Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 24, 1636-1639. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.
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'Venice: March 1639', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 24, 1636-1639, ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1923), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Venice: March 1639', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 24, 1636-1639. Edited by Allen B Hinds (London, 1923), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Venice: March 1639". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 24, 1636-1639. Ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1923), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
March 1639
March 1. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Francia. Venetian Archives. |
584. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France,
to the Doge and Senate. With respect to the passports for the Palatine the Ambassador Lester has been to tell me that the King of Great Britain desires that he may enjoy those which serve for the other allies of France. I told him what the Cardinal had said to me that they cannot call him an ally here, unless by virtue of the ancient alliances with his house. I suggested, as from myself, that it might not be a bad thing, in order to avoid dispute, in any event, to obtain securities for him separately, and the matter might possibly be arranged with ease through the ambassador Ro at Hamburg, now it was clearly seen that the treaty of Brussels could not be carried out, the King of Great Britain having declared that the reports had been spread designedly by the Spanish Agent, resident with him. The ambassador confirmed this and that his king was very indignant about it. On the matter of the passports he maintained that there could be no doubt about the Palatine being the ally of France. The emperor had admitted as much, since he would not let him enjoy general passports like the others, and was obliged to make a formal declaration to exclude him. I have tried especially hard to find out if Duke Bernard has on foot any fresh secret negotiations with the King of Great Britain. I find he is constantly urging that monarch to help him, but I cannot find any definite negotiations, and they certainly have no suspicion of it at Court. It is true that the journey to England of the English resident in Switzerland might cause some suspicion, owing to his conversation with the Resident Vico. But one in a position to know asserts that this journey was only for his personal affairs, and he himself told me as much. If there is anything recondite the Ambassador Giustinian will be able to find it out, and I will gather all the information I can here. The coming of Duke Bernard here will probably disperse all these shadows. Paris, the 1st March, 1639. [Italian ; the part in italics deciphered.] |
585. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France,
to the Doge and Senate. The English ambassador at a special audience has urged his Majesty to conclude the negotiations of Hamburg, protesting that if they are not resolved soon his king will recall the ambassadors sent on that affair. His Majesty replied in substance that his sentiments in the matter were the same as ever, and the Swedes were responsible for all the hitches. But in England they believe the contrary and they think that all the Swedish ministers say is prompted from here. So after four years and more it looks as if this want of confidence added to other difficulties will lead to failure. It was stated that the Queen of Great Britain was coming to this Court to be cured of certain ailments, and much speculation has been rife at Court upon this, but the ambassador cut it all short by stating that she has no intention of undertaking this journey. Paris, the 1st March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 5. Senato, Secreta. Deliberazioni. Corti. Venetian Archives. |
586. That the Ambassador Fildin receive the treatment
which is customary with ambassadors extraordinary. That on
his arrival at Chioza he be received and lodged in the Palazzo
at the public cost, together with his suite, and the magistracy
of the Rason Vecchie shall arrange for the provision of everything
necessary. In the absence of the Podesta some one else shall
go there to pay the usual honours. That the secretary of England be informed that the same procedure will be adopted towards the ambassador as was observed in the year 1634. If he asks that a house be provided he shall be told that we cannot change what was arranged before to his complete satisfaction, and if the ambassador means to stay it will be necessary for him to find a house. Accordingly there is no need to issue any orders upon this point, and it will be better to present the ambassador with abundance of refreshments for some days. Ayes, 121. Noes, 7. Neutral, 12. It requires 4/5ths. On the 5th March in the Collegio : Ayes, 20. Noes, 0. Neutral, 0. [Italian.] |
March 5. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Germania. Venetian Archives. |
587. Giovanni Grimani, Venetian Ambassador in Germany,
