Appendix I: July 1661

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Appendix I: July 1661', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Appendix I: July 1661', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Appendix I: July 1661". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.


July 1661

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 3. Treasurer Southampton and Lord Ashley to the Solicitor General. "There are several persons addressed to me from the Commissioners of Sales [of Crown and Church Lands] for consideration in respect of moneys laid out by them in building some tenements and edifices within the usual limits and bounds of the King's house at Richmond in Surrey." Mr. Villiers by virtue of his patent as his Majesty's housekeeper there, pretends that all the advantages and rents of those houses belong to him so as we cannot consider those persons without invading his patent. Certify us the latitude of Mr. Viller's patent in relation to this case. Ibid.
July 2. Reference from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William Sanders for a new lease of a mill called a fulling mill in Brecknock for 31 years at 53s. 4d. per an. rent. Ibid, p. 179.
Warrant from same to the Attorney General for a grant to Miles Mathewes, one of the Gentlemen Pensioners, of the forfeiture of goods and chattels incurred about a year since by Edward Pawley of St. Tudy, Cornwall. A sixth part thereof is to be reserved to the King. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) petition from said Mathewes praying same for faithful services: said petition being referred from the King May 6 last. (b) Report from the Attorney General to the Lord Treasurer thereon. Petitioner should prefer an information in the Exchequer for recovery of said goods, and thereon a grant may be made.
June 29. Reference from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William West of Eton, co. Bucks, for renewal of term in 16½ acres of meadow ground in Eton, parcel of the Honor of Windsor, which was granted 1610, Aug. 13, to John Eldred and William Whitmore for 60 years, which term by mesne conveyance is vested in petitioner. Stowe MS. 498, p. 180.
July 2. Warrant from same to same to give order to the steward of the manor of Landulph, co. Cornwall, to pass an estate to Francis Emmett in a copyhold tenement called Collogate in said manor; same being certified by the late Parliamentary survey to contain 30 acres valued at 16l. 10s. 0d. per an. and the old rent as 13s. 11d.; but being certified by Sir Richard Prideaux, Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall, at 30½ acres at 24l. 13s. 4d. value and 14s. 1d. old rent. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) note of Emmett's petition, see supra, p. 1579. (b) Ratal dated June 17 by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the particular. For one life in reversion of petitioner (aged 60) and Bridget his wife (aged 50) a fine of 25l. is reasonable, under the old rent and 10l. per an. de incremento.
Same from same to same to order the steward of said manor of Landulph to pass an estate to Simon Heale of a copyhold tenement in said manor containing 30 acres valued by Norden's survey at 16l. by the Parliamentary survey at 18l. and by Sir Richard Prideaux's survey at 20l. per an. Ibid, pp. 180–1.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Heale's petition. (b) Ratal ut supra. For two lives in reversion of Mary Beach (aged 56) a fine of 50l. is reasonable.
Same from same to same to order the steward of the manor of Partlooe to pass an estate to Susanna Cloake of a copyhold tenement called Weyland in said manor, same being certified by Norden's survey to contain 26 acres valued at 13l. 16s. 8d. and the old rent as 24s. 10d.; but by the Parliamentary survey as 30 acres valued at 17l. 13s. 0d. Ibid, p. 181.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Susan Cloake's petition. (b) Ratal ut supra. For two lives in reversion of petitioner, aged 40, a fine of 50l. is reasonable.
Same from same to same to give order to the steward of the manor of [Ryme] to pass estates to William Cosins and George Stevens in two tenements as follow. Ibid, pp. 181–2.
Prefixing: (a) note of petition of said Cosins and Stevens. (b) Two ratals ut supra, dated May 23 and May 30. The first tenement is certified by Norden's survey to be 23½ acres, old rent 8s. and value 17l. per an. By the Parliamentary survey it is valued at 22l. per an. For two lives in reversion of petitioner's (aged 70) a fine of 60l. is reasonable. The other tenement is certified by the Parliamentary survey as 23 acres, 17s. 10d. per an. old rent, improvement 16l. 10s. 0d. per an. As it is in hand it is worth a fine of 90l. at the old rent and 7l. per an. de incremento. Cousins desires only to exchange the life of Edward Haynes ("being in reversion with Mary his sister after the life of the petitioner and his wife's widow's estate") and to have a new grant for the lives of William his son and Mary his daughter in place of said Edward and Mary. The premises are certified by Sir Richard Prideaux at 26l. per an. A fine of 20l. is sufficient.
July 2. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to order the steward of the manor of [Tinten] to pass an estate to John Trelawny of the tenement as follows. Stowe MS. 498, p. 182.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Trelawny's petition. (b) Ratal ut supra, dated May 18. The tenement is in hand by the death of Walter Tomlyn the last tenant and is found by Norden's survey taken in the time of King James to be 27½ acres, old rent 22s. 9d. and improvement 9l. per an.: and by the late Parliamentary survey at 42 acres, worth 25l. per an.: and by Sir Richard Prideaux at 18l. per an. For three new lives a fine of 100l. may be reasonable at the old rent and 8l. per an. de incremento.
Reference from same to same of the petition of William Ireland, gent., for a new grant of the farm of the several Hundreds of Guthlaxton and Gartree, co. Leicester, with the offices of steward and stewardships, bailiff and bailiwick of the same as granted 1617, Nov. 19, to petitioner's father, William Ireland, gent., for 21 years, which grant is terminated 22 years ago and no grant taken since by reason the certainties did not amount to the rent reserved by at least 6l. per an. Ibid, p. 183.
Same from same to the Lord Warden of the Stannaries and Mr. Napper, Receiver of the coinage duty of the memorial as follows [from Bellott and Ennys]. Ibid, pp. 183–4.
Prefixing: said memorial unsigned. The King is pleased to grant to Christopher Bellott and Samuell Ennys his custom coinage duty of all the tin in Devon and Cornwall for certain years at a rent. By a proviso in the grant they are from and after 1661, June 24, to stamp the tin in the coinage towns and not in the blowing houses unless the King's pleasure be signified to the contrary. In order to the said proviso Bellot and Enys have advised and warned the tinners to bring in their tin to the coinage towns by [after] the said date to be there weighed, assayed and coined and then to pay the King's duty. This they have refused to do, saying the Coinage halls are not ready, neither have they moulds to cast their tin in nor carriages to carry it to the said towns; and if they had they desire to be excused, saying they cannot or will not until a Convocation of tinners be called for regulating of several abuses and in particular of the Stannary weights which of late they have found to be about 136 lbs. to the hundred, whereas it should be but 120 lbs. If the tinner will not bring his tin to the Coinage towns Bellott and Enys have no power to stamp it nor to receive the duty, and if they must wait till a Convocation be called the greatest part of the coinage duty will be lost and yet Bellott and Enys be liable for the rent. They therefore pray that the Lord Warden may be desired to issue his warrant to his several officers to summon the said tinners to bring in their tin by a certain date to the Coinage towns and in the meantime petitioners pray leave to collect and receive the said Coinage duty.
July 2. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to order the steward of the manor of Bradninch, co. Devon, to pass to Johan (Joan) Burchill a further estate in a copyhold tenement called Health hayes in said manor, parcel of the Duchy [of Cornwall]. Stowe MS. 498, p. 184.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Burchill's petition. See supra, p. 1535, under John [sic] Burchill. (b) Ratal dated May 25 by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises are certified by the late Parliamentary survey as 31 acres, worth 22l. per an By Sir Richard Prideaux they are valued at 26l. per an. For two lives in reversion of petitioner (aged 50) a fine of 50l. is reasonable at the old rent of 9s. 9d. and 10l. per an. de incremento.
Same from same to same to give order to the said steward to pass a new estate to Katherine Lee, widow, in two tenements called Quantsayes and Wheelings in said manor of Bradninch ut supra, p. 1535. Ibid, p. 185.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Lee's petition. (b) Ratal ut supra, dated May 25. The premises are certified by the Parliamentary survey as 58 acres worth 36l. per an., the old rent 17s. 7d. For three lives in reversion of petitioner (60 years old and tenant for her widowhood) 120l. fine is reasonable.
