Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1512

Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1929.

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Lilian J Redstone, 'Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1512', in Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows(London, 1929), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].

Lilian J Redstone, 'Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1512', in Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows(London, 1929), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,

Lilian J Redstone. "Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1512". Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows. (London, 1929), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.

In this section


This endenture mayd the xx daye of Maye the zere of hower lord M1CCCCC and xij and the zere of the reygne of kynge Harry the viijte iiij betwenne mayster William Gedyng vicker William Welbeck and William Aschewell wayrdens of the chyrche of Alhallon Barkyng of London on that ton partte and Rychard Gryffen and Edmond Sargonsces clerkes of the sayd chyrche on the other partte wytnessytth that the sayd Rychard and Edmond clerkes knolege and gravnten them by thys pressent endenturs to haue re[ceived] of the bove sayd wardens the day a bove wryttyn all soche gooddes and ornamentes belongeng to the bove sayd chyrche as here aftr ys wryttyn the wyche gooddes and ornamentes the forsayd clerkes schall sykerly and saffely kepe wt in the same chyrche to the vsse and proffet there of as longe as they there schall contynowe in servysse so that wat tyme hereaftr yt appe the sayd Rycharde and Edmond clerkes to be dowlly warned by the sayd wayrdens or here successors wayrdens of the for sayd chyrche for the tyme being to yelde and delijuer the same gooddes and ornamentes to the for sayd wardens or here successors wardens that than the sayd clerkes schall mayke delyuerans of the same gooddes and ornamentes frely wt owt anny deley / And it ys agreed betwenne the sayd parttes that in casse that anny of the sayd gooddes or ornamentes be alyened or loyst in deffowte of the sayd clarkes they abydying in offysse wt in the sayd chyrche that than the sayd clerkes granten by thes pressent endenturs to pay and content resonably for thoo gooddes or ornamentes so in there deffawte alyned or loyst In wetnes of the wyche thynge to thes pressent endenturs the parttes a bove sayd eche to other haue putto there selles and for more surtey on the partte of the sayd Rychard Gryffen clerke of all conavntes above wryttyn on hys partte well and trully to be performed William Dennam citesyn and yremongr of London and Robert Mayssey citesyn and tawzeer of London have putto there selles and in lyche wysse on the partte of Edmond Sargonsces Nycolas Gennyns cetesyn and skynner of London and William Stonne citesyn and Fuller of London have puttoe there selles the day and jere a bove wryttyn.

Platte and Jowelles

Item ij bayssons of syluer parssell gyltte wt on wt the red rosses and the other wt a red crosse in the myddys of the bayssons weying lix onces iij qrtrs di

Item a monster of syluer and gylte for the sacrament p3 vijxx onces di

Item a sensser of syluer parssell gyltte p3 xxxij onces

Item another of the same lyche p3 xxxij onces

Item a schyppe of syluer parssell gylte p3 x onces on qrtr

Item ij candelstyches of syluer p3 xv onces

Item ar esurieccion wt a tombe. 1 croysse and a scryne all syluer and gyltte liii onces di

Item ij cruettes of syluer p3 wt a smalle crose x onces

Item a nell of syluer weying viij onces

Item a paxe of syluer and gyltte wt a crownne p3 iiij onces di di qrtr

Item a paxe of syluer and gylte blew ennamylet p3 vj onces

Item a jewell of byrall weying iij onces

Item a crysmatory of syluer parssell gylte p3 xviij onces

Item a pyxe of syluer with a pesse of syluer there in and a crosse thereapon syluer and gylte with Mary and John p3 xvij onces di

Item the beyst crosse of syluer and gyltte wt Mary and John p3 lxij onces di

Item a crosse of syluer and gylte with a pyn of yron p3 iiijxx iiij onces.

Item a rownd baylle of syluer and gylte for the sacrament p3 xxj onces.

Item a crosse of tymber plattyd with syluer and the crosse thereupon syluer and gylte.

Item the beyst challes with the patent syluer and gylte p3 lj onces di.

Item a challys with the pattent of syluer p3 xix onces iij quarters.

Item a challys parssell gylte with the pattent with the armes of the whytte crosse and a barre of gold goying ouer p3 xvij onces.

