Treasury Books and Papers: December 1745

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Treasury Books and Papers: December 1745', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Treasury Books and Papers: December 1745', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Treasury Books and Papers: December 1745". Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


December 1745

Dec. 2. 171. The Earl of Harrington to the Treasury conveying the King's pleasure that directions be given to the Customs officers at tire several ports of the kingdom to examine every particular person on board ships arriving, “and if they cannot give a satisfactory account of themselves they are to carry them before the next Justice of Peace, that by his warrant they may be secured together with their papers till such time as an account being transmitted to one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State they may receive what further directions shall be judged necessary”: with the like orders also for persons on ships outward bound “and His Majesty having received intelligence that there has been and still continues a great desertion in the Scotch regiments in the service of the States General, and that several soldiers belonging to that corps are come over to England charged with treasonable letters, it is His Majesty's further pleasure that the same directions be likewise given with regard to them (whether they are provided with passes or furloughs or not) and that an account be transmitted to His Majesty's Secretary at War of any Scotch soldiers belonging to the regiments of that nation in Holland so detained.”
Endorsed:—3 Dec. 1745. “To Commrs. of Customs.” 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 27.]
172. Return from the Deputy Auditors of Imprests to the Treasury's query of Novr. 27 last. Have inspected the accompts of the Paymasters General of the Forces during the late war, and do not find that any allowance has been made therein by Parliament to the officers of horse and dragoons for clothes and accoutrements lost in battle or taken by the enemy. 1 page.
Followed by
:—(a) Memorial to the Duke of Cumberland from the several colonels of Horse Guards, Grenadier Guards, and regiments of Horse and Dragoons serving abroad in the Austrian Netherlands. Have had considerable losses of clothes and accoutrements during the campaign of 1745, which must be re-provided against next spring “that they may be in a condition to take the field, besides the half mounting constantly given; and as the said regiments of Horse and Dragoons were new clothed and completely accoutred when they took the field the 14th April, 1745 (which clothes are to serve them two years), the Colonels have no fund for these extraordinary losses unless enabled to do it by Parliament.” Followed by:—Twelve accounts of particulars of said clothes and accoutrements lost by the regiments of Lord Tyrawley, the Earl of Crawford, Viscount Petersham, Earl of Hertford, Sir Phillip Honywood, Sir John Ligonier, Lieut. Gen. Hawley, Earl of Stair, Maj. Gen. Bland, Sir Rob. Rich, Earl of Rothes, and Lieut. Gen. Sir John Cope (total 7,623l. 0s. 11d.). 8 pages.
[Ibid. No. 28.]
Dec. 3.
173. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox, Mr. Arundell, Mr. Lyttelton.
The Duke Newcastle's letter read concerning two or three small Scotch ships at Newcastle laden with coals and provisions for the troops at Inverness, which the Collector of Customs at Newcastle detains pursuant to the general orders he has received not to permit any ships to go to Scotland, and signifying the King's pleasure that said vessels be immediately allowed to proceed on their voyage. To be sent to the Customs Commissioners. The ships to proceed on their voyage if said Commissioners think proper.
The Earl of Harrington's letter read about examining persons coming on ship board from abroad. To be sent to the Customs Commissioners.
The memorial of Lieut. Gen. St. Clair read in behalf of seven battalions of foot for camp necessaries, &c., amounting to 4,196l. 10s. 0d. In consideration of a rebellion being now in the kingdom, and that no stoppage can be made as usual in winter quarters, my Lords order a warrant to pay this money out of the contingencies of the army.
A memorial read from the Navy Treasurer for 28,252l. 6s. 3d. Order for the issue of 10,000l. for Greenwich Hospital.
A letter signed by 16 Spaniards, now prisoners in Kinsale, directed to the Honble. the [Treasury] Commrs. of Great Britain, is read praying to be exchanged, and in the mean time that orders may be given, among other things, for their being better supplied with clothes and provisions. As the subject matter contained in the said letter is more immediately under the care and inspection of the Admiralty, my Lords order same to be transmitted to them.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Privy Purse 3,000 0 0
To Gent. and Grooms of the Bedchamber 4,900 0 0
To Lord North 500 0 0
To Whitehall preachers 375 0 0
To two chaplains 40 0 0
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 214; Letter Book XX. p.196; Customs Book XVI. p. 44.]
