant of the third part of the manors of Fysshewyke and Eccleston, Lanc., recovered by Edmund Dudley, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, John Carell, serjeant-at-law, and John Middelton, by writ of entry sur disseisin in le post, at Lancaster, 21 Hen. VII., before John Vavasour and other justices, against Thomas Fenys lord Dacre; of the third part of the manor of Hamshay alias Haunshay, Sussex, recovered as above by Edmund Dudley, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, John Covert, and Richard Brammer (or Bammer, in Pat. Roll), before Sir Thomas Frowyke and other justices, at Westminster, 16 Hen. VII., against John lord Clynton and Say and Anne his wife; and of two parts of the manor of Estpulham, recovered as above by Richard Bishop of Winchester, Sir Richard Emson, Sir James Hoberte, Sir Robert Throkmerton, Edmund Dudley, Thomas Lucas, William Mordaunt, William Gascoign, John Wynter, and Robert Spencer, before Sir Thomas Frowike and other justices, at Westminster, 22 Hen. VII., against John Mervyn, John Jenour, and William Gilbert: now in the King's hands by attainder of the said Edmund Dudley and Richard Emson. To hold to them and the heirs and assigns of the said Arthur; with issues from 28 April 1 Hen. VIII.
Also licence of entry to the said Sir Andrew and John Carell, in respect of the residue of the manors of Fysshewyke and Eccleston, and to the said Sir Andrew and Richard Brammer, in respect of the manor of Haunshay; and to the said Bishop, Hobert, Throkmerton, Lucas, Mordaunt, Gascoign, and Spencer, in respect of the residue of the manor of Estpulham.
Also further grant to the said Arthur, in fee, of 800 acres of land in Goryng, Sussex, late belonging to Francis Lewkenor, and 200 called the "Wykemershe," in the parish of Lymyster, Sussex; a tenement and lands (36 ac.) called the "Colverhous," in Northmundam, Sussex, late belonging to Walter Maryng; lands and tenements called the Lee, in the parish of Tortyngton, Sussex; and lands and tenements called Biddesden and Everley, Wilts: all forfeited by Edmund Dudley. Greenwich, 12 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5. [1965.]
39. Edmund Lyvesay. Custody for 20 years, of the manor or lordship of Stokebardold, Notts, late of William Lord Beaumont; at the annual rent of 4l., as paid by James Savage. Richmond, 9 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5. [1966.]
40. League for Recovery of Bologna. Henry VIII. joins the league lately made between Julius II., Ferdinand of Aragon, and Laurence Lauredano, Doge of Venice, 4 Oct. 1511, for the recovery of Bologna and other places belonging to the See Apostolic; with condition that without the consent of all peace shall be not made and that none of the confederates shall make peace or truce with any prince who shall have opposed the league, and that Henry shall not be bound to give aid or send an army into Italy against such opponents, but elsewhere as he thinks best. Westm., 13 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 4 Hen. VIII., m 5. Rymer XIII. 342. [1967, 3523.]
41. Robert Moreton. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of William, son and heir of Nich. Ayston. Richmond, 4 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [1968.]
42. Thomas Jenyns, of London, skinner. To be, for life, the King's skinner, alias serjeant of pelletrye, with 12d. a day, vice Nich. Barley, deceased. Richmond, 6 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [1969.]
43. Abbot and convent of St. Mary's, Kenilworth, Warw. Mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 40l., for the support of a mass every Friday except Good Friday, &c. Wodstoke, 14 Sept. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. Rymer XIII. 310. [1970.]
44. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Warwickshire.—Westm., 13 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
Leicestershire.—Westm., 13 Nov.
Hertfordshire.—Westm., 13 Nov.
Northamptonshire.—Westm., 13 Nov.
Worcestershire.—Westm., 13 Nov.
Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [1971.]
45. Sewers.
Middlesex.—Commission to Ric. bp. of London, the Abbot of St. Mary of Graces near the Tower of London, John Preston, master of St. Katherine's hospital near the Tower, John Yong, master of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr, London, Sir Hen. Wiatt; John More and Ric. Broke, serjeants-at-law; John Fitzjames, and Owen Meredith; for the district of the Thames and Lay [Lea] between the city of London and the bridge of Stratford-atte-Bowe on the north and west, and the road between White Chapell parish and Stratford-atte-Bowe on the north. Westm., 13 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16d. [1972.]
