Henry VIII: December 1518, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Henry VIII: December 1518, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp1411-1423 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1518, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp1411-1423.

"Henry VIII: December 1518, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp1411-1423.


December 1518

1 Dec.
S. B.
4619. For JOHN LEIGHTON and MATILDA his wife, ANTH. RALEGH and ELIZABETH his wife, JAS. CLIFFORD and ANNE his wife, TH. ASTON and BRIDGET his wife, and AGNES HARWELL.
Livery of lands; the said Matilda, Elizabeth, Anne and Agnes being sisters and heirs of Thomas, son and heir of John, son and heir of Wm. and Agnes Harwell, who all died in the time of Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 1 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
1 Dec.
P. S.
4620. For SIR RIC. WESTON.
Wardship of John, son and heir of Wm. Fulforde. Greenwich, 7 Nov. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13.
3 Dec.
Giust. Desp. II. 246.
Campeggio thinks the stir made by the Bp. of Ventimiglia against the Government of Genoa had the consent of Francis. This appears by the Cardinal's receiving letters from Rome, and despatching a courier thither in haste. He also told Sebastian there were fresh negotiations on foot for a marriage between the Catholic King and the King of Portugal's daughter; and that Charles had sent troops to Naples on account of the Turks. Sebastian thinks it is because he fears that, by setting aside the French marriage, Francis will invade Naples in virtue of his claims upon it. The Doge would do well to write a letter of thanks to Campeggio for his good offices. Lambeth, 3 Dec. 1518.
3 Dec.
S. B.
Wardship of William, son and heir of Sir Rob. Morton. Del. Westm., 3 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII. Signed: Thomas Lovell—Rychard Weyston.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9.
4 Dec.
R. O.
Declaration of the expences of the household of Thomas Cardinal of York for three years ending 4 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII. For diet, the horses, regards, wages, livery, boatage, tonsure, journeying towards the court, in the 9th and 10th years, and to Walsyngham and back, in the 9th year, candles, &c. The charge for Wolsey's tonsure (Cust' tonsur' domini) is 31s. 2d. in the 8th year, nothing in the 9th and 10th. Totals, in the 8th year, 2,485l. 16s. 4¼d.; in the 9th, 2,616l. 5s. 2¾d.; in the 10th, 2,897l. 15s. 5¼d.
Parchment, p. 1.
4 Dec.
P. S.
4624. For TH. PAKEMAN and ELLEN his wife.
Livery of lands, viz., of the moiety of the manor of Rawreth, Essex, and appurtenances in the hundred of Ratcheforth; the said Ellen being one of the sisters and heirs of Christiana Vere, and kinswoman and one of the two heirs of Sir John, son of John Darward of Bocking, i. e. daughter of Isabel Fodryngey, sister and heir of John Doreward of Yeldham, son of William, brother of the said Sir John.—Also, licence to alienate the same moiety to Thomas Earl of Surrey, Sir Th. Wymondham, Edmund Lord Howard, Sir John Heydon, Sir Christ. Heydon, Wm. Paston, Roger Townesende, And. Lutterell, Edw. Knyvet and Th. le Straunge, and to the heirs of Wymondeham. Greenwich, 30 Nov. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Dec.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
5 Dec.
Calig. E. II. 190.
B. M.
4625. _ to _.
"Le ve jour de Decembre lan [mil cinq cens dix]huit.
Ce peuple de ... cite de Tournay ... ble par ces leges de ... comme il est monstre ... faire en tel cas pour deliberer de lalleg ... mise devant eulx, cest assavoir que le bon plaisir du Roy nostre Sire estoit destre paye comptant et promptement du reste des quatre mil livres Tournois qui par la reduction de ceste dicte ville es mains et en lobeissance du Roy nostre dit seigneur lui furent prommis payer dix ans ensuivans, montant le dit reste vingt mil livres Tournois ou environ, portans cincq annees advenir. Surquoy ledit peuple dun commun assent ont delibere de remonstrer a hault et noble monsieur le gouverneur de ceste dicte ville la pauvrete (?) dicelle tant a cause des guerres et grans ouvraiges, mortalites, deffaulte de lentrecours de marchandise, haulche des monnoyes, comme autrement en diverses manieres. Parquoy impossible seroit de trouver promptement comptant ledit reste; en lui requerant humblement, quil lui plaise de sa grace estre le moyen devers le Roy nostre dit seigneur, quil lui plaise de sa tresbenigne grace faire recevoir ledit reste aux termes et comme ilz sont ... laccord sur ce fait. Et rechargent les choses de la loy de la dite ville de faire ladite responce. Signature illegible.
