House of Lords Journal Volume 17: 23 March 1704

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 17, 1701-1705. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 17: 23 March 1704', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 17, 1701-1705( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 17: 23 March 1704', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 17, 1701-1705( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 17: 23 March 1704". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 17, 1701-1705. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, 23 Martii.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Arch. Cant.
Arch. Ebor.
Epus. London.
Epus. Duresme, & Crew.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Eliens.
Epus. Lich. & Cov.
Epus. Norwic.
Epus. Petrib.
Epus. Cicestr.
Epus. Oxon.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Bath & Wells.
Ds. Custos Magni Sigilli.
Comes Pembroke, Præses.
Dux Buckingham, C. P. S.
Dux Devonshire, Senescallus.
Dux Somerset.
Dux Richmond.
Dux Bolton.
Dux Bedford.
Dux Marlborough.
Comes Lindsey, Magnus Camerarius.
Comes Carlisle, Marescallus.
Comes Jersey, Camerarius.
Comes Kent.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Manchester.
Comes Rivers.
Comes Peterborow.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Winchilsea.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Thanet.
Comes Sunderland.
Comes Essex.
Comes Anglesey.
Comes Radnor.
Comes Berkeley.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Rochester.
Comes Abingdon.
Comes Portland.
Comes Torrington.
Comes Scarbrough.
Comes Warrington.
Comes Bradford.
Comes Orford.
Viscount Townshend.
Ds. Bergevenny.
Ds. Lawarr.
Ds. Ferrers.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. North & Grey.
Ds. Grey W.
Ds. Poulet.
Ds. Byron.
Ds. Culpeper.
Ds. Lucas.
Ds. Rockingham.
Ds. Berkeley Str.
Ds. Ossulstone.
Ds. Dartmouth.
Ds. Stawell.
Ds. Guilford.
Ds. Lempster.
Ds. Herbert.
Ds. Haversham.
Ds. Sommers.
Ds. Bernard.
Ds. Halifax.
Ds. Granville.
Ds. Conway.
Ds. Harvey.


Ashby versus White & al. in Error.

The House being informed, "That the Lords Committees (appointed to draw up the State of the Case upon the Writ of Error lately depending in this House, wherein Mathew Ashby was Plantiff, and William White and others Defendants) are ready to report, when the House shall think fit to receive the same:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Report shall be made on Saturday next.

Subsidy Bill.

Whereas this Day was appointed, for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for granting to Her Majesty an additional Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage for Three Years; and for laying a further Duty upon French Wines condemned as lawful Prize; and for ascertaining the Values of unrated Goods imported from The East Indias:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That this House shall be put into a Committee upon the said Bill, on Monday next, at Twelve a Clock.

Mutiny Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for punishing Mutiny, Desertion, and false Musters; and for better paying of the Army and Quarters; and for satisfying divers Arrears; and for a further Continuance of the Powers of the Five Commissioners for examining and determining the Accompts of the Army."

ORDERED, That the Consideration of the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next.

Address relating to the Linen Manufacture in Ireland.

The Lord Sommers reported from the Lords Committees (appointed to consider of the Address of the House of Commons in Ireland relating to the Linen Manufacture there), an Address drawn by them.

Which was read, and agreed to, as follows; (videlicet),

"We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, humbly beg Leave to acquaint Your Majesty, that the Earl of Nottingham, Your Majesty's Principal Secretary of State, having, on the Fourth of January last, by Your Majesty's Command, laid before the House an Address which the House of Commons of Ireland had presented to Your Majesty; whereby they desired a Liberty for carrying Linen manufactured in Ireland directly to the English Plantations in America; the House appointed a Committee to consider of that Matter: And that Committee, having taken that Proposal into Consideration, and having fully heard all Persons from whom they could hope for any Information touching the same, did, on the Seventeenth of March Instant, report their Opinion to the House: Which Report the House unanimously approved.

"May it please Your Majesty,

"We are sensible that nothing effectual can be brought to pass during this Session of Parliament, which draws so near to a Conclusion, in relation to this Affair; and therefore we humbly presume to lay the Report of the Committee before Your Majesty, and humbly to desire Your Majesty that You would be graciously pleased, at a proper Time, to recommend this Affair to Your Parliament of England in the most effectual Manner: And we humbly beseech Your Majesty, that You would give all Encouragement to the planting of Hemp in Ireland, and to the Increase and Improvement of the Manufacture of Hemp in that Kingdom, by all such Ways as Your Majesty in Your great Wisdom shall judge most proper."

