Warrant Books: November 1708, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Books: November 1708, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp425-433 [accessed 17 September 2024].

'Warrant Books: November 1708, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp425-433.

"Warrant Books: November 1708, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp425-433.


November 1708, 1–10

Nov. 1. Money warrant for 500l. to William Borrett: as imprest for Crown Law charges. Money Book XIX, p. 378. Order Book VII, p. 197. Disposition Book XIX, p. 234.
Nov. 1, 6, 19, 22. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Jas Jenkinson as Collector of Dartmouth loco his father superannuated.
Robert Baker as a tidesman London port loco Thomas Thorpe removed as below.
Thomas Thorpe as waiter & searcher at Neston loco Charles Thorpe, his brother deceased.
John Jolliffe as a tidesman in the inferior list London port “subject to the pensions of the superannuated tidesmen.”
John Alexander as a watchman ibid.
Abraham Wilkinson as a tidesman ibid. loco Edward Jones junr. deceased.
Howell Francis as Collector of Cardigan with salary advanced from 15l. to 25l. per an.
Wybert Sally as tidesurveyor Liverpool port loco John Jones deceased.
Robert Dunham as tidesman & boatman at Harwich loco Peter Pepper deceased.
Anthony Clarke as check clerk at Bristol.
David Edwards as a Comptroller of a warehouse for prohibited East India goods loco Richard Tregagle deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 136–7.
Nov. 1. Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Robert, Earl of Roscommon praying an addition to his present pension of 150l. per an in regard of the many services & sufferings of his family. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 38.
Nov. 2. Commission by Treasurer Godolphin to Pelatia Barnardiston Esqr to be Receiver General of the Duties on Houses for Co Suffolk arisen from March 25 last, see supra, p. 325. (Warrant by same dated 20 Aug 1708 to the Queen's Remembrancer to take his securities. Followed by: report dated 21 Oct 1708 by the Agents for Taxes on the sufficiency of said securities.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, pp. 117, 178–9.
Nov. 3. Letter of direction for 15339l. 15. 9½ to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of the fourth payment to be made on the 12th inst by the East India Company: to be for the services as follows viz
£ s. d.
in part of 500000l. for augmenting the Forces anno 1708
towards the pay of the 1300 Palatines & 4200 Imperial & Italian Foot in Spain 11734 7 0
for Sir Theodore Janssen to answer a bill drawn by Monsieur Darzilier, her Majesty's Agent at Geneva, for the value of 2400 Crowns expended by him for arms furnished for the service of the war in Italy: at the [exchange] rate of 60 pence per Crown 600
for Jacob Cross for so much disbursed by him for special services relating to the war in Italy pursuant to her Majesty's warrant 337 10 3
in part of 586671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain & Portugal anno 1708
towards completing the subsistence to the Foot Regiments of Livesay, Hamilton, Dormer, Wynn, Marr, Caulfeild & Townsend 1918 13
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
to Johnson's Regiment of Foot towards completing their subsistence to Nov 23 inst 492 7 8
for Farrington's Regiment of Foot towards completing the like subsistence 256 17 3
£15339 15
Disposition Book XIX, p. 229.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] relating to a ship called the Tower Frigat which happened to be set on fire in the river of Thames. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 13.
Same to James Brydges [Paymaster of the Forces Abroad] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] from Monsieur [Matthias Balthasar von] Waldersee, the Danish Envoy, relating to an arrear of 100,000 Crowns demanded by the King of Denmark. Ibid.
Nov. 3. Same to Mr. Walpoole [Secretary at War] to prepare a royal warrant for payment by James Brydges [as Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad] of 10879l. 11. 6 to Harry Mordaunt, the Paymaster of the Ordnance, as imprest & upon account towards defraying the charge of the Train of Artillery in Spain. Ibid., p. 14.
Treasury reference to the Principal Officers of the Works of the petition of Charles Hobson, Chief Joiner & Purveyor to the Works, shewing that he has given bond to serve the office of Sheriff of London & Middlesex for the present year, which he apprehends will take up the greatest part of his time: & having bred up his eldest son in his own trade & business prays leave to surrender to him his patent of Chief Joiner & Purveyor. Reference Book VIII, p. 334.
