Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.
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'Index: W', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632, ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1919), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Index: W', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Edited by Allen B Hinds (London, 1919), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Index: W". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1919), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
Wainsford, Wandesford, John:
-, selected as consul for Aleppo, 215n; Soranzo informed of appointment, 332.
Wake, Lady Anne:
-, leaving Venice, 11, 33, 62; Dutch grant ship for passage to England, 110.
Wake, Sir Isaac, Tretie, English ambassador to Venice and Savoy, 7, 110, 158, 173, 465, 529, 578.
-, (1629):
-, wants to thwart Anglo-French peace, 4, 14, 27, 61, 62; has no news of peace, 13; believes French deceiving, 34.
-, fears for Huguenots, 12; believes Huguenots will keep king busy for years, 16; wants Venice to intercede for Huguenots, 23, 24.
-, Corner remonstrates with about Digby, 14; complaints of failure of plans for Villefranche, 15.
-, Clausel sent to, 24, 25, 32; does not write for several weeks, 28.
-, Corner to get information from, 33; gives Corner information about Clausel, 35, 40; Clausel's negotiations with, 108.
-, Venice opposed to selection as ambassador to France, 35; chosen ambassador to France, 37, 52–54, 58, 72.
-, sanguine about Rohan, 49; favourable report of Savoy, 51; promulgates Savoy's views, 61.
-, Weston favours removal, 57, 62; Carleton defends, 62; shows no satisfaction at peace, 65, 118.
-, ordered to France, 64, 109; sends Hales to England, 73; Venice not pleased at appointment, 76, 143.
-, Edmondes takes place, 77–79; Carleton shows letter of to Contarini, 83; Contarini discredits advices, 84.
-, usual ideas of, 87; Duchess of Rohan against, 90; Contarini notes activity, 95; sends for goods from Venice, 108.
-, encourages mistrust of France, 117; to urge Swiss to defend their liberty, 129.
-, version of peace with Huguenots, 133; thinks French must decide for peace or war, 139.
-, Edmondes may supersede, 140; frequent communications with Scaglia, relations with duke, 145.
-, negotiating on own responsibility, 146; treating for restitution of Susa, 146, 154, 155, 181, 186, 187.
-, will not be acceptable in France, 150, 207; Soranzo expected to oppose offices, 159.
-, urges peace with Spain, 163; wants to make France uneasy, 172; Savoy's confidence in, 179.
-, promises to tell Corner business, 182; sends for Rowlandson, 194, 210; Vercellini sent to, 268.
-, Fleming creature of, 201, 343; talks to Cornaro on current affairs, 210, 211.
-, confidences to Casale, 230; kept Fleming at Zurich, 234; Morton reaches, 236; favour of secured Fleming's appointment, 237.
-, hints that Savoy not so French as supposed, 255; refers to Mazarin, 256; warns Corner against engaging a Scot, 257.
-, (1630):
-, commissions for French embassy reach, 266; expects to depart soon, 267.
-, asks how to behave with Richelieu, 272, 277, 292.
-, discusses French action with Corner, 282; Hales hopes to succeed at Turin, 292.
-, wants Richelieu to make war on Milan, 299; reports that Savoy favours common cause, 310.
-, reports Savoy's reasons for breach with French, 316; courier at Troyes, 318; despatches about Savoy's action, 319, 320; Soranzo combats impression left by, 321.
-, Soranzo to watch, 337; Corner watching, 340; efforts to prevent going to France, 343, 353.
-, suggests mediation between France and Savoy, 340–342, 361, 363, 364, 384.
-, informed of birth of prince, 349; reported unfriendliness to France, 352.
-, reports Spaniards mistrust Savoy, 360; wants to proceed to France, writes to Richelieu, 417; Richelieu's attitude to coming, 418.
-, English insist on going to France, 425, 439;
Montagu sees Richelieu about, 443.
-, (1631):
-, expected at Rivoli, on way to France, 484; tries to remove impression that a creature of Savoy, 486, 487, 505.
-, question of precedence with Cardinal, 505, 516, 530, 531, 534.
-, advises Savoy to let French keep Pinerolo, 505, 508; complains of delay of audience, 506.
-, resentful towards Chateauneuf, 507, 542; good reception, but not the right man, 512.
-, English want to have more confidential relations at Court, 516.
-, private interests at Court prevent removal, 527; speaks of reconciliation of Venice and Savoy, 533, 553.
-, presses for Burlamacchi, 534; refers to queen mother, 536; accused of raising money for Monsieur, 537.