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Lord Treasurer, the Duke of Bolton, and the Lord Sommers, do humbly attend Her Majesty, with the Address agreed to this Day, relating to the Linen Manufacture in Ireland.

Report of Admiralty Papers, relating to Vice Admiral Greydon:

The Earl of Rochester reported from the Lords Committees appointed to take into Consideration the several Papers delivered into the House of Peers by Mr. Burcbet, from the Admiralty-office, the Eighth Day of February last, as follows:

"That their Lordships, being on Consideration of the said Papers, received several Complaints from the Merchants trading to Jamaica, against Vice Admiral Greydon, for not attacking Four French Men of War, which he met in his Passage to The West Indias, having at that Time Four English Men of War under his Command; and for his disorderly Proceeding, in pressing in the Night-time great Numbers of Seamen and Inhabitants of Jamaica; and for his severe Usage of the Masters of some Merchant Ships and Transport Vessels under his Convoy, to the great Disturbance of the Inhabitants of the said Island, to the frightening away many of the Seamen, and consequently the weakening and exposing that Country to great and manifest Dangers, and to the Interruption and Discouragement of Trade.

"Their Lordships having also heard Vice Admiral Greydon, both by himself and Witnesses; Copies of all the Depositions, upon Oath, by both Parties, are herewith presented to the House, as follows; (videlicet,)

Witnesses for the Jamaica Merchants, against him:

"Witnesses on Behalf of the Jamaica Merchants, in relation to Vice Admiral Greydon's meeting with Ducass, and his pressing Men at Jamaica.


"Andrew Scale (jur.) faith, "That, according to the Signal made on the Twelfth of June last, he went on board Admiral Greydon; and being sent for into the Cabin, the Admiral swore, "By God, he thought he should get him at last; for he was informed he lay drinking in Punch-houses from Six o'Clock in the Morning till Two the next Morning." The Deponent told him, "He was misinformed, for he never drank a Quart of Punch in his Life." But the Admiral said, "He had good Proof of it; and he heard he was going to turn Lawyer, but he would take Care of him;" and accordingly ordered him into Irons, and swore he would whip him and pickle him the next Day: And accordingly he was in Irons Eight and Forty Hours; to wit, from the 12th Day to the 14th. He was then Master of the Ship called The Prince of Orange, and he had no Assistance from any Man of War while he was in Jamaica."


"Samuel Gape (jur.) faith, "The Sunday Night the Press was at Port Royal, the Expedition' Boat, to which he belonged, was ashore at The Point, and that Two of our Men were then pressed out of her; and being now in Town, will give a further Account thereof.


"Daniel Bright (jur.) saith, "He was at Mrs. Murrey's, in King's Town, when the Man came in, that said, "Admiral Greydon had ordered him to be whipt:" He pulled off his Coat, and shewed where his Blows were.

"And as to the pressing, between Three and Four a Clock his Men called him out, and told him, "They were pressing on Shore at Port Royal:" Whereupon he bid them take the Boat and secure themselves; but there were so many Boats belonging to the Men of War abroad, they feared they could not get ashore; so they all staid aboard, and Two of them were pressed; but they came aboard again." He said, "That when his Men first told him thereof, they said the Men of War's Boats had passed by towards Kingstown an Hour before." His Ship lay then from Kings-Town about Four Miles."


"John Mannoree (jur.) saith, "He was Commander of a Store Ship that went with Vice Admiral Greydon, consigned to Thomas Bell, Store-keeper at Jamaica; and that, about Four or Five Days after they sailed from Plimouth, they met with Ducasse; but Admiral Greydon never attempted to attack him.

"That, about the 9th of April, they saw The Desarts about 9 Leagues from Madera, when the Admiral, in Company with The Blackwall, made the best of his Way, and left all the Transports and Merchant Ships behind, to get in as well as they could: And before some were well provided with Necessaries, he made the Signal for sailing, and left The Blackwall and the major Part of the Transports and Merchants in the Road; and the Day following, The Blackwall and Merchants made the best of their Way for Barbadoes; where they arrived Two or Three Days before the Admiral; from whence the whole Fleet went to Guadalupa, and thence to Antego.

