
Survey of London: Volume 35, the theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1970.

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'Index', in Survey of London: Volume 35, the theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, ed. F H W Sheppard( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index', in Survey of London: Volume 35, the theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Edited by F H W Sheppard( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index". Survey of London: Volume 35, the theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Ed. F H W Sheppard(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Symbols in the left-hand margin denote:

a Architects who have provided, or are thought to have provided, designs for the theatres

b Builders, engineers and allied tradesmen who have worked on the fabric of the theatres

c Artists and decorators who have either worked on the fabric of the theatres or whose work is represented in them


Abrahams, Isaac 34

Act of 1810 for rebuilding Drury Lane Theatre 21

Act of 1812 for amending Act of 1810 22

Act of 1843 for regulating theatres 7, 8, 25

aAdam, Robert 16, 33, 44, 45–8 passim

Adam, W. G. 24

Adam, William 20, 21

Aeschylus, bust of 100

Aickin, John 34

aAlbano, Benedict 80, 97–8

Aldred, John 14n.

Aldridge, Ira, bust of 70

Alhambra (Leicester Square) 26

Allendale, Lord 84n.

Amber, Norton see Green, Richard, and Amber

cAmiconi, Jacopo 87

Amsterdam (Schouwburg Theatre) 43, 43n.

Anderson, James 25–6

Anderson, J. H. 80

Anti-Corn Law League 80

Apollo, statue of 49, 55; Pls. 20c, 21b

Apollo ('Russel-Arms') tavern 55–6

Argyll, Duke of (vi) 21

Aristophanes, bust of 100

bArmstrong and Co. 78n.

Arnold, Samuel 23

Arts Council of Great Britain 85

cAshlin, — 56

Associated Theatre Properties (London) Ltd. 28–9

Astley's (Westminster Bridge Road) 26


Balfe, Michael, statue of 67

cBanks, Henry 56

c Bailey, — see Tatham and Bailey

bBailey, John 56

aBarry, E. M. 82, 98–105 passim

cBarzago, Louis 56

Bath (Theatre Royal) 55n.

Bayless, William 34

Beale, Frederick 80

Beard, John 75

aBeazley, Samuel 24, 64–5, 66

Bedford, Duchess of (Gertrude) 35, 35n.

Bedford, Earls and Dukes of 30, 33, 35
-, 3rd Earl, Edward 30
-, 4th Earl, Francis 32
-, 5th Earl and 1st Duke, William 9, 11, 12, 30, 33, 33n., 35
-, 2nd Duke, Wriothesley 13, 31
-, 3rd Duke, Wriothesley 14, 71
-, 4th Duke, John 10, 15, 30, 32, 33, 75
-, 5th Duke, Francis 16, 17, 18, 30, 35, 35n., 37, 38, 77
-, 6th Duke, John 7, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24–5, 25n., 35, 38–9, 78, 79, 80
-, 7th Duke, Francis 8, 26, 80–1, 82, 84
-, 9th Duke, Hastings 27, 83, 83n.
-, 10th Duke, Sackville 27
-, 11th Duke, Herbrand 7, 27–8, 33n., 38n., 39, 84

Bedford box
-, at Covent Garden Theatre 77, 82, 100, 103
-, at Drury Lane Theatre 35n., 38n., 60

Bedford Coffee House 75; fig. 9 (p. 72)

Bedwell, Francis 109, 110

Beecham, Sir Joseph 83–4

Beecham, Sir Thomas 84

bBeetham, Nathaniel 56

Bell, Hamilton 41, 43

Ben Jonson's Head tavern 33, 35, 38

bBent, William 56

Bentley, Richard 12n.

bBernasconi, Francis 78n.

Bernini 44

Bescancon (theatre at) 59n.

Betterton, Thomas 3, 12, 31

Betterton's Company 3

cBeverley, William 105

cBielefeld, C. F. 66

Birmingham (theatre at) 24

Bish, Thomas 24

Boaden, James 77n.

Bolton, George 26

Boosey, Leslie 85

Boosey and Hawkes 85

Booth, Barton 4n., 13–14, 14n.

Bordeaux (Grand Théâtre) 55, 60

Borromini 44

cBottomley, John 56

bBoulton and Watt 78n.

cBourne, — see Harris and Bourne

Bow Street see also under Covent Garden Theatre 78, 82, 93, 94, 108

cBracher, W., and Son 66

Bradbury, George 12n.

Bradshaw, Hon. A. C. 23

Brand, Sir Thomas 109

bBrathwate, John 56

Brayley, E. W. 51

Brett, Colonel Henry 3–4

bBriggs, Samuel 78n.

Bristol (Theatre Royal) 44, 45

British Broadcasting Corporation 84

Britton, John 96

cBrock, T. 28n.

Brown, A. R. 34

bBrown, H. 78n.

bBrown and Taunton 56

Brusby, Richard 34

bBryan, Michael 56

Brydges (now Catherine) Street see also under Drury Lane Theatre 20, 33, 37, 45

Brydges Street Theatre see Drury Lane Theatre

bBuckingham, John 56

bBundy, William 108

Bunn, Alfred 7n., 22, 24–6, 65, 80

bBunn, John 56

Burlington, Lord 88

Burt, Nicholas 9–10

bBurton, Lancelot 56, 78n.

