Entry Book: December 1681, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: December 1681, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp320-338 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1681, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp320-338.

"Entry Book: December 1681, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp320-338.


December 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 1. Royal sign manual for 2,059l. 10s. 0d. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of July 20 last. (Money warrant dated Dec. 3 hereon. Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 279. Money Book III, p. 177. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 264.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for granting to John Lloyd of Edgware, his executors and assigns, all the personal estate of John Farlee alias Wicks alias Smith (Smyth) who was convicted of murder at the Sessions lately holden in Hertford town and afterwards executed. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 279–81.
Same to the Treasury Lords to give warrant to William Roberts, Receiver of the moneys for the repairs of Windsor Castle, to pay 500l. to Hugh May, Comptroller of the Works, for his pains in the rebuilding and repairing the said Castle: [being] for one year from 1680, Sept. 1. (Treasury warrant dated Dec. 5 hereon to the said Roberts.) Ibid, p. 282. Money Book III, p. 272.
Henry Guy to Edwd. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to apply as follows the 1,549l. which the Treasury Lords have directed to be issued to you, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 107.
l. s. d.
to four footmen to be discharged 830 0 0
to Mris. Nunn 39 0 0
to Pearce, Evans and Howell, 30l. each 90 0 0
to Tho. Atterbury 186 0 0
to William Smith 100 0 0
to Ralph Carter 50 0 0
to Edmd. Flower [for] half a year and a theorbo 37 5 5
to Widow Wosencroft 22 10 0
to Mr. Rogers of the Standing Wardrobe 50 0 0
to Sergt. Harsenet 145 0 0
£1,549 15 5
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Watts as a tidesurveyor, London port, where the present number of tidesurveyors is thought fit to be increased. The like for Rawleigh Radford as a same, ibid. Out Letters (Customs) VIII. pp. 35, 37.
Same to same approving of the said Commissioners' proposals of the 22nd ult. for increasing the tidesmen extraordinary of London port from 50 to 70 and for having a list of 30 tidesmen to be employed on gluts and to be under an oath and security and that the day pay of all the tidesmen, both ordinary and extraordinary, be 3s. from Nov. 1 to Mar. 1 in regard of the hardness of their duty in the winter time and long nights, and for their further encouragement. Ibid, pp. 35–6.
Instructions from Treasury to the Customs Commissioners in reply to the said Commissioners' memorial of the 22nd ult. (1) Prepare a draft warrant, such as you desire, for collecting the arrears due by bond or otherwise upon the lately expired Act for new Additional duty upon wines. (2) The Customs Cashier is to forbear to make any further payment to John Moore, one of the patent waiters at Bristol, upon his salary until he provide an able deputy, you having in your memorials of Mar. 14 last and the 22nd ult. presented him for not attending the service either in person or by deputy. (3) Pay 6l. 16s. 11½d. upon the spice debenture in the name of Edward Bovery, it being of the same nature with those "whereof we formerly directed the payment." (4) Insert in the establishment 10l. per an. from 1680, Nov. 23, for William Weddle for keeping a horse for his duty at Lowestoft in lieu of the 12d. a day allowable to him as a tidesman of Yarmouth port, doing duty in a member port. (5) We intend to lay before the King in Council the two letters received from Mr. Badcock and will send you his Majesty's pleasure therein. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 36.
Treasury warrant to the same to pay to Benjamine Herne 9l. 19s. 11d. for French linens and wines seized by him and condemned by judgments of Easter, Michaelmas and Hilary terms, 1680, notwithstanding same were embezzled in the King's warehouse at Poole port; and also an allowance of 10s. a day from Aug. 16 last till Nov. 20 last. Ibid, p. 37.
Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners. The Forces which by the King's commands were sent to Virginia are now to be disbanded. The Treasury Lords are informed that there were sent to that place with those Forces a considerable quantity of arms, handgranados, powder and other stores, with two or three pieces of ordnance which now remain there. My Lords are of opinion they should be returned to England. Advise my Lords of the best way of doing this. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 343.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit Nicholas Johnson, the Paymaster of the Forces, to ship on the Concord of London, William Jefferys master, for Virginia five chests containing about 4,000l. in money for the payment of the Forces in Virginia. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the 954l. 5s. 0d. of Customs money remaining in the Exchequer) 375l. to Sir William Scroggs. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests, forwarding a paper of claims made by Sir Jno. James and Major Huntington upon the balance of the[ir] account. Report thereon and also concerning the vouchers which they gave you for officers' salaries, charges etc. since Sir Jno. James went out of [the Excise] Commission. Ibid, pp. 344–5.
