Appendix I: June 1661

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Appendix I: June 1661', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Appendix I: June 1661', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Appendix I: June 1661". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.


June 1661

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 5. Same from same to the Attorney General for a lease to John Ashburnham, one of the [Grooms of] the Bedchamber, of the fields called Ampthill Great Park in the parishes of Ampthill, Milbrook and Hoton, the fields called Brockborough [Brogborough] Park and the fields called Beckerings Park, near the parishes of Ridgemont, Stepingley, Lidlington and Milbrook, co. Beds; all reputed parcel of the Honor of Ampthill and part of the Queen Mother's jointure: all for 40 years at rents of 40l., 40l. and 20l. per an. or 100l. per an. in all. Ibid, pp. 139–40.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated June 4 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The present grant is in consideration of the surrender of a grant of the said Park made by the late King to Visct. Falkland, Sir Edward Nicholas and said Ashburnham for the security of the sum of 12,912l. and also in consideration of the sum of 5,000l. paid to the Queen for the interest of her jointure in the premises. Said Ashburnham is also to compound with Mr. Nicholls et al. who claim an interest in the custody and herbage of the said park by several grants under the great seal. All great trees and saplings like to prove timber are to be excepted out of the grant. The lessee to plant 30 young straight striking trees yearly.
Marginal note: insert the name of Lettice, Viscountess Falkland, in the place of Viscount Falkland.
June 5. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to George Glyn of a tenement in Tamerton, parcel of the manor of Boyton and now or late in the tenure of Thomas Vosper and of a tenement ibid. now or late in the tenure of Leonard Tome; being all parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall: [all as] formerly demised to Walter Duncanson 2 Car. II. for 31 years at 48s. per an. rent: the present lease to be for 99 years terminable on three lives, at a fine of. 160l. and rent of 48s. per an. and 18l. per an. de incremento. Stowe MS. 498, p. 139.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated May 20 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises are certified by Sir Richard Prideaux to contain 130 acres valued at 42l. per an. "This tenement being in hand by my Lord Treasurer's direction should not be granted for lives but for 31 years; yet Sir Richard Prideaux having certified the value and stated the fine for three lives and his Lordship having so directed me I have rated this particular accordingly."
Same to same for a lease to Nathaniel Fiennes, junr., of a parcel of wood or woodland in Bromeley [sic for Bromby] commonly called Princes Wood, containing 23 acres 14 perches and lying near the land of [said] Nathaniel Fiennes on the south called Frodingham Meer, parcel of the manor and soke of Kirton in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, being parcel of the possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall: and likewise of the coney warren near Bromby and Redbourne, with a lodge there which said warren extends east over the moors of Bromby, Frodingham, Eastmoor, Stunthorp and Ashby; being part of the abovesaid manor and soke. The present lease to be for 31 years at a fine of 100l. and rent of 25l. per an. Ibid, p. 142.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated Dec. 4 last thereof by the Surveyor General. According to my late survey the first parcel contains 16 acres valued at 30s. an acre for the vesture or crop of underwood now growing and 2s. an acre for the soil. But by the late Parliamentary survey it is found to be 23 acres 14 perches, valued at 5l. 18s. 6d. per an. above the old rent. My late survey puts the warren at 40l. per an. but the late Parliamentary survey puts it at 50l. per an. if 18 acres then in question should remain to it, or otherwise at 44l. per an.
June 4. Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the wood and wood grounds called Harwood Northheale, or North Healewood, South Healewood, Graynscombe Wood, Hawkesmore Wood and Killhaywood in Calstock, co. Cornwall, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, with a view to an extension of lease thereof to Edmond Fowell. Ibid, p. 143.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Fowell's petition for same, said petition being referred Dec. 8 last from the Lord Treasurer to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (b) Report dated Mar. 27 from said Surveyor General thereon. Petitioner wishes to compound for two lives in reversion of Alice his wife, late wife of John Conock, deceased. The premises contain 150 acres rented at 8l. 10s. 0d. according to Sir Richard Prideaux's survey but according to the late Parliamentary survey they comprise a messuage with one acre worth 6l. per an., four closes containing 12 acres, valued at 6l. per an. and the woods containing 249 acres, valued at 50l. 1s. 0d. or in all 62l. 1s. 0d. held under the old rent of 8l. 10s. 0d. by the lease of 1628, June 13, for three lives, of which the said Alice is now remaining. According to said Prideaux's survey the woods called Hawkesmore and Killhay are not held or claimed by petitioner.
June 5. Warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Richard Salter, gent., for 31 years of the Hundreds of Bradford North, Stottesden, Condover and Pimhill, co. Salop, with the office of steward and bailiff of the same and of the waifs and strays and the goods and chattels of felons, fugitives and outlawed persons and other fines, profits and privileges belonging to the said Hundreds: all at the rent of 13l. 3s. 4d. per an. and 6s. 8d. de incremento "with the usual clause of si quis plus dare voluerit." Stowe MS. 498, p. 144.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises (b) Ratal dated May 6 thereof by the Surveyor General. I think it fit to grant these Hundreds by way of custody in the Pipe, but not by lease, with a si quis alius plus dare voluerit as hath been used.