Dec. 3. 174. Treasury warrant to John Sharpe, Solicitor for the Treasury. “Whereas the Lords of His Majesty's most Honble. Privy Council for the better preventing the spreading of the infectious distemper which rages amongst the milch cows and the calves in the county of Middlesex, have by their order in Council, dated the 25th day of November, 1745, authorized and required Thomas Lane, Esq., Sir John Cross, Bart, James Colebrook, John Milner, — Elliott, Philip Dyot, and — Rickers, Esqrs., His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said county, to buy up, kill, and bury all such cowes and calves as are or shall be distempered, at such price as they shall think proper, not exceeding 40s. for each cow and 10s. for each calf, which they are to cause to be killed and buryed ten feet deep and covered over with lyme: and that all cows they shall find dead at this time and lie unburyed, they are to pay their owners the value of their skins and horns, and cause them to be buryed in the like manner: these are therefore to direct and require you out of the money this day directed to be imprested to you at the Receipt of the Exchequer for this service, to pay such bills as shall be drawn upon you by His Majesty's said Justices of the Peace for said county, or any two of them.”
[Money Book XLII. p. 127.]
Dec. 4. 175. J. Scrope to the Navy Commissioners concerning Mr. Tucker's memorial of the 3rd instant for 10,000l. for Greenwich Hospital, 5,000l. to pay bills of exchange on the head of wages, and 18,252l. 6s. 3d. on the head of victualling. The Treasury have issued the first of these items, which completes the whole sum voted last year for the Navy. Of the grants for the next year there is nothing as yet come into the Exchequer. By the last certificates “received from you there appears to be considerable sums of money in the hands of the late and present Treasurers of the Navy and Mr. Corbet: and for keeping up the credit for the bills of exchange their Lordships are pleased to direct you to order them to be paid out of any such money, and they will take care to replace it (if necessary) out of monies of the supply as it shall come into the Exchequer.”
[Letter Book XX. p. 196.]
Dec. 4. 176. Same to the Commissioners of Customs in England and Scotland, respectively, transmitting for their strict observance the Earl of Harrington's letter ut supra, p. 736, conveying the King's pleasure for orders to be given to the Customs officers in the several ports of the kingdom to examine strictly every person who shall arrive in or sail from any of the said ports, and to proceed against them as therein directed.
[Customs Book XVI. p. 44.]
Dec. 4. 177. Same to the Commissioners of Excise, Scotland, conveying the Treasury's approval of their conduct on the 14th Sept. last in removing their books, papers, and cash from their office in Edinburgh to the Castle. “Their Lordships are also glad to hear that you have given such proper orders for the preventing any further loss to the public, and for recovering the arrears that are due.”
[North Britain Book XIV. p. 202.]
Dec. 5.
178. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox, Mr. Arundell, Mr. Lyttelton.
A petition of Edward Everard, of Kings Lynn, co. Norfolk, read, praying orders to the Salt Commissioners to permit him to purchase a parcel of salt free of duty in place of so much lost in the ship “John's Endeavour.” Referred to the Salt Commissioners.
Order for a warrant for 200l. to John Anstis to enable him to perform his journey to carry the ensign of the Order of the Garter to the Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels.
A memorial from the Paymaster of the Forces enclosing a proposal from Messrs. Burrell and Bristow for subsisting the forces at Minorca and Gibraltar to 1745–6, Feb. 23, read and approved as follows: 25,000 dollars for Minorca at 55d. per dollar, 16,500 dollars for Gibraltar at 54½d. per dollar.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 215; Reference Book X. p. 287.]
Dec. 5. 179. Royal sign manual, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to the Paymaster General and the Auditors of Imprests to state the account of the 4,325l. 3s. 2d. for bills drawn by Sir Chaloner Ogle for the service of the four companies at Ruatan, and to make and allow them the full pay without deductions for provisions to be furnished them under a contract made by the Treasury in that behalf: all in regard of the inconvenience which it is represented may arise from the deduction of 4d. per man per day, which was proposed to be stopped for provisions for the 456 men of Col. Trelawney's regiment intended to serve at Ruatan, it having been represented that the other companies of this regiment remaining at Jamaica have an allowance of eight ryals per man per week made them by said island to pay for provisions, and as the inhabitants of Ruatan can not yet be supposed to be in any condition to make such allowance.
