Warrant Books: October 1708, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Books: October 1708, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp412-416 [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Warrant Books: October 1708, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp412-416.

"Warrant Books: October 1708, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp412-416.


October 1708, 11–20

Oct. 12. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Burchett, Secretary of the Admiralty. Mr. Lowndes has sent me your letter to him of the 2nd inst desiring to know whether Mr. Reed had any direction from the Lord Treasurer to attend the Navy Commissioners with his proposal about ballast. On enquiry I do not find that anybody here [in the Treasury Office] knows him or his proposal. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 9.
Same to Mr. Brydges. The Lord Treasurer has received the enclosed letter & memorial from the Danish envoy concerning arrears due to the Troops of Denmark now employed in Flanders. Please examine this demand & lay a state thereof before the Lord Treasurer and on what the same is grounded. If necessary please send to Mr. Sweet about it. Ibid.
Letter of direction for 803l. 3. 7¾ to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: out of Civil List moneys: to be paid over to Henry Wise for last Sept 29 quarter: viz: 700l. for keeping 140 acres of the royal gardens & 103l. 3. 7¾ for St James's Park for keepers, deer, fish & fowl. Disposition Book XIX, p. 222.
Oct. 12. Same for 1255l. 19. 4 to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards & Garrisons: out of branches of the revenue as follows: viz: 56l. 8. 9½ part of 111l. 8. 9½ remaining in the Exchequer out of the 3700l. per week of Excise being [so much] more than sufficient to repay loans & interest thereon; 97l. 3. 3½ out of brewers' forfeitures, 518l. 15. 10½ of Malt anno 1706, all loans & interest thereupon being satisfied; 583l. 11. 4½ out of such brewers' forfeitures and out of the duties on Malt anno 1706 as shall come into the Exchequer: the said total to be applied to services as follows: viz
£ s. d.
to satisfy several royal warrants payable to several Regiments to defray the charge of carriages & other disbursements on their marching & remove of quarters before 24 Dec 1706 693 13 4
to make up the pay of 422 men of Col. Munden's Regiment from 4d. to 6d. a day from 24 Aug 1706 to Dec 10 following being the time same was detained here by contrary winds from going into Ireland 379 16 0
for the allowance for the transport of 506 men of the said Regiment to Ireland 126 10 0
for maintaining 60 recruits for the said Regiment in England from 10 June 1706 to Sept 30 following 56
£1255 19 4
(In the margin: a later confirmation dated 1710 Sept 5 hereof by the Treasury Lords.) Ibid.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Advocate of Scotland. I am informed that the late Farmers of the Customs in Scotland have broken their contracts by trading contrary to their covenants and many other ways & that by unfair importations which they made or suffered to be made about the time of the Union they occasioned a great deficiency in the produce of the Customs to the apparent damage of the Crown & the discouragement of fair traders and that they ought to be prosecuted for the said offences. Please consider this matter & let me have your opinion as soon as convenient as to what ought to be done. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 437.
Oct. 13. Money order for 300l. to Daniell Park for one quarter due this day on his allowance as Capt. General & Governor in Chief of the Leeward Caribbee Islands in America. Order Book VII, p. 221.
Same for 50l. to John Yeomans for one quarter due the 10th inst as Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Antigua. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Anthony Hodges for one quarter due the 10th inst on his allowance as Lieutenant Governor of Montserrat. Ibid., p. 227.
Oct. 18. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Postmaster General to satisfy by 100l. a week the warrant for 3525l. to the Duchess of Cleveland ut supra p. 408: commencing the said weekly instalments from the time her preceding warrant is satisfied. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 9. Disposition Book XIX p. 223.