Item a challis parssell gyltte wt ye pattent & Jesus hed there apon p3 xiiii onces.

a nother of the same merke p3 ix onces.

a nother of the same merke p3 xiii onces.

another of the same merke p3 xii onces.

a challis . . . gylte wt ye pattent and a lambe the[re ap]on p3 xij onces. dim.

ij gret [candle]stikes offe [sic].

ij croches [for] the Rector corys [sic] of sillver wt Red stavys.

ij coppys of whytt damask wt jes & Kays of gold wt the orferas of Red clothe of gold.

prest dekon subdekon of whytt damask wt Js & Kayis.

a vestment wt dekon & subdekon of black silk branchyd wt gren.

Corporasses WT Casses

Item the beyst corporas wt a Caas of popynjays of nedyll worke.

a Corporas of gold & nedyl worke wt beystis & ffowles & armes.

a Corporas of gold a boytth syddys.

a Corporas wt sent Kateryn a pon hyt.

ij old corporas wt lyons of gold a pon them.

a Corporas of Crymsyn damaske and grenne sarssenet.

a Corporas of gold and bavdekyn.

a Corporas of grenne and crymsyn vellvet.

ij corporas more vnchargid.


Item a sutte w iij Coppys of gold a pon blacke velvet.

a sutte wt iij Coppys of gold a pon Red velvet.

Item a sutte wt iij Coppys of blewe velvet wt wytte Rosses.

a sutte wt iij Coppys of blewe velvet wt steerys.

a sutte wt on coppe of whytte sylke wt branches of gold.

a sutte wt on coppe of Red bavdekyn.

a sutte wt iij coppys of bustyan whytte gartters.

[a sutte wt iij Coppys of blacke sylke branchyd wt grenne] (fn. 1)

a sutte off Coppys blacke [damaske] (fn. 1) brugis satten.

a sutte wt on Coppe of blewe sylke wt dyuers workis.

a vestment of purpull velvet.

a vestment of greyne chamlet.

a vestment of Red wt Jesus a pon hyt.

a Coppe of wytte damaske wt esses.

[a Coppe of whellis]. (fn. 1)

a Coppe of whytte bavdekyn for sent nycolas.

a gownne & a hewd of Red belongeng ye same.


Item iij maysse bookes & a pystell pooke wt iij antyphyners.

ij old antyphyners & ij ymners & (ij wrytton) (fn. 2) iiij manualis pryntid.

a Collectre & v. grayelles & vij prosessiners v[ery] [perichenge.

ij legendis on of the temporallis & a nother of Sanctorum [vj prented]. (fn. 2)

a Respysary wt a [dorge bowcke]. (fn. 1) Another legend pryntid.

a nolde peresheng savter. (fn. 1) A nold ordinery (fn. 2), A nother legend pryntid (fn. 2).

Sepowlker Clotthes & Banners

Item. ij sepulker cloytthes of blewe sarssynet wt noli me tangere.

xij pendantes of Red bokeram & ij longe standerdis of Red bokeram wt ij syluer lyons & a square banner of bokeram wt the Kyngis armes & xii square banners and pendantis.

iiij banner cloytthes for crossys & a good banner cloytth of the trynete of sylke.

viij pecis of blew welvett wt starrys of gold.

a havtter cloth of above & beneth panyd wt Red (& grene cloth) (fn. 3) of gold and a havlter passe of the same wt ij curtens of sursenet of Red and grene.

The hyght avter clotthes

Item a havtter clotthe above & be netthe of Red satten.

a ffrontell of Red bavdekyn wt ij covrtens Red sylke.

a avtter chotth a bove & benetth of blewe sarssenet powdert wt sterrys & a ffrontell wt ij cowrtens of ye same.

for a bove & beneytth of greynne bavdekyn wt alhallon brodered & a frontell wt ij courtens of ye same.

for a bove & be neyth of whytte sarssenet powdert wt garters in the vpper cloytth.

ffor a bove & beynetth for leynt of steynyd worke wt ij cowrtens of the same.

a Cloytth of the trynyte.

a greynne cowrtten of sarsenet wt strypys.

Seynt nycolas avter

Item a avtter Cloytthe ffor a bove & be neytth of blacke worsted wt a crusyfyxe & mary & John and ij cowrtens of blacke sarsynet.

a cloytth ffor leynt a bove & beneyth wt red crossys.