July 3. Same from same to same to order the steward of the manor of Tinten to pass an estate in a copyhold tenement called Leskeele in the manor of Tinten to William Kempthorne of St. Tudy, co. Cornwall. Ibid, p. 185.
Prefixing: ratal dated July 1 ut supra. The tenement is certified by Sir Richard Prideaux to contain 60 acres, the old rent 41s. 7d., the improved value 35l. 4s. 4d. By the Parliamentary survey it is certified as 75 acres, the improved value 50l. per an. For a third life in reversion of petitioner and his wife (aged about 50) a fine of 30l. at the old rent and 15l. per an. de incremento is reasonable, seeing that petitioner's son Thomas Kempthorne served the late King in the wars.
July 6. Same from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Thomas Jackson of a tenement in Rotherham, co. Yorks, &c., as follows for 31 years at rents amounting to 7l. 19s. 8d. from date and 18s. 4d. in super from the recovery thereof. Ibid, p. 186.
Prefixing: (a) particular of the premises by Nich. Spackman, deputy auditor, viz. said tenement, formerly in the tenure of Robert Parkin and let at 16s. per an., and divers other cottages, shops, rooms and stables in Rotherham of the yearly value, in all, of 8l. 18s. 0d. There are several parcels in this particular, the rents where of have been decayed for many years past, "which are severally noted with the word super," and together amount to 18s. 4d. leaving 7l. 19s. 8d. If the said decayed items be demised to petitioner he should not be liable for said super until same shall be found out and enjoyed by him. (b) Ratal dated June 27 by the Surveyor General. The lessee should covenant to endeavour said recovery and not to compound with any pretended owner.
June 27. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Richard Sewray, gent., of the office of bailiff and collector of the rents and revenues in co. Yorks of the late priory of Bray and monastery of Selby, Melsa, alias Meuy [Meaux], Kirkstall et al. Stowe MS. 498, p. 187.
Prefixing: particular of said office: total fees and wages of said office, 34l. 16s. 8d. per an.
July 6. Same from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to order the steward of the manor of Treverbyn Courtney to pass estates as follows to John Trelawny. Ibid, pp. 187–8.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Trelawny's petition. (b) Ratal dated April 2 by the Surveyor General of the particulars. (1) A tenement called Roscorla and 32 acres of land: old rent 9s. 9d.: certified by the Parliamentary survey as 60 acres: improved value, 19l. per an., now in hand, late tenant, William Rosetear. A fine of 100l. at the old rent and 7l. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(2) A tenement called Resugo and 42 acres: old rent 5s. 3d.: improved value 6l. 8s. 4d.: in hand: John Killiowe the late tenant. A fine of 35l. at the old rent and 40s. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(3) A tenement called Menogwinne: 9 acres late tenant, Thomas Carne: old rent 4s. 4d.: worth 3l. per an. A fine of 20l. at the old rent and 20s. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(4) A tenement and fulling mill in St. Austell Church town: late tenant, Nicholas Saule: old rent 3s. 10d.: valued at 4l. per an. by the Parliamentary survey. A fine of 20l. at the old rent and 20s. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(5) A tenement in St. Austell Church town: Rose Leigh, late tenant: old rent 8s.: worth 50s. per an.: in hand. A fine of 20l. at the old rent and 20s. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(6) A tenement called Penwithick: in hand: late tenant, John Phelipps: old rent 6s.: by the Parliamentary survey valued at 8l. 10s. 0d. A fine of 40l. at the old rent and 3l. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(7) A tenement called Bonalate: tenant for life, Mary Menheire: old rent 5s. 2d.: worth 6l. per an. For two lives in reversion a fine of 20l. at the old rent and 40s. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
(8) A tenement called Treganhissy: Peter Roberts, tenant for life: old rent 10s. 4d.: by the Parliamentary survey valued at 19l. 13s. 4d. per an. For two lives in reversion at the old rent and 7l. per an. de incremento a fine of 40l. is reasonable.
(9) A tenement called Resugo: Johan Eland, tenant for life: old rent 6s. 4d.: valued by the Parliamentary survey at 10l. 6s. 6d. For two lives in reversion at the old rent and 4l. per an. de incremento a fine of 30l. is reasonable.
(10) A tenement in St. Austell Church town: tenant for life, Tristram Carhan: old rent 8s. 2d.: worth 3l. 12s. 0d. per an. For two lives in reversion at the old rent and 20s. per an. de incremento a fine of 10l. is reasonable.
(11) Another tenement there: tenant for life, Tristram Carhan: old rent 6s. 8d.: worth 2l. 10s. 0d. per an. For two lives in reversion at the old rent and 13s. 4d. per an. de incremento a fine of 10l. is reasonable.
(12) a tenement called Treganhissy: two lives in being: old rent 15s. 3d.: valued at 19l. 11s. 9d. per an. by the Parliamentary survey. For one life in reversion at the old rent and 8l. per an. de incremento a fine of 20l. is reasonable.
July 6. Allowance by Treasurer Southampton of 22l. in the account of John Barnard as sheriff of co. Gloucester for the year ended 1660, Sept. 29: said sum being allowd by Baron Sir Chr. Turner as in part of said sheriff's cravings of 58l. 6s. 8d. Stowe Ms. 498, p. 189.
Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Nicholas Kemp of the tenement called Edon alias Odon, in the manor of Trelugan, co. Cornwall, parcel of the possessions of Edward, late Earl of Devon, and now annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall; as formerly demised to John Tristrane by the late King as Prince 1622, Oct. 2, for 99 years terminable on the lives of Alicia Tristeane, sister of said John, William Tristean, son of Adam Tristean, of St. Filly and Martin Rattenbury of Oakhampton, co. Devon. The present lease to be for 99 years terminable on two lives to be named by said Nicholas Kemp in reversion of his brother, John Kemp, present tenant for life and at the old rent of 24s. 10d. and 10l. per an. de incremento and fine of 50l. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated June 8 thereof by the Surveyor General.
Same from same to same for a lease to Edmund Phillips of a tenement in Nether Trelabe, parcel of the manor of Climsland Prior, co. Cornwall, formerly belonging to the monastery of Launceston and formerly demised to William Hooper 20 June 3 Car. [I.] for 99 years terminable on the lives of said William, Mary his daughter and William Hender son of Nicholas Hender. The present lease is to be for 31 years on a fine of 80l., and under the old rent of 16s. 2d. per an. and 6l. per an. de incremento. Ibid, p. 190.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated June 8 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Same from same to same for a lease to William Wrangham of a tenement in North Shields, co. Durham, situate between a tenement of the King's formerly in the tenure of Thomas Spermun on the east [and some other tenement on the west] and formerly demised to William Holt and Richard Carrill of London, gent., 1621, June 29, for 40 years in reversion of the interest of Robt. Dowe. The present lease is to be for 26 years in reversion of the five years yet to come in the lease in being and at a fine of 20l. under the old rent of 3s. per an. and 3l. per an. de incremento. Ibid, pp. 190–1.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated June 28 thereof by the Surveyor General. The premises are certified to be worth 6l. per an. above all charges.