May 30. Reference by Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Francis Emmett, praying to add a fresh life in his copyhold tenement called Collegat in the manor of Landulph, parcel of the Duchy [of Cornwall]; which tenement he holds by the life of himself and Bridget his wife. Ibid.
June 5. Warrant from same to the Receiver General [the respective several Receivers General] of the One Month's Assessment for 70,000l. beginning from July 1 next. By the Act for said Assessment the Receivers General thereof are to pay their moneys into the Exchequer on or before Aug. 1. At the desire of the King, made known to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons [of the city of London the said city has] provided his Majesty with 60,000l. or thereabouts for the supply of his present occasions. For the security and repayment thereof with interest the King has by great seal transmitted the said 70,000l. to the said Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons and has been pleased that the said 70,000l. should be paid into the Chamber of the city to that use. You are therefore hereby to pay such moneys as you receive of the said 70,000l. to Sir Thomas Player Chamberlain of the city of London at the Guildhall, London, at such time as is limited by the said Act, there to be disposed of by the said Chamberlain as is appointed by the said great seal. The said Chamberlain's acquittance to you shall, when delivered into the Exchequer, be as effectual as if the said moneys had been actually paid into the Exchequer. Ibid, pp. 145–6.
Treasurer Southampton to the Commissioners for the above assessment. It does very much conduce to the accommodation of his Majesty's present affairs that the moneys thereof be presently and speedily paid in pursuance of the Act. You are therefore with all possible speed to meet together for the assessing, taxing and levying same that so the money thereof may be ready in such time as by the Act is limited. Ibid, p. 147.
June 5. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe, for a grant to Daniel Clarke, gent., during pleasure, of the office of Receiver of the Honor, lordship and manor of Berkhampstead, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, as formerly granted to Francis Wethered by patent of the late King Charles when Prince 1616–7, Mar. 18: with the fee of 3l. per an. Stowe MS. 498, p. 146.
Prefixing: (a) particular made out by Ja. Symes, in the absence of William Harbord, Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall. The rents and farms of the said manor in cos. Herts, Bucks and Northampton, besides casualties amount to 92l. 15s. 0½d. per an. (b) Ratal dated Mar. 25 last thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Clarke is recommended by the Earl of Portland and dwells at Berkhampstead.
April 11. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Richard Stroud, praying to be admitted tenant to divers lands and houses belonging to the Crown not yet discovered in Kent, Sussex and Surrey and now in the possession of persons who highly acted against the King. Ibid, p. 148.
May 31. Same from same to same of the petition of Elizabeth Rasker and Christian[a] White for fresh lives in (1) a tenement held by White in the manor of Fordington, co. Dorset, parcel of the Duchy [of Cornwall] at 22s. 2d. per an. old rent during her widowhood, (2) a tenement held by Rasker called a half place in said manor at 13s. 7d. per an. old rent. Ibid.
Same from same to same of the petition of William Miller, gent., for fresh lives in a tenement called a farthing hold in the said manor of Fordington, lately held by Robt. Phaire, now deceased, and in which Philip Phaire and Agnes Phaire have an estate by copy in reversion which petitioner has purchased and is become tenant. Ibid.
June 8. Order of allowance by the Lord Treasurer and the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the 60l. in money and the 29l. in wood to Benjamin Phipps as follow. Ibid, p. 149.
Prefixing: report dated June 3 inst. from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands on the petition of Benjamin Phipps ut supra, p. 1576. From my late survey of the lands and woods at Kenilworth I find petitioner is tenant of 240 acres of the Chase there valued at 120l. per an., of which I have abated a third in respect of the Earl of Monmouth's interest derived to petitioner and a fourth part of the remaining profits as pardoned to June 24 last, so I have charged him with 60l. as due to the King for the profits of the said land for the year ended Lady day last. Petitioner is also charged by said survey with 29l. for the value of timber felled by him before June 24 last and since seized for the King's use by my warrant "which I have not yet charged upon him, not knowing whether it be pardoned" by the Act of Oblivion. Petitioner's brother purchased the inheritance of said land, leaving it to petitioner charged with great debts. Petitioner deserves to have said 60l. discharged for his loyal services.
June 15. Entry of Treasurer Southampton's signature of the docquet of a demise to George Glyn, gent., of two tenements in Cornwall, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, for 99 years terminable on the lives of Philip Glyn, Arthur Arscott and Thomas Curtis; at rents of 48s. per an. and 18l per an. de incremento and fine of 160l. Stowe MS. 498, p. 149.
