Index: A

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024.


General Index.


Aberbrothock, Aberbrothick, co. Forfar, borough of, 67;

feuar of, 61.

Abercrombie (Abercromby), Alexander, of Glassauge, a Commissioner of the Equivalent Fund, 79;

pension of, 116.

Aberdeen, bishopric of, bishop of, 114;

tack of rents, 69.

Aberdeen, county of, sheriff of, rent payable by, 63;

retoured duties, 66.

Aberdeen, co. Aberdeen, borough of, 56.

Cathedral, chaplains of, 67.

duty on the pint to, 124.

landwaiters at, 271.

Post Office, Postmaster of, 182;

runners between Edinburgh and, 182;

runners between Inverness and, 182.

ratification to, of right to Customs on fish, 123.

riding officers at, 271.

St. Mary's Hospital, poor of, 67.

ship of, 470.

tidewaiters at, 138.

yearly payment in the Exchequer, 67.

Aberuchill, Lord, Lord of the Justiciary of Scotland, 113.

Aboyne, Earl of. See Gordon, J.

Abrahall, Mrs. Eliz., Mistress Starcher to the Queen, 378.

-, Markey, sheriff of co. Hereford, 157.

Acton, Richard, clothing for the Army in Ireland, 172.

Adair, —, payment to, upon the Tunnage, Scotland, 117.

Adam, John, servant of the Queen's Solicitor, Scotland, 114.

Adams, Thomas, petition for office of bailiff of Barrow, Barton and Gouxhill, 230.

Addison, Joseph, Commissioner of Appeals in Excise, 285.

-, Thomas, petition for lease of premises in the Savoy, 248, 266.

ADMIRALTY, Agent for, at Mounts Bay. See Kirgwin, R.;

at Newfoundland. See Cummings, A.

Council Chamber, keeper of, 260.

Court of, at Amsterdam, Secretary of. See Wild, H. de.

Court of Appeals for Prizes, fees and disbursements, 71, 260;

Register of, 260.

fees, 361.

High Court of, appraisement by, 201.

claim entered in, 431.

crier of. See Lampson, J.

decree of, 422.

fees and disbursements, 71, 260.

Judge of, 221, 260;

Surrogate to, 260. See also Hedges, Sir C.

Marshal of, 71, 260.

messenger of. See Beake, T.

officers of, 71.

postage, 260.

Register of, 71, 260.

ships condemned as prize in, 229, 259, 455.

stamps for, 260.

Lord High Admiral, 51, 140, 144, 159, 202, 225, 271, 399, 457, 469.

Council of, 221, 236, 293.

counsel for. See Ettrick, W.

incident charges, 275.

orders of, 394, 417.

Proctor to. See Glasier, J.

report of, 28, 275.

Secretary to, assessment to taxes, 220.

clerks and officers to, assessment to taxes, 220.

See also Burchett, J.

tenths of prizes, 129, 230, 275, 331;

Commissioner for receiving. See Coutts, H.

See also George, Prince of Denmark.

Lords, 268.

Navy Commissioners attending, 9.

Office, lease of tenements adjoining, 316;

letters dated at, 236, 271.

Rights and Perquisites of, Agent at Dover, Deal and the Isle of Thanet for. See Warren, T.

in Galway and district, 141.

officers of, certificate of, 275.

profits from, to be disposed of to the benefit of the public, 225.

Receiver General of, 434. See also Dodd, J.

prize ships, 129, 177, 211, 420;

sale of, proceeds of, 275, 420.

Solicitor and Comptroller for, 434. See also Warters, J.

Salvage Money and other Perquisites, 129.

payment for, 422.

payment out of to re-captors of ships, 201.

profits from, to be disposed of to the benefit of the public, 225.

Receiver General of, 201. See also Crawley, R.

Secretary of. See Burchett, J.;

Pepys, S.

Advocate General, Scotland. See Scotland.

Advowson, Crown's title to, 229.

Africa Company, The Royal, accounts of, 78.

bad debts of, 78.

Directors of, 78.

goods and effects of, appropriation of, 78;

sale of, 88.

proprietors and creditors of, payment to, out of the Equivalent Fund, 78.

ships, decayed, appropriation of, 78.

Agar, John, 25, 179.

-, -, Margaret, widow of, lease of lands in Walton, Weybridge and Chertsey, 25, 179.

Agio, for Prussians serving in the Low Countries, 36, 40, 74, 216, 232, 288, 462.

Aglionby, William, Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons, 355.

Air. See Ayr.

Aitherny, co. Fife, feuar of, 60.

Alamodes. See Silks.

Alardes, George, Master of the Mint at Edinburgh, 153.

Albemarle, Earl of. See Keppel, Arnold Joost van.

Albert, Thomas, Receiver General of Taxes, county and city of Worcester, 86, 98, 334.

Alderlands. See Crowland Abbey.

Aldersey, Robert, payment for works at Hampton Court Palace, 96.

Aldred, [John], captain, commander of the Rochester, 201.

-, John, security for Samuel Pacey, 454.

Aldworth, [William], Auditor of Imprests, 362.

Ale, brewed and sold within the borough of Elgin, duty on granted to the magistrates of Elgin, 126.

duties on. See Excise—duties;

Scotland, Excise—duties.

imported into Edinburgh, duty on (Scottish Act, Wm. & Mary, 1690), 124.

price of, Scottish Act regulating (Chas. II, 1669), 123.

retailers of, in London and Westminster, 449.

Alexander, John, Procurator Fiscal in St. Andrews, clerk to the cocquet in Fife, 125.

-, -, watchman, London port, 425.

-, William, copying clerk inwards, London port, 56.

Algiers, Agent and Consul at. See Coles, R.;

prize ship carried into, 437.

Alicante, Spain, 391.

hospital of, medicines and necessaries for, 177.

regiments at, 36;

detention of, 460;

marines, 31, 315.

siege of, 253.

Alison, Robert, coal and candle to the Boss, 115.

Allanson, William, of St. Dunstan's in the West, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Exchequer Court, Scotland, additional salary of, 382;

salary of, 246, 371, 384, 430, 437.

Allardice, John, a Commissioner for the Union of Scotland and England, 120.

Allen, —, Regiment of Foot of, in Spain and Portugal, 74, 155, 176, 203.

-, Barnabas, collector of taxes for Bocking, frauds committed by, 157.

-, [Bennet], captain, commander of the Montague, 201.

-, James, major, Commissary General of Provisions for the Forces in Spain and Portugal, accounts of, 147, 158, 284, 323;

allowance of, 73;

prisoner in France, 35, 147, 284, 323.

-, John, of Clifford's Inn, gentleman, Surveyor of the Petty Customs and Subsidies, London port, and of the Subsidies of 3s. per ton and 12d. per pound, 376, 433.

-, Sir Richard, security for Samuel Pacey, 454, 458.

Almagill, co. Dumfries, feuar of, 59.

Almanza, battle of, 205, 407, 460.

horses and baggage lost at, 148.

losses sustained at, 340, 363, 423, 462.

regiments broken at, 15;

prisoners, 108, 329;

recruits for, 4, 11, 16, 20, 81, 101, 289.

Almean, Don Amadore de, payment to, 33.

Alnutt, [Thomas], colonel, 371;

Regiment of Foot of, 265, 367, 394.

Alsop, John, warehousekeeper at Plymouth, 106.

Alum, for the Mint at Edinburgh, 148;

manufactory, in Scotland, Act for, 124.

Alva, co. Clackmannan, 79.

Alves (Alvis), William, Queen's Writer, Scotland, 113, 469.

AMBASSADORS, accounts of, 209, 387, 388.

audience fees, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 354.

carriages for, 349.

chapel ornaments, 353.

chaplain to, 350, 351, 353, 354.

