Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 6-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 6-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


May 1717, 6–10

May 6. Money warrant for 285l. 2s. 6d. to William [Talbot], bishop of Sarum. Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, for half a year to 1717 Lady day on the annuity for the support of said Order. (Money order dated May 7 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 11 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 301. Order Book IX, p. 404. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 288.
Letter of direction (signed by C. Stanhope) for 200l. to William Clayton: on the unsatisfied order in his name: and is intended to be paid over to Charles Douglas, Esq. “in pursuance of a warrant under his Majesty's royal sign manual to the said Mr. Clayton”, see supra, p. 286. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 237.
May 7. Royal sign manual for 2,000l. to William Lowndes: out of Civil List moneys: for secret service. (Money warrant dated May 8 hereon.) (Money order dated May 8 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 11 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 263. Order Book IX, p. 405. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 288.
For the renewal order for 180l. 16s. 5d. to Paul Methuen as a Principal Secretary of State on the sign manual for 3,000l. to him for secret service (to wit to 12 April 1717 when he delivered up his seals of the said office), see Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXX, p. 346, under date 1716 July 8. (Letter of direction dated May 11 hereon.) Order Book IX, p. 284. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 288.
See supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXXI, p. 136, for the like letter for 197l. 5s.d. to James Stanhope as in full of all his demands to April 15 last upon the money order of Feb. 8 last of 3,000l. to him for secret service as a principal Secretary of State: he having delivered up the seals of his office on April 15 last. (Letter of direction repeated May 11.) Order Book IX, p. 359. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 207.
Treasury confirmation of the money warrant of 1716 Nov. 24 for 10l. 12s. 4d. to the Church Wardens of the parish of St. Magnus, London, for half a year to 1716 June 24 on the perpetuity for the poor of said parish, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXX, p. 566. Money Book XXV, p. 257.
Same of the dormant warrant of date 9 Sept. 1709, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 353, for paying the Earl of Kinnoul's annuity of 1,000l. out of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty. Ibid., p. 301.
Money warrant for 44l. 6s. 0d. to Robert Webb for the services and constant attendance of him and his servants from 1711 Oct. 9 to 1714 July 31 “at the House of Lords cleansing the stool there and continually pumping water therein to prevent the stink annoying the said house, cleansing and keeping in repair the pump and engine fixed for conveying water to the said stool”. To be satisfied out of the arrears of the late Queen Anne's Civil List. (Money order dated May 11 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 301. Order Book IX, p. 410.
May 7. Treasury warrant to Thomas Burdus, Esq., the present Paymaster of the Civil List Lottery, to pay 39l. 0s. 8d. to William Wenman, late Paymaster of the said Civil List Lottery, whose accompt from 26 March 1714 to 19 Jan 1714–15 is already passed: the said sum being for incidents of his office and in passing his said account.
Prefixing: report by Auditor E. Harley on the memorial of said Wenman for said sum. Money Book XXV, p. 316.
Letter of direction for 300l. to Edward Nicholas: on the unsatisfied order in his name: and is intended to be paid over to James Vernon, Esq., in satisfaction of so much due from the late Queen [Anne] on an annual sum which he received by the hands of the said Mr. Nicholas. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 286.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 127,909l. 10s. 0d. to John Aislabie, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans to be made by himself on credit of the Land Tax anno 1717 at 4 per cent. interest: the tallies and orders for the said loans being intended to be assigned over and applied to the sevices following: viz.
£ s. d.
to the South Sea Company to make good the deficiency of their fond for 1716 Xmas quarter 57,668 9
to ditto more for the deficiency [for the succeeding quarter ended] at Lady day 1717 18,400 0 0
to answer a bill made out by the Navy Commissioners for taking the fifth subscription of the South Sea Company 1,841 0 8
to repay 50,000l. borrowed of several persons for the service of the Navy at 4 per cent. interest on a deposit of the like sum in tallies and orders on the Land Tax anno 1716 50,000 0 0
(the 50,000l. borrowed as above being to be applied to the following services: viz., 2,979l. 11s. 0d. for the Baltic Squadron 1716 Dec. 20; 9,338l. 19s. 9d. for the Navy and Sick and Hurt 1716 Dec. 22; 30,000l. for laying up ships 1716 Dec. 14; 7,681l. 9s. 3d. to the Navy and Victualling 1716–17 Jan. 15)
Ibid., pp. 288, 241. 244. 252. 253.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to present to my Lords Thomas Freestone (an extraordinary watchman London port) as a noontender ibid. loco George Shaw, now deceased. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 186.
