Henry VIII: December 1524, 11-18

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: December 1524, 11-18', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp399-404 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1524, 11-18', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp399-404.

"Henry VIII: December 1524, 11-18". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp399-404.


December 1524

11 Dec.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 327. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 351.
917. JAMES V.
Instructions to Marchmonte Herald, 3 id. Dec. 1524, to be declared to Francis I.:—
1. To salute the king, queen and nobles of France. 2. To say that John duke of Albany, formerly governor of Scotland, at his last departure promised to return by the 1st September following, with a large body of auxiliaries from France, for the protection of the kingdom, adding that if he were not back by that day, the King and the estates should be at liberty to act for themselves. This hope has been disappointed; the kingdom has been a prey to all kinds of evils, spoiled by its ancient enemies, and torn by civil discord. The three estates have accordingly committed the administration to the King and his mother, and removed Albany entirely. 3. That the king of England, as soon as he learnt that James had assumed the government, sent ambassadors to desire peace, which Albany had so frequently endeavored to obtain. Has accordingly sent ambassadors in return. 4. Has given instructions to treat on condition that if the king of England desire a truce, the allies of Scotland are to be included; if a peace, the ambassadors are to refer it to James and his council, who will not conclude one without letting it be seen by all Christian princes that nothing is more for the interest of Scotland. 5. Albany took with him into France a very large quantity of artillery, and placed the rest in Dunbar, which is still garrisoned by the French. James, at the request of the English, has frequently demanded of the garrisons the delivery of those stores, but has been refused. Requests that Francis will bid Albany surrender the castle. 6. Owing to the war with England, Scotch merchants are shut out of England, Flanders, Spain, and other countries, whose hostility they endure for their faithfulness to France. Very few Scotch merchants dare even visit France on account of the hostile fleets, and those who have gone there have been detained longer than usual. How patiently this has been endured is very well known. 7. Is to ask the French king to write in answer.
11 Dec.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 328. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 354.
Credence for Marchmonde Herald, whom he sends to France with articles touching his state. Edinburgh, 3 id. Dec. 1524.
Lat., copy.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 329. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 355. 919. JAMES V. to JOHN DUKE OF ALBANY.
Reminds him of his promise on leaving Scotland to return before 1st September, which if he failed to do, he advised that James should take upon him the royal dignity. Now that all hope of Albany's return is gone, the estates have given him the royal authority, joining his mother with him. Albany knows how ill provided Scotland is to resist her enemies. James has frequently demanded by a herald the surrender of Dunbar with its artillery, but to no purpose. Requests that Albany will write to the garrison to yield it up. Trusts he has the same good will towards Scotland as in former years. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy.
11 Dec.
R. O.
Has received a letter from his brother saying that the King does not wish him to join the Burgundians in any expedition, either to Estaples or any other place; which he will obey. Since writing last, has several times sent out some of the garrison to annoy the enemy. Heard where certain Frenchmen were lodged, and sent out a party to "curre" and drive the country, laying an ambush in case the French came out; but the weather became so foul and sharp that they were obliged to return with what booty they could, and three or four prisoners. Another "course" was made yesterday by 120 of the garrison within a league of Boulogne, but they found little, and took only sixty cows and mares, and three prisoners.
On the French frontiers the report is that the French are prospering in Italy, but in Flanders they say the contrary. Expects Wolsey knows better than either party. Reminds him that Christmas is near, and Briswood has no money for the wages. It were not convenient that the men should lack money at that time. The news he sends are so unimportant that he is half ashamed to write them, but would rather do so than be accounted remiss. Guisnes, 11 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
11 Dec.
R. O.
Receipt by Sir Ralph Verney and Eleanor his wife for two hogsheads of wine from Sir John Husee, chief butler of England. 11 Dec. 17 Hen. VIII. Sealed.
Lat., vellum, with two seals.
12 Dec.
R. O.
There is no need to tell him the reasons why the Pope sent him to the French king and the leaders of the Imperial army, and that none of his propositions were listened to, as he will have heard all this from Melchior Langus. Was careful of the King's interest, not only in consequence of the Pope's orders, but from his remembrance of Wolsey's kindnesses. Was pleased to see that the combatants, though disagreeing in everything else, agreed in their opinion of the valor and prudence of the King and Wolsey. Though his mission was fruitless, the Pope is satisfied with having shown to every one that he has left nothing undone to secure peace. Acknowledges Wolsey's thanks for the services he has done him. Rome, 12 Dec. 1524. Signed: "Jo. Mattheus El. Veron."
Add. Endd.
12 Dec.
Vit. B. VI. 256. B. M.
Clerk and he have done all they could to send the money back, but so much money has lately come to the banks from France and other places that they demand an unreasonable gain and six months' time. Thinks they could have managed it profitably a month or two ago. Has given t[en] thousand crowns to Fr ... Bell, a servant of the lord of St. John's. Encloses one of his bills. Has given 6,000 to Jerome de Sensis, 3,000 to the bishop of Worcester, and Clerk has taken 3,000. Thinks they will be able to transport the remainder to Antwerp without loss. If not, wishes to know Wolsey's pleasure. Rome, 12 Dec. Signed.