June 17. Warrant from same to Sir Robert Townsend, kt., to give speedy notice to Morice Lloyd, Frederick Wynne, Richard Edwards and Thomas Wynn that they are hereby to appear before Treasurer Southampton, they having been lately employed by an Exchequer Commission to find out the lands of John Jones, lately attainted of treason, but having taken upon themselves to enter into and disturb "the possession of the said lands of the said John Jones settled by Sir Robert Townsend, kt., by my order signified by Sir Charles Harbord, kt., his Majesty's Surveyor General, to whom the survey and care thereof properly appertaineth"; and likewise to answer all the profits of the said lands by them so received without authority. And all the tenants and occupiers of the said lands are hereby to conform themselves to the said order directed to the said Townsend. Ibid, p. 150.
The like order to William Whyte to give like notice to the abovesaid Lloyd, Wynn, Edwards and Wynn concerning their unauthorised disturbing the possession of the lands of the said John Jones "settled by William White, gent, by my order signified by Sir Charles Harbord": with the like notice to the tenants and occupiers. Ibid, pp. 150–1.
June 19. Entry of Treasurer Southampton's signature of the docquet of a demise to John Mainwaring and William Mainwaring at the nomination of Sir Thomas Mainwaring, bart., of all fines on ahenations both of old and new lands and of copyholds within the manor of Macclesfield, co. Chester: to hold in reversion after the death of said Sir Thomas Mainwaring at rents of 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. and 3l. 6s. 8d. per an. de incremento after his said death and fine of 50l. Ibid, p. 151.
June 17. Warrant from same to Forster Pleasaunce, messenger extraordinary for the counties of Northumberland, bishopric of Durham and archdeaconry of Richmond, to levy by distraint from the tenants named in the schedules [missing] made out by the respective Receivers the rents, tenths, pensions, portions, fines, amerciaments, heriots, reliefs, respites of homage and arrears of rents and profits [within the abovesaid districts] which stand charged before the Auditor of the Exchequer as due to the King: or failing sufficient distress then to arrest the persons. Ibid, p. 152.
June 19. Same from same to _ to deliver forthwith into the office of the King's Remembrancer a perfect book of your receipts and payments as one of the Treasurers (under a pretended ordinance of Parliament) of moneys raised by the sale of prize goods: the King's proclamation of Mar. 20 last having required you to deliver in an accompt thereof before the end of Easter term last which you have not yet done. Ibid, p. 153.
June 19. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to Clement Oxenbridge, late Comptroller of the Prize Office, to forthwith deliver into the King's Remembrancer's Office your books of controlment of the receipts and payments of the abovesaid Treasurers for Prize Goods in accordance with the abovesaid proclamation. Stowe MS. 498, p. 153.
June 17. Same from same to Sir Thomas Fanshaw, the King's Remembrancer, and to John Osborne, esq., the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, to supersede, till further order, all process on the bond or debt of 1,050l. arrears of a rent of 100l. per an. reserved to the Crown out of the forests of Shotover and Stowood, co. Oxford, upon a lease dated 1637, Mar. 30, thereof to Richard Powell, now deceased, process having lately issued out of the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office thereon, whereby the manor of Forest Hill, co. Oxford, being the lands late of the said Powell, is seized upon; but it appearing upon the plea of Ann Powell, his relict, which is yet depending in the Exchequer Court [that] in discharge of the said debt and rent a bond has been given by Richard and John Powell, son of the said Richard Powell, to stand to the judgment of the said Court upon the said Ann Powell's bill in equity and the said Ann having petitioned the King and obtained a reference thereon. Ibid, p. 154.
Appending: statement of opinion by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands that the abovesaid order is just, as Powell made no benefit of his lease since 1642, and but little before "and the said forest being now under an improvement and a new rent to be raised for his Majesty's service."
June 19. Allowance by same of the cravings of the undersheriffs of Cumberland, they having been certified by the Barons of the Exchequer as allowable, viz. 13l. 6s. 8d. and also 41l. 14s. 0d. for fees paid to the officers of the Exchequer in 1659. Ibid, p. 155.
Reference by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Thomas Jackson for a lease of certain cottages and lands in Rotherham, co. Yorks, as by a reference thereof from the King of May 22 last. Ibid.
June 20. Warrant from same to same to give order to the steward of the manor of Bradninch, co. Devon, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, to grant an estate therein as follows. Ibid, pp. 155–6.
Prefixing: (a) petition from Samuel Sainthill, son and heir of Peter Sainthill, deceased, shewing that his said father had a grant from his Majesty, as Prince, of some estates in certain copyhold tenements in said manor, but same could not be granted by reason of the long intermission of courts etc. ut supra, p. 1535. (b) Report dated May 25 last from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands thereon. The said grant was made in June, 1648, for the lives of Dorothy, petitioner's mother, and petitioner himself, "so soon as the same could be done." The custom of the manor warrants five lives. It is reasonable that same be made good to petitioner.
June 19. Same from same to Sir Edmund Sawyer, Auditor of Kent, for a particular of the bailiwick of the lordship of Wingham, co. Kent [with a view to a grant thereof to Rich. Morton]. Ibid, p. 156.
June 19. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to Sir Edmund Sawyer, Auditor of Kent, for a like particular of the stewardship of said lordship [with a view to a grant thereof to John Boys]. Stowe MS. 498, p. 156.
