Henry VIII: October 1520

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: October 1520', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp369-381 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1520', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp369-381.

"Henry VIII: October 1520". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp369-381.


October 1520

The Pope is much pleased at your reports of Wolsey's promptitude in his affairs, and of the labors he undertakes for the good of Christendom. He thanks God, and blesses the day on which he created him a cardinal. As to the mandate and instruction which Wolsey asks for, the Pope does not see that there is any occasion for it. If they are sought only for ordinary purposes, the King and Wolsey have so much power in these con- ventions (in his conventibus) that they can protect the interests of the Holy See, as they have always done. If, however, they are wanted for extraordinary matters, the Pope says the Emperor and himself are on friendly terms, and there is at present no necessity for any treaty (devenire ad aliquam capitulationem), unless anything should arise to require it. For these reasons he cannot send it. As the Pope knows you take great concern in his affairs, he wishes you to explain this to Wolsey, and say there is no necessity for him to endeavor to show his devotion to the Pope, which has been proved in so many ways, and that the Pope's confidence in Wolsey is so great, that he will make no treaty or composition with any prince without consulting him, trusting not only in his affection but his great influence with all princes, which has lately been shown by his dexterity in bringing about a conference between so many princes of influence. This is a thing so rare that it is reputed almost impossible, as it would have been, but for Wolsey. The king of England has gained from this meeting greater fame than any of his predecessors, and the Pope from affection to his majesty is not without a share in it.
Lat., pp. 2.
1 Oct.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Has come hither "pour mes ... es du quartier," especially to recover her goods, which have been arrested by Madame de Savoy. Wolsey's recommendation has been of much use to her, and her treatment from Madame has been all she could wish. Will return home, and tell her children, that they may do the same. Malines, 1 Oct. Signature pasted on the back of the opposite leaf.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: Mons. le Legat.
2 Oct.
Tit. B. I.
B. M.
1008. JOHN CLERK, priest, to WOLSEY.
The dean of Sarum and himself were present at the confirmation of the abbot of Reading on Wednesday last. On Friday the King came there, and was presented with a great present of fish. Windsor, Tuesday morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal's good grace.
2 Oct.
R. O.
Expenses of the Grette Barke, the Lesse Barke, the new bark called the Kateryn Plesaunce, the Mary and John, and the two rowbarges, prepared for carrying the King and Queen to Calais and back, from 12 March 11 Hen. VIII.
To John Burdon, steward of the Grett Barke, for victualling 30 mariners and gunners, 15d. a week each; for lanterns, 6s. 8d. To Thos. Armereur, servant to Sir Wm. Fytezwilliam, then vice-admiral, for victualling 24 carpenters and caulkers, at 2½d. a day. To Wm. Bishop, steward, John Kempe, master, and Wm. Gonson, then captain of the Lesser Barke, to Ric. Gothe, purser, Rob. Longmed, master, and Sir Wm. Purton, captain of the Mary and John, for victualling, &c., wages of 121 carpenters, caulkers, joiners, and others, 2d. to 8d. a day. Bought by John Hopton, clerk comptroller of the ships, 10 May 12 Hen. VIII., 140 doz. bread, 7l.; for the carpenters from 28 March to 4 May. To Peter Swynbanke, at the sign of the "Rammes" in Petywales, London, 26 pipes 1 hhd. beer, at 6s. 8d. the pipe; an ox and a half, at 6s. 8d. the qr.; 5 oxen, at 22s. each; 200 lings, at 3l. 6s. 8d. the 100. To Barth. Woralle, shipmaster, wages from 16 March to 4 May, 20s. To 6 gunners, for trimming and hauling on board the ordnance, 15s.; 7 pair of new wheels for the ordnance, 18s. 8d.; beds, 3d. a week; tallow, at 11s. the cwt.; oakum, at 4d. and 5d. a stone; flax, at 10s. the cwt. To Rob. Pynnere, servant to Thos. Sperte, for 60 tons of ballast for the Mary and John at her coming out of dock at Deptford, 16s. 8d. Stephen Rowley, 100 spikes, 20d.; 300 clinche and roffe, at 16d. the 100; 800 sixpenny nails, 4s.; 1,200 fourpenny nails, 4s.; 1,300 threepenny nails, 3s. 3d.; 800 tenpenny nails, 6s. 8d.; 600 brodes for the joiners, 4d. a 100. Timber, at 2s. the load, from Mr. Molton's wood, and carriage to the water side, 2 miles, at 2d. a mile; a load of timber for the boat of the Lesse Barke, 5s. 8d.; a piece of timber for an anchor stock for the Swepstake, 5d.; 50 trenails, 8d.; 56 tons of ballast for the Kateryn Pleasaunce, 13s. 4d. From Pancrace Jonson, "corniser," for the Mary and John, 8 scobures, 4s. 8d.; 5 hose for the pump, 2s. 6d.; 4 clappers for the pump, 12d.; 3 hose for the Littull Barke, 18d.; 3 clappes for his pump, 9d.; "a