Entry Book: July 1684, 16-19

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: July 1684, 16-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1228-1237 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1684, 16-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1228-1237.

"Entry Book: July 1684, 16-19". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1228-1237.


July 1684

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 16. Treasury nomination and appointment of Edward Ange, of London, gent., to be manager of the revenue arising from the forfeitures of Popish Recusants in place of the several Receivers thereof who have been dismissed. He is to see that process be duly issued from time to time for levying same and that returns thereof be made to the sheriffs and that the money levied be paid into the Exchequer. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 394–8.
Followed by: the instructions for said Ange dated July 17. (1) To take care that the churchwarden and constable in every parish present at every Assizes or General Quarter Sessions such Popish Recusants as come not to some parish church and receive not the Sacraments: and that the Clerks of Assize and of the Peace see that such persons so presented be convicted without delay and that such convictions be returned into the Exchequer forthwith. (2) To prepare witnesses on behalf of the King as to the lands of such new convicted Papists whose estate has not already been found by inquisition; in whose possession same are, the rents thereof, to whom paid, on whose head the assessments to the King are laid either as tenants or occupiers, who allows the deduction of taxes upon payment of their rents: and thereupon to take especial care that the respective writs be delivered to the sheriff and to appoint with them the days for the jury to appear for the taking of exact inquisitions, which inquisitions you are to attend with your witnesses. To take precepts from the sheriffs for the appearance of such witnesses and to serve them therewith under the penalties of 5 and 9 Eliz. (3) To desire the Commissioners for assessments in each county and division to grant copies of the bills of assessments in the respective towns where any Recusants' lands lie; and the assessors and collectors [of such taxes] are to attend the sheriff to give full evidence on the King's behalf. (4) Where the estates of convicted Recusants are returned at an under value you are to take a melius inquirendum to have them found at the real value and to take care that none be discharged either at the assizes or sessions but in open court during the sitting of the Judges or Justices. (5) In order to avoid all exceptions to the inquisitions you are to take care that the inquisitions be returned indented, mentioning the place and county, before whom and the jurors' names. (6) Where a Recusant has manors, lands or tenements at the time of his conviction or since etc. ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 602. (7) Where a Recusant has a manor etc. ut supra, ibid. (8) Where a Recusant hath messuages etc. ut supra, ibid. (9) Where a Recusant hath a capital messuage etc. ut supra, ibid. (10) Where a Recusant hath a lease etc. ut supra, ibid. (11) Where there may happen any doubt etc. ut supra, ibid. (12) Foras-much as particular directions cannot be given before-hand in all things which may fall out, the Receiver General is etc. ut supra, ibid. (13) Where Recusants shall after seizure plead off etc. ut supra, ibid. (14) You are to take care to convict the children of Popish Recusants which are above the age of 16 years and their wives and servants that they may be proceeded against as the law requires. (15) You are to inquire what estates the Popish Recusants that are convicted in one county have in another county and to take care that process issue into every such county to levy the penalties according to law. (16) You are to have recourse to the list of Popish Recusants remaining convict in the Pipe Office and Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office and to the Clerks of Assize and Clerks of the Peace; and to take out inquisitions of their respective estates and see them executed. (17) You are from time to time to send a particular of all convictions and inquisitions, which shall be taken upon your prosecution, to Richard Graham, of Cliffords Inn, or to Commissioners to be appointed by the Treasury Lords, to the end they may see that due returns be made thereof by the respective sheriffs and filed in the Exchequer Court. (18) You are to proceed diligently as above, informing Mr. Graham from time to time of your progress herein and taking from him such further instructions herein as may be requisite. (19) You are to apply to the Justices of assize etc. ut supra, ibid, p. 603. (20) And more effectually you are to take care that the respective clerks of the assize, clerks of the peace, and town clerks of England and Wales do duly estreat all fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants into the Exchequer Court and that process thereupon do duly issue from the Clerks of the Estreats, and upon all persons remaining convicted before them from the Clerk of the Pipe and the Treasurer's Remembrancer; and that such process be delivered to the respective sheriffs and that the sheriffs make due execution thereof and pay all money so levied into the Exchequer every term. To this end you are to keep a correspondence with the said sheriffs and officers and see them [the sheriffs] duly apposed in the Exchequer.