Much faded; the edges slightly burned.
6 Dec.
Mon. Habs. Abtheil,
II. Bd. I. 74.
Hears from his ambassador, William Knyght, of her kind reception of his overture for the continuation of the amity between him and the King of Castile, which was well proved by the regard had for him in the late treaty with France. It is not true that a cold answer was returned to his ambassador, when he required in his name and that of the Emperor that they should be comprehended as principal contrahents. Had named them as principal contrahents before the arrival of their commission, providing for their entering within a certain time. Charles's ambassador, however, after examining every point in the said treaty, and though he said that it was more beneficial to his master than to any other, still, inclining more to his own opinion than to his master's interests, most strangely refused to accept it, unless the books sealed and sworn between the English and French commissioners were cancelled. Wolsey and the King endeavoured to alter his determination, but he refused, placing more importance on the ceremonials than on the substance of the treaty.
It was provided, that if the Emperor or the King wished to enter, letters should be sent them by the English and French commissioners in as ample a manner as those that passed between the said commissioners. She will have seen this from the copy of the treaty sent to Knyght. Concerning Tournay, and the article in the treaty which she thinks insufficient, saying that the people might admit a garrison under the pretence that it was the doing of the French, tells her that the town will be and remain in the condition in which it was before the war and its reduction. Francis is not only sworn to this by an express article in the treaty, under ecclesiastical censure, but is also compelled to give several honorable persons as hostages, who will remain in England for thirteen or fourteen years at least. Begs she will credit his goodwill to her, the Emperor, the King Catholic and the House of Burgundy. Thanks her for her safeconduct and licence for taking wagons and boats for the conveyance of certain things from Tournay by sea and land. Is surprised that De Ligue is not disposed to come to England, as Henry invited him by letter. If he still refuse, provision must be made for the accomplishment of Henry's promise to Francis. Greenwich, 6 Dec. 1518. Signed.
Fr. Add.
6 Dec.
Calig. E. II. 137.
B. M.
Has received Mr. Toney's letters expressing the Cardinal's wish that he should take back again the 100l. he had delivered to Mr. Deputy, and retain hereafter all such monies in his own hand. Thinks the better plan will be to leave that and all other sums in the hands of the Deputy for the King's use, and settle the account when the Deputy returns to England, when the Cardinal can receive his own. No other payment is current here, except in pence, which do not pass in England. Will do his best to obtain money. The farmers are not bound to pay before the Purification. They are very backward. The French Bishop will come to Tournay with the King's ambassadors, and has promised to settle the arbitrament. In the expectation of a change, all are looking to the new comer, and therefore are less willing to pay. A coadjutor is to be appointed to the Abbot of St. Martin's, Tournay, who for his immoralities ought rather to be expelled his monastery. Tournay, viii. id. Dec.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's good grace, Legate of England.
6 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 60.
B. M.
Relates what passed at his interview with Dorvall touching the Lord Ligny and the surrender of Mortaygne. (See the account given by the commissioners 8 Dec.) Cleremont, .. Dec. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
6 Dec.
Vesp. C. I. 226.