Cloth of State for, 307.

correspondence, 318, 319, 346.

entertainments, 183, 184, 189, 213, 345, 347, 350.

equipage for, 93, 156, 217, 267, 292, 303, 318, 336, 355, 395;

transport of, 351.

expresses, dispatch of, 188–90.

extraordinaries, bills of, 104, 132, 136, 137, 156, 178, 183, 188–90, 204, 213, 281, 303, 316, 318, 340, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 390.

furniture for, 307, 347.

Gazettes for, payment for, 183, 184, 318, 319, 348, 351, 354, 355.

goods, freight of, 353;

hired for, 345;

sealing of, 326;

transport of, 185, 247.

gratuities, 346, 347.

horses for, 189, 349.

house rent, 346, 347, 353.

housekeeping expenses, 347.

ink for, 352, 353, 355.

Intelligence for, 188–90, 346, 348, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355.

issue for, 30.

liveries, 347.

lodgings for, 345.

mourning, payment for, 184, 281, 318, 346, 348, 351.

mules for, 189.

new year's gifts, 183, 184, 318, 350, 353.

ordinaries, bills of, 71, 93, 156, 186, 187, 213, 217, 267, 292, 303, 317, 318, 327, 336, 345, 346, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 395, 396, 400.

paper for, 156, 352, 353, 355.

payments to deserters, maimed English soldiers and struggling seamen, 183, 184, 189, 190;

to indigent Spaniards, 190.

pens for, 156, 352, 353, 355.

plate delivered to, 285, 286, 307;

return of, 2, 94.

portanti for, 347.

postages, 183, 184, 188–90. 251, 318, 319, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355.

presents for, 260, 272, 274, 377;

Exchequer fees on, 377.

presents made by, 350, 351, 352, 353.

printed papers, payment for, 318, 319, 348, 351, 354, 355.

private intelligence, 318, 319, 352.

removal expenses of, 346.

salaries of, 354.

Secretary, Spanish, for, 189.

sedans for, 347.

stationery for, 183, 184, 188–90, 318, 319, 346, 348, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355.

subsistence of English seamen, 347.

tents for, 349.

travelling charges, 190, 282, 318, 319, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354.

wax for, 156, 353. yacht for, 156.


Algiers, Agent and Consul at. See Coles, R.

Brunswick and Luneburg, Prince of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See How, E. S.

Brussels, Envoy and Plenipotentiary. See Stepney, G.;

Envoy Extraordinary. See Cadogan, [W.];

Secretary. See Laws, J.

Cadiz, Consul at. See Westcomb, Sir M.

Denmark, Envoy in. See Sylvius, Sir G.;

Envoy Extraordinary to. See Pultney, D.

Frankfort, Secretary at. See Davenant, H.

Geneva, Resident for Her Majesty's service at. See Darziliers, G. P.

Genoa, Resident at. See Chetwynd, W.

Germany, Emperor of, 183;

Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Meadows, Sir P.;

Stepney, G.

Hamburg, Resident at. See Wych, J.

Hanover, Elector of. See How, E. S.

Hanse Towns, Resident. See Wych, J.

Holland, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the States General. See Marlborough, Duke of;

Envoy Extraordinary to the States General. See Cadogan, W.;

Stanhope, A.;

Stepney, G.;

Envoy and Plenipotentiary to the States General. See Stanhope, A.;

Plenipotentiary at the Hague. See Stanhope, A.;

Resident at the Hague. See Dayrolle, J.

Italy, 51, 183, 457.

Leghorn, Consul, 376.

Morocco, Emperor of, Envoy Extraordinary. See Val, G. de la.

Portugal, 51, 183, 457;

Ambassador Extraordinary. See Galway, Earl of;

Methuen, J.;

Methuen, P.;

Secretary to. See Le Fevre, T.

Prussia, King of, Envoy, afterwards Ambassador Extraordinary to. See Raby, Lord.

Russia, Czar of, Envoy Extraordinary. See Whitworth, C.

Savoy, Duke of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Chetwynd, J.;

Methuen, P.;

Palmer, F.

Spain, King of, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Stanhope, J.;

Envoy Extraordinary. See Worsley, H.;

Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Stanhope, J.;

Secretary and Resident at the Court. See Craggs, J.

Stockholm, Commissary. See Jackson, R.

Sweden, Envoy Extraordinary. See Robinson, J.

Swiss Cantons, Envoy Extraordinary. See Aglionby, W.;

Stanyan, A.

Tripoli, Agent and Consul General at. See Lodington, B.

Tunis, Consul. See Goddard, [J.]

Tuscany, Great Duke of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Newton, H.

Venice, Ambassador Extraordinary. See Manchester, Earl of;

Consul. See Broughton, H.;

Secretary. See Cole, C.

-, TO ENGLAND from—

Denmark, Envoy, 104, 235, 282, 344, 412. See also Rosenerans, [I.E.];

Waldersee, M.B. von.

Elector Palatine, Resident. See Steingens, D.

Genoa, Republic of, Envoy, 272. See also Viale, Marquis Benedetto.

Germany, Envoy. See Gallas, Count.

Holland, Envoy, 146, 267. See also Vrijbergen, M. van.

Loraine, Duke of, Envoy. See Begue, Baron le.

Morocco, Ambassador, 146, 345.

Portugal, Envoy, 92, 266, 306, 365, 382, 393, 395, 465. See also Cunha, Don Luis da.

Russia, Czar of, Ambassador, 222, 249, 306, 326, 345. See also Matveof, A. de.

Savoy, Duke of, Envoy, 9. See also Briançon, Comte.

Spain, King of, Resident from. See Hoffman, —.

Venice, Ambassadors, 345. See also Erizzo, [N.];

Pisani, [F.];

Secretaries of, 274.

Ambrose, Lawrence, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Berks, 86, 97.

America, woods, etc., in, cutting and felling masts for Navy ships, 251, 341;

Surveyor General of. See Bridger, J.;

Bridges, W. See also Antigua, Barbados, Bermudas, Carolina, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montserrat, Nevis, New England, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, St. Christopher, Virginia, West Indies, West Jersey.

Amsterdam, Holland, Ambassador's postages, etc., at, 346.

bills of exchange drawn from, 13, 17, 108, 149, 168, 231, 415.

Court of Admiralty at, Secretary of. See Wild, H. de.

English Episcopal Church at, minister of. See Cockburn, J.

Exchange Bank of, 192.

tin consigned to, 278.

Amyott, [Peter], Dr., Physician to the Commander in Chief of the Forces in Spain, 74.

Ancour, Mary de, pension of, 234.

Anderson, —, Queen's printer, Scotland, 115, 468.

-, -, Mrs., Queen's printer, Scotland, 114.

-, Andr[ew], debt due to, 114.

-, John, of Dunkeld, late provost of Glasgow, farm of the Customs and Excise of Scotland to, 91.

Anderton, Digory, waiter and searcher at Lostwithiel, 224.

André, Peter, captain, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 291, 292.

-, Theo de, lieutenant, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 291, 292.

Andrews, —, subsistence and clearings of the Four Companies in New York, 161, 162.

-, John, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Warwick and city of Coventry, 97.

-, -, undertenant of the corporation of Windsor, 327.

-, Thomas, officer of the Custom House, London, 108.

-, William, surety for William Kent, 164.

Angell, John, recovering of lighthouse duties, 306.

-, Justinian, father of John, lighthouse erected at Spurn Head by, 306.

Angle, Peter de l', agent to the French Regiment of Foot under Major General La Meloniere, 380.

Anglesey, county of, Crown Lands Rents and Revenues, Receiver General of. See Granger, M.;

Peck, D.;

Whitley, Ralph;

Whitley, Roger;

Whitley, Thomas.

