Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.
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'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632, ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1919), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Edited by Allen B Hinds (London, 1919), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Index: N". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1919), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
Naiburgh, Duke of. See Wolfgang, William, Duke of Neuburg.
Namur [Prov. Namur, Belgium]:
-, Spaniards send forces to, 583.
Nancy [Meurthe et Moselle, France]:
-, Monsieur at, 589.
Nani, Venetian senator:
-, reply to Avaux, 49.
-, -, Battista, merchant, 244.
Nanteuil, Count of. See Schomberg, Henry de.
Naples [Prov. Napoli, Italy]:
-, forces from, for Milanese, 26, 42, 80, 109, 135, 604.
-, activity at, 59; Imperialists get what they can from, 274.
-, Spaniards send to, for money, 564.
-, despatch dated at, 253.
-, news from, 50.
-, Venetian instructions to representatives at, 12.
-, Viceroy of. See Toledo, Antonio Alvares de, Duke of Alva.
Nassau. Amalia of, Princess of Orange:
-, says Vane may remain as ambassador, 12, 65; goes to Bures, 100; strongly favours peace, 214.
-, -, Count Ernest of:
-, takes the field, 223.
-, -, Frederick Henry of, Prince of Orange, 70, 408, 428, 497.
-, Laval nephew of, 20; remarks on Vane's operations, 24; Vane sounds upon Spanish negotiations, 44.
-, sets out for field, 34; wants to storm Bois le Duc, 109; move on Bois le Duc, 156.
-, English ought to consult about Spanish negotiations, 80; reply to Vane, 85.
-, Palatine goes to consult, 100; English adventurers under protection of, 110.
-, Joachim goes to see, 123; English troops for, 128; Roe going to, 130; Roe's offices with, 146.
-, gift of horses to Soranzo, 135, 157.
-, to persist with siege of Bois le Duc, 162; will not listen to Vane before fall of Bois le Duc, 172.
-, expects great advantage from capture of Wesel and Bois le Duc, 194; goes to Wesel, 223.
-, says impossible for Great Britain to recover Palatinate, 293; Gussoni approaches about levy, 333; notification about Venetian levy, 334.
-, says Dutch want to treat with Spaniards separately, 339; shows partiality for Arminians, 348.
-, getting ready to take the field, 352, 359; wants birth of Prince Charles celebrated, 355.
-, opinion of Morgan, 366; Duchess of la Tremouille sister of, 373.
-, Cecil and Vane in England by permission of, 374; returns to Hague, 413.
-, complains of English action, 401, 402; says Vane acting as ambassador for Spain, 401, 406.
-, Hapsburgs want to gain time against, 411; aware of insincerity of Spaniards, 418.
-, in Zeeland, 433; says Dutch have no need of agreement with Spain, 447.
-, inclination towards peace, 449; opinion of Anglo-Spanish peace, 452.
-, Joachim's secretary has secret audience of, 455; confidences with Gussoni on English policy with Spain, 461.
-, Rusdorf has instructions from, 479; views on English attitude to Dutch, 503, 513.
-, lands in Flanders with army, 511; reported re-embarkation, 516.
-, possible support of Bouillon, 565; approves of Palatine joining Swedes, 573; gift to Palatine on going, 588.
-, sends off Rubens, 575; gives reasons for mission to France, 577.
-, intention to take field in spring, 589, 596, 618; confidential conversation with Gussoni, 597.
-, secret negotiations with French agent, 614, 618; Infanta makes fresh offers to, 618.
-, hopes from diversion made by, 622; English interest in movements, 625.
-, besieges Maastricht, 629, 631, 636; secret negotiations with French, 635; takes Maastricht, 646; difficulties of siege, 647.
-, -, -, sister of. See Tremouille, Charlotte de la.
-, -, Count John of:
-, defeat of Spanish expedition under, 543n; defeat of Swedes, 595; quarrel with Santa Cruz, 633.