B. M.
The Council have asked for five or six days' delay before answering the King's letters of 4 Nov., received by the ambassadors on the 24th,—in consequence, he thinks, of "drifts" between the Orator in England and the Legate there; the King has sent to ask the Pope's intent about entering the league, but will join it whatever his answer. They "repoune" much at the term "rogare" in the 11th article, because it affects the French King as much as England, and insist that the Swiss should have been mentioned by name in the 6th article against using mercenaries. Whenever an ambassador to England is appointed, they will return by land, on account of Lord Berners' illness. It is said that Lord Bergus will be sent to England with power to enter the league, and another to be resident. The Cardinal of Tortosa has great affection for the King, and praises Wolsey for his exertions in bringing about the peace. "The Chancellor here, Master Mercurius, an old servant with Lady Margaret the Duchess of Savoy, is a man of sixty years, of much gravity, of good learning and good Latin, and by his words and smiling cheer much faithful unto our master. Albeit I cannot judge in this cause of this treaty past, for why I see it is beneficial for their master." Saragossa, 6 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace.
6 Dec.
P. S.
4630. For TH. STEPHENSON of London, cook, and his heirs.
Denization, being a native of Scotland. Greenwich, 16 Nov. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Dec.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, ms. 13 and 23.
7 Dec.
Calig. E. II. 96.
B. M.
Received on 16 Nov. the King's letters, dated Greenwich, 1 Nov., and since, a credence given to Whethill, the marshall, by my Lord Legate, for the selling of the timber and provisions, preparatory to the evacuation of the town, with order to expel the vagabonds, that at the coming of my Lord Chamberlain all may be quiet. Has complied with the directions. Explained his orders to the English ambassadors then at Montreuil. William [Pawne] had a placard for the sale. Begs command may be given to Robert Fowler to provide money for completing the payments. Dr. Knight, the ambassador in Flanders, has procured a passport for conveying the artillery. Has taken order for the payment of arrears due from the manans (inhabitants) to the King. They refuse to pay, except according to the terms arranged between them and the King, in the treaty. Has withheld assent to the demand made by the Council of the town touching payments to be made for the houses pulled down. Tournay, 7 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
7 Dec.
R. O.
According to the instructions he received at his departure, has endeavored to find a sale for the remaining materials of the King's works, but in vain. As their stay there will be short, and their debts are called in, has written to the Lord Chamberlain for a licence, according to the schedule enclosed. Hopes he will order Robert Fowler to pay the debts, amounting to 1,400l. Will account for the money he receives, on his arrival in England. Tournay, 7 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: My Lord Cardinal.
7 Dec.
R. O.
The Deputy has received his letter of 16 Nov., commanding him to have all things in readiness at the coming of my Lord Chamberlain (Worcester) and Belknap. Tournay, 7 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: [To the] most rev. [father] in God, my Lord [Legat]es grace.
7 Dec.
S. B.
Wardship of John, son and heir of Wm. Penyngton and Anne his wife. Signed: Thomas Lovell. Del. Westm., 7 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31.
7 Dec.
P. S.
4635. For ROB. DOLBYN.
To be clerk of the records and courts in Denbigh, Marches of Wales. Greenwich, 27 Nov. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Dec.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
7 Dec.
S. B.
4636. For JAS. BETTYS.
To be collector (on the death of Sir John Dawtrey) of the customs and subsidies of wools, hides and fleeces, and of the small customs of tonnage and poundage in the port of Southampton, with 55l. a year; and to be overseer of all the officers in the said port, with 20l. a year. Del. Westm., 7 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
8 Dec.
Faust. E. VII. 23.
B. M.
Chron. Calais, 110.
A long dispute has existed between both jurisdictions, sc. which of the two mayors should have the pre-eminence; the Mayor of Calais claims it as granted and confirmed by the King's grant royal, and so continued, time out of mind; the other by virtue of the King's grant of confirmation under his broad seal. As this causes much "intranquillity," and the mayor of one jurisdiction, Sir William Fitzwilliam, is Wolsey's servant and treasurer, Wolsey is requested to settle the dispute. Enclose a list of the noblemen of England having possessions in this town which are fallen into ruin and decay, whereby the King is deprived of his rents, and the town rendered unsafe. Send it in order that he may admonish them to repair their possessions. Calais, 8 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my [Lord Cardinal's] grace, Le[gate] and Chancellor. Endd.
ii. "The names of all the noblemen in England having lands in Calais that been fallen in decay: The Duke of Buckingham, the Lord Marquis, the Earl of Northumberland, the Earl of Kent, the Earl of Arundel, the Lord Darcy, Sir Edward à Borough."