July 6. Reference from the Earl of Clarendon and Treasurer Southampton to the Barons of the Exchequer of the petition of the Countess Dowager of Peterborough et al. concerning lands ut infra. The referees are to peruse the grant made anno 4 of Edw. VI. to Lord Wentworth and consider whether it includes the lands in question and how the possession thereof has gone and to hear either side and report on the King's title or whether same belongs to the Earl of Cleveland or to those who are in possession of the manor of Stepney. Stowe MS. 498, pp. 191–2
Prefixing: (a) said petition to the King from Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Peterborough, Elizabeth, Countess of Anglesea, John, Viscount Mordaunt, and George Howard, esq., shewing that the King has granted them such waste, concealed lands in cos. Kent, Southampton, Norfolk, Sussex and Middlesex as should be found by inquisition and of encroachments on any such lands or upon any high way in said counties: that thereupon at petitioners' great charges several houses are discovered in the parish of Stepney to be built upon the King's waste: that now, after their eight months' trouble, there is a warrant for a grant of "all these houses and lands" to the Earl of Cleveland and his heirs for ever: therefore pray for a recall thereof and for a grant of the premises to petitioners. (b) Order of reference dated Whitehall July 2 inst. from the the King to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer and Lord Privy Seal of said petition.
Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to order the steward of the manor of Ryme to pass an estate to John Strode of a copyhold tenement and cottage of which said Strode's mother (aged 70) is tenant in said manor. Ibid, p. 193
Prefixing: (a) note of said Strode's petition ut supra, p. 1555. (b) Report dated June 3 thereon from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The tenement is certified by Sir Richard Prideaux, Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall, to contain 94½ acres worth 52l. per an. By the Parliamentary survey it is certified to be of less quantity and worth 38l. per an., the old rents being 22s. 2d. and 8s. By Norden's survey in 1615 it is found to be of more quantity and worth 41l. 6s. 8d. per an. Petitioner is tenant in reversion by copy for his own life with the benefit of a widow's estate if he survive his mother. For an additional life in reversion a fine of 40l. under the old rents and 20l. per an. de incremento is reasonable, petitioner being willing to relinquish his new purchase [made under the late usurped powers]. He petitions also for two other tenements in hand certified by Sir Richard Prideaux to be of the old rents of 15s. and 8s. 10d. and of the improved value of 21l. and 12l. For these two a fine of 150l. under the old rents and 14l. per an. de incremento is reasonable.
Reference from same to the Attorney General and Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Charles, Duke of Richmond, John, Earl of Bath, Richard, Lord Butler, John, Visct. Mordaunt, and George Paul: petitioners shewing that at the King's arrival in England they presented several discoveries of certain lands belonging to the King, called mad lands or Cazy (Crazy) [sic ? for oosy] lands lying between high and low water mark "which have been left by the sea and no profit not so much as for passage, lying six hours of 12 under water," but same being innable and gainable from the sea which might enrich thousands of poor people in maritime counties by setting them on work for inning and gaining them: that the commodities they will afford are now scarce as saffron, flax, potatoes, rape seed, clover grass, licoras, woad etc., which lying near the sea may be imported into any other of his Majesty's dominions: that the late King in 4 Car. I. granted a patent to Dame Mary Wandesford of some mud lands "in Hampshire and Poole in Dorsetshire to the Duke of Richmond"; that of late several other [such] lands in Sussex, Kent and Norfolk have been granted to the Countess of Peterborough and others: therefore petitioners pray commission of discovery of such lands as above within the kingdom of England, excepting those already granted, offering to inn and gain them at their own charge and to pay 2s. 6d. per acre per an. rent for the lands so gained, being 2s. 2d. more than was ever given to his Majesty. Ibid, pp. 193–4.
Said petition being referred from the King June 17 last to Treasurer Southampton, the latter hereby refers it as above, with the remark "his Majesty hath determined to make no grants of any lands of this nature or other wastes, though commissions have been issued to find them out, until he be certified both of the fitness of granting them and probably of their values." The referees are to take notice thereof "even to such things for which there have been former orders issued. Nevertheless it may be fit to issue out commissions for finding out any such lands as the particulars shall be tendered."
[?] Allowance by Treasurer Southampton of the sum of 23l. in the account of Francis Warner and William Love, sheriffs of Middlesex, for the year ended 1660, Sept. 29, being the part of their charges allowed by Baron Turner as in part of their cravings of 62l. for conducting three soldiers from Newgate to Devonshire with strong guards to be tried there: and likewise for allowance of 26l. 11s. 4d. as in full of their craving for ink for the King's Bench and for payments to Mr. Fetherston for repairs in the King's Bench Court. Stowe MS. 498, p. 194.
July 11. The like allowances of 50l. in the account of the sheriff of co. Lincoln for said year as in part of his cravings of 107l. 3s. 8d., said 50l. being allowed by Baron Turner. Ibid, p. 195.
50l. in the account of the sheriff of co. Notts for said year, as in part of his cravings of 96l. 10s. 0d.: same being allowed ut supra.
35l. in the account of the sheriff of co. Derby for said year, as in part of his cravings of 83l. 11s. 8d.; same being allowed ut supra.
25l. in the account of the sheriff of co. Warwick [for said year], as in part of his cravings of 50l. 3s. 0d.; same being allowed ut supra.
20l. in the account of the sheriff of co. Worcester, for said year as in part of his cravings of 64l. 17s. 0d.; same being allowed ut supra.
48l. 19s. 2d. in the account of Agnes Bowles as executrix of Charles Bowles, esq., and Thomas Plummer, sheriffs of Kent, for the year ended 1659, Sept. 29, for fees paid to the officers of the Exchequer for passing their accounts (the Barons of the Exchequer having certified said fees to be allowable): and 40l. as in part of their other cravings of 132l. 13s. 0d.: said 40l. being allowed by Barons Atkyns and Turner.
July 11. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a particular of the custody and farm of the several Hundreds of Guthlaxton and Gartree, co. Leicester, and of the offices of steward and bailiff of those Hundreds. Stowe MS. 498, p. 196.
Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William Rowe, alderman of Macclesfield, co. Chester, on behalf of the mayor, aldermen and burgesses of said borough: petitioner showing that King James granted to George Orme and George Stonier in trust for the borough several cottages, shops etc. and other encroachments upon the manor of Macclesfield for 31 years at 3s. per an. rent which grant expired 1650, Lady day: that by patent of anno 37 Queen Eliz. granted to Edward Harding, Edward Jephson and John Smethurst for their lives, to the benefit of said town, all the toll, tollage etc. of two fairs held every year there at 20s. per an. rent, "one of which lives is yet in being": therefore pray a new lease of the cottages for 31 years and of the tolls for 21 years. Ibid.
Further report by same to the King on Mr. [William] Thompson's report as "entered in the Book of Reports Fo. 183" (supra Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I. p. 224). "The petitioner paying your Majesty fee farm rents for the manor of Humbleton, co. Yorks, and other lands late belonging to the monastery of Thornton of 55l. 11s. 4d., I conceive it not unreasonable that upon his surrender of his interest in Scarborough, the sum of 50l. per an. be discharged of his own fee farm rent. And though I am prest much by his son, an honest loyal gent. and a member of the House of Commons to discharge the whole rent he pays of 55l. 11s. 4d." yet I think best not to extinguish the whole fee farm rent but to reserve 5l. 11s. 0d. If your Majesty approve hereof the Attorney General may draw a surrender of Scarborough [Castle] to your Majesty and a grant of extinguishment of rent accordingly. Ibid.
Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of John Dewxwell (Deuxwell) gent. for a lease of the stewardships of the Hundreds of Botloe and Whitstone, co. Gloucester. Ibid, p. 197.
Report to the King from Treasurer Southampton and Lord Ashley on the petition of Sarah Keynes, wife of Col. Alexander Keynes of Rodipoll, co. Dorset, deceased. We do not think it fit to grant so large and indefinite a suit as all the moneys in the sequestrators' hands of the whole county of Lancaster. It may be limited to 1,000l. Ibid.
Prefixing: said petition shewing that her husband served the late King, had his estate sequestered for 16 years and followed Charles II. after Worcester fight into France: therefore praying a grant of such small sums of money as are now remaining in the hands of the sequestrators or any of the receivers or their deputies for co. Lanes in the time of the late usurpation.