July 16. Privy seal to discharge Charles Bertie of the debit of 2,746l. 15s. 7d. resting upon his account of several sums which he received for the King's use, amounting in the whole to 124,818l. 7s. 4d. which account he has lately passed in the Exchequer. In the said account Bertie is charged inclusively with the sum of 3,678l. 7s. 0d. which he was to have received upon tallies stricken on the Hearthmoney, but all the money due upon the said tallies (except 150l. allowed to the Hearthmoney Farmers) was unduly received by Thomas Kirwood, who is since deceased, and by him was paid or accounted to Anthony Rowe. This was proven in the Exchequer Court at the hearing Feb. 21 last of the cause then depending [between the King and said Rowe] concerning the said money, and the said Court then decreed that said Rowe and Jno. Hind, administrator of the said Kirwood, should be charged to the King with the residue of said 3,678l. 7s. 0d. being 3,528l. 7s. 0d., after deduction of said 150l. and with 6 per cent. interest thereon from the time said Kirwood received said money. This sum is since paid into the Receipt by said Rowe. Therefore said Bertie is to be hereby discharged of his debit of 2,746l. 15s. 7d. and is further hereby to be paid 931l. 11s. 5d. (balance of said 3,678l. 7s. 0d.) out of the moneys paid into the Exchequer by said Rowe. Of the said 931l. 11s. 5d. the allowance of poundage in his said account to said Bertie makes 506l. 10s. 5d. and the remainder is for his overpayment as above. Further, Bertie is hereby to be paid 121l. 11s. 6d. for the interest of moneys so overpaid by him; and 73l. 5s. 2d. for his charges in passing the said account. (Royal warrant dated July 7 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 337.
Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer [Treasurer for the late garrison of Tangier] to pay to the 35 Tangier soldiers, who are allowed pensions of 8l. per an. each, their quarter's allowance ended June 30 last; and also to advance to the 25 soldiers lately come over [from Tangier] 10s. each for subsistence, giving to each of them a note under your hand of their having served his Majesty at Tangier, "his Majesty having resolved and ordered that from the 1st of the instant July the said soldiers shall be borne on the respective Companies of Col. Kirk and Col. Trelawny until the Royal Hospital now erecting at Chelsea College shall be in condition to receive them; and therefore you are to advise with the said Col. Kirke and Col. Trelawny how to distribute them." Disposition Book II, p. 381.
Same to Mr. Fox [Paymaster of the Forces] to pay 12l. 10s. 0d. to said Hewer for said 25 soldiers. "Hewer is to give you a note under his hand of the names of the respective soldiers and of their service as aforesaid to the end you may deduct the said 10s. a piece from the said soldiers out of their respective pay." Ibid, p. 382.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Joseph Sheere as a tidewaiter, Yarmouth port loco Robert Bendish, who is presented to be collector of Southwold. In the margin. cancelled 1684, Sept. 4. Out Letters (Customs) IX, p. 19.
July 16. Money warrant for 700l. to Simon Smith, without account: in consideration of his surrendering to the King the custody of the Paddock Walk in the Great Park of Windsor and of Lister's Lodge with the herbage and pannage and other things granted to him therewith: all as by the royal sign manual of the 14th inst. (Money order dated July 16 hereon.) Money Book V, p. 6. Order Book XXXIX, p. 168.
July 17. Privy seal to repay, by tallies of pro or assignment to be levied at the Receipt on the Excise 5,000l. and 5,000l. lent into the Exchequer May 2 and May 7 last respectively by Nathaniel Hornby, esq.; and further for like tallies in future from time to time for any other sums which shall be lent into the Exchequer by Joseph Hornby and by said Nathaniel Hornby. Further, 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity is hereby to be paid to them on moneys so lent. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 338.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Arran, Lord Deputy of Ireland. Send us your answer to the enclosed papers [missing] delivered to us by Sir James Shaen, one which he calls the compute of the revenue from 1675, Christmas, to 1682, Christmas, the other to shew mistakes in the [Irish] Deputy Auditor's memoranda and to shew that there was no sufficient ground for the proceeding against him and his partners much less for the charging them with so great a sum; and a third paper which he says contains all that is due from them to the end of their farm without deducting their claims or defalcations. The King is petitioned for a stay of process against Shaen and his partners. We cannot report to the King hereon before we have your answer. Out Letters (Ireland) IV, p. 70.
