Entry Book: July 1684, 21-25

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: July 1684, 21-25', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1237-1252 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1684, 21-25', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1237-1252.

"Entry Book: July 1684, 21-25". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1237-1252.


July 1684

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 21. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the patent of Thomas Addison as searcher of Carlisle port, he having committed several frauds in the execution of his said office. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 350.
Two separate royal sign manuals for respectively 314l. 7s. 6d. and 371l. 9s. 0d. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of June 30 last. (Two separate money warrants dated July 22 hereon. Two separate money orders dated respectively July 22 and 23 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 350, 351. Money Book V, pp. 9, 10. Order Book XXXIX, pp. 169, 171.
July 22. Treasury reference to Sir Robert Sawyer, Attorney General, of the draft privy seal relating to Lord Jermyn and of the report thereon made by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands: see supra, p. 1172. Reference Book II, p. 17.
Treasury allowance of the 1684, June 24 quarter's salary bill of the Customs, London port (except such patent officers as are paid by particular warrant). (Total, 5,697l. 1s. 8d., being 5,568l. 14s. 11d. for established salaries and 128l. 6s. 9d. for additional salaries.) Money Book IV, p. 449.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir John Lowther, bart., with the report thereon as follows. Reference Book II, pp. 49–50.
Prefixing: (a) said petition to the King, shewing that the port of Whitehaven in Cumberland from a mean and inconsiderable place has been advanced to a town of good commerce by the industry and great charges of petitioner and his ancestors, the harbour and soil being petitioner's inheritance; that from the first improvement of trade there petitioner and his ancestors have received some small voluntary allowance from the ships and vessels resorting thither; that said voluntary allowance is uncertain and insufficient for the maintenance of the harbour and pier and the trade so happily begun is in danger to be lost unless the King establish such certain rates or toll upon all ships and vessels using same [as] may be necessary for the preservation thereof, the enlarging the pier there having lately cost petitioner 500l. Therefore prays a grant of such certain, reasonable rates or toll.
(b) Reference dated Windsor, June 2 last, from the King to the Attorney General of said petition.
(c) Report dated June 28 last from Sir R. Sawyer, Attorney General, thereon. The pier was erected by petitioner's ancestor and repaired and enlarged by petitioner at great expense. The continuance thereof is of public benefit. I am of opinion your Majesty may lay a reasonable imposition for the necessary maintenance of the pier. A penny a ton is proposed as but sufficient to do it upon all ships that load or unload there, "which if granted in lieu of all anchorage, keelage and all other port duties, and [if] the grantee and his heirs [be] obliged to expend the same only to the use of the pier and harbour and not to any private use, I conceive the grant will be lawful and beneficial to the public."
(d) Reference dated Windsor, July 7 inst., from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition and report.
July 22. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Holford, gent., for employment as jerquer, landwaiter or deputy searcher London port, his relations having been great sufferers for the late King. Reference Book II, p. 50.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the first account of Sir Denny Ashburnham and partners of the victualling of Tangier, viz. from 1677, Oct. 1, to 1678, Sept. 30, "whereon there is due to them 2,058l. 0s. 8d."; said account having been sent to the Treasury Lords the 2nd inst. by the Lords of the Committee for Tangier. Ibid, p. 52.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Daniel Foord (who has served as Surveyor General in the outports and land surveyor in London port for many years) praying the place of examiner of outport books now void by the death of Joseph Dawson. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Charles Frith, late Commissary of the King's provision stores in Tangier, praying a place in the Excise or Hearthmoney, having been in the service in Tangier for many years under Alderman Sturt, and being now out of all employment by the loss of his place in Tangier. The Treasury Lords recommend him, having a very good character of him. Ibid, p. 53.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor of the Works, of the reference from the Privy Council concerning John Miles's debt of 129l. 5s. 8d. for carrying timber, bricks and other necessaries for the new buildings at Hampton Court about 15 years since "the King taking notice of the said Miles's necessity and hardness of his case." Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Monsieur du Fresne, proposing as a fit place for his salt works to have a grant of such lands as he shall recover from the sea by stopping a breach near Hellen's Point in the Isle of Wight. Ibid, p. 54.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thom. Hobson, of Bristol, gent., shewing that from the Restoration he was keeper of the gaol of Newgate in Bristol until the laws were commanded to be put in execution against Dissenting and Non-conforming ministers, who, finding no way to corrupt petitioner in the discharge of his office, never left till they had him turned out for no other reason save that he took care in his place to see obedience paid to the King's laws and commands. On April 4 last obtained a reference from the King on a petition for a place in the Customs. Prays the first vacant place. Ibid.
July 22. Treasury reference to Richard Graham and Philip Burton of the petition of William Petre, shewing that for his great sufferings for his religion he had a favourable reference from the King on a previous petition in which petitioner prayed a moiety of two annuities of 40l. per an. each out of petitioner's estate [payable] to his younger brothers Richard and Robert who, becoming Popish priests, had both forfeited the same: that there have been several proceedings in the cause and that now at length there is a decree in the Exchequer for the King for the said two 40l. per an. and the arrears thereof. Therefore prays a grant of the moiety of said annuities and arrears thereof. Reference Book II, p. 55.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Thomas Saunders for a fresh lease of the scite of a manor of Shippon called Calcott's place, co. Berks, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, of which he had a new lease 1681–2, Mar. 4, for 99 years, terminable on the lives of George Saunders, his son, and Elizabeth his daughter, for which lease he paid 120l. fine, but both the said children are since dead. Ibid, p. 60.