Justices of, Chief Justice. See Hook, J.;

Second Justice. See Harvey, S.;

Jessop, W.

lease of ferries in, 152.

Receiver General of Taxes. See Caswall, J.

Angus, Earl of. See Douglas, J.

Anjou, Philip, Duke of, afterwards Philip V. of Spain, 155.

Annan, co. Dumfries, borough of, 67.

Annandale, co. Dumfries, sheriff of, rents payable by, 64;

retoured duties, 66.

Annandale, Marquess of. See Johnston, W.

Anne, Queen of England, Apothecary in Ordinary to. See Chase, J.

at Hampton Court, servants attending, 167.

at Kensington, Dutch chairs for, 160;

servants attending, 167.

at Newmarket, 41, 217;

racehorses for, 154;

servants attending, 249, 345, 398.

at Windsor, crimson damask Genoa bed for, 228;

looking glass for, 321;

servants attending, 167, 249, 284, 398, 405.

attending the Treasury, 24.

birthday of, celebration of, 184.

jewels of, cause between Princess of Fries and Her Majesty concerning, 184.

letters brought from the Commander in Chief of the Forces in Spain to, 325.

linen for, 160.

pictures of, full length, 248;

in enamel, 248;

set in diamonds, 274.

presents from, 227, 259, 274, 368, 377, 443;

Exchequer fees on, 377.

private pensions and bounties, Paymaster of, 406. See also Compton, S.;

Nicholas, [E.]

screens for, 345.

wines for, bought in Holland, seizure of, 23, 37.

ANNUITIES, Acts for (3–4 Anne, c. 2), contributors for, interest or allowance, 177.

(4–5 Anne, c. 18), contributions for, issue for making good payments on, 187, 408;

payment out of, 12, 109.

contributors for, interest or allowance, 429.

offices for, 178, 230, 236, 339.

(6 Anne, c. 2), contributions for, issue for making good payments on, 253, 317;

payment out of, 12, 73.

fund of, payments due on, 472;

payment to officers of the Exchequer out of, 432, 433.

office for, 230.

(6 Anne, c. 39), contributions for, 134;

issues out of, 6, 10, 17, 19, 20, 29, 31, 32, 34, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 149, 155, 156, 169, 215, 220, 227, 228, 229, 252, 269, 276, 279, 287, 289, 291, 328, 337.

contributors for, interest or allowance, 276, 291.

fund of, payment to officers of the Exchequer out of, 432, 433.

(6 Anne, c. 48), contributions for, 162;

issues out of, 10, 11, 14, 15, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 46, 47, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 149, 155, 156, 163, 168, 170, 171, 178, 188, 191, 202, 244, 276, 291, 337, 357, 365, 368, 370, 380, 381, 411, 414, 423.

contributors for, interest or allowance, 276, 291.

fund of, payment to officers of the Exchequer out of, 432, 433.

bankers', 199;

schedule for payment of, 294, 428.

Offices for, necessaries furnished for, 230.

Old, offices for, necessaries for, 236.

orders, lost, 462;

innovation of, 151, 163, 320, 434.

14 per cent., lost annuity order on, 151;

office for, 339.

on the Excise, 151, 236, 339, 434.

out of the Post Office, 372, 408, 413.

names of Annuitants

Buccleuch, Duchess of.

Charles, Prince, of Denmark.

Cotterell, Sir C.

Dupplin, Viscount.

Fitzhardinge, Viscountess.

French Ministers in the Savoy.

Garter, Order of.

Gastigny, J.

Grafton, Dowager Duchess of.

Grafton, Duke of.

Lyme Regis.

Maire, D. la.

Moor, Judith.

Young, W.

Anstis, John, Receiver of the moneys arising by sale of tin in Cornwall and Devon, 152.

-, -, payment for publication of Rymer's Foedera, 299, 441.

Anstruther, Lord, pension of, 116.

-, Sir Robert, of Wrae, grant of the office of cocquet to, 127.

Antigua, West Indies, 323;

chaplain going to. See Glasgow, J.;

imports and exports at, 104;

Lieutenant Governor of. See Yeomans, J.

Antonie, Alexander, searcher of Sandwich, 218.

-, Mark, searcher of Sandwich, 218.

Antwerp, Belgium, 17, 108.


Apothecary General of the Army. See Teal, I.

Apothecary in Ordinary to the Queen. See Chase, J.

Apothecary to the Royal Household. See Jones, W.

Army, in Spain and Portugal, 177.

at Edinburgh. See Blair, J.

Scotland. See Hepburn, P.

Apsley, Apsby, co. Buckingham, 197.

Aqua de Sainte. See Talvoyle.

Aragon, Spain, 358.

Aram, Thomas, a Commissioner of Salt Duties, 213.

Arbroath, co. Forfar, Postmaster of, 182.

Archangel, Russia, hemp imported into Scotland from, 129.

Archbishoprics named:


Dublin and Tuam.


Archbold, Ralph, deputy Customs collector of Berwick, 147.

Archdale, George, Secretary to Sir John Leake, 2.

Ardmeanach, co. Ross and Cromarty, Chamberlain of. See Tarbat, Viscount.

Argol, for the Mint at Edinburgh, 148.

Argyll, county of, sheriff of, rent payable by, 64;

retoured duties, 66.

Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell, J.

Argyll, Earl of. See Campbell, A.

Arlingham, co. Gloucester, 240.

Armand, —, payment to, 183.

Armiger, [Gabriel], clerk of the Exchequer Court, 363.

Armistoun [Ormiston], co. Haddington, 120.


Abroad, augmentation of (500,000l. for), issues for, 10, 77, 175, 265, 295, 358, 370, 381, 414, 423, 426.

Paymaster General of, 21.

deputy to, 21, 143.

issues to, accounts of, 293.

payments by, of subsidies—

to the Allies, 36, 50, 74, 84, 288, 289, 357, 364.

to the King of Denmark, 40, 158, 232, 276, 277, 450.

to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, 39, 52, 194, 216, 276, 277, 462.

to the Elector Palatine, 39, 52, 194, 462.

to the King of Portugal, 2, 5, 14, 52, 84, 158, 161, 194, 238, 242, 254, 276, 278, 364, 415, 419, 452, 462.

to the King of Prussia, 39, 52, 194, 232, 462.

to the Duke of Savoy, 16, 17, 22, 81, 104, 217, 276, 278, 289, 357, 410, 411.

to the King of Spain, 1, 11, 18, 21, 33, 77, 109, 155, 233, 265, 276, 278, 414, 431.

to the Circle of Swabia, 276, 277.

to the Elector of Treves, 39, 52, 194, 276, 277, 462.

report of, 450.

See also Bridges, J.;

Fox, C.

recalls, replacement of, 169.

wheat for, 8.

See also Army—in Catalonia;

in Italy;

in the Low Countries;

in Portugal;

in Spain and Portugal.

Accounts, Comptrollers General of, 205.

accounts of issues to the Paymasters, 293.

bill referred to, 370.

clerks to, 96, 149, 416.

house rent, 96, 149.

incident charges, 149, 416.

instructions for, detailed, 344–5.

office of, 392, 421, 465.

officers of, 149, 416.

petitions referred to, 227, 264, 280, 342, 367, 371, 415, 421, 436, 447, 453, 460, 474.

reports of, 161, 255, 258, 264, 367, 435, 451, 462.

Secretary to. See King, G.

See also Broderick. T.;

Meadows, Sir P.

accoutrements, 44, 170, 171, 195, 203, 225, 250, 262, 370, 429;

losses of, 289;

moth in, 92.

adjutant general, serving under the King of Portugal, 265.

agents to regiments, 344, 380, 398, 421, 448, 474;

deduction of 2d. per £ for, 380.