8 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 40.
B. M.
Came to Abevill on Wednesday, 1 Dec., where they were welcomed by the Bishop of Amiens, on to Mons. de Peanys, with "the vewe dame," and many others. He excused his father's absence, on account of his age and infirmity. They were also met by the Governor of the castle, with a body of horse, and then by the mayor and merchants of the town, who gave them three puncheons of wine. Were asked by the Bishop to supper, at his father's house, "where the old father, a very impotent old man, having no more use of reason than a child, met us in his gallery, and made us a right great supper." The Bishop told them it was the French King's pleasure they should remain in the town the Thursday following, as Mons. Dorvall could not reach Amiens till the evening of that same day, and his train would occupy so much room that the "fourryours" could not provide accommodation for them in less than a day, and would have to divide the town into two parts for the English and French retinues.
On Friday the 3rd left Abbeville, and came to Amiens, but were not met, as appointed, by Mons. Dorvall and the Bp. of Castorn, nor by the mayor and citizens, who excused themselves by saying that the English had arrived too soon. The fact is, Dorvall went hawking, and was not ready for his appointment. Received from the burgesses "great carps, great pikes, trouts, barbels, cravessys, and great eels, [and] four puncheons of wine." Were asked to stay another day to an entertainment, but refused, under pretence that they had received despatches from home marvelling at their long tarrying, and commanding them not to stay unless the French King desired it. Dorvall answered, it was his master's pleasure they should be entertained, "for that the King's highness and your grace had made them so [much] cheer in England, that he would in nowise we should pass [any] town within his realm but we were honorably feasted."
f. 43. On Sunday the 5th left Amiens, and divided their company, for straitness of lodging. The Lord Chamberlain, the Bishop of Ely and some others went to Bruttoylle; St. John's and Master Vaux, by Montdidier; Dorvall and the Bishop, by another way. Have appointed to meet on Tuesday, at Senlis, where they will be compelled to stay two or three days, as the King does not wish them to enter Paris before Saturday. He is gone hunting ten or twelve leagues beyond Paris, and the Queen, with his mother, is at Boys de Vincent. On Tuesday they met at Senlis. It is the King's wish that they should remain there all the next day, because it is Our Lady's Day, "and not convenient for any nobleman to travel that day." On Thursday they go to St. Denis; on Friday they enter Paris, and on Saturday expect their first audience. Wish to know whether the gentlemen "that be not appointed to go with [my] Lord of Ely to see the Dolphyn are to wait upon my Lord Cha[mberlain] to Tournay or take the straight way home." Have written about this before, as also about Mons. de Ligney and the matter of Flanders; but have received no letters from Wolsey or the King since they left England, to their great discomfort. Senlis, 8 Dec. Signed.
In Worcester's hand; pp. 4, mutilated.
8 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 44.
B. M.
Reached Abbeville 1 Dec. Were met by the Bishop of Amiens, son to Mons. de Peanys, with the "veyedame" and others; afterwards by the governor of the castle; then by the mayor and merchants of the town. They supped at the Bishop's, &c. (As above to the words "honorably feasted.")
f. 45. Dorvall then took the Chamberlain aside, and asked him as to the disposition of Lord Lingney touching the surrender of Mortaygne, as (fn. 1) there was a rumor that he would not give up possession peaceably, and that the soldiers would not go out without large sums of money. "Whereunto my Lord Chamberlain, as he said, made answer that as touching Mons. de Lingney he knew not as yet, but he would be content to do therein according to the King's pleasure," and the garrison likewise: on which Dorvall answered that his master would lend aid to compel him, and had already garrisoned the frontiers for that purpose. The Chamberlain said the King his master would advertise the French King if he needed his aid and counsel in the matter. They are anxious to have fuller instructions on this point, and what knowledge Wolsey has of De Lingney's intention and the garrison's, and the King of Castile's subjects; and what answer that King has made for the safeconduct of the King's ordnance, as there are shrewd bruits about. They think it would be more to the honor of England that Tournay and Montaigne be delivered without aid from France.
