Henry VIII: May 1523, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: May 1523, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1265-1273 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: May 1523, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1265-1273.

"Henry VIII: May 1523, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1265-1273.


May 1523

Calig. B. VI.
238. B. M.
"Instructions geven to Nycholas Hervy too shewe unto the Kingis highnes, my lord Cardynall and other of the Kingis mooste honorable counsaill."
1. The last rode made into Teviotdale. 2. The bad plight of their horses. 3. The impossibility of finding forage in Northumberland, and the necessity of dispersing his horsemen. 4. The Earl is compelled to keep in this town the ordnance and train which came yesternight from Pomfret Sir Edward Ringeley. 5. No inroad can be made into Scotland, and remain there all night, for lack of fodder. 6. The Scots expect the duke of Albany by the end of May, with 15,000 or 16,000 men. Surrey thinks it desirable that he should have 4,000 Almayns at the least. 7. Wishes to have only 22,000 English and 4,000 Almanys to be shipped in Flanders, instead of the 30,000 English at first proposed; for the Duke will bring pikes with him, to which the English are not accustomed, but will easily learn when they see the order of the Almaynes. Signed: T. Surrey.
Pp. 3. Endd.. "Instructions delivered to Hervy by my lord Treasurer," &c.
1 May.
Vit. B. V. 148*. B. M.
Wishes him to consent to a three years' truce, which he has proposed. The honorable title bestowed on him ought to urge him to this. Desires credence for Silvester Darius. Rome, 1 May 1523.
Lat., vellum, much mutilated and defaced.
B. V. 180*. B. M.
Exhorts him to make a truce [with France]. Desires credence for Silvester Darius, the subcollector.
Lat., vellum, mutilated and defaced. Add.
B. V. 181. B. M.
2998. ADRIAN VI.
"Copia articulorum nuper propositorum per S. D. N. Papam."
1. That a truce for _ (fn. 1) should be made between the Emperor and the kings of England and France, to commence fifteen days after proclamation. 2. The principal contrahents to name their confederates and allies before the proclamation. 3. The contrahents to promise to proceed against those who violate the truce, who will also incur spiritual censure. 4. The truce to be considered as broken when the adherents of one party have occupied a town or walled place belonging to another; or have made an incursion of more than 100 men-at-arms or 1,000 foot; or have procured the revolt of allies, or excited subjects to rebel. Demand for restitution to be made within a month, and any dispute to be referred to the Pope. 5. The truce not to be considered void at the expiration of the term, unless war has been declared, which must be done two months before arms are taken up. 6. The countries where the truce is proclaimed to be open for merchandize and intercourse of every kind. 7. All possessions to be retained during the truce, unless a different agreement is made before the proclamation. 8. Other articles can be added.
Lat., pp. 3, mutilated. Endd.
1 [May].
Vit. B. V. 180. B. M.
On the 9th April sent John de Bologna, the courier, with the expedition of Durham. As yet the Auditor and he have no resolution [from the] other officers. The accomp[t] of Durham is Signed by Hannibal and the Auditor, and the money is in the hands of John Francisco de Bardis. Hopes he will not pay the officers their demands; for he has obtained the Pope's favor in the matter, licet officiarii curiæ assidue [la]trent. On the 14th April the castle of Milan was delivered to the Duke, for which two days' feast was held in Rome. The duke of [Sessa], the Emperor's ambassador, and Hannibal began the board. "In the castle of St. Angelo was nothing done (?), for the which many men marvelled of." On the 23rd Medicis came to Rome, and was met at Sta. Maria de Populo by the duke of Sessa, Hannibal and the ambassadors of Hungary, Portugal, Austria and Milan. He is a true servant to the [King]. Advises Wolsey to write to him, as he can do much here.