scobure for the plumpe," 7d.; 9 scobures for the new bark, 5s. 3d.; a "plumpe hose" for the Marye George, 5d. To John Deverex, scrivener, Lombard Street, for a warrant to Mr. Erneley, the King's attorney, 12d.; a letter to rig the ship, 8d.; a warrant to have the ships out of Barking Creek, 8d.; two commissions to provide things for them, 2s.; other copies, 16d.; and for obligations with conditions for the Anne Galland, five times, which ship was lost at Mongey in Galesia, 10s.; copying the bill of the grosse averes of the same, and the ward of the arbiters, 2s. To Wm. Gurre, armorer, for new buckling, leathering, and mending of 400 pair of Almain rivets, 4d. a pair; 200 lb. of rosen, 7s. 4d.; 3,000 sixpenny nails, at 30d. the 1,000. To the smith in Blanke Chapelton (Whitechapel ?), London, for hinges, locks, and staples for the doors of the King's chamber in the New Bark, 5s. 6d.; 46 lbs. of thromes, at 2d. a lb., for making mappes for pitching and tallowing the ships; 100 "seyle nylds," 16d.; 28 lbs. of marline, at 3d.; small rope, at 1½d. the lb.; 6 lines of 21 threads, 7s.; 2 lines of 18 threads, 20d.; 2½ lasts of pitch, 7l. 10s.; inch boards, at 2s. the 100; 12 leathern bags for gunpowder, 7s.; 100 great nogges and trenails for knees, 3s. 4d.; 550 short trenails for the ship's boats, 4s.; 1 qr. of clove boards, 8s. To John Wolffe, for painting and guilding the "collere" of the "Katerine Plesaunce," 10s.; 4 gallon tankards, 2s.; 1 doz. ashen drinking cups, 6d.; a bowl for a funnel, 4d.; 1 doz. taps, 2d.; 2 pails, 6d.; 1 doz. platters, 10d.; 2 ladles, 1d.; 100 great "tampence," 16d.; 200 small "tampons," 16d.; 3doz. dishes, 9d.; a "main parell, "2s. 8d.; a "fore parell," 12d.; 8 water "stopes," 16d.; a mainyard for the King's rowbarge, the Swepstake, and a "sperett" yard for the Katerine Plesaunce, 16s. Timber, 6s. a load. 11 loads of timber from the wood of the prior of Shene, 14s. 8d. To Godefrey, searcher in London, 100 wainscots for making cabins and chambers for the King and Queen in the said new bark, 5l. 6s. 8d. To John Dynam, 112 ft. of glass for glazing the cabins, 4½d. a foot; for 2 panes of the King's and Queen's arms, 5s. 8d.; 18 bars, 1½d. each; 1 doz. joined stools for the Queen's cabin, 10d. each; a foremast and a mainyard for the new bark, 3l. At Calais, 1 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lb. of ropes, 16s. 8d. Fl.=15s. 4d. st.; a topsail yard for the new bark, 3s. 4d. Repairing "the great dock head of the pound at Deptford," 6s. 8d. To Edmund Cicill, for 3 compasses and 4 "rynnynge glasses," 6s. 8d. A mainmast for the King's lesser rowbarge, 30s. A main yard for the Lesser Bark, 5l. 30 iron chains for the shrouds of the Katerine Plesaunce, at 6d. each; 13 iron bolts for brasen poles, 1½d. each; a garland of iron for the topmast, 2s.; boathook, 6d.; 246lb. of iron bolts for the knees of the ships, 1½d. a lb.; a bolt for the collar of the main stay, 9 lb.; 30 lb. of spikes, 1½d. a lb.; 100 lead nails, 6d.; 2 staples for the "owt lyggere," 2 lb., 3d.; 30 forelocks, for great serpentines, 2s. 6d.; 2 kattehooks and the ramehed, 2s.; a kattehoke weighing 15 lb., at 2d. a lb.; pair of garnets for the gunports, 20lb., 2d. a lb.; iron hoop for the main capstain, 30 lb., 1½d. a lb. For mending the shank of a bower of the Swalowe, rowbarge, 7s. 8 bolts weighing 15 lb. for the trestle trees of the main and fore masts of the Mary and John, a bolt and swivel for the boat, 18d. Locks for the storehouses at Deptford and Erith; a stock lock for the gate of the latter next the water side, 12d.; a platt lock for the middle door at Deptford, 20d.; a portall lock for the hall door, 2s.; 3 hanging locks with their keys for the gates at Erith, 3s. 6d. Wages of 20 mariners, at 4d. a day, for unrigging the Mary and John and Lesser Bark on their return home. 2 loads of coal at 5d. a qr.; oil at 8½d., 10d. and 11d. a gallen; 1 cwt. of tallow, 8s., used for "warnesching" the ordnance. For making 2 new sheds in the yard, on the north side of the storehouse at Deptford, for the King's iron and brass guns; 4 loads of elm timber, at 2s. 8d. To Geoffrey ap Fluellyn, house carpenter, for making the sheds, 6d. a day, for 5 days. 2 hoses for the Grette Barbara and John Baptist, lying in the creek at Woolwich, 20d. A hose for the Mary George, in dock at the Isle of Dogs, 10d. One hose and a skoper for the Kateryn Fortylesa, 18d. 2 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII., wages of caulkers caulking the Mary Rose in the pound at Deptford, 6d. a day. To 7 men who helped to "plumpe" the Mary Rose for a day and a night, 2s. 8d. Total, 219l. 2s.
Pp. 28.
4 Oct.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
I. 199.
1010. PACE to WOLSEY.
Sends two letters to Wolsey, which he found in a packet sent to him from Italy. "The King hath now good pastime by the new player upon the clavicords," whom Mr. Rochpotte brought, and also by the Almain gentleman who was at Woodstock, and who has brought with him a new instrument, on which he plays right well. Windsor, 4 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
6 Oct.
R. O.
St. P. II. 50.