Oct. 19. Letter of direction for 71446l. 15. 4¾ to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of the fourth payment to be made by the East India Company on or before Nov 12 next on account of their United Stock: & is to be applied to services as follows: viz:
£ s. d.
in part of 894272l. 8. 6. for the 40000 men anno 1708
for one month's subsistence to Nov 23 inst to the Subject Troops of this body 30172 2
for the full pay for same time to the General Officers 1982 1
for full pay for same time to the Foreign Troops of this body 30997 15 4
for Contingencies for same time 833 6 8
for subsistence for same time to Major Gen. Farrington's Regiment in part of 913l. 14. 6 400 0 0
in part of 34251l. 13. 4 for the 3000 Palatines anno 1708
for two thirds (being her Majesty's share) of the pay of the said Palatines for the same month 2811 17
in part of 43251l. 12. 6 for the 4639 Saxons anno 1708
for the Queen's proportion, being a moiety, of one month's pay to Nov 24 inst for the said Troops 3496 8 10¼
in part of 9269l. 16. 6 for Bothmar's Regiment of Dragoons anno 1708
for her Majesty's share of a month's pay to Nov 23 inst to the said Regiment 753 3 3
£71446 15
Disposition Book XIX p. 223.
Same for 61553l. 4. 7¼ to same: whereof 40000l. out of Contributions on the second Act for Annuities anno 1708; & the balance of 21553l. 4. 7¼ out the abovesaid fourth payment of the East India Company: and is to be applied to services as follows viz
£ s. d.
in part of 500000l. for carrying on the war in Spain & other purposes anno 1708
to answer several bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Meade the Deputy Paymaster of her Majesty's Forces in Spain, for the use of the King of Spain: & to be taken as part of 150000l. for the service of the said King & his Troops 15968 7
to answer several other bills of exchange drawn by the said Meade for the use of the Foreign Forces in her Majesty's pay in Spain 12188 15 0
in part of 494689l. 8. 6 for Subsidies to the Allies anno 1708
to the King of Portugal on his subsidy for the months of Sept & Oct 1708 and is to be employed towards reimbursing the Deputy Paymaster of her Majesty's Forces in Catalonia the money paid by him to the Commissary of the Troops there in the pay of the King of Portugal 22916 13 4
in part of 581671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain & Portugal anno 1708
towards answering bills of exchange & other demands for the pay & subsistence of the Forces composing this body: viz:
for two bills drawn from Amsterdam for the value of 8000 Louis d'or advanced at Paris to Col. Arnott for subsistence of the [British] prisoners in France 7441 16 6
for a like bill from Bayonne for moneys advanced there for the use of the said prisoners 100 0 0
for a like bill drawn from Madrid for value advanced for the use of some prisoners there 350
towards answering pay & subsistence to this body of Forces generally 2587 12
£61553 4
Ibid., p. 224.
Oct. 20. Royal sign manual for 100l. to Samuel Lyn (Lynn) Esq, secretary & aide de camp to General Thomas Erle, for his pains & expenses in coming express from the said General with the advice he had received from the Duke of Marlborough of the surrender of Lisle [Lille]: together with 11l. 17. 6 for Exchequer & other fees on the receipt of said sum. (Money warrant dated Oct 25 hereon.) (Money order dated Oct 26 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 436. Order Book VII, p. 196. Disposition Book XIX, p. 225.
J. Taylour to Mr. Vanbrugh to attend the Lord Treasurer on Friday morning about your report relating to Jezreel Jones's demands. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 9.
William Lowndes to Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War, enclosing the petition [missing] of the widow of Capt. Rycaut & likewise that of the widow of Lieut. Dickinson. Please inform the Lord Treasurer what has been ordered by the Duke of Marlborough for the widows [of Officers] under the like circumstances. Ibid., p. 10.
Treasury reference to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts of the petition of the Officers of the French Dragoons for discharge of the respits on said Regiment from 25 Aug 1706 to 24 April 1707, the said offreckonings being charged upon the petitioners' personal pay “when twas impossible for them to complete their Troops by reason of their being on board ship”; & likewise for discharge of 335l. 7. 0 charged for horses delivered to the Regiment though petitioners received no levy money at their first raising. Reference Book VIII, p. 331.