Henry Guy to Mr. Benyon, Comptroller of the Great Wardrobe, to hasten the present which Mr. Erlisman is to carry to Algiers. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 388.
Same to Sir Dennis Gauden to forthwith make up all his Victualling accounts and to carry them to the auditors. Ibid, p. 389.
Same to Mr. Fox to advance 250l. to Col. Trelawny to buy belts and other necessaries for the soldiers of his Regiment. The said sum is to be deducted out of the off-reckonings and not out of the subsistence money. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harbord to report on the enclosed warrant [missing] for a privy seal for 800l. per an. [to _] out of fines and increased rents in the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hewer to make no payment to James Gorman, alderman of Tangier, till directions from the Treasury Lords herein, the Countess Dowager of Middleton having represented to my Lords that he is indebted 324l. 18s. 0d. to her and having desired to be heard before any money be paid to him. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the following papers which the Treasury Lords have received out of Ireland and which they look upon to be of very great importance to his Majesty's service. (Letter repeated on July 25.) Ibid, p. 390.
Appending: note of said papers, viz. a letter from the [Revenue] Commissioners, Ireland, dated July 9 inst. to the Treasury Lords: a quere concerning informations upon seizures by virtue of the Acts of Tonnage and Poundage and New Impost in Ireland: the plea of Tyther at the suit of Massey.
Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer. You are to be joined with Mr. [Auditor] Aldworth in the examination of Alderman Sturt's accounts and are to forthwith apply yourself to the same. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 390.
Same to Sir Richard May, steward of New Forest, to bring in to Mr. Crisp, the Common Serjeant of London, all the claims of fuel wood and other estovers in New Forest which you have ready to produce, to the end he may inspect same in order to report to the Treasury Lords what sort of wood and timber and what quantities are due and issuing of right yearly out of said forest. (Same to said Crisp to consider the above claims and to report as above.) Ibid.
Same to Mr. Agar to prosecute in the Exchequer offenders in New Forest who have taken good timber trees instead of fuel wood and committed other spoils and abuses. Ibid, p. 391.
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Navy Treasurer] to pay 24l. 1s. 1d. to Richard Petsworth, gent. (if due), late a volunteer on the King's ship Foresight, from 1679–80, Jan. 24, to 1681–2, Feb. 3, for the King's allowance of diet over and above all abatements. The Treasury Lords will supply money to the Treasurer of the Navy for your reimbursement. Ibid.
Same to same to send the Treasury Lords an exact account what the next quarter for the Yards will come to now so many men have lately been dismissed. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Graham and Mr. Burton to report on the enclosed Proposal [missing] concerning Dissenters' fines. Ibid.
Same to Lord Dartmouth to certify the Treasury Lords what securities Sir William Pritchard has for the money which was contracted to be paid him for the match and cordage that should have been served into the stores by him but were afterwards refused to be received. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Chesterfield, Chief Justice in Eyre, enclosing a report from Mr. Agar concerning New Forest made upon the letter sent to you from two of the verderers, and also the copies of some orders formerly made at Justice seats held in said forest. Agar advises a total stop forthwith to the cutting of any more browse of oak in said forest "or at least under such limitations in case of extreme hard weather as were provided at the Justice seat held in the reign of King James." We desire your concurrence with us in the making such an order. Ibid, p. 392.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt, enclosing a petition from the Company of cardmakers with the order in Council thereon. You are to prepare a proclamation for putting the laws in execution against the importation of all foreign playing cards. The petitioners are willing to pass same at their own charge. Ibid.
Appending: copy of said order of the King in Council, dated Hampton Court, June 13 last. Upon reading this day at the Board the petition of the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Company of Card-makers of London for such proclamation as above, same is hereby referred to the Treasury Lords, who are to give such order for petitioners' encouragement in their manufacture as they judge most proper for preserving same, or otherwise to report to this Board.
July 22. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to assign payment of 29l. 6s. 1d. to Nicho. Culliford, lately a volunteer on his Majesty's ship Portland, on a bill dated 1679–80, Mar. 16, for his Majesty's allowance for victuals. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 394.
Same to the Hearthmoney Commissioners. The Treasury Lords recommend Bennet Richards to you for employment as one of your Receivers. Ibid, p. 395.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, pp. 384, 386.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy [on the Navy's] weekly money 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 1,000 0 0
to ditto to discharge the men out of the yards at Portsmouth 3,955 11 0
to ditto to complete the men discharged at Chatham 138 0 0
to ditto for Widow Houlding 103l. 7s. 9d. and 49l. 2s. 6d. 152 10 3
to ditto for 50 tons of hemp now contracted for, in part of 900l. 450 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Peirce for Sick and Wounded 100 0 0
to Mr. Hewer, in part of his interest money 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service on a warrant for that purpose 314 7 6
to [ditto] more [for same] in part of 371l. 9s. 0d. 315 18 0
to Secretary Godolphin on account, for secret service 500 0 0
to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal "upon such list as you shall receive" ("towards a list to be sent to the Exchequer") 1,500 0 0
£11,426 6 9
(Same of same date to Mr. Kent [the Customs Cashier] enclosing the paper of the present week's disposition of the Customs cash; said paper including the above 12 items [payable out of Customs money in the Exchequer] and the following items [payable directly out of the Customs Office on tallies] viz. 2,000l. to said Kent and Mr. Duncombe in part of their debt; 1,000l. to Sir Benj. Bathurst on his tallies; 1,000l. in part of 5,697l. 1s. 8d. for the last June 24 quarterly salary bill of the Customs, London port; 1,000l. to Mr. Griffith for the Stables. Total, 16,426l. 6s. 9d.)