On the 2nd arrived at Clonmel; and yesterday came the earl of Desmond. Tomorrow they go to Waterford. Sent for the kinsmen and adherents to reconcile the two Earls. Desmond and Ormond are both conformable. Hope that the variance between the towns of Waterford and Ross will be brought to an end. Think it would be advantageous if a marriage were solemnised between the earl of Ormond's son, now in England, and Sir Thomas Boleyn's daughter. Clonemel, 6 Oct. Signed.
6 Oct.
Vit. B. XX.
B. M.
Understands by letters of [the bishop of Helna] and [Ger]ard de Pleine, his ambassadors, that Wolsey did not think fit to accept [the bishopric of Badajoz], and desired to obtain from Charles an annual pension of 2,500 [crowns], the bishopric being given to the said bishop of Helna (eidem Elnensi). Will be glad to do so. Louvain, 6 Oct. 1520. Signed. Countersigned: T. Argillensi[s].
Lat., p. 1. Add.: "RR." &c. "cardinali Eboracensi," &c.
6 Oct.
R. O.
On Friday, the 29th (fn. 1) Sept., Rochepott sent him a letter, advertising him "that he had commandment of the King his master to come to Arde, and there to discharge clearly all manner of pioneers and workmen, so that the building and fortifying there should surcease." Sandys took his horse and rode after him, and learnt that he had thoroughly fulfilled his charge. The next work day, which was Monday, the 1st day of this month, caused the King's secretary of this town, John Cookson, the water bailiff, and John Stubble to ride to Arde, and from their relation finds that no workmen are there. Was with Mr. Vaux at Guysnes on Wednesday the 3rd, and heard a rumor that there is a new commission to take up more new pioneers. Does not believe that the French King would sent Rochepott over to England to report one thing, "which should afterward prove contrary." Calais, 6 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: My lord Legate, &c.
8 Oct.
R. O.
I have already written to you on behalf of Jehan du Moustier, merchant of Paris, whose ship, the "Françoise," was driven on to the Isle of Surlingne and there plundered by an English pirate named Robin, of goods to the value of 3,000 livres and more. He has obtained an award of the sum of 1040 1. Tourn., which is 1,500 livres less than his loss; but the English council will not put it into execution, and have taken from him the original of the attestation of the value of his goods, so that the sentence is illusory. I write to you now that you may see justice done to him. Paris, 8 Oct. Signed. Countersigned: De Neufville.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A notre trescher et grant amy le card. d'Yort, legat en Angleterre. Endd.
8 Oct.
R. O.
A few days ago explained to his grace his misfortunes, and the causes of them. Has since spoken to the Pope, and reminded him of certain circumstances. He says one way remains of granting Henry's wishes, and satisfying Worcester; viz., that Henry should write to some of the old cardinals, as Worcester states in his letter to Wolsey. Begs him to do this. Rome, 8 Oct. 1520. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
10 Oct.
R. O.
Wrote on the 26th Sept. about the promotion of the bishop of Liege and the archbishop of Toulouse to the cardinalate. The French king now openly opposes the election of the bishop of Liege, and the Pope is not inclined to proceed against his will. The Archbishop's promotion will not be delayed, as he is related to the King, and no enemy to the Emperor. The Bishop is in no way connected with the Emperor, and is hostile to Francis.
It is the usual fate of the College for the funeral of one cardinal to be followed by the death of another. Since the death of the cardinal of Ferrara, the cardinal St. Peter ad Vincula, bishop of Agen, is deceased. He was chief penitentiary, and nephew to Julius II., a man everywhere praised for religion and holiness. His revenue was 22,000 ducats. The penitentiaryship, worth 6,000 ducats, has been obtained by cardinal SS. Quatuor. The monastery of S. Sabba in Rome, worth 4,000 d., is given to cardinal Cibo, nephew of the Pope, charged with a pension of 1,000 d. to cardinal Ægidius, and one of 500 d. to cardinal de Cesis. His bishopric and another monastery, each worth 6,000 d., he resigned to his nephew and brother. None of these came to the writer; "I suppose, because the Pope thinks I shall soon be enriched with an English bishopric." He gave me, however, without my asking, the office of signatura justitiæ, also held by the said Cardinal; and though this has no revenue, it is the hinge of the whole court, and the right hand of the Pope, and is usually given to a cardinal of known faith and learning.
The Pope has left Rome with some of the cardinals, on account of ill health, and it is uncertain when he will return.
After writing thus far, received Wolsey's letters, dated the More, 21 Sept., about the German legation. Will act on his advice. There was no necessity for thanks for the trouble taken by Campeggio about the see of Badajoz. Will convey Wolsey's thanks to the Cardinal. The news grows strong of the French king's coming to spend Christmas in Italy. Has heard nothing of the Emperor's coronation at Aix. Rome, 10 Oct. 1520. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.
11 Oct.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 726.
In favor of Jerome Molini. Ducal Palace, 11 Oct. 1520.
Latin. Vellum; leaden seal. Add.
12 Oct.
Vit. B. XX.