"He saith, "That, his Men being sick at Jamaica, and several of them dead, he went aboard the Admiral in a submissive Manner, desiring his Assistance in unloading the Queen's Stores; but he (fn. 1) rise up in a great Passion, swearing, "That, if I did not immediately begone, he would put me in Irons, with my Friend Andrew Seale."


"Captain Henry Mundy (jur.) saith, "That at Jamaica he had Two Men pressed on board from him, at Five a Clock in the Morning."

"He saith, "That as to the meeting the Four French Men of War; the 18th March last, we were sailing to the Southward, and saw them a-head; and soon after The Montagu gave Chance, and had some Dispute with them, the Signal from our Admiral being made for the Line of Battle: Some Time after which, The Montagu, by Signal, gave off Chance, and came into the Fleet; and we sailed as before to the Southwards. When we first saw the French Ships, they were sailing to the Eastward: After they had got to Leeward of us, they seemed to hawl up to the Northward, seemingly in a Line; and we lay by about Two Hours. The Montagu in the Whole went to the Leeward of them. When the French got to the Leeward of us, they lay up with their Heads to the Northward; and after some Time veered, and went on their Course: But as to the First Time of their veering, he is not positive; but when they veered the last Time, they were upon our Lee Quarter about Two Leagues Distance.

"The Montagu was then in Dispute with the French Ship, about Two Leagues from Vice Admiral Greydon, as near as I can guess. The other Three French Ships were about a Mile and an Half from The Montagu."

Admiral Greydon's Witnesses:

"Witnesses produced by Vice Admiral Greydon.


"Captain Samuel Vincent (jur.) saith, "That Admiral Greydon, about the 18th or 19th of June, sent for him, with Two Captains and Two Lieutenants, to press their Seamen that were ashore; for the People deserted the Ships, and run ashore." He saith, "He broke open no Houses; and his Men having taken a Gentleman's Servant, he released him; and Seven other of the Inhabitants being pressed by some of our Men, Admiral Whetston discharged them all. It was Day before any of his People went ashore; for he received not his Orders from Vice Admiral Greydon before Four a Clock that Morning: He believes it was Six a Clock before he went ashore at Kingstown; and he knows not that any House was broken."


"Arthur Jones (jur.) saith, "He went ashore about Six a Clock at Port Royal; and he saw no House broke open, nor any Irregularity on the Shore: This was a Day or Two before we came away; and he never was ashore after that Time." He saith, "Our Ship sailed out that Morning, to be ready to go with the Admiral; and he never knew of any pressing but at that Time."


"Nicholas Ogle (jur.) saith, "That at Jamaica a Master of a small Vessel was brought before Vice Admiral Greydon, for not coming under his Stern when a Signal was made for his coming in; whereupon he ordered him to be seized. Then the Lieutenant asked him, "How many Drubs he must give him ?" He ordered him to turn him loose: But the Lieutenant, mistaking, ordered him Twelve Blows with the Rope's End: Which the Vice Admiral being informed of, reprimanded him for it."

"Being asked, "What he meant by seizing him ?" He said, "Seizing is a Term used for tying one's Hands." He saith, "The Master, in Excuse for himself, said, "He did not know the Way, nor did he know the Admiral expected it." He saith, "That, after Admiral Bembow had been some Time at Jamaica, he asked the Governor and Council for an Order to press Men; and they gave him one. But that Admiral told the Deponent, "That they had Notice of the Press at Port Royal the Day before the Order was given him."


"Captain Thomas Lyel (being sworn) saith, "He was ashore at Port Royal the Evening after the Press was made by Vice Admiral Greydon, in Company with Mr. Chaplin (the Queen's Receiver), Mr. Hutchinson, and Mr. Puckle; and they only complained of the pressing their Men, and not of any irregular Proceedings, or of the breaking any Houses; nor did he hear any other Person complain."

"He saith, "The Masters of the Transport Ships are generally negligent; and that Andrew Seale was most negligent of any of them: He was Three or Four Times aboard his Ship, but never found him there; and his Ship was always out of Order, when he should have failed."