July 11. Reference by Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Leonard Chambers of Aldingham Hall, co. Lancs, praying to become tenant in a messuage called Aldingham Hall with the barns, stables etc. there for two lives to be added to the life of Francis Page, or for 21 years in reversion of Page. Stowe MS. 498, p. 197.
July 9. Same from same to the Attorney General, and Auditors Sawyer and Phillips of the petition of Thomas King, shewing that he [formerly] received a Commission "from the Committee of Trustees" [for the Maintenance of Ministers] to be receiver and to call all deputy accomptants to accompt for all impropriations for old arrears and has taken much pains in writing of books: therefore praying to have a commission to collect those arrears "of which he hopes to give a good accompt and of considerable sums thereupon." Ibid, p. 198.
Hereon the referees are to report the best course to be held in recovering those arrears and providing for this part of his Majesty's revenue.
July 11. Same from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of John Urling shewing that the Commissioners for Sales [of Crown and Church Lands] ordered that he should keep the possession of some lands in the Honor of Grafton till Lady day last; but by reason of a stop to all proceedings to all things within that Honor petitioner could get no report thereon and divers persons endeavour to gain it from petitioner: therefore praying a lease for one year at the old rent or an order for him to keep possession till his case be stated and reported to the King. Ibid.
Same from same to same of the petition of John Launder for a new lease of a messuage in Henley in Arden, co. Warwick, demised by King James by patent of 1624–5, Feb. 4, to William Smith, Eliz. his wife and Mary their daughter for their lives at 10s. per an. rent; which lease is expired. Ibid.
July 13. Like warrant ut supra, p. 1581, to John Weston, one of the messengers of the Chamber, to collect the arrears of rents on Sir Edmund Sawyer's receipt. Ibid.
July 12. Report from same to the King on the petition of the bailiffs and burgesses of the town of Dunwich, co. Suffolk. I approve of the Surveyor General's advice ut infra in the case of this poor town. A privy seal may be ordered, with a discharge of all former arrears. Ibid, pp. 199–200.
Prefixing: (a) said petition (as certified by John Rous and Hen. Bedinfeild, neighbours thereto and members for said town in the last Parliament) shewing that said town is an ancient Corporation and until the reign of Edw. I. a fee farm rent of 65l. was paid by the town to the Kings of England; that out of compassion of the poverty of the town the King's progenitors remitted a great part of the rent so that [since] the reign of Hy. VI. no more has been paid than 12l. 8s. 8d.; that the said town, out of which the fee farm is issuing, is near all eaten up by the sea and that which is left is reduced to a very poor village whereby it is rendered uncapable to continue the payment of so considerable a sum; that upon several essays for collecting of it they could never advance above 5l. or thereabouts: therefore pray that the rent may be reduced to a proportion correspondent to their abilities. (b) Reference dated Feb. 18 last thereof by Sir Philip Warwick to Auditor Phillips as to the question of remitting this rent in respect of the decay and poverty of the town. (c) Certificate dated Mar. 12 last from the Clerk of the Pipe. The ancient reserved rent to the Crown from said town was temp. Ric. I. 120l. 13s. 4d. besides 24,000 herrings paid yearly to the monk of Ely for the same. King John in the first year of his reign confirmed the town's liberties according to the tenor of its charters and pardoned them 40l. per an. and King Hy. III. remitted 20l. more per an. of the said ancient rent during pleasure 'propter deterioracionem et dampna ejusdem ville.' Edw. I. granted said town to the burgesses and honest men there for ever under the yearly rent of 65l. which being greatly in arrear the town was committed in the time of Edw. III. to the custody of the burgesses there for divers years, paying only 14l. 10s. 9d. per an. for same. Henry IV. granted the town with the appurtenances to Thomas Mowbray, then Earl Marshal, during pleasure and afterwards to Thomas Beaufort, the said King's brother for 20 years, paying only 15l. 17s. 5d. per an. Sundry other grants have been since made by way of custody to the said burgesses and others of the fee farm rent of 65l. for divers years at lesser rents, the last whereof was granted for 60 years from 1525, Sept. 29, under the reserved rent of 12l. 8s. 4d., whereof 4l. 1s. 4d. was yearly allowed by judgment of Court to the Dean and Chapter of Ely in recompense of the former herrings and 8l. 7s. 0d. remainder was yearly answered to the Crown both before and since the expiration of the said custody lease, until the year 1640. (d) Report dated July 9 inst. from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands thereon. A privy seal may be granted for reducing the rent to 5l. per an. during pleasure. It is not likely to be raised unless their trade increase which is very unlikely, the sea growing in upon their houses and lands.
July 11. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a constat of a coal mine in Durham with a view to a lease thereof to Raph Wilson. Stowe MS. 498, p. 200.
Prefixing: (a) note of said petition ut supra Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 134. (b) Report dated July 1 inst. thereon by the Surveyor General. It is certified by Sir Thomas Davison, kt., sheriff of co. Durham, Sir John Conyers, bart., et al. June 17 last "in answer to a Commissionary letter to them directed by me to that purpose" that the said colliery called Lumpton Hill or Softley Colliery, is inconsiderable for the many inconveniences as having been long since wrought and the mines thereby much impaired whereby the rent heretofore paid to the Crown for same did cease; and that there are four other working collieries lying between it and the market and they therefore think it not worth more than 5 marks per an. for a new lease.
Same from same to same for a certificate of John Collin's (Colins's) pretence to a new lease of a fourth part of a wood called St. John's Wood, formerly demised to him [sic] by Queen Elizabeth for 40 years at 6l. 17s. 2d. per an. rent and of the moiety of the same for 40 years at 13l. 9s. 0d. [per an. rent] "which he was forced to purchase, it being exposed to sale to the soldiers in 1650." Ibid, p. 201.
Hereon the referee is to advise what is fit to be done, "it having been in consideration whether these lands should not be kept in order to his Majesty's own service."
Prefixing: said Collins's petition with reference thereon from the King of June 24 ult.
July 13. Allowance by Treasurer Southampton of 29l. 10s. 0d. in the account of Isaac Burges, esq., as sheriff for co. Wilts for the year ended 1660, Sept. 29: said sum being allowed by Justice Tyrrill as in part of said sheriff's cravings of 121l. 0s. 8d. Stowe MS. 498, p. 201.
11l. 7s. 2d. in the account of William Hyde, sheriff of co. Rutland, for the year ended 1659, Sept. 29, as in full of said sheriff's cravings for fees paid by him.
July 6. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Thomas James, esq., showing that he was encouraged by Sir Allen Broderick and Major Norwood to undertake the care of his Majesty's affairs in the forest of Dean and spent a year and a quarter there endeavouring to promote his Majesty's affairs; that he is called upon for a debt of 300l. due to his Majesty upon the late accompts taken by George Charnock; that one of Cromwell's officers had an allowance of 200l. per an. for his oversight in that forest: therefore prays remission of said 300l. for his said service: said petition being referred from the King on the 2nd inst. Ibid, pp. 201–2.
July 13. Order by same that the assignment by George Charnock, serjeant at arms, of the several proportions as follows of coals, cordwood and iron to Sir Baynham Throckmorton by inventory dated Mar. 26 last shall stand good and be allowed to said Throckmorton according to the true meaning of said inventory which was made by virtue of Treasurer Southampton's warrant of Mar. 2 last; the said assignment being 805 cords of wood in part of his proportion of 3,375 cords of wood which he was to have according to said warrant, together with 47 tons of sow iron rated at 6l. 5s. 0d. per ton and 20 tons of bar iron rated at 15l. 4s. 0d. per ton as the product of the residue of said 3,375 cords, some question having subsequently arisen between said Charnock and said Throckmorton touching the meaning of said warrant, whereupon a stay was made of said iron, wood and coals in Sir John Wintour's hands, who is to receive satisfaction from said Throckmorton for said 3,375 cords at the rate of 10s. per cord: which dispute between Charnock, Throckmorton and Wintour has been heard by the [Lord Treasurer, the] Chancellor of the Exchequer and Sir C. Harbord. Ibid, p. 202.
Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer Seal to Dorothy Coales (Coles), spinster, of the lands of Richard Cressett, esq., outlawed at the suit of said Coles: at the rent of 10s. and fine of 1l. Ibid, p. 203.
July 15. Reference by Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands and Mr. Treswell of the following two papers. Stowe MS. 498, pp. 203–4.
Prefixing and appending: (1) a particular of wood cut down and destroyed in Salcey Forest under colour of browsings, viz. 140 loads for the Great Lodge; 80 loads for Charles Lane's lodge (10 loads [only] due); 70 loads for John Foster's lodge (8 loads due); six loads for the lodge of the new keeper in Wakefield [Walk], (two loads due); the page 12 loads (4 loads due); 24 loads cut more than due, allowing the Great Lodge without flint 125 loads; Sir William Terringham is about an order to cut down timber to rail in Salcey lawn. "These abuses happen by reason there are not preservators of the woods as formerly, nor the keeper of the wood axes admitted to do his duty." (2) A particular of wood similarly destroyed in Whittlewood Forest. By William Barrett, keeper of Haselborrowe Park, 72 browsings, being 60 loads (the allowance 22 loads); John Gulliford, page, 31 loads (the allowance 12 loads); [the keeper of the _] 102 browses, making 90 loads (34 loads due); Mr. Batson, keeper of Sholbrooke Walk, 146 browses making [? —] loads (75 loads [? due]); Thomas Carlile, page, 50 browses [making] 30 loads; Symon Waterman 30 browses [making] 20 loads; John Houton, wa[l]ker, 15 browses [making] 8 loads; 135 browses 133 loads [40 loads due]; the keeper of Wakefield Walk 146 browses [making] 80 loads; Robert Hollis, keeper of the Gullett [Walk], 75 browses [making] 40 loads; Richard Rands, page, 60 browses [making] 35 loads; William Budd, page of the two walks, 60 browses [making] 35 loads; in Hanger Walk Mr. Thorne 80 browses [making] 40 loads (10 loads due); in Shrobb Walk Major John Strike [Stirk] 30 or 40 loads of wood (12 loads due); 368 loads cut more than due. In this forest there are no preservators only save [sic for some] of the regard. The Earl of Northampton has got or is getting an order to cut down timber to repair the lodge which Claypole began.
July 13. Warrant from same to same for a particular of the Chace and Park called the Broyle Park and Chace, co. Sussex, lying in the parishes of Ringmer, Laughton and Framfield. Ibid, p. 204.
July 15. Report to the King from Treasurer Southampton and Lord Ashley on the petition of William Wormsley of Rosegill, co. Westmoreland: petitioner shewing that he suffered to the value of 4,000l. and upwards and sequestration of his estates twice in the latter of which he received no profits of his estates for 4 years; but the pretended sequestrators, William Airey and Thomas Whinfeild, received 750l. out of the said rents which they shared and have not accompted for, neither for 204l which petitioner afterwards paid to them and Capt. Richard Crakenthorpe and John Fallowfeild for his composition and the said 954l. is yet in their hands which ought to be paid to the King according to a reservation in the Act of Oblivion. Petitioner therefore prays that same may be given back to him. Said petition being referred by the King June 25 the referees hereon report that if the money be wholly from Wormesley's estate it may be repaid him, "but if this sequestrator have so much money remaining in his hands upon a general account" then petitioner ought not to have it all. Ibid, pp. 204–5.
July 12. Decision and direction by Treasurer Southampton to the Auditors of Imprests on the case as follows concerning the accounts of First Fruits and Tenths. I [Treasurer Southampton] conceive that the King is disserved by the clause in Sir John Prettiman's patent which entitles him to receive the Tenths of the Clergy which formerly were immediately paid into the Exchequer. The auditors and other officers of First Fruits and Tenths are hereby to give notice to the several bishops and their sub-collectors of Tenths to pay in their money into the Exchequer as formerly: and Prettiman is likewise to pay in the moneys due upon the First Fruits from time to time as formerly they were usually paid into the Exchequer, which for this last year he has not observed. He is further to clear his account for this last year. Stowe MS. 498, p. 205.
Prefixing: said case. The bishops, being collectors of Tenths in their respective dioceses, paid in their moneys immediately into the Exchequer. Sir John Prettiman, as Receiver of the First Fruits and Tenths, by a clause in his patent as above, which was not in any former patent, claims the receipt of said Tenths and some deputy collectors have paid their moneys to him accordingly. Hereon the Auditors [of Imprests being the Auditors] of First Fruits and Tenths desire the Lord Treasurer's resolution.
July 16. Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Johnson of the manor of Wyberton, co. Lincoln, as demised 1639, July 15, to Thomas Turner, gent., for 31 years at 68l. 10s. 5½d. per an. in reversion of a 40 years' term granted 1607, June 5. The present lease is to be for 14 years in reversion of 17 years in being under the old rent. Ibid, p. 206.
Prefixing and appending: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated July 6 inst. thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Though the premises consist of some quit rents amounting to about 3l. per an., which make it a manor, yet being a lease and almost all demesned I think it not contrary to the King's instructions [as to not granting manors out of the Crown] to grant a further lease at the said rent amounting to half the improved value and without fine in respect of petitioner's merits and the interest of the soldiers, being Coldstreamers, who may be permitted to enjoy the said rent during the King's pleasure according to the King's order in that behalf. (c) Entry dated July 26 of Treasurer Southampton's subscription of the docquet of this demise.
July 15. Reference by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Roger Bray and Joane his wife for a third life in their copyhold tenement in the manor of Landulph, co. Cornwall. Ibid, p. 207.
July 16. Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Thomas Woodhall, his Majesty's chirurgeon, of all the tithes arising within the level called the Earl of Lindsey's Level (heretofore drained by the said Earl and his participants), lying near the river Witham, co. Lincoln, and [for a lease] of all the waste and marshy and fen lands [there] except the waste commonly called the Eight Hundred Fen. The present lease to be for 31 years at a fourth part the yearly value thereof as the same shall, from the time of their recovery, be adjudged to be worth by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) constat of the premises and (b) ratal dated June 27 last thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
July 16. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Robert Stewart, Recorder of King's Lynn, co. Norfolk, as in trust for the mayor and burgesses of said town, of the fourth part or proportion of the Tolbooth and toll in the town and port of King's Lynn and of the tronage and measurage of the Lovetopp in [said] town and in all the places of said port, viz. from Larkestern to Deeplaston and the water of Wengenhall, alias Wegenhall [Wiggenhall]; and the office of bailiff of the said water with the profits of court and fines of suit of court of the said water; and likewise the office of gauger in the said town and port and the profits of the fishing of the said water between Larkstern and Furthamstern. The present lease to be for 31 years from Lady day last at the old rent of 5l. payable to the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall. Stowe MS. 498, p. 208.
Prefixing: (a) particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated July 11 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises were demised by the late King to the mayor and burgesses of said town and a lease was granted in reversion to the Lord Chief Baron Waller and Baron Trevor "and the town hath given satisfaction to him that claimed under that lease which is now expired and the said town is by his consent to be preferred to a new lease thereof," which may be granted without fine in respect of the loyalty and sufferings of said town in the beginning of the late war and their forward concurrence towards his Majesty's happy Restoration.
July 17. Same from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a constat and ratal of the following items petitioned for by Sir Hugh Bethel, Major Robert Huntington and Major Jeremiah Smith; Treasurer Southampton being very well satisfied of their good affections and loyalty and of the King's gracious sense thereof. Ibid, p. 209.
Prefixing: (a) petition of said Bethel, Huntingdon and Smith showing that as Coldstreamers they stand possessed of the following several lands and rents belonging to the King and praying a lease thereof: said petition being referred July 12 inst. from the King "having a very good opinion of the petitioners and acknowledging many services to have been performed by them." (b) Schedule of said lands purchased by them.