Same to William Blathwayte, Auditor General of her Majesty's Duties & Revenues in America, of the petition of the Governors & Visitors of the College of King William & Queen Mary in Virginia praying for an allowance (out of the Quit rents in Virginia) to rebuild the same [the said College] which was lost [burnt] with all its books & furniture the 29th Oct 1705. Ibid., p. 341.
Nov. 5. Royal warrant dated St James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 40000l. to Spencer Compton: as imprest for the Queen's bounties & pensions. (Money warrant dated Nov 29 hereon. This order quotes the privy seal as dated Nov 24.) (Money order dated Nov 30 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 450. Money Book XIX, p. 407. Order Book VII, p. 202.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the existing Commission for Prizes and to empower the Lord Treasurer to appoint such person or persons as he thinks fit to sue for, levy and recover all prizes whatsoever & the proceeds & arrears thereof taken during the present war & not duly accounted for. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 451.
Same to the Lord Treasurer for a lease to Henry Boyle, now a Principal Secretary of State, of the garden called the Royal Garden at St James's & the Wilderness thereto belonging: for 31 years from date hereof at a rent of 6s. 8d. per an: to be resumable on payment by the Crown of the sum of 2853l. which the said Boyle has expended in additional buildings to the house in the said garden & in raising & repairing the walls of same & of the wilderness & in making drains & in repairs occasioned by the high winds in 1703: the late king Wm. III having by a sign manual of 1699–1700 Jan 21 signified his pleasure to the superintendent of the Royal Gardens that the allowance for keeping the said Royal Garden of St James's & the said wilderness should determine from Xmas 1699 & that the said Boyle, having offered to maintain & keep up the same if he might have the use thereof & of the houses & buildings therein then in the possession of George London, the said king did thereby grant to said Boyle the custody & keeping of said garden & wilderness. Ibid., pp. 453–4.
Nov. 5. William Lowndes to the Duke of Somerset [Master of the Horse]. In Oct last at your request the Lord Treasurer referred to the Principal Officers of the Works the bill of William Sandiver, carpenter, for the charge of 5 coach houses built by him by your order at Newmarket in 1707, for her Majesty's use, amounting to 196l. 10. 6. The said referees have reduced the bill to 179l. 19. 5. The Lord Treasurer has no objection to your paying same. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 14.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Capt. John Paul on behalf of his ship Haistings concerning the prize taken by them called the St Stephen of Libourn [sic for Lisbon] laden with Newfoundland fish, oil & whale fins brought by them to Bristol; praying leave to ship off the prize fish without landing and to enter the Newfoundland oil on payment of only 6s. per ton. Reference Book VIII, p. 333.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Tom, vicar of Kinsale in Ireland, shewing that he performed the duty of several chaplains who were absent from their Regiments quartered in that town and adjacent fort, upon promise of satisfaction out of the pay of the several Captains “which he hath received but from very few of them and those that have not paid him are taken off from the Establishment so that he can have no relief but from” my Lord Treasurer. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Solomon Merret of London merchant, owner of the Tower Frigatt, 170 tons burden, which was lost in the Thames in April last by the accident of fire and through the carelessness of one of the tidesmen on board her: praying recompence for his damage of 939l. 13. 3. Ibid.
Royal warrant dated St James's to the Lord Lieut. of Ireland to insert on the Irish Establishment a pension of 100l. per an to Barbara Chantrell, widow of Lieut. Col. Chantrell who was an officer in the service of the Crown for over 30 years & afflicted with sickness for several years before his decease & left petitioner with 3 young children in most necessitous circumstances, her husband's commission having been taken from him by late Earl of Tyrconnell because he was a Protestant. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 37.
Nov. 6. Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the bill of John Thorowkettle, messenger of the Chamber, for 16l. 3. 4 for last Sept 29 quarter for attendance on the Lord Treasurer.