-, tries to prevent reprisals, 542, 552; approached about queen's confessor, 545.
-, unable to make progress, 546; complains bitterly, 547; remains in Paris, 559.
-, jealous of league between France and Bavaria, 547, 548, 556; blames Chateauneuf for arrest of English goods, 551.
-, begins negotiations with commissioners, 553; smoking tobacco instead of acting, 577.
-, difficulty of upholding master's dignity, 581; refers to proposed deposit of Frankenthal, 583.
-, to treat of reconciliation of Savoy and Venice, 591, 593; reports Bavaria's negotiations at Vienna, 594.
-, question of appointment as Secretary of State, 598; warns Contarini about Cordova, 599.
-, resents French treatment of Palatine, 599; signs agreement with France, 601.
-, speaks to Venetians of affairs in Germany, 610; builds much on capture of Donauworth, 611.
-, sends Princess Palatine copy of letter of Louis, 615; sends word of king's journey to Calais, 621, 622; remarks expose to ridicule, 622; death, 626, 627; to have state funeral, 630; body brought to Dover, 631.
-, Secretary of. See Hales, Anthony; Morton.
Wales, Prince of. See Charles, Prince of Wales.
Wallenstein, Walstein, Valestain, Volestain, Albrecht, Count of:
-, may attack Stralsund, 21; thinks more of own advantage than Cæsar's service, 42.
-, ready to help in Italy, 59, 100, 110; hopeful of peace with Denmark, 66; designs on Baltic, 74.
-, opposes King of Denmark in Holstein, 100; left master of Mecklenburg and Pomerania, 119.
-, to negotiate peace with army, 140; ordered to Lindau, 147; wanted in Italy, 155.
-, ordered to Italy, 158; Collalto to confer with, 173, 182; Trotto to meet, 175; Spinola to learn intentions, 182.
-, misgivings of, 211; does not want peace in Italy, 236; beating drum at Halberstadt, 246, 254; anxiety about Mecklenburg, 255.
-, disbanded Dutch troops may enlist under, 273; to send troops to Italy, 278.
-, Werdenberg to offer Lusatia to, 283; troops sent to Holstein, 300.
-, supplies emperor with troops against Italy, 329; will defend hereditary dominions of Austria, 582.
-, formidable levies of, Dorchester fears, 591; Tilly going to join, 608.
-, pursues Saxony to Dresden, 632; reconquests in Bohemia, 636; English watching course, 640; exaggerates achievements, 647.
-, troops with Merode, 88.
Walsingham, Sir Thomas:
-, quoted. 434n.
Walstein. See Wallenstein.
Walter, Sir John, Chief Baron of the Exchequer:
-, Charles suspends, 222.
Wambold, Anselm Casimir von, Archbishop Elector of Mayence:
-, Gustavus compels to make great contributions and to declare neutrality, 561; question of neutrality, 642.
Wandesford. See Wainsford.
Warwick, Earl of. See Rich, Robert.
Weather, winds, storms, gales, 114, 117, 428, 437, 488, 571, 593, 597, 598, 602, 608.
-, unemployment among, 45n.
Wen. See Vane.
Wentworth, Wenteword, Henry:
-, offers service to Venice, 381; negotiations with, 397.
-, -, Thomas, Earl of Cleveland, 381, 397.
Werdenberg, Verda, Werdembergh, Count of, Imperial Chancellor:
-, sent to Wallenstein, 278; to offer Lusatia to Wallenstein, 283; confidence to Vico, 628.
Wesel [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]:
-, Spaniards consign to emperor, 29; Dutch capture, 170, 171, 176, 179, 544.
-, possible consequences of capture, 178, 188, 194, 200; but no influence in England, 191.
-, Soranzo congratulates Joachim about, 198; Orange goes to, with cavalry, 223.
-, English to join Swedes near, 539; Palatine at, 581.
West India Company, the Dutch:
-, levy of troops in France and England, 154; guns sold to, to redeem jewels, 179.
-, fear effects of Anglo-Spanish peace, 438, 445.
West Indies, 281.
-, caravel from captured, 29; Dutch fleet for, 223; Spanish trade in restricted by loss of Pernambuco, 335.
-, peace articles signed at, 38.
-, palace:
-, letters dated at, 91, 147, 370, 450, 473.
Weston, Francis, Lady, wife of Richard, Lord Weston:
-, a strong Catholic, 309.
-, -, James:
-, made baron of the exchequer, 627n.
-, -, Jerome:
-, appointed ambassador extraordinary to Savoy, 613; preparations hurried, 613, 614.