Henry Guy to the Lord Keeper. As the Earl of Arran and Col. Oglethorpe have given satisfaction to the Treasury Lords concerning the estate of Mr. Forbus my Lords desire that no further stop may be made on the King's behalf in the cause depending before you concerning same. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 387.
Same to Mr. Stephens to examine what is due to John Holles, late chirurgeon of the King's ship Adventure under Sir William Booth, said Holles claiming 81l. 2s. 3d. for medicines expended "on the wounded men of said ship and other prisoners" from 1679, Sept., to 1682–3, Jan., and being now to go to sea in the Phœnix as chirurgeon under Capt. John Tyrrell. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Graham and Mr. Burton to report on the enclosed paper [missing] of proposals. Ibid, p. 388.
Same to Sir Phillip Lloyd [Clerk of the Privy Council]. Send to the Treasury Lords the commission whereby the Lords of the Privy Council were made Commissioners for the affairs of Tangier so that the date thereof and their names may be inserted in the warrant for their discharge. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Richard Harnage as a clerk in the Jerker's office, London port loco Mr. Graydon, who resigns same. Out Letters (Customs) IX, p. 19.
John Leigh as a coastwaiter, London port loco Miles Temple and in lieu of Richard Uphill, formerly presented for said post.
July 17. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the landing and the taking into the King's warehouse of French manufactures as follow, to be re-exported in English shipping to the Bay of Cadiz; the proprietors paying the customs ad valorem and giving security for the exportation without re-landing: all by reason that several merchants have represented to the Customs Commissioners that by the wars between Spain and France there is a total suspension of trade, so that the merchants trading in French manufactures (whereof they say there are quantities in divers parts of France ready for embarcation and necessary for Spain and West India) are liable to great hazard in ships trading direct from France to the said Bay of Cadiz and therefore they propose to land and warehouse and re-export such goods paying duty and giving security for re-export as above: on which proposal the said Commissioners did report the 17th inst. that it is a proper expedient for trade during the present war between Spain and France and an advantage to the Customs revenue and no way injurious to the trade of this kingdom. (Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners dated July 18 forwarding the above warrant.) Out Letters (Customs) IX, p. 20. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 388.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt out of the following funds now remaining in the Exchequer, viz. 500l. paid in the 2nd inst. by John Dakin and William Gilbert on the account of Nicholas Bowden, late Receiver of the Voluntary Present Co., Chester, 108l. 7s. 9d. remainder of the money paid in by Mr. Row, pursuant to decree in the Exchequer and 1,000l. 2s. 3½d. of Recusants' moneys (making in all 1,608l. 10s. 0½d.) to issue as follows, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 383.
l. s. d.
to James Tunsteed, heath poult keeper 200 0 0
to the executrix of Sackvile Whittle, late chirurgeon 302 10 0
to Phillip Burton, in part of 750l. 350 0 0
to Lady Windham's daughters 200 0 0
Charles Gifford 150 0 0
to Mris. Gunter 150 0 0
to Mr. Thomas Lane 125 0 0
to Mr. Francis Mansell 100 0 0
to Mris. Joane Hurford 25 0 0
£1,602 10 0
Same to same to issue 400l. to Phillip Burton in full of the [abovesaid] 750l.; viz. 200l. thereof out of money paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by Sir Peter Daniell and Samll. Dashwood, sheriffs of London, being levied by them on Symon Smith, one of the sureties of Sir William Doyly, deceased, late Teller of the Exchequer; and 200l. out of money paid or to be paid by Thomas Preston for half a year's rent due at Lady day last for Furness lands late belonging to Sir Thomas Preston. Ibid, p. 384.