to the Doge and Senate. At the moment when the English Resident is about to leave I hear that Bavaria has come to an agreement with England. He and his descendants are to have the electoral vote and the Upper Palatinate, while the Palatine family are to have the vote if his line becomes extinct, and the Lower Palatinate is to be restored to them at once together with Heidelberg, Bavaria receiving compensation from the emperor or the Spaniards. The king of England further promises to unite vigorously with the interests of the Austrian party for the liberation of the empire from the French forces, for the restitution of Piedmont, Monferrat, Alsace and Lorraine, and for a universal peace, making a strong alliance while leaving a place for France to enter it. Prince Tomaso has transacted this business in great measure. Vienna, the 5th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 5. Inquisitori di Stato Spagna. Venetian Archives. |
588. Alvise Contarini, Venetian Ambassador in Spain
to the Inquisitors of State. Encloses copy of a letter from the Count Duke to the Marquis of Leganes. Madrid, the 5th March, 1639. [Italian ; deciphered.] |
Enclosure. |
589. The Count of San Lucar to the Marquis of Leganes
of 26 Jan. 1638. [M.V.] We are sure of England and are even treating for a closer union, which will be effected, because Francis Cottington and the Parliament are entirely for us. It is true that the proposal is not to be carried out but at any rate the girl will be brought here to be educated. We shall try to have at sea as large a fleet of galleys as possible, under the Marquis of Villafranca. [Spanish ; copy.] |
March 7. Collegio, Secreta. Esposizioni, Principi. Venetian Archives. |
590. The Secretary of Great Britain came into the Collegio
and said : The Ambassador has charged me to come here to learn what you have decided about his reception as ambassador extraordinary, so that he may know what he is to do. The doge said, We think nothing is decided, the secretary will inform you what concerns this matter. The Collegio instructed me, the secretary to tell him that the ambassador would be received in the same way as he was in 1634 when he came in the same capacity, and the Senate, as a testimony of esteem had given orders that he should be defrayed and accompanied at Chioza. with what else is contained in the deliberation of this Council of the 5th inst. and to make known to the secretary that it is not usual to receive and defray at Chioza. The secretary said that the ambassador claimed the house, and without it he would not come here. I replied that even the first time he had not had the house, but he should receive abundant refreshments instead. The secretary replied, I have instructions in writing to declare that the ambassador requires all the prerogatives and especially that of the house. He gave me the paper. After it was read in the Collegio I had orders from his Serenity to tell the secretary that everything should be laid before the Senate, which is master and they would let him know anything else there might be. I did this and the secretary replied that the ambassador is not here to beg for honours and demonstrations to gain reputation, as he knows well that these are due to him, and went away. |
Instructions for Sig. Rabot. You will go to the Collegio to receive his Serenity's answer to the instance made last week about my reception. If it is not perfectly satisfactory in granting all the honours due to an extraordinary, in lodging, defraying expenses, especially in that city, and the other ceremonies observed to ministers of that description, you will tell his Serenity that my king's honour does not permit me to accept inferior treatment from what is customary in such cases, upon which we ask his Serenity to give prompt satisfaction, as time and affairs demand this. B. Fildin. [Italian.] |
March 8. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Francia. Venetian Archives. |
591. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France, to
the Doge and Senate. M. Germen sent by the King of Great Britain, has arrived here to treat either for the return of the queen mother to France, or for some assignment for his maintenance. He has not yet seen the king or the ministers, but they have their answers all ready for him. It amounts in substance to this : that the queen may come when she likes, but they will not enter into any definite engagement with her unless she decides to proceed to Florence. They speak thus as they are determined she shall not come to France and they will not give her any assignment. Paris, the 8th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 10. Senato, Secreta. Deliberazioni. Corti. Venetian Archives. |
592. That the Secretary of the King of Great Britain be
summoned to the Collegio and that the following be read to
him : We have given order for the Ambassador Fildin, on his arrival, to be treated with all the customary honours, in the assurance that he will appreciate our regard and the esteem we entertain for his sovereign. Ayes, 86. Noes, 1. Neutral, 15. [Italian.] |
593. That the Secretary of the King of Great Britain be
summoned to the Collegio and that the following be read
to him : On receiving the news of the return of the Ambassador Fildin we have desired to show him the most conspicuous marks of regard. As we wish to give him complete satisfaction we have arranged to provide him with a house and to defray him for the number of days customary with ambassadors extraordinary. Ayes, 85. Noes, 5. Neutral, 99. [Italian.] |