Apothecary General of. See Teal, I.

arms, 215, 344, 448, 462;

losses of, 289.

arrears, debentures for, 410.

bayonets for, 171, 250.

Captain General of. See Marlborough, Duke of.

captains, clearings and subsistence paid to, 344.

clearings, 168, 201, 205, 215, 344;

arrears of, 117–9, 157;

issues for, 19, 84, 109, 110, 161, 162, 170, 207, 208, 209, 251, 252, 264, 279, 314, 315, 322, 329, 357, 377, 399, 402, 403, 406, 424, 448;

poundage deducted on, 288, 357.

clothes and clothing, 44, 46, 79, 108, 109, 141, 165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 178, 195, 203, 205, 215, 225, 250, 255, 256, 262, 293, 324, 362, 367, 380, 387, 399, 400, 422, 432, 435, 448, 453.

arrears due for, 117–19.

Commissioners for, 360.

delivery of, Customs free, 132, 225.

losses of, 289.

moth in, 92.

regulation and inspection of, 95.

sent to Jamaica and Leeward Islands by pacquet boats, 381.

clothiers, 52, 53, 141, 172, 344;

offreckonings of, 10, 191, 256, 367, 409.

colonels, payments to, accounts of, 344.

Commander in Chief, 344, 345.

contingencies, 213;

allowances out of, 132, 469;

issues for, 35, 36, 39, 74, 110, 135, 163, 194, 216, 276, 287, 289, 315, 329, 403, 414, 424, 466;

payments out of, 203, 342, 391.

corn for, 4, 103, 147, 188;

magazines of, 167, 198.

debentures, Acts concerning (Private Act, 4–5 Anne, c. 40; Public Act, 6 Anne, c. 33), 24.

Debts, Commissioners for stating, 162, 311;

appointment of, 259. See also King, G.;

Vanbrugh, W.;

Williamson, E.

debts due to, 206.

deserters, in marches from London to Leeds and Carlisle, 474;

pardon for, 129.

desertion, copies of Acts concerning delivered to the Office of the Secretary at War, 211;

losses by, 168, 423.

Dutch Troops, expenses of, 146.

establishment, 23.

extraordinaries, 19, 276.

fire and candle, allowance for, 110, 403.

forage money, 216, 276, 277, 466.

General Staff Officers, 15, 95, 201, 293, 360, 399.

board of, 225.

losses by exchange, 165.

pay of, 35, 36, 39, 109, 135, 194, 216, 231, 251, 257, 287, 377, 414, 424, 448, 466.

report of, 46.

Guards and Garrisons, augmentation of, 169.

Captain General, pay of, 109, 377, 424.

clearings, 109, 110, 170, 207, 251, 279, 322, 377, 402, 406, 424.

clothing, 178, 293.

contingencies, 110, 163, 315, 403, 424.

deserters, pardon for, 129.

fire and candle, allowance for, 110, 403.

garrisons, pay of, 109, 207, 208, 251, 403.


Beaumaris Castle.













General Staff Officers, 109, 251, 293, 377, 424, 448.

levy money, 129, 170, 315.

pay of, deduction of 12d. per £ from, 275, 286.

Paymaster General of, 13.

accounts of, 457.

issues to, 47, 48;

accounts of, 293.

report of, 450.

See also Howe, J.

recalls, 169.

recruits, 424.

regiments, in Spain, 252, 279.

representations concerning, Commander in Chief of the Foot, Secretary at War and Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons to confer twice a week, 13.

sea service regiments, clearings of, 19, 84, 110, 170, 208, 251, 322, 399, 403, 406, 424.

clothing of, 400.

in the Low Countries, 208.

issues for, 338, 457.

levy money, 279.

men drafted out of, pay of, 109.

muster rolls, 400, 417.

offreckonings of, 109, 400.

recruits, 163, 169, 208, 279, 315.

remittances for, exchange rate, 417.

respits, 110, 279, 330.

subsistence of, 12, 19, 49, 73, 84, 109, 163, 169, 208, 252, 314, 315, 330, 377, 403, 421, 436, 457.

colonels of, named:

Bowles, [P.]

Earl, T.

Handasyde, [T.]

Jones, [J.]

Kerr, Lord Mark.

Lillingston, L.

Livesay, [J.]

Maccartney, [G.]

Mordaunt, [H.]

Paston, Lord.

Townsend, [R.]

Whetham, [T.]

subsistence of, 12, 49, 73, 84, 109, 110, 143, 163, 169, 170, 208, 252, 314, 330, 377, 403, 421, 436.

gun carriages, 213.

horses, 5, 49, 170, 225, 250, 260, 279, 370, 416;

losses of, 289.

in Barbados, 92.

in Bermudas, clearings for, 207, 279, 406;

subsistence of, 208, 377.

in Catalonia, Commissary of, 415, 452.

foreign troops, issue for, 453.

German troops sent from Italy, 44, 100.

horses for, 279, 370.

hospital, medicines and necessaries for, 177.

Palatine Troops, corn for, 188;

pay of, 36, 39, 135, 188, 194, 216, 231, 288.

Paymaster, deputy, 415, 452.

Portuguese Troops, great straits of, 242.

remittances for, 21, 31, 51, 280, 282, 359, 360.

transportation of troops from Italy, 4.

See also Army—in Portugal;

in Spain and Portugal.

in Ireland, Artillery Train, Paymaster of. See Hubbald, W.

barracks, building of, 253, 420.

chaplain, acting, 428.

clothes and clothing, 141, 172, 362, 432;

delivery of, Customs free, 132, 225.

clothiers, 141, 172. contingencies, 213.

garrisons, guns in, carriages for, 213;

tents for, 213.







half pay list, 312.

levy money, 389.

Lieutenant General of. See Ingolsby, R.;

Langston, F.

Musters, Commissary General of, 418;

Comptroller of. See Fitzgerald, R.

Paymasters General of. See Coningsby, Lord;

Fox, C.

Provisions, Commissary General of. See Homrigh, B. van;

Robinson, Sir W.;

Shales, [J.]

recruits for, payment for, while detained at Chester, 409, 413.

Regiments, Foot, clothing for, 132, 172, 203, 362, 387.

going to Ireland, 393;

detained at Chester by contrary winds, 401, 409, 413.

going to the Leeward Islands, 457.

going to Portugal, 203.

raising new regiments, 389, 418.

removed from the establishment, 389.

colonels of, named:

Bradshaigh, Sir R.

Brasier, K.

Churchill, [C.]

Delaune, W.

Gore, H.

Inchiquin, Earl of.

Jones, E.

Lepell, N.

Lillingston, L.

Mohun, Lord.

Munden, R.

Newton, W.

Pearce, T.

Rooke, H.

Sankey, N.

Slane, Lord.

Stanwix, T.

Stringer, [T.]

Temple, Sir R.

Wynne, O.

Transports, to Portugal, 276, 278.

in Italy, Commander in Chief, 51, 458;

German troops sent to Catalonia, 44;

Hessian troops, pay of, 10, 191, 254;

sent to Spain, 31.

in Jamaica, recruits transported to, 49, 381.

in the Leeward Islands, recruits transported to, 381;

regiment sent from Ireland to, 457;

remittances for, exchange rate of, 417.

in the Low Countries, bread and bread waggons, 19, 131, 132, 178, 256;

contractor for. See Medina, Sir S. de.

clearings of, 207, 288, 329.

contingencies of, 276, 289.

Danish troops, pay of, 277, 412.

Extraordinaries, 276.

forage, 216, 276, 466.

general officers, pay of, 135.

Hospitals, 288, 357.

levy money, 11.

muster rolls, 276.

Prussians, agio, bread and forage of, 36, 40, 74, 216, 232, 288, 462.

Recruits, 276;

subsistence of, 11.

Regiments, Foot, First Regiment of Guards, battalion of, 19, 207, 208, 315, 377, 403, 406.