Butt, Sir Alfred 28

Byron, Lord 22, 23

aCabanel, Rudolph 22n, 54–5, 56


Campbell, George 110

cCampbell, Smith and Co. 66

Campen, Jacob van 43

'Canabic' 98

Canning, George 20n.

Cantwell, John 78n.

cCapon, William 48, 51, 57, 90–1

cCarew, J. E. 70

bCarpenter, Thomas 78n.

bCarr, M. 108

Cartwright, William 9–10

Catherine Street see Brydges Street

cCatton, Charles 56

Cecil, Sir Edward (later Viscount Wimbledon) 30

Chadwick, Spencer 66

Chandos, Duke of (1) 109

Charles I 1

Charles II 1

Charwood, John 13n.

Chatterton, F. B. 27

cCheere, John 67

bCheyne, John 56

Churchill, Brigadier Hon. Charles 109

Cibber, Colley 4, 4n., 13–14, 42, 44–5

Cibber, Theophilus 14

Clarke, Rupert 4, 13n., 14n., 109, 110

Clarke, Samuel 110

Clayton, Robert 9, 10

Clayton, William 12n.

Clunn, Walter 9, 10, 11

Clutterbuck, James 15

Cock, Christopher 72–3, 74, 110

Cockpit-in-Court (Whitehall Palace) 41

Cocks, Robert Kilbye see Cox

Collier, William 4n., 12–13

aCollins, Adrian 67

Collins, Arthur 7, 28, 39

Collins, Henry 110

bCollins, Samuel 56

cCollins, William 78n.

Colman, George, the elder 5, 75–6.

Colman, George, the younger 19

Combe, Harvey Christian 20, 21, 23

Congreve, William 3

Const, Francis 8, 79

cCooper, — see Madgwick and Cooper

Cope, Hon. John 111

bCopland, Alexander 56, 78

Cosmo III, Duke of Tuscany 40

Costa, Sir Michael 80

Courtauld, Samuel 84

Coutts, Thomas 21

Coutts and Co. 84

Covent Garden Estate Company 28, 84

Covent Garden Market 27

Covent Garden Opera Syndicate 84

Covent Garden Opera Trust 85

Covent Garden Properties Company Ltd. 84, 85

Covent Garden Theatre First Theatre 1732–1808
-, (Theatre Royal, Covent Garden)
-, alterations
-, 1782 88–91; fig. 10 (p. 89); Pls. 42–3
-, 1792 77, 91–3; fig. 11 (p. 92); Pls. 44–47a, 48
-, 1792–1803 93; Pl. 47b
-, architect 71
-, auditorium 86–93 passim; Pls. 41c, 42a, b, 46–7
-, 'basket boxes' 89n.
-, Bedford box 77
-, building
-, contract 71–2, 86
-, cost 71, 74
-, disputes 73, 75
-, financing 72–5
-, progress 71
-, decorations 87–8, 89–90, 92, 93
-, design for 'proposed new Theatre' 91
-, dimensions 86–7, 90
-, entrances
-, Bow Street 71, 87, 89, 93; Pl. 48
-, Hart Street 71, 93; Pl. 45b
-, Piazza 71, 87, 88, 89, 93; Pl. 41a
-, exterior
-, Bow Street 93; Pl. 48
-, Hart Street 93; Pls. 45b, 48
-, fire of 1808 78
-, ground leases 71, 72, 75, 77
-, half-price riots 75; Pl. 41c
-, King's box 87, 91, 93; Pl. 42b
-, managers 75, 76, 77
-, opening night 75
-, patentees 4–5, 7
-, plans and sections figs. 9, 10, 11 (pp. 72, 89, 92); Pls. 40, 42c, 43–45a
-, portico 93; Pl. 48
-, Prince's box 87, 91
-, proprietors 75, 76, 77
-, proscenium 87–8, 90, 92, 93; Pls. 41b, 47
-, public rooms 87, 93
-, reconstructions see alterations
-, scene rooms and workshops 86, 88, 93
-, seating capacity 75, 90, 93
-, shareholders 73, 74, 109–11
-, site 71, 75, 88; figs. 9, 11 (pp. 72, 92); Pls. 2, 3a, 39
-, stage 86, 87, 88, 90, 91
-, structure 86, 87, 89, 91
-, Second Theatre 1809–1856
-, (Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, after 1847 Royal Italian Opera House)
-, alterations
-, 1810–19 96–7; Pls. 53, 55
-, 1846–7 80, 97–8; Pl. 57
-, architect 78
-, auditorium 94, 96–8; Pls. 54–5, 57
-, builders and decorators 78, 78n.
-, building
-, cost and financing 78, 78n., 79
-, progress 78, 93
-, ceiling 98; Pl. 57a
-, decorations 94–7, 98
-, dimensions 93–4, 97
-, entrances 94, 96
-, exterior
-, Bow Street 94; Pls. 49–50, 51a, b
-, Hart Street Pl. 51c
-, financial difficulties 78, 79–80
-, fire of 1856 80; Pl. 58
-, managers and sub-lessees 79–80
-, opening night 78
-, 'O. P.' riots 78
-, patentees 8
-, plans and sections fig. 12 (p. 95); Pls. 50b, 52–3
-, portico 94; Pls. 49–50
-, proprietors 79
-, proscenium 96–7, 98; Pls. 54, 55b, 57b
-, public rooms 94–6, 98; Pl. 56
-, reconstructions see alterations
-, scene rooms and workshops 94, 98
-, seating capacity 79, 79n., 96, 97, 98
-, site 78, 93–4; fig. 12 (p. 95)
-, stage 94, 96
-, structure 97
-, Third Theatre 1858
-, (Royal Italian Opera House, now Royal Opera House)
-, alterations 83, 84, 101, 102, 103, 105, 108
-, amphitheatre 103; Pl. 66b, c
-, architect 82
-, auditorium 102–5; Pls. 64–6
-, Bedford box 82, 100, 103; Pl. 65
-, building
-, cost 82
-, financing 81–2
-, progress 80–2
-, carriage-way 101, 108
-, chandelier 105; Pl. 64a
-, crush bar 102, 108; Pl. 67c
-, decorations 101–2, 104–5
-, demolition, threats of 84, 85
-, dimensions 98–100, 103
-, entrance hall 101
-, entrances 100
-, exterior
-, Bow Street 100–1; Pls. 59, 60a, 61b, 68a
-, Floral Street 101; Pl. 60b
-, south and west 101; Pl. 61a
-, financial difficulties 81, 83, 84, 85
-, freehold, sale of 84
-, grand staircase 101–2; Pl. 67a
-, ground leases 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
-, managers and sub-lessees 83, 84, 85
-, opening night 82
-, patentees 8, 81, 83n.
-, plans and sections figs. 14, 15 (pp. 106, 107); Pls. 3b, 62–3
-, portico 82, 99, 100; Pls. 59, 60a, 61b, 68a
-, proprietors 81, 83, 84, 85
-, proscenium 104; Pls. 64–5, 66a
-, public rooms see crush bar, entrance hall and grand staircase
-, reconstructions see alterations
-, royal box and suite 102, 103; Pls. 65, 67b
-, saloon see crush bar
-, scene rooms and workshops 100, 105, 108
-, seating capacity 103–4
-, site 82, 99; fig. 13 (p. 99); Pl. 3b
-, stage 105
-, structure 100, 103; Pl. 63