46. John Coppynger, page of the Wardrobe of Robes. To be, for life, bailiff of the lordship of Graysthoroke, Essex, vice Lyon Crayford, deceased. Richmond, 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [1973.]
47. Thomas Wildecote, of Hexston, Staff. Pardon and release as late escheator of co. Salop and the marches of Wales, temp. Edw. IV., Ric. III., and Hen. VII., and as escheator of co. Staff., temp. Hen. VII. and Hen. VIII. Also release to his sureties, John Blount, of Knightley, Staff., jun., and Thomas Pigot, of Chetwynde, Salop, of their recognizance of 40l. entered into 3 Nov. 17 Hen. VII. Richmond, 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [1974.]
48. Sir Richard Wyngfeld, knight for the Body. To be marshal of Calais, from 6 Oct. last, for life, vice Sir William Meryng. Richmond, 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. [1975.]
49. Robert Folyat. To be, for life, keeper of the gaol of Worcester castle, and constable of the same; with the pastures called Digley, near Worcester, belonging to the said offices, and formerly to the Earl of Warwick, as he has held them hitherto. Richmond, 8 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [1976.]
50. Master Thomas Larke, clk., the King's chaplain. Grant of a canonry and prebend in the collegiate church of St. Mary, St. Stephen the Protomartyr, and St. Edward the Confessor, in the palace of Westminster, void by resignation of Master Simon Stalworth, clk. Richmond, 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1977.]
51. George earl of Shrewsbury. Custody of all possessions in the counties of Derby, Nottingham, Buckingham, Bedford, and elsewhere, belonging to Margaret Vernon, widow, alias Margaret, a daughter of John Talbott late Earl of Shrewsbury, with issues from 21 Sept. 1 Hen. VII., since which day she has been a lunatic. Del. Westm., 15 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1978.]
52. Sewers.
Lincolnshire.—Commission to Th. Dokwra, prior of St. John's, Will. lord Willoughby, Sir John Fyneux, Rob. Brudenell, abbots of Croyland, Berdney, Revesby, and Swyneshed, prior of Spaldyng, Sir John Huse, Sir Rob. Sheffeld, Sir Will. Tyrwhyt, Sir Th. Neuporte, Sir Edw. Burgh, Sir Rob. Dymmok, Sir Ph. Tilney, Sir John Skypwith, Th. Burgh, Geo. Fitzwilliam, John Fulnetby, Nich. Upton, Rob. Husee, John Littelbury, And. Billessey, Th. Tothoth, Will. Askue, Will. Hansard, Geoff. Paynell, John Hennege, John Robynson, Edm. Bushe, John à Mers, Ric. Belles, Ralph Derby, John Purley, Chris. Askue, Will. Goderik, Th. Holand, and John Tempest; for the district from Dodyngton Pygott to Tydd Gott. Westm., 15 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16d. [1979.]
53. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Salop.—Westm., 17 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [1981.]
54. Sewers.
Lincolnshire.—Commission to Sir Will. Willoughby, Sir Will. Turwytt, Sir Rob. Sheffeld, Sir John Skypwyth, John Hennege, Edw. Forman, Th. Burgh, jun., and Th. Messynden, for the district from Southfereby or Trent-falle to Saltflete Havyn. Westm., 18 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16d. [1983.]
55. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Cornwall.—Westm., 18 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [1984.]
56. Roger Haccheman, yeoman of the Guard. Grant, in fee, of a tenement with appurtenances, called Sircotes alias Sithcotes lands, in the lordship of Hartewell, Bucks, in the King's hands by attainder of Sir Richard Emson. Pipwell Abbey, 31 July 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1985.]
57. Priory of Drax. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 4 Feb. 4 Edw. II., conf.:—
Chs. of Wm. Paganellus and many others including one (undated) of Richard I.