On the 25th the cardinal of Volaterra was sent to the castle of St. Angelo, with his secretary and ... called Bernardo Barsano, for plotting against the tranquillity of Italy. He is the greatest [enemy] that De Medicis has, and is opposed to the Emperor. He wrote to the French king that [he should come] to Italy; but his letters were intercepted. The governor of Rome, the a[udi]tor of the Chamber and the fiscal procurator made an inventory of his goods, which are now in the Pope's hands. Medici is in very good favor. (fn. 2) Sir Nic. Farfax, a knight of Rhodes, has just died in Rome so poor that "he had scantly to bring him to the earth at his departing. He was stark mad; insomuch that nother his confessor nor none other could tell what his mind was." The Venetian and Florentine ambassadors have come to Rome well appointed. The former had fifty carriage mules. Does not know what conclusion they have taken with the Pope. Supposes Pace has advertised him of everything. The Turk is daily expected. His ambassadors were well received in Venice. The late Great Constable with the archduke of Austria, "is gone to the Great Turk, and is hys [m]an; and with the help with (of) the Turk, he hath taken a great town in Polonia, and is restored to his lands," which the Bassia now in Belgrade had taken. Rome, 1 [May].
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: R., &c. Tho. card., legato de latere, &c.
1 May.
Vit. B. V. 180**. B. M.
Does all he can to show his gratitude. Came hither at the Pope's desire, who shows himself anxious for Italian liberty. He has sent card. Soderini to the castle of St. Angelo for plotting with the French to invade Sicily. This severity will break the courage of the rest who are evil disposed. Writes more fully to his agent. Rome, 1 May 1523. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
B. V. 71. B. M.
* * * "decreverit opprimere Gallum communem hostem, non omittat labi hoc ... satis idoneum ad hostem ipsum invadendum a tribus partibus, [scilicet,] ab Hispania, a Flandria et ab Italia;" for they feel confident that that (illum, the Italian?) army, if you supply some additional foot and other necessaries, could easily cross into France, and take possession of the whole coast of the Mediterranean, where the towns are not so well fortified as on the Belgian and Spanish frontiers. If France be not invaded this summer, he will certainly attack Italy in the autumn, when he thinks neither Spain nor Belgium will have the power to hurt him. The Emperor lately sent for the Italian army 140,000 ducats in letters of exchange, which have been accepted by Prospero Colonna; but he does not wish them to be paid unless the French invade Italy, or that army enter France; and as it is the interest of England as well as the Emperor that they should not wait for the attack of their enemies, he requests the King to contribute an additional sum to enable them to invade France.
[Res] cum Venetis agendæ.—"... non Mtas ipsa non omittat" to press the affair of the Swiss with all diligence, when the Pope, the Emperor, "et ipse dux Mediolani," are using every exertion to withdraw them from the French. The Pope has paid the Zurichers 50,000 florins that Leo X. owed them. If the thing be not looked to, it is to be feared the Swiss, on receiving the little that is in arrear of their old pension, will serve France without ready money. Hopes the King will urge the Pope to punish card. Soderini severely, and make strict examination to see if he has any accomplices.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
1 May.
Vit. B. V. 182*. B. M.
"[Ex literis] prima Maii Romæ datis."
From information by the Imperial ambassador, it appears that a Sicilian nobleman was captured at Rome on the point of leaving for France, without licence, carrying letters from card. Soderini, showing that he had organized a rebellion in Sicily, and that Francis had sent a fleet thither, which would necessitate the withdrawal of the Imperial army from Lombardy, and leave Milan in the French king's power, to the ruin of Italy, especially after the late victory of the Turk. Hearing this, the duke of Sessa sent for the card. De Medici, who was received at Rome, on the 22nd April, by 3,000 horse and the whole court. Soderini's guilt was revealed, and justice demanded in the Emperor's name. The Pope was much offended, as the plot interfered with his plans for peace, and would have thrown all Italy into confusion. He was the more angry, as no one was more in his confidence than the Cardinal. He has been sent to the castle of St. Angelo, with his secretary and other servants, and will be examined by the cardinals Sanctæ Crucis, Ancona and De Cesis, and the auditor and procurator of the Chamber. De Medici wishes Henry to write to the Pope for instant justice, especially as Soderini had conspired to poison Leo, and is the chief cause of the present disturbance in Italy.
Lat., p. 1, in Vannes' hand.
2 May.
S. B. Rym. XIII. 792.
Restitution of temporalities on preferment of Dr. John Clerk. Bridewell, 27 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 May.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11; where it is dated 30 April.
ii. The Pope's bull, appointing John [Clerk], bishop of Bath and Wells. Rome, 1523, vii. kal. Apr., pont. 1.