July 17. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to grant and transfer to Reginald Bretland of Grays Inn, co. Middlesex (in consideration of the sum of 1,600l. by him paid into the Exchequer this day) the bonds and securities and the estate and goods and chattels of Christopher Banaster of Bank, co. Lancs, who was Receiver General for said county of the Seventeen Months' Tax for building the thirty ships and of his sureties, William Marbury of Marbury, co. Chester, Thomas Lacy of Winckley, co. Lancs, and Thomas Latham of Irlam, co. Lancs, who became bound with said Banastre in a bond dated 1677, May 11, in 3,100l. to the King for said Banastre's due accounting for his receipts of said tax: and similarly for a grant of the like estates etc. of said Thomas Latham and John Bryers of Latham, co. Lancs, and James Starke [Starkey] of Halsall, co. Lancs, sureties of said Banastre as Receiver General of the Poll, who became similarly bound in 6,000l. to the King by a bond dated 1678, May 7: and similarly for a grant of the like estates of James Starkey of Ormskirk, co. Lancs, Receiver General for said County of the first Disbandment Act and of Christopher Banastre, Henry Slater of Light Oaks, co. Lancs, Edward Rigby of Burgh, co. Lancs, Robert Nowell of Read, co. Lancs, and Ellis Hey of Manchester, who as sureties of said Starkey became bound with him to the King in a bond of 3,500l. dated 1678, Dec. 4, for his due accounting in his receivership: all which bonds are forfeit by reason that said Banastre is in arrear 323l. 15s. 8d. on the Seventeen Months' Tax and said Starkey is in arrear 1,488l. 11s. 0d. upon the said Disbandment Act (500l. upon the first six months thereof and 988l. 11s. 0d. upon the last 12 months thereof): in consequence whereof extents have issued out of the Exchequer and inquisitions have been taken as follows, viz. an inquisition at Manchester, 1679–80, Jan. 23, which found that said Banastre was seized in his demesne as of fee in the capital messuage called Banckhall in Bretherton, co. Lancs, and of divers other messuages and lands amounting in all to 73l. 6s. 8d. per an. and of chattels to the value of 100l.; an inquisition taken at Preston, 1679–80, Jan. 17, which found that James Starkey was seized for life of divers messuages and lands to the value of 60l. per an.; an inquisition taken at Preston 1681, Oct. 15, before Lawrence Rawstorne, sheriff of Lancs., and returned by the Chancellor of the [Duchy and] County Palatine of Lancs., which found that several persons were indebted to said Banastre in several sums; an inquisition taken at Northwich, co. Chester. 1679–80, Jan. 14, which found that said Marbury was seized in his demesne as of fee in the capital messuage called the Hall of Marbury and of divers lands etc. to the value in all of 140l. 10s. 0d. per an.; an inquisition taken at the Court House near Westminster Hall, 1681–2, Feb. 4, which found that several persons were indebted in several sums to the said Banastre; an inquisition taken at the Guildhall, London, 1683–4, Jan. 11, which found that several persons were indebted in various sums to said Banastre; all which messuages, lands and debts were upon the said inquisitions seized by the respective sheriffs. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 345–50.
In consideration of the said 1,600l. the King hereby assigns to said Reginald Bretland the abovesaid debt of 323l. 15s. 8d. due from Banastre on the Seventeen Months' tax, the debt of 500l. due from Starkey on the first six months' of the first Disbandment Act and 776l. 4s. 4d. [part of 988l. 11s. 0d.] similarly due from Starkey on the last twelve months of the said Disbandment Act and the King further assigns to Bretland all the abovesaid bonds and the benefit thereof and all the abovesaid extended estates and debts, to hold to his own use without account thereof to be rendered to the King. All legal assistance by process of extent is to be given to said Bretland and all powers to give acquittances and releases of said bonds etc. Further, William Johnson, late sheriff of Lancs., is hereby to pay to said Bretland the 100l. in his hands of the goods of said Banastre. Further, upon the said Bretland paying into the Exchequer 212l. 6s. 8d. upon account of the [remainder of] said Starkey's debt on the last 12 months of the first Disbandment Act, an order is to be made forth for payment of the like sum of 212l. 6s. 8d. to Bretland as royal bounty in consideration of his paying down the aforesaid 1,600l.