Left Amiens on the 5th. Cleremont, 6 Dec.
P.S. added by West.—The above letter was to have been sent from Cleremont by Master Carew's servant; "but when it came to be signed by my Lord Chamberlain, because in the matter that was in privy communication between him [and] Mons. Dorvall, we all then being present in the house and n[ot] ... d thereto, I would not write precisely as he reported it [to me], but added these words: "As he saith ... Chamberlain that made the report to us as ... [would in no]wise sign this letter, but write the said privy communication ... was greatly displeased with me; albeit we were all agreed, [when we were at] Amiens, that the said privy communication should be written under [that] manner." The same method had been adopted in a letter sent to Wolsey from Boulogne, containing a private communication between the Chamberlain and Mons. de Fyeatt. Thinks that this is the only way by which he can set his hand to a mere report. This is the reason he did not write from Cleremont, as did my Lord Chamberlain. The gentlemen of the retinue behave remarkably well, "as well for their goodly decking and good ord ... as for their goodly demeanor." This day in the town an Observant Friar preached a sermon setting them up as an example to all the nobles of France. Senlis, 8 Dec. Signed by West: signature burnt off.
Pp. 6, mutilated.
8 Dec.
Galba, B. V. 342*.
B. M.
As he was hawking on the road leading from Mortaigne to Tornaces, De Ligne made him dismount until one of his birds was found that he had lost. He is fortifying Mortaigne, where he has a great number of workmen, and has brought together much ammunition, and intends to bring there 600 foot. He says that he has purchased the right of those who had it in the time of the late King Lewis. (fn. 2) Begs he will inform Wolsey. 8 Dec. 1518.
P.S.—Commends his correspondent's servant Rasset, who has done good service over there. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated.
R.MS. 13 B. II. 276.
B. M.
Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 272.
4641. ALBANY to LEO X.
Has already written to recommend his brother, Alexander Stewart, for the vacant abbacy of St. Martin's, Whithorne. Hears, however, that briefs and commendatory letters have been sent to others. This is contrary to the privileges granted by Innocent VIII., Alexander VI. and Julius II. to the Scotch Kings, which the parliament has decreed shall not be contravened. Trusts, therefore, that he will act in accordance with the King's letters, and pay no attention to previous requests. The Cardinal St. Eusebius will tell him the particulars of the case.
Adv. MS. 59. 4642. [ALBANY] to [the CARDINAL OF ANCONA].
Is writing to the Pope to complain of the infraction of the young King's privileges, first in the bestowal of the priory of Whithorn on the Cardinal of Crotona, which never used to be disposed of except by royal letters, and in way of reward to some loyal subject; and, secondly, in the matter of the canonry of Rothuen (Ruthven?) in Aberdeen. Although this canonry is now a subject of dispute "in raciona (Romana?) curia" from a pretended resignation by a certain Francis Feichibaldi (Friscobaldi?), it undoubtedly belongs to the King's presentation. Has been commissioned by the three Estates of the kingdom to remonstrate. Desires the Cardinal to deliver the schedule of Scone for his brother to his agents.
Copy, Lat., pp. 2.
9 Dec.
Adv. MS. 30.
4643. LEO X. to ALBANY.
Wishes his brother Alexander had shown due consideration to the Papal see when the Pope caused an admonition to be issued by Martin Spinoza, one of the auditors of the Sacred Palace, that he should release possession of the priory of Whithorn to Silvio, Cardinal of Crotona. Had, on receipt of Albany's letters, conferred the monastery of Scone upon his brother, to hold with another monastery in Cassena, although the Lateran Council forbids the conferring of such monasteries in commendam, and Alexander was otherwise incapable; "quia in seditionibus ac bello interfuit;" as the Pope trusted he would thenceforward be more tractable, resign the priory and restore the fruits without further delay. Has committed the briefs and schedule of commendam to Pet. Cardinal St. Eusebius, commanding him to retain them until Alexander has made restitution. Maliani, Portuensis diocesis, 9 Dec. 1518.