Coldstream Regiment, 19, 208, 377.

Regiments, colonels of, named:

Farrington, T.

Prendergast, Sir T.

remittances for, 14, 16, 17, 18, 50;

loss by exchange on, 277, 278.

subsistence of, 382.

40,000 men, accoutrements, losses of, 289.

arms, losses of, 289.

clearings of, 264, 288, 329, 357.

clothes and clothing of, 256, 289.

Clothiers, 191.

Contingencies, 35, 39, 135, 194, 216, 287, 289, 414, 466.

foreign troops, extraordinaries, 277.

forage money, 216, 277, 466.

furnished by:

Denmark, 277.

Hanover and Zelle, 277.

Hesse, Landgrave of, 254, 277.

Prussia, 277.

pay of, 35, 38, 135, 194, 216, 231, 277, 287, 414, 444, 447, 466.

Recruits, 277, 466.

waggon money, 216, 277, 466.

general officers, 35, 39, 194, 216, 231, 287, 414, 466.

Horses, losses of, 289.

levy money, 100.

muster rolls, 431.

offreckonings of, 394.

Recruits, 452.

Regiments, Horse, Dragoons, colonels of, named:

Ross, C.

Stair, Earl of.

Regiments, Foot,

colonels of, named:

Farrington, T.

Johnson, [J.]

Respits, 452.

subject troops, forage money and waggon money, 216, 466.

Officers, payment to, 11.

offreckonings of, 256, 431.

Recruits, 11.

subsistence of, 11, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 135, 164, 176, 193, 215, 231, 287, 288, 414, 426, 444, 447, 466.

tents and other camp necessaries for, 32.

20,000 men, foreign troops, extraordinaries, 277.

forage, 277.

furnished by:

Denmark, 277.

Elector Palatine, 277.

Hesse Cassel, 277.

Holstein Gottorp, 277.

Saxe Gotha, 277.

Walef, monsieur, 277.

Recruits, 277.

pay of, 277.

waggon money, 277.

10,000 additional men, clearings of, 264, 329.

clothing of, 256.

foreign troops, forage money, 216, 466.

pay of, 36, 39, 135, 194, 216, 231, 288, 466.

Recruits, 216, 466.

waggon money, 216, 466.

Hessian troops, pay of, 254.

offreckonings of, 394.

Regiment, Foot, colonel of, named:

Johnson, [J.]

subject troops, regiments, foot, non-effectives in, savings by, 100;

subsistence of, 32, 36, 39, 40, 135, 194, 216, 231, 288, 466.

in New York, Four Companies of Foot, 385.

accounts of, 161, 162.

adjutant, pay of, 424.

agent to. See Sloper, —.

arms for, 448.

clearings of, 161, 162, 207, 279, 448.

clothing of, 448.

invalids in, 274.

levy money, 274.

Lieutenant, pay of, 424.

offreckonings of, 448.

pay of, 19, 226, 259, 403.

recruits for, 207, 270, 274, 315, 424.

Respits, 162, 226, 270, 274, 448.

Staff Officers, 448.

subsistence of, 161, 162, 169, 208, 464.

in Newfoundland, pay of, 169, 279, 330, 331.

in Portugal, accoutrements, moth in, 92.

cloth for, 70, 218, 235, 239.

Clothes, 215;

moth in, 92.

Commander in Chief, 51, 458.

contingencies of, 342.

Establishment, 30.

General and Staff Officers, 36.

hats for, 239.

horses for, 49.

offreckonings of, 215, 276, 278.

Paymaster, deputy. See Morris, T.

Provisions, Commissary General of. See Medlicot, C.

Recruits, 205, 215, 395, 435, 450, 451.

Regiments, going from Ireland to, 203.

Horse Regiments, Dragoons, colonels of, named:

Cunningham, [R.]

Harvey, D.

Foot Regiments, colonels of, named:

Barrymore, Earl of.

Donegal, Earl of.

Newton, [W.]

Paston, Lord.

Pearce, [T.]

Sankey, [N.]

Stanwix, [T.]

Wade, G.

remittances for, loss by exchange on, 277, 278.

Spanish Foot, regiment of, raised in, 109.

subsistence of, 74, 215, 276, 278.

See also Army—in Catalonia;

in Spain and Portugal.

in Scotland, artillery, arrears due for clothing, 119.

brigadier general, arrears due to, 118.

clearings of, 314, 315.

Clothing, arrears due for, 117-19;

payment for, 79.

Commander in Chief of. See Leven, Earl of.

corn for, magazines of, 167, 198.

debts due to, payment of, 78, 79.

Establishment, 314.

Invalid Stock due by the Treasury, 119.

issue for, 1.

levy money, 208.

muster rolls, 314.

Officers, salaries of, 79.

physician to. See Blackader, [W.]

Regiments, Horse, Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons (Sir W. Douglas), (Viscount Teviot), 117, 118.

Dragoons, Royal Scots Greys (Lord Yester), 119.

colonels of, named:

Cardross, Lord.

Carmichael, Lord.

Cunningham, [R.]

Johnston, Sir J.

Lothian, Marquess of.

Newbottle, Lord.

Pollock, Sir R.

Polwarth, Lord.

Scots Horse, colonels of, named:

Belhaven, Lord.

Eglintoun, Earl of.

Rollo, Lord.

Stewart, —.

Scots Troop of Life Guards (Lord Forbes), 118, 119.

Horse Guards, arrears due to, 117.

Regiments, Foot, levy money for, 208;

subsistence of, 252.

Artillery Company, 118.

Guards, arrears due to, 117, 118.

Scots Guards, arrears due to, 118.

colonels of, named:

Angus, Earl of.

Argyll, Earl of.

Barnet, —.

Bennet, W., of Grubbet.

Buchan, J.

Crawford, Earl of.

Cunningham, [R.]

Ferguson, [J.]

Glencairn, Earl of.

Grant, Lord.

Hamilton, [G.]

Kenmure, Viscount.

Lothian, Marquess of.

Macgill, G.

Maitland, [J.]

Mar, Earl of.

Portmore, Lord.

Ross, —.

Strathnaver, Lord.

Tullibardine, Earl of.

Storemaster. See Pardivan, Laird of.

subsistence of, 2, 73, 79, 84, 163, 208, 252.

in Spain and Portugal, accoutrements, 170, 171, 203, 250, 370, 429.

additional men (8,833), 191.

additional 10,000 men, issue for, 73.

apothecaries, death of, 177.

arms, 215, 462.

artillery, train of, 3, 24, 46, 289, 358, 422, 427.

augmentation or auxiliary troops, 500,000l. for the service of, issues out of, 4, 33, 100, 109, 155, 422, 431, 451, 453, 459;

sent from Italy, 31.

barley for, 358.

bayonets for, 171, 250.

bills of exchange, 31, 108, 149, 158, 163, 203, 415.

bread for, 147, 358.

Chirurgeons, death of, 177.

Clearings, 207, 215, 264, 279, 329;

arrears of, 157.

clothes and clothing, 11, 171, 203, 250, 399.

Clothiers, offreckonings due to, 191, 409.

Commander in Chief, 8, 154, 325, 458.

Physician to. See Amyott, [P.]

Surgeon to. See Dummer, C.

See also Rivers, Earl;

Stanhope, [J.]

Commissaries, 409.

Contingencies, issues for, 36, 74, 135, 329;

payments out of, 203, 391.

corn for, 4, 103, 147.

Establishment, 30, 81, 164.

foreign troops, pay of, 8, 154, 414, 451, 459.

fortifications, 5, 250, 358.

General Officers, 399;

losses by exchange, 165.

Generals, pay of, 40.

German troops, 33, 381, 404, 405, 426, 452, 457.

hardships suffered for want of money, 280.

horses for, 5, 250.

