Entry Book: April 1684, 11-19

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: April 1684, 11-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1094-1100 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1684, 11-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1094-1100.

"Entry Book: April 1684, 11-19". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1094-1100.


April 1684

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 11. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Treasury Lords yesterday received the King's positive command for the immediate payment of 200l. for secret service. The warrants for the regular issue thereof cannot be prepared as quickly as the service requires. The 500l. which on the 8th inst. was directed to be issued to the Mint Commissioners is not yet issued. You are to get the Teller in whose hands that 500l. is to advance me the said 200l. The necessary orders for the regular issue shall be despatched with all expedition. Disposition Book II, p. 329.
April 14. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to satisfy to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe the several sums amounting in all to 72,000l. lent by them into the Exchequer; the orders of repayment being already drawn, viz. 50,000l. by tallies on the Hearthmoney due at Michaelmas next and the remaining 22,000l. on the succeeding half year of the Hearthmoney: the said moneys being lent as follows, viz. 20,000l. on June 16 last, 9,400l. on June 23, 5,500l. on June 30, 4,100l. on July 7, 20,000l. on July 21, and 13,000l. on Sept. 20. Money Book IV, p. 369.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox for secret service for half a year on the 2,000l. per an. [for the Earl of Sussex] as by the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 25. Hereof 238l. 16s. 0d. is in full of the half year ended 1682, Lady day, and the remaining 761l. 4s. 0d. is in part of the succeeding half year thereon. (Money order dated April 16 hereon.) Ibid, p. 370. Order Book XXXIX, p. 137.
April 14. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to inspect the Countess of Pembroke's baggage at her lodgings in Whitehall prior to her going over to France. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 323.
Same to the Attorney General to consider the following paper in order to the new charter for the Vintners Company of London. Ibid, pp. 323–4.
Appending: said paper. It was agreed before the Treasury Lords that in the said new charter (1) a clause be inserted disabling them to make free of their Company any person that has not been bound apprentice at their hall and actually served seven years' apprenticeship in London in retailing of wine, except honorary freedoms: (2) that none of their members shall take cellars in other men's houses to retail wine unless they take the whole house and thereby become inhabitants: (3) that no vintner shall retail wine in more than one house unless he take licence for the same and pay the King a rent: (4) that for the future their liberties shall be within London and the liberties or bar[rier]s thereof only and no further: (5) that once every year a list be given in to the Treasury Lords of all freemen made by the Company.
Same to same to report on the enclosed paper [missing] presented to the Treasury Lords from the Excise Commissioners concerning the Excise of imported mum. Ibid, p. 324.
Same to Mr. Bowdler, enclosing the petitions [missing] of several soldiers returned from Tangier as in several lists annexed to said petition, each list containing 25 names. Advise what can be done for their relief. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bridgman for a certificate of what is due to the Privy Purse upon the present allowance of 16,000l. per an. (The like to Lord Montagu for what is due in the Great Wardrobe for wages and liveries to 1684, Lady day. To Mr. Griffin for what is due to the King's servants payable in the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office to same date. To Visct. Brouncker for what debt is due to the Household upon all payments ordinary and extraordinary to same date. To the Navy Commissioners for an estimate of the Navy debt to same date. To the Principal Officers of the Ordnance for a general account of the debt owing in the Office of Ordnance to same date. In each case similar to the forms of last year. But whereas the former account of a year since from the Ordnance contained the particulars due to every creditor, the Treasury Lords do not desire this but only the totals upon the respective heads.) Ibid, p. 325.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Agar, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South, to fell trees to raise 18 tons of timber and 12l. in money to repair the posts, pales and bridges in and about the great lawn and chief lodge in Salcey Forest. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 320.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the remains of Edwd. Noell's loan in the Exchequer) 22,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy. The said sum is intended for the pay of the Grafton, Henrietta, Happy Returne and Woolwich. Disposition Book II, p. 330.