Same to same. My Lords observe that one Roger Berryman who is recommended [presented] to them as land waiter at Plymouth was lately waiter and searcher at Totnes and was superseded there on Feb. 15 last. What was the reason of his dismissal and is he fit to serve the Government again and fit for the office to which he is recommended? Ibid.
May 7. Same to General Compton. The Treasury Lords have received the enclosed presentment [missing] touching the piece of ground on Tower Hill concerning which I wrote “the 2nd of May last” [2 May 1716, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXX, pp. 211–12]. The permitting the said Commissioners to use the said ground as therein mentioned appears to my Lords to be so much for his Majesty's service that they expect you will no longer obstruct the same in case the Tower is not under any apparent danger thereby. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the Grange called Fewsons Grange, parcel of the demesne lands of the late monastery of Melso alias Meux [Meaux], Co. Yorks, and several houses, lands and tenements thereto belonging: all in order to a further lease thereof to Jane Duncombe and Anne Hampden, widows.
Prefixing: said Surveyor's report on the petition of the said Jane Duncombe and Anne Hampden. The premises were demised by the late Queen Dowager and her Trustees 1700 April 10 to Anthony Duncombe and his wife Jane and the said Ann Hampden at 34l. 10s. 2d. per an. rent for 12 years from 1718–19 Feb. 18. The premises are valued by the surveys at 289l. 10s. 10d. per an. above the said rent. I rate a fine of 434l. for a further term of 17 years therein from 1730–1 Feb. 18. Warrants not Relating to Money XXIV, p. 185.
May 8. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Treasury Lords to pay 65l. 11s. 4d. to Horatio Walpole, late Minister and Plenipotentiary with the States General of the United Provinces, representing 721 guilders 4 stivers (at 11 guilders per pound sterling) disbursed by him “for our service and by our directions in sending a messenger from the Hague to Copenhagen and back, for which he has hitherto had no allowance.”
Appending: compte rendre de Jean Van Rielle, maitre des Postes de leurs Hautes Puissances [the States General], pour un courier envoyé par son Excellence Monsieur de Walpole, Ministre de sa Majesté de la Grande Bretagne, de la Haye à Copenhagaen.
guildres stivers
23 July 1716:
pour la course avec mes chevaux d'ici jusqu'à Deventer etant 30 lieues a 30 sols par heure
45 0
Le Courier a pri a Deventer les chevaux de post pour l'Allemagne et payé de post à post qui s'ensuit: le prix reduit à l'argent d'Hollande
de Deventer à Delden
10 12
de Delden à Benthem [Bentheim] 10 12
de Bentham à Rhenen [Rheine] 7 10
de Rhenen à Ipenburen [Ibbenbüren] 7 10
de Ipenburen à Osnabrugge [Osnabrück] 9 12
24 Juillet:
de Osnabrugge à Boomte [Bohmte]
8 2
de Boomte à Dieponace [Dieponau] 9 12
de Dieponace à Leese [Lense] 8 2
de Leese à Nieuwenburgh [Nienburg] 7 10
de Niewenburgh à Rhepen [Rethem] 7 10
de Rhepen à Vitshausen [Visselhovede] 9 12
de Vitshausen à Wilsen [Winsen or ? Wulfsen] 12 10
de Wilsen à Harenburgh [Harburg] 9 12
de Harenburgh passé la rivière de l'Elbe à Hamburg 5 12
de Hamburg à Itsenhouw [Itzehoe] 20 0
de Itsenhouw à Rensburgh [Rendsburg] 15 0
de Rensburgh à Vlensburgh [Flensburg] 12 10
de Vlensburg à Hadersleben 12 10
de Hadersleben au Belt 5 10
pour le passage du Petit Belt 7 0
d'Asnes [Assens] à Odensee 10 10
d'Odensee à Nieuenburg [? Nyborg] 7 10
pour le passage du Grand Belt à Kasseur [Korsär] 15 0
de Kasseur à Slaegens [Slagelse] 7 10
de Slaegens à Rheinsteidt [Ringsted] 7 10
de Rheinsteidt à Rotschilt [Roskilde] 5 5
29 July:
de Rotschilt à Copenhagen
10 10
pour une chaloup qui a amené le courier à vaisseau de Monsieur l'Amiral Norris 2 10