-, -, Count William of, 541.
-, Hamilton looks for help from, 422; proposal for Palatine to have army of, 561; attack on forts near Antwerp, 636, 637, 641n.
Naupaktos. See Lepanto.
Navagiero, —, captain of the galeasses, 462.
Navazzo, Navazza, Spanish secretary in France:
-, Richelieu confers frequently with, 139; Richelieu's reply to, 268.
naveselle, of lead, 158.
navy, fleet, king's ships:
-, seventeen ships put to sea, 56.
-, six ships promised to Hamburg Co. against Dunkirkers, 75; five ships for Elbe, put to sea, 105, 113; Spanish report about, 159.
-, no royal ships at sea, 185, 224; privateers more successful than, 207.
-, proposed joint action with French, 221; Weston promises powerful fleet, 241.
-, some ships being fitted out, 290, 298, 302, 306, 506, 531.
-, ten ships to guard coast, 321; Cottington threatens Span-
iards with, 340, 345, 355, 374.
-, importance of herring fishery to, 453; ships rebuilt, question of command, 502.
-, Pennington to command new squadron, 510; squadron sails, king to inspect others, 516.
-, Charles inspects ships, 521, 531, 534; strength of, 522; Spaniardswant arrangement about, 528.
Necolalde, Nicolandi, Nicolaldi, Nocoladi, Juan de, Spanish agent in England:
-, expected in England, 515; arrival, takes house in Catholic quarter, 531; obtains suspension of sentence against Spanish prize, 541; visits Polish ambassador, 545.
-, sends word about queen mother, 542; Scaglia intimate with, 549; informed of impossibility of delaying Palatine's journey to Germany, 579, 580.
-, to act as agent for emperor also, 620; reports recovery of Prague, 632.
-, report of Saxony's flight, 633; horses sent to as present for Philip, 635.
-, tries to stop levies going to Count van Bergh, 636; reports about Wallenstein, 640.
-, anxious about decision upon Spanish prize, 639; opinion about Maastricht, 647; tries to stop levies for Dutch, 647.
Negroni, merchant:
-, letters to, 86, 87.
Neile, Richard, Bishop of Winchester:
-, Earl of Clare confined in house of, 233.
Nelli, Neli, Luca, agent for merchants concerned in Jonas, 6, 23, 27, 30, 63, 102, 115, 116, 124.
-, the, 546.
Netherlands, Dutch, High Mightinesses, Holland, Low Countries, States, United Provinces, 45, 130, 153, 258, 331.
-, (1629):
-, prospect of accommodation with Spain, 2, 16, 41, 117, 126, 173, 216, 254.
-, Spain proposes to negotiate truce with, 4.
-, merchants in England fear massacre, 7, 8; Persian intrigues to deprive of silk trade, 14.
-, encouraged by diversion in Italy, 9; Vane's business with, 12; ships in Gulf of Mexico, 29.
-, Charles tries to induce sister to leave, 15, 75; proposed inclusion in English accommodation with Spain, 24, 34.
-, grant Danish subsidy to Sweden, 21; Sweden asks for ships and men, 43.
-, Venice will not accept precedent for seizure of ships, 46; English claim to seat in Council of State, 57.
-, English merchants in, 48.
-, proclamation to stop English grain going to, 63; sympathy for Huguenots and lukewarm about Anglo-French peace, 65.
-, importance of Baltic to, 67; proposed inclusion in Danish treaty with emperor, 69.
-, will not treat with Spain, 70, 80; England will consult about Spanish negotiations, 80, 85, 154.
-, league with England and Sweden, 75; strength by sea and land, 81; Orange increasing forces, 85.
-, Rubens' proposals to be submitted to, 94; Scottish regiments cross to, 96.
-, Cueva opposes, Spinola favours truce with, 98; Vane takes views about Spanish negotiations, 100.
-, English gentlemen adventurers go to serve, 110; offer of Guernsey troops to, 114, 123.