July 17. Treasury warrant to the Auditor concerned to allow in account to Mr. Kenyon 3,470l. 13s. 4d. for his expense and charges in managing the prosecution against Sir Tho. Preston. Money Book IV, p. 448.
Appending: (a) Report to the Treasury Lords from Ri. Graham and Ph. Burton, recommending 100l. to said Kenyon as gratuity. (b) Statement of said Kenyon's expenses (being nine separate bills besides said gratuity of 100l.) to the abovesaid total.
Money warrant for 500l. to Robert Squibb, junr., as imprest for the redemption of English captives [in Barbary] as by the privy seal of 1682, Dec. 20: to be satisfied out of money in the Exchequer arisen by the late collection for that use. (Money order dated July 17 hereon.) Ibid. V, p. 6.
Same for 200l. to Rachel Windham and Frances Windham, daughters of Dame Anne Windham, for half a year to 1683, Christmas, on their annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 25l. to Joane Hurford for half a year to 1682, Michaelmas, on her same. Ibid, p. 7.
Same for 150l. to Mris. Katherine Gunter, for three quarters to 1681, June 24, on her same. Ibid, p. 8.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay 120l. to Henry Fanshaw, Register in the King's Remembrancer's Office, for half a year from June 24 last for his clerks for their extraordinary service in looking after the coast bonds. Ibid.
Money warrant for 125l. to Tho. Lane, esq., for 1679, Lady day quarter, on his annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 150l. to Cha. Gifford for half a year to 1683, Lady day, on his same. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Francis Mansell for half a year to 1682, Christmas, on his same. Ibid, p. 9.
July 17. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Tombes, tidesurveyor, London port; praying for a hearing, having been dismissed for directing the delivery of four ballatts or bundles belonging to a poor French Protestant which he said were old clothes. Reference Book II, p. 46.
Same to same of the petition of Sir Tho. Wolstenholme, the Treasury Lords being willing to gratify him in consideration of his and his father's services. Ibid.
Prefixing: said petition shewing that there are several landwaiters in London port to be displaced, that he has many children to provide for, that he is disappointed therein by the King's not paying those great sums which he is indebted to him: therefore prays for a landwaiter's place for his son Henry.
Same to same of the petition of Dr. Witherly for a waiter's or surveyor's place for his son Hamond Witherly who is sober and diligent and has studied five years in Cambridge and has since spent some time in France. Ibid, p. 48.
[? July 17.] Signature by the Treasury Lords of the docquet of a demise to Sir Roger Strickland, kt., and Richard Ashton, esq., of two parts [in three] of the lands and possessions in co. Lancs. of William Houghton, Dorothy Westby, Robert Dalton, Tho. Brabin, Tho. Westby, William Hesketh, Richard Butler, George Leighbourne, Ri. Blackburne and Jane Bradshaw, severally convicted of Recusancy: to hold for 31 years from the time of seizure of same into the King's hands at the several rents of 10l., 10l., 26l. 13s. 4d., 40s., 6l. 13s. 4d., 6l. 13s. 4d., 13l. 16s. 0d., 6l., 45s. 4d., 66s. 8d., or in all 87l. 8s. 0d. per an. payable into the Exchequer. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 398.
[?] The like of a demise for a similar term to Sir Richard Standish, bart. and Henry Farrington, esq., of the like two [third] parts of the lands and possessions in co. Lancs. of Richard Walmsley, Edward Holland, Peter Urmeston, Richard Sale, John Bate, Timothy Harrison, Tho. Birtwhistle, Joseph Birtwhistle, Tho. Alston, James Catterell, John Tipping, Ralph Rishton, John Gerard, William Harrison, Evan Catterell, Thom. Barlow, Richard Chorley, Margaret Anderton, William Anderton, Catherine Chorley, Jacob Parker, Richard Houghton, John Cricklow, Margaret Tootle, Richard Booth, John Gooden, Ann Anderton, Lawrence Livesey, George Martyncroft, Humphry Mathyr, and Roger Swisse [? for Swift], severally convicted of Recusancy: all at several rents amounting in the whole to 101l. 1s. 4d. per an. Ibid.