B. M.
The coronation of the [Emperor, which was announced] for the 7th inst. in his last letters, has been deferred "h ... the Electors which be comen to Coleyn were [unwilling] to come to Acon because of the fame of the gret [sickness] supposed to be there; for whose tarrying the E[mperor] sent one of his council, called Maister Nic[holas] Syegler," with a credence to Cologne to know their further mind, and the cause of th[eir] delay, and when they would come to Acon f[or] the coronation. They sent to ask that it might be celebrated at Cologne, to avoid the sickness "reynyng" at Acon, informing him that the emperor Robert duke of Bavaria was crowned at Cologne for like cause. The messenger of the archbishop of Cologne, who was to anoint the Emperor, after the others had spoken, showed the Emperor apart a privilege, dispensing with the Archbishop's attendance at Acon, and giving him power to appoint another place, and informed him that the Archbishop would not consent to its being at Cologne. Mons. de Isilsteyn, lord marshal, who had been living some time at Acon, informed the Emperor that these three weeks past not three persons have died there altogether, and it was not certain that they had died of the sickness; that only one street had been infected, and that the danger was not so great as had been "noised." The Emperor then, by the advice of his council, sent Mons. de Sevenberg to the Electors, to move them to come to Acon, and to declare that he intends to be crowned there, but will stay only a short time. Chievres and the Chancellor think it will be on the 21st inst. It is not known whether the Emperor's request will be assented to, [or] some new message sent; for Sevenberg [being] returned, the archbishop of Cologne is... to come to Acon. If the other Electors can [be] induced thereto, the day will stand. One thing moves [the] Emperor and council greatly to go to Acon, and that is, all kings of the Romans, except the said emperor Robert, have been anointed there; and he, after his anointing at Cologne, went to Acon to receive his crown, and all usual ceremonies, except the unction, which was not repeated.
The Emperor entered "this city of Luke" yesterday triumphantly. The lady Margaret is here, and goes with him to his coronation. Tomorrow [she de]parts hence to Mastryk to wait till a "[resol]ucion" come from the Electors, for the town of Acon is only four leagues from thence. No French ambassador is come yet. After his last letters had gone from Antwerp, Don Ferdinand returned from Barowe. He went to him, and delivered the King's recommendation, and told him in Latin that Henry would do anything he desired within the realm of England. He returned thanks in Latin, regretting he had not seen the King when he was this side the sea. "Surely he is a propre and wise prince, and redy of aunswere to anything that a man can divise with him, and speketh Latyne very well." Met at Antwerp with [Nicholas Craczer], an Almayn, deviser of the King's horologes, who said the King had given him leave to be absent for a time. Asked him to stay till he had ascertained if the King would allow him to remain with Tunstal till the coronation and the assem[bly] of the Electors be over. Being born in High Almayn, and having acquaintance of many of the princes, he might be able to find out the mind of the Electors touching the affairs of the empire. Need not say anything of Spanish affairs, as Spinelly will write. Luke, 12 Oct. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 6.
12 Oct.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
I. 231.
Met with Nicholas Craczer, an Almain, deviser of the King's horologes, who has leave to be absent for a time, but is now ready to return. Asks that he may remain with him till after the assembly of the Electors, as he knows many noblemen about them. Thinks he might do good service in finding out the minds of the Electors concerning the empire, and it will be no expense to the King, for he shall have meat and drink with Tunstal. Wishes to know the King's pleasure, as he will not keep him without orders. Has just written to the King, so there is no more news. Luke, 12 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To, &c. cardinal of York, legate de [la]tere and chancellor [of E]ngland. Endd.
12 Oct. 1020. For the MONASTERY OF OSELVESTON, Linc. dioc.
Assent to the election of John Slawston as abbot, vice John Belton, resigned. Westm., 12 Oct.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m.8.
P. S. b. 2. Petition of John Pyckwell, subprior, and the convent for the above. 4 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.
14 Oct.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
I. 232.
Has taken the measures of eighteen chambers at Hampton Court. As the mart is nearly ended, could not wait, but has taken ship, and on his arrival will give order for the hangings. They will amount to 1,000 marks; and as the workmen are poor, they must have the money beforehand. Begs Wolsey "will deliver to Master Gowstewyck my bill for the privy seal for Sir John Cutte." London, 14 Oct. 1520.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
15 Oct.
R. MS.
13 B. II. 306.
B. M.
1022. JAMES V.
Protection for the inhabitants of the city of Colbergh, their goods and ships, with liberty to trade in England. Edinburgh, 15 Oct. 1520.
Copy, Lat.
15 Oct.
R. O.
1023. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Recommends to him Peter Corso, a Florentine merchant trading at London. He is connected with the Pope's family. Rome, 15 Oct. 1520, 8 pont. Signed: Ja. Sadoletus.
Lat., vellum. Add. Endd.
17 Oct.
Calig. B. I.
275. Green's Royal
Ladies, I. 232.