-, league with for Baltic, 113, 120; Danish peace makes anxious, 117, 119, 120.
-, England bound up with, 121; trade with Persia, 122; Spanish fear of fleet, 133.
-, take up reconciliation of Sweden and Poland, 131; Roe's mission to, 132.
-, Venice tries to stop truce with Spain, 135; Venice
unable to contribute to, 147, 200.
-, terms of peace with Spain allowed James to help, 136; further mission of Vane to, 137, 141.
-, success at Bois le Duc, 138; increase forces, 139; forces against increased, 140.
-, mean to use strength against Spaniards and Imperialists, 146; take on Morgan's men, 154.
-, willing to open negotiations with Spain, 150; effect of successes, 156, 160.
-, Charles ready to supply with ordnance, for jewels, 157; Vane to consult, 161, 162; reply to Vane, 163.
-, heavy expenses of, 162, 198; enemy ravage, defensive measures, 167.
-, Charles insists on need of supporting, 168; Joachim asks help for, 169.
-, will not listen to Vane before fall of Bois le Duc, 172; Weston éncourages hopes of support, 179.
-, Spaniards want troops from Palatinate for, 178; Spaniards keep offering better terms to, 181.
-, help for uncertain, 180, 186; Joachim counts on English popular sympathy for, 183, 184.
-, mean to press advantage, 188; Spanish hopes of peace with, vanish, 195.
-, Venice wants to buy gunpowder and grain of, 197; Cologne fears attack from, 208.
-, take delay of Vane ill, 203; England not taking advantage of success, 204.
-, Spaniards anxious to end hostilities with, 209, 235.
-, French hope to stop making truce, 214.
-, Dunkirkers not much hindered by, 213; anxious about English negotiations with Spain, 214, 218.
-, Richelieu moves for renewal of alliance with, 220; French try to stop truce, 229.
-, feeling in England about negotiations for truce, 222; negotiations with Spain suspended, 223.
-, Soranzo remonstrates against negotiations with Spain, 227; truce nearly concluded, 230.
-, offers to France, 234; delegate deputies for Vane, 238; Venetian efforts to prevent truce, 239, 254.
-, Spaniards keep English prisoners to fight, in Indies, 242; pay off foreign levies, 245, 249, 254, 257.
-, Vane's negotiations with, 245, 252, 260, 262; Spaniards want to include in peace with England, 248, 252, 267.
-, numerous ships, effect on Spaniards, 253; advisable to rouse against Hapsburgs, 255.
-, Vane's proposals to about Amboyna, 256, 257; France ought to subsidise, 260.
-, (1630):
-, eager for truce with Spain, 271; Vane's negotiations with, 273, 283, 285, 317.
-, Spanish dominion over, 276; fear of English accommodation with Spain, 286.
-, proposition of Vane to, 287, 288; reply of, 293.
-, to stop quarrel between Sweden and Denmark, 289; Dunkirkers prey on ships going to, 290.
-, France wants to know how England will help, 294; France ready to join England in helping, 295.
-, danger of truce with Spain, 299, 312, 339, 446; Coloma resents French help to, 305.
-, fight with Spaniards in West Indies, 306, 312, 316; capture of Pernambuco, 332.
-, harshness against Catholics makes it difficult for Spaniards to treat with, 307.
-, English ministers treat badly, 311, 318; English suggest closer union with, 321, 327.
-, hope to see French committed to war, 325; Venetian levy in, 334,
362, 365, 378, 383, 384, 392.
-, Scaglia to labour for truce with, 334; English growing jealous of, 336, 344.
-, facility for naval war against Spain, 347; religious dissensions in, 348, 359.
-, question of French alliance, 352; notified of birth of Prince Charles, 355; Dunkirker's depredations on ships, 359.
-, Spaniards hope to use English ships against, in Indies, 363; alliance with French renewed, 374, 382.
-, Vane to inform of Spanish negotiations, 378; Vane's assurances to, 387; Vane to get promise from, 399.