Hospitals, beds and bolsters for, 177.

blankets for, 177.

flour for, 177.

medicines for, 74, 94, 177, 203.

oatmeal for, 177.

sheets for, 177.

shirts for, 177.

Italian troops, 426, 452.

levy money, 4, 81, 100, 381, 394, 431, 457.

lieutenant general of. See Tyrawley, Lord.

marines in, 474.

meal for, 147.

money for, difficulties made by commanders of ships of transporting, 457, 458;

difficulty of sending money from Barcelona, 92.

muster rolls, 20, 278, 329, 409.

Officers, commissioned, 20, 81, 330, 381, 394;

noncommissioned, 381, 394.

offreckonings of, 191, 393, 394, 399, 409.

Palatines, pay of, 404, 426, 452.

Paymaster, deputy, 358. See also Mead, J.

Physician to. See Lecaan, J.

Portuguese troops, 5, 364.

printers with. See Jones, J.;

Shuter, J.

Prisoners, 1, 158;

in France, 35, 81, 108, 158, 329, 415;

in Madrid, 415. Provisions, Commissary General of, acquittances of, 365;

office of, contingent charges of, 364. See also Allen, J.;

Llewellyn, [J.]

contractors for, 284.

Recruits, 44, 329, 462;

subsistence of, 4, 81, 101, 381, 394.

Regiments, broken at Almanza, 15;

prisoners, 108, 329;

recruits for, 4, 11, 16, 20, 81, 101, 289.

drums for, 357.

filling up of, 1.

firelocks for, 357.

Regiments, Horse, accoutrements for, 370, 429.

Dragoons, Royal Regiment of Dragoons (Lord Raby), 35, 74, 358.

2nd Dragoon Guards (Harvey, D.), 15, 35, 74, 201, 262, 393.

colonels of, named:

Auverquerque, F. de Nassau de.

Carpenter, G.

Essex, Earl of.

Guiscard, Marquis de.

Pearce, E.

Pepper, [J.]

Regiments, Foot, Guards, battalion of, 6, 157, 207, 279.

Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 329, 431.

colonels of, named

Allen, —.

Alnutt, [T.]

Barrymore, Earl of.

Blosset, [S.]

Bretton, [W.]

Brudenall, [T.]

Caulfield, T.

Donegal, Earl of.

Dormer, [J.]

Elliott, [R.]

Farrington, T.

Gorges, [R.]

Hamilton, H.

Hotham, [Sir C.]

Johnston, —.

Lepell, N.

Livesay, [J.]

Magny, C. de.

Mar, Earl of.

Mohun, Lord.

Moore, [T.]

Mordaunt, Lord.

Mountandre, Marquis de.

Mountjoy, Viscount.

Munden, R.

Paston, Lord.

Pearce, [T.]

Portmore, Earl of.

Sibourg, [C]

Southwell, [W.]

Stewart, —.

Townshend, [R.]

Tyrawley, Lord.

Wade, G.

Watkins, [W.]

Wynne, A.

remittances for, 7, 36, 282, 358, 359;

sent in silver, 280.

Respits, 462.

Spanish troops, 11, 109, 155, 452, 453.

Stores, Commissary of, 203, 407;

appointment of, 5. See also Vincent, H.

subsistence of, 8, 11, 19, 20, 33, 35, 36, 40, 74, 81, 108, 135, 154, 155, 171, 176, 203, 208, 232, 265, 289, 329, 365, 381, 394, 395, 415, 426;

arrears of, 157;

deductions from, 250;

poundage drawn from, 203.

wheat for, 1, 8, 70, 154.

See also Army—in Catalonia;

in Portugal.

in the West Indies, 368;

clothing of, 324, 400;

recruits for, 324;

subsistence of, 431.

Invalids, Companies of, at Tynemouth Castle, pay due to, 168.

at Upnor, 225, 252.

clearings of, 209, 252.

clothing for, 422.

pay of, 73, 110, 163, 403, 424, 457.

issues for, accounts of, to be kept by the Comptrollers General of Army Accounts, 344.

Judge Advocate General. See Byde, T.

levy money, 4, 6, 11, 16, 81, 100, 129, 131, 141, 170, 208, 225, 227, 260, 274, 279, 315, 381, 389, 394, 416, 431, 457.

lieutenant general, serving under the King of Portugal, 265.

major general, serving under the King of Portugal, 265.

muster rolls, 20, 162, 274, 276, 278, 314, 329, 400, 409, 417, 431;

closure of, 344;

inspection of, 344.

Musters, Deputy Commissary of, 344.

false, information concerning, 280.

frauds and abuses concerning, prevention of, 344.

respits and causes of, certification of, 344.

Mutiny, copies of Acts concerning delivered to the Office of the Secretary at War, 211, 407;

punishment for (as by 3–4 Anne, c. 5), 344.

Offreckonings, 10, 11, 109, 178, 191, 215, 256, 276, 278, 360, 367, 387, 393, 394, 399, 400, 409, 415, 421, 431, 448, 453.

Palatines, pay of, 36, 39, 136, 194, 216, 231, 288, 414, 444, 466. See also Army—in Catalonia;

in Spain.

Pay, deduction of one day's, 380.

Paymaster General, issues for, accounts of, 293.

payments by, account of, 344.

regimental accounts of, 344.

See also Army—Abroad;

Army—in Spain and Portugal;

Bridges, J.;

Fox, C.;

How, J.;

Ranelagh, Earl of.

Pay Office, 215, 405, 421.

Physician and Surgeon General of, 203.

Poundage, deduction for, 344, 380.

Provisions, 380;

delivered out of stores, account of, 344.

Recruiting, Act of Parliament concerning (6 Anne, c. 45), 145, 151, 407;

officers, 146.

Recruits, 4, 44, 163, 205, 215, 216, 276, 277, 462.

clearings of, 110.

going to Ireland, detained at Chester by contrary winds, 401, 409, 413.

going to Portugal, 395, 435, 450, 451.

going to the West Indies, 49, 324, 381.

in the Marshalsea, 388.

horses for, 260.

levy money for, 129, 131, 141, 270, 274, 315.

overseeing officers employed to make, 47.

pay or subsistence of, 4, 11, 81, 101, 169, 207, 208, 279, 315, 381, 394, 424, 452, 466, 474.


accounts, inspection of, 344.

agents to, 344, 380, 398, 421, 448, 474;

deduction of 2d. per £ for, 380.

French, accounts of, 398.

issue to, for charge of carriages on marching and removal of quarters, 413.

Horse Regiments:

accoutrements for, 370, 429.

in Ireland, 253.

Dragoons, augmentation of, 227.

employed to discover owlers, 364.

guarding the Court, 3.

in the Low Countries, 100, 176, 288.

in Portugal, 262, 276, 278.

in Spain and Portugal, 19, 35, 74, 110, 143, 170, 208, 252, 279, 329, 358, 359, 381, 393, 394.

French Regiment of, 218, 243, 362, 415;

agent of, 243;

hautboys of, 243;

horses for, 416.

Inniskilling Dragoons (Major-General Echlin), 50, 171, 225, 260, 262.

Queen's Regiment of Dragoons (G. Carpenter), 19, 110, 143, 170, 199, 200, 208, 279, 314, 322, 402.

Royal Regiment of Dragoons (Lord Raby), 35, 74, 358.

Royal Regiment of Dragoons of Ireland (C. Ross), 100, 176, 288.

Royal Regiment of North British Dragoons (Earl of Stair), 100, 176, 288.

Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons (Sir W. Douglas), 118;

(Viscount Teviot), 117.

Royal Scots Greys (Lord Yester), 119.

Second Dragoon Guards (D. Harvey), 35, 74, 262, 393.