The like allowance to same for same quarter's attendance on the Customs. Money Book XIX, p. 378.
Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 20l. per an to Richard Molesworth as Comptroller of Newcastle port. Ibid., p. 379.
Same by same to the Receipt for payment of certain bankers' annuities as per certificate [not attached] being for new payees by reason of change of ownership of the said annuities whether by succession or transfer &c. Prefixing: note only of said certificate. Ibid., pp. 379, 380.
Nov. 6. Money warrant for 157l. 10. 0 to William Clayton for his charges &c in paying to the contributors for annuities anno 1706 their allowance for prompt payment, he having been entrusted with such payments: which allowance payments amounted to 10950l. 0. 6 & said sum was payable to and amongst 2941 respective contributors. Hereof 100l. is for reward to said Clayton & 57l. 10. 0 is for his expenses. (Money order dated Nov 9 hereon.) Ibid., p. 379. Order Book VII, p. 212.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Samuell Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of the house, buildings, garden &c ut supra, p. 427 in order to a lease thereof to Henry Boyle. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 276.
Same by same to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for paying 564l. 6. 0 to Charles Robinson for the charge of packing & shipping 5000 accoutrements for Horse & Dragoons for the service of Spain & Portugal: the same being over & above the 22729l. 3. 4 contracted for with him 1707 Sept 26 by Mr. St John, late Secretary at War, & James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, for the cost of said accoutrements.
Prefixing: report by Thomas Brodrick, one of the Comptrollers of Army Accounts, on said case.
Appending: bill of said charges of warehousing, packing & shipping. Ibid., pp. 277–8.
Commission by Treasurer Godolphin to Lancelot Johnson to be surveyor of Duties on Houses [Co Southampton] loco Walter Warlow. (Warrant by same to the Receiver General of said Duties in said County to pay him 80l. per an salary.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, pp. 151, 154.
Warrant by same to the Agents for Taxes approving the method proposed by them for discharging the securities of Samuell Pacey, late Receiver General of Taxes for Co Suffolk, of the 15158l. 13. 8 arrears owing by him.
Prefixing: representation from said Agents proposing the payment of 1500l. per month for 8 months by the said securities, for Land Tax & 350l. a month for 8 months for House Duties plus the balance in the last of the said months. Ibid., pp. 179–80.
Dormant money warrant by same for 100l. per an additional salary to John Tarver Esqr late of Lincoln's Inn as (with William Stewart) Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer Court Scotland ut supra, pp. 371, 382, 384. Out Letters (North Britain), p. 440.
The like for John Tyas as same as (with Colin Mackenzie) Clerk of the Pipe in said Court ut supra, ibid. Ibid., pp. 440–1.
Money warrant for 50l. each to William Stewart & John Tarver for half a year to Sept 29 as Queen's Remembrancer as above: with dormant clause for same in future. Ibid., p. 441.
Same for 50l. each to Colin Mackenzie & John Tyas for same half year as Clerk of the Pipe: with like dormant clause. Ibid., p. 442.
Nov. 6. Money warrant for 50l. to William Allanson for same half year as Treasurer's Remembrancer in said Court: with like dormant clause. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 442.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners in North Britain to employ Daniel Neil as their housekeeper loco James Brooks dismissed.
Robert Dickson as landwaiter at Borrowstounness loco Daniel Neil removed. Ibid., p. 443.
Same by same to [same] to employ Jessop Boughton, their Secretary, to be Register of the North British Ships (Register of all ships or vessels trading inwards, outwards or coastways in North Britain) loco Charles James lately dismissed. Ibid.
Nov. 8. Warrant by same to the Receipt to take in loans on the Subsidies Act 5 Anne [6 Anne c. 27 for Continuing several Subsidies]: to wit for the sum of 12335l. 14. 5 representing a quarter's interest to Oct 12 last at 6 per cent on the sum of 822381l. 15. 6 lent upon the said Act for the service of the War: and to apply the said sum for the payment of such interest on said total loans.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the interest due as above.