Thanks him for sending his servant, the bearer, to whom she has shown her mind. Is in a sore case, if she be not helped by the King and Wolsey. Is obliged to pawn the jewels given her by the King when she left. Has put away all her servants, because she had nothing to give them; and but for Robin Barton, her comptroller, who laid out 500l. Scots of his own purse, would have been compelled to live like a poor gentlewoman. Is not answered of any part of her living, except Stirling and Lytco (Linlithgow); "and ze kna[w], my lord, vhat that is." Can get nothing from the forest of Ettrick, the earldom of March or the lands of Me .. Since her last coming to Scotland, has not got 500l. Scots of all her lands. The lords themselves confess she is ill treated, but they do not mend. Her chief reason for coming hither was for her son's sake; and she is kept from him like a stranger. Wishes to be allowed to return to England, and she will make over her living to Henry. "He may get reason of Scotland, and so may not I." If he writes to the lords in her favor, they only give him fair words. Had liever be dead than live among them; yet she has always conducted herself well towards them. Hopes the peace between the two kingdoms will not be renewed without some good way being taken that she may live at ease; for Henry promised her at her departure that Scotland should never have peace otherwise. Her only hope is in him. Scotland was never like to be so evil ruled. "Every lord prieth who may be the greatest party and monyest friends." They hope to rule by getting the King, her son, in their hands. The Chancellor has many enemies, and she is most bound to him of any here. Beseeches Wolsey to remember the promises he made her in his house at her departure. Must put away two cups of gold given her by the King at her departure. Would rather Dacre had them than another. Stirling, 17 Oct.
Hol., pp. 3, slightly mutilated. Add.: To my lord Dakars.
18 Oct.
R. O.
The goods of Deryk Molener, merchant of A[ntwerp ?], in the Scotch ship of Dumbarton, 50 tons, Collyn Porterfeld, of Dumbarton, master, xvi[i]j. Oct. 1520, shipped out of a ship lost in Brittany.
4 great stone guns and 8 chambers. 4 serpentines with 5 chambers. 3 iron hakeguns. 1 brass gun. 150 lb. of gunpowder. A copper kettle. A brass pot. A gridiron. A great block with 2 brass pulleys. A great new cable, 110 fathom long; other cables, 100 and 90 fathom; and 6 small ones, 80 fathom. 3 new trusses of ropes of 80 fathom. 5 trusses of tarred rope. 8 iron chains for shrouds. 3 iron hooks for a rudder. 2 iron bolts and a shear. 2 great iron bolts with rings. An iron bolt with a flat head. 3 iron plates for a rudder. 2 baskets of broken iron, and 4 cwt. of clenchwork. 2 small feather beds. 3 head pillows. An English coverlet. A great bearskin. A canvas bag. A great flat chest, locked with 2 keys, marked with his mark, containing a russet gown furred with white lamb; 2 pair of white hose; 3 caps, red, white and black; a black cap furred with marters; 4 sheets; 6 liuen pelowbers; 3 headkerchers; 4 towels; 4 shirts; a pair of new shoes; 5 pr. new gloves in 5 walnuts; 3 leather purses for spicery; a great bell of metal, 10 lb. wt.;an altar stone, with 5 red crosses; 30 lb. lead; a stone bottle with 6 qts. of oil; 4 bottles, 3 tin, 1 glass; a bag containing coins, 6 silver knobs and other broken silver, a jacinth, a sapphire, 2 turquoises, an amethyst and 6 great pearls; a handgun "with his forme," and a bottle of powder. 3 small lead lines. A hewing axe. A piercer. A cutting knife. A "dysell." A caulking iron. 3 compasses. 2 night running glasses. 3 small piercers. 8 lb. sail thread. 8 lb. saltpetre rocs and brimstone rocs. A quart-pot of tin and a maser. Total value, 128l. 5s.
Shipped "by Bordeaux, at a place called Liborn," the following goods bought of Wm. de la Fone and John Sake.—30 tuns 3 hhd. red wine, marked with his mark. 6 barrels of tar. 430 lb. of rosell. 3 rolls of poldavy. A chest full of drinking glasses. A pipe full of "chosteyns" (chesnuts). Was licensed by Sir Rowland Velavyle, constable of Bew Marice, to sell 2 tuns of wine, but sold only 7 hogsheads.
When he has received these goods, or the value thereof, as is granted by the Cardinal in the Star Chamber, upon pain of 500 marks to whoever has the goods, he will pay as his portion of the freight to Thos. Calcote, 34 mks., of which he has already paid to Colen the master 49s. 4d.
Pp. 2.
ii. Goods belonging to the Scots.—A ship called The Mary, of Donbreton, with all her apparel; viz.; Complete sails. 3 anchors. 4 cables. 2 hawsers, and other cordage. 3 standards. A silk standard. A great cadurn. 3 pr. of harness. An image of St. Barbara. 4 doz. pulleys, "with part of brasen schevers." A bell of a stone weight. An iron spit. A brandiron. A gridiron. A pr. of bolts to set in prisoners. 12 st. of ironwork in broken bands. 2 doz. fire spears. 1 doz. long spears. 2 iron crays. An iron malle. 64 iron "faconstones." 80 lead pellets. 500 "ocom" (oakum). 2½ barrels of tar. A lead and a line, with other small necessaries. "A certen" of new ropes. 9 tuns 3 hhd. wine, or the value. For the freight of Dyryk's wine, 15s. a tun. If he receive all his wine he must pay 22l. 13s. 4d.; if not, at the above rate.
P. 1, parchment.
18 Oct.
R. O.
Attested copy of citation by Martin Spinosa, LL.D., auditor of the Papal Court, for the appearance within 60 days of Nic. Cooper, vicar of Cheshunt, and the Prioress of the monastery there, parties in a suit concerning tithes, in which an appeal has been made against the sentence pronounced by Thos. Wodyngton, of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Rome, 1520, Indict. 8, 18 Oct., 8 pont. Leonis.