594. To the Ambassador in London. We enclose a copy of the office read to the English secretary about the reception of the Ambassador Fildin, in response to the secretary's demand that we should give him quarters. We consider that it would be pernicious to accede to all the secretary's improper demands. We do not find that when Piero Contarini was sent as ambassador extraordinary to England he received any different treatment from the ordinary. (fn. 1) We send this for information and so that you may be able to contradict any misrepresentations by Fildin. Ayes, 86. Noes, 1. Neutral, 6. [Italian.] |
March 10. Collegio, Secreta. Esposizioni, Principi. Venetian Archives. |
595. The advocate Pighetti being summoned before the
Savii said : Five or six days ago, when I was masquerading in ca Morosini at San Stefano I saw the Ambassador Fildin, also masked. I recognised him by a ribbon he had in his hat. He sent word that he wished to speak with me. At the very beginning he complained bitterly, to use his very words, of the way their Excellencies treat him, when he had declared that if he did not have the house and all the other prerogatives proper to ambassadors extraordinary he would certainly go back to England, without performing any office here and God knew when another ambassador would come here from his Majesty. I must add, what I had forgotten, that his Excellency had commissions to speak of very serious matters, which concern the republic more than his king. [Italian.] |
March 11. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. |
596. Giovanni Giustinian, Venetian Ambassador in
England, to the Doge and Senate. The Council of Scotland has this week sent a very seditious paper to his Majesty, to all the ministers and principal lords of the Court, in which they labour to prove that the interest and liberty of the English are inseparably bound up with the cause of the Scots, and state that they wish to refer the present differences absolutely to the judgment of the English parliament. This announcement is the more plausible in this country since it increases the excitement of those who want a change, and it has compelled his Majesty to forbid under the most severe penalties not only the publication but the reading and even the possession of this paper. They have issued orders for rigorous proceedings against those who have shown reluctance to serve in the present emergencies ; and the Bishop of Lincoln, who set out, in a very long paper, to censure the new regulations for religion ordered in Scotland, has been severely punished. On the other hand the offers made to his Majesty through the papal minister here by the Catholic clergy to obtain large contributions from the Catholics of the country, have gratified the king exceedingly. The French ambassador here has exerted himself to the utmost to stop the mission to the Most Christian of Mr. Germano. He states openly that any request of his master to satisfy the queen mother must prove fruitless, if she does not consent to proceed to the dominions of the Grand Duke. Yet the king has decided that he shall go, considering everything necessary in order to escape the expense, which becomes more sensible every day. Believre has repeated a mild request that the stay of the Duke of La Valette here may be cut short, but without effect as yet, owing to the influential interposition of the queen with his Majesty. The Duchess of Chevreuse has decided not to return to France, unless they send her guarantees without limitations, as she finds the pardon sent her by the Most Christian very faulty and is more suspicious than ever of some evil machination. Under the pretext of sending to the Holy House a very rich votive offering of gold and jewels, the queen has sent a Capuchin friar to Rome, with instructions to make arrangements for the ever firmer establishment of the Catholic faith in England, and to urge the pope as well to make the warmest representations to advance an accommodation between the queen mother and her son. (fn. 2) They send from Dunkirk that the damage to the Spanish fleet in the action reported is considerably less than announced, and that the ships will very soon be repaired and once more resume their voyage to Coruña. (fn. 3) Your Excellencies' letters which reach me this week are of the 3rd and 5th ult. London, the 11th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 11. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Haya. Venetian Archives. |
597. Gieronimo Giustinian, Venetian Ambassador at the