Money warrant for 660l. 6s. 0½d. to William, Earl of Inchiquin, without account: in satisfaction of a surplusage on his account as late Capt. General and Commander in Chief of Tangier of several sums by him received from 1678, April 1, to 1680, June 4. (Money order dated July 13 [sic. erratum for July 23] hereon.) Money Book V, p. 9. Order Book XXXIX, p. 170.
July 22. Money warrant for 3,008l. 17s. 7d. to William Hewer for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity of several sums of money by him advanced and lent for his Majesty's service, as by an account thereof stated by Auditor Aldworth and allowed by the Treasury Lords the 16th inst. (Money order dated July 31 for 2,605l. 9s. 4d. in part hereof. For the money order for the balance hereof see infra, p. 1314, under date Aug. 27.) Money Book V, p. 10. Order Book XXXIX, p. 172.
Same for 1,250l. to Lady Jane Fisher for 1¼ years to June 24 last on her annuity or pension; her husband, Sir Clement Fisher, bart., of Great Packington, co. Warwick, having died 1683, April 15, as is certified by Solomon Smyth, vicar and William Mortiboys and Rich. Wooton [of said parish], and the King being pleased that said annuity should be paid to her from 1683, Lady day. Money Book V, p. 10.
Treasury allowance of Richard Kent's bills of (1) the charge of passing his accounts for the year ended 1682, Sept. 29, as Receiver General and Cashier of Customs (total, 148l. 11s. 6d.); (2) the charge [of fees] for money paid into the Exchequer, for loss of money and for portage of money for same year (total, 310l. 2s. 6d.). Ibid, pp. 13–16.
Prefixing and appending: (a) said accounts; (b) attestation by Baron W. Montagu of said Kent's affidavit as to said account and of the demand therein of 100l. for loss of money, "being an usual allowance made to this deponent and his predecessor as a certainty for such loss whether the same happen to be more or less." (c) Report by Auditor J. Done on said bills.
Henry Guy to the [Revenue] Commissioners, Ireland, to report on (a) and (b) infra. Out Letters (Ireland) IV, pp. 70–1.
Appending: (a) petition to the Treasury Lords from William Carter for preventing the unlawful exportation of wool from Ireland. Petitioner shews that upon the petition of several clothiers the Treasury Lords have considered the prevention of the exportation of wool and have put the same into some method [in England] by recommending it to be several Companies of merchants of London: that the said mischief does also reign very much in Ireland from whence double quantities of wool are exported as from England, especially at this time of the year where greater quantities of wool are usually exported in two or three months than all the year [besides]. Therefore prays a consideration of his proposals as follows: so that the matter may be put under a proper regulation also in Ireland.
(b) Proposals for preventing the exportation of wool from Ireland into parts beyond the seas.
Irish wool is by the laws there prohibited from being exported to England or elsewhere but by licence from the Lord Lieutenant or Deputy, which licence impowers the exporter to export it only to England and he gives bond with sureties to deliver it here and not elsewhere. Under colour of these licences the wool is exported to France etc. for either they give not good security or make easy compositions when the bonds are forfeited.
For remedy hereof it is proposed: (1) that the Treasury Lords require an abstract every fortnight of the licences granted and entries made thereupon in Ireland; (2) that the exporter give sufficient security resident upon the place; (3) that two or three small vessels be ordered to cruise between England and Ireland to detect frauds of this kind.
July 23. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 385.
to the Paymaster of the Forces 4,500
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,300
to Mr. Horneby for secret service 300
to ditto in part of his debt 500
to Sir John James and partners in part of their debt 500
to the Duke (Duchess) of Monmouth 1,000
(Same to the Excise Commissioners dated July 22, forwarding the paper of the disposition of the Excise for the present week; said paper including the above 6 items [payable out of Excise money in the Exchequer] and also the following items [payable directly out of the Excise Office on tallies]. viz. 1,500l. to Col. Freind and Company; 1,574l. 5s. 0d. to the under officers of the Excise for last June 24 quarter's [salary bill]. Total, 11,174l. 5s. 0d.)
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the 10,750l. paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by the East India Company as their present to the King), 9,025l. 17s. 0d. to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of Tangier. Ibid, p. 387.
Same to same to issue (out of the 1,500l. Customs money reserved ut supra, p. 1241) 150l. to Mr. L'Hosteine for half a year to Mar. 25 last on his annuity. Ibid, p. 386.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to James, Duke of Monmouth on his annuity or pension of 6,000l.: 1,500l. thereof for 1683, Lady day quarter, and 500l. in part of 1683, June 24 quarter. Money Book V, p. 11.
Treasury warrant to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of the late Garrison of Tangier, to pay 50l. to John Earlisman, late Comptroller of the revenue of Tangier, on his salary of 200l. per an.: to be for the quarter from 1683, Oct. 24 last, when he was last paid to 1683–4, Jan. 26, when he embarked for England. Ibid, p. 19.