B. Ch. 4 Feb. 4 Edw. II., conf.:—
Chs. of Peter de Brus and many others.
C. Ch. 4 Feb. 4 Edw. II., conf.:—
Chs. of Samson de le Pomeroy and many others.
D. Pat. 4 Feb. 4 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 11).
E. Ch. 28 Oct. 26 Edw. III.
Westm., 20 Nov. [3 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 45, No. 4.
58. Thomas marquis of Dorset. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 18 April, 15 Edw. IV.
Westm., 21 Nov. [3 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 46, No. 3.
59. Thomas Kynnersley. Licence, by charter, to impark 50 acres of land and wood in Loxeley, Staff. Richmond, 17 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov. P.S. Charter Roll 200, No. 17 (witnesses not named). [1986.]
60. Roger Boteler, Boteller, Butteler or Butler, of Ruggebisshop, alias of Kirton, Devon, franklin or husbandman. Pardon for all offences before 29 Sept. 2 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 15 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [1987.]
61. William Hylton. To be, for life, the King's tailor, vice Stephen Jasper, with 12d. a day, from Mich, last, since which by the King's command he has exercised the office. Richmond, 11 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov. P.S. [1988.]
62. Sir John Carewe, knight for the Body, and Charles Brandon, esquire for the Body. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of marshal or marshalsea of the Household, as held by Sir John Turbervile. Richmond, 18 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov. P.S. [1989.]
63. Hugh Downner, of Arundell, Sussex, groom. Pardon for killing John Davy in self-defence. Westm., 24 Nov., Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19. [1990.]
64. Tinners of Cornwall. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 12 July, 23 Hen. VII.
Westm., 24 Nov. [3 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 46, No. 2.
65. Edmund Gelgelt and Henry Stannard, bailiffs, and the Burgesses and Commonalty of Ipswich. Licence to acquire lands to the value of 50l. a year. Del. Westm., 25 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [1991.]
66. William Studdon, yeoman of the Guard. Annuity of 10l., during pleasure, out of the customs of Exmouth, vice Robert Symondes, of Barstaple, deceased. Richmond, 26 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [1992.]
67. Abbey of Peterborough. Inspeximus and confirmation to Robert the Abbot and Convent of Peterborough, of an indenture made 4 June 19 Hen. VII., between Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby on the one part, and the said Robert and Convent on the other, relative to certain payments for knights' fees, &c., claimed by the said Abbot and Convent in Torpell, Maxey, Norborowe, Wodcroft, Ufford, and Loham, which the said abbot proved to have belonged to the said convent from time out of mind, until the year 17 Ric. II. Richmond, . . Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Nov. P.S. (defaced; filed under 3 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII.). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [1993.]
68. Nicholas West, clk. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Agnes, daughter and heir of John Copleston. Richmond, 24 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5. [1994.]
69. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Yorkshire (West Riding).—Westm., 26 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [1995.]
70. Inspeximus and innotescimus of the following documents:—
i. Patent 17 Jan. 19 Edw. IV., granting in fee to John Lambard the manors of Vyelleston, Churebere and Neuenham, near Chitlampholt, Devon, of Westcoker and Puryton, Soms., with certain other possessions in Devon and Somerset, lately belonging to Henry Courteney, attainted 1 Edw. IV.
ii. Charter of the said John, dated 17 Nov. 13 Edw. IV., granting in fee to John Reygny the manors of Churebere and Neuenham near Chitlampholt, Devon, and appointing certain attorneys. Witnessed by Sir Ralph Verney, alderman of London, Th. Beaumount, John Speke, Wm. Keyleway, Wm. Yoo, and John Monke.
iii. Deed of release and quit-claim dated 10 Dec. 13 Edw. IV., from Lambard (mercer of London) to Reygny, with respect to the above manors.
iv. Charter of Wm. Reygny, clk., son and heir of the said John Reygny, dated 2 March 24 Hen. VII., granting in fee to Ric. Reygny, his brother, the manor of Newenham in the parish of Chulmeleigh, and appointing certain attorneys. Witnessed by Ric. Coriton, John Bury, and Rob. Williams, clk.
v. Deed of release and quit-claim, dated 18 April, 24 Hen. VII., from Wm. Reygny, to Ric. Reygny, with respect to the manor of Newenham. Westm., 26 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8 and 9. [1996.]