Sir Hugh Bethell.
The lordship of Hempholme, co. Yorks: [rental] 124l. per an.
several fee farm rents in co. Yorks to the amount of 178l. 13s. 6½d. per an., the greatest part whereof are payable out of his own lands.
Major Huntington.
The lodge house and about 125 acres of land in the Paddock Walk to the north end of Windsor Great Park, co. Berks [rental] 100l. per an.
Major Smith.
The manor and bailiwick of Hawkshead, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, co. Lancs., [rental] 68l. per an.
July 16. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to the Company of Merchant Tailors of London of the barge house called the Merchant Tailors' Barge-house recently built on part of the King's waste of the manor of Kennington near the wall or passage called Thames Wall on the South and the stream of Thames on the North and likewise of the cottage and ground thereto and so much ground adjoining on every side as shall be necessary for access thereto from the said river and from the bank or Thames Wall. The present lease to be for 31 years at the rent of 7l. per an. payable to the Duchy of Cornwall. Stowe MS. 498, p. 210.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated April 9 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Same from same to same for an in custodiam lease to Thomas Lennard and Robert Barnham, executors of Francis, Lord Dacres, of a parcel of ground and tenement in co. Bucks belonging to Marmaduke Darrell, esq., outlawed 1646, May 25, at the debt suit of Sir Thomas Glemham, kt., and Henry Glemham, clerk: total [of said debt] 734l. 6s. 0d. The said lease to be at a rental of 5l. per an. and fine of 10l. Ibid.
Order by same on the petition of Robert Charlton of Whitton, co. Salop, as follows. Petitioner is to produce from Sir Robert Pye [Auditor of the Receipt] and the Auditors of Imprests proof of this debt and of his particular part thereon. Ibid, p. 211.
Prefixing: said petition as referred from the King the 10th July inst.; petitioner showing that he was one of the Farmers of the Pre-emption of tin in Devon and Cornwall under the rent of 12,000l. per an.; that in 1643 he and his co-farmers advanced 11,530l. at the desire of the King, the interest whereof comes to above 15,000l., petitioner's share being a third of the whole; that with what he has advanced petitioner has suffered over 30,000l. and has five young children unprovided for: therefore prays that his share of said debt may be paid him in a reasonable time.
July 9. Reference by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Charles, Lord Gerard of Brandon, for a lease of a parcel of land containing two acres in the Artillery Ground [and] belonging to the King. Ibid.
July 12. Same from same to same of the petition of Sir Nich. Throckmorton as referred from the King the 5th inst.: petitioner showing that Col. Ratcliff Gerard has petitioned for the King's interest in the Chase of Kingswood, co. Gloucester, and has obtained a reference thereon: as petitioner lives there he prays a reference likewise in consideration of his services and sufferings. Ibid.
July 20. Same from same to same of the petition of William Levet for a lease of part of the farm called St. John's Wood in the parish of "Maribow" and now in the possession of Thomas Francklin; petitioner having previously had a reference on his petition for a discovery. His Majesty is well inclined to petitioner "in respect of the testimony left him of the petitioner by his royal father." Ibid, p. 212.
July 20. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to Thomas Warner, serjeant at arms attending the Lord Treasurer, to arrest the following persons in the town of Buckingham who by force of arms have opposed the levying of the Excise and pulled down the King's proclamation affixed upon the town hall relating to that duty, viz. Thomas Smitheman, Robert Cuddington, constable, Thomas Tebbey, Hugh Gray and Thomas Lea, all of that town, who have been the principal actors therein. Stowe MS. 498, p. 212.
Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, shewing that the King has many times declared his intention of settling such an estate upon him as might in some sort put him and his posterity in a condition to support his quality; that he has discovered in cos. Gloucester and Worcester a parcel of waste ground called Cors Wood and Cors Lawn, formerly a kind of Chace but long since without deer or any considerable wood and which neither serves for pleasure nor yields revenue; therefore prays a grant thereof: said petitioner being referred from the King the 11th inst. Ibid, p. 213.
July 26
and 20.
Allowance by Treasurer Southampton of 30l. in the accompt of the sheriff of Salop for the year ended 1660, Sept. 29; said sum being allowed by Baron Turner as in part of said sheriff's cravings of 84l. 3s. 4d. for said year. Ibid, pp. 213–4.
20l. in the accompt of the sheriff of co. Monmouth for said year; said sum being allowed by Baron Turner as in part of said sheriff's cravings of 31l. 13s. 4d. for said year.
20l. in the accompt of the sheriff of Sussex for said year; said sum being allowed by Baron Atkyns as in part of said sheriff's cravings of 36l. 4s. 0d. for said year.
20l. in the accompt of the sheriff of Sussex for the year ended 1659, Sept. 29; said sum being allowed by Barons Atkyns and Turner as in part of said sheriff's cravings of 27l. 10s. 0d. for his disbursements in said year; and likewise allowance of 29l. 1s. 8d. as in full of his cravings for fees paid by him at his apposals for that year.
July 15. Order by same to the late Treasurer for the Western Association to deliver into the Office of the King's Remembrancer before the end of Michaelmas term next an exact accompt of all moneys by you received from each county and otherwise and of whom received and of all disbursements thereof under a pretended Ordinance of Parliament dated 1645, Aug. 26, for raising 657,428l. upon several counties in the Western Association whereof you were appointed Treasurer by the Committee for the said Association; so that "if all the money which was to be raised by the said pretended Ordinance be not come to your hands it may be examined in whose hands the same remain." You are to come prepared with the voucher for each payment to show to such auditor of the Exchequer Court as shall be assigned to take your accompt. Ibid, p. 214.
July 15. The like notice to the Treasurers under two several pretended Ordinances of Parliament made in 1644 and 1645 for raising 26,766l. by a monthly tax upon co. Yorks and divers other counties for the pay of the Scotch army upon their advance into England "for the receipt whereof and also of the Excise of those counties you were appointed Treasurers." Stowe MS. 498, p. 215.
The like notice to Ralph Rymer, late Treasurer for the Northern Association, under a pretended Ordinance of Parliament dated 1645, June 20, for the Association of the county of Yorks and other [counties] and for the raising of 119,178l. upon the several counties in said Association, whereof you were appointed Treasurer by the Committee of the said Association. Ibid.
July 1,
term, 13
Car. I.
Order by Treasurer Southampton [and by the Barons of the Exchequer] concerning the accounts of Chantry rents etc. as follow. In the ministers' and receivers' accompts remaining in the custody of the Auditors of the Exchequer there are put in the charge and yearly written and set in super divers Chantry rents, pensions and portions, rents reserved upon patents of concealments not enjoyed and other rents which have not been answered to the Crown for the space of 40 years last past and upwards and many of them for 60 years and 80 years which have been often written in process and notwithstanding the endeavours of the officer and others who have had grants of the arrears of that nature in the times of King James and Charles I, have not been recovered; therefore in order that his Majesty's records and accounts for the future may not be troubled with unprofitable charges and annual supers of the same it is hereby ordered that all such rents as have remained in super as aforesaid for 40 years past and more shall be discharged out of the annual accompts of the ministers and receivers and shall be written in a book by themselves which shall be entitled "a book of rents which have remained in super by the space of 40 years and upwards": and in case the officers or any to whom the King shall grant any arrears of rent of that nature shall recover any of them the same shall be re-charged in the accompts from whence they were discharged together with all unpardoned arrears due for the same. And in case it shall be thought fit to send process for any of the said rents the Auditors of the Exchequer are to make schedules thereof out of the said book in such sort as they should have done if they had still remained charged in the ministers' and receivers' accompts. Ibid, p. 216.
July 15. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Dr. Edward D'awtrey for a grant of the tithes in the Earl of Bedford's Level in the Fens; petitioner having served his Majesty in these times of defection and having printed his declarations etc. from Worcester and published them: and his Majesty having already granted to Thomas Woodhall the tithe of the fens in the Earl of Lindsey's Level: said petition being referred from the King the 12th inst. Ibid.