[King's Warrant Book XXXVI. pp. 238–9.]
180. Same to Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Paymaster of Marine Regiments, to pay to the Paymaster of the Forces 1,344l. 16s. 8d. paid by the latter in 1744 for the pay of the marine forces at Ruatan, viz., of the regiment of marines lately commanded by Major General Wolfe.
[Ibid, p. 240.]
Dec. 5. 181. J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt, forwarding from the Treasury a warrant for a loan of 500,000l. on land tax, anno 1746, and a list of subscribers to said loan, part whereof is to be paid on or before the 10th inst., and the remainder on or before January 29 next, “which subscriptions their Lordships desire may be taken in at the Exchequer agreeable to the intention of the subscribers; tho' not to hinder any other person from lending their money on the said loan after reserving sufficient for the sums proposed to be paid in on or before the 10th instant.”
[Letter Book XX. p. 197.]
Dec. 6. 182. The Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, dated Whitehall. “The Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty having received His Majesty's orders to get together as many small vessels as possible for the protection of the coasts of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, and the entrance into the river Thames: and their Lordships having represented that a great number of such vessels are now in the service of the revenue under the Commissioners of the Customs which are well manned and armed and fit to be employed on the said service: I am to signify to your Lordships His Majesty]s pleasure that you should give orders to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs that they should give the proper directions to the commanders of all the said vessels stationed on the coast of Norfolk and Suffolk, and in the river of Thames, to repair to the Nore and follow such orders as they shall receive from Commodore Smith or Captain Boscawen: and that the Custom House vessels in the ports of Kent and Sussex should repair to the Downs to be under the command of Admiral Vernon.” 1½ pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 29.]
Dec. 6. 183. J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury being informed that the Custom House sloops will be of service at this time if put under the directions of the Lords of the Admiralty, are pleased to give orders to the commanders of those sloops to observe the directions of the said Lords, who will furnish them with men from time to time as there shall be occasion.
[Customs Book XVI. p. 46.]
Dec. 6. 184. Same to the Postmaster General, to permit the packet boat now in the road ready to sail for the West Indies to proceed on her journey. But that the other packet boats designed to carry the mails there by turns monthly, if they are in any forwardness, should proceed to the Nore to observe such orders as they shall receive from the Commander of his Majesty's ships of war during the time that the intended invasion from France is carrying on.
[Letter Book XX. p. 197.]
Dec. 10.
185. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox, Mr. Arundell, Mr. Lyttelton.
A memorial read from Sir Robert Rich for 2,500l. towards buying horses and 1,500l. towards payment of clothing and accoutrements bespoken and ready to be delivered. Order for a warrant for Mr. Winnington to pay these two sums upon account.
A letter read from Josiah Hilliard by order of Governor Shirley praying payment of 500l. to the owners of the “Bilboa” snow for carrying the subjects of the French King to France. To be sent to Mr. Corbett.
A memorial from the Paymaster of the Forces read for twelve months' pay of the General and Staff officers and officers of the Hospital in Flanders amounting to 33,913l. 15s. 10d. Order for the issue of this sum.
Same from same read for 35,631l. 16s.d. for several services in the Plantations. Order for the issue of 21,255l. 2s.d. in full of the Plantations except Georgia.
A memorial from the Paymaster of the Forces read for several services in Great Britain amounting to 76,998l. 4s. 7d.
Same from the Board of Ordnance read for 38,008l. 11s. 7d. Order for the issue of same.
Same from the Navy Treasurer read for 384,242l. 1s. 0d. Order for the issue of 103,000l. on the head of wages out of supply anno 1746. The Deputy Treasurer of the Navy to attend my Lords next Tuesday.