[?] The like of a demise for a similar term to Sir John Arderne, kt., and Richard Leigh, esq., of two [third] parts of the lands and possessions in co. Lancs. of Edmund Gooden, Tho. Gooden and Edmund Trafford, severally convicted of Recusancy; and at the several rents of 5l. 15s. 0d., 28l. 1s. 10d. and 83l. 16s. 0d. respectively, or 117l. 12s. 10d. per an. in all. Ibid.
July 18. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Lamplugh, praying for the place of landwaiter, Bristol port, void by the death of William Shotbolt; petitioner having served the King as agent for victualling his Majesty's ships at Tangier until (and after) the demolishing of that place, but out of employment since the said fleet's arrival in England. Reference Book II, p. 47.
July 18. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Thomas Fowler's petition for a landwaiter's place, he having served the King in the capacity of Consul in Gibraltar for several years and afterwards as a landwaiter in the Custom House at Tangier. Reference Book II, p. 47.
Same to same of the petition of Nicholas Hicks, gent., for one of the vacant places in the outports, particularly in the county of Cornwall or Devon. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of John Hill as by a reference from the King dated Windsor, June 16 last. Petitioner shews that as late an Excise officer at Ipswich, Suffolk, he prosecuted Sir Samll. Barnardeston for selling beer without paying Excise and did obtain judgment against him and the fine was paid to the collector of said county: that the fact being committed in the late [Excise] Farmers' time the [Excise] Commissioners say the fine lies before them [the Farmers], and the Farmers say the prosecution being in the Commissioners' time it lies before them [the Commissioners]; so that by means of the said doubt between them petitioner is like to go unrewarded. Prays relief herein. Ibid, pp. 48–9.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Elizabeth, Baroness Dowager of Abergavenny and of the report thereon as follows. Ibid, pp. 51–2.
Prefixing: (a) said petition shewing that she is able to make a discovery of the King's title to the manor and messuage and lands in the village and fields of Penwortham, co. Lancs., formerly belonging to the monastery of Evesham, co. Worcester. Prays a grant thereof on making out the title.
(b) Favourable reference dated Windsor 1684, April 29, from the King to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster thereof.
(c) Report from [Sir] Tho. Chicheley [Chancellor of the said Duchy] to the King thereon. I find from the Duchy records that said lands are Duchy lands and that there were several grants thereof made to several persons on small rents by Hy. VIII. Eliz., James I. and Charles I., under several fee farm rents. "But I cannot find that the said manor and lands were ever in charge or any rents answered to your Majesty or any of your royal predecessors." A lease may be granted to petitioner, she bearing the charge of trying the title.
(d) Reference dated Whitehall, July 14 inst., from the King to the Treasury Lords of said report and petition.
Money warrant for the several sums (931l. 11s. 5d., 121l. 11s. 6d. and 73l. 5s. 2d.), amounting in all to 1,126l. 8s. 1d. to Charles Bertie as by the privy seal of the 16th inst., supra, p. 1230. (Money order dated July 22 hereon.) Money Book V, p. 7. Order Book XXXIX, p. 169.
July 19. Royal warrant to the Auditors of the Exchequer and the Auditors of Imprests to allow in the accounts of Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, all payments made to the Earl of Craven as Colonel of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, for the several musters of Sept., Nov., Jan. and Mar. last for the Company of Capt. John Street in the said Regiment, "in as full and ample manner as if the said Capt. Street had been continued upon the rolls of those several musters": the King having thought fit upon complaint made to him to dismiss the said Capt. Street from the service, but having found it necessary that the pay allotted to the officers and soldiers of that Company should be received for its use by the Earl of Craven and debentures have thereupon been made out by said Fox for said musters in the name of said Street "tho' he were then dismissed our service," whereupon the King's warrants went out accordingly for the payment thereof. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 351.