Hague, to the Doge and Senate. Fresh difficulties have arisen these last days between the Dutch and English merchants, which have caused a great deal of bad blood on both sides and loss to each of the parties, through fresh impositions and seizures. This circumstance with the bitter feeling resulting from it, has seemed a favourable opportunity to the English Resident for reviving the ancient pretentions of the crown over the Indies, and to bring to life once again arguments which were lying dormant. The signors of the Assembly have taken the matter in hand and have expressed the intention to have everything put straight and defined according to the dictates of equity. One hears repeated on this side the complaints which the Spaniards make at Brussels against the English for their crooked procedure, both in the Indies and in the Ocean, protesting a grievance because the English appear in the Indies sometimes in the guise of Dutchmen, when the latter are in the ascendant, and then as Englishmen when they find the Dutch power in the Ocean to be on the decline, and also to avoid the reprisals on both sides. It is further announced here that the King of Spain has declared all to be pirates who have access to the Indies without his permission and licence and that all the goods which they carry are his proper appurtenances and under his jurisdiction, so that they may be considered lawful booty even in the ports, when they are not accompanied by his authority. If the decree is really such as the merchants here describe it, it will certainly excite to an equal degree both derision and anger, as well in England as here. The Hague, the 11th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 12. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Germania. Venetian Archives. |
598. Giovanni Grimani, Venetian Ambassador in Germany,
to the Doge and Senate. The English Agent Teller is all ready to start for home. He says he will pass through Brussels to see what is on the carpet there about the Prince Palatine, and inform his king. He says, however, that if the point of the electoral vote is not to be treated equally with the children of Bavaria he has no hope of arranging anything satisfactory. But he believes that the Duke of Bavaria is anxious to leave his children in the enjoyment of peace, and he cannot do that unless there is an adjustment with the Palatine, nor should he have any great objection to this. Vienna, the 12th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 12. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Zante. Venetian Archives. |
599. Francesco Marcello, Venetian Proveditore of Zante,
to the Doge and Senate. Henry Hider arrived here last January in the ship Merchant Adventurer. His accounts have been examined and various errors found. It appears that he owes 2233 lire 10 grossi to the Chamber, and he is also creditor for a considerable sum. I have sent to the Proveditore of Corfu to direct Pietro Aquila and Zuanne his son to go to Corfu with Boldu, in the interests of Justice. I will see that Hider has the best of treatment and I hope at any rate to manage so that he will not abandon the trade in the islands, even if he continues that in the Morea. Zante, the 2nd March, 1639, old style. [Italian.] |
March 15. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Francia. Venetian Archives. |
600. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France, to
the Doge and Senate. I have made representations to the Cardinal for Prince Casimir, who has been taken to the castle of Vincennes, but I do not expect any result. They again give an ambiguous answer to the English ambassador who wants him exchanged against Prince Rupert. They do not seem inclined either to exchange him with the Elector of Treves ; they seem especially anxious to keep him until the end of the war. Paris, the 15th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
601. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France, to
the Doge and Senate. The Cardinal has begun to treat with M. Germen about the queen mother, with scant hope of arranging anything satisfactory. His Eminence told him that he had power from the king to deal with all the affairs of the kingdom abroad, with the exception of this one. Paris, the 15th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 17. Senato, Secreta. Deliberazioni. Corti. Venetian Archives. |
602. To the Ambassador in London. As the English secretary insisted that the ambassador ought to receive his lodging from the state, as being extraordinary, we have decided to gratify him, out of regard for that crown, as you will see by the enclosed copy of the office read to the secretary. You will use the information for our advantage. We shall be glad to learn if Lord Fildin will be returning to Venice after his marriage and in what capacity. We also wish to know the quality of the ships which the Genoese are buying and what they offer for them. Ayes, 142. Noes, 1. Neutral, 1. [Italian.] |
March 17. Senato, Mar. Venetian Archives. |
603. To the Proveditore upon the frontiers of Loreto. Order to go and receive the English ambassador extraordinary at Chioza to give him the hand and the title of "Excellency." The magistracy of the Rason Vecchie will make the necessary provisions and by the ministers of that body you will be advised of the exact day for the office. Ayes, 142. Noes, 1. Neutral, 1. [Italian.] |
604. That 100 ducats be given to Gieronimo Agustini,
appointed as secretary to the Ambassador Zustignan in England,
for his equipment, as well as a sum of 300 crowns for the journey. Ayes, 136. Noes, 7. Neutral, 8. [Italian.] |
March 18. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. |
605. Giovanni Giustinian, Venetian Ambassador in
