Queen Juana: 1504

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: 1504', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp63-69 [accessed 8 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: 1504', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp63-69.

"Queen Juana: 1504". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp63-69.


19th November? 5. Clause of the Will of Queen Isabel The Catholic.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Capitulaciones con la Casa de Austria. Legajo 2, f. 5. Contemporary official transcript.]
Clausula del testamento de la Reina Da Isabel nuestra Señora.
E assy mismo ruego y mando muy afectuosamente a la dicha princessa mi fija porque merezca alcanzar la bendicion de dios y la del Rey su padre y la mia y al dicho principe su marido que siempre sean muy obedientes y subjetos al Rey mi Señor y que no le salgan de obediencia y mandado y lo sirvan y traten y acaten con toda reverencia y obediencia dandole y faziendole dar todo el honor que buenos y obedientes fijos deven dar a su buen padre y siguan sus mandamientos y conseios como dellos se espera que lo faran de manera que para todo lo que a su Señoria toca parezca que yo no fago falta y que soy biva porque allende de ser debido a Su Señoria este honor y acatamiento por ser padre que segun el mandamiento de dios deve ser honrrado y acatando de mas de lo que se debe a Su Señoria por las dichas causas por el bien y provecho dellos y de los dichos reinos deben obedecer y seguir sus mandamientos y conseios porque segun la mucha espiriencia Su Señoria tiene ellos y los dichos reynos seran en ello mucho aprovechados y tambien por que es mucha razon que Su Señoria sea servido y acatado y honrrado mas que otro padre assi por ser tan excelente Rey y principe y dotado e insignido de tales y tantas virtudes como por lo mucho que ha fecho y trabajado con su rreal persona en cobrar estos dichos mis reynos que tan enajenados estaban al tiempo que yo en ellos succedi y en obviar los grandes males y daños y guerras que con tantas turbaciones y movimientos en ellos havia y no con menos afruenta de su rreal persona ganar el Reino de granada y echar del los enemigos de nuestra santa fe catolica que tantos tiempos havia que lo tenian usurpado y ocupado y en reducir estos Reinos a buen regimento y governacion y justicia segun que oy por la gracia de dios estan.
5. Clause of the Will of Queen Doña Isabel, our Lady.
I likewise herewith and very lovingly order the said Princess, my daughter, and the said Prince, her husband—in order to merit and obtain the benediction of God, of the King, her father, and of me—to be always obedient subjects to the King my lord, and never to disobey his orders, but to serve him, treat and revere him with the greatest respect and obedience, giving and causing to be given him all the honour which good and obedient children owe to their good father, following his orders and carrying out his councils. It is to be hoped that they will comport themselves in such a manner that in all that regards his Highness my absence be not observable, and as though I were alive. For besides that this honour and reverence is due to his Highness as a father who according to the commandment of God ought to be honoured and revered, they ought to obey his orders and follow his councils, because in addition to these reasons they are bound to do so, as being beneficial and profitable to themselves and to their kingdoms. Also his Highness having so much experience in the government of these kingdoms, they and their kingdoms will greatly profit thereby. Moreover, his Highness ought to be more obeyed, and revered, and honoured than any other father because he is so excellent a King and Prince, endowed and distinguished by such and so great virtues that by great effort and exertions of his royal person he has conquered these kingdoms, which were so much alienated at the time when I succeeded, and has put an end to the great evils, and losses, and wars caused by all the troubles and risings which then prevailed. With no less danger to his royal person he has gained the kingdom of Granada, and has driven away the enemies of our Holy Catholic Church, who during so long a time had usurped and occupied these kingdoms, to which he has secured the good government administration and justice which by the grace of God they now enjoy.
23rd Nov. 6. Letter Patent of Queen Isabel The Catholic.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Capitulaciones con la Casa de Austria. Legajo 2. f. 6. Authenticated Copy.]
La carta patente de la Reina de gloriosa memoria.
Este es traslado bien e fielmente sacado de una carta patente de la Reyna doña Ysabel nuestra Señora que aya Santa gloria firmada de su real nombre e referendada de gaspar de grisio su secretario su tenor del qual de verbo ad verbum es este que se sigue.