Same to [the Navy Commissioners]. The Treasury Lords have directed the issue of 2,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy. This is intended for payment of a bill drawn at Tangier by William Hewer in favour of Mr. Houblon, merchant. You are to assign payment of said bill out of said sum. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The abovesaid 2,000l. to be issued and applied as above is to be taken as the 2,000l. directed in the letter of direction of Mar. 27 last ut supra, p. 1082.) Ibid.
April 15. Money warrant for 77,275l. 6s. 10d. to Charles Fox, esq., Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the Forces, being 76,500l. to complete the half-year's pay of the Forces from Jan. 1 last to July 1 next, and 775l. 6s. 10d. for the extra day of leap year: as by the privy seal of the 8th inst. (Money order dated April 16 hereon.) Money Book IV, pp. 370–1. Order Book XXXIX, p. 138.
Same for 100l. to Henry Howard for half a year to Lady day last on his salary as Comptroller of the Wine Licence revenue. Money Book IV, p. 371.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue another quarter's interest over and above the year's interest directed the 3rd inst. on the order No. 981 for 4,340l. registered on the last Six Months' Assessment in the name of Capt. Samll. Williams and vested by assignments in Mr. Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance. Same to be paid out of money in the Exchequer paid or to be paid in by Capt. Philip Howard, Receiver of the said assessment for London and Middlesex, or out of any other arrears of said assessment. (In the margin: cancelled April 23.) Disposition Book II, p. 334.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners. The Treasury Lords approve of your proposal to have a store of 3,000 quarters of wheat and 1,500 quarters of malt (which at present would amount to about 6,500l.), whenever wheat and malt is good and cheap, as now it is. You are to lay same in accordingly. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 324.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to inspect the baggage of Lady Wentworth, and Lady Henrietta Wentworth's, her daughter, at her house in Lincoln's Inn Fields prior to their going to Holland. Ibid, p. 326.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Mr. Butler will bring you a paper containing a discovery of 500l. which a purser has wronged the King of. Examine the matter and report to the Treasury Lord on it. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sturt. Send me a copy of your letter sent yesterday to the Treasury Lords which is mislaid. Ibid.
Same to Sir Tho. Fitch, enclosing papers [missing] concerning the King's land at Newmarket whereon stables are to be built. Make your proposals for building same. Ibid.
April 15. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular and ratal of the farm [of Nethercombe alias Eastcombe etc.], co. Kent, ut infra, under date June 10; with a view to a lease thereof to James Hayes; under the present rental and for a fine of only 5l. in respect of the excessive charges he is at in defending the premises from the breaches in the bank against the river and his buildings and improvements thereon, amounting to about 512l. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 321–2.
Prefixing: the said Surveyor General's report dated Feb. 27 last, on said Hayes' petition for same. In Feb., 1662–3, a lease of the premises was granted to Mr. Fortree (which is since assigned to said Hayes) under 42l. 6s. 8d. per an. rent and 25 loads of hay and 50 quarters of oats to be delivered [annually] to the King's barn at Greenwich for feeding the King's horses there, and 3l. 6s. 8d. for a heriot. In the Parliamentary survey the premises are much overrated. At 1l. 16s. 0d. per load the said hay comes to 45l.; at 16s. a quarter the oats comes to 40l. and the charge of maintaining the banks is usually 22l., making in all, with the rent, 149l. 16s. 8d.; and Sir William Boreman who is a neighbour to the premises deems them not worth more than 30l. per an. above this.
The Treasury Lords to the [Earl of Arran] Lord Deputy of Ireland. Report us your opinion on the enclosed draft [missing] of a [royal] letter offered in behalf of the Earl of Longford, Master General of the Ordnance in Ireland, for a house to be used for the keeping the Office of the Ordnance. See if the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, have any objection thereto. Out Letters (Ireland) IV, p. 21.