Same to same to pay to said Earlisman such money as the Treasury Lords shall put in said Hewer's hands of the sum of 80l. due to said Earlisman for his propriety in a house at Tangier according to the adjustment and report of the Commissioners appointed by Lord Dartmouth to adjust and settle the same, which report is lately delivered to the Treasury Lords by said Lord Dartmouth. The Treasury Lords are content to advance said sum to Earlisman to enable him to proceed on his voyage, being appointed Consul at Algier whither he is hastening to go by his Majesty's ship Centurion. In his receipt for the money Earlisman is to indemnify the King from any further claims or demands from any other person whatsoever on account of the said house. Ibid.
July 23. Treasury warrant to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of the late Garrison of Tangier, to pay to the abovesaid Earlisman 239l. 4s. 11d. for the several debts as follow due to him from the military officers lately serving the King at Tangier: taking from him the several notes of the said debt and charging them upon the arrears of pay due to the said respective persons. Money Book V, pp. 20–1.
Appending: note of said debts, viz. the date of the note, from whom due and to whom due.
150l., 1683, Dec. 23, from Col. Bointon due to Mr. Tobin and assigned [to Earlisman].
6l. 6s. 0d., 1683, Sept. 27, from ditto, due to Mr. Earlisman.
6l. 6s. 0d., 1683, Sept. 27, from Capt. Rowe, due to Mr. Earlisman.
4l. 10s. 0d., 1683, Sept. 24, from Ensign Mortimar, due to Mr. Earlisman.
6l. 12s. 0d., 1681, Oct. 8, from Ensign Parker, due to Mris. Fisher and assigned [to Earlisman]: the above five items being of the old Regiment.
2l. 18s. 5d., 1681, May 14, from Ensign Malham, due ut supra.
7l. 10s. 6d., 1681, June 22, from Ensign La Bruce, due ut supra.
1l. 12s. 0d., 1682–3, Jan. 21, from Ensign Hobbs, due ut supra.
1l. 10s. 0d., 1682–3, Jan. 26, from Ensign Culliford, due ut supra: the above four items being of Col. Trelawney's Regiment.
1l. 14s. 0d., 1683, Dec. 10, from Lieut. Gordon, due to Richard Conelly [and assigned ut supra].
1l. 13s. 0d., 1683, Dec. 10, from Ensign Mr. Entash, due ut supra.
15l. 10s. 0d., 1683, Sept. 29, from Lieut. Alexander Pierson, due to Mr. Earlisman: the above three items being of the Scotch Regiment.
The following five notes being all dated 1682–3, Mar., accepted by the late Mr. Benedict Thistlewayt, agent to the late [Revenue] Farmers of Ireland do not appear to be paid or satisfied by the said Thistlewayte, and therefore if satisfied by his Majesty ought to be made good again from the accounts of the said Thistlewayt and the said Farmers: viz. Lieut. Murray 10l., Lieut. Smelt 8l. 10s. 0d., Lieut. William White 6l., Lieut. Clarke 4l. 17s. 0d., Lieut. Stuart 3l. 16s. 0d., being all of the Scotch Regiment. Total, 239l. 4s. 11d.
Money warrant for 1,337l. 1s. 4d. to Joseph Hornby and Nathaniell Hornby for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity to June 24 last on several sums by them advanced for the King's service: as by an account thereof made up by Auditor Aldworth. (Money order dated Aug. 5 hereon.) Ibid, p. 21. Order Book XXXIX, p. 174.
Same for 659l. 0s. 1d. to Anthony Sturt, senr., and Anthony Sturt, junr., for 6 per cent. interest to June 30 last on 20,000l. by them lent for the King's service: as by an account thereof stated by Auditor Aldworth. Money Book V, p. 21.
July 23. Treasury warrant to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of the late Garrison of Tangier. From time to time as application shall be made to you by any of the present proprietors of the houses at Tangier as follows, as well fee simple as on lease, you are to receive the respective writings and evidences making out each man's claim and to pay him or them the sum adjusted according to the report from the Commissioners appointed by Lord Dartmouth for adjusting the value of the said proprieties. You are to take receipts for same as in full discharge of all demands and claims whatsoever from the King. All by reason that the King has thought fit to satisfy the said persons according to the said adjustment and report; by which report it appears that 9,350l. 4s. 7d. is due to the said present proprietors and persons concerned after deduction of what appears to be paid [to have been paid] at Tangier by order of the said Lord Dartmouth and [after deduction also of] what is in the said report stated to be due to the King of Portugal. We, the Treasury Lords, will take care to supply you with the said sum in order to the complying with the King's directions herein. But in the said report there are several titles marked as not yet thoroughly cleared, which may take some time to clear. We will presently put into your hands 7,686l. 12s. 1d. to be paid to the proprietors whose titles are clear. Money Book V, p. 22.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to pay Rich. Betsworth 24l. 1s. 1d. as a volunteer on board his Majesty's ship Foresight on a bill dated June 2 last. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 393.