16 Aug. revenue avec des depeches.
(the stages for the return are as above up to Harenburg, whence they become Sadendorff [? Garlstorf], Witsendorff [Wietzendorf], Zell, 19 August Hanover, 21 August Hagenburg, Lense, Diepenau, Boomte &c. as above and finally Deventer to the Hague 30 leagues at 30 sol per league.) Le Postillon est parté le 3 Juillet et revenue le 23 d'Aoust, aussi 32 jours de vocations à un ecu par jour (80 guilders).
total 721 4
(Money warrant dated May 13 hereon.) (Money order dated May 15 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 25 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, pp. 263–4. Order Book IX, p. 408. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 291.
May 8. Royal sign manual for 50l. to Don Emanuel Mercador “who resides here at present as a Deputy from the inhabitants of the island of Minorca”: to be accounted as two months' pay from March 5 last to May 5 inst. on an allowance of 300l. per an. for so long time as the King shall think fit to continue his stay here. (Money warrant dated May 22 hereon. ) (Money order dated May 23 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 25 hereon. King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 180. Order Book IX, p. 411. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 291.
William Lowndes to the Taxes Commissioners to send to my Lords a list of all Receivers of Taxes who have demands or cravings for extraordinary charges: distinguishing those who complied with the late Act [1 Geo. I., St. 2, c. 36] for clearing their accompts before Michaelmas last and what remains due to the Crown from those who did not so clear. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 185.
May 8. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of John Anstis, Garter [King of Arms], shewing that her late Majesty did in due form of law grant him the office of Garter King at Arms of Englishmen after the death of Sir Henry St. George by patent dated 1714 April 2 which have been read “here” [at the Treasury] and are now again ready to be produced: that it appears by certificate from the minister and church wardens that Sir Henry St. George died 12 Aug. 1715 whereby 200l. became due to him [petitioner] for his salary [payable] at the Exchequer at Easter 1717: that he hath recovered his other fees upon actions brought for them and hath a judgment in one case, no person either daring to question the legality of his patent (as any one of the defendants might have done) or to bring a scire facias to endeavour to repeal the same. Petitioner therefore prays an order to the Exchequer for payment of this salary. Reference Book IX, p. 324.
Same to the Attorney and Solicitor General of the petition of Robert King, Esq., shewing that Mr. Peter [Robert Peters] late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Herts, failed, being indebted to the Crown in 13,140l., and that Sir Bibye Lake at the request of the assignees under a commission of bankruptcy made a proposal to the Treasury Lords for discharging the said [debt] and to repay himself by a conveyance of Peters' estates and his sureties' [fidelity] bonds; which proposals the then Treasury Lords approved: that this petitioner being one of Peters' sureties did in consideration of the said deposit soon come to an agreement with the said Sir Bibye Lake how far and in what manner the petitioner's estates should be answerable to the said Lake: that the said Lake having paid and secured to the Government the debt due from Mr. Peter to the Crown the petitioner took himself to be discharged from his suretyship to the Crown and [to be] only answerable to the said Lake in such manner as he and petitioner have agreed: that notwithstanding that the said debt has been paid and secured as aforesaid “and that it remains on your Lordships to have the said debt discharged at your pleasure “yet Mr. Peters' accounts not being perfected by Michaelmas last pursuant to a clause in an Act of Parliament [1 Geo. I., St. 2, c. 36] passed in the last session relating to Receivers General, the Agents of Taxes have ordered petitioner to be proceeded against as a surety for said Peters' debt: which petitioner conceives to be a great hardship. He therefore prays to be heard before the Treasury Board thereupon and that all proceedings against him may be stayed. Ibid., pp. 324–5.