"Being asked, "Whether he had before known a Master of a Merchant Ship laid in Irons?" He said, "No."

"He saith, "It was on the 18th of March that we met the French Ships; and that Captain Cleaveland left us on the 26th."

"He saith, "That in the Morning the Admiral made the Signal for sailing from Maderas, we weighed accordingly, and lay by all that Day; and he sent in his own Barge, with a Lieutenant, to order the Ships to get under Sail, and lose no Time; and ordered the Lieutenant to come with The Blackwall. The next Day we were off of the West End of the Island, and lay in Sight of it all that Day: And seeing but Three or Four Ships between the Shore and us, it was the Admiral's Opinion, as well as every body's else on board, that The Blackwall and the rest of the Ships were got to the Southward of us; so we made an easy Sail, and steered South West, thinking that to be the best Course to meet with the Fleet. We towed a heavy Merchant Man of 400 Tun; and as soon as we got to Barbadoes, the Admiral sent out a Frigate to cruize in the Latitude of the Island, to take up the Merchant Men that should follow us.

"In the Morning before we made the Island Maderas, the Admiral sent the Tryal Sloop a-head, to make the Land; after some Time, she returned, and told us, "She saw the Land." We lay by some Time, to send Captain Mathews aboard the said Sloop, to go to the Island, to get Necessaries ready, that we might lose no Time there. When we came into the Road, a great many of the Merchants were before us, and many of them almost as soon as we; but he knows not but some of the Ships might be calmed under The Deserts."


"Captain George Saintlow (sworn) saith, "That, the last Dutch War, when Prince Rupert commanded in Chief, Captain Clements, Commander of The Greybound, was put in Irons by his Highness aboard his Ship, for wearing a Flag; which, he said, he did because he had a Land General aboard him: But he knows not whether he was drubbed."

"He saith, "That, as he was Commissioner at Plimouth, he had the Command of a Guardship called The Terrible, Captain Bridges Commander, and he was from Time to Time to receive Orders from the Deponent; who having Intelligence that there was a Fleet to come from Thoulon to join the French, he gave him Order, "Upon any Signal from The Tower, to go aboard any Ship that came in, to ask them, whether they met with any Privateers at Sea, or had seen the Thoulon Fleet?" Every Day he brought an Account of what Ships came in; and there coming in an English Ship with Portugueze Colours, who informed, "He had seen no such at Sea;" but after he had so said, he informing at a Coffee-house, "That the Thoulon Fleet was at Sea, and that he had been aboard the Admiral of the French:" And being asked, "How he came away?" He told them, "He had a French Pass; which the Admiral kissing, returned it to him, and discharged him." The Master of the Coffee-house informing of this, the Deponent sent the Captain of The Terrible to take the Master of the English Ship, and bring him before him. Who being come, and owning himself an Englishman, and to have been Master of that Ship Four Years, the Deponent put him in Irons on board the Guardship: And thereupon sent an Express to the Lords of the Admiralty, to let them know, the Thoulon Fleet was in the Chops of the Channel, and what he had done with the Master. They were well satisfied therewith, and ordered him to be continued a Prisoner: And he continued so for several Months; till an Order came from the Lords of the Admiralty to put him aboard a Ship going to The West Indias; which was done accordingly."

"He faith, "That, about Eighteen Years since, he was to look after the Herring Fithery at Yarmouth, where he believes there were about Two Thousand Sail of Dutch Busses and Doggers, and about Nine Hundred Sail of English, and Two or Three Hundred French; and being upon a Lee Shore, a Storm happening, he was fain to come to an Anchor; and in a Morning a Bright Hempson's Vessel's Nets came athwart his (fn. 2) Hawse; whereupon he called the Deponent Rogue, and Son of a Whore; and swore, "He would beat him, if ever he met him ashore:" Upon which, he sent his Boat for the Master of the said Vessel; who when he came aboard, the Deponent asked him, "If he knew him, that he treated him after that Manner; but if he did not, he told him he now should;" and so banged him soundly, telling him, "He would teach him Sea Breeding."