Same to Mr. Graham and Mr. Burton. What have you done in the matter of the prosecution of some of the principal Dissenters at Bristol under the Treasury Lords' reference of June 19 last to you and Mr. Rumsey, town clerk of Bristol. See infra, p. 1263. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report to the Treasury Lords on the following papers: viz. a petition to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, from Peter Crainsborough, of Waterford, merchant, touching the ship Pourmezint of Holland, Claes Schelder, skipper, and his affidavit and the Dutch ambassador's memorial to the King. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Ibid, pp. 393–4.
Enclosing: (a) memorial dated Windsor, July 20, to the King from C. de Lente, Councillor of State, to the King of Denmark and Danish Envoy Extraordinary to England, setting forth that a Danish merchant freighted at Copenhagen an English vessel, the Hope of Yarmouth, Robert Schrouton, junr., master, which was seized at London for not having the due proportion of English sailors. Prays release of the cargo (the freighter being ignorant of English law) and that the penalty should fall wholly on the master and the ship. (b) Reference, dated Windsor, July 21, from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign payment to Ann, widow of Capt. William Houlding, of 153l. 10s. 3d., being 103l. 7s. 9d. in full of a bill for accommodation of the Morocco Ambassador (besides 100l. imprest) and 49l. 2s. 6d. for pay of said Houlding as Capt. of the King's ship Woolwich. Ibid, p. 394.
July 23. Henry Guy to Sir Samll. Astry to pay into the Exchequer so much as remains in your hands of the fine of 100l. set in Trinity term last on Thomas Ailway of co. Bucks, for living in adultery with another man's wife. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 394.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Capt. John Graham, as by the order of reference from the King of May 2 last. We referred said petition on the 17th ult. to Mr. Hewer, late Treasurer of Tangier, and agree with his report as follows. Warrant not Relating to Money IX, pp. 399–400.
Appending: said report from Hewer to the Treasury Lords dated July 23 inst. By a commission dated 1660, June 26, from the Duke of Albemarle, said Graham was made a Lieut. to Col. Roger Allsop's Company and afterwards served at Tangier as Quarter-master of Horse and Capt. of a Foot Company. It is certified by Capt. Giles, Capt. Mackenny and others that he behaved well, was a brave officer, was wounded with a lance under the right breast when he took the standard from the Moors in the Earl of Teviot's time. There is no certificate as to his allegations relating to the gold chain and medal which the King sent him for his good service in taking the said standard, but from information from some of the Tangier officers I believe it to be true. He is about 60 and disabled by fits from further service and is in great want. Until provision can be made for him in Chelsea College or otherwise, I think he should be allowed 30l. per an. which is less than half pay for a Lieutenant.
Treasury authorisation to Aldered Seaman, senr., steward of his Majesty's borough of Milverton, co. Somerset, to call before him at the next Court Leet for said borough all who hold any dwelling house or have erected any wall on any of the wastes or streets of the said borough or have enclosed any part of said waste. You are in open court to contract with them to hold the same as tenants at will under such rent as you shall think fit. You are to return to us the names of such as refuse, so that informations of intrusion may be preferred against them. Ibid, p. 400.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of several carpenters, smiths, drill men and other artificers employed in building the mole at Tangier, praying payment of their wages: said petition having been referred to the Treasury Lords from the King the 14th inst. We have referred same to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of Tangier and he certifies the debt due to petitioners to be 3,298l. 17s. 0d. to 63 men, of which some few are Dragoons in your Majesty's service "so that there will not be need to pay anything to them at present." As for the rest the speediest way to stop the growing charge and of supplying their present necessities is to pay [in full] all debts under 10l., and the clerks and accomptants who have assisted in making up the present accounts and to pay a third of all debts above 10l. The sum required for this will be 1,210l. 6s. 2d. Ibid, pp. 404–7.
Appending: said Hewer's report dated July 23. There are 63 persons reckoned to be in pay and their wages to June 1 last amounted to 3,298l. 17s. 0¼d. after deduction of what has been paid them by Mr. Shere on account and [after deduction of] what their debt to the inhabitants of Tangier comes to. As to what works the said men have been employed on or how advantageously for his Majesty's service I must refer you to Col. Kirke, the late Governor of that place. Since the arrival of Lord Dartmouth the said men have been employed in destroying and demolishing the mole and garrison there.
Followed by: list of the names of the said 63 contract servants lately belonging to the works of the mole and fortifications at Tangier with (a) their trade, (b) number of years' service in the works at Tangier, (c) age, (d) sum due to them on the 1st of June last.
Will. Austin, senr.: (a) carpenter, (b) 16 years, (c) 65 years, (d) 93l. 17s. 11d.
William Austin, junr.: (a) carpenter, (b) 8 years, (c) 24 years, (d) 205l. 15s. 7d.
John Clements: (a) ship carpenter, (b) 9 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 45l. 5s. 10½d.
Gilbert Christopher: (a) ship carpenter, (b) 7 years, (d) 17l. 6s. 1¼d.; now dead.
Tho. Kember: (a) house carpenter, (b) 9 years, (c) 40 years, (d) 72l. 12s. 9½d.
Henry Oliver: (a) house carpenter. (b) 18 years, (c) 60 years, (d) 182l. 16s. 2d.
Charles Wooten: (a) house carpenter, (b) 18 years, (c) 55 years, (d) 52l. 18s. 1¼d.
Henry Smith: (a) ship carpenter, (b) 17 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 92l. 2s. 10d.