Same to same of the memorial of the Duchess of Buccleuch shewing that by patent of 1673 June 18 Charles II granted to James, late Duke of Monmouth, an annuity of 8,000l. out of the Excise of London, Westminster, Southwark, Yorks, Middlesex and Surrey except the borough of South Mimms in Middlesex: with a grant to the said Duchess of 4,000l. a year (part of said 8,000l. a year) after his death as for her jointure, for her life, payable quarterly: and with full power to her to demand same from the immediate hands of the [Excise] Farmers, Commissioners, Receivers or Collectors for the time being of the said places before payment of the same into the Exchequer and in case of such payment into the Exchequer then the Exchequer to be required to pay said annuities: “that the Duchess's annuity was paid by the Farmers of that revenue till the Revolution”: that at the death of Wm. III 3,000l. was due [to her] for three quarters of a year and at Midsummer 1714 (in the time of the late Queen) 2,000l. for half a year and [now] 2,000l. more for half a year to 1717 Lady day or 7,000l. in all: therefore prays order for payment. Hereon the referees are to consider the Civil List Acts and to report their opinions how far the Excise or any other the Civil List revenues are chargeable with said pension and the arrears thereof [after the death of Charles II., the original grantor]. Reference Book IX, p. 325.
May 8. Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant by Holles, [Duke of] Newcastle, [Lord Chamberlain of the Household], dated April 30 last to the Honble. James Brudnall, Master of the Jewel Office, to provide and deliver to the Earl of Sunderland, as one of the Principal Secretaries of State, the usual allowance of 1,000 ounces of white plate; to be made into such vessels and after such fashion as he shall direct: to an estimate of 400l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I, p. 32.
The like of a same dated March 13 last for the delivery of the like amount of white plate to Joseph Addison, Esq., as a Principal Secretary of State: [to a like estimate]. Ibid.
The like of a same dated April 30 last for the delivery of 1,000 ounces of white plate to the said Holles, [Duke of] Newcastle, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, “as has been formerly allowed to the Chamberlain of his Majesty's Household: to be made into such vessels and after such fashion as I shall direct”: to an estimate of 400l. Ibid.
May 10. Money order for 300l. to Walter Hamilton for the quarter ended 1717 May 7 on his allowance as Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Leeward Caribbee Islands. Order Book IX, p. 472.
C. Stanhope to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords direct you to apply towards paying Deptford and Woolwich yards for 1715 Xmas quarter and 1716 Lady day quarter, the sum of 12,282l. 15s. 4d. arising out of funds as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
out of tallies and orders remaining in your hands of loans on credit of the Vote of the House of Commons of March 5 last (in part of 100,000l.) 5,787 11 8
out of money remaining in your hands of loans on credit of the said Vote (in part of 50,000l.) 6,495 3 8
£12,282 15 4
Disposition Book XXIII, p. 289.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Send to my Lords an account of the character of George Moore, when Collector of Customs in Berwick port, viz. as to his abilities and his behaviour in respect of the Government. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 187.
William Lowndes to same to present to my Lords William Taylor of Preston for some employment in the Customs, as he is recommended to them for his services to the Crown at the time of the late Rebellion at Preston. Ibid.
May 10. Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] from David Bell, a tidesurveyor at Newcastle, alleging his very great services to the revenue both there and in Scotland. Ibid., p. 188.
Same to the Postmasters General to send to my Lords an account from 1 June 1711 of the surplus of the yearly produce of the Post Office revenue over and above 111,461l. 17s. 10d. and over and above the 700l. per week [reserved for the use of the public out of the said revenue by the Act 9 Anne, c. 11]; of which surplus one third part was directed to be reserved for the disposal of the Parliament for the use of the public by the said act of 9 Anne. Ibid., p. 189.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant of March 13 last by the Duke of Bolton [Lord Chamberlain of the Household] to James Brudnall, Master of the Jewel Office, to provide and deliver to the Earl of Halifax 130 ounces of white plate as a gift from his Majesty at the christening of his child: to be made into such vessels and after such fashion as he shall direct: to an estimate of 65l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I, p. 32.