Fourth Dragoon Guards (Lieut. Gen. Langston), 171.

Seventh Hussars (Lord Polwarth), 170, 227.

troop of, in Lord Carmichael's regiment (commanded by Sir R. Pollock), 119.

troop of, in the Marquess of Lothian's regiment (commanded by Sir J. Johnston), 119.

troop of, in the Marquess of Lothian's regiment (commanded by Lord Polwarth), 119, 170, 227.

(Francis de Nassau d'Auverquerque), 35, 74.

(—. Bothmar), 36, 39, 136, 194, 216, 232, 288, 414, 467.

(Lord Cardross), 118.

(Lord Carmichael), 118, 170, 227.

([R.] Cunningham), 118, 276, 278.

(Earl of Essex), 109, 110, 143, 170, 200, 208, 252, 279, 314, 322, 402.

(Marquis de Guiscard), 35, 74.

(Marquess of Lothian), 117.

(Lord Newbottle), 118.

(E. Pearce), 74, 329, 381, 394.

(J. Pepper), 35, 74.

(Lord Tunbridge), 171.

Grenadier Guards, 170.

Guards, in Scotland, arrears due to, 117.

Royal Regiment of, 170;

(Duke of Northumberland), 360, 367, 435.

Troop of, 170.

Third Troop of, horses transported from Holland, 311.

Queen's Regiment of Horse (Lieut.-Gen. Lumley), liveries, etc., for the trumpets and kettle drums of, 110, 163.

Royal Regiment of Horse, additional men of, 208.

Scots Troop of Life Guards (Lord Forbes), 118, 119.

Scots Horse (Lord Belhaven), 118;

(Earl of Eglintoun), 118;

(Lord Rollo), 118;

(Major Stewart), 119.

Foot Regiments

at Gibraltar, 36, 74, 232.

Commander-in-Chief. See Erle, T.

in Ireland, 253, 389, 401, 409, 413, 418, 457;

clothing for, 132, 172, 203, 362, 387.

in the Leeward Islands, 457.

in the Low Countries, 19, 39, 40, 100, 207, 208, 315, 329, 330, 377, 394, 403, 406, 426, 452.

in Scotland, 117, 118, 208, 252.

in Spain and Portugal, 6, 33, 35, 36, 40, 74, 81, 155, 157, 171, 174, 176, 203, 205, 207, 232, 261, 265, 276, 278, 279, 329, 357, 358, 363, 381, 394, 426, 431, 441.

livery and colours for, 453, 465.

Paymaster, 436.

Artillery Company, in Scotland, 118.

French Regiment of Foot, agent to. See Angle, P. de l'.

Guards, additions to, 170;

arrears due for clearings, 117;

arrears due for clothing, 118;

battalion of, in the Low Countries, 377, 403, 406;

battalion of, in Spain, 6, 157, 207, 279.

First Regiment of, colonel of, 388;

in the Low Countries, 19, 207, 208, 315, 330;

recruits to, clearings of, 110;

subsistence of, 19, 143.

Second Regiment of (Cold-stream), colonel of, 388;

in the Low Countries, 208, 377;

recruits to, clearings of, 110;

subsistence of, 19, 205.

Princess's Own Regiment (afterwards the Queen's), colours of, embroidery of, 453;

drummers of, livery for, 453;

trophy money for, 453.

Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, clothing for, 367;

in Spain, 329, 431.

Scots Guards, in Scotland, 118.

colonels of, named:

Allen, —.

Alnutt, [T.]

Angus, Earl of.

Argyll, Earl of.

Barnet, —.

Barrymore, Earl of.

Bennet, W., of Grubbet.

Blossett, [S.]

Bolton, Duke of.

Bradshaigh, Sir R.

Brasier, K.

Bretton, [W.]

Brudenall, [T.]

Buchan, J.

Caulfield, [T.]

Cavalier, [J.]

Churchill, [C.]

Crawford, Earl of.

Cunningham, [R.]

Delaune, W.

Donegal, Earl of.

Dormer, [J.]

Elliott, [R.]

Farrington, [T.]

Ferguson, [J.]

Glencairn, Earl of.

Gore, H.

Gorges, [R.]

Grant, Lord.

Hamilton, [G.]

Hamilton, H.

Handasyde, [T.]

Hara, Sir C.

Hill, [J.]

Hotham, [Sir C.]

Inchiquin, Earl of.

Johnson, [J.]

Johnston, —.

Jones, E.

Jones, [J.]

Kenmure, Viscount.

Kerr, Lord.

Lepell, N.

Livesay, [J.]

Lothian, Marquess of.

Macgill, [G.]

Magny, C. de.

Maitland, [J.]

Mar, Earl of.

Meloniere, I. la.

Mohun, Lord.

Moore, [T.]

Mordaunt, Lord.

Mountandre, Marquis de.

Mountjoy, Viscount.

Munden, R.

Newton, [W.]

Paston, Lord.

Pearce, [T.]

Portmore, Earl of.

Prendergast, Sir T.

Rooke, H.

Ross, —.

Sankey, [N.]

Sibourg, [C.]

Slane, Lord.

Southwell, [W.]

Stanwix, [T.]

Stewart, —.

Strathnaver, Lord.

Stringer, [T.]

Temple, Sir R.

Townshend, [R.]

Tullibardine, Earl of.

Tyrawley, Lord.

Wade, G.

Watkins, [W.]

Webb, [J.]

Wynne, O.

respits, 109, 110, 162, 168, 212, 215, 226, 270, 274, 279, 322, 330, 392, 415, 421, 448, 452, 462.

Saxon troops, pay of, 36, 39, 136, 194, 216, 232, 288, 414, 466.

Serjeant, difference of subsistence between a private and, 421.

Spanish Foot, regiment of, raised in Portugal, 109.

stores, account of arms, provisions and tents delivered out of, 344.

subsistence, 2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 49, 73, 74, 79, 81, 84, 101, 108, 109, 110, 135, 143, 154, 155, 161, 162, 163, 164, 169, 170, 171, 176, 193, 194, 203, 205, 208, 215, 216, 231, 232, 252, 265, 276, 278, 287, 288, 289, 314, 315, 329, 330, 344, 365, 377, 380, 381, 382, 394, 395, 403, 414, 415, 421, 426, 431, 436, 444, 447, 452, 457, 464, 466, 474;

arrears of, 157;

deductions from, 250;

poundage drawn from, 203.

tents for, 32, 213, 344.

transports, 4, 49, 192, 329, 393, 395, 409, 413, 435, 447, 450, 451, 460, 462, 463, 470.

trophy money, 453.

volunteers, levy money for, 129.

waggon money, 216, 276, 277, 466.

Arniston, Arnistoun, co. Edinburgh, feuar of, 61.

Arnold, Nehemiah, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets, accounts of, 457.

disbursements of, 101.

issues to, 88, 134, 167, 200, 227, 296, 338, 380, 396, 418, 442, 459.

payment by, 304.

royal bounty for, in trust for Anto. and Lewis Driver, 383.

-, Owen, tidesman at Minehead, 361.

Arnot (Arnott), —, colonel, subsistence of British prisoners in France, 415.

-, -, pension of, 116.

-, James, Postmaster at Colebrans, 125.

Arrack, imported, 206.

Arundel, co. Sussex, Customs collector at, 196.

Arundel (Arundell), Charles, 235;

landwaiter at Poole, 455.

-, Sir John, lease of the house for pheasants, etc., in St. James's Park, 370, 379.

Arundell and Bates, merchants, 375.

Asgil (Asgill), John, debentures made out to Colonel John Rice, 23, 224.

Ash, Margaret, petition for payment of Navy imprest bills, 159.

Ashburne, James, Commissioner of Appeals in Excise, 285.

Ashford, co. Kent, 200.