A letter read from the Duke of Newcastle with a letter from the Admiralty Lords and an abstract of a letter from Admiral Vernon concerning smugglers taken on board three boats having been set at liberty by the Customs officers at Dover. “Send these papers to the Commissioners of the Customs, who are directed to enquire and inform my Lords of the reason why their officers did not detain the crews of the three smuggling vessels lately taken in their way from France to England, and that they do for the future detain such persons as shall be hereafter taken.”
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Band of Pensioners 1,500 0 0
To the Foreign ministers 7,410 1 6
To Mr. Sutton 800 0 0
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 216–7; Customs Book XVI. p. 46.]
Dec. 12.
186. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Arundell, Mr. Fox.
The Customs Commissioners' report read on the petition of Gent. Unwin et al. relating to juniper berries under seizure. Agreed to; viz.: not to grant petitioners' desire.
“Write to the Master Worker of the Mint to let him know that the Bank complain that the deliveries are not as quick as they could wish. Therefore the [Treasury] Lords desire he will use the utmost diligence in coining, either by making new dyes or setting more hands to work, so that the Bank may be accommodated with deliveries as fast as possible: and if any new dyes are to be made the Bank desire the word Lima may be put on them, but not to hinder the present coinage”
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 218; Letter Book XX. p. 198.]
Dec. 17.
187. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox, Mr. Arundell, Mr. Lyttelton.
Write to the Board of Greencloth to send my Lords a copy of the establishment by which they now pay.
“Directions to be given to the Commissioners of the Customs that the take care their officers may have a strict charge to keep watch on or near the island of Mersea and the rivers or waters of Colchester and Maldon to hinder such as may attempt to embark on board the fishing boats thereabouts and to search them for any such persons.”
A letter read from the Master Worker of the Mint acquainting my Lords that the deliveries of the money to the Bank are made as fast as possible.
Order for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of 3,000l. for bills of exchange under the head of wear and tear, and 8,000l. for same in the Sick and Wounded Office.
A memorial read from Mr. Onslow, late Treasurer of the Navy, acquainting my Lords that his accompts are very near ready for declaration, and praying they may be finally passed and an allowance made for his chief officer and clerks. To be sent to the Auditors of the Imprests, who are to certify what sums have been usually allowed to former Treasurers of the Navy to be paid to their chief officers on bringing their final accompts to a conclusion, and also the amount of the fees and charges that are to be paid for passing said final accompt.
Same read from William Corbet praying a Privy Seal for passing his accompts for the time he acted as a Treasurer of the Navy, and also that he may be allowed during those several times the same salary in proportion as is allowed to the Treasurer of the Navy. My Lords are of opinion that some allowance ought to be made to Mr. Corbet, but in the mean time direct him to pay over such part of the balance in his hands as may not be wanted for the immediate service of the Navy, reserving only what may be sufficient for the allowances which my Lords may think proper to make him.
A letter from Mr. Corbet to Mr. Scrope enclosing an extract of a letter from Admiral Vernon concerning the Rochester Custom House sloop, called the “Queen Caroline,” which sailed out of the Downs for Margaret Road without staying for orders. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A petition read from Messrs. Steele et al. praying that their ships may be cleared out at the Custom House in order to proceed on their voyage to Leith. My Lords have no knowledge from their own officers in Scotland of the facts set forth in this petition.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the messengers 1,000 0 0
To the Tally Court officers 164 16 0
To the Treasurer of the Chamber, established allowance 5,975 14 11
To the Great Wardrobe 2,809 16 0
To the Master of the Great Wardrobe, salary 500 0 0
To Mr. Sharpe 1,500 0 0
To the Anstis 200 0 0
To sheriffs, in part 500 0 0
To a chaplain 20 0 0
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 219–20; Reference Book X. p. 287; Customs Book XVI. p. 47.]
Dec. 17. 188. Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners in England and Scotland, respectively, to direct their officers to observe an Order of Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 11, for laying an embargo on ships laden with black cattle, as follows:—“Whereas His Majesty has received certain intelligence that preparations are making by his enemys to invade this kingdom; and whereas the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have represented that the commanders of several of His Majesty's ships have been detained in port for want of provisions when His Majesty's service required their being at sea: it is therefore thought proper to order … that an embargo be forthwith laid upon all ships and vessels in the ports of Great Britain that are or shall be laden with black cattle and hogs, beef, pork, butter, and cheese.”
