Index: F

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 18, 1623-1625. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 18, 1623-1625, ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 18, 1623-1625. Edited by Allen B Hinds (London, 1912), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Index: F". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 18, 1623-1625. Ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1912), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


-, present to James, 182, 201.

Falkland, Viscount. See Carey, Henry.

Fargis. See Angennes.

Farnese, Odoardo, Duke of Parma:
-, Gage goes to compliment, 33; doge notifies of election, 108, 532.

Faye, Charles de, Sieur d'Espesses, M. de Petz, French Ambassador in the Netherlands:
-, arrival, 423; in danger of recall, 429; reports conclusion of English marriage, 441; tiff with Mansfelt, 477; speaks about Mansfelt, 565; received money for Mansfelt, 593; tries to get credit with Dutch about Mansfelt, 598.
-, -, Francoise de, wife of Guislain de Fiennes, Vicomte de Fruges, Duchess (?) of Fruges:
-, influence with Queen Mother, 612.

Feltre [Prov. Bellano, Italy]:
-, cloth of, 186.

Fenice. See Ships, names of.

Fenouillet, Pierre, Bishop of Montpellier:
-, may go with Henrietta to England, 507.

Ferara. See Ferrara.

Ferdinand II, Emperor, Caesar, 98, 165, 180, 190, 329, 345, 372, 379, 426, 493, 496, 503.
-, (1623):
-, proposed French marriage for son, 3; to attend congress at Frankfort, 10.
-, arranges armistice, 33; Spaniards treat with, for Infanta, 39; Denmark dismisses ambassador, 41.
-, Infanta Isabella will get ratification for armistice, 45; has not own forces, 46.
-, will restore electorate, 49; Gabor writes strongly to, 86; Doge notifies of election, 108.
-, letters to and from, about diet at Frankfort, 99, 100; communicates different treaty to Princes, 107.
-, humble message to, from princes of Lower Saxony, 113; anxious for composition, 118.
-, Spaniards want to turn against Dutch, 123; difficulties of, 139; approves Anglo-Spanish match, 141.
-, asks help of pope, 144; James's way of propitiating, 159; asks France for help, 167; Spaniards beg to yield, 172.
-, congratulates Charles on return, 179; marriage proposals of, 181.
-, (1624):
-, Pope helps, 198; suggested alliance against, 203; Spaniards promise representations to, 207, 208, 273.
-, union with Spain, 222; wants settlement with Bavaria, 230; promises to approach Bavaria, 260.
-, tries to upset Anglo-French match, 240; Oñate tells about James, 259.
-, Palatine must humble himself to, 261; to write to France, 269; expected war on, 297.
-, Saxony urges to disarm league, 276; Oñate tells news from Flanders, 296.
-, will not restore unless Palatine becomes Catholic, 314.
-, Gabor makes peace with, 335, 471; grieved that France joining enemies, 347; asks France not to interfere for Palatinate, 382.
-, Spain joins league with, 402; can summon diet when pleases, 403; favours Mantua match, 408; diet will be favourable, to, 414.
-, Turks anxious to keep peace with, 427; suggests alliance with Venice, 427, 428; close understanding with Denmark, 432.
-, asks Denmark to help reestablish peace, 431; Palatine has made no submission to, 457.
-, urged to attend diet, 466; interests differ from Spain over Palatinate, 472; Saxony will not abandon, 475.
-, Spain promises offices with, 476; suggested attack on Venice, 483.
-, offers Neuburg reversion of electoral vote, 487; Palatine should appease, 489, 490.
-, Mansfelt to attack, 494; English force against, 500; leave asked to take Frankenthal, 502.
-, need to forestall offices with German princes, 505; should restore Palatine's possessions, 507; may give satisfaction, 510.
-, (1625):
-, Doge notifies of election, 532; Gabor urged to renounce peace with, 572, 580, 596.
-, Caimecam will not endanger peace with, 581; Venice desires intrigues against, 592; Turks may drag out negotiations with, 597.
-, daughter of. See Maria, Anna.

Ferdinand, the Infant of Spain, Cardinal, the Cardinal Prince:
-, place in succession, 94; present of Charles to, 137.
-, -, son of the Emperor Ferdinand II, 94.
-, proposal to marry Spanish Infanta to, 39, 79, 96, 472, 502.

Ferdinand of Bavaria, Archbishop Elector of Cologne:
-, invited to diet at Frankfort, 99; fears for self, 123; Palatine goes to confer with, 314; suggestion for Frankenthal, 481; reports signs of union among Protestants, 512; Mansfelt will not hurt, 560.