Covent Garden Trust 85

Cox, Robert Kilbye 5

cCrace, J. G. 65

Cramer, Beale and Co. 80

Crawford, C. P. 23

Cremorne Gardens 26

cCreswell, — 93

Creuze, James de la 110

Creuze, Stephen de la 111

aCromie, Robert 67

bCruckshanks, J. 78n.

Cunard, Lady 84n.

bCurl, Thomas 56

bCutler and Macnaughton 78n.


Dagge, Henry 5, 76

cDaguerre, Dominique 56

Daly's Theatre (Cranbourn Street) 66

cDamer, Anne Seymour 55

cDane, Clemence 70

Davenant, Alexander 3

Davenant, Charles 2–3, 11–12, 31, 32

Davenant, Sir William see also Letters patent 1–2

Davenant patent see Letters patent

Dayes, Edward 53

bDecaiz (De Caix), — 56

de Grave, William Ann 110

de la Creuze, James 110

de la Creuze, Stephen 111

de Monconys, Balthasar 40

Desachy's patent plaster 103, 104

Devonshire, Duke of (vi) 17

Devonshire, Dukes of (box at Drury Lane Theatre) 60

Dibdin, Thomas 23

cDixon, C., and Son 78n.

Doggett, Thomas 13

Dorset Garden Theatre see Duke's Theatre, Dorset Garden

cDrury and Son 78n.