John Humphrys: (a) wheelwright, (b) 11 years, (c) 64 years, (d) 84l. 14s. 7½d.
Tho. Westwood: (a) wheelwright, (b) 9 years, (c) 45 years, (d) 41l. 8s. 4d.
William Hall: (a) smith, (b) 20 years, (c) 70 years, (d) 176l. 9s. 6¾d.
William Collins: (a) smith, (b) ¾ year; (c) 24 years, (d) 10l. 16s. 9d.
Nicholas Juniper: (a) smith, (b) 16 years, (c) 46 years, (d) 34l. 7s. 1¼d.
John Makbaine: (a) smith (b) ¾ year, (c) 50 years, (d) 8l. 7s. 3¼d.
John Shelley: (a) farrier, (b) 14 years, (c) 46 years, (d) 28l. 9s. 6¼d.
William Hower: (a) farrier, (b) 11 years, (c) 46 years, (d) 61l. 4s. 11¾d.; now a Dragoon.
William Ashe: (a) seaman, (b) 16 years, (c) 40 years, (d) 6l. 11s. 9½d
John Blake: (a) seaman, (b) 16 years, (c) 60 years, (d) 162l. 5s. 11¾d.
John Browne: (a) seaman, (b) 7 years, (c) 36 years, (d) 6l. 8s. 6d.
John Cotton: (a) seaman, (b) 16 years, (c) 40 years, (d) 113l. 4s. 8d.
Henry Comes: (a) seaman (d) 0l. 18s. 6d.
Lewis Canary: (a) seaman, (b) 7 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 16l. 5s. 7½d.
William Gibson: (a) seaman, (b) 20 years, (c) 65 years, (d) 23l. 7s. 5¼d.
John Garratt: (a) seaman, (b) 11 years, (c) 45 years, (d) 17l. 14s. 1d.
Henry King: (a) seaman, (b) 9 years, (c) 43 years, (d) 31l. 2s. 2½d.
Fran. Meachan: (a) seaman, (b) 20 years, (c) 60 years, (d) 55l. 16s. 1d.
Luke Posely: (a) seaman, (b) 7 years, (d) 130l. 13s. 5¾d.; now Serjeant to Capt. Fish.
Robert Rowland: (a) seaman, (b) 4 years, (c) 12 years, (d) 0l. 12s. 9½d.; now a Dragoon.
Richard Nixon: (a) had charge of the horses of the grooms, (b) 18 years, (c) 60 years, (d) 191l. 9s. 8½d.
Char. Atkinson: (a) groom, (b) 15 years, (c) 55 years, (d) 90l. 8s. 6½d.
Edward Cutts: (a) groom, (b) 12 years, (c) 65 years, (d) 35l. 4s. 1¾d.; now dead.
John Dodsham: (a) groom, (b) 7 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 38l. 6s. 2d.
Isaack Eades: (a) groom, (b) 14 years, (c) 40 years, (d) 0l. 1s. 11¾d.
Richard Jackson: (a) groom, (b) 7 years, (c) 32 years, (d) 0l. 9s. 8d.
Jonathan Osgothorp: (a) groom, (b) 7 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 0l. 13s. 8¼d.
Gabriell Pickering: (a) groom, (b) 7 years, (c) 35 years, (d) 8l. 19s. 1½d.
John Pitcher: (a) groom, (b) 15 years, (c) 36 years, (d) 65l. 15s. 6d.; now a Dragoon.
David Price: (a) groom, (b) 10 years, (c) 35 years, (d) 10l. 9s. 5¼d.; now a Dragoon.
John Redhead: (a) groom, (b) 10 years, (c) 36 years, (d) 1l. 13s. 0d.; now a Dragoon.
William Woodfeild: (a) groom, (b) 10 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 26l. 7s. 9d.
Richard Whiteing: (a) groom, (b) 7 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 22l. 0s. 11½d.
Richard Andrew: (a) labourer, (b) 7 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 34l. 16s. 5½d.
Tho. Austin: (a) labourer, (b) 7 years, (c) 20 years, (d) 69l. 9s. 1¾d.; now dead.
Martin Gardner: (a) labourer, (b) 15 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 0l. 9s. 3½d.
Henry Parr: (a) labourer, (b) 14 years, (c) 60 years, (d) 47l. 2s. 3¼d.
John Wortley: (a) labourer, (b) 10 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 11l. 7s. 7d.
John Green: (a) cooper, (b) 19 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 178l. 18s. 5½d.
Eliz. Robbins: (a) nurse to the sick, (b) 16 years, (c) 70 years, (d) 24l. 13s. 11¾d.
Izabella Ord: (a) cook, (b) 3 years, (d) 1l. 4s. 9½d.
George Goss: (a) stonecutter, (b) 19 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 22l. 4s. 10¼d.
Rich. Icturr: (a) collarmaker, (b) 10 years, (c) 46 years, (d) 159l. 14s. 10½d.
Nicholas Sandford: (a) accomptant from 1683–4, Feb. 6, (d) 31l. 12s. 6d.
Paul Harrise: (a) clerk and assistant to the store-keeper, (b) 5 years, (c) 36 years, (d) 33l. 8s. 8½d.
Thomas Marwood: (a) clerk and assistant to the storekeeper, (b) 5 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 31l. 15s. 3¾d.
Jam. Wise: (a) clerk and assistant to the store-keeper, (b) 3 years, (c) 26 years, (d) 66l. 19s. 0½d.