Doña ysabel por la gracia de dios Reina de Castilla de leon de Aragon de Secilia de granada de Toledo de Valencia de galisia de Mallorcas de Sevilla de Cerdeña de Cordova de Corcega de Murcia de Jahen de los Algarves de Algecira de gibraltar e de las yslas de Cana Condesa de barcelona e Señora de Viscaya e de Molina duquesa de Athenas e de Neopatria Condesa de Rosellon e de Cerdania Marquesa de Oristan e de gociano a los prelados duques marqueses condes ricos homes e priores de las hordenes comendadores subcomendadores e alcaldes de los Castillos e casas fuertes e llanas e adelantados e merinos e tenientes de qualesquier cibdades villas e lugares e a los presidentes e oidores del nuestro consejo e demas audiencias e chancillerias e a los concejos alcaldes, alguaciles justicias veinticuatros cavalleros jurados oficiales e omes buenos de todas las cibdades e villas e lugares de mis reynos e señorios e a todos los otros mis vassallos e subditos e naturales de qualquier estado e condicion e dignidad e preeminencia que seades e a cada uno e qualquier de vos salud e gracia. por quanto puede acaecer que al tiempo que Nuestro Señor desta vida presente me llevare la princesa doña juana Archiduquesa de Austria duquesa de borgoña mi muy cara e muy amada hija primogenita heredera e subcesora legitima de mis reynos e tierras e Señorios este absente dellos o despues que a ellos viniere en algund tiempo aya de ir o estar fuera dellos o estando en ellos no los quisiere o no podiere regir o governar e para quando lo tal acaeciere es raçon que se de orden para que aya de quedar e quede la governacion dellos de manera que sean bien regidos e governados en paz e la justicia administrada como deve sobre lo qual los procuradores de los dichos reynos en las cortes de Toledo del año de quinientos e dos que despues se continuaron e acabaron en las villas de Madrid e Alcala de henares el año de quinientos e tres me suplicaron mandase proveer e ellos por la mucha experiencia que el Rey mi Señor ha tenido e tiene en la governacion e administracion de los dichos reynos e Señorios nonbraron a su Señoria por governador e administrador dellos por la dicha princesa en qualquier de los dichos casos e me suplicaron que yo asy mismo nonbrase a su Señoria por tal governador e administrador e yo queriendo evitar los escandalos e disensiones que en los dichos reynos podria aver si la dicha governacion no quedase como deve, acatando la grandeza e excelente noblesa e esclarecidas virtudes del dicho Rey mi Señor e la mucha experiencia que en la governacion de los dichos reynos ha tenido e tiene e quanto es servicio de nuestro Señor en bien e pro comun de los dichos reynos e de los vesinos e moradores dellos que por su Senoria sean regidos e administrados por mi testamento e postrimera voluntad dexo hordenado e mandado que en qualquier de los dichos casos el dicho Rey mi Señor rija govierne y administre los dichos mis reynos e tierras e Señorios e tenga la governacion e administracion dellos por la dicha princesa nuestra hija e en su nombre fasta tanto quel infante don Carlos hijo primogenito y heredero de la dicha princesa e del principe don felipe su marido mi nieto sea de hedad legitima a lo menos de veinte años cumplidos para los regir e gobernar e seyendo de la dicha edad estando en estos dichos reynos a la saçon e veniendo a ellos para los regir los rija e govierne en qualquier de los dichos casos. por ende por la presente vos mando a todos e a cada uno e qualquier de vos que despues de mis dias cada e quando la dicha princesa mi hija estoviere absente de los dichos mis rreynos o estando en ellos no quisyere o no pudiere entender en la governacion e administracion dellos ayays e tengays al dicho Rey mi Señor su padre por governador e administrador de los dichos mis rreynos e tierras e Senorios por la dicha princesa e en su nombre fasta tanto que el dicho infante don Carlos sea de hedad legitima a lo menos de veynte años para los regir e governar como dicho es e como a tal governador e administrador lo obedescais e cumplays sus cartas e mandamientos e todo lo otro que su Señoria mandare e le deys e fagays dar todo el fabor e ayuda que para ello fuere menester cada e quando fueredes requeridos e fagays e cumplays todo lo otro que cerca de la dicha governacion por mi testamento dexo hordenado e mandado so aquellas penas en que incurren los que no obedecen ni cumplen las cartas e mandamientos de los tales governadores e administradores e guardadores del rreyno e suplico a su Señoria que en la alienacion de las cosas del patrimonio rreal de los dichos rreynos e jura que ha de faser para usar e exercer la dicha governacion haga aquello que yo por el dicho mi testamento a su Señoria dexo suplicado e ordenado de lo qual mande dar la presente firmada de mi nombre e sellada con mi sello e referendada de gaspar de grisio mi secretario al qual mande que la registrase e sellase como mi registrador e chanciller. dada en la villa de Medina del Campo a veynte y tres dias del mes de Noviembre del año del nascimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesu-Christo de mill e quinientos e quatro años.