Lat., copy. At the foot is a note in Clerk's hand:—We send this copy of a citation and inhibition, with a proxy under the seal of the above monastery, with other information, by the letters of Thomas Cromwell, from which your lordship will understand the merits of the case, and what you ought to do in it. The citation was executed personally against the Convent, but against the Prioress viis et modis. The execution took place about the beginning of Dec. 1520.
Lat. Endd.: Inhibitio a curia Romana.
19 Oct.
S. B.
To be lieutenant of Calais castle, with 2s. a day and 20l. a year, and with the nomination of 49 foot soldiers, one of whom to be constable of the castle; 29 to be men-at-arms, with 8d. a day, and 20 to be archers, with 6d. a day. Also to have the meadows, pastures, &c. pertaining to the said office, in the same manner as Sir John Donne or Sir Anthony Browne: on surrender of patent 7 May 7 Hen. VIII., granting the same, in survivorship, to Sir Richard Carewe, knt. of the Body, and Nicholas his son. Del. Westm., 19 Oct. 12 Hen VIII.
Fr., m. 1.
20 Oct.
Vit. B. xx.
B. M.
Wrote his last... from Luke. "The Emperor came to this town of Mastrycke. Sy... Rocdouffor and divers other messengers have been s... Electors being at Coloyn, desiring them to come to [the Emperor's] coronation. Notwithstanding that before for the sickness... that color on this side they had been by the Emperor insta[ntly required] to keep it at the said Coloyn; the which alterations is p[erilous], doubting many wise men the innovation of the place ag[ainst]... the ancient constitutions, ordinances, and prerogatives... had caused hereafter some sisma and dissension in thempi[re]... Whereupon the said Electors been condescended; and the Emperor is[fully] determined to depart tomorrow, and Monday to make his e[ntry, and] on Tuesday to be crowned, and Wednesday to go to Coloyn in esche[wing] the danger of the infection, that is more than it is spoken, and perilous for the great multitude of the people."
Great dissatisfaction expressed at the thought of the Emperor's being crowned at Cologne. Berges accused Felinger of being the chief inventor of it. Considering the frequent changing of the time and place first appointed, the Electors are very compliant. Hears from the duke of Alba that the Constable, to please the Emperor, "hath accept[ed the] gubernation" for the preservation of his own and other lords' lands... He thinks that the Emperor's return must be at the beginning of summer. He and the Constable would rather it were shorter, but it is necessary to preserve the imperial dignity in Almayne, and to satisfy the people there. The diet shall be convoked at Worms by the feast of the Epiphany. The marquis d'Arscot has recommended to the Emperor, for his confessor, the warden of St. Francis de Observantia at Bruges, a Norman born, a great preacher; in appearance, of much charity and sanctimony. When the Emperor was elected this man visited him in Catalonia, urging the alliance with France and the restitution of Navarre. Thinks it strange that he should have such a charge with the Emperor. He will not forget his ancient love for his country. Thinks that the Marquis has been moved to this rather to have a friend at court than from love to France. If he studied his master's welfare as Wolsey does his master's, matters would succeed better. If the Spaniards obtain the answer they expect, all things shall be safely reformed to the satisfaction of England; otherwise d'Arscot, in his pusillanimity, will not cease to negociate some new treaty with France to his master's prejudice. The lord Berges thinks the delay cannot be long, and in default of the desired answer will write secretly to Wolsey. Some knight will come on an embassy from France, and not the bishop of Italy.
The Pope's nuncio cannot accomplish the object of his Holiness, but as he is convinced of the good intentions of the Emperor he has given him spiritual assistance against the bishop of Samora and other religious men, rebels in Spain. The Emperor has given the cardinal of Sion the bishopric of Cattanea, worth 3,000 ducats per annum.
A letter has been received, dated the 10th, from the Constable, then at Byerbesca. Burgos had not yet come to terms. Sevenbarg brings news from the Electors that they will meet the Emperor tomorrow two... out of Acon.
Pp. 4, badly mutilated. The cr. by Spinelly, and deciphered by Tuke.
20 Oct.
R. O.
Is informed that the ambassador of Hungary makes incessant instance for the accomplishment of the marriage, almost menacing. Answer is deferred till after the coronation. The count de Genevra, brother to the duke of Savoy, has arrived to be present at the coronation. Encloses a bill obtained from lord Ysylstein, containing the names of such princes who were at Cologne, intending to be present at the ceremony. Mastricke, Saturday night, 20 Oct. 1520.
Tuesday is the feast of St. Severin, archbishop of Cologne. Has showed this letter to the English ambassador. Signed.
P. 1. The end of a letter, probably the preceding. The last two sentences only are in Spinelly's hand. Add.: T[o my l]ord Cardinal's grace.
Vit. B. xx.
B. M.
2. "A memory of diverse princes... and therabowte for to con... as the lord of Ysylstein sayethe."
The cardinal of Brandenburgh, elector of Mayence, with the Marquis his nephew,... [horse].
Two bishops and six earls, with...
The elector of Trevery, with three bishops, four earls, and divers knights, with 200.
The elector of Cologne, with one bishop, 12 earls, and many knights, with 800.
The Elector Palatine, with the dukes, Frederic his brother, and Otto Heinrich his nephew, the bishops of Freisingen, Ratisbon and Spires, his brothers, the dukes of Mekelberg and Pombre, and the marquis Philip of Batha, his brothers-in-law, and the earl Hanse, of Nassau, with six others;—having in all 11,000.
The elector of Saxony, with divers noblemen, and...