£ s. d.
on 816685l. lent 8 April 1707: interest to 8 Oct 1708 12250 5 6
on 5595l. 8. 10½ lent 10 April 1707: interest to 10 July 1708 .88 18 7
on 101l. 6. 7½ lent 12 April 1707: interest to 12 July 1708 1 10 4
£12335 14 5
Money Book XIX, pp. 380–1.
[William Lowndes] to the Navy Commissioners to pay over to Walter Whitfeild the 10000l. lately directed to be issued to the Navy Treasurer ut supra, p. 417. Disposition Book XIX, p. 230.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Hazard shewing that he bought some Newfoundland Bank fish then at Portsmouth from the Prizes Commissioners & brought same to London “& it being then disputable what Customs same should pay” he desired to give security for the Duty but was compelled to pay 130l 13. 3½ for Duty to save the fish from perishing as the weather was hot: but being informed by counsel that no Duty is payable for said fish he prays to be repaid same. Reference Book VIII, p. 333.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Davies & William Chambers merchants, shewing that in Oct 1706 there was laden at Boston in New England for his account 218 barrels of tar on board a brigantine which was taken by a French privateer & the master taken away, but the vessel afterwards re-taken; that 154 barrels of tar were taken out of her by the Queen Anne galley & Eugene galley both of Bristol: that petitioners having notice thereof entered their claim in the Admiralty Court “& the goods [were ordered to be] restored but the said master being taken away & not since heard of they cannot have a proper certificate to entitle them to the premium of 4l. per ton, which they pray may be allowed them.” Ibid., p. 334.
Nov. 8. Same to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards & Garrisons, of the petition of Booth Hereford, late a Major of Col. Jones's Regiment of Foot in the West Indies, praying payment of 356l. 17. 6 which he alleges to be due to him for subsistence of himself & Company from 1706–7 March 4 to 1707 Nov 30. Ibid.
Same to William Blathwaite of the petition of Lord Fairfax in behalf of the Dowager Lady Culpeper, himself & wife proposing to surrender to the Queen an indefeasible estate of inheritance of & in all that tract of land called the Northern Neck between the rivers Rapahannock & Potomac in Virginia [in return] for a grant from the Crown of the Lott & Cope & office of Burgmaster in the Wapentake of Wirksworth Co Derby. Ibid.
Nov. 9. Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the incidents bill of the Salt Office for last Sept 29 quarter: total 864l. 10. 1½. Money Book XIX, p. 236.
Letter of direction for 21722l. 12. 7½ to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of the fourth payment to be made by the East India Company before the 12th inst: and is to be for services as follows: viz:
£ s. d.
in part of 586671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain & Portugal anno 1708
to complete 1896l. for levy money for 632 private men for the Royal Regiment of Fuzileers at 3l. a man 696
for like levy money for 646 men for Lord Portmore's Regiment to complete 1938l. 738
for the like levy money for 646 men for Lieut. Gen. Stewart's Regiment to complete 1938l. 738
in part of 500000l. for the service of Spain & other purposes
for the King of Spain in part of 150000l. for the service of himself & his Troops, being to be paid over to Monsieur Hoffman, his [Spanish] Majesty's Resident here by his Majesty's order & for his Majesty's use 2000
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
out of loans to be made by said Brydges on credit of Malt Duties anno 1708: the orders for which loans are to be drawn without interest & to be reserved [in his hands] till the money thereon can be raised at par & then to be applied to pay 4 months' net offreckonings of the Subject Troops in Flanders from Feb 24 last to June 24 last “their muster rolls being returned for that time” 17550 12
£21722 12
Disposition Book XIX, p. 231.
Nov. 9. William Lowndes to the Attorney & Solicitor General enclosing the report [missing] from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands touching a grant desired by Davison et al of derelict lands on the coast between Wells & Walton, Co Norfolk & between Barton & St Mary's, Co Lincoln. Please give the Lord Treasurer your opinion as to the Crown title thereto. Out Letters (General) XIX, pp. 14–15.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Jackson for employment in the Customs, he having been a great trader but by great losses is reduced to mean circumstances. Reference Book VIII, p. 333.