[Customs Book XVI. p. 47.]
Dec. 17. 189. The Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Treasury, dated Dublin Castle, forwarding a memorial from Brig. Gen. Whitshed for an allowance for the men of his regiment of dragoons for the extraordinary expense they are at by being ordered upon Dublin duty and obliged to quarter their horses in the public inns, the stables in the barracks having been before taken up by a regiment of horse; and praying an allowance of 2d. a day for each horse for said extraordinary expense. Endorsed:— Recd. 8 Jan, 1745–6. 2pages.
:—(a) Said Whitshed's memorial to the Earl of Chesterfield, with reference, dated 1745, Novr. 19, of same from said Earl to the Board of General Officers [Ireland]. 2 pages.
(b) Report, dated 1745, Dec. 16, from said Board of General Officers to said Earl Chesterfield on (a) supra. 3 pages.
(c) An account of said extraordinary expenses, certified by Edward Pole. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 33.]
Dec. 24.
190. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox, Mr. Arundell, Mr. Lyttelton.
My Lords direct the Taxes Commissioners to write to all the Receivers (who were some time since ordered to pay such sums of money as should be in their hands arising from the present or former year's land taxes to the order of the two Deputy Paymasters of the Forces under the command of the Duke of Cumberland and of General Wade) acquainting them that as in all probability there will not for the future be any demand for money for the service of the said troops, they do forthwith pay such sums of money as are and shall be in their hands into the Receipt of the Exchequer.
A letter from the Navy Commissioners to Mr. Scrope read desiring that 10,000l. in the hands of the present Treasurer of the Navy may be applied towards bills of exchange and imprests. Memorandum:—This was the 10,000l. which was issued to Mr. Dodington to be paid over by him to Sir John Rushout, towards clearing ships' books in his treasurership, but Sir John refused to receive the same from him. My Lords order the said 10,000l. to be applied towards bills of exchange and imprests accordingly, and direct 13,252l. 6s. 3d. [sic? for 23,252l. 6s. 3d.] more to be issued to Mr. Dodington to clear bills of exchange upon the Sick and Wounded Office (5,000l.) and victualling bills of exchange and imprests as in his memorial of the 3rd inst. (18,252l. 6s. 3d.).
A memorial read from Lord Cornwallis for an allowance for subsisting prisoners in the Tower. My Lords direct that 5s. a day be allowed to those committed for high treason and to safe custody, and 6d. a day each for the soldiers.
The Earl of Harrington's letter read acquainting my Lords that Mr. Lawrence is appointed to take care of His Majesty's affairs at Berlin in the absence of the Earl of Hyndford at 300l. per an. Warrant for said ordinary ordered.
A memorial read from Mr. George Ross about the subsistence of the Highland companies. Referred to the Paymaster of the Forces.
A letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland read for increasing the allowance of the two lieutenants of the Battle Axe Guards from 5s. 11d. to 9s. 6d. a day each, and the two Serjeants from 2s. a day to 3s. a day each. Warrant ordered.
State the difference of pay to the Dutch forces.
Write to the officers of the Exchequer to hasten the making out of the orders for the loans on the salt duty with all proper expedition, and to make them out in larger or lesser sums if required by any private persons.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 221–2; Letter Book XX. p. 198.]
Dec. 24. 191. Petition to the Treasury from Chauncey Townsend, contractor for provisions for Ruatan. Sets forth the disadvantage of waiting for convoy thither, and that the heat of the climate there is such that provisions cannot last the year round. As he must therefore send ships at different times proposes to take the whole risk at an allowance of 10 per cent. for insurance, which appears to be only half the price of insurance thither without convoy.
[Reference Book X. p. 287.]
Dec. 24. 192. Report to the Treasury from Edward Bangham, deputy to William Benson, one of the Auditors of Imprests, on the memorial of Arthur Onslow, late Treasurer of the Navy, for the usual allowance to his officers and clerks on his passing his accounts as above, p. 741. Certifies the allowances which have been made to former Treasurers of the Navy on their final accounts, and suggests an allowance of 2,950l. to Onslow. 2 pages.