Thomas Hipkins: (a) mason, (b) 10 years, (d) 5l. 2s. 11¼d.
Tho. Barnsfeild: (a) mason, (b) 10 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 24l. 18s. 1¼d.
Tho. Redwood: (a) mason, (b) 7 years, (c) 30 years, (d) 0l. 14s. 0¾d.; now a Dragoon.
Tho. Wright: (a) mason, (b) ¾ year, (d) 15l. 0s. 11d.
Math. Whitfeild: (a) miner, (b) 19 years, (c) 50 years, (d) 122l. 0s. 1d.
John Mason: (a) miner, (b) 10 years, (c) 46 years, (d) 75l. 18s. 1¼d.
Robert Ord: (a) miner, (b) 10 years, (c) 36 years, (d) 57l. 7s. 6½d.
Bar[na]by Welcombe: (a) guardian, (b) 12 years (d) 23l. 12s. 10d.
July 23. Treasury reference to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of Tangier, of the petition of John Wilson and Patrick Farrell, shewing that they were respectively Lieutenant and Ensign to a Company of Foot lately commanded by Capt. Tate, in the Regiment then of Col. Kirke, but now the Queen's, which said Company has been lately broke; and petitioners, not being otherwise provided for, are reduced to very great necessities: therefore pray payment of their arrears. Reference Book II, p. 55.
Same to same of the petition of Martha, Countess Dowager of Middleton, shewing that James Gorman, late of Tangier, merchant, being indebted to petitioner by a judgment obtained in the court of Tangier in 1,444 pieces of Eight or 324l. 18s. 0d. sterling did give petitioner power to receive from Mr. Hewer certain sums of money due to said Gorman from the King and from divers inhabitants of Tangier, viz. to the amount of said 1,444 pieces of Eight; notwithstanding this the said Gorman has put in a caveat with said Hewer forbidding the payment of said sums to petitioner. Therefore prays a Treasury order to said Hewer to pay her said moneys. Ibid, p. 56.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearth-money of the petition of Edward Denham, praying for a place as collector or clerk in the Excise, having gone through several public offices in the city and having a certificate from Lord Chief Justice Jefferies, Sir Henry Tulse, Sir James Edwards and Alderman Duncombe. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Paymaster of the Forces to pay Anne Brennon, widow of Hugh Brennon, deceased, 5l. as an advance on and as in full of her pension of 40s. per an. and all other demands; which will enable her to return to her friends in the country. Ibid.
Prefixing: William Hewer's report dated July 14 on said Brennon's petition ut supra, p. 1214.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Mytton for the place of Comptroller of Hull port, void by the death of Capt. Thornton. Ibid, p. 57.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Sir John Kirke, kt., shewing that in 1660, he with Francis Young, since deceased, was granted divers encroachments in the forest of Macclesfield, co. Chester, under the rent of 6l. 13s. 4d. per an.: that they could make no benefit of the said grant and that there is an arrear of 106l. 13s. 4d. of said rent: therefore praying the King to accept a surrender of said rent and to release the said arrear. Ibid.
Same to Sir Richard Mason and Bartholomew Fillingham of the petition of Richard Sydenham and his wife Grace, the only surviving daughter and heiress of Sir Henry Cary, deceased, praying a grant of an arrear of 400l. in co. Carmarthen of the 70,000l. per month tax; petitioners' case having been often represented to the King and they being now ready to be turned out of doors with their eight children "for debts we owe in our lodging." Ibid, pp. 57–8.
Prefixing: (a) said petition, (b) reference dated Windsor, July 9 inst. thereof to the Treasury Lords from the King "being sensible of the loyalty and sufferings of the families of both these petitioners."
July 23. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Roger Clutterbuck, one of the deputed searchers, London port, praying for the office of examiner of outport books, void by the death of Joseph Dawson. Reference Book II, p. 58.
Same to the Board of Greencloth of the petition of Robt. White, ut supra, p. 1149. The said Board are desired to make such rule therein for petitioner's qualification as they shall think fit. Ibid, p. 59.
Prefixing: report by Sir James Butler on said White's petition. Petitioner was admitted as coroner of the King's house, 1673, July 1, and has discharged the duty thereof with great diligence and integrity. Heretofore 8d. a day was granted to Robert Fayreford and Thomas de la Polle for executing said office, same being payable ut supra, ibid. On examination I find that such fines, forfeitures and amercements as have happened in my time (besides the fines of 300l. imposed on William Lenthall, John Norden and Henry Rogers at the last sessions of the Verge and which were granted away by privy seal) have not been sufficient to defray the necessary charges and expenses of the several Courts held for the Marshalsea and the Verge: so that petitioner has received neither salary nor reward for his office.
July 24. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute and appoint Charles Lord Cheyne and Viscount Newhaven, Andrew Newport, Sir Richard Temple, Sir Nicholas Butler, Sir John Buckworth, and William Dickenson to be Commissioners of Customs: with the salary of 1,200l. per an. each: the first [quarter's] salary to be payable Sept. 29 next: with all powers as in the commission hereby superseded: all locis said Visct. Newhaven, Sir Dudley North, Andrew Newport, Sir Richard Temple, Sir George Downing (now deceased) and Sir Nicholas Butler. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 352.