Order by same for Mr. Villers to attend the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer concerning his petition as below and his claim (as housekeeper of Richmond House) to the advantage of these buildings. Ibid, pp. 156–7.
Prefixing: (a) petition to the King from Joane West for a lease of some outhouses purchased by her husband, being part of Richmond [Palace or] House, whereon petitioner laid out 500l. in repairs besides the 260l. purchase money: said petition being referred Aug. 7 [by the King] to the Treasury Lords and Sept. 19 last by Treasurer Southampton to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (b) Report by the latter dated Nov. 5 last thereon. I find by a view that the said houses contain a tenement or parcel of building of two stories, part brick, part timber, 64 feet long and 17 feet wide, being late the flesh larder and other offices adjoining within his Majesty's late house at Richmond with a little yard 18 feet by 16 feet now in petitioner's possession and valued at 7l. per an.; and another tenement adjoining, part brick, part timber, 52 feet by 26 feet, late part of the pastry and other offices there, with a yard or garden plot northwards 74 feet by 42 feet walled in, and part of the great orchard southward, containing 1 acre 3 roods 17 perches enclosed also with brick walls and a brick stable lately built 20 feet by 16 feet: all valued at 26l. per an. which she has been at great charges in repairing. At a rental of 13l. 10s. 0d. per an. being half the value a lease for 31 years would be worth a fine of 100l.
June 22. Same by same upon the petition of Charles, Lord Gerard of Brandon, for a grant for 31 years of divers encroachments made upon the King's forests and wastes in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, Gloucester, Oxford, Hampshire and Berks. "His Majesty hath commanded that all business of this nature shall for some time be suspended; which he lately did upon a like petition of the Earl of Strafford." Ibid, p. 157.
[?] Reference from same to the Auditor concerned of the petition of said Charles, Lord Gerard, for the place of steward of the manor of Newcastle, void by death. Ibid.
June 19. Order from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to survey (with the help of Mr. Treswell, surveyor thereof) certain woods in Salcey Forest in cos. Northampton and Bucks. Ibid.
Prefixing: petition of Sir Kenelm Digby, shewing that said woods were let in 14 James I. to Richard More for 21 years at 130l. per an.; that said lease is expired and the woods much wasted and therefore praying a lease thereof for 31 years.
June 20. Warrant from same to same for a constat of the herbage and ditches of the Castle of Exeter with a view to a lease thereof [to Malachy Pyne]. Ibid, p. 158.
Prefixing: (a) petition from said Pyne shewing that the late King as Prince demised the said herbage and the land thereof and the ditches of the said castle to John Mules, who assigned part thereof called the Castle Meadow, containing about one acre, to Christofer Mainwaring, who planted same with fruit trees as it adjoined his house in Exeter and bestowed much cost in arbours and walks for ornamentation of his house; that afterwards said house being purchased by the Earl of Donegal he sold same to petitioner, who engaged it till one John Rooke and Capt. Awbury by colour of a purchase from the Trustees for sale of Crown Lands, brake in violently through the wall and outed petitioner: therefore prays to be restored to the possession under said lease or for a new lease on surrender. (b) Report dated May 30 last thereon from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The Mayor and Aldermen of Exeter certify that Thomas Ford, deceased, was in his lifetime possessed of the orchard containing half an acre and 20 yards by a lease terminable on the lives of Philip, Thomas and John Bigilston until the late purchase thereof by John Rooke from the late pretended Trustees at Worcester House and that Malachy Pyne, merchant, or Mris. Ford as widow to said Ford claims an interest and privilege of pre-emption of said orchard as being former tenant under the late King's lease to said Ford "and your Lordship hath commanded me to take care that the purchaser be not preferred before the last tenant under the Crown." The orchard is valued by Sir Richard Prideaux at 50s. per an. and by the Mayor and Aldermen at 3l. per an.
June 20. Treasurer Southampton to the Dean and Chapter of Winchester. Having formerly recommended to you an interest and concern of my nephew Wallop in a lease of Which Church [Whitchurch] farm held of your church, and found those respects from you which shall tie me to make you a return when I have any opportunity, I desire you to perfect your agreement with him and admit him your tenant. Stowe MS. 498, p. 158.
May 25. Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to John Allison of the office of bailiff of the manor and lordship of Hemel-Hempstead, Bovingdon and Flaunden, co. Herts, parcel of the possessions of the late Queen Elizabeth before her accession and late parcel of the possessions of the late King as Prince. Ibid, p. 159.
Prefixing: Auditor's particular of said office.
l. s. d.
the charge of William Finch as bailiff of the manor and lordship of Hemel-Hempstead (except casualties) per ann. 191 2
the salary of the said Finch 6 6 8
May 24. Same from same to same for a grant to William Greene of the office of bailiff and collector of the rents etc. of the manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments in co. Leicester, parcel of the possessions of the late colleges, chantries, chapels, guilds and also collector of the rents of divers tenements and hereditaments in several towns in the said county, parcel of the possessions of the late monastery or Priory of Launde in said county. Ibid, pp. 159–60.