Copy, Lat., pp. 3.
Adv. MS. 64. 4644. [ALBANY] to LEO X.
Thanks him for having given his brother Alex. Stewart, clerk of St. Andrew's diocese, the Augustinian monastery of Scone in commendam. Is surprised that the schedule and bulls are detained by the Cardinals of St. Eusebius and Crotona "eo maxime, ut feruntur, prætextu, quod fratrem nostrum monitorio in favorem R. D. Crotonensis de et super prioratu Candiæ Casæ directo nostro paruisse affirment." This priory is in a corner of the kingdom overlooking Spain, Ireland and the Western Isles, and needs a powerful prior to resist the incursions of pirates. It is necessary that the prior should reside, and be acceptable to the King. For these reasons Alex. Stewart was nominated; and, notwithstanding the opposition of the Cardinal of Crotona, the safety of the kingdom requires his appointment. The three Estates have warned Albany not to allow such an indignity to be offered to the kingdom under his government. Alexander would willingly resign the priory if the Council would permit him, and when the bulls for Scone are obtained it will doubtless be resigned. Requests that the censures of the Cardinal of Crotona may be withdrawn. Desires credence for Thomas Haye, his secretary. Paris.
Copy, Lat., pp. 2.
12 Dec.
Adv. MS. 45.
4645. ALBANY to LEO X.
Recommends Gawin Dunbar, Dean of Murray, the King's preceptor, for the Premonstratene priory of Whithorn, whenever it is vacated by Alexander Stewart or by resignation of the Cardinal. Edinburgh Castle, 12 Dec. 1518.
Copy, Lat., p. 1.
Adv. MS. 24. R. MS. 13 B. II. 283. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 282.
4646. ALBANY to LEO X.
Recommends Gawin Dunbar, Dean of Murray, the King's preceptor, for the Premonstratene priory of Whithorn, a place of great importance, where St. Ninian is buried, and visited by pilgrims from England, Ireland and the Isles. The Pope's datary, the Cardinal of Crotona, has been endeavoring to obtain the priory for himself, for which reason he carries on a suit against Albany's brother, Alexander Stewart. The place ought not to have a foreigner for prior, nor be granted except by royal letters. Ex castello,—die—Decembris 1518.
Copy, Lat., pp. 3.
12 Dec.
Adv. MS. 46.
Agreement by the Cardinal to resign the monastery of Quhithorn to Gawin Dunbar, at the instance of Albany, without relinquishing his rights or removing the censures on Alexander Stewart. Reserves a yearly pension of 250 ducats of gold to be paid by Dunbar and his successors, and his right of re-entry in event of delay of the payment for one month, or decease or resignation of Dunbar. Dunbar is to bind himself to the Chamber, in the value of all the profits of the monastery, within the month. The first payment to be made the day of the Cardinal's resignation. Securities for observance of the above conditions the Abp. of St. Andrew's, the Bishop of Averdon (Aberdeen), Paniter and Albany. The Cardinal consents to send the schedule and bulls relating to the monastery of Scone in favor of Alexander Stewart.
Copy, Lat., pp. 2.
12 Dec.
P. S.
4648. For RIC. KEMSEY of Coventry, alias of Barreswell, Warw., mercer.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wyngfelde, Deputy of Calais. Eltham, 8 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Dec.
Fr. 10 Hen. VIII. m. 1.
14 Dec.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 661.
4649. FRANCIS I.
Ratification of the treaty of peace concluded at London, 2 October last, by his commissioners Lord Bonivet, the Bp. of Paris, Francis de Rochecouart and Lord Villeroy, with the Duke of Norfolk, the Bishop of Durham, the Earl of Worcester and the Bishop of Ely, commissioners of Henry VIII. Paris, 14 Dec. 1518, 4 Fras. I. Signed. Countersigned: Robertet.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 662.