Drury Lane see also Drury Lane Theatre 30, 31, 33, 35, 39

Drury Lane Theatre
-, First Theatre 1663–1671/2
-, (Theatre Royal in Brydges Street)
-, architect 41–2
-, auditorium 40
-, building
-, cost and financing 9–10
-, progress 10
-, building shareholders 9–10
-, dimensions 30, 31, 40
-, entrances 30, 40
-, exterior 9, 42; Pl. 1b
-, fire of 1671/2 11
-, ground lease 9
-, management structure 10
-, opening night 10
-, patentee 2, 10
-, periaktoi 41
-, scene room 32
-, site 9, 30–2; fig. 1 (p. 31); Pl. 1a
-, stage 40
-, 'Wren drawing' 40–1; Pl. 4
-, Second Theatre 1674–1791
-, (Theatre Royal in Brydges Street, after c. 1690 Theatre Royal, Drury Lane)
-, alterations
-, 1674–1775 44–5
-, 1775–6 45–8; Pls. 7–11a
-, 1776–91 48–9; Pl. 11b
-, architect 42–3
-, auditorium 42, 43, 44, 45–6, 47, 48, 49; Pls. 9a, 11b
-, Bedford box 35n.
-, Brydges Street front 33, 48; Pl. 8
-, building, cost and financing 11, 11n.
-, building shareholders 11, 12, 12n., 13, 13n., 14, 14n., 15
-, ceiling 46, 47, 49; Pl. 10
-, decorations 46, 47
-, dimensions 31, 33, 43–4, 47–8
-, entrances 32–3, 35, 45; figs. 2, 3 (pp. 32, 34)
-, Green Room 32
-, ground leases 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 32, 33
-, King's box 47, 48
-, management structure 10, 11, 15
-, managers and sub-lessees 12, 13, 14, 15
-, opening night 11
-, patentees 2, 3, 4, 4n., 11–16 passim
-, Prince's box 48
-, proprietors see also building 11, 15, 16
-, shareholders
-, proscenium 43, 44, 45, 46, 47; Pls. 5b, 9b, 11a
-, public rooms 48
-, reconstructions and redecorations see alterations
-, scene rooms and workshops 32, 33, 35
-, share capital issues 15–16
-, site 30, 31, 32–3, 35; figs. 2, 3 (pp. 32, 34); Pls. 2, 6, 7
-, Sparrow's Nest 31, 33
-, stage 43–4, 45, 47–8
-, 'Wren section' 43–4; Pl. 5a
-, Third Theatre 1794–1809
-, alterations 56–7; Pls. 18–19
-, architect 18
-, auditorium 50, 52–3, 54, 56–7; Frontispiece, Pls. 14, 18–19
-, 'basket boxes' 52, 54, 61
-, Bedford box 35n.
-, builders and decorators 56
-, building
-, cost 19, 19n., 56
-, financing 17–18
-, progress 18, 19
-, carpenter's shop 37–8
-, decorations 50, 53–4, 57
-, designs
-, first (arcaded) 18, 51, 55; Pl. 20a, b
-, second (colonnaded) 49, 51, 55; Pl. 20c
-, dimensions 18, 49, 51–2
-, 'Egyptian Hall' 52, 53, 54
-, entrances 18, 50–1, 56, 57; Pl. 21b, c
-, exterior 49, 55, 56, 82; Pl. 21
-, financial difficulties 16, 18, 19–20
-, fire of 1809 20, 20n., 57
-, fire precautions 20, 50, 57
-, foundations 52n.
-, Green Room 56
-, ground lease 35, 37
-, Holland's description 49–51
-, King's box 51, 54
-, managers 17
-, opening night 19
-, patentees 6, 17, 18
-, plans and sections Pls. 12–17
-, Prince's box 51, 54
-, proprietors 16–17
-, proscenium 50, 52, 53–4; Frontispiece, Pls. 13a, 18–19
-, public rooms 50, 52, 54
-, roof 49, 54
-, scene room and workshops 50, 55, 56 see also carpenter's shop
-, seating capacity 52
-, site 35, 37–8; fig. 4 (p. 36); Pl. 3a
-, stage 49–50, 54–5
-, structure 52–3
-, Fourth Theatres 1812
-, alteration
-, 1814–20 23–4, 63–4, 65; Pl. 38a
-, 1822 24, 64–5; Pl. 32b
-, 1831–7 24, 65–6; Pls. 33, 38b
-, 1847–70 66; Pl. 34
-, 1901 66–7; Pl. 35a
-, 1921–2 28, 67; figs. 8, 9 (pp. 68, 69); Pl. 35b
-, architect 22
-, auditorium 60, 62–3, 64, 65, 66–7; Pls. 27b, 32–5
-, Bedford box 38n., 60; Pl. 35b
-, building
-, competition 22, 22n., 57, 59
-, contract 22
-, cost and financing 21–2
-, progress 22, 57
-, proposals 20–1
-, chandeliers 64, 65, 66; Pls. 32b, 33b
-, colonnade (Russell Street) 24, 65; Pl. 38b
-, decorations 62, 63–4, 65–6, 67
-, demolition, threats of 26, 27
-, designs (Wyatt's)
-, 1810 58–9; Pls. 22–3
-, 1811 59, 60, 61; Pls. 24–5, 29a
-, dimensions 60, 64, 67
-, entrance hall 61–2, 67; Pls. 27b, 28a
-, exterior 22, 23–4, 24n., 61, 65; Pls. 29, 38
-, financial difficulties 22, 23, 24–5, 26, 27
-, fire of 1908 66
-, fire precautions 22
-, freehold, sale of 28
-, grand staircases 60, 62; Pls. 28b, 36b
-, ground leases 23, 27–8, 38–9
-, managers and sub-lessees 23, 24, 25–7, 28
-, opening night 22
-, patentees 6, 7, 7n., 22, 23
-, plans and sections figs. 8, 9 (pp. 68, 69); Pls. 3b, 22, 24, 25c, 26, 27b, 28, 30–1
-, portico (Catherine Street) 23–4, 24n., 65; Pl. 38a
-, proprietors 21, 23, 27, 28, 29
-, proscenium 60, 62–3, 64, 65, 67; Pls. 23c, 27, 32, 33a, 34a, 35
-, public rooms see also entrance 60, 61–2
-, hall, grand staircases, rotunda and saloon
-, reconstructions and redecorations see alterations
-, rotunda 62, 63, 64; Pls. 27b, 28b, 36a
-, sculpture 67, 70
-, royal box 67; Pl. 35b
-, royal retiring room Pl. 37b
-, saloon 62, 63, 64, 70; Pls. 27b, 28a, 37a
-, scene rooms and workshops 39, 63, 64, 67; fig. 5 (p. 37)
-, seating capacity 22, 60, 65, 67
-, site 30, 38–9; figs. 5, 6 (pp. 37, 38); Pl. 3b
-, stage 63, 65, 67; fig. 7 (p. 68)

Dryden, John 42

Duke of York's Company 1, 2–3

Duke's Theatre, Dorset Garden 2–3, 11, 40, 42, 42n.