Prefixing: Auditor's particular of said office.
l. s. d.
the charge of William Green as bailiff and collector of the above 30 10
(the rents lie dispersed through the major part of the county).
salry of the said bailiff as allowed by the late King 4 13 4
June 17. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to Auditor Sir Joseph Seymour for a particular of the office of collector of the rents and farms belonging to the several late monasteries or priories of Wombridge, Wigmore, Lilleshall, Haghmond, Baschurch, Titley and Idsall, Wenlock, Deuxhill, the foreign monasteries and the chantry rents in co. Salop. Stowe MS. 498, p. 160.
June 19. Order by same upon the petition as follows from the Earl of Ossory, Lord Muskerry, Lord Belasyse and Sir George Hamilton, farmers of the 10,000 acres of land belonging to the King in the Great Level of the Fens. "As for Mr. Underwood's proportion his lease was granted him with the petitioners' knowledge in respect of his service in the level and his building and planting and having purchased and the son's marriage with the Lord Hopton's niece and his own good affection to the King's service and to quiet even the lease of the petitioners. And so all the abatement out of the petitioners' rent they can expect is as much as Mr. Underwood pays and no more. The lease made to Sir George Downing I know nothing of nor can think fit to make other abatement than in the former case." Ibid, pp. 160–1.
Prefixing: said petition shewing that said Downing stands possessed of 218½ acres in Sawtry Fen near Stilton, co. Hunt., and said Underwood stands possessed of 1,150 acres in North Fen and Flagg Fen in the Isle of Ely, being parcel of the 10,000 acres granted to petitioners for 31 years under the rent of 1,500l. per an.; the King having declared his pleasure that said lands being of the best of the level and worth 800l. per an. should be enjoyed by them notwithstanding the grant to petitioner: therefore pray an abatement of 500l. a year out of their rent: said petition being referred to Treasurer Southampton May 31 last.
June 22. Same by same on the petition of Thomas Hart, undersheriff of Berks, for the year ended 1660, Sept. 29, on behalf of himself and all the undersheriffs of England for that year unanimously: petitioner shewing that the sheriffs which ended in 1659 petitioned in Oct. last for some way to be appointed for allowance of their disbursements, which matter was referred to Baron Atkins and Baron Turner: that petitioners are ready to pass their accounts and pay what is due to the King [but] are [still] to seek how to obtain such allowances for necessary disbursements in the time of their office, such allowances having been always given upon the accompts of the preceding sheriffs: therefore pray a reference to Barons Atkins and Turner "considering they demand nothing to be allowed for fees paid to the officers of the Exchequer in passing their accounts nor for aprehending of felons, both which were in the former petition." Ibid, p. 161.
Hereon Treasurer Southampton orders. "I understand the old course was that the Justice of Assize that did ride the circuit allowed the bills; and I think it best the same way be again pursued because they knowing the service may best proportion the allowance."
June 22. Reference from Treasurer Southampton to the Attorney General and the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of John Boreel praying a lease of the manor of Beaumanor, co. Leicester, of which a lease was granted by Queen Elizabeth, which is long expired and the premises detained from the King by Sir William Herrick, who now possesses it under a false pretence of his own: petitioner's father having been promised great rewards by the King for services in the late troubles. Stowe MS. 498, p. 162.
Recommendation from same to the Barons of the Exchequer of the petition of William Louther as follows, with direction to the Attorney General to proceed therein accordingly. Ibid.
Prefixing: said petition, shewing that in Dec. last a previous petition was referred to Treasurer Southampton, but mislaid, and petitioner upon the dissolution of Parliament repairing into the country no further progress was made therein but returning to serve again in Parliament be finds another petition from another person for a grant of the same moneys being moneys remaining in the hands of Mr. Perchay or his agents, and received in part of bonds so unjustly seized, the payment whereof will ease the gentlemen bound of so much (as in justice they ought having engaged for the same for the late King's service) [and therefore praying] that the money due by those persons in whose hands it's found may be by the course of the Exchequer recovered and same paid to petitioner to whom they belong, to be received by him as part of his bond "which otherwise he must recover from those noble gent. who paid it for the King and will re-demand it again of his Majesty and so his Majesty pay the same money double in case he grant it to any other person as a suite."
June 25. Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Lang of a tenement in Boyton, co. Cornwall, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall and in the tenure of Peter Bawden, formerly demised to Thomas Gewen for 99 years, terminable on the lives of Christopher Gewen and Thomas Gewen, his sons, and Maria Gewen, his daughter. The present lease to be for 31 years at a fine of 50l. and under the old rent of 10s. 5d. per an. and 4l. 13s. 4d. per an. de incremento. Ibid, p. 163.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated May 21 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises are certified by Sir Richard Prideaux to contain 24 acres valued at 11l. per an. This tenement being in hand should by the Lord Treasurer's direction not be granted for lives but for 31 years, but Sir R. Prideaux has certified the value and stated the fine for three lives.