2 May.
R. O.
3004. BARRELS.
Eight indentures, made 13 April and 2 May 1523, between Wm. Sayntper, the King's servant, and the following persons:—John Wyllyams, of Tergosse, Frank Antonys, of Antwerp, John Gorge, of Rotterdam, Christ. Cornelyson, Walter Garrard, Keryn Scheper, Matyus Moynes, and Andryes, shippers; binding them to deliver safely at Berwick, within ten working days after his arrival at the quay there, the skovens (or skofynes), barrel staves to make barrels with, "hoops barrels ready made," barrel boards, "clap holt," great barrels and hogsheads, with which Sayntper has laden their ships; each to receive for freight from 12l. to 28l. Flemish.
Endd.: "The indenders of freight" of ships "that sold the King's stuff laden in Flanders by Wm. Seyntpeir."
3 May.
R. O.
Wrote a few days ago, when sending the papal letters for the see of Durham. Worked hard in the matter with the officials, as the ambassador here will bear witness. The news here should rather be kept silent than spread, as there is nothing cheerful in it. He will hear all from Silvester Darius, the subcollector. Rome, from the Apostolic Palace, 3 May 1523. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
4 May.
Vesp. C. II. 120. B. M.
Boleyn and he received letters from England, 23 April, by the Emperor's ambassador, who arrived at Laredo on the 18th; and Sampson one from Wolsey. Boleyn will report in person. He and Sampson attended the ambassador, May 2nd, to his lodging. Will do his utmost diligence to promote the King's service and Wolsey's, who should send a proctor to receive his rents. Thanks for his promotion to the deanery of Windsor, though without Wolsey's special goodness he will not have more to serve the King with here. Is sorry that the Cardinal has no small opinion of his negligence for the time past. Valladolid, 4 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
4 May.
R. O.
He will hear the state of Christiern's affairs from David Kouren, Danmarck king-of-arms, the bearer. Thanks God for changing his evil fortune, and trusts that Henry's affection for him and their alliance will be an assistance to him. Is very anxious that the war with Scotland should be terminated by some treaty or arrangement, and will be glad to help. "In Feris," 4 May 1523. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
6 May.
Titus, B. I. 335. B. M.
Has heard from his ambassador the bishop of Badajos. Boleyn returns to England, to whom he has communicated whatever concerns the interests of the two crowns. Valladolid, 6 May.
Hol., p. 1. "A mons. le Cardinal, mon bon amy, legat," &c.
6 May.
R. O.
Desires credence for the bearer, the visconte d'Arlebeke, chief "escuier tranchant," who has lately returned. Desires him to send frequent news of himself. Valladoly, 6 Ma[y] 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
6 May.
R. O.
Since his return to his kingdoms here has wished to send Wolsey some remembrance of him, and now sends by the bearer two mules for his personal use. Valladoly, 6 May 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. le card. Dyork, &c.
6 May.
R. O.
Thanks him for his kind treatment of the bishop of Badajoz. Desires credence for the bearer, mons. Boulan, and for his ambassadors, to whom he is writing. Valladoly, 6 May ao xxiii. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
6 May.
R. O.
Has ordered the viscount de Halebeke, his chief carver, who is returning to England, to visit Wolsey, and give him news of the Emperor. Desires to hear from him frequently. Valladoly, 6 May ao xxiii. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
7 May.
Wilkins' Concilia, III. 700.
Summons to attend the convocation at Westminster, on Thursday, 2 June. Westm., 7 May 1523.
7 May.
R. O.
Enclose a copy of the examination of one John Beaunays, of Arde, a sworn man to the Emperor, sent to them by Mr. Gage, deputy at Guisnes, for suspicious demeanor. Mons. de Reux has written for his delivery to one John Kiele, but they have first examined Thos. Mychel and Jehan le Roy, witnesses in the matter, and are keeping him in the common gaol till they know Wolsey's pleasure. Calais, 7 May. Signed.