April 16. Money warrant for 750l. to Henry, Duke of Grafton, for last Lady day quarter on his pension. Money Book IV, p. 372.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the collectors of the outports to pay the last Lady day quarter's salary bill of the outports: (total, 4,311l. 11s. 2d. for established salaries and 562l. 5s. 0d. for additional salaries: but from this there is to be deducted 3l. 15s. 0d. as not due to the executors of Richard Evans, late tidesman at Bridgwater). Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 574l. 13s. 5½d. to Thomas Rowney, Samuel Dashwood and Edwd. Buckley in satisfaction of all interest due to them on 23,858l. 7s. 7½d. which was lent by them 1683, June 15, to the said Commissioners for his Majesty's use and the payment thereof secured by patent dated 1683, June 23; the repayment to them of said sum having taken place between 1683, Aug. 31, and Jan. 19 following. Ibid, p. 373.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 293l. 10s. 2d. now remaining in the Exchequer of the 13,000l. lately lent by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe and out of the 6,842l. 9s. 10d. of Excise money directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, pp. 331, 332.
to the Paymaster of the Forces on an order to be drawn on the warrant of yesterday 4,500
to Mr. Hornby for secret service 300
to ditto in part of his principal 500
to Sir John James and partners in part of debt 500
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynne 500
to me [Guy] for secret service [for Mr. Trant] 86
to the Duke of Grafton 750
(Same to the Excise Commissioners dated April 15, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Excise for the present week: being the above seven items [payable out of the Exchequer and the following items payable directly out of the Excise Office on tallies] viz. 1,000l. to Mr. Toll, 1,500l. to Mr. Dashwood, 600l. to James Nihill for interest and 800l. to the bankers: total, 11,036l.)
April 16. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer: viz. Disposition Book II, pp. 332, 333.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe in further part of their interest and reward 2,000 0 0
to Secretary Jenkins for secret service in 1683 1,500 0 0
to ditto for four years on his patent fee of 100l. per an. 400 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy on the Navy's weekly money, whereof 1,000l. is for the present Victuallers 3,000 0 0
to ditto for inferior sea-officers 500 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Taylor in part of 3,878l. due to him for stores furnished last year on credit of a fund of 30,000l. 2,000 0 0
to ditto for John Gore for slops furnished between 10 Nov., 1676, and 24 June, 1681 376 13 0
to ditto for Capt. Billop 200 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,000 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for building at Winchester 2,000 0 0
to Mr. Griffith for the Stables 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 500 0 0
to Mr. Hewer for Mr. Sturt in part of what is due to him on the Victualling at Tangier 3,000 0 0
£17,476 13 0
(Same to Mr. Kent, the Customs Cashier, dated April 15, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Customs [cash] for the present week: being the above 13 items [payable out of the Exchequer] and the following item [payable directly out of the Customs Office on tallies] viz. 462l. 10s. 0d. to the Earl of Sunderland for one quarter as Secretary of State.)
April 16. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of John Vaughan, gent., and Capt. William Dorrington, as by the order of reference from the King of Aug. 24 last. Petitioners pay a lease for seven years and under the rental of 10l. per an. of the duty of postgroats payable by the tinners in the Duchy of Lancaster. John Tregagle's lease thereof expired 1682, Sept. 29. The Deputy Assaymaster and the four supervisors of the blowing houses have no objection to separating the duty of postgroats from the coinage of tin because they say it has no relation to it, the nature of the duty being an acknowledgment payable by the tinners for the King's favour in granting them liberty to coin their tin at two other times in the year than they claim by charter. The duty sometimes amounts to 200l. per an. If the grant be made your Majesty will see how much this branch of the revenue will be lessened thereby. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 322.