The bishop of Brandenburgh, ambassador of the marquis Joakyn, elector, with...
[The] duke of Julers, with all the nobles [of his] country, and 800 horse.
[The] cardinal Gursensis is in this town [of] Mastricke, and has with him 100.
The bishop of Luke and Sir Robt. de la Marche, with 100.
The duke Herike, of Brunswick, with 70. Total, 1,060.
Added in Spinelly's hand: "At my arrival to Cologn I shall advertysse your grace more dixtently and parfectly, God willing, of ever thyng."
Mutilated, pp. 2.
20 Oct.
R. O.
Thanks him for his "goodness and loving entertainment" at Wolsey's "late honorable journey in these parts." Is pleased to hear that Wolsey visited his house at Hatfield. Will never forget his kind words at his departure. Asks his favor for his nephew touching the benefice of East Dereham, according to Wolsey's words when he saw him in the Queen's College. If his nephew obtain this benefice, the Bishop will send him over sea for five or six years to improve his language, and he will then be fit to serve Wolsey. Will give Mr. Larke the advowson of another benefice, with a vicarage of more value than Dereham. As to Underhill, will do as Wolsey orders; but Underhill had sold the advowson before to Dr. Potkyn, and had received the money for it. The convent seal of the same was stolen in vacation time. Mr. Mynne, the bearer, will give him fuller information on all these points. Downham, beside Ely, 20 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace, cardinal of York and chancellor of England.
21 Oct.
R. O.
Acknowledgment to Thomas lord Darcy of the receipt of 33l. 6s. 8d., in part payment of 110 marks, for the marriage of Dame Ann, sister to Sir Wm. Sandys. 21 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Acknowledgment by the same, as knight constable of Bawmborthe Castle, of his readiness to take the profits and expences of the courts for 12l., &c. 20 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. Signed.
26 Oct. 1032. STANLEY ABBEY.
Inspeximus to the abbot and convent of—
i. A charter of 1 Ric. I., confirming various grants of Henry II. and his mother the Empress Maud.
ii. A charter 11 Hen. III., confirming the above (i.) and other grants.
iii. A charter 4 Edw. II., confirming the preceding.
iv. Pat. 25 Hen. VI., inspecting transcripts of charters of Hen. [II.], Hen. III., Ric. I.
v. A pat. 26 Hen. VI., granting to the abbey the manor of Waddeley, Berks.
Westm., 26 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, ms. 33–36.
26 Oct.
S. B.
1033. WALSALL, Staff.
Licence to Roger Pemmerton, mayor, Roger Brasier, Ric. Hurst, Wm. Hopkys, Ric. Hopkys, and Wm. Tyrle, and the inhabitants, to found a guild in the chapels of St. Mary and St. John Baptist, in the church of All Saints, Walsall, with seven chaplains; two wardens to be elected yearly. Del. Westm., 26 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.
Endd.: The guild of Walshale, at Mr. Lovel his desire.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
28 Oct.
R. O.
1034. Will of JOHN FULLWODE, citizen and merchant tailor of London.
He desires to be buried in the Grey Friars, in the wall, by St. Michael's altar, and leaves 20d. to the high altar of St. John the Evangelist, in Watling Street, 100 marks towards the rebuilding of the said church, and other sums to the friars for a yearly mass. The remainder is left to Thos. Cole and Mawde Palmer, his executors, to be expended in charity. 28 Oct. 1520, 12 Hen. VIII. The will was proved, 24 July 1521, before Dr. Thos. Wodyngton, dean of S. Maria de Arcubus.
Copy, pp. 2.
S. B.
1035. HENRY NORRES, squire of the Body.
Grant, in fee, of the manors of Stokebardolf, Shelford and Gedling, Notts, Lincoln and Derby, with the patronage of the abbey of Rufford, and of the priory of Shelford, Notts, and the advowson of Gedling Church, and all benefices, fairs, markets, knights' fees, court leets, &c. pertaining to the said manors; also the manors of Thowresway, Beaumont, Baions and Tevelby, Linc., with the advowson of Thowresway Church; which manors lately belonged to William viscount Beaumont, and on his death to king Henry VII. by attainder of lord Lovell. This grant made in consideration that patent 18 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. is surrendered. Del. Westm.,—Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
Oct./GRANTS. 1036. GRANTS in OCTOBER 1520.
1. Henry Somerset lord Herbert. Licence to import 200 tuns of Gascon wine. Del. Westm., 1 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.1, m.19.
1. Wm. Simondes, the King's sewer. Licence to import 300 tuns of Guyon or Gascoign wine. Windsor Castle, 13 Aug. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
1. Wm. Forde, stockfishmonger of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir John Pecche, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 1 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
3. Commission of the Peace. Hunts.—Thomas cardinal of York, Nicholas bp. of Ely, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Wm. Tanfeld, Anth. Malory, John Wynde, John Castell, Th. Hall, Wm. Grace and John Taylard. Westm., 3 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 1, m. 1d.
14. Gaol delivery. Warwick County Gaol.—Sir Edw. Ferrers, Sir Edw. Grevile, Ralph Swillyngton, Wm. Broune, Th. Slade, Rob. Fulwoode, Wm. Boughton and John Ardern. Westm., 14 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14d.
16. John Vyall, of Asshehamstede, Berks, Reversal of outlawry, sued for debt by Sir Henry Long. Westm., 16 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9.