Duke's Theatre, Lincoln's Inn Fields see Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre

Dumont, Gabriel-Martin 86, 87, 88

D'Urfey, Thomas 42


Eliason, Edward 25

Ellerman Property Trust Ltd. 28

Elliston, Robert William 23–4, 64

Ellys, John 14

Elmes, James 61

aEmblin Walker, J. 67

Entertainment National Service Association (E.N.S.A.) 28

Erechtheion (Athens) 61

Esher, Lord 84n.

Essex, Earl of (v) 23


Faber, George Denison (later Baron Wittenham) 8, 83

Falconer, Edmond 27

Febure (Febvre), Monsieur le 30

Fellowes, Jane 109

Fellowes, Martin 109

b Feltham, William 78n.

c Ferri, — 98

Finch, Hon. Henry 109

'Fire Plates' see Hartley's Fire Plates

Fisher, Elizabeth (née Powell) 5

Fisher, John Abraham 5

cFlaxman, John 78n., 94, 100–1

Fleetwood, Charles 14–15, 31, 110

Floral Hall 81, 82–3, 108; fig. 13 (p. 99); Pl. 68

Floral (formerly Hart) Street see also under Covent Garden Theatre 99, 100, 102, 103, 105

Forbes, Captain John 8, 79, 81

Forbes, Letitia Mary (née White) 8

Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston, bust of 70

Ford, James 16, 23

Fosbrook, Thomas 34, 56.

aFoulston, John 22n.

Fox, Charles James 6

French players 30


Garland, Jane 34

c Garrard, George 70

Garrick, David 10, 14, 15–16, 32–3, 35, 45
-, statues of 54, 70

Garrick, Mrs. (box at Drury Lane Theatre) 60

bGascoine, Mrs. B. 56

Gastrell, John 16

Genew, William 109

George IV see also Prince of Wales 79n.

Gibbons's Tennis Court, Vere Street 9

Giffard, Henry 14

Goodman's Fields Theatre 14, 44

Grand Opera Syndicate Ltd. 8, 83, 84, 105

Grave, William Ann de 110

Gray, James 16

Green, Richard, and Amber, Norton 15

cGreenwood, Thomas (the elder) 48, 57

cGreenwood, Thomas (the younger) 57

Greenwood, Walter 74, 109, 110.

bGrissell, Henry 82

Grubb, John 17, 20

Guinness, Benjamin 84n.

Gye, Ernest 83

Gye, Frederick 8, 26, 66, 80–3, 83n., 104


Haedy, Christopher 26

cHale, — see Robson and Hale

Hale, Charles 111

Hall theatre (Whitehall Palace) 41, 42

Hammersley, Thomas 21

Hammond, J. W. 25

b Hanson, John 56

bHardy, Samuel 56

Harris, Sir Augustus 7, 27–8, 83
-, memorial to 28, 28n.

Harris, Henry 7, 8, 77, 79, 81

Harris, Thomas 5–6, 75–8, 79

cHarris and Bourne 56

Harrison, John 34

Hart, Charles 9–10

Hart (now Floral) Street see also under Covent Garden Theatre 75, 78, 93, 94, 105

Hartley, David 57

Hartley's Fire Plates 57

aHarvey, — see Nelson, T. Marsh, and Harvey

bHarvey, Thomas 56

Hawkes, Ralph 85

Haymarket (Little Theatre) 14

Haymarket (Theatre Royal) 102

Haymarket Opera House see Queen's Theatre

cHeady, Joseph 56

Heath, Francis 34

Heiles, Henry 12n.

Hele, J. 34

Henrietta Street (Rummer tavern) 14

Herbert, Sir Henry 1

Hewett, William 9, 10, 30–1

Higden, John 32

Highmore, John 14

Hill, Philip E. 84

Hill, Samuel 14n.

Hoare, Benjamin 72–3, 74

Hoare's Bank 72n., 73–4, 74n.

aHolland, Henry as architect for reconstruction of first Covent Garden Theatre 77, 89n., 91–3 passim as architect of third Drury Lane Theatre 18–20, 30, 35, 37, 49–57 passim, 89n.

bHolland, Henry Charles 80

Holland, Lancelot 23

Holland, Lord 23

bHollis, John 56

bHolmes, Thomas 56

Holt, Thomas 74, 110

Hopkins, John 56

Hopkins, William 45

bHopkins, William 56

bHorsley, — see Lacy and Horsley

Hotson, Leslie 42

Howard, John 110

Howard, Sir Robert 9–10

Hubert, Philip 109

Hughes, — 34

cHurwitz, Benjamin 66

Hyde Park Corner (proposed opera house at) 5–6

bJackson, John 38


Jackson, Thomas 14n.

bJacobs, Richard 56

Johnson, Thomas 10, 11, 11n.