"He saith, "That another Time, on going a Voyage to The West Indias, being then in Long Reach, a Collier run aboard him; and carrying away his Cat-head, and doing him other Damage, he drubbed him soundly; and gave an Account thereof to the Admiralty."

"Being asked, "Whether the Captains of Merchants Ships, when their Ships are hired in the Queen's Service, for Transport Ships, or any other Employment, are not under the Command and Direction of the Commodore that commands the Squadron they are to sail with; and if they at any Time disobey the Orders of their Commodore, whether the said Merchant Ships, hired as aforesaid, are not punishable for their Disobedience at the Discretion of the Commodore?"

"He saith, "He always thought so; and never thought it a Crime to punish any one under their Commands."

Merchants Witnesses, concerning Words in the Lobby:

"Witnesses on Behalf of the Merchants, touching Words spoken by Mr. Greydon in the Lobby.


"Sir Bartholomew Gracedieu (jur.) saith, "That when Captain Phillips told Mr. Greydon, "They were put off to another Day;" Mr. Greydon said, "I think I must take an House, or Lodging, at this End of the Town." And being amongst his Officers, he overheard him say, "How was it possible I could manage these French Ships, when they run Two or Three Foot for my One?" And, after some other Discourse with them, he heard him say, "God damn me, if I ever take Care of a Convoy again." And, to the best of his Remembrance, these were his Words."


"Benjamin Wey (jur.) saith, "That, when Admiral Greydon was informed he must come again on Thursday, he said, "I think I must take an House, or Lodging, here." And, speaking of the People at Jamaica, he called them Liars and Scoundrels; and said, "He could get Two Justices there sign any Thing for Two Bottles of Madeira." And talking of his meeting other. Four French Ships, he asked, "Whether those must be Du Cass's too;" saying, "Would you have me chace Ships that failed Two Foot for my One?" And further said, "Damn me, if I ever take Care of Merchants Ships under my Convoy," or to that Effect."


"Richard Harris (jur.) saith, "That on Tuesday last, on Notice to us that we were to attend here again on the Thursday following, Admiral Greydon said, "He thought he had best to take an House in Town." And he further said, "He would never take Charge of a Convoy again, if he could help it."


"John Burridge (jur.) saith, "That, being in the Lobby on Tuesday, he heard Mr. Greydon, on the Notice that was given us of attending again on Thursday, say, "He thought he must take an House in Town:" And he also heard him say, "God damn him, if he ever took Charge of a Convoy again, for the Merchant Men were sometimes Three Leagues at Head, and sometimes Three Leagues at Stern:" And further, "That he believed the Merchants here did not credit Two Thirds of what the Merchants and Planters had writ to them." And speaking of Ducass, he said, "What should they expect from me? They run Two Foot with my One."

Harris and Burridge.

"Then Mr. Harris and Mr. Burridge being asked, "Whether they were together when they heard Mr. Greydon speak these Words they have informed the Committee of?" They answered, "They were in the same Room, but they believed there were Two or Three between them."

Admiral Greydon's Witnesses:

"Witnesses on Behalf of Vice Admiral Greydon, relating to the same Matter.


"Philip Herbert Esquire (jur.) saith, "That on Tuesday last, in the Lobby, he heard Vice Admiral Greydon say, "He wished the Merchants would give better Orders about their Ships." He saith, "He was within Three or Four of him, when he said so; and he did not hear him say, he would never take Care of Merchants Ships again."

Doctor Adams;

"Doctor Richard Adams (jur.) saith, "That, in the Lobby, on Tuesday last, he heard Mr. Greydon say, "The Merchants at Jamaica would swear any Thing for a Bottle of Madeira; that the Merchants here did not believe what the Merchants there writ to them." He saith, "He did not hear him swear, or say, that he would never take Care of Merchants Ships again;" but he heard him say, "That, if the Masters of Merchants Ships did not observe Orders better, it would be impossible to take Care of them." This is all he remembers; and he did not hear him speak of taking a Lodging in Town."