July 29. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to Sir Thomas Fanshaw, the King's Remembrancer, to call before him those Receivers who were in their offices before the late troubles and are still continued therein and to require them to execute the like securities as in their original bonds "or to inform me what their securities formerly were," many of the said securities being possibly dead or insolvent. Stowe MS. 498, p. 217.
July 20. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of John Woodson of Woodhead in Mottram, co. Chester, tailor, shewing that he holds a lease of a house and lands called Edinbooth at Woodhead of Sir Thomas Wilbraham of Wooddy for 21 years for which he paid 100l. fine and 26s. 8d. per an. rent of which lease there is a year to run, that said Wilbraham holds several other lands, whereof the aforesaid is a part, by lease from Queen Elizabeth which lease being near expired he is not likely to renew in regard of his disaffection to his Majesty: petitioner therefore having served the late King and been wounded at Worcester fight and having no other support prays a lease of the said yearly rents: said petition being referred from the King June 1 last. Ibid.
July 29. Warrant from same to same for a constat of a tenement petitioned for by Peter Fuidge, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 142, with a view to a lease thereof to him. Ibid, p. 218.
Prefixing: (a) note of said petition. (b) Report dated July 11 inst. from the Surveyor General on said petition. The tenement is certified by the Parliament's survey to contain 28 acres, the old rent 18s. 6d., the improved value 18l. 17s. 0d. By Sir Richard Prideaux's survey it is certified as 24½ acres and the improved value 16l. 10s. 0d. It is held by lease for the life of Jane, wife of William Pearse, [she being] aged 63. For two lives in reversion I advise a fine of 50l. under the old rent of 18s. 6d. and 7l. per an. de incremento.
Same from same to same for a constat of a discovery made by Nicholas Aris, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 139: with a view to a lease thereof to said Aris. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Aris's petition. (b) Report dated July 11 thereon by the Surveyor General. The premises are discovered by petitioner as escheated to the King in right of the manor of West Ham, co. Essex, by the death of Emme Hodges, alias Hedges, without heirs, petitioner's mother being sister and next heir to John Hodges, who demised the premises to said Emme, his wife, by will. I advise a lease for 31 years without fine and at 3l. per an. rent, being a fourth of the improved value thereof, the rent to commence from the recovery of possession.
Warrant from same to Thomas Dunn and Matthew Royden, late Auditors to the pretended Trustees for Maintenance of Ministers under the usurped authorities, to forthwith deliver to Auditors Sir Edmond Sawyer and John Phelips all the books, accompts, duplicates and writings in their custody relating to that business, the same very much conducing to his Majesty's service. Ibid, p. 219.
July 29. Reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Edward Wilson, son and heir of Thomas Wilson, deceased, shewing that his ancestors have for many years been tenants to certain lands and tenements in Casterton, co. Westmorland; that his father in 1641–2, Feb. 9, compounded with his Majesty's then Commissioners for his revenue as Prince for a new lease on surrender and paid a fine of 50l. and had a warrant from them for a fresh grant for the lives of him, of petitioner and of Thomas Wilson, petitioner's brother, but by reason of the late troubles the lease was not perfected and for his loyalty the father was thrust out of possession by the late usurper. Therefore petitioner prays a grant thereof to him and his said brother. Stowe MS. 498, p. 219.
Warrant from same to same for a constat of the tenement petitioned for by John Kneebone, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 137, with a view to a lease thereof to him at Sir R. Prideaux's ratal as follows. Ibid, p. 220.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Kneebone's petition. (b) Report dated May 3 from Sir Richard Prideaux, Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall. The tenement contains 37½ acres, worth 15l. 10s. 0d. per an. For a life in reversion of petitioner (aged 70) and Edward his son (aged 40), I advise a fine of 18l. 10s. 0d. at the old rent and 6l. 10s. 0d. per an. de incremento. (c) Report by Sir C. Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands. According to the Parliamentary survey the tenement is worth 27l. per an. Petitioner alleges that the Parliamentary surveyors overvalued it 10l. out of prejudice to his father, being an officer in the King's army. I dare not rate this fine according to 15l. 10s. 0d. without the Lord Treasurer's express order.
Same from same to same for a particular of the tenements petitioned for by John Bradlack, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 138, with a view to a lease thereof to him. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Bradlack's petition. (b) Report dated May 3 from Sir Richard Prideaux. The tenement called Shareslade contains 17 acres worth 3l. 13s. 4d. per an. and the tenement called Netherton contains 14 acres worth 7l. 10s. 0d. per an. For a fresh life in the first tenement in reversion of himself (aged 56) and Elizabeth his daughter (aged 35). I advise a fine of 3l. under the old rent of 5s. 4d. and 30s. per an. de incremento; and for 2 fresh lives in Netherton in reversion of his said daughter a fine of 18l. 15s. 0d. under the old rent of 8s. 4d. and 3l. per an. de incremento. (c) Report dated May 23 thereon, from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Same from same to same for a constat of the tenement petitioned for by John Dill, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 138, with a view to a lease thereof to him. Ibid, p. 221.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Dill's petition. (b) Report dated May 3 last from Sir Rich. Prideaux. The tenement contains 8½ acres worth 10l. 10s. 0d. per an. For two fresh lives in reversion of himself (aged 46) I advise a fine of 26l. 5s. 0d. under the old rent of 7s. 2d. and 4l. 10s. 0d. per an. de incremento. (c) Report dated May 23 from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
July 29. Warrant from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a constat of the tenement petitioned for by Joane Kemp, widow, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 138. Stowe MS. 498, p. 221.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Kemp's petition. (b) Report dated May 3 from Sir Richard Prideaux. The tenement contains 24 acres worth 12l. 13s. 4d. per an. For two new lives in reversion of her own (aged 46) I advise a fine of 31l. 13s. 4d. at the old rent of 8s. 4d. and 5l. 5s. 0d. per an. de incremento. (c) Report dated May 23 by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Same from same to same for a constat of the tenement petitioned for by Thomas Harvy, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. I, p. 138. Ibid, pp. 221–2.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Harvy's petition. (b) Report dated May 3 from Sir Richard Prideaux. The tenement contains 22¾ acres of land worth 12l. 13s. 4d. per an. For two fresh lives in reversion of himself (aged 46) I advise a fine of 31l. 13s. 4d. under the old rents of 9s. 11d. and 5l. 5s. 0d. per an. de incremento. (c) Report dated May 23 from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. By the highest survey I have this tenement appears to be only 13l. per an. There is but one life in being (aged 59 years) by the Parliamentary survey. But being a leasehold and so chargeable to pass I advise no greater fine than as above.
Same from same to same for a constat of a tenement called Bunchardon in the manor of Carnedon Prior, parcel of the Duchy [of Cornwall], with a view to a lease thereof to Radigan Hooper. Ibid, p. 222.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Hooper's petition for a fresh life in said tenement which he holds by patent from the late King for the lives of Phillip Axford and Mary Axford. (b) Report dated May 3 from Sir Richard Prideaux. The tenement contains 21¾ acres worth 8l. 16s. 0d. per an. For a new life in reversion of the two lives in being (aged 40 and 39) I advise a fine of 8l. 16s. 0d. under the old rent of 6s. 4d. and 3l. 15s. 0d. per an. de incremento. (c) Report dated May 23 from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. By Norden's survey the tenement is valued at 10l. per an.; by the Parliament's survey at 12l. 1s. 3d. above the old rent of 6s. 4d. As this tenement is a leasehold a particular must be made and the lease will be chargeable to pass. (d) Marginal note by [Deputy Auditor] J. Fisher. All these tenements in the above 6 petitions are certified to be none of Mr. Seymour's parcels.