June 26. Same from same to same for a lease to Edmund Fowell of the woods called Hyrewood alias Harewood, North Helewood, South Helewood, Grymscombwood, and Castlewood with the messuage lately built upon Harewood: the said premises being (together with Hawksmore and Kelley alias Kithay [Kilhay] wood) in the manor of Calstock, co. Cornwall, and parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall: the present lease to be for 99 years or three lives in reversion of the life of Alice, wife to said Fowell (late wife to John Connock, deceased) at the old rent of 8l. 10s. per an. and 12l. per an. de incremento and fine of 110l. Ibid, p. 164.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the abovesaid premises and also of the water of Tamar running within the said manor. (b) Ratal dated June 17 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The woods called Hawksmore and Kelley alias Kilhay and the water of Tamar are not held or claimed by Fowell but are desired to be omitted out of his new grant.
June 26. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Rowland White of the issues and profits of the Original Seal with the Pre-fines in the counties of Carnarvon, Anglesea and Merioneth, parcel of the Principality of North Wales and in charge before the Chamberlain there, except all the fines called Post-fines and all other fines usually [accounted for] in the accounts of the sheriffs of said counties: all as demised 1639, June 20, to Rowland White and Henry White and Richard [sic for Rowland, junr., the petitioner herein] White, sons of the said Rowland at 8l. per an. rent. The present grant is to be at 8l. per an. rent and 20s. per an. de incremento and to be for 21 years in reversion of his own life. Stowe MS. 498, p. 165.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises. (b) Ratal dated June 6 thereof by the Surveyor General. The premises were demised in 4 James I. to Rowland White, deceased, at 4l. 13s. 4d. per an., 32s. per an. de incremento and fine of 10l. The petitioner is to do no act to defraud or deceive the King of the benefit of the Post-fines which are excepted out of this lease. As the premises are not subject to distress, security must be given for payment of the rent.
June 25. Same from same to the Attorney General for a lease to Sir John Mennes and Mr. Phillipps, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, of the soil of the manor of Cannington, co. Somerset, with the appurtenances as granted by Hy. VIII. to Edward Rogers in tail: the present grant to be for 31 years in reversion from the failer of the said estate tail and at the rent of 100l. and one-third of the casual fines that shall arise upon the copyholds. Ibid, p. 166.
Prefixing: royal warrant dated April 9 last to Treasurer Southampton for said lease.
June 22. Order from same to William Greenhill, John Pocock, John Randall and Richard Hutchinson, Treasurers for sick and maimed soldiers under a pretended ordinance of 1643, Nov. 1, to forthwith deliver into the office of the King's Remembrancer an account of your receipts and disbursements under said ordinance, it appearing by the accompts of the Treasurers [at war] at Goldsmiths Hall that you have received great sums of money thereunder taxed upon several counties in this kingdom and have not delivered in your account thereof as required by the King's proclamation. Ibid.
June 22. Order from Treasurer Southampton to Maurice Thompson to similarly deliver in an accompt of your receipts and disbursements as Treasurer or Receiver under a pretended ordinance of 1647–8, Feb. 16, for raising 20,000l. per month for six months for the relief of Ireland, as also as Treasurer thereof ("by some other pretended ordinance") and of divers other sums for the service of the kingdom of Ireland: for which you have not brought in your accompt. Stowe MS. 498, p. 167.
Warrant from same to John Weston, one of the Messengers of the Chamber, to arrest John Sparrow, Richard Blackwall and Humphry Blake, Treasurers for Prize Goods under pretended ordinances of Parliament: they having neglected to bring in their accounts in obedience to Treasurer Southampton's account of Feb. 14 last and the King's proclamation of Mar. 20 last, which commanded all accomptants of moneys excepted under the Act of Oblivion to bring in their accompts thereof to the King's Remembrancer's Office before the end of Easter term last. Ibid.
June 25. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William Cooke, shewing that in 17 Car. I. the King granted him the keepership of the forest of Finckley, co. Southampton, with the profits thereof for life, which he enjoyed quietly nearly 17 years until dispossessed by Richard Cromwell and by him kept out by violence, but having obtained an order at law for his restoration [now finds that] the King has disposed said forest to the Duke of Albemarle, who has let same to make a farm without consideration of petitioner's title and although "according to former practice satisfaction hath been given [by petitioner to the commoners etc.] upon dis-afforestation." Therefore prays consideration hereof: said petition being referred from the King May 28 last. Ibid, p. 168.
June 22. Treasurer Southampton to the Attorney General to observe a royal warrant dated the 6th inst. for a grant to Edward, Earl of Sandwich, of all those fen grounds, shares and lots of fen grounds called Moorehall (Morehall) being part of the Londoners' lot lying within the towns etc. of Well or Welney, co. Norfolk, late the fen grounds, share or lot of fen grounds of Sir Lewes Tresham of Liveden, bart., or of Sir William his son. "I [Treasurer Southampton] have no exceptions thereto as it concerns the Crown, in respect I know his Majesty's pleasure therein; only I pray you to foresee that the King grant not that as in himself which by some former grants from the Treshams is vested in some private persons." Ibid.