Johnstone, John 56

Jones, Arthur 33, 35, 37, 38

Jones, Charlotte 34

aJones, F. Edward 67

Jones, Inigo 88

Jonson, Ben, bust of 100

Joynes, Henry 72, 73, 75

Jullien, Louis A. 25, 26


Kean, Edmund 23
-, statue of 70

Kemble, Charles 8, 79, 81

Kemble, John Philip 7, 8, 17, 18, 77–8, 79

Kent, Richard 2

Kent, William 88

Killigrew, Charles 2, 3, 4, 11–12, 12n., 13n., 32

Killigrew, Charles, junior 4, 14n.

Killigrew, Henry 2

Killigrew, Thomas see also Letters patent 1–2, 9–10, 11

Killigrew patent see Letters patent

cKing, John 56

King's box see Royal box

King's Company 1, 2, 3, 9–11, 41

King's Theatre, Haymarket see Queen's Theatre

Kinnaird, Hon. D. 23

Kirk, William 34

Knight, Robert 74n., 111

Koenig, Bruce 44

Kynaston, Edward 12, 12n.

Kynaston, Thomas 13n., 14n.


Lacy, James 10, 15–16, 32–3, 35, 45

Lacy, John 9–10

Lacy, Margaret 12, 12n., 13n.

Lacy, Willoughby 16, 33, 35

bLacy and Horsley 56

Langhans, Edward A. 40, 41, 42, 44

Laporte, P. F. 79–80

Leacroft, Richard 44

Leake, James 5, 76

Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas 59

Lee, Alexander 24

Le Febure (Febvre), Monsieur 30

bLethbridge, — 57

Letters patent
-, Davenant's 1–8, 75, 83n.
-, Killigrew's 1–7, 17, 18, 21, 23, 75
-, Steele's 4n., 13
-, Twenty-one-year patents 4n., 5, 6, 7n., 10, 14–18 passim, 23

Lewis, John 14n.

Lewis, William Thomas 77n.

Liardet's Stone Paste 48

Licences see under Lord Chamberlain

Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre (Duke's Theatre, Lincoln's Inn Fields formerly Lisle's Tennis Court) 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 71, 75, 86, 110, 111

Linley, Thomas 6, 16, 18, 35, 37

Linley family 16–17, 19–20

Lisle's Tennis Court (Portugal Street) see Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre

Little Brydges Street 18, 30, 32, 33, 35, 39

Little Theatre (Haymarket) 14

Littler, Prince 29

Lloyd, Lord 84n.

bLloyd, Samuel 78n.

London County Council 27, 28, 108

London Opera Syndicate 84

Longman, Thomas 76

Lord Chamberlain 4, 7, 7n., 10, 11, 12, 13, 108
-, theatrical licences issued by 3, 4, 4n., 5, 12, 13, 30, 79

Louis, Victor 55

cLovell, J. 78n.

Lowestoft 82

bLucas, C. and T. 82

Lumley, Benjamin 80

Lyceum (Wellington Street) 26, 27

bMcGee, W. 108


Macklin, Charles 14

Macnamara, — 34, 38

bMacnaughton, — see Cutler and Macnaughton

Macready, Charles 25, 80

bMaddox, — see Welch and Maddox

c Madgwick and Cooper 78n.

Magalotti, Lorenzo 40

cMallempré, Louis Auguste 70

Mapleson, Colonel J. H. 27, 66

cMarinari, Gaetano 65

Marseilles (theatre at) 59n.

Mart Street 84, 108

Martindale, Ann (née Powell) 5, 6, 7, 8, 77, 79

Martindale, John 5

Marquis Court (formerly Vinegar Yard) 18, 35, 39, 50

b Martyr, Richard, and Son 78n.

Marylebone Theatre (Church Street) 26

Master of the Revels 1, 2

Mathews, C. J. 80

Mecca Cafés 85

Melpomene, statues of 54, 63, 65, 67, 88, 94, 101; Pls. 27a, 33a, 41b, 41c, 51a, 59

Mercier, Philip 110

bMeredith, William 78n.

b Milton, — see Shell and Milton

Ministry of Works 85

Misson, Henri 42

Mohun, Michael 9–10

Monconys, Balthasar de 40

Montagu, Andrew 83, 83n.

cMonti, Raffaelle 104

Moore, Peter 21

Moore, Thomas 109

Mordaunt, Henry 12n.

Mordaunt, John 14n.

Mordaunt, Sir John 13n.

Moreton, Robert 13n., 14n.

Morley, George 13n.

Morley, Penelope 12n.

aMoro, Peter, and Partners 103

cMorrell, — 56

bMorris, George 56

Morris, Roger 72, 73, 75

bMorris, William 78n.

Mullin, Donald 44

Mutter, George 56


Napier, Mary 13n.

Napier, Thomas 12n.

Nash, John 102

bNeilson, Seffron 56

a Nelson, T. Marsh, and Harvey 66

Neufforge, J. P. de 55

bNeville, E. 78n.

Newcastle, Duke of (1) 13, 14

Newton, Richard 34

New York (Park Theatre) 24

bNicolls, John 56

cNollekens, J. 70

Norfolk, Duke of (VIII) 109

Norfolk, Duke of (IX) 109

Northumberland, Duke of (11) 17

Northumberland House (Glass Drawing Room) 47

Novello, Ivor, bust of 70

Novosielski, Michael 52, 102

Observations on the Design for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 57, 59–61

bOddy, Samuel 56

bOldfield, Thomas 56

'O.P.' (Old Price) riots 78


Opera House, Haymarket see Queen's Theatre

Osbaldiston, D. W. 25, 25n., 80

'Outline for a General Opera Arrangement' 6

Oxford Street (Pantheon) 5, 74n.