Ferenz, Ferez, Colonel Veit, agent of Mansfelt:
-, at Turin, 54; Moresini asks about Mansfelt's plans, 597; reply, 598.

Feria, Duke of. See Figueroa, Don Gomez Suarez de.

Ferrara, Ferara [Prov. Ferrara, Italy], 321.

Fiamenga. See Ships, names of.

Fiano, Duke of. See Ludovisio, Orazio.

Fiat. See Ruzé, Antoine Coiffier de, Marquis of Effiat.

Fielding, William, Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Embich, 34.

-, presented to Charles, 257.

Figueroa, Don Gomez Suarez de, Duke of Feria, Governor of Milan, 9, 609.
-, told English marriage will not take place, 47; wants to upset everything, 79.
-, intrigues in Valtelline, 86; doge notifies of election, 108.
-, ordered to abandon negotiations with Valesani, 109; a plague, 209.
-, wants to introduce Spanish garrisons into Valtelline, 465.
-, reinforces and helps Leopold, 491, 492; sends troops to Valtelline, 508, 517.
-, tries to collect army, 534, 546; importance of German reinforcements to, 586, 593.
-, anxious about Lesdiguières' movements, 602; sends help to Valtelline, 622.

Filiberto, Philibert, Prince of Savoy, 370.
-, suggested husband for Spanish Infanta, 39; death, 431.

Filippis. See Philips.

-, exported from Denmark to Spain, 459.

-, English claims against Dutch, 9; English threaten revenge on Dutch, 455, 469.

-, Charles dislikes sight of, 5.

Flanders, 188, 214, 223, 253, 282, 354, 391, 410, 463, 487, 528, 549, 557, 591, 611, 613.
-, couriers from, 10; rumours of truce in, 19; Irish troops for, 36, 42.
-, troops in burden on people, 47; Dunkirker to be taken to, 62; Don Carlos may stay in, 88.
-, ships built by Spaniards in, 106; Spanish forces in, 221, 312, 328, 501.
-, news from, 224, 296.
-, Spaniards mean to land troops in, 265; proposed dominion for Infant Carlos, 307, 314.
-, expected English landing in, 312, 328, 479; Lord Vaux raises levies for, 363.
-, Hinojosa going to, 374; consumption of currants in, 387; Southampton serves in, 448.
-, Elizabeth causes Spanish losses in, 457; ask for guns of ship, 475.
-, passage for English troops through, 476; fears of Mansfelt in, 485; measures to meet Mansfelt, 505, 516, 520, 522, 527, 542, 575.
-, Mansfelt not at attack, 514, 616; English alarmed at preparations in, 530.
-, Mansfelt demands present from, 561; letters stopped in, 564; fears in about Mansfelt, 580.
-, -, Infanta of, Governor of. See Isabella Clara Eugenia.
-, -, President of, 408.
-, -, -, secretary of. See Bruneau.
-, -, See also Netherlands.

fleet. See Navy, the Royal.

-, wool trade at Venice, 3; cloth trade in Levant, 31, 87, 88; Buckingham suggests revolt of, 169; cloth trade in East, 186, 187; obliged to give up trade at Zante and Cephalonia, 285; cloth trade in Levant islands, 367, 368; serving Dutch, 452.

Florence [Prov. Firenze, Italy], 224.
-, decline of trade, 26; Gage's mission to, 57; Dudley's ships at, 199n; opinions of English at, 231, 269, 277; misgivings about Anglo-French match, 408; Nithsdale sick at, 433, 439, 447.
-, Pastrana goes to, 465; promises help to Feria, 535.
-, -, Grand Dukes of. See Tuscany.
-, dispatches dated from, 10, 18, 26, 36, 47, 57, 104, 124, 139, 141, 156, 185, 203, 231, 270, 277, 283, 344, 379, 389, 408, 434, 439, 458, 476, 482, 496, 507, 513, 520, 526, 558, 580.
-, Venetian instructions to representatives in, 4, 517, 532, 535.

Florisello, Pompeo:
-, sentenced, 189.

Flushing [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 250, 253n, 580.
-, English levies land at, 397; Mansfelt sails from, 488; Mansfelt reaches, 581.

Foix, Henry de, de la Valette, Duke of Candale:
-, to command Mansfelt's artillery, 495.

Fonsberg of Zeeland:
-, Orange favours as ambassador to England, 532, 541, 558.

Fontainebleau [Siene et Marne, France]:
-, Carlisle sees Louis at, 25; Inoiosa goes to, 35, 42; Rich at, 200; pictures from, for Buckingham, 595.