July 31. Entry of Treasurer Southampton's subscription of a docquet of a lease to William Wrangham of two tenements in North Shields, co. Northumberland, parcel of the possessions of the late monastery of Tynemouth: for 26 years in reversion at 3s. per an. and 3l. per an. de incremento and fine of 20l. Ibid.
July 30. Reference from Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Sir Charles Berkeley and Sir Bernard Gascoigne, petitioners shewing that the tithes of all lands not lying in any parish do of right belong to the King; that petitioners have discovered that certain lands of the Great Level in the Fens as also in Lindsey Level, Bolingbroke Fen, Sir John Monson's Level and Mr. Thomas's Level are not in any parish nor ever anything answered to the King [in the way of tithe from them]; that petitioners will prosecute the King's title at their own charge and pay a moiety of the profits thereof to the King from the time of recovery thereof: therefore pray a grant thereof for 31 years. Ibid, p. 223.
Hereon Treasurer Southampton remarks: "I conceive some part of these tithes petitioned for are already granted, and others referred. And as I remember, the offer of these petitioners of reserving a moiety of the profits is more than was formerly reserved or offered."
July 29. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Capt. Thomas Chudleigh of the messuage or tenement with a garden thereto late in the tenure of Thomas Chudleigh and lying in a close called Castle Close and now called Bradninch within the circuit of the city of Exeter and near the castle of Exeter and pertaining to the said Castle. The present lease to be for 31 years from Lady day last at 5l. per an. rent payable to the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall. Stowe MS. 498, pp. 223–4.
Prefixing: (a) constat of the premises. (b) Ratal dated July 20 inst. thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, made upon the Lord Treasurer's warrant of Mar. 18 last according to a royal warrant of 1660, Aug. 8. It is certified by the Mayor and other persons of quality of the city of Exeter upon their survey of the premises in Feb. last that the premises were valued at 5l. per an. being then ruinous before that Capt. Chudleigh took it down to the ground, who is now rebuilding same at his great charge, whereby they conceive it will be worth 12l. per an. As Chudleigh has deserved very well of the King I advise a rent on terms as above.
July 17. Warrant by Treasurer Southampton for the observance and execution of an order as follows made by John, Earl of Bath, dated July 6, upon the paper of proposals, ut supra, p. 1594. Same is hereby to be observed that so, as soon as may be, things may be reduced to the old and regular form and meantime the King's [tin] farmers and revenue may receive no damage by what cannot be so soon brought back into the old course. Ibid, p. 224.
Prefixing: said order being in the form of a report to Treasurer Southampton. On the order of reference of July 2 inst. ut supra, ibid, of the petition of Christopher Bellot and Samuel Ennys, Farmers of the Coinage duty, I have advised with Mr. Napper, Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, concerning petitioners' desires for stamping the tin at the blowing houses whereby they may receive the duty thereon. And I conceive for the present they may, for the accommodation of the tinners, receive the said duty for such quantity and proportion of tin as shall be blown at or before the next Convocation of tinners for the county of Cornwall, they being answerable for the said duty and consenting thereto in case their lease shall determine. This I think may be granted if the farm be not fully concluded, With your Lordship's assistance I shall forthwith give order that the tinners shall hereafter provide themselves of such moulds and carriages as shall be fitting to cast their tin in and for the bringing it to the Coinage halls. Having received from the King a command for the summoning a Convocation of Tinners I shall speedily put same in execution for regulating the affairs of the Stannaries.
July 31. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the King's Remembrancer for a Commission to be issued to Edward Hide, William Willoughby and Mathew Bennet, esqrs., and — Bennet, Ephraim Westly and George Moore, gent., to enquire of the estate, both real and personal, in co. Wilts, of Edmund Ludlow, esq., attainted of high treason. Stowe MS. 498, p. 225.
Aug. 1. Reference from same to the Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas of the petition of William Oglethorpe: petitioner setting forth his services and sufferings and praying a grant of the King's moiety of the fines upon two judgments obtained in the Court of Common Pleas in Candlemas term last by Ralph Burton against Francis Bookey for 730l. and against Jo. Robinson for 620l. in the King's name for forestalling of cattle contrary to law, the moiety of which sums belong to the informer and has been levied by him, but the remaining moiety belongs to the King and is not yet levied. Ibid.
July 31. Entry of the subscription by Treasurer Southampton of the docquet of a demise to Thomas Loup of the land called Whitwell and the fishing of the water of Fordington et al. parcel of the manor of Fordington, ut supra, p. 1555. Ibid.
Aug. 1. Reference by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Sir John Marley and Sir Francis Anderson, kts., on behalf of the mayor, aldermen and inhabitants of Newcastle on Tyne, shewing that by patent of 1619, April 14, James I granted to Alexander Stephenson, esq., one of the Pages of the Bedchamber, all the old Castle of said town and the scite and herbage of said Castle as well within the walls as without with the rights, members and appurtenances etc. for 50 years at 50s. per an. rent: that the premises are come to the town by assignment [they therefore pray a fresh grant thereof]. Ibid, p. 226.
July 31. Warrant from same to same for a constat of the soil and ground of the park and chace of Kenilworth, co. Warwick, and of the Castle, Castle hill and late pool there which is dried up and of the scite of said castle with the tilt yards, courts, gardens, etc.: all in order to a lease thereof to the Earl of Monmouth for 31 years as directed by the King's sign manual: the said park, chace, castle and other lands being part of the Queen Mother's jointure, but the soil and ground of the same belonging to the King. Ibid.
Entry of signature by same of the docquet of a lease to John Lyne, gent., of a parcel of wood land, a coppice called Potters Park near Queenwood in Windsor Forest: for 31 years at 36s. per an. and fine of 10l. Ibid.
Reference by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Thomasin Pidsley, widow, and John Pidsley her son, of Bradninch, co. Devon, for two fresh lives in a tenement called Burnehayes in the manor of Bradninch, which tenement said Thomasin holds during her widowhood, the tenant in possession having the preference of pre-emption by the custom of the manor. Ibid, p. 227.
July 31. Warrant by Treasurer Southampton [based on an identical royal sign manual] to the Clerk of the Signet for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Rosse, esq. keeper of his Majesty's libraries, of an annuity or yearly pension of 200l. Stowe MS. 498, p. 227.
Same by same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Griffith Bowen of a water corn mill in Milton, co. Pembroke, and of a fulling mill ibid. now in decay, but formerly in the tenure of Sir John Perrot under the yearly rent of 26s.: the present lease to be for 31 years from Lady day last under the old rents of 10l. for the corn mill and 26s. 8d. for the fulling mill, payable to the Receiver of Crown Revenues in South Wales. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) particular of the premises, being parcel of the possessions of Katherine late Countess of Bridgwater by gift of the King for her life and formerly part of the possessions of Richard Griffith, esq. attainted of treason. (b) Ratal dated July 20 inst. by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of said particular.
Same to same from same for a lease to Roger Whitley, esq., of the Confraternity of Iveley, co. Chester, and of all donations, jurisdictions, profits of Court, Courts Leet and view of frankpledge, rents of assize called chief rents, excepting all great treat trees, wood etc.: the premises being part of the possessions of the late Preceptor of Iveley, co. Derby, and one time parcel of the possessions of the late Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England and being formerly demised to Robert Worrall by patent of 1635, April 22, for 21 years at 5l. 18s. 6d. per an. The present lease is to be for 31 years at the old rent and a fine of 10l. payable to the Receiver of Crown Revenues in co. Chester. Ibid, p. 228.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated July 12 inst. thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises are valued by the late Parliamentary survey at 13l. 15s. 0d. above the old rent, but I am informed it is not worth double the old rent. It is out of lease and said Whitley has deserved well of his Majesty.
Entry of signature by same of the docquet of a lease to Rowland White, esq. of the issues and profits of the Original Seal in cos. Carnarvon, Anglesea and Merioneth for 21 years in reversion after the death of the said Rowland: at a rental of 8l. per an. and 20s. de incremento. Ibid.