Pp. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
10 May.
R. O.
Desires to be recommended to Cromwell's wife and mother. Has received his letter dated London, 5 May, with the cloth and the briefs. The cloth is very well done, and cheaper than he ever had any done before. Sends 6s. 8d. for it by Wm. Chambers, the bearer. As to the other money, the Chancellor has the bill with him at Lincoln. Asks him to tell Ric. Pynson to print 4,000 letters, and as many briefs, for which he will send. Boston, 10 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my right faithful friend Thos. Crumwell, at London, this bill be delivered.
10 May.
Galba, B. VIII. 115. B. M.
In compliance with Wolsey's desire, informs him that, so far as he can see in the king of Denmark's matter, a sufficient number have not come to do any damage, although the ships he has seen arrive with him are good, of sufficient burden, and well equipped with artillery. 16 or 17 ships were said to be armed; but at my departure from Laverre, there were only 11 or 12 armed, among which were two barques, each of 40 or 50 tons. One of these arrived on Thursday. Has heard of no other ships. Their power may be about 400 or 500 men, with sailors, almost all men of these parts. Does not think there are more than 20 or 30 lanzknechts. Thinks his enemies have compelled him to quit his country with his wife and children. Although the Queen of Denmark is the Emperor's sister, they will give him no assistance without the King's good will, and are not much in a condition to help others, requiring it so much themselves. Begs to be commended to the King. Apologises for giving Wolsey the trouble to read his bad hand. Antwerp, 10 May.
Hol., Fr., pp. 3. Add.: Mons. le legat d'Angleterre.
10 May.
S. B.
Licence to him and his successors to acquire possessions to the annual value of 10l. Del. Westm., 10 May 15 Hen. VIII.
11 May.
Vit. B. V. 183. B. M.
Makes use of the power which Wolsey has allowed him of sending couriers in the name of the Pope, and despatches these with letters to the King by his servant Roderigo Paniagua. Bernardin Berthelot has returned, and praises the kindness of the King and Wolsey. Has sent with him one of his own servants to the Pope, with the "expedition" lately brought to him from Spain, in answer to the briefs from the Pope to the Emperor touching the peace. Knowing that the Emperor cannot and will not decide without the consent of Henry, had offered to conduct the negotiations for him, and send a servant to England, who would bring back an answer to the Emperor and the Pope; and he has therefore sent the expedition, which the Archbishop forwards, addressed to De Praet. Asks Wolsey to see that a speedy answer is sent, and will transmit it to Spain. The intention of Francis is to despatch the bishop of Bayeux and Des Roches, master of requests, to the Pope, with full power to make peace or truce, in addition to the instructions held by the cardinal Auxitanus. He offers to take any sort of peace, but is not satisfied with a truce for a long period, suspecting that the Pope wishes by means of delay to keep the French from Italy; but he will consent to a truce of two months, granting power to his ambassadors to prorogue it as long as is considered necessary to obtain peace. This will not quite satisfy the Pope, but he will perhaps be able to prolong it two or three times. Wishes him to send his opinion to the ambassador at Rome, to avoid the delay of waiting for a fresh consultation, after this expedition has arrived at Rome. If any objection could be offered, it is this: that Francis proposes this short truce to deceive his enemies, and probably intends to invade Italy at the expiration of the time. But as the opposite party will be upon their guard, does not think the short time ought to be refused, especially since there is so much hope of arriving at the desired result. Requests an answer by the bearer. Paris, 11 May 1523. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
11 May.
Rym. XIII. 793.
Confirmation of patent 30 April 48 Edw. III., granting John Gilbert, bishop of Bangor, a plot of ground, with houses, garden, &c., in Sholane, St. Andrew's, Holbourn, in the suburbs of London. Westm., 11 May.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10.
12 May.
R. O.
Orders him to pay to Jo[hn Jenyns] 2,[500l.] on a prest for wages of ships appointed to go to the narrow sea, rigging ships at Portsmouth, &c. Westminster, 12 May [15] Hen. VIII. Signed.
On the dorse is Jenyn's receipt for the above sum. 14 May 15 Hen. VIII.
12 May.
Vit. B. v. 184* B. M.
Desires credence for the sieur de Chasteaufort, his councillor and chamberlain. Annessy, 12 May. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le legat d'Angleterre.
14 May.
Vit. B. v. 185. B. M.