Palazzo Spada (Rome) 44

Palladio 41

Palmer, Sir Jeffry 1

bPalmer, T. and P. 78n.

Palmer, William 14n.

Pantheon (Oxford Street) 5, 74n.

cPapera, B. 78n.

Parker, Charles 26

Park Theatre (New York) 24

bParnham, Robert 56

Parsonage, Thomas 34

Patents see Letters patent

Patte, Pierre 98

bPeacock, William 78n.

Pepys, Samuel 1, 10, 40, 41

Percy, Jeremiah 33

Persiani, Giuseppe 80

bPeto, Henry 64

bPhilips, — 93

bPhilips, G. 78n.

Piazza, Covent Garden see also under Covent Garden Theatre 71, 82, 94, 96, 108

Piazza Coffee House 20n.

Piazza Hotel 81, 82; fig. 12 (p. 95)

aPilditch, Philip E. 39, 66

Place, Francis 79

Plague of 1665 10

Planché, J. R. 26

Polhill, Captain Frederick 24, 25

Pope, William 34

Portugal Street (Lisle's Tennis Court) 1, 2, 12

Powell, Elizabeth 5

Powell, Richard 74, 109, 110

Powell, William 5, 7, 75–6

Prince of Wales (later George IV) 78

Prince's box
-, at Covent Garden Theatre 87, 91
-, at Drury Lane Theatre 48, 51, 54

'Proposals by John Rich, Esq.' 73

Pugin, Augustus Charles 93, 96


Queen's Theatre, Haymarket (later King's Theatre and Her Majesty's also known as Haymarket Opera House) 3, 5, 6, 12, 26, 42, 44, 52, 76, 79, 80, 86, 87, 102


Raphael 65

Ravenell, Edward 110

Raymond, George 24n.

cRebecca, Biagio 50, 53, 56

cRebworth, C. 70

Red Lion Square (female seminary in) 22n.

Rich, Christopher 3, 4, 12–13, 13n., 31, 45, 110

Rich, Christopher Moyser 4

Rich, John 4, 71–5, 86, 87, 88

Rich, Priscilla 5, 75

cRichards, John Inigo 77, 89, 90

Richardson, Joseph 6, 7, 17

Richardson, Mrs. Joseph 21, 22, 22n.

Richmond and Lennox, Duke of (11) 111

Rider, Richard see Ryder

Riding Yard 30, 40, 43

cRigby, E. 78n.

Robinson, H. Crabb 63

aRobinson, Peter Frederick 22n.

cRobson and Hale 56, 78n.

Rock Life Assurance Co. 82

Rose tavern 33, 48

cRossi, J. C. 78n., 94, 95, 101

bRothwell, William 56

Roubiliac 70

Rowlandson, Thomas 90, 93

bRowles, Henry 22, 37

Royal box
-, at Covent Garden Theatre 87, 91, 93, 102, 103
-, at Drury Lane Theatre 41, 47, 48, 51, 54, 67

Royal Italian Opera Covent Garden Ltd. 83

Royal Italian Opera House see Covent Garden Theatre

Royal Italian Opera House Concert Room 81

Royal Opera House Co. Ltd. 84–5

Royal Opera House Covent Garden see Covent Garden Theatre

Royal Opera House Covent Garden Ltd. 85

Rugge, Thomas 10

Rummer tavern 14

'Russel-Arms' (Apollo) tavern 55–6

Russell family see Bedford, Duchess of; Bedford, Earls and Dukes of; Tavistock, Marquess of

Russell Street see also Ben Jonson's Head tavern and under Drury Lane Theatre 27, 32–3, 37, 39, 42, 45

Rutherford, John 5, 75–6

aRyder, Richard 30, 41–2

aSachs, Edwin O. 83, 105


St. Paul's Parish, committee of management 24, 25n.

Samber, William 111

bSaunders, Edward Gray 18, 56

Saunders, George 60, 90–1, 98

Saunderson, Sir William 109, 110

Scala Regia (Vatican) 44

Scamozzi 44

Scheemakers, Peter 62

Schouwburg Theatre (Amsterdam) 43, 43n.

Scrope, Mary 12n.

-, statues of 62, 65, 67, 70, 95, 100; Pls. 28b, 56b

Shakespeare's Head tavern 75; fig. 9 (p. 72)

Sharpe, William 109

Shatterell, Robert 9–10

bShell and Milton 78n.

Shepey, Grace 13n., 14n.

Shepey, Thomas 11, 11n., 12n.

aShepherd, Edward 44, 71–2, 72n., 73, 74–5, 86–8, 109, 111

Sheridan, Elizabeth 17

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 5–7, 16–21, 22, 35, 37, 38, 49n., 51, 76, 77

Sheridan, Tom 6–7, 17, 21, 22

Sherman, John 13n.