-, dispute with Sweden about Baltic dues, 382; talk of league with France and Sweden, 383.
-, ships and provisions cheaper than in England, 396; fresh arrangements about English cloth, 421.
-, Spaniards profit by distractions, 400; offer Pernambuco to Charles, 401, 416.
-, Vane wants to make accommodation with Spain, 401, 405, 408, 413; consult provinces on English proposals, 402.
-, proposals of Vane to, 402, 403, 406; reply to, importance of, 416; reply delayed, 418, 423, 426, 428, 433, 435, 445; the reply, 452, 457, 458.
-, English detain booty taken by ship, 410; Richelieu considers English mean to abandon, 412.
-, negotiations for truce with, 411; do not want English offices with Spain, 431.
-, expect nothing from England, 413; proposed levy in, for Sweden, 414; ready to help Sweden, 415, 427.
-, Spaniards want English protection against, 421, 439; uneasy at English negotiations with Spain, 423.
-, ships often lost by being undermanned, 430.
-, upset by English peace with Spain, 438; peace likely to prejudice, 440; peace communicated to, 443.
-, supposed naval treaty with Spain, 444; redoubled measures against Dunkirkers, 445.
-, attitude to England, 448; Spaniards give Charles powers to mediate with, 449.
-, Spaniards want clauses against, in peace, 451; hurt of Anglo-Spanish peace to, 452.
-, English designs against fisheries, 453, 463.
-, Spaniards encourage dissensions with English, 454.
-, (1631):
-, Camerarius tries to raise troops in, 455; friendly relations with England confirmed, 457.
-, English do not consider rebels, 458; Spaniards want to intimidate, 459.
-, question of truce with Spain, 461, 466, 471, 543, 551, 555.
-, English help Dunkirkers against ships of, 461; suspicions of England, 464; complaints, 478, 551.
-, want to adjust sea questions with England, 465; English constantly injure at sea, 467.
-, preparations for war, 467; subsidy to Sweden, 471; French move to assist, 481.
-, English suspicion of, 470; Dunkirkers plunder ship in Thames, 471, 482, 487, 491, 493, 498.
-, English propose to divert cloth trade from, 472, 499.
-, depredations of pirates upon, 482; Venetian efforts to improve relations with England, 483, 495, 498, 505, 506, 508, 509.
-, detriment of Anglo-Spanish peace to, 484, 491; doubt about taking field, 486.
-, English envy of, 493; military preparations, 494; strained relations with England, 495, 502, 513, 514, 528.
-, Spaniards aim at estranging from England, 496, 507; English desire embassy from, 500.
-, naval preponderance over England, 502; hold balance between France and England, 503.
-, Scaglia to take offer of peace to, 504; ecclesiastical electors beg to respect neutrality, 508.
-, French do not want at Dunkirk, 511; time not favourable for embassy to England, 513.
-, army landed in Flanders, 516.
-, English respect and partly fear, 522; English fear prejudicial union with France, 529.
-, army halts near Breda, 530; troops in service of Venice, plague among, 532.
-, English plan to exclude from fisheries, 530; Carleton informs of Hamilton's landing, 537.
-, Spaniards want Palatine to grant free passage against, 539.
-, ship of, and Spanish prize, case in English courts, 541, 551; Muscovy asks for help against Poland, 541, 542.
-, victory at Berghen op Zoom, 543, 544, 558; complaints of Danish duties in Sound, 546; embassy to Denmark, 552.
-, uneasy about French union with Bavaria, 547; Spaniards want free passage through Palatinate against, 559.
-, proposed assistance for Palatine, 561; mean to help Palatine, 562.
-, suggestion for helping Palatine jointly with England, 568; Spaniards renew overtures to, 570; opinion of English attitude to Palatine, 572.
-, (1632):
-, approve of Palatine's decision to go to Sweden, 573; grant escort to Palatine, 579.