-, to marry sister of Lennox, 623, 626, 628; the wedding, 637.
-, likely to be sent to Venice also, 627, 634; made a baron, 628; father's ambitions for, 634, 641.
-, to go to France in response to St. Chaumont, 634; to go to France, Savoy, Venice and Florence, 638, 640.
-, calls on Gussoni, 640; father makes sure of reception in France, starts, 641, 644, 646.
-, -, Richard, Lord, Treasurer of England, 242, 352.
-, (1629):
-, Bathe a dependant of, 30; responsible for negotiations with Spain, 44; inclined to open trade with Spain, 45; dependant of Spain, 123.
-, Coloma sends courier to, 69; all powerful and directs business, 74; treaty with Rubens, 93, 117.
-, glad of Danish peace, 120; commissioner to treat with Chateauneuf, 128n; Chateauneuf speaks plainly to, about Spanish negotiations, 136, 137; reply, 137.
-, supports Spanish side, 141; Chateauneuf reconciles queen to, 142; promises to Chateauneuf, 143.
-, to treat with Rubens, 145; arranges with king for Cottington to go to Spain, 148; arranged Cottington's mission with Coloma, 150.
-, influence with king, 151, 177; but precarious, 204; Coloma great friend of, 168, 206.
-, strong representations of Joachim to, 170; Chateauneuf urged to undermine, 177.
-, wants to induce Charles to renew old treaty with Spain, 170; wants to use Spanish peace to save himself, 178; wants
Spanish negotiations in own hands, 179.
-, Chateauneuf asks for subsidy to Sweden, Spenser warns, 184; resentment with Soranzo, 204.
-, representations of Soranzo to and replies, 218–221, 226, 240.
-, does not believe Dutch will make truce apart from England and France, 222.
-, knows fall inevitable if parliament meets, 227; reports fall of Mantua, 240; Chateauneuf says nothing will move to decision, 241.
-, (1630):
-, Chateauneuf speaks to about Spanish negotiations, 269; says no peace if Palatinate not restored, 270.
-, at secret conference with Coloma, 275; hopes from Coloma's mission, 279; sees through Spaniards, 280.
-, efforts for peace with Spain, 290, 291; Soranzo's representations to against peace, 331.
-, no friend of Carlisle, 292; Chateauneuf looks to future reproaches against, 295.
-, Cottington dependent upon, 296; provides money for arming ships, 298.
-, alienates crown lands, 302; goes after king, 303; queen incensed against, 309.
-, Coloma asks to release arrested Catholics, 310; will not hear of Cottington's recall, 311.
-, humiliates England to Austria, 324; economies of, 330, 336, 359.
-, ill pleased with Chateauneuf, 331; assurance of Chateauneuf to about Palatinate, 332.
-, receives Order of Garter, 331; complacency to Coloma, 350.
-, Fontenay's representations to against Spanish peace, 343; awaits advices from Spain with impatience, 346.
-, suggests sending Vane to Netherlands, 347; Vane flatters, 354.
-, Spanish negotiations arranged beforehand with king, 351.
-, discourtesy to Soranzo, 367; exchanges visits with Fontenay, 368.
-, Joachim gets nothing out of about Spanish peace, 416; wants Spanish peace on any terms, 436.
-, Chateauneuf forms party against, 450, 466; gives banquet to Coloma, 452.
-, says nothing to Joachim about peace, 452; has no difficulty in upsetting intrigues against him, 464.
-, (1631):
-, takes up negotiations of Montagu, 477; king grants new appointment to, 478.
-, failure of intrigues against, in spite of queen's support, 510; party engineered by Chateauneuf against, 527; hostility of Chateauneuf to, 585.
-, one of commissioners of Admiralty, 521; persuades Charles to peace with Spain, 537; which compromises position, 538.
-, Joachim sees about Spanish prize, 541; Fontenay speaks roundly to, 543.
-, quite keen about Hamilton's expedition, 545; hesitations about parliament, 545, 546.
-, at banquet to Scaglia, 549; Fontenay remonstrates with, about Vane, 555; tires about supporting Hamilton, 562.
-, (1632):
-, believes in projected Spanish attack on France, 576; will not give Fontenay particulars of Biscara's negotiations, 581.
-, all powerful, policy about Palatine negotiations, 588, 592; undertakes duties of Secretary of State, 598.
-, says France gives words but not money, 596, 597; efforts to provide for
Swedish subsidies without parliament, 602.
-, Brassert referred to, 604, 605; persuades king to give Carleton's duties to Coke, 607.