Skipwith, Sir Francis 4

Skipwith, Francis William 4

Skipwith, Sir George Bridges 4

Skipwith, Sir Thomas (d. 1710) 3–4, 12

Skipwith, Sir Thomas (d. 1790) 4

bSloman, H. 105

aSmirke, Sir Robert 78, 93–7 passim

cSmirke, Robert, senior 78n.

cSmith, — see Campbell, Smith and Co.

cSmith, Charles 54, 56

bSmith, D. 56

Smith, E. T. 26–7

bSmith, Joseph 56

bSmith, Robert 78n.

Smith, Sheridan 26

cSmith, Sidney R. J. 28n.

Smith, William (actor) 31

Smith, William 34

Snowden, Philip 84

aSoane, Sir John 24n., 65

Southern, Richard 44

Sparrow, John 31

'Sparrow's Nest' 31, 33

aSpiller, James 23, 24n., 65

Spinnage, Justice 76

Stanhope, Francis 13n., 14n.

Stanhope Lord 57

cStanton, —65

Steele, Sir Richard 4n., 13

Stone, Elizabeth 13n.

Stone, James 12n.

Stonehaven, Lord 84n.

bStrand Electric and Engineering Co. 108

Strand Theatre 25

Strawbridge, Mary 14n.

Strawbridge, Nicholas 13n.

Streeter, Robert 42

Stringer, Thomas 12n.

Stutfield, Alfred 27, 28

Surman, William Henry 8

Symes, Richard 12n., 13n., 14n.


Talbot, Henry 109

bTarte, William 78n.

cTatham and Bailey 78n.

bTaunton, — see Brown and Taunton

Tavistock, Marquess of 33

Tavistock Street 39

Teatro Olimpico (Vicenza) 44

Temple, Lord 20n.

Temple of Jupiter Stator (Rome) 62

Temple of Minerva (Parthenon) 94

cTerwesten, Augustyn 102, 108

Thalia, statues of 54, 63, 65, 67, 88, 94, 101; Pls. 27, 33a, 34a, 35a, 41b, 41c, 51a, 61b

Theatre of Marcellus (Rome) 41

Theatre Royal, Bath 55n.

Theatre Royal, Bristol 44, 45

Theatre Royal, Covent Garden see Covent Garden Theatre

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane see Drury Lane Theatre

Theatre Royal Drury Lane Company of Proprietors 6–7, 21–7, 38–9

Theatre Royal Drury Lane Ltd. 1, 7, 28, 29, 38n., 39

Theatre Royal, Haymarket 102

Theatre Royal, Vere Street (formerly Gibbons's Tennis Court) 2, 9

Theatrical licences see under Lord Chamberlain see also Letters patent

Theobald's Road, Holborn 3

cTolmie, James 100

Tower of the Winds (Athens) 49, 55

Townley Marbles 100

Toye, Geoffrey 84n.

Tree, Ronald 84n.

Tremmells, Roger 56

Turner, George 14n.

Turst, Philip Elias 74n.

Turville, George 14n.


Van Assen, A. 90

Vanbrugh, Sir John 3

Van Campen, Jacob 43

Vandergucht, Gerard 87

-, Loggie 65
-, Scala Regia 44

Vauxhall Gardens 80

cVerardi, — 98

Vere Street (Gibbons's Tennis Court later Theatre Royal) 2, 9

Vinegar Yard (later Marquis Court) 30, 32

Vitruvius 40


Wakefield, Jane 110

bWake-Hall, — 56

aWalker, J. Emblin 67

Wallis, John 14n.

bWallis, John 56

Walpole, Sir Robert 13

Waterer, Yearley 34

bWatt, — see Boulton and Watt

Watty, Edward 12n.

Webb, John 41, 88

bWebster, Francis 78n.

Wegg, Samuel 35

bWelch and Maddox 78n.

West London Industrial Exhibition 83

bWestmacott, Richard 56

Whitbread, Samuel 20–1, 22, 23, 59
-, bust of 70; Pl. 36a

White, Elizabeth Mary (née Powell) 5

White, George 5, 6, 7, 8, 77, 79

bWhite, William 56

Whitehall Palace
-, Cockpit-in-Court 41
-, Great Hall (theatre in) 41, 42

bWhitehead, William 56

White's, St. James's Street 5

Wicks, Henry 32

bWigstead, Henry 56

aWilkins, William 22n.

Wilkinson, Robert 57, 91

Wilks, Mary 14

Wilks, Robert 4n., 13, 14

Willett, Elizabeth (née White) 8

Willett, John Saltren 8, 79, 81

bWillson, Archer 56

Wilson, Edward 74, 109

Wimbledon, Viscount see Cecil, Sir Edward

Windham, William 20n.

Wintershall, William 9–10

Wittenham of Wallingford, Lord see Faber, George Denison

'Wizard of the North' 80

Woburn Abbey 54

Woburn Street 18, 49n., 50

Wolfe, Richard 4

cWood, Henry 56

Wood, Thomas 110

bWoods, William 56

Workman, William 74n., 111

aWren, Sir Christopher 40, 41, 42

Wren drawings 40–1, 42, 43–5; Pls. 4, 5a

aWyatt, Benjamin Dean 22, 57–63 passim

Wyatt, George 58

Wyatt, James 58

bWyatt, John 56

aWyatt, Philip 22n.

Wyatt, Samuel 58


York Buildings Water Works 22

Younge, John 56

Yvonett, John Paul 111

cZarra, — 98


Zincke, Christian Frederick 74, 110