Same to same of the petition of Owen Wynne, Colonel of one of her Majesty's Regiments of Foot, shewing that by order of the Government he contracted for the clothing of his Regiment in Ireland before it was taken off that [Irish] Establishment; the breeches being part of that clothing were left behind by reason of the sudden shipping [transport] of the said Regiment: therefore prays that same may be transported thence to Great Britain [Duty free]. Ibid., p. 334.
Royal warrant dated St James's to the Lord Treasurer to pay 100l. per an each additional salary to the Commissioners of Excise in North Britain: as a reward for their great care, prudence & skilful management whereby they have brought the said revenue there to a good order & method notwithstanding the many difficulties they have met with. This will make their salaries equal to those of the Customs Commissioners [in North Britain]. (Treasurer Godolphin's dormant warrant dated Nov 12 hereon.) Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 443–4, 445.
Same to same to pay Sir David Nairn 2350l. for half a year's additional allowance to Sept 29 last to the Lords of Session in Scotland, that is to say 250l. to the President & 150l. each to the other 14 Justices thereof: in accordance with the Queen's intention (some time since signified) to augment the allowances of said Lords, viz that of the President from 500l. to 1000l. per an & the Justices from about 200l. (“as we are informed”) to 500l. per an. (Money warrant dated Nov 9 hereon.) (Money order dated Nov 20 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Nov 22 hereon.) Ibid., pp. 444, 453, 462. Disposition Book XIX, p. 234.
Nov. 10. Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to distribute & pay to the officers of the Exchequer as follows the total sum of 1000l. yearly for the additional business in connection with the payment of the 192187l. 10. 0 per an of 99 year annuities purchased annis 1707 & 1708 (being 72187l. 10. 0 annuities for 1155000l. contributions on the Act [6 Anne c. 2] anno 1707, to be reckoned as from 25 March 1707; and 40000l. annuities for 640000l. contributed, to be reckoned as from 25 March 1708 & 80000l. annuities for 1280000l. contributed, to be reckoned as from 24 June 1708 on the two annuity Acts [6 Anne c. 39 and 6 Anne c. 48] anno 1708): viz as follows:
per an
£ s. d.
to the Auditor of the Receipt 505 17 8
to the Clerk of the Pells 235 5 11
to the 4 Tellers of the Receipt 258 16 5
£1000 0 0
Of the said sum of 505l. 17. 8 to the Auditor of the Receipt, 190l. 0. 3 per an is to commence from 25 March 1707 & is to be paid out of the fund for the 72187l. 10. 0 annuities: 105l. 5. 10 per an is to commence from 25 Mar 1708 & is to be paid out of the fund for the 40000l. annuities: and the remaining 210l. 11. 7 per an is to commence from 24 June 1708 & is to be paid out of the fund for the 80000l. annuities.
Similarly the sum of 235l. 5. 11 to the Clerk of the Pells consists of three items: viz: 88l. 7. 7; 48l. 19. 5 & 97l. 18. 11 commencing respectively from the said three dates and payable respectively out of the said three funds.
Similarly the sum of 258l. 16. 5 to the Tellers consists of three items: viz: 97l. 4. 4, 53l. 17. 4 & 107l. 14. 9 commencing respectively from the said three dates and payable respectively out of the said three funds. Money Book XIX, pp. 381–4.
Nov. 10. Letter of direction for 6000l. to John Tailer gent: for buildings at Woodstock: to be issued out of any money in the Exchequer arising from loans on tin. Disposition Book XIX, p. 229.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Joseph England, clerk to Mr. Nutin, late Paymaster of Transports, for some allowance for his service in discovering the estate of said Nutin & procuring 3054l. to be paid out of same into the Exchequer in discharge of Nutin's debt, and securing the remainder, being 1600l. Reference Book VIII, p. 334.
Same to same of the petition of Robert Peters, Receiver General for Co Herts, praying allowance of 1210l. for the extraordinary charges of his receipt annis 1700–6. Ibid., p. 335.