2. Notarial attestation by J. Pastilli and P. Raoulini, that, in Paris Cathedral, 14 Dec. 1518, (after mass had been celebrated by Cardinal Hadrian Bishop of Coutances, and plenary remission pronounced by Bernard Cardinal of Sta Maria in Porticu, Legate à latere,) Francis I. took his oath to the treaty of 2 October last; present, the Earl of Worcester, the Bishop of Ely, the Prior of St. John's and Sir Nicholas Vaux.
ii. Form of the French King's oath. Signed.
Fr. In bad condition.
14 Dec.
P. S.
4650. For JAS. WORSELEY, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Beds.
To be keeper of Caresbroke park, Isle of Wight, Hants, vice Sir John Dawtrey, deceased. Greenwich, 4 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. Westm., 14 Dec.
14 Dec.
S. B.
4651. For SIR WM. BRERETON alias BRUERTON, of Brereton, Chesh., alias of London.
Pardon. Del. Westm., 14 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13.
15 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 48.
B. M.
Reached St. Denis on the 9th. The Abbot, a brother of Mons. de Boesey, sent them "right good plenty of wine," and next day made them " a right good feast." They left at once for Paris with Dorvall and the Bp. of Caston. Were met a league from the town by "the Bp. of Paris, Mons. de Parset, and Mons. _ (fn. 3) with 100 gentlemen of the King's house." Soon after came the Provost with the merchants of the city, all "right joyous of this good peace and alliance." In the faubourgs Sainctememe, Moret, and other the minions of the court, met them. "And in riding by the way there were divers gentlemen that met us masked, of which some rode amongst us and looked upon every man as they rode; and some met us in divers places, standing still, and beholding us till we were past them, amongst whom we surely suppose that the King himself was." The French King has treated them with great liberality. At five, the citizens presented them with "ypocras, comfits and t ..." Shortly after, Bonyvett, the Admiral, and Mons. de Villeroy came to my Lord Chamberlain's lodging, and welcomed them in the King's name, and asked when they would like to have an audience.
On Sunday the 12th, according to appointment, Mons. de Vandon, the Abp. of Tholouse, the late Duke of Longvyle's brother, and Mons. de Sempow accompanied them to the King's palace; "where in a very great chamber appointed with blue hangings full of fleurs de lis, with the floor covered with the same, and seats prepared round for the noblemen as it was within your realm, closed round about with rails, the King himself sat in a chair raised four steps from the ground under a rich cloth of estate with a pall of cloth of gold and a quysshen of the same under his feet." They delivered their instructions. After the speech of the Lord Chamberlain, the King withdrew to another chamber, and expressed his great satisfaction at the peace and Henry's cordiality; "said he would never enterprise any [great matter but he] would first make his grace privy unto it, and in ma[nner be ruled] after his counsel in the same; trusting that his grace would do likewise with him; and that as now and from henceforth he would repute himself and his subjects as Englishmen, and the King's grace our master and his subjects as Frenchmen; and, that it might so appear, he would endeavor himself to learn English." Whenever he and his highness meet, he hopes the amity will be still closer. On my Lord Chamberlain delivering the King's letters, "wrytten a part with his owne hand," he kissed them "with due reverence," and when he had read them, put them in his bosom, "saying that he had all the letters that ever his grace had sent him in his own custody and keeping, and that he would in like manner keep the same letters himself."
Dined on Monday with the Great Master; and after dinner, in a communication had between the Chancellor, the Great Master, Dorvall, the Admiral, the Bishop of Paris, Shawnde, Robertet and Villeroy, overtures were made by the English for the reparation of robberies done since the conclusion of the peace, and for the nomination of the hostages to be sent by the French King, previously to the delivery of Tournay. The others withdrew for a short time to deliberate; on returning, the Chancellor informed them the King, their master, was sore displeased at the depredations, and had sent down to Normandy, Gascony, Britanny and Guienne special commissioners to inquire and make redress, but had not yet received any answer from them. If they were Frenchmen and could be taken, redress should be had. He understood three or four French ships had been lately robbed by the English. As to hostages he named five, of whom two were in England already. From the terms of the Chancellor's reply the ambassadors thought little diligence had been shown by the French to afford redress, and asked for a determinate answer without an "if and an;" also that as to the hostages they would put a good number of names in writing that the King might select four or six.