(a vnder cloytth wt estryge ffeythers) (fn. 4) steyned.

a cloytth steynyd wt sent grygorys petty wt ij cowrtens of scheker sylke on hallffe brent.

Trynyte auter

Item a Cloytth of the trynete wt sent Kateryn & sent marget a ffrontell of sylke powdert wt branches & ij cowrtens of lynnen cloyth steyned.

Seynte thomas & hower ladys avter

Item a Cloytth for leynt & a ffrontell of whyte damaske brodered wt angelles of gold & a cloytth of lynnen steynyd wt deus miseriatur nostri (& a cloytth vnder of the hart of Jesus) (fn. 4) & a ffrontel of bavdekyn wt sterrys & fflowers & ij cowrtens Red sylke & ij cowrtens steynyd wt angelles.

Seynt annys avter

Item a cloyth whytte & greynne partte (wt a ffrontell) (fn. 4) of bavdekyn (wt ij cowrtens whytte & greynne) (fn. 4).

a cloytthe wt a ffrontell of blewe bavdekyn & a cowrten of whytte for the vpper partte for lent.

Item ffor a bove & be neytthe of wytte sarsenet wt garters.

Avter clothes of dyaper

Item a avtter cloytth of dyaper wt a pesse lynnen cloyth cont[aining] iiii helles.

a cloytth of dyaper wt ye name of Robert schester cont[aining] iiij helles dim.

a cloytth of dyaper wt ij blew crosses cont[aining] iij helles dim.

a cloytth of dyaper ij zardes brod wt iij Red crosses cont[aining] iij helles.

a cloytth of dyaper ij zardes brod wt owt mark cont[aining] iiij helles iij quarters.

a cloytth of dyaper cont[aining] iiij helles another ard—iiij helles.

a cloytth of dyaper wt v blew strypys cont[aining] iiij helles quarter.

a Cloytth of dyaper cont[aining] iiij helles dim. another cont[aining] v. helles dim.

a Cloytth of dyper wt lylley p[ott]es cont[aining] iij helles dim.

a Cloytth of dyaper cont[aining] iij helles iij quarters a nother cont[aining] iij helles iij quarters.

a cloytth of dyaper wt a Red crosse cont[aining] iij helles dim.

a cloytth of dyaper cont[aining] ij helles another cont[aining] iiij helles.

a cloytth playnne wt blewe strypys cont[aining] iij helles.

a cloytth playnne cont[aining] iij helles quarter a nother cont[aining] ij helles quarter.

a cloytth of dyaper sore wornne cont[aining] iiij helles iij quarters.

Towelles of dyaper

Item viii (fn. 5) towelles on cont[aining] xiiij helles cont[aining] xij helles di cont[aining] ix helles cont[aining] x helles iij quarters xij helles quarter xv helles quartter v helles vij helles ij helles di v. helles quartter iiij helles di.

Other nessysarys

Item ij grenne cloytthes of bavdekyn & on of blewe for weddynges.

a passion clotth to hange a ffore the Rudde a & whyte veylle to hange a ffore the hyghe avtter & a canabe of Red.

a cowsthen of Red veluet & ij deske cloytthes payntyd wt ye passyon & ij lectornne cloytthes payntyd.

ij cowrtens of blew bokeram payntyd wt angelles.

on (fn. 6) squarre cloytthes of damaske worke wt ye crusyfyxe.

vj (fn. 7) syrplys & j (fn. 8) myghters for sent nycolas & ij crysmatorys of sylke on of blewe and a nother yallow.

a sensser copper & gylt (wt a schyppe) (fn. 9) & a ffyar panne & ij holly watter stockes of latton and xxxj boylles of latton ffor the Rudde loyft.

a payre of gret latton candelstyckes & ij peyres of candelstyckes of pryckes smalle & iij other peyrre of the myddyll sortte.

ij payrre of cruettes & ij pottes of pewtter wt pypys.

(a blacke cloytth w a whytte crosse to ley on gravys.) (fn. 9)

iiij Rochettes for chyldern.


  • 1. Erased.
  • 2. Interlineated.
  • 3. Interlineated and "cloth of the same" erased.
  • 4. Erased.
  • 5. xi erased and viii interlineated.
  • 6. ij erased and "on" interlineated.
  • 7. iij erased and vj interlineated.
  • 8. Altered from "ij."
  • 9. Erased.