"Mr. Edward Burt (jur.) saith, "That, in the Lobby, on Tuesday last, he heard Mr. Greydon complain of the Merchants Ships straggling so greatly from their Convoys, that sometimes they would be Three or Four Leagues before, and sometimes as far astern: And that, "If the Merchants did not direct their Masters to follow the Orders of those that convoyed them, 'twould be impossible for him, or any other Officer, to answer for their Security." He saith, "He did not hear him swear, or say, "He would take no more Merchants under his Convoy;" but he heard him complain of the Unkindness of the Planters to him." He saith, "He stood next to the Admiral, and sometimes he spoke to him; but he remembers not that he spoke of taking an House in Town."

Upon Consideration of the whole Matter, their Lordships came to these Resolutions; (videlicet,)

Resolutions concerning Admiral Greydon.

"1. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of the Committee, That Vice Admiral Greydon, with a Squadron of Four Ships of War of Her Majesty's under his Command, meeting with Four French Ships in his Passage to The West Indies, and letting them escape without attacking them, according to his Duty, from the Pretence of his Instruction, hath been a Prejudice to the Queen's Service, and a great Dishonour to the Nation.

"2. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of the Committee, That Vice Admiral Greydon's disorderly Proceeding in pressing Men at Jamaica, and his severe Usage of the Masters of Merchant and Transport Vessels under his Convoy there, hath been a great Discouragement to the Inhabitants of that Island, and prejudicial to Her Majesty's Service.

"3. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of the Committee, That Vice Admiral Greydon, having behaved himself so ill in his Expedition to The West Indias, is not fit to be employed any more in Her Majesty's Service.

"Their Lordships have likewise thought it proper to acquaint the House, That, whilst they had these Matters under their Examination, it appeared that, in this Expedition to The West Indias, before the Fleet arrived in those Parts, the Design they were going about in Newfoundland was generally talked of amongst the Seamen; and that the Men on board Two Transport Ships, that were separated from the Fleet and went to the Mederas, spoke commonly of their going to Placentia: And Vice Admiral Greydon informed their Lordships, "That, before he received his Instructions, he was himself frequently told that he was going to Newfoundland."

"The Effect of which Discovery proved so fatal to that Design, and was so unluckily made Use of by the Enemy in their better Defence, that, when the Fleet came there, they found all Preparations so sufficiently made for the Security of the Place, that that Attempt was rendered ineffectual; which otherwise in great Probability would have done considerable Damage to the French, and must have been attended with great Advantage to the Service of Her Majesty, and this Kingdom.

"Their Lordships do further think it highly incumbent upon them, at this Time, to represent of what Importance the Defence and Preservation of Jamaica is to England itself, by its Situation, as well for Trade as for the Convenience it affords of offending our present Enemies the French and Spaniards, as it lies in the Centre of the most valuable Part of The West Indias, at an easy Distance from the Spanish Settlements; and more particularly is in the Neighbourhood of the Havana, which hath been hitherto the Rendezvons of the Spanish Gallions and Flotas.

"This Island produces the best Sugar, Indico, Cotton, Wool, Dying Wood, &c.; and may be yet made more beneficial to England, by being a Staple of our English and European Product and Manufactures, and a Mart for Negroes, upon a Peace or Friendship with the Spaniards; which Advantage is now enjoyed by the French; who do not only furnish the Spaniards with all their Negroes for working in their Mines, but almost entirely supply them with all Necessaries from Europe, for which they are paid in Pieces of Eight, or other the richest Commodities; which Benefit might accrue to this Kingdom, in case of a Revolution in Spain, but cannot be maintained without the Island of Jamaica; there being no other of the Queen's Plantations situated so far to the Leeward, and so near to the Spaniards, as to afford a convenient Communication with them, and a Means of protecting them at the same Time against the French.

"This Island also affords good Reception for great Numbers of Her Majesty's Men of War, who may be there in a Readiness to defend this important Place, and to annoy the Enemy on all Hands; who have only some open Roads and Harbours, of no great Defence to their Shipping.

"With the Loss of this Island, besides its natural Product, this Kingdom would also lose the whole Advantage of so beneficial a Trade as that of The Spanish West Indias, which would fall to the French and Dutch, who have their Settlements in those Parts.