Va escripto entre renglones o diz ordenado vala.
Yo la Reyna. yo gaspar de grisio secretario de la Reina nuestra Señora la escrevi por su mandado. Registrada— gaspar de grisio.
Gaspar de Grisio por chanciller.
Fecho e sacado fue este dicho traslado en la cibdad de toro a diez y seis dias del mes de Hebrero año del nascimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesu-Christo de mill e quinientos e cinco años estando ende el Señor Rey don fernando. testigos que fueron presentes a lo que dicho es e vieron e oyeron sacar e leer e concertar este dicho traslado con la dicha carta suso incorporada Rodrigo Albornoz e juan de Aztarve e pedro de Çuaçola criados del dicho secretario, gaspar de grisio. E yo juan Suarez escribano de la Reyna nuestra Señora e su notario publico en la su corte e en todos los sus Reynos e Señorios presente fui a todo lo que dicho es en uno con los dichos testigos e concerte este dicho traslado con la dicha carta original de Su Alteza el qual va cierto e va escrito en este medio pliego de papel de amas partes e mas esto poco en que va mi signo e en fin de cada plana va mi rublica acostumbrada, en principio della tres rayas de tinta negra e por ende fiz aqui este mi signo a tal en testimonio de verdad : Juan Suarez, escrivano. [Hay un signo y dos rubricas.]
6. Letter Patent of the Queen of glorious memory.
This is a transcript correctly and faithfully made from a letter patent of the Queen Doña Isabel our lady, who lives now in eternal glory, signed with her royal name, and countersigned by Gaspar de Grisio, her secretary. The tenor of it is, de verbo ad verbum, as follows :—
Doña Isabel, by the grace of God Queen of Castile, of Leon, of Aragon, of Sicily, of Granada, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Gallicia, of the Mallorcas, of Sevilla, of Sardinia, Cordova, Corsica, Murcia, Jahen, of the Algarves, Algeziras, Gibraltar, and the islands of Canaria, Countess of Barcelona, Sovereign Lady of Biscaya and Molina, Duchess of Athens and Neopatria, Countess of Roussillon and Cerdeña, Marchioness of Oristan and Goziano, to all prelates, dukes, marquises, counts, Ricos homes, priors of the orders, knight-commanders, subcommanders, alcaldes of castles and fortified as well as unfortified palaces, adelantados, merinos, lieutenants of all cities, towns, and places, presidents and auditors of our Council, and tribunals and chanceries, councils, alcaldes, algaziles, town councillors, the ventricuatros cavalleros, jurados, officers, omes buenos, of all cities, towns, and other places of my kingdoms and signories, and all other vassals and subjects of whatever estate, condition, or dignity and pre-eminence you may be, and every one of you, health and greeting. It may chance that, at the time when our Lord shall call me from this life, the Princess Doña Juana, Archduchess of Austria, Duchess of Burgundy, my very dear and beloved firstborn daughter, heiress and lawful successor to my kingdoms, lands, and signories, may be absent from them, or, after having come to them and stayed in them for some time, may be obliged to leave them again, or that, although being present, she might not like or might be unable to reign and govern. If such were the case, it would be necessary to provide that the government should be nevertheless carried on in such a manner that they [my kingdoms] should be well governed and administered in peace and justice, as is reasonable. The procuradores of the said kingdoms, assembled in the Cortes of Toledo in the year 1502, and continued and concluded in the year 1503 in the towns of Madrid and Alcalá de Hénares, have therefore begged me to provide for such a contingency, and have nominated the King my lord, in consideration of his great experience in governing and his administration in the government of the said kingdom and dominions, governor and administrator of them instead of the said Princess in each of the foresaid contingencies. Moreover, they have supplicated me also to name his Highness governor and administrator. Considering that the scandals and disunion which might be the consequence if the said government were not well