-, Vane a creature of, 608; Gussoni sees about Golden Cock, 610.
-, great influence, 610, 623, 626, 628, 637; incites king to measures about fisheries, 612.
-, moves about sending ambassador to Venice, 614; raises obstacles to payment of Swedish subsidy, 626.
-, hitch about granting earldom of Chelmsford to, 633; ambitions for son, 634, 640, 641.
-, Burlamachi to hand dowry money to, for Sweden, 636; Burlamachi goes to, 638.
-, Valencay has audience of, 637; against queen mother coming, 638; anxiety about son's reception, 644, 646; remarks about Infanta's help for Monsieur, 645; orders remittances for Scaglia, 646.
-, -, Aston, Scottish religious:
-, promises restitution of St. Esprit, 1, 3, 53; nearly upset peace, 4, 40; Charles did not promise restitution to, 17; his statement pure invention, 21.
Wheat, 356.
-, from Sicily for Milan, 41; English buy at Saida, 51.
-, Venice wishes to buy in England and Holland, 176, 202, 208, 217.
-, proposal to obtain from Volo and Cassandra, 182; English ships taking to Venice, 238.
-, English ships lade in Archipelago, 237, 238, 261.
White Sea, 247.
Whitehall. See under London.
Wight, Isle of, 231.
-, alarm at French naval preparations, 280; petition for protection, 285.
William V, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel:
-, Gustavus going to succour, 555; to command corps for Sweden, 561.
William and Francis. See ships, names of.
William and Ralph. See ships, names of.
Wimbledon, Viscount. See Cecil, Edward.
Winchester, co. Hants:
-, Bishop of. See Neile, Richard.
Winds. See Weather.
Windsor, co. Berks:
-, peace sworn at, 180, 184, 186, 191.
-, Western ships go to Archipelago instead of Crete for, 25.
-, of Crete, 268.
-, from France, 285.
-, duties, of Scotland, 494.
-, duty on farmed to merchants, 579.
-, muscat, 228.
-, from Crete, 182.
Wirtemberg [German Empire]:
-, threatened by Imperialists, 155; troops sent to take, 283; troops from, for Italy, 286.
-, Duke of. See Louis Frederick.
Wismar, Mecklenburg:
-, emperor gives up, 105; to remain in hands of Imperialists, 119; threatened by Swedes, 444.
Wolfgang, William, Prince or Duke of Neuburg, Naiburgh:
-, Cleves consigned to emperor in name of, 29; comes out of Milan, 287; ready to follow Spinola, 308.
-, ambassadors from, at diet of Ratisbon, 401; leaving for Brussels and Ratisbon, sees Vane, 405.
Wolgast, Vuolgost [Pomerania, German Empire]:
-, Hamilton's troops land at, 534n; English to land at, 539.
Wood, cargo of, 410.
Woods, the crown:
-, punishment for cutting down, 302.
-, importance of manufacture to Venice, 46; plentiful in England, 326.
-, idea of diverting trade from Venice to Leghorn, 405; English take to Leghorn, 474.
-, trade in, 598.
-, Spanish, 521.
Woollen goods, 247.
-, distress because no sale for, 67, 68n; in Jonas, 144, 165, 166, 193.
Wroughton, Vroughton, Captain:
-, Dorchester commends to Soranzo, 400.
Würzburg, Wurzberg [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, Gustavus takes, 561; Vane has first audience of Gustavus at, 570.
Wyche, Sir Peter, English ambassador at Constantinople, 237, 546.
-, remonstrates with Bailo about Scanderoon affair, 71; satisfaction demanded of for Orlandini's ship, 107; and obtained, 122.
-, Kuffstein takes leave of, 166; sharp letter of Captain Pasha to, 174; inferior to Roe, 187; makes stir about Golden Cock, 188.
-, letter to about Golden Cock, 194; understanding with Haagen about Gabor, 208.
-, reports danger because of Golden Cock affair, 243; to settle with Bailo about Zante affair, 247.
-, gets Rainbow released, 256; ordered to exact consulage, 462, 489.
-, troubles over More's bankruptcy, 473, 498; Bailo disobliging to about posts, 474, 492, 509.
-, Venice wants co-operation for Golden Cock affair, 480; resists efforts to make all merchants responsible for More's failure, 483, 488n.
-, Venetian strictures upon, 497; unfriendly to Venice, 501; to assist Venetians about Golden Cock, 504, 506; negotiations about Golden Cock, 535, 536, 547, 552.
-, silence about silk duties at Smyrna, 579.
Wychen, Vich [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, measures for defence, 167.