England, to the Doge and Senate. Preparations are being completed with great activity for his Majesty's march, which will take place within two weeks. He has urgently requested this city, which recently refused to pay him 100,000l., to show at least their good will by supplying 3000 men for the present emergency. (fn. 4) But the aldermen have refused this also, pointing out that the obligation of the people does not extend beyond the simple defence of London. Thus with difficulties in every quarter and the lack of good will among the people, it is evident that the royal forces will be very feeble on this occasion. Besides some of the lords commanded, his Majesty will have 5000 foot and 1200 horse in his pay. They do not know what other troops the king may expect from the counties, and so their plans about the manner of conducting the war are at present doubtful. Two days ago his Majesty issued a proclamation full of the most contumelious expressions against the Scots, stating their crimes and the necessity for him to go to the frontier in person to compel their obedience by arms. (fn. 5) He hopes by this declaration to render them odious to all, but without success, indeed everyone applauds their steadfastness. Several ships have arrived at Calais from Holland, laden with munitions of war. This serves to increase the suspicion that the Most Christian means to attack Dunkirk. With their present preoccupations here they cannot thwart such an enterprise on the part of France, most detrimental as it would be to the interests of this kingdom, and the most prudent ministers are accordingly greatly distressed. They have granted permission to the Earl of Leicester to return home for a few days, under the pretext of domestic cares. It is not thought that he will return again to the French Court, the experience he has obtained has shown the difficulty of success in the negotiations conducted there for the relief of the Palatine house. The Ambassador Roe also asks for leave to return home, representing the successful conduct of the negotiations at Hamburg as hopeless ; and his wife hopes to obtain it. With these negotiations fallen through the Spaniards will be relieved of all anxiety and the Palatine deprived of all hope of retrieving his fortunes. The Spanish fleet has come out of Dunkirk once more, sixteen ships strong and sailed unmolested on its voyage to Spanish waters. The Duke of La Valette came to this house two days ago. He asked me to represent his desire to enter the service of your Excellencies, if you judge him worthy. I replied with general expressions of your esteem for him. London, the 18th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 19. Senato, Terra. Venetian Archives. | 606. That the Proveditore General of the Treasury consign to the magistracy of the Rason Vecchie the following gold and silver articles for use in the quarters of the English ambassador extraordinary : | ||
Royal dishes | number | 14 | |
Ovals (ouadi) | " | 12 | |
Plates | " | 24 | |
For napkins | " | 150 | |
Total | " | 300 | |
Basins | number | 12 | |
Copper pans (ramini) | " | 12 | |
Metal stands (mezzole) | " | 15 | |
Small buckets and boxes | " | 6 | |
Refrigerator | " | 1 | |
Salt cellars | " | 8 | |
Salvers | " | 16 | |
Candlesticks | " | 24 | |
Snuffers (parafumi) | " | 4 | |
Potcovers for the table (zorziere per tavola) | " | 6 | |
Gilt branches | " | 4 | |
Water pots | " | 4 | |
Knives, forks, knife rests (pironi) and spoons | " | 60 of each sort. | |
Panchera | " | 1 | |
Cups | " | 2 | |
Sarotti, Secretary. Ayes, 155. Noes, 5. Neutral, 12. [Italian.] |
March 19. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Spagna. Venetian Archives. |
607. Alvise Contarini, Venetian Ambassador in Spain,
to the Doge and Senate. They talk of sending an ordinary ambassador to England in place of Don Alonso di Cardenas, but the individual has not yet been nominated. Madrid, the 19th March, 1639. [Italian.] Copy. |
March 22. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Francia. Venetian Archives. |
608. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France, to
the Doge and Senate. The Ambassador Schidmor departed recently for England. He has left his secretary here to try and get his present changed, as he is not satisfied with what the Master of the Ceremonies gave him, in the king's name, and sent it back. His Majesty seems offended, and most people believe that he will not get any thing else. The Earl of Leicester is also about to go. He has not taken leave of the king, saying that he has merely obtained leave to go to England for a few days on his private affairs. They consider this a pretext at Court and believe that he will not return. The suspicions of the English keep augmenting that his Majesty is encouraging the rebels in Scotland. But here they do not think of the matter, as the present state of affairs obliges French forces to attend to other things. M. Germen has taken back a curt answer about the queen mother. His Majesty confines himself to the old idea that he is ready to supply her with what she wishes at Florence and not elsewhere. Paris, the 22nd March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 25. Senato, Mar. Venetian Archives. |
609. To the Proveditore upon the frontiers of Loreto. In addition to the orders of the 17th he is to go and meet the ambassador with a certain number of boats and as many citizens as he consider suitable. He is to use the terms prescribed and to behave in the same manner as was observed with this same ambassador four years ago, and as is done with all the ambassadors extraordinary of crowned heads. Ayes, 120. Noes, 0. Neutral, 1. [Italian.] |