Appending: said royal warrant to the Attorney General.
June 25. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Anne Stuart, Lady Saltoun, baroness dowager (as referred from the King the 14th inst.): petitioner shewing her sufferings by the gift of the wardship of her son Lord Saltoun, when not three years of age, their whole lands and estate of above 5,000l. per an. being withheld by the indirect practices of the guardian for many years; in consideration whereof Charles I. granted petitioner the moiety of the discovery and recovering of divers rents, arrears and reliefs out of several lordships and manors; in pursuance whereof she has discovered and ascertained by commissions, writs and otherwise many rents and considerable sums due to the Crown, but since the beginning of these [late] troubles they were disposed of by the usurped powers and so petitioner's moiety lost: therefore prays to be admitted tenant for 60 years of a parcel of ground in Sussex granted by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Thomas Seckfield at 70l. 1s. 8d. per an. for a term long expired which petitioner has discovered to be withheld from the Crown; together with a parcel of ground called the Park, long since disparked, formerly granted at 6l. per an.; and the manor of Thwing, co. Yorks, granted by James I. to several persons at 50l. per an. for terms of years long since expired; and 3½ acres of waste ground in co. Midd., with some small cottages formerly granted at 5s. per an. rent. Petitioner will pay double the rents reserved. Ibid, p. 169.
June 24. Warrant by Treasurer Southampton for the disposing of timber as follows. The custody of the late estate of Adrian Scroope, attainted of treason, was committed to Thomas Stoner of Stonor, co. Oxford, esq., by warrant of Nov. 30 last from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands in accordance with the King's order of Nov. 24 last. Stoner took possession and certified the Lord Treasurer his proceedings therein mentioning certain drawing woods late the said Scroope's and fit to be cut. Whereupon by warrant from Treasurer Southampton the Surveyor General ordered, Jan. 19 last, all such of said woods as were then fit to be drawn to be felled by said Stoner, he accounting for same before the end of next Michaelmas term. Thomas Scroope, son of the said traitor, by colour of a private warrant from the King has seized part of the said wood and interrupted Stoner. The said Stoner is hereby to proceed in sale of said wood and said Scroope is not to molest him. Stowe MS. 498, pp. 169–70.
June 27. Same from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Chislet, gent., of the coal mine in co. Westmorland, in a place called Le Fell, in the lordship of Casterton, known by the name of Casterton Fell: the present lease to be for 31 years at a rent of 3l. per an. Ibid, pp. 170–1.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular. (b) Ratal dated May 9 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises seem to have been long out of lease and belong to the Crown.
June 22. Same from same for John Stamforth, one of the Messengers of the Chamber, to collect the rents and arrears thereof in co. Yorks ut supra, p. 1581, in the case of Forster Pleasaunce. Ibid, p. 171.
June 27. Reference from same to the Commissioners of the Duke of York of the petition of George Fairefax, gent., son of William Fairfax, Doctor in Divinity, deceased, praying a grant of a debt of 200l. lent out of the estate of Nicholas Love: said petition being referred from the King Dec. 13 last. Ibid.
June 27. Allowance by Treasurer Southampton of 15l. in the account of William Gore, sheriff of co. Oxford, for the year ending Michaelmas last [for his charges] at the assizes: for which he craves 21l. 13s. 0d., but Baron Chr. Turnor having allowed only said 15l. thereof. Stowe MS. 498, p. 171.
Warrant by same to John Wickham, one of the Messengers of the Chamber, to arrest all the persons as in a schedule hereto [missing] being masters and owners of blowing houses for tin in Devon and Cornwall; they having been by several warrants heretofore required to keep exact accompts of all tin blown or taken away out of the said houses whereof the duty was unpaid since June 24 last to Dec. 25 following, as also [being required] to take security and receive the coinage duty of 4s. per hundred [weight] anciently paid and of right belonging to the King and to pay same to John Catcher, gent., thereby authorised to receive the same whereby it might be paid to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall and by him issued forth for the payment of the garrisons of Scilly and Pendennis: all which the said masters etc. herein have wholly neglected and contemned whereby the King may be defrauded and the said garrisons remain unpaid. Ibid, p. 172.
June 26. Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of the Earl of Anglesea as by a reference dated June 20 inst. thereof from the King: petitioner shewing that the barony and manor of Sherburn, co. Yorks, and divers lands adjoining thereto have been concealed from the Crown and praying a grant thereof under a fee farm rent. Ibid.