Force, de la, Fores, Marquis of. See Caumont, James de.

Fornero, Bernardo:
-, Wotton asks professorship for, 12.

"Fortunate Isles and their Union," masque by Ben Jonson, 564n.

Foscarini, Antonio, Venetian ambassador in England, 289, 618.
-, -, Piero, Savio alla Mercanzia, 4.
-, -, Zuan Battista, Inquisitor of State, 592.

France, 266, 319, 331, 342, 380, 426, 509, 522, 533, 583, 588.
-, (1623):
-, English jealousy of, 15; trade with Indies, 30; good understanding with Venice, Savoy and Holland, 35; help given by, 41; league with Venice and Savoy, 98, 128.
-, Frederick asks for help, 44, 48, 110; Spanish match weakens James's credit with, 47.
-, to have no share in truce with Dutch, 51; good will useful to princes of Germany, 61.
-, peace uncertain, 75; Spain would rather satisfy than England, 76.
-, Mansfelt enters service, 77; will pay Valtelline troops, 79; Swiss embassy from, 91.
-, feel strongly about Anglo-Spanish match, 92; alliance should rouse, 93.
-, clothes bought for Charles in, 94; desire success of Protestant cause in Germany, 97.
-, Bavaria avoids offending, 123; supports enemies of Spain, 138; help Dutch, 139.
-, levies for Dutch, 142, 144; opposed to Anglo-Spanish match, 144; courier from, 148.
-, foments Bavaria, 153; war with Huguenots expected, 154; will not pay Mansfelt more, 165.
-, troops desert Mansfelt, 176.
-, (1624):
-, ambiguity hurtful, 182; England want to declare, 184; intermediary for Bavaria, 198; back Bavaria, 199.
-, Savoy wants support for English match, 200; Lennox fears civil war in, 202.
-, English embassy to, 210; proposed league against heretics, 215n.
-, inclined to peace with Huguenots, 218; James will give word to, 222.
-, support Mansfelt in Holland, 230; James to send extraordinary embassy to, 231.
-, proposed league against Austria, 240, 246; Mansfelt asks for passport, 244; refuse Mansfelt admission, 281, 283, 293.
-, Dutch embassy to, 248, 369; Bavaria wants alliance, 252; claims to Alsace, 259; efforts against Rich in, 260.
-, fear of, at Vienna, 264; Carlisle's popularity in, 267; good feeling with England broadens, 268.
-, crusade preached in, 276; Spaniards sure have understanding with England, 286.
-, Mansfelt mistrusts, 294; danger of Austria to, 295; fears that may join England, 296, 297.
-, league with England reported, 305, 312; league for Valtelline, 306, 389.
-, reception of Mansfelt, 311, 323; action depends on England, 315; leaning to Bavaria, 316.
-, money remitted to, for Mansfelt, 325; Gabor enquires about intentions, 330.
-, united with England could impose terms on Spain, 332; commission on affairs of, in England, 335.
-, alleged promise to Mansfelt for diversion in Alsace, 339; reserved about Mansfelt, 340; doubtful about Mansfelt, 359, 365.
-, refusal to Mansfelt, 350, 356; English mistrust, 360; danger of Montpensier marriage to, 361.
-, James asks to co-operate against Spain, 363; English match well received in, 368.
-, wants England to employ Mansfelt, 369, 372; mean war on Spain, 371; will not move unless English stir, 376.
-, Savoy prevents employing Mansfelt, 375, 377; should unite Palatinate and Valtelline affairs, 379.