P. 1, mutilated.
12 Dec.
Vit. B. VI. 254. B. M.
On the 5th answered Wolsey's letters of the 21st Oct. and the 11th Nov. Francis continues the siege. 2,000 V ... and 4,000 Grisons have come to him, and he threatens to despatch Albany again. If he does, the Pope intends to make no resistance. The Datary has returned; and although the Pope will not "be aknowen thereof," it is thought he is at a point with Francis, promising not to meddle if Florence and his pieces are left secure. The Venetians do not come forward; and without them the Imperialists can do nothing in battle, as they have not 1,000 men-at-arms, and only 7,000 Spaniards, 4,000 Italians and 7,000 lanceknights, besides those in Pavia, who are 6,000, and to whom 80,000 ducats are due.
The Pope tells him that the Archduke is coming in person to Trent, and has sent 12 pieces of artillery to the Emperor's camp, with 2,000 picked foot. Bourbon is gone to the Archduke, and will proceed, it is thought, to Flanders and England, "to steere the colys." The abbot of Nagiara, one of the chief commissaries in the Imperial camp, came to ask the Pope to consider the Emperor's affairs, but has left without any other answer than he has had before,—that his Holiness has professed neutrality and his readiness to be mediator, and that he would continue so. Has exhorted the Pope to find some way of truce, as much for his own sake as any other's. He answered that he could do no more than he had done. Thinks he would be very glad of an assured peace, but that he does not think that possible till Francis has Milan quietly; for if he were driven out now, he would try again as soon as he had money. It is thought that this is his reason for discouraging the Imperialists and Venetians, that the former, giving up Milan, may attend to the defence of Naples, in which he will help them, and cause the Venetians to do the same. The delays of the Venetians are not without excuse; for they have the same reasons as the Pope, and they are not bound to assist, unless the Imperialists have a much greater force than at present.
Has found great difficulty about the King's money. The bankers are not ashamed to ask six months, and 15 in every 100. Has given to a servant of my lord of St. John's, who has a commission and letters from his master to receive money for the religion, 10,000 crowns, to be paid in six months by his master either in like crowns, or 4s. 4d. for each crown. Has also given 6,000 crowns, on like conditions, to Jheronymus Sankys, a merchant of good substance, who has made a letter of exchange on Ant. Vyvald. The bishop of Worcester has taken 3,000 crowns on like conditions, and Clerk has taken 3,000, of which he asks that 1,000 may be returned for his diets. Will send the rest as soon as he can. Will pay what he has taken as soon as his factors can gather it, which he hopes will be at Easter. Rome, 12 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 5, mutilated. Add. Endd.
14 Dec.
R. O.
Had asked in his last that 600 ducats received by him from John Maliarde might be repaid. Does not expect to recover the arrears of Palance. There is now a whole year owing to Wolsey from the Nuncio and the Bishop incumbent. Had hoped, as the Emperor is now going "into other farther countries of Spain," to have had some help. Has been only able to obtain from the Nuncio and the Bishop bonds of certain men that owe 2,000 ducats. These Sampson put into the hands of a Genoese merchant, "the which was content to accept it, for it is sure to be paid of them, though the days of payment be not before St. John and Michaelmas, anno '25." The merchant will advance money upon them at a high rate, "according to the manner of Spain; whereas, I assure your Grace, the chief merchandise now is clear and plain usury." If he could obtain some money from my lord of Toledo, he would not have recourse to these obligations; and in this he would not fail if he had Wolsey's bills of Toledo. This lord owes twelve months, but will only pay for six months, because, according to custom, he receives nothing from his bishopric until the end of the year. Sampson will endeavor to obtain from the Emperor that Wolsey may be paid for the whole year. Hopes that at Midsummer Wolsey will receive from Palencia 2,000 ducats, and 1,000 from the bonds, and another 1,000 at Michaelmas; and that during the Bishop's life he will be paid regularly at Christmas and Midsummer. He must employ a man to collect his dues. Has spoken with two on the matter, and they will not accept the charge at less than 200 ducats per annum; and that, he thinks, they will well deserve. Wishes to know his pleasure, and who are the most substantial merchants in London. Madrid, 14 Dec. 1524.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
14 Dec.
R. O.
Some horsemen of the garrison have lately made a "course" to Montreuil, killed certain Frenchmen, and taken six prisoners. Hears from one of them, as also from his spies, that it is reported Francis has had an overthrow in Italy. Another report is that the duke of Orleans shall marry the Pope's niece, and that the Pope favors the French king; which, Fitzwilliam supposes, is only done to encourage the people, as there is much need, for there was never greater misery and scarcity of corn. On the frontiers the bread is made of oats, beaus, barley, and such like grain. Guisnes, 14 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
14 Dec.
R. O.
927. [MAGNUS] to ANGUS.
