Henry VIII: December 1524, 22-24

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: December 1524, 22-24', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp404-406 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1524, 22-24', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp404-406.

"Henry VIII: December 1524, 22-24". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp404-406.


December 1524

22 Dec.
Cal. B. II. 138. B.M. St. P. IV. 273.
Has received his letter of the 5th, with three others, one from the King to James V., another to the Queen, and the third from Wolsey to the Queen. They were as thankfully received as possible. The Queen was particularly pleased at the good expedition that was to be made for the abbey of Melrose and other benefices to be conferred at James's nomination, and not at Albany's. Has a letter of news from Brian Tuke of the French king's arrival in Italy, his pleasant expedition at the siege of Pavia and shameful putting back. Showed it first to the Queen, then to the earl of Murray, the archbishop of Glasgow and the bishop of Ross, the lords who attend most upon the King, all of the French faction. Sent copies to many places, that the news might get abroad. Three things are mentioned in Wolsey's letter; viz., 1, for the inducing of the archbishop of St. Andrew's to come in embassy; 2, that Angus should not attempt any disturbance; and 3, for the continuing here both of Radcliff and himself, to which Radcliff has doubtless already made answer.
As to the Archbishop, knowing he would be glad to hear the news, sent him a copy, and wrote to him his own advice, according to Wolsey's letters, for his coming to England. Sends copy of his letter and the Archbishop's answer, by which it appears that he looks as much to the profit of himself and his kinsman as for the weal of the realm. He will not give a direct answer till he hear how his causes sent into England prosper. Thinks he means to take a good part with Angus and Lennox. Now he is at liberty, it will be seen which way he leans.
The abbot of Paisley fears damage will be done to his house by the said two Earls keeping Christmas there, with their retinues to the number of 200 men. Has written to Angus on the subject. Sends copy, with his answer. The sending of the herald to France, of which he wrote on the 10th, though fully determined by the Queen and Council, is put off. Many of the Lords have gone home to their countries; among others, the bishop of Aberdeen to St. Andrew's where he was Archdeacon. He is a good man, and desires peace between the realms, though he leans somewhat to France. Understands he strongly advised the Queen to be reconciled with Angus, or at least allow him to remain on his own lands.
The Queen is anxious for news from England, and calls fast for money. Gives her the best words he can till further instructed. The Scotch merchant ships have left France. Three have come to Leith, and five have been driven abroad by stress of weather. Two of Albany's galleys have also come to Dunbar, in which David Beton, abbot of Arbroath and nephew of the archbishop of St. Andrew's, late Scotch ambassador in France, has arrived, with three of Albany's principal servants; viz., John Burbon, his secretary, Plantate, his treasurer, and Makerell, his comptroller. The young earl of Bothwell has arrived with the other ships. The Queen says Albany's servants have come to make her great offers. They have probably come at least to fortify Dunbar, and to try and win her to the French faction; perhaps by an offer of marriage, after getting the Queen divorced from Angus, as Albany is a widower. If any such intrigues are going on, thinks he might disappoint them, with some expenditure of money, if commissioned so to do. Thinks the Lords are going to join together for the better ordering of the King and the realm. Edinburgh, 22 Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd.
22 Dec.
R. O.
936. ITALY.
Extract from the letter of the bishop of Worcester (Ghinucci) to the Cardinal, in cipher, 22 Dec.
The French, as he wrote before, are daily trying to draw the Pope to their wishes, that is, that he should furnish them with horse and foot, should the Emperor try to stop their going into Italy. He puts them off, as the matter wants mature counsel, and he does not wish to offend the Emperor thus openly. Thinks he will unite with the French unless something happens to prevent it, because from their situation he can be more easily assisted by them. Hence it is that he is so anxious for an answer from Wolsey to what Worcester has already written about two or three times in the Pope's name.
Lat., p. 1. In Vannes' hand.
24 Dec.
Vit. B. VI. 256*. B.M.
937. PACE to WOLSEY.
A Spaniard sent by the Viceroy to the Emperor's brother and Bourbon passed yesterday. He told Pace that the duke of Ferrara had sent a great quantity of powder to the French king, that Albany and the senior John de Medici had made a bridge over the Po, and crossed the river to fetch the powder, and that the Viceroy and all the army left Soncine for the bridge. Thinks Medici and Albany not only intend to fetch the powder, but to try to take Cremona by some secret practice. It is said that the duke of Ferrara has sent 100,000 ducats as well. It is mysterious, if true, for he is the Pope's vassal. Between here and Isebroke are 8,000 men for the Emperor's army. Six days ago the Viceroy's steward came hither from Isebroke, hoping to have found the money his master promised for their wages, but none is come yet; so that the men are detained, and Bourbon prevented from rejoining the camp till he hears again from the Viceroy, who wrote yesterday that he could send no money till the end of the month. On receiving this letter the steward left with all haste to try and procure some.
Hears nothing of the truce proposed by the Pope. Francis can do nothing at Pavia. The Emperor has prepared at his own cost a number of horse for the army, which are daily arriving here. Trent, 24 Dec. Signed.
P. 1.
24 Dec.
Bembi Epist. p. 594. R. Poli Epist. I. 385.
Could not deliver the letters which Pole gave him at Padua for John Matthew Giberto, until his return from the army beyond the Po, on Dec. 9. He asked many questions about Pole's studies, and spoke of him with great praise. Rejoices at his attachment to Pole, as he has great authority with the Pope, and is a man of the highest integrity and courtesy, and take much pleasure in assisting the learned.
Has given his letters to Giacopo Sadoleti, who will gladly be his friend. Could not, however, obtain permission for Pole to see Sadoleti's book upon philosophy. He has only written the first part, an attack upon philosophy, and he does not wish it to be seen until he has written also the reply. It will be a long time before he completes it, he is so busy. Never read any thing better or more Ciceronian than his first book. The Pope has good will to all men, is prudent, grave, and circumspect, and seems fit to have the charge of the weal of Christendom.
Desires to be remembered to Nicholas Leonicus and Baptista Leo, his teachers, and also to Marmaduke. Rome, 9 kal. Jan. 1524. (fn. 1)


  • 1. In Bembo's letters, 1526.