Same to same from same on the petition of Sir William Pritchard, kt., as by the like order of reference of 1680–1, Feb. 3. Said petition is ut supra, p. 50. Petitioner states that he purchased the materials for supplying said contract with such difficulty and at such dear rates, being against the late intended war with France when the prices of all commodities, especially military, were so enhanced that he lost 11l. 10s. 0d. on every ton of cordage and 7l. on every ton of match, making a total loss of 2,425l. He prays that if the contract be not honoured he may be repaid such loss and permitted to transport such stores. The officers of the Ordnance have reported that petitioner's contract was for 100 tons of new English match on or before 1678, June 30, at 28l. a ton and 100 tons same on or before 1679, June, at 29l. per ton, and 200 tons of cordage for gun breaches and tackle in Jan. 1678–9. Hereon he made deliveries detailed. By directions to the Ordnance Office, dated 1679, Aug. 5, we stopped the acceptance of the remainder in regard the then current prices of such stores was much lower than said contract prices. Since the said stop petitioner has sold to the Ordnance quantities, detailed, of both match and cordage at 22l. and 23l. per ton. We accordingly calculate your Majesty's loss on the contract, judged by the now current rates, at 2,519l. 10s. 2½d. "We cannot advise your Majesty to make good to him according to the said contract by reason of the ill consequence it may have." But petitioner has always been loyal and has constantly maintained and promoted your Majesty's interest and deserves some competent sum as royal bounty in lieu of compensation. Ibid, pp. 323–5.
[?] Treasury direction to the Customs Commissioners to permit Sigismund Alberghetti, of Venice, to export two turned and neiled guns and one mortar piece to Venice; in accordance with the order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, 1683, July 11, permitting for one year the Founders of the Turned and Neiled Guns to export such guns in case the King do not take off such guns as they have at present by them. Ibid, p. 325.
Prefixing: copy of said order in Council.
April 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Brisbane [Secretary to the Admiralty]. The Treasury Lords have received the King's pleasure that the 40 miners who came [from Tangier and originally] out of Cornwall shall be sent home [to Cornwall] by sea. Ask the Admiralty Lords what vessel they can appoint for same. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 327.
April 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer to state the account of what is due to the abovesaid miners. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 327.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign out of the last week's Navy money the payment of 9l. 11s. 11½d. to Thomas Lynch on the enclosed bill [missing]. Ibid.
Same to Lord Dartmouth. Order is given for lodging an additional number of soldiers at Sheerness. You are to direct the making conveniences for them, to a cost of 40l. or 50l. The Treasury Lords will supply the money. Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to report on the enclosed paper [missing] of remarks on the retailing wine trade. Ibid.
Same to Sir Richard Mason et al. [late Agents for Taxes] enclosing a letter [missing] from the Duke of Somerset [relating to the account of the Militia Tax for co. Yorks]. Ibid.
April 18. Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the Duke of Ormonde's house in St. James's Square to visit the Earl of Ossory's goods "that are going for France." Ibid, p. 328.
April 19. Money order for 50l. to John Pottenger, Comptroller of the Pipe, for half a year to 1684, Easter, on the 100l. per an. for him and his clerks for their service in issuing process on Popish Recusants on the 20l. a month. To be paid out of Recusants' moneys. Order Book XXXIX, p. 139.
Same for 550l. to the eleven Masters in Chancery for half a year each to 1684, Lady day, on their allowance or salary, viz.: Sir Edwd. Lowe, Sir Adam Otley, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir John Hoskins, Sir John Coell, Sir William Beversham, Sir Samuel Clarke, Sir Miles Cooke, Sir John Franklyn, Sir Robert Le Gard and Sir James Astry. Ibid.
[?] Debenture for 35l. to the Clerks and Ministers of the Receipt for one year to 1684, Lady day, for their attendance in time of vacation: viz. John Lowe, 7l.; Alexander Adaire, 7l.; Samuel Langford, 5l.; John Taylor, 5l.; Edward Fleetwood, clerk to William Wardour, 6l.; Philip Packer and John Packer, doorkeepers of the Receipt, 5l. Ibid, p. 140.
April 19. Money order for 20l. to Alexander Adaire, one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1683, Michaelmas and Hilary terms, on his allowance of 40l. per an. as an additional increase of fee for extraordinary service in sorting etc. records in the Treasury [of the Receipt]. Ibid, p. 154.