Has received his letters of the 13th April, deploring the misfortunes of Christendom, and offering to assist the Pope's endeavors to promote peace. The legate to Hungary will start in a few days. Has heard nothing more of the cardinal of Volterra. Several persons have been taken in Sicily on the charge of exciting a revolt. The rest of Italy seems quiet. The doge of Venice is dead. This will delay the peace with the Emperor, but not for long. Rome, 14 May 1523. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
14 May.
Nero, B. VII. 75. B. M.
3023. PACE to WOLSEY.
In his last letter wrote of the dissension between the Signory and Imperialists. Since then the viceroy of Naples has sent them articles, which are very displeasing to them. The controversy is now upon the payment of 120,000 ducats, and they have sent the supervisor of their camp to the Viceroy to obtain a diminution of the sum, and confirm the old amity; so that there is good likelihood of peace between the Emperor and them. Has paid to the Emperor's ambassador 10,000 cr. of the sun, as will appear by his acquittance given to the merchant, and directed to Sir Henry Wyatt. Asks for licence to return home, as he has nothing to do for the King, and staying here is more expensive than he can afford. Venice, [14] (fn. 3) May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
14 May.
Titus, B. I. 112. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 219.
3024. ... to SURREY.
Since the beginning of the parliament there has been "the greatest and sorest hold in the lower house," for payment of 2s. in the pound, that ever was seen in any parliament. The matter was debated for 15 or 16 days together; the highest necessity alleged on the King's behalf, the highest poverty confessed by knights and gentlemen, by commoners and citizens. The house was like to have been dissevered; the knights of the King's council, his servants and gentlemen, "which in so long time were spoken with, and made to say yea, it may fortune contrary to their heart, will and conscience," being on one party. Yesterday, as they were more numerous, they gave the King 2s. in the pound of goods or land from the lowest to the highest; "the goods to pay 2s. of the pound from 20l. upwards, and from 40s. of goods to 20l. to pay 16d. of the pound, and under 40s. every person to pay 8d.," in two years. No man can remember half so much at one grant being given to any king. Hopes it may be peaceably levied, without grudge or loss of the true hearts of the subjects, "which I reckon a far greater treasure for a king than gold or silver." The Cardinal has promised that 2s. in the pound for the loan money shall be paid with a good will. On the first day of convocation, when mass was finished at Saint Paul's, the Cardinal cited the clergy to appear before him at Westminster. There was another mass, and within six or seven days the priests proved that the convocation was void, because they were summoned to appear before my lord of Canterbury. Wolsey has accordingly sent out new citations for eight days after the Ascension; "and then I think they should have the third mass of the Holy Ghost. I pray God the Holy Ghost be amongst them and us both." Is much afraid of the result.
Thinks he knows that the king of Denmark is in Flanders with his wife and children. News is come from Spain that the abstinence of war has been taken between the Emperor and France. Thinks it were a gracious deed for Surrey to be a means unto the King that 10,000l. or 12,000l. of this money should be spent in rebuilding castles on the English borders, "especially now that they of Scotland be prostrate by your good and high policy." My lord Privy Seal, lord Vaux and Sir Thomas Lovell are sick and in great danger. London, Ascension Day. Signature torn off.
Add.: To the right honorable and [m]y [singular g]ood lord the [e]rle [of Sur]rey, [lieutena]nte unt[o the Ki]nges [highn]es in the Northe."
15 May.
Vit. B. v. 186. B. M.
On the 9th April sent John de Bologna to England with the expedition of Durham. Hopes everything has arrived in time. Was delayed by the unreasonableness of the officers, but will do well enough now Wolsey has the bulls. Francisco de Bardis, who had the 10,000 ducats for this matter, has spent 7,000, by the consent of Hannibal and the bishop of Worcester. Other sums, but not large, must shortly be paid, and then Wolsey shall have the true accounts, signed by them. Sends a book against Luther, in defence of the King's book. Dares not write by every courier, as many of them go by France, especially those sent by merchants. Intends to send one in a few days for the duke of Sessa. The card. De Medici and Hannibal are almost at a good conclusion with the Pope. He is more inclined to their petition since the imprisonment of the card. of Volaterra, who was the greatest enemy the Emperor and the King had. "I trust he shall learn some new rhetoric or he depart out of Castel Angelo." Many things have been proved against him by his letters. The bishop of Worcester, by reason of his office, and the Procurator Fiscal, are his examiners.