provided for ought to be avoided, and considering my veneration for the greatness, the excellence, the nobility, and the eminent virtues of the said King my lord, considering also the great experience of the government of the said kingdoms which he has had and has, and the great benefit and advantage which our Lord and our kingdoms would receive if the subjects and the inhabitants [of our kingdoms] were governed and administered by his Highness—I have directed and ordained in my testament and will that in each of the aforesaid cases the said King my lord shall reign, govern, and administer the said kingdoms, lands, and dominions, and have the government and administration of them instead of and in the name of the Princess our daughter, until my grandson, the Infante Don Carlos, first born son and heir of the said Princess and her husband Prince Philip, has attained the age required by law for governing and reigning in these kingdoms, and has at least accomplished his twentieth year. If, after having attained the said age, he comes to these kingdoms with the intention to govern, he may reign and govern on the aforestated conditions. Therefore I command by these presents to every one of you that, if after my death the said Princess, my daughter, should be absent from my kingdom, or although present should be unable to attend to the government and administrations of them, you shall hold and treat the said King, my lord and her father, as governor and administrator of the said my kingdom, lands, and dominions, instead of and in the name of the said Princess, until the said Infante Don Carlos have attained the age of at least twenty years, which is required by law for reigning and governing these kingdoms, according to what has been stated ; and you shall obey him, being governor and administrator, obeying his letters and orders, and everything else his Highness shall command. You shall not withhold from him your goodwill and your help in case of need, as often as and whensoever you are requested, and you shall do and execute everything else concerning the Government which I have ordained and commanded in my testament, under pain of those punishments which those incur who do not obey or observe the letters and orders of the governors, administrators, and guardians of the kingdom. With respect to the sale of the Crown property in the said kingdoms, and the oath which he has to swear before assuming the government, I beg his Highness to do what I have asked of him and ordered in my testament. In witness whereof I have ordered this instrument to be drawn up, signed with my name, sealed with my seal, and countersigned by Gaspar de Grisio, my secretary, whom I have commanded to enter it in the register, and to seal it as my registrar and chancellor.
Given in the town of Medina del Campo on the 23rd day of the month of November, of the year 1504, after the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
The word ordenada written between the lines is valid.
I the Queen.
I, Gaspar de Grisio, secretary of the Queen our lady, have written this at her command. Registered.
Gasper de Grisio.
Gasper de Grisio, for the Chancellor.
This transcript was made and copied in the city of Toro on the 16th of February, in the year 1505 after the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, in presence of our lord King Ferdinand and the following witnesses, who were present when this copy was made, read, and collated with the said original letter.
Rodrigo Albornoz.
Juan De Aztarve.
Pedro Zuazola.
Servants of the secretary, Gasper de Grisio.
And I, Juan Suarez, escrivano of the Queen our lady, and public notary of her court and kingdoms and dominions, was present, together with the witnesses, when the transcript was made, and I collated it with the original letter of Her Highness. It is exact, and written on both sides of one half of a sheet of paper, except those few words which contain my signature. At the bottom of each page is my signature, and at the beginning three lines written [by me] in black ink. In testimony of the truth I sign,
Juan Suarez, Escrivano.
[One sign and two marks follow.]