March 25. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. |
610. Giovanni Giustinian, Venetian Ambassador in
England, to the Doge and Senate. Two ambassadors, one from Sweden and the other from Denmark are expected at this Court very shortly, their chief task being to arrange a composition of the differences between his Majesty and the Scots. Whether in such a delicate matter as this mediation will be accepted, the result will show. Some declare frankly that these offices will not be received. The ministers hold long discussions every day, in his Majesty's presence, as to the manipulation of the forces, and if they shall attack the enemy in his own country, or cut him off from the sea with a squadron of well armed ships, while blockading him with the army by land. Their decisions waver and will only mature at York, whither the greater part of the nobility, who are to accompany his Majesty, are to proceed on Monday. The Scots, on their side are erecting a good fort on the coast to prevent any attack by the king on Edinburgh from the sea. (fn. 6) They have confiscated the goods of the very few who have refused to pledge themselves to the declaration of their party, and forced them to leave the country. Many of them have come to this city. A general census of all the French and Scots here has recently been ordered, as a measure of precaution, in the king's absence, against any sudden disturbance. With the universal and open suspicion that France is fomenting these disturbances, the Ambassador Bellievre has earnestly represented to his Majesty the falsity of such ideas, and the sincere desire of his master to see this crown relieved of all preoccupations. so that it may attend with more freedom to the relief of the Palatine House, and abase the pride of those who oppress it. Fresh complaints are heard against the Dunkirkers, for having taken, in northern waters many barques laden with the fish of the merchants' company here. Many of the leading ministers are interested in this and show great resentment. They have ordered the Agent Gerbier at Brussels to speak strongly to the Cardinal Infant for their restoration, otherwise he must threaten the issue of letters of reprisals against the Catholic's subjects and ships. (fn. 7) The disinclination of the Duke of Weimar to allow the French the complete control of the important post of Brisach, gives great pleasure here. Apparently they continue to hold out some promises to induce him to use his victorious forces in the interests of the Palatine. Your Excellencies' letters received this week are of the 25th and 17th ult., I cannot sufficiently express my thanks. London, the 25th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 26. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Germania. Venetian Archives. |
611. Giovanni Grimani, Venetian Ambassador in Germany,
to the Doge and Senate. Prince Rupert has arrived at Linz, having been brought by the Spanish Colonel to whom he was consigned by Hasfelt, with a guard of forty horse. He is lodged in the imperial palace there. So far he has only been allowed three gentlemen of his household to wait on him, an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scot. Count Erasmo di Starembergh has been sent to him by the emperor to attend to his custody. For the rest he is well treated. He is pronounced a most charming prince of very superior manners and ideas, young as he is (vien predicato per un gentilissimo prencipe, ma di maniere e pensieri, se ben giovanetto, molto elevato.) Vienna, the 26th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 29. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Francci, Venetian Archives. |
612. Anzolo Correr, Venetian Ambassador in France,
to the Doge and Senate. The English ambassador extraordinary has set out for the coast, leaving a great part of his household here. Report says he will return soon, but no one believes it. We hear that the ambassador Ro has also been recalled from Hamburg, which means the utter breaking off of the alliance which has been so much discussed. They are always talking about the Scots receiving encouragement from here, but I find nothing to bear this out. M. Germen has seen the Cardinal once more, but has made no progress in his negotiations. They persist in their decision not to assist the queen anywhere but in Florence, whither she is most determined not to go. Apparently they are starting some fresh negotiations for the return of the Count of Soissons. Paris, the 29th March, 1639. [Italian.] |
March 29. Collegio, Secreta. Esposizioni, Principi. Venetian Archives. |
613. The Ambassador of Great Britain came into the
Collegio, having been fetched from his house and accompanied