Remonstrates against the use made by Angus and the earl of Lennox of the monastery of Paisley as if it was their own. Commends the loyal demeanour of Angus towards his sovereign. Doubts not the King's mediation will be more serviceable for his reconciliation to the Queen, and "redubbing" of his estate, than any violence. Received letters from England yesterday, with news of the French king's sudden arrival in Italy. Edinburgh, 14 Dec.
Copy, pp. 2. Endd.: Letters from the earl of Angus and from Mr. Eure to my lord Cardinal.
15 Dec.
R. O.
Received this last Thursday his letter, dated Edinburgh, 14 Dec., with a bill of tidings, of which he is glad. Came to this country to speak with my lord of Lennox, and thought my lord of Paisley would be well pleased with the use of his monastery. Hopes his Lordship will come home, and nothing shall be done to his place or to himself, but to his pleasure. Kylmawrs, 15 Dec.Signed.
P. 1. Add.
15 Dec.
R. O.
Directs his body to be buried at Charde church, and the following bequests to be paid. To the above church, 6s. 8d. To the altars of St. Mary and St. Katherine, 3s. 4d. each. To the monastery at Taunton, 6s. 8d. To the service of the Blessed Mary in Taunton, 3s. 4d. For a light before the cross there, 12d. To the high altar at Charde, for tithes forgotten, 12d. To each of his sisters, 6s. 8d. To Cecilia his wife, all his farms except one at Taunton, by which he was free of tax, and which he leaves to his brother, Nic. Prowes. For mass for two years, 13l. 6s. 8d.; and the remainder equally to his wife and brother, who are joint executors. Also 6s. 8d. each to John Selwood and John Chapleyn, who are appointed overseers. Witnessed by Ric. Antell, curate of Charde, and others, 11 Oct. 1524.
Proved before the Commissioners at St. Paul's, London, 15 Dec. 1524.
Lat., pp. 3. Endd.: Joh'es Prowes.
15 Dec.
R. O.
Has continually sent him news by De Praet, but has heard nothing from him for some time. Writes by this courier to assure him of his convalescence. His quartan fever is so diminished that he can attend to business, hunt, and take recreation. It is now time to act against their common enemy, and obtain their rights from him. Desires credence for his ambassador. Hopes Henry will succeed in gaining great part of what the enemy detains from him. Madrid, 15 Dec. 1524. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 15 of December 1525.
15 Dec.
R. O.
To the same effect. Madrid, 15 Dec. 1524. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 15o Decembris 1524.
Although the Archbishop excused himself on the ground of illness from going to England with the embassy which has now passed, it would be much to the King's satisfaction if he could come up hereafter, and confer with my lord Legate, should any difficulty arise in the negotiations. Doubts not the King could get him made a cardinal for his pains, and he would come up, not as an ambassador, but as a "high councillor and great supplement to be joined with my lord Legate." Sends a copy of news received from England of the French king's success in Italy, which he requests him to communicate to the bishop of Aberdeen.
Copy, pp. 2.
16 Dec.
R. O.
Has this day received by Will. Hadryngtoun his letter, dated Edinburgh, 15 Dec., with his bill of tidings. Cannot give a deliberate answer till he hears from Ratcleif, with whom they have both conferred before. Is anxious to know how his servant is treated who left with Ratclif, and of his passing forwards; also of the progress of the monks of Melrose who went to Wolsey, and whether the king of England has written to the Queen about Melrose; "for thir thingis beand weile conducit and secreitly convoyit to the weill of my cousing wald caus me rather to do service." St. Andrew's, 16 Dec. 1524. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Ambassiatour of Ingland.
18 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VI. 381.
Since the 30th October, when he wrote from Valladolid, has spoken often with the Emperor's council, who are now very warlike, owing to the change of affairs in Italy. They impute the blame to the King, in not sending sufficient money or passing his army. "In eos retorsi omnia," showing that the King's army was always in readiness whenever the Emperor was furnished with men and money, which he never was; and to have invaded France under such circumstances would have been mere loss, as on the two previous occasions. Reminded them also that money had been sent to Bourbon when there was none else to sustain the army; and when that was spent the Emperor had neglected to send more. Complained of the Viceroy, who has shown himself the best enemy to France. The Emperor does not believe the suspicions of those about him against the King or Wolsey.
They will not hear of any manner of peace in this court, except the French king be clearly out of Italy. Yet they are content that the King has sent a commission to Rome for truce till May twelvemonth. The archbishop of Capua arrived on the 27th November, and left for England 7th December. Two Polish ambassadors have done homage to the Emperor for the duchy of Barri. On the 10th news arrived from Flanders that, after lady Margaret had agreed to all things demanded, the King would no more hear of the enterprise. Sampson urged that she had agreed too late. Sees little preparation for war, though provision of money is made for Italy. It is said the French king has suffered great loss at Pavia, and many have been slain in bringing victuals from Milan. He has ordered Lotrekye and his other captains to repair to him. Wishes to return to England. Madrid, 18 Dec. 1524.
It is said the French king is at Asti, for the great sickness in his army.