-, emperor tries to persuade not to interfere for Palatinate, 382; Queen Mother knows instability, 383.
-, ready to employ Mansfelt, 389; England will not make war without, 390; money for Mansfelt, 458.
-, Wake's view of position in, 391, 392; does not desire divisions in England, 394.
-, Tillières likely to make mischief in, 395; intentions about English Catholics, 400.
-, Hay suspects about Mansfelt, 402; warlike preparations of, 403; wants match without war, 405.
-, money remitted to, for Mansfelt, 419; frequent couriers to England, 420; supports princes in Germany, 421.
-, interposes about Palatinate, 422; in league against Austria, 428; forces only on paper, 434.
-, proposed junction of fleet with Dutch and English, 439; forces only for Valtelline, 440.
-, proposed league for recovery of Palatinate, Cleves and Valtelline, 449; decisions of, 450.
-, troops serving Dutch, 452; Pesaro tries to commit without involving Venice, 453; troops serving Mansfelt, 495.
-, will object to declaration for Palatinate, 454; may have to follow pope's wishes about English match, 455.
-, English do not rely on, 461; will put Church in possession of Urbino, 465; England wants to co-operate, with, 467.
-, increasing forces, 473; troops for Valtelline, 491, 531; Venetian obligations to, 492.
-, offers to Mansfelt, 500; object is recovery of Palatinate, 505; Protestants complain of, 511.
-, (1625):
-, Buckingham will give glory to, 528; Mansfelt not to go through, 529, 530; orders to Mansfelt, 557.
-, Buckingham wants league with, 537, 538, 554, 564; disturbances in, 542; insist on Mansfelt going to Hague, 558.
-, want Mansfelt to go to Holland, 561; dispute with England over Mansfelt, 562, 566, 567, 573, 576.
-, no ships, 561; Eggenburg belittles, 565; seem determined on league with England, 568.
-, league with Venice, 571, 572; will not drive Spain to extremes, 573; Buckingham disgusted with, 575, 576.
-, importance of supporting Mansfelt, 577; Halberstadt to go to, for Mansfelt, 578.
-, get ships from England, 579, 604; reprisals on English ships, 581.
-, Mansfelt proposed to go to, 589; provisions for Mansfelt, 593; horse for Mansfelt, 596, 621.
-, desires relief of Breda, 603; fickleness of, 604, 605; troops pass towards Monferrat, 609.
-, fears that may draw back from English match, 611; troubles in delay Mansfelt, 612.
-, Buckingham can only sustain fortunes by, 615; concessions to Catholics for, 617.
-, united against Spain, 619; Bellin satisfied with, 621, 624.
-, -, Venetian instructions to representatives in, 4, 181, 186, 240, 312, 341, 440, 452, 526, 532, 535, 596.
-, Chancellor. See Aligre, Etienne.
-, Constable of. See Bonne, Francis de, Duke of Lesdiguières.
-, Garde des Sceaux. See Aligre, Etienne.
-, King of. See Henry IV; Louis VII; Louis XIII.
-, Secretary at Venice, 369.
-, Marshals of. See Bassompierre, Francis de; Blanquefort de Crequy; Hopital, Nicolas de, Marshal of Vitry.
-, Princesses of, Madame. See Elizabeth, Queen of Spain; Henrietta Maria.
-, Queen of. See Anne of Austria.
-, Queen Mother of. See Mary de' Medici.
-, Secretaries of State. See Brûlart, Peter, Vicomte de Puisieux; Lomenie, Henry Augustus de, Baron of la Ville aux Clercs; Ocquerre; Phelippeaux, Raymond, Lord of Herbault.