Understands by letters from France that the French king was pleased with the capture of Rhodes. The lord Master has not yet arrived in Italy. He is considered in this court of small p[olicy] and less wit. Heard the Pope say he was not fit to govern such a religion, and that he intends to add two coadjutors of another nation. He is ruled by Sir Thos. Shefelde, who, in the election of the master and other things, did not do his duty. The Pope will give them a place about Sicily, if the Emperor is content. The duke of Sessa objects, because the master and most of the knights are French. Rome, 15 May.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: R., &c. Thomæ card. a latere legato, &c. Endd.
15 May.
Otho, C. IX. 39. B. M.
Is grateful for his letters of recommendation to the Master, which he delivered ... Those written by the King, the Cardinal, and "my Lord's grace your father," he delivered on his last arrival; also a letter to Sir Thos. Sheffeld, who promised to do him service, but persuaded my lord Master who intended to have given him the commandry of Dynmore beside Lemste[r?], void by the death of the Turcopolier, Sir ..., slain at the siege of Rhodes, to give it to Sir ... saying that neither my lord Cardinal, nor my Lord's grace, however influential with the King, must think to rule [my lord] Master, and he cared not if they were told so. Wrote to Wolsey in February of the destruction of Rhodes. Will send with his next letters copies of all that passed between the knights and the Great Turk during the siege.
The Turks had by sea a fleet of 500 sail, not lacking 15, and by land [two] hundred thousand men, and fo[ur] thousand laborers with spades and pickaxes. "They brought a [moun]taine of earth before them unto the walls of [the] town, the which was as high again [as] the walls of the town were, the which [was] the destruction and death of many a man and child." Whenever they gave battle they put four or five Spingarders on the mountain to watch. The writer was one of those sent to the Great Turk when the pact was made between him and the knights. The Great Turk is ... years old, very wise and discreet for his years. We fo[und him in] a red pavilion, standing between two [gold] lions marvellous rich and sumptuous, sitting in a chair, and no creature with [him in the] pavilion; which chair was of [gold, and the] work of fine gold, his guard standing [by] his pavilion to the number of 22 ... They be called Sulakys. This number [is] continually about his person. He h[ath the] number of 40,000 of them. They [wear on] their heads a long white cape, and [at the] tope of the cape a white ostrage [feather], which giveth a great show." Their army was in four parts. Their chief captain is Pero Bashaw, the second Mustafa Bashaw, the third Hakmak Bashaw, the fourth the Bigalarby of Anatalya. Each had 50,000 men under him, and each made a breach in the walls. In one place 500 horse might have entered at once. When the walls were down they gave them battle upon even ground. The last battle was on St. Andrew's eve, when 11,000 Turks were slain, and 180 of the Rhodians; after which the Turks did not renew the assault, but made trenches for a month, which came almost into the midst of the town, "so that there lay nightly within our t[renches?] 5,000 Turks. The trenches were cover[ed with] thick tables, and holes made in them for [th]eyr Spingardes that we could not approach them." A month after, all hope of succors being gone, and their provisions and ammunition consumed, they determined to die like desperate men in the field, rather than be put upon the stake. The Turk, however, offered them their lives and goods. At the urgent solicitation of the com[monalty] the offer was accepted, but the Grand Master fell down almost dead, on hearing that resolution. "[Of the] knights there were slain 700, there [were] of the Turks an hundred and three sta[ndards taken]. They gave us 23 battles." On the 23rd September the engagement lasted from the beginning of the day to h ... without ceasing, at which the Turks lost, by their own confession, 22,000. During the siege the Rhodians lost 6,000 and ... Myssena, 15 May.
P.S.—Begs his Lordship to write in his favor to the prior of Castell, who is of their religion, and coming to Myssena. He is [the] duke of Alva's son, of Spain, and kinsman of [the king] of England.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 6.


  • 1. Blank in MS.
  • 2. f. 180***.
  • 3. This date is very faint, and is supplied from the margin.