71. Thomas Fabian. Grant, during good conduct, of 12d. a day from the subsidies of tonnage and poundage in the port of London, as wages in his office of surveyor of the King's horses, granted him by patent 4 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII., which was invalid as to the wages, and has been surrendered; with arrears since Easter, 1 Hen. VIII., since which time by the King's command he has exercised the office. Del. Westm., 27 Nov. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1999.]
72. Nicholas Turpyn. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Robert, s. and h. of Robert Ramys. Richmond, 20 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Nov. P.S. [2000.]
73. Queenborough. Inspeximus. See below.
74. Parliament. Mandate to William abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to issue writs summoning a parliament at Westminster, 4 Feb. next. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [2003.]
75. Convocation. Mandate to William abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to summon a convocation of his province at St. Paul's, London. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Close Roll, 3 Hen. VIII. m. 16d. See Wilkins' Concilia, III. 652. [2004.]
76. Convocation. Mandate to Christopher abp. of York, and in his absence abroad to the keeper of the spirituality of the archbishopric, to summon a convocation of his province at St. Peter's, York. Del. Westm., 26 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [2005.]
77. William Clayton. To be approver of the lordship of Wigmore, in the marches of Wales, vice John Burton. Greenwich, 24 May 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [2006.]
78. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Dorset (enrolled wrongly as Westmoreland).—Westm., 28 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [2007.]
79. William Awood, groom of the King's stirrup. Grant of a corrody in the monastery of Trentham, vice Nicholas Pirwhit, deceased. Greenwich, 24 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Nov. P.S. (in English). [2008.]
80. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Westmoreland.—Westm., 29 Nov. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [2009.]
14. Priory of Pountefrecte. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 2 Dec. 30 Edw. I.
B. Pat. 14 Feb. 4 Edw. IV. (Duchy of Lancaster), exemplifying:—
Proviso in Act of Parliament of 4 Nov. 1 Edw. IV.
C. Pat. 12 Nov. 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 14, No. 9), confirming:—
a. Pat. 28 Feb. 6 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 4), confirming:—
(1) Ch. 13 Dec. 6 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 20 March 12 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 8 Jan. 14 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
(2) Ch. 24 Feb. 6 Edw. IV.
b. Ch. 6 Feb. 33 Hen. III.
D. Pat. 24 May 5 Hen. VII.
Westm., 5 Nov. [3 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 45, No. 9.
73. Burgesses of Quynbrugh. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. [27 Nov.] (fn. 10) Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 11, No. 10), confirming:—
Pat. 14 Oct. 2 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 34), confirming:—
Pat. 15 Nov. 1 Hen. V., confirming:—
Pat. 27 Nov. 1 Hen. IV., confirming:—
Ch. 20 March 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 10 May 42 Edw. III.
Westm., 27 Nov. [3 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 45, No. 2.


  • 1. Lord Mountjoy.
  • 2. This letter noted in Vol. II., No. 3787, under the date it bears in the London Edition, is really of the year 1511, as has been pointed out to me by Mr. P. S. Allen, who tells me there is no MS. authority for the "1517."—Editor.
  • 3. Sisto della Rovere.
  • 4. Leonardo Grosso della Rovere.
  • 5. Erasmi Adagia.
  • 6. Colet.
  • 7. 40 c. The "c" is given in facsimile in Le Clere's ed. 1706, who absurdly supposes it to mean Cantharos, Allen reads it "s," i.e. "solidos."
  • 8. The words "anno 1497," I have no doubt, were added by Le Clerc or his assistants. He refers to Ep. ii. 22. in proof of the date, though it has nothing in common with this letter. The treatise of Erasmus De Copia had not then appeared. Erasmus was, moreover, at Cambridge. It is very inaccurately printed.—Brewer.
  • 9. In margin "Mortuus est, ut dicitur."
  • 10. Omitted in confirmation clause.