Franciscan friars, ready for crusade, 276.

Frankenthal, Franchendal, Frankendal [Rhenish Bavaria, German Empire], 297.
-, unwilling to surrender, 1; surrenders, 3, 7; Spain threatens not to give up, 57.
-, deposit of, 124; Spaniards offer to give up, 247; question of restoration, 403, 449.
-, Rusdorf to ask James's intentions about, 420; James orders council to consider, 424; points for consideration, 426.
-, sends minister to James, 436; Trumbull urges restitution, 458; James asks for restitution, 466, 468, 476.
-, James asks Infanta to retain, 470; James forfeits rights to, 481; to be put under Governor, 485.
-, Bavaria and Tilly ask leave to take, 502; Tilly ordered to take, 512.
-, -, Governor of. See Burroughs, John.

Frankfort on Maine [German Empire]:
-, proposed congress at, 10, 99.
-, news from, 80.

Frascati [Prov. Frascati, Italy], 465.

Frederick V, Elector Palatine of the Rhine, King of Bohemia, the Palatine, 10, 98, 100, 161, 172, 210, 223, 247, 259, 266, 280, 296, 313, 329, 336, 385, 386, 402, 424, 453, 461, 466, 469, 478, 530.
-, (1623):
-, considers Anglo-Spanish marriage certain, 1; accepts what cannot help, 2.
-, proposed congress at Augsburg about, 7; affected by loss of Frankenthal, 7; away, 19.
-, wishes to withdraw from James's protection, 27; objections to signing truce, 33, 43–46.
-, has not own forces, 46; reply about truce, 48, 49, 73, 74; James urges to sign truce, 63.
-, does not know what to say about marriage, 54; Inoiosa suggests understanding between and James, 57; prayers for, 80.
-, Hesse's son would like to See active again, 61; refuses to sign truce, 75; without French help must obey James, 77; not decided about signing, 79, 90; letter to, of agents in Paris, 97.
-, hope to sign truce, 104; agrees to sign truce, 105, 124; letter to James about truce, 107, 108; not answered, 120.
-, Doge notifies election to, 108; asks France to pay debts, 110.
-, Buckingham says James will have to protect, 118.
-, James admits need for restitution, 127; letters to Gabor, 128; proposals to satisfy, 130.
-, Bavaria asks French not to call elector, 141; Spain wants emperor to make terms with, 144.
-, letter of James to, 146, 158, 159; reply, 159, 160, 177; Spanish promises about, 153; Spanish terms for, 173.
-, suggested composition with Bavaria, 154, 165, 179.
-, (1624):
-, English demands for, at Madrid, 188, 189; tells Morosini about Rota, 193; lost, 200.
-, suggested composition with Bavaria, 181, 198, 203, 216, 366, 417.
-, proposed alliance in defence of, 203; uncertain about Rota, 204; cannot recover by agreement, 206.
-, Spaniards promise offices with emperor, 207, 208.
-, James does not write to, about Rota, 209; should become Catholic, 212; Charles to help, 215.
-, Sweden offers help, 221; Rota's proposals for, 223, 224, 231, 240.
-, efforts to move France against, 239; Rota goes to see, 244, 251; representations for, to be made to emperor, 246.
-, must humble himself to emperor, 261; anxiety at Vienna about, 269.
-, Spain wants France to cease helping, 270; opinions of, 271; Spaniards offer advantageous terms, 276.
-, sends to Louis for help, 278, 298; England will not make trouble in empire for, 282.
-, Mansfelt dedicates service to, 295; cannot help Mansfelt, 303; Mansfelt writes to, 306.
-, commends Mansfelt to James, 311; Hyacinth urges accomodation with Bavaria, 314, 318, 327, 328.
-, pleasure trip to Breda, 315; promises money to Mansfelt, 316; overtures to, a blind, 321.
-, James will reinstate, 330, 346, 364; determination to restore nothing to, 348.
-, Carlisle and Rich maintain pretensions, 361; asks James to sequestrate Dunkirk ships, 363.
-, Mansfelt to act in name of, 372, 382; hopes of forcing the Spaniards to restore, 392.
-, living in utter idleness, 398; bitterly feels defection of Saxony, 412; informs James and appeals, 414, 419, 420.
-, decides precedence of Vere, 416; Roe devoted to, 427; Mansfelt to act in name of, 433.
-, hunting with Count of Thurn, 434, 477; more vigor wanted, 440.
-, proposed force in name of, 444; hopes in Mansfelt, 447; Mansfelt to raise English force for, 450, 458, 467, 485, 506, 513.
-, representations to Saxony for, 457; expected league for, 465; Gabor gives up idea of helping, 471.
-, Khevenhuller suggests total exclusion, 472; French ready to help, 475, 483, 486, 496; appeal to Venice, 477.
-, France to co-operate for reinstatement, 482; suspicions about French good will to, 487.
-, reply of Saxony about, 488–90, 493; hopes revived by French match, 503.
-, Mansfelt general of, 507; Bavaria accuses, 516; godfathers for son, 526, 527.
-, (1625):
-, Mansfelt asks for money, 542; Mansfelt asks for commission from, 558; Eggenburg despises French declaration for, 565; thanks Venice, 569; Venice tries to make league for, 571.
-, tells Louis of son's death, 576; Mansfelt informs of arrival, 581; sends patent for Mansfelt, 588, 594, 598.
-, Mansfelt's levies for, 589; wants to contribute something for Mansfelt, 593.
-, agrees to Mansfelt relieving Breda, 603; James does not answer query about Cossacks, 611.
-, share in alleged league, 613; James agrees to patent for Mansfelt, 616.
-, will let son marry Buckingham's daughter to prevent Spanish marriage, 629.
-, -, Chamberlain of, 45.
-, children of. See Edward; Henry Frederick; Louis; Rupert.
-, minister at Paris, 61.

Frederick Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick:
-, will supply men to Mansfelt, 508, 623.

French. See France.

Friesland, East [German Empire]:
-, troops for, 25.
-, -, Count of. See Enno III.

Friis, Christian, Chancellor of Denmark, Danish ambassador to Spain:
-, Aston knows nothing of, 404; mission commercial, 408, 410; to treat for reconciliation of England and Spain, 409; difficulties, 422; in frequent negotiations, 433, 448.
-, leaves, 459.

Fristenbergh. See Furstenberg.

Fruges, Duchess of. See Faye, Francoise de.

Fuente, della. See Lafuente.

Furstenberg, Fristembergh, Count of:
-, goes to Munich, 336; to stop at Nurenberg, 358.