June 27. [Treasurer Southampton's allowance of the following] bills of sheriffs' cravings for the year ended 1659, Sept. 29. Ibid, p. 173.
l. s. d.
co. Dorset: John Strode, sheriff, for common allowances for the goal 30 0 0
for officers' fees 41 13 6
co. Westmorland: Ann, Countess Dowager of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery, sheriff.
for common allowances 15 0 0
for officers' fees 27 7 4
co. Monmouth. Charles Van, esq., sheriff.
for common allowances 20 0 0
for officers' fees 29 1 8
co. Durham: John Ellison, esq., sheriff.
for common allowances 25 0 0
for officers' fees 28 18 2
for felons' apprehending 40 0 0
June 28. Warrant from same [to the Clerk of the Pipe] for a lease to Godfry Ellis of premises as follow with the tithes thereof: all for 31 years at 17l. 10s. 0d. per an. rent and fine of 10l. Ibid, pp. 173–4.
Prefixing: (a) Auditor's particular of the premises viz. a parcel of land lying outside the wall of the King's Castle of Gloucester and within the precincts and circuit of the said castle near the river Severn and commonly called Castle Garden or Castle Orchard, containing two acres: the messuage or mansion house lately built by Godfry Ellis in the said garden or orchard: two tenements situate near the said mansion house: a limekiln [ibid.]: a small tenement with a garden thereto now in the tenure of Richard Baker, parcel of the said garden: several pieces of ground called Le Barbican Hall etc. (b) Ratal dated May 14 thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. A certain rent of 20 marks per an. issuing out of the castle meadow belonging to the said castle payable to the constable of the castle and claimed by the present constable there, and all other profits belonging to the said office of constable (other than the abovesaid particulars) are to be excepted out of this lease. Marginal note: the words in italics are thought best to be omitted "so the constable may not claim the same which he enjoyeth not."
June 27. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to [? Ellen Glynn, widow] of the lands of John Parry of Carnarvon, esq., outlawed at the suit of said Ellen Glynn [in] 1657: at a rent of 14s. 6d. and fine of 29s.; said estate being worth 87l. 10s. 0d. per an. Stowe MS. 498, p. 175.
[?] Reference from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Col. Phillip Frowde for a lease of a piece of ground near adjoining the Tower of London, with divers tenements built thereon; which premises are detained from the Crown; said petition being referred from the King April 1 last. Ibid.
June 22. Same from same to the Attorney General and the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Sir William Godbold, proposing something "to the great increase of his Majesty's yearly and constant revenue to many thousands [of £] which he prays short leave and time to make appear": prays a third part of the said certain increase which without much difficulty may be made. The referees are to see whether his propositions are reasonable and suitable to the laws. Ibid.
Same from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of John Seymer, esq., for a lease of several parcels of land called St. Johns Wood in Middlesex, same being in the King's dispose: said petition being referred from the King the 15th inst. "I [Treasurer Southampton] have sent many petitions to Sir Charles Harbord concerning this particular and therefore let the petitioner likewise attend him." Ibid, p. 176.
June 29. Entry of Treasurer Southampton's signature of the docquet of a demise to Edmund Fowell of the woods, underwoods and woodlands called by the several names of Hirewood alias Harewood, North Helewood, South Helewood, Grymscomb wood and Castlewood for 99 years terminable on the lives of Alice Connock, John Fowell and Henry Fowell, sons of the said Edmund Fowell: at yearly rents of 8l. 10s. 0d. and 12l. de incremento and fine of 110l. Ibid.
Allowance by same of 16l. in the account of Oliver Pleydall as sheriff of Berks for the year ending 1660, Sept. 29: the said sum being allowed by Baron Turner on his cravings of 30l. 12s. 6d. for said sheriff's charges at the assizes. Ibid.
June 29. Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to John Wickham, one of the Messengers of the Chamber, to collect the arrears of rents in Mr. Napper's receipt of the Duchy of Cornwall. Stowe MS. 498, p. 178.
Order by same to Richard Waring, late one of the Treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall, to deliver to Auditors Sir E. Sawyer and John Phelips the accounts of moneys received by him, together with Michael Herring, under several pretended Ordinances of Parliament, viz., for 21,000l. per month for four months, for 21,000l. per month for another four months, and of divers sums raised by way of loan and otherwise for the Scotch affairs, "for which you have as yet made no accompt according to the course of his Majesty's Exchequer." Ibid.
Same from same to William Leman, late Treasurer for the Eastern Association, to deliver into the Office of the King's Remembrancer an account of all receipts and disbursements as Treasurer of said Association under several pretended Ordinances of Parliament for raising moneys by way of tax and otherwise for said Association. Ibid, p. 177.
Warrant from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manor and parks of Rudfen, co. Warwick, to Elizabeth, Mary and Martha Carey, daughters of Henry, Earl of Monmouth, deceased, as in reversion of said Earl at a rent of 200l. per an. and fine of 400l.; said fine having been reduced from 800l. by the King on the petition of said ladies. Ibid.
Allowance by same of 35l. in the account of Henry Benson, sheriff of co. Northampton, for the year ended 1660, Sept. 29, his cravings for said sum being allowed in full by Baron [Sir] Edw. Atkins. Ibid, p. 178.
Same by same of 26l. 10s. 0d. in the account of George Fawnt, sheriff of Leicester, for the same year; said sum being allowed by said Baron Atkins on said sheriff's cravings of 52l. 14s. 4d. Ibid.