Ashton, Charles, tidesman, inferior list, London port, dismissed for fraud, 361.

Ashworth, John, landwaiter at Liverpool, 297.

Askwith, Simon, tidesman, superannuation of, 238.


Eighteen Months, 1661, (as by 13 Car. II. st. 2, c. 3, for granting unto the King's Majesty 1,260,000l., viz. 70,000l. a month for eighteen months), collector of, 141, 153.

[First] 4s. Aid [Land Tax, 1692] (as by an Act 4 Wm. and Mary, c. 1, for granting to their Majesties an Aid of 4s. in the £ for one year for carrying on a vigorous war against France), Receiver General of, 86.

[First] 3s. Aid (as by the Act 8–9 Wm. III, c. 6, for granting an Aid as well by a Land Tax as by several subsidies and other duties, payable for one year, 4s. 4d. per person, 1¼ per cent. on personalty, 2½ per cent. on stock in trade, 3s. on land), arrears of, 212;

deficiencies of, and applications of revenue to, 85, 135, 166, 199, 229, 258, 297, 339, 374, 397, 418, 443, 461.

Additional 12d. Aid (as by the Act 8–9 Wm. III, c. 24, for a further subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage upon merchandizes imported for a term of 2¾ years and additional Land Tax for one year for the war against France), arrears of, 212.

[Third] Quarterly Poll (as by an Act 9 Wm. III, c. 38, for granting an Aid by a Quarterly Poll for one year), deficiencies of, and applications of revenue to, 85, 135, 166, 199, 229, 258, 297, 339, 374, 397, 418, 443, 461;

Receiver General of, 164.

[Third] 3s. Aid (as by the Act 10 Wm. III, c. 9, for granting 1,484,015l. 1s. 11¾d. for disbanding the Army, providing for the Navy and for other necessary occasions), deficiencies of, and applications of revenue to, 85, 135, 166, 199, 229, 258, 297, 339, 374, 397, 418, 443, 461.

[Second] 2s. Aid [Land Tax, 1699] (as by an Act 11 Wm. III, c. 2, for granting an Aid to His Majesty by sale of the forfeited and other Estates and Interests in Ireland and by a Land Tax in England for the several purposes therein mentioned), loans on, 465;

Receiver General of, 86.

[Fourth] 3s. Aid (as by the Act 12–13 Wm. III, c. 10, granting an Aid for defraying expenses of Navy, Guards and Garrisons for one year and for other necessary occasions), loans on, 465.

[Fifth] 4s. Aid (as by the Act 1 Anne, c. 6, for granting an Aid to Her Majesty by divers subsidies and a Land Tax), arrears of, issue out of, 422;

loans on, 465;

payment out of, 12.

Act of 1 Anne, st. 2, c. 17 [15], granting several subsidies for the war against France and Spain, arrears of, issue out of, 422;

collectors of, frauds committed by, 157;

payment out of, 13;

Receivers General of, 157, 295.

[Seventh] 4s. Aid (as by an Act 2–3 Anne, c. 1, for granting an Aid to Her Majesty by a Land Tax to be raised in the year 1704), arrears of, issue out of, 422;

payment out of, 13.

[Eighth] 4s. Aid [Land Tax, 1705] (as by an Act 3–4 Anne, c. 1, for granting an Aid to Her Majesty by a Land Tax to be raised in the year 1705), Receivers General of, 86, 87.

[Ninth] 4s. Aid [Land Tax, 1706] (as by an Act 4–5 Anne, c. 1, for granting an Aid to Her Majesty by a Land Tax to be raised in the year 1706), Commissioners for, 226.

Receivers General of, accounts of, 86, 87, 160, 334;

stay of process against, 160.

[Tenth] 4s. Aid [Land Tax, 1707] (as by an Act 6 Anne, c. 1, for granting an Aid to Her Majesty by a Land Tax to be raised in the year 1707), arrears of, 197.

assessments, repayment of, 105.

loans on, issues out of, 109, 143, 207, 226, 279, 314, 322, 400.

Receivers General of, 138, 272;

sureties of, 197.

[Eleventh] 4s. Aid [Land Tax, 1708] (as by an Act for granting an Aid to Her Majesty to be raised by a Land Tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1708), account of what sums are unlent on, 9.

Acts for, to be sent into Scotland, 6.

arrears of, 429.

assessments, repayment of, 267, 357, 401.

Commissioners for, 396, 400.

deficiency in, 400.

loans on, 21, 39, 143, 194, 209, 238;

interest on, 7, 31, 105, 139, 143, 147, 251, 325;

issues out of, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 53, 74, 81, 84, 94, 100, 102, 104, 108, 135, 147, 149, 158, 166, 178, 187, 212, 220, 222, 247, 250, 251, 254, 256, 265, 268, 315, 325, 377, 378, 382, 400, 406, 411.

Receivers General of, securities of, 54, 70, 96–9, 206, 325.

[Twelfth] 4s. Aid [Land Tax, 1709] (as by an Act 7 Anne, c. 1, for granting an Aid to Her Majesty to be raised by a Land Tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1709), loans on, 53, 465, 466, 467, 470, 472, 474.

Assizes, at Guildford, 393;

at Reading, 7.

Atchinsons Haven, clerkship of the cocquet at, 126.

Athenry, Lord. See Bermingham, E.

Atherton, Charles, Serjeant Plumber of the Works, 314, 460.

Atholl, Duke of. See Murray, J.

Atkinson, Samuel, a Commissioner for Transports, 311;

contractor for transport ships, 204.

-, -, a Commissioner for licensing Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty Chapmen, 230.

Attorney General, 159, 218, 262, 463.

clerks to, fees of, 379.

fees of, 378.

opinions, 47, 82, 179, 376, 432.

petition referred to, 458.

reports by, 3, 55, 76, 105, 106, 147, 154, 166, 463, 464.

warrants to, 83, 104, 105, 213, 220, 233, 286, 292, 299, 345, 416, 427, 448, 463, 464. See also Harcourt, Sir S.;

Montague, Sir J.;

Northey, Sir E.

Atwood, Robert, merchant, cashing of malt debentures, 452.

Aubrey, Herbert, sheriff of co. Hereford, 157.

Auchmouty (Auchmuty), John, Keeper or Master of the Wardrobe, Scotland, 113, 468.

Auchterlony, James, clerk to the Customs House at Leith, 125.

Auchtermuchty, co. Fife, borough of, 68.

Austin, —, lieutenant-colonel, 205.

-, John, tidesman at Plymouth, 155.

-, Thomas, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Southampton, 87, 97.

-, William, tidesman at Bristol, 254.

Austria, House of, war for recovery of the Spanish monarchy to, 5.

Auverquerque, [Francis] de Nassau de, Regiment of Dragoons of, 35, 74.

-, Henry de, Earl of Grantham, memorial of, 228;

royal bounty for, 323.

Avenza, Lavenza, Italy, 347.

Awbrey, John, payment for attendance at the Exchequer on vacation, 193.

Awd, John, tumults in Glasgow against the Union, 186.

Axford, Henry, of Devizes, distributor of stamped paper and parchment, co. Wilts, 366;

payment for prosecuting and convicting rioters in Devizes, 423, 442.

Ayloffe, Henry, Queen's Remembrancer, 157, 158.

-, Thomas, Doctor of Laws, Reader of Laws in Cambridge University, 305.

Ayr, county of, lands in, 438, 439.

sheriff of, rents payable by, 63;

retoured duties, 66.

Ayr, Air, co. Ayr, Act for duty on malt for, 124.

collector of. See Muir, J.

poor of, 67.

Post Office, Postmaster of, 182;

runners between Glasgow and, 182.

Provost of. See Muir, J.

tidewaiters at, 271.

Ayrolle. See Dayrolle.