"Their Lordships have thus endeavoured to lay before the House the great Advantages of this Island; and at the same Time crave Leave to observe, that, in this Place, of so great Concernment and Importance to the Trade and Prosperity of this Kingdom, there has been no Chief Governor since the Death of Colonel Brewer during this War, till within a few Weeks; which, their Lordships are of Opinion, may have been the Occasion of losing several Opportunities of taking Advantage upon the Enemy, as well as of lessening the Discipline amongst the Soldiers; the Authority and Prudence of a Chief Governor always drawing more Respect, Obedience, and Dependance upon him, than is usually observed towards any Officer in an inferior Command.

"Their Lordships have also received Informations, from many of the considerable Merchants in this City trading to Jamaica, of several French Men of War, to a considerable Number, fitted out, and many Transport Ships, with Soldiers on board them, bound for The West Indias; which, the said Merchants conceive, they have good Ground to believe are designed to attack Jamaica; their Correspondents in that Place signifying to them, that the Prisoners from all Parts agree in their Reports, that the Governors in the French and Spanish Dominions in The West Indies design to make a powerful Descent in that Island on the First Occasion that offers, which at this Time is extremely exposed, for Want both of Soldiers and Ships of War to protect them.

"Their Lordships humbly hope; that this House, taking into their Consideration of what fatal Consequence the Loss of this Place must be to England, will judge it reasonable to make an Application to Her Majesty, that She will be pleased to take Care that so advantageous a Plantation may be effectually and seasonably supplied with all Things proper for its Security and Defence, and particularly that the Regiments there may be recruited and kept full.

"That Instructions be given to the Commanders of Her Majesty's Ships that attend on this Plantation, to observe strict Discipline and Order, in the pressing such Seamen as are absolutely necessary for the Use of the Men of War; Want of due Care in that Service having extremely weakened this Island, by the Loss of many of their Seamen, frightening away more, and hindering others from resorting thither: And that such a Number of Ships of War may be constantly maintained there, or relieved from Time to Time, that there may not want a sufficient Strength at Sea, to defend Her Majesty's own Subjects, and annoy Her Enemies in those Parts; which will likewise prove of very considerable Advantage to Her Majesty's Service in all Her other Dominions."

Then the First Resolution in the said Report was read, as followeth;

"1. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of the Committee, That Vice Admiral Greydon, with a Squadron of Four Ships of War of Her Majesty's under his Command, meeting with Four French Ships in his Passage to The West Indias, and letting them escape without attacking them, according to his Duty, from the Pretence of his Instruction, hath been a Prejudice to the Queen's Service, and a great Dishonour to the Nation."

After long Debate;

The Question was put, "Whether this House shall agree with the Committee in this Resolution?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Then the Second Resolution in the said Report was read; (videlicet,)

"2. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of the Committee, That Vice Admiral Greydon's disorderly Proceeding, in pressing Men at Jamaica, and his severe Usage of the Masters of Merchant and Transport Vessels under his Convoy there, hath been a great Discouragement to the Inhabitants of that Island; and prejudicial to Her Majesty's Service."

After Debate;

The Question was put, "Whether this House shall agree with the Committee in this Resolution?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Then the Third Resolution in the said Report was read; (videlicet,)

"3. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of the Committee, That Vice Admiral Greydon, having behaved himself so ill in his Expedition to The West Indias, is not fit to be employed any more in Her Majesty's Service."

After Debate;

The Question was put, "Whether this House shall agree with the Committee in this Resolution?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

To all the rest of the said Report, the House agreed.

Lists of Justices to be considered.

Whereas this Day was appointed, for the House to take into Consideration the Lists of the Justices now in Commission in the several Counties of this Kingdom, as also those put out since Midsummer 1700:

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Lists shall be taken into Consideration on Thursday the Thirtieth Day of this Instant March, at Twelve a Clock.

Delafay, Gazette Writer, to attend about Admiral Greydon's Instructions in it;

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That Mr. Delafay, who writes the Gazette, do attend this House presently, and bring with him the Instructions by which he writ the Gazette wherein there was an Account given of Vice-Admiral Greydon's Instructions to The West Indies.

Warr to attend.

ORDERED, That Mr. Warr do attend this House Tomorrow, at Twelve a Clock.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Veneris, vicesimum quartum diem instantis Martii, hora duodecima Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

Martis, 25° die Aprilis, 1704, hitherto examined by us,



  • 1. Sic.
  • 2. Origin. Horse.