On this Villeroy said only four had ever been proposed, and was supported by the Admiral and the Bp. of Paris. The English replied, four might be sufficient, if of such value as should content the King; and promised, on receiving the names of those who had been robbed by the English, and of those by whom it was done, to write immediately for redress. On this head the French expressed themselves satisfied, and promised to make restitution in the same way. With regard to the hostages, five names were given in, which they at last consented to increase to six. Tuesday the 14th was named for the confirmation of the amity, and Thursday the 16th for the spousals. On Tuesday at ten they were sent for to Turnelles, where the King lay. "And when [we] came almost there he came out himself, his ... going before him in company with the King's g[uard] and other, and after them the guard of Swiss then followed the 200 pensionary ... and every of them a poleaxe in his hand. And the King made my Lord Chamberlain to ride on his left hand, and my Lord of Ely betwixt the young King of Navarre and the Duke of Alaunson; Mons. de Burbon accompanied my Lord of St. John's, and Mons. Vandon, Mr. Vaux. And after them followed the Duke of Farrar, the Great Master, and divers other great men."
They proceeded to the great church of Our Lady, where the Scotch guard "kept the room." After mass sung by the Cardinal Boysy "the Legate came to the high altar, and gave solemn benediction and plenary indulgence, which was published by the Bp. of Paris;" the form of which the ambassadors could not follow. "And after that the King called us to him, and came out of his travers up to the high altar upon the overmast step; and there he solemnly gave his oath, a cardinal holding the mass book to him, and the Legate standing before him; and after that he signed the same oath with his hand, and required notaries accordingly. And then the Legate said to him, 'Sir, ye have done a noble act;' to which he answered, 'By my faith I have done it with good heart and good will.'" After Te Deum they dined with the King and Cardinal at the Bishop's palace, and supped that night with Mons. Bourbon, where they had "an excellent feast with goodly disguisings." On Wednesday the 15th they were brought to the Queen, and afterwards to the King's mother, the Duchess of Angoulême, to each of whom they delivered the King's letters. On Thursday the 16th, according to appointment, "in a fair chapel within T[ournelles], after the oration preposed by my Lord of Ely ... grace to the Queen in a great and noble pres[ence ...] solemnly the contract of spousailles ... (fn. 4) ... retain according to the treaty; which done we went to dinner with the Duke of Alaunson, and at night we supped with Mons. Vaundon, where we were right nobly feasted. And on Saturday we shall dine at the Cardinal Boysye, and there we shall commune of all other things that resteth to be done." Paris, 15 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 11, mutilated. Add.: [T]o my Lord Cardinal's grace, Legate de latere and Chancellor of England.
15 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 41, 42,
continued at f. 70.
B. M.
4653. The SAME to [HENRY VIII.]
To the same effect.
Pp. 6; imperfect and mutilated.
15 Dec.
R. O.
4654. SEWERS.
Order of the Court of Sewers held at Erith in Kent, 15 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII. by William Abbot of Lesnes, John Rooper and William Draper, justices, to Thomas Draper, collector, for the levying of 4d. an acre on all within the Level; viz., on the Queen, the Duke of Suffolk, the Abbot of Lesnes, Sir Ric. Walden, the Prior of Crichirche, Wm. Draper, Th. Fereby, the master of the household of St. Thomas le Acres, Wm. Abell, _ Kebull of London, John Hawksford, the Vicar of Erith, Hen. Weder, John Pemsay, John Scudder, Geoff. Crowshaw, John Arnold, Wm. Dyx, John Keller, Rob. Keller, Ric. Keller, Walter (Ralterus) Overay and John Smart.


  • 1. See P.S.
  • 2. Qui en avaient possesse du vivant du feu Roy, &c.
  • 3. Blank in M. S.
  • 4. Query, are any leaves lost here between ff. 52 and 53 ?