with the usual forms ; he said in public audience : The king, my master, sends me back to confirm the ancient intimate relations, especially in present circumstances, assuring you that I shall never fail to show the greatest esteem for your Serenity, both to please his Majesty and to make some return for my obligations, increased on the present occasion by the numerous honours I have received, and by the favours done me by the Proveditore of Chioza. First of all I present my letters of credence. He gave them to the doge, who handed them to the secretary, and they were read. The doge said they rejoiced at the continued testimony of the king's friendship, to which they responded with all cordiality. They also rejoiced at his lordship's return, as he was loved and esteemed by the republic and worthily sustained the reputation of that crown. He would always find them ready to give him every satisfaction. The ambassador said that the republic's kindness confirmed his hopes of enjoying honours and favours, laying him under still further obligations. The doge replied suitably, congratulating the ambassador on his good health, who then took leave and went out. Ballarino, Secretary. The King's letter follows, dated the 18th January, 1638 (as above). [Italian.] |
614. Letters of Credence for Viscount a Fielding as ambassador
extraordinary to the republic. Dated at Westminster 18
January 1638, signed Carolus Rex. (fn. 8) [Latin.] |
March 31. Senato, Secreta. Deliberazioni. Corti. Venetian Archives. |
615. To the Ambassador in London. Account of the honours accorded to the Ambassador Fildin at his entry. We shall be glad to know what his Majesty thinks of this copious testimony of our regard. You will thank his Majesty at a special audience for his offers with respect to the Turkish difficulty, and you will also tell him of our efforts in favour of universal peace by sending an ambassador extraordinary to the pope. (fn. 9) Ayes, 157. Noes, 0. Neutral, 5. [Italian.] |
March 31. Collegio, Secreta. Esposizioni, Principi. Venetian Archives. |
616. The Ambassador of Great Britain came into the
Collegio and said : Your Serenity's favours to me should lay my king under an obligation and increase his desire for the prosperity of the republic. This and the present state of affairs with the threats of the Turk against Christendom makes my king especially satisfied with the glorious victory of your Serenity's arms over the pirates, though it was followed by regret when he learned of the Turk's indignation and his unjust measures, with the arrest of the Bailo. But as this comes from barbarians too much heed need not be paid to it, as they cannot diminish one jot the greatness and generosity of this republic, which has made itself so conspicuous in the world. The chief reason for my quick coming to this city was to obey my king's orders to assure you that he will make a point of seconding the republic and of assisting your interests so far as possible. At the first instances of the Ambassador Giustiniano my king wrote strongly to his ambassador at the Porte ordering him to stand by the Bailo in this cause, defending and supporting him, and trying to obtain his release, in which he has certainly been most active. At further requests from his Excellency the king readily agreed to render further assistance, and I confirm this, assuring you that England will do all that it can in this emergency to ward off the danger. His Majesty recognises the harm done by the present dissensions of Christendom, and how advantageous it would be to remove them, and he offers to unite with your Serenity for a good universal peace, the conclusion of which can alone give well grounded hopes of foiling the common enemy. As I desire the republic to recognise my good will, I venture to point out that in order to regulate his Majesty's decisions he must know definitely whether you mean to break with the Turk or to come to terms. If the latter, his Majesty will help, and it will be advisable to adjust the means ; if the former my king will give all the help he can. The prudent foresight of the republic is worthy of all praise, in the naval preparations, to be ready for all eventualities. I will represent everything sincerely and offer my pen, from my great desire to serve you well, and my sword and life as well. The doge replied, The republic has always honoured and esteemed his Majesty and the present occasion makes our regard stronger, if possible, when we see his readiness to help. The occasion is not for the republic alone, but all Christendom is concerned, being in manifest danger from the Turk's fury unless every one prepares for defence. We esteem his Majesty as much and we may say more than the other powers, owing to the great part which he has in this cause, and because he can contribute so much. We value his offers most highly. The ambassador said, From this grave matter I must pass to a private one namely my indebtedness for the favours shown at my entry. It increases my desire to show my devotion. I have been so well treated, by the Proveditore Delfino also, that I shall never forget it, and I shall always desire to make return. Among these favours your Serenity has honoured me with my house. I have stayed there long enough and I now desire to cause you no further trouble and ask you to permit me to go to my own, where I shall always be equally full of devotion to serve you. The doge replied, We are sorry that the season did not allow us to do more. You deserve the greatest demonstrations and the republic will never be sparing in them. After further complimentary remarks the ambassador took leave and went out. [Italian.] |