:—(a) Said Onslow's petition with order of reference of date 1745, Dec. 19. 1 page.
(b) An account of the work performed by said Onslow's officers and clerks in bringing forward and finishing his final account. 6 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 35.]
Dec. 27. 193. Petition to the Treasury from George Ross, agent to the 20 Independent Companies raised in Scotland. Sets forth that 4,290l. 6s. 8d. received by him was safely delivered at Inverness: that the companies by the latest accounts were near completed: but such of the commissions as were disposed of and filled up having been omitted to be entered the dates are not known so as to form an establishment; and therefore prays a further sum of 5,000l., as an imprest for the subsistence of said Companies, which by an estimate annexed, for six months ending Feb. 23 next, amounts to 13,389l. 10s. 0d.
[Reference Book X. p. 288.]
Dec. 28. 194. Abbreviates of account by Allan Whitefoord, Receiver General in Scotland, of the moneys by him received and issued [in that capacity] for the periods approximately monthly as follow:— 1744, Dec. 24 to 1744–5, Jan 26, Jan. 26 to March 2, March 2 to 1745, March 30, March 30 to April 27, April 27 to May 25, May 25 to June 29, June 29 to July 27, July 27 to Aug. 81, Aug. 81 to Dec. 28. 9 double sheets.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 37.].
Dec. —. 195. Order of reference from a committee of the Privy Council to the Custom Commissioners of a petition made to the King by the merchants trading to the Mediterranean desiring quarantine to be taken off, the said quarantine being a very heavy burden upon trade, and the occasion of the laying on of the same being now ceased by a free commerce granted to the port and city of Messina with the rest of the island of Sicily since the 5 Oct. n.s. last past, and all suspicion of contagion removed.
[Customs Book XVI. p. 50.]
Dec. 31.]
196. A statement of the National Debt as it stood on the 31 Decr. in the respective years 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745.
Followed by:—Two comparative statements of said debt on the 31st Dec., 1739 and the 31st Dec., 1745, showing the decrease and increase. 3 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 38.]
Dec. 31.]
197. An account of the net produce into the Exchequer of the following revenues for the separate several years, 1738–45, viz., Post Office, Salt Duty, Stamp Duties, Wine Licences, Hackney Coaches and Chairs, Hawkers and Pedlars. 1 sheet.
[Ibid. No. 39.]
[? 1745.] 198. Schemes of the following four separate lotteries, viz., of the years 1731 (800,000l.), 1743 (800,000l.), 1744 (600,000l.), 1745 (500,000l.). 2 pages.
[Ibid. No. 42.]
[? 1745.] 199. Petition to the Treasury from John Coverly and Gyles Lone, executors of Joseph Bacon Lone, deceased, for reward to said Coverly and J. B. Lone for acting as clerks to the Commissioners of land tax for the Tower division of Middlesex, for the business of recruiting for the regiments of foot in Flanders, Minorca, Gibraltar, and the Plantations, and the regiments of marines, in accordance with the Act of 17 Geo. II. Said Commissioners met 25 times to put said act in execution, and by reason of the great number of persons brought before them were obliged to continue sitting near 10 hours each time of meeting, and at the said meetings 217 men were enlisted in the land service: and care being taken to have a Warrant Officer of the Navy to attend said Commissioners, near double that number of sufficient men within the description of the said act (save as to stature only) were impressed into the Navy. Said division is extensive, being near 12 miles in circumference, and the acting Commissioners upwards of 70 in number, entailing expense on the clerks. Further said clerks at the meetings of the Commissioners carefully entered in a book, kept by them for that purpose, the names of the men enlisted, their ages, and place of their last abode, and of the time and place when and where such men were delivered to the officers or persons appointed to receive them, the names of such officers or persons who received them, and for what regiment or company they were so received, and the sums for which warrants were issued, and the collectors to whom such warrants were directed. They further caused properly signed and attested duplicates of such entries to be transmitted to the office of the Secretary at War. 1 sheet.
[Ibid. No. 43.]
[? 1745.] 200. Estimates of what sums of money are proposed as necessary for the forces to be encamped in Hyde Park and near Dartford. 2 pages.
[Ibid. No. 44.]