Henry Guy to Lord Dartmouth, to inform the Treasury Lords if Edmund Pipe, late fire master at Tangier, be not employed as a gunner at Hull and when his pay begins. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 395.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign, out of the Navy's weekly money, payment of 23l. 13s 4d. to Henry Haughton, a volunteer on board his Majesty's ship Diamond in her voyage to Newfoundland and the Straights in the years 1674, 1675 and 1676: as by a bill thereof dated 1678, Nov. 11. Ibid, p. 398.
July 25. Same to the Hamburgh Company. Francis Monk et al. have petitioned the King for a commission to impower them to execute the laws against the export of sheep, wool, woolfells etc. The said petition (together with a report thereon made by the Committee for Trade and Plantations) was referred 1682–3, Mar. 21, to the Treasury Lords from the Privy Council. The Treasury Lords judging such a commission would be of great advantage both to the King and the trader did refer same (with some of the proposals made by said Monk et al.) to the Customs Commissioners and the Attorney General and also to you, who have all reported. The Treasury Lords have recently had presented to them another petition in the name of several clothiers and staplers, relating to the same affair, praying that the said papers may be recommended to you, the Turkey Company, East India Company, Russia Company and Eastland Company. Copies of said papers [missing] are sent herewith and you are desired to meet some of the members of the said Companies to consider of such rules and methods as you shall judge proper and sufficient for the effectual restraint of such export and to send same to the Treasury Lords. Also signify my Lords whether you are willing to engage in the care of seeing to the observance of the said laws against such export. (The like letter dated July 25 to respectively the East India Company, the Russia Company, the Turkey Company, the Eastland Company; and dated July 31 to the Africa Company.) Ibid, pp. 395–6.
July 25. Treasury reference to William Hewer of the petition of Daniel Vansurer, John Foregean, James Wareing, and Richard Bonner, shewing that they supplied the King's hospital at Tangier formerly with bread, meat, wine and oil to the value of 992l. 13s. 6d. (viz. 235l. 15s. 0d. by James Wareing, 549l. 18s. 6d. by Jno. Foregean, 38l. by Daniel Vansuster, 169l. by Richard Bonner), as appears by the certificate of the principal overseer: that further, one William Smith has supplied the hospital with some necessaries since petitioners [did] and has received 700l. as an overseer of the hospital money and has made no dividend among petitioners of the same. Therefore pray for their money or that Mr. Hewer be ordered to detain in his hands Mr. Smith's money for his houses till petitioners are satisfied their proportion of the 700l. be received and that he may not keep it all to himself, his being the last debt accrued. Reference Book II, pp. 60–1.
Royal letter, dated Hampton Court, to Lord Howard of Effingham, Governor of Virginia, to make publication to the subjects of the colony of Virginia and Accomack that the said colony and the revenues thereof are now entirely in the King's hands by virtue of an assignment and surrender to the King by Thomas, Lord Colepeper of all his interest in the patent of 1672–3, Feb. 25, which granted to the said Colepeper and Henry, Earl of Arlington, all the said colony with the rents, quit rents, forfeitures and escheats accruing to the Crown therefrom (the said Arlington having by a former assignment [dated 1681, Sept. 10] made over to said Colepeper all his interest in the premises). The subjects of said colony are to be give "to understand that we have proceeded herein with one intent to apply all the profits and advantages accruing thereby to the benefit and for the better support of our government of that our colony in such manner as we shall from time to time direct and appoint." In pursuance hereof you are to impower the officers of the revenue, and such others as you shall think fit, to collect the quit rents "according to the reservation, that is to say of 2s. for every 100 acres of land possessed by our subjects in Virginia and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity, to be paid in specie that is to say in money, and not in tobacco nor in any other commodity. But that our subjects may with greater ease comply with their obligation unto us, we are well pleased that instead of English money they may answer what becomes due unto us for the said quit rents in such pieces of Eight as are current in that our colony." As to the escheats, fines, forfeitures and other profits they are to be satisfied in the way laid down in the abovesaid grant to Lord Colepeper or in the like pieces of Eight for every 5s. "and forasmuch as we cannot at this distance so well direct you in the particular method of recovering our dues you are to proceed therein as you shall find most beneficial unto us, and to give us an account of such your proceedings by the first opportunity and so from time to time [in order] that you may receive our further directions therein. And for such sums as shall be received by the officers of our revenue for the premises you are not to dispose thereof nor suffer it to be issued out until, upon certifying unto us the value of what shall remain thereupon in our Treasury, we shall order the same to be disposed of to such uses as shall be most requisite for our service." (Copy of said surrender dated 1684, May 27, by Thomas, Lord Colepeper, ut supra, p. 1176, under date June 24.) King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 359–60. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 132–3. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 408–10.
July 25. Royal letter, dated Hampton Court, to Lord Howard of Effingham, Governor of Virginia. Having written you as above we send you this second letter for your further and more private instruction. In case you find it too difficult for any of our counties or precincts in Virginia to pay our quit rents in pieces of Eight you are to give leave in special cases to pay in tobacco ad valorem. "And forasmuch as we have not given any particular directions concerning the collection of arrears due to us for our quit rents our will and pleasure is that you suspend the levying thereof until you return unto us a state of such arrears with your opinion what may be fit for us to do in the recovery of the same and with the least pressure to our subjects." Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I. p, 133.