18th September.
95. The Cardinal Of Tortosa to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 8. f. 164.
Abstract from a letter without date, and deciphering of one paragraph of a
letter dated the 18th of September, both forming one document. The abstract
and deciphering made for the perusal of the Emperor.]
Del Cardenal. en cifra.
que el marques y la marquesa de Denia le han avisado
que los de la junta y otras personas han puesto y ponen a la
Señora ynfante en mas soltura de lo que conviene a su onestad
diziendole que le casaran y pornan casa y que con incitacion
de las mugeres que estan con ella no tiene a la dotrina de la
marquesa el respecto que seria razon, que el marques y la
marquesa piden que se le quiten estas mugeres y que se escriva
a la ynfante mostrando sentimiento desto etc. que Su Md.
provea lo que fuere servido y que le parece que la Sa. infante
en tanto que es donzella deve estar a hordinacion de la marquesa.
en una carta de xviijo Setiembre escrive el Cardenal lo
syguiente :—
quando estavamos en Tordesillas yo mire mucho en la Sa.
infante y cierto en todo parecia prudente y de grand y excelente
virtud, como lo es, y syendo ya de tal hedad parece que
provee o procura algunas cosas en servicio y descanso de la
Reyna n. Sa. y bien y onrra de su persona, y como no viene a
cuento del marques contradizegelas el mysmo, sobre lo qual
he visto un memorial. sy se enbiare alla a V. Mgt. suplico lo
mande ver y proveer muy bien aviendo todo respecto y consideracion
a la persona y abtoridad de la Sa. infante como es
razon y se le deve, y que mande al marques mire por el
guardian confesor de la Reyna ñra Sa. como por servidor suyo
y que le haga pagar complidamente todo lo que v[uest]ra Magt. y
su Alteza le mandan dar que esta es la voluntad de v[uest]ra Magt.
y todo lo recibiere en singular gracia y merced.
lo de la ynfante y del Confesor. |
95. From the Cardinal. In cipher.
That the marquis and the marchioness have informed him
that the members of the Junta and other persons have given
more liberty to the señora Infanta than was compatible with
her reputation, saying that they would marry her and
establish her own household for her ; and that incited by the
women who are about her, she does not pay the respect to the
admonitions of the marchioness which she ought. That the
marquis and the marchioness beg that these women may be
removed, and that a letter should be written to the Infanta,
disapproving of this, &c. That his Majesty should provide
that which is for his service, and that it seems to him
that the Infanta, until she is a woman, should obey the
In a letter of the 18th of September the cardinal writes
what follows :
When we were in Tordesillas I observed the señora Infanta
very closely, and certainly she appeared to me very prudent
and of great and excellent virtues, as she really is, and, as she
is already of such an age, it seems right that she should
occupy herself in and procure certain things which may contribute
towards the service and comfort of the Queen our
lady, and the good and honour of her person. As that,
however, does not agree with the intentions of the marquis,
he opposes her. I have seen a memoir on this matter, and,
if it should be sent to your Majesty, I beseech you to command
that it be read, and orders given that all the respect and
consideration be shown to the person and authority of the
señora Infanta, which is reasonable and due to her, and to
command the marquis to take the same care of the guardian,
confessor of the Queen our lady, as of his own servants, and to
see that all be paid to him which your Majesty and her
Highness have ordered to be paid.
May this be the will of your Majesty, and I should receive
it as a special grace and favour.
The affairs of the Infanta and of the confessor.