-, Carleton taking leave of, 583; supreme effort to move England, 599, 600; Weston cares little for, 605.
-, forces to take field in spring, 589, 590, 596, 607, 618; English want Sweden to join hands with, 602.
-, clamour at seizure of Indiaman by English, 607; uneasy about English measures concerning fisheries, 612; decision about captured Indiaman, 639.
-, question of truce with Spain, 613, 618, 620.
-, not hopeful of England helping Palatine, 613; secret negotiations of French with, 614, 617, 620, 622; understanding with France, 625, 635, 638.
-, fleet off Flanders, 614, 615; fleet anchors at Calais, 617; advantageous position of, 621.
-, fears of in Brabant, 622, 629; services to Sweden and Palatine, 625; successes in field, 628, 629, 641.
-, Spaniards mean to fight at Maastricht, 636; cause floods, 637.
-, negotiations with Sweden, 639; dangerous position of army at Maastricht, 647.
-, President of Assembly. See Culembourg, Florent, Count of.
-, merchants. See merchants, Dutch.
Nethersole, Sir Francis, Edersolt, secretary of the Princess Palatine:
-, return to England, 588; special audience of Charles, 615, 635; presses for help for Sweden, 616, 636.
-, confidences with Gussoni, 616, 618, 635, 636; Gussoni's reply to commended, 623; has little hope of support from England, 639, 640.
Neuburg, Duke of. See Wolfgang, William.
Neu Brandenburg, New Brandenburg:
-, Tilly retakes, 499.
Neufville, Nicholas de, Marquis of Villeroy, Marshal of France:
-, troops in Monferrat, 302.
Neustadt, Castel Nuovo [Hungary]:
-, soldiers threaten to hand over to Turks, 313.
Nevers, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Charles.
Newmarket, co. Cambridge:
-, king and queen set out for, 456, 463, 596.
New Netherlands:
-, Dutch ship from, seized in England, 607.
Newport. See Blount, Mountjoy.
Nice [Alpes Maritimes, France], 41.
Nicolandi. See Necolalde.
Nightingale. See ships, names of.
Nimes, Nismes [Gard, France], 89.
-, Louis means to attack, 73, 82, 97; strength of, 92; Rohan reported fled to, 101.
Nis, Daniel, merchant:
-, nunico complains of preaching at house, 405.
-, -, di. See Dennis.
Nissi. See Annecy.
Nithsdale, Earl of. See Maxwell, Robert.
Nizza della Paglia [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]:
-, Cordova fortifies, 6; Spanish move on, 211; Spaniards take, 215.
Nocoladi. See Necolalde.
Noel, Jacques le, abbot of St. Taurin and N. D. de Lyre, abbot of Perron, grand almoner of Queen Henrietta:
-, arrives in England, 503; queen's confessor to be sent back on arrival, 545.
Nogaret, Louis de, d'Epernon, Cardinal de La Valette:
-, reported secret negotiations at Hague, 614.
Noian. See Noyon.
Noie. See Noy.
Nombre de Dios [Panama, Central America]:
-, Spanish fleet sails from, 306.
Nonsuch, in Cuddington, co. Surrey:
-, Soranzo to have audience at, 129, 388, 399.
North, Dudley, Lord:
-, meets Soranzo, 128.
Nostra Signora di Buon Viaggio, See ships, names of.
Nottingham, Earl of. See Howard, Charles.
Novara, Italy:
-, quarters prepared for troops at, 182.
Novellara, Nuvollara [Prov. Reggio, Italy]:
-, Germans billeted at, 261.
Noy, Noie, William, Attorney General:
-, devises new ways of raising money, 630.
Noyon, Noian [Oise, France]:
-, despatches dated at, 556, 559.
nuncio, papal? at Milan, 564.
nuncios, papal. See under ambassadors.
Nürnberg, Nuremberg [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, news from, 469.
-, Saxony decides to join with, 524.
Nuvollara. See Novellara.