19. John Baker and Wm. his son. Office of chief mason at Calais, in survivorship, as held by Th. Ferrour; on surrender of patent 26 Dec. 1 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 2 Aug. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p.1, m.6.
19. Alex. Haryson, chaplain, native of Scotland. Denization. Del. Westm., 19 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.
Note: "The fyne is iiijor marc."—S.B.
Pat. p. 1, m.19; and p. 2, ms. 18 and 19.
19. Margaret widow of Ric. Gery. Wardship of Robert, s. and h. of the said Richard, Del. Westm., 19 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
20. Wm. Wetenhale and Reginald Pekham. Licence to alienate the manors of Walbury, Hassyngbroke and Fanges, Essex, and the advowsons of the churches of Stanford in the Hoope and Fanges, to Geo. Nevell lord Bergevenny, Sir Th. Nevell, Sir Edw. Ferrers, Sir Wm. Crowmer, Geo. Crowmer, Hen. Ferrers, John Crowmer, Jas. Crowmer, Wm. Waller, Th. Roydon, Th. Crowmer, Jas. Blachenden and Th. Hedde, to hold to the use of Anne, Wetenhale's wife, for term of her life, and then to the use of Wetenhale and his heirs. Westm., 20 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
20. John Appylby. Wardship of Alex. s. and h. of Ric. Appulby. Signed: Th. Lovell, Ri. Weyston. Del. Westm., 20 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
20 Nich. Bone. Wardship of Anne, d. and h. of Edward, s. and h. of John Wroth. Signed: Th. Lovell, Ri. Weyston. Del. Westm., 20 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, ms. 12 and 14.
22. Ric. Gerard, clk. Presentation to the church of Gropnall, Cov. and Lich. dioc., vice Simon Byron, clk., deceased, in the King's gift by the minority of Henry s. and h. of John Byron. Del. Westm., 22 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
23. Th. Magnus, archdeacon of the East Riding, the King's councillor. To be general surveyor and receiver general of lands in the King's hands by the minority of heirs, during pleasure; on surrender of patent 1 Feb. 9 Hen. VIII. granting the latter office to Roger Wigston. Del. Westm., 23 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B., Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
23. Hugh Edwardis. Wardship of Wm., s. of Rob., s. of Wm., brother of Th. Breten, clk., rector of Nawnby, Linc., deceased. Del. Westm., 23 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
23. Gaol delivery. Battle Abbey, in the town of Wye.—John Roper, steward of the liberty, Sir Wm. Scott, Sir Th. Kempe, John Fyneux and John Betman. Westm., 23 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14d.
24. Gaol delivery. Buckingham County Gaol.—Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Wm. Bulstrode, John Cheyne, John Baldwyn, Th. Jefford, Roger Jefford, Th. Laughton and Rob. Lee. Westm., 24 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14d.
25. Philip Connar, alias Conway, of London, brewer. Protection for two months; going in the retinue of Sir John Pecche, deputy of Calais. Signed: John Pecche. Sealed. Del. Westm., 25 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
25. Th. Yarde, of St. Clement's Danes, without Temple Bar, London, alias of Highwike, Devon, and John Warley, also of St. Clement's, alias of Holcombe, Devon. Pardon for the murder of Gilbert Atherton. Windsor Castle, 10 Aug. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
26. Simon Callesse, of Barton-in-the-Benes, Notts, husbandman. Pardon for killing Wm. Chamberleyn, of Barton, in self-defence. Westm., 26 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
27. Humph. Watson, of Acon, bailiff of the liberty of Langbarghe, York, Pardon for killing, in self-defence, Wm. Thorneton, who attacked him for distraining an ox belonging to John Clifton at Ingleby, York, Westm., 27 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
28. Sir John Mordaunt, Th. Gifford and John Basset. Mortmain licence to alienate the manors of Peteshoo and Ekenney, Bucks, and lands in Peteshoo, Ekeney, Emberton, Chechelowe, Crowley and Harmede, Bucks, (of the annual value of 18l.,) to John Cottisford, the guardian or rector, and the scholars of the college of St. Mary and All Saints, Lincoln, in the University of Oxford; to hold to the annual value of 19l., in part satisfaction of the 50l. for which the college had a licence from Edward IV. Westm., 28 Oct.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15.
28. Recognizances cancelled: made by Geo. Holford, of Holford, Chesh., Ralph Ravenscroft, of Bretton, Chesh., John Hopwod, of Hopwod, Lanc., and Th. Leversage, of Whelok, Chesh., 24 Hen. VII. Greenwich, 28 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
29. George Celi, of Havering-at-Bowre, Essex. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir John Pecche, deputy of Calais. Eltham, 20 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Oct.—P.S.
29. Th. Marshe, of Suthampton, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir John Pecche, deputy of Calais. Eltham, 23 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Oct.—P.S.
29. John Jurden, of Frome Selwode, Somers., butcher. Pardon for stealing an ox, price 26s. 8d., from the close of Hen. Clement at Evercryche, Somers. Greenwich, 26 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Oct.—P.S. Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
31. Th. Rouse. Lease of the site of the manor of Oveston, Northt., parcel of "Richemoundes landes," and the agistment of Oveston Park, and the underwoods of Sywell Woode, near the lands of Sir Th. Grene, for 21 Years; rent 6l. 16s. 8d. Del. [Westm.,] 31 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.


  • 1. An error for 28th.