Appending: particular of said claims.
l. s. d.
1678–9, Feb. 11. Paid charges [on] carrying 750l. to the Exchequer and striking the tallies for the use of the Duke's children 0 7 0
Mar. 6. Paid charges and [for] carrying 350l. to the Exchequer and striking tallies for the use of the Duke of Richmond 0 5 0
Mar. 15. Paid charges of another tally of 750l. for the Duke's children 0 7 0
Mar. 19. Paid charges of tallies for 79,000l. on the new [farm] contract of the Excise 15 15 0
1679, Mar. 29. Paid charges for striking a tally on same account for 10,000l. and for tallies of 15,973l. 13s. 0½d. for interest and gratuity 217 11 10
April 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14. Paid charges of tallies for 5,000l. paid into the Exchequer on account of the Fifth of the Excise 1 9 6
May 26. Paid charges on striking two tallies for the Queen for the quarter ended 1679, Mar. 25 8 2 0
Paid charges of a patent and several privy seals 250 2 0
Paid several expenses and fees to the clerks for copies of orders and other incidents 43 8 6
Paid for money bags for Flanders 7 1 0
Paid charges on 15,000l. tallies on the Customs, delivered to Richd. Kent 108 2 10
Paid to the [Excise] Farmers on the King's account for interest 410 13 0
charges on tallies for 40,500l. 1678, Aug. 20, and 35,000l. 1678–9, Mar. 18, delivered to the Treasury Lords 430 8 10
allowances due to the Receivers to 1679, June 24 225 0 0
owing by Sir Robert Howard [Auditor of the Receipt] 617 1 3
claims on the old account 884 5 3
upon the old account when the Farmers were Receivers 100 0
for goods delivered for the use of the Forces in Flanders 76 17 8
for goods delivered to the [Excise] Commissioners from 1678, Dec. 25, to 1679, May 12 143 0 8
for goods delivered since for carrying on the [Excise] Commissioners' business 13 8 6
£3,553 7
There is nothing in this or in any of our accounts for our own pains and care in settling all his Majesty's concerns in our hands since our dismission; which we refer to the Treasury Lords' consideration.
Dec. 1. Henry Guy to Mr. Rawlins, Town Clerk of Lichfield. The King has granted to the city of Lichfield the fines of Bamford and Johnson, being 200 marks and 40l., as towards the building of a House of Correction in said city. The Treasury Lords have ordered the bailiffs of said city to give bond for so employing said money. You are to take said bond of them and send it to my Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 345.
Money warrant for 100l. to Mris. Anne Aldworth, widow of Auditor Richard Aldworth, for the great charge and labour of himself and clerks in making up the account of Capt. John Wadlow and partners of the moneys by them advanced to his Majesty on the first Wine Act and of Col. Birch, et al. Commissioners for the Retrospect of said Act. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 175. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 265.
Same for 375l. to Sir William Scroggs for 1681, Michaelmas term, on his annuity or pension. Money Book III, p. 176.
Same for 8,000l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest for the ordinary of the Works for one year from 1680, April 1. (Money order dated Dec. 19 hereon.) Ibid, p. 176. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 269.
[?] Same for 5,018l. 15s. 0d. to Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the pay of two Foot Companies and several officers in Virginia for two years ending Jan. 1 next. (Money order dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 177. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 265.
Dec. 2. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Thomas Saunders of the scite of the manor of Shippon, co. Berks, for 99 years terminable on three lives at the rent of 3l. 6s. 8d. per an. and fine of 120l. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 12–14.
Prefixing: note of the Auditor's particular of the premises: Auditor's memorandum thereon: and ratal dated Nov. 28 thereof by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Dec. 3. Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners. If you will send for Lieutenant Morris he can give you an account of the stores in Virginia. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 346.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for an account of what has been paid into the Exchequer by the New Receivers of Recusants' forfeitures with their names. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Bring to the Treasury Lords on Monday the 12th inst. your opinion upon the paper of retrenchments lately sent to you. You are to forthwith despatch Mr. Culliford to the ports in the West. He is to go in the first place with Mr. Browne to Bristol. Bring to my Lords on Tuesday next your opinion on the enclosed letter [missing] from the English envoy in Sweden concerning the staple at Gothenburg, same having been sent to the Treasury Lords from the Committee for Trade. Ibid, p. 347.
Same to Mr. Rives to receive from the Wine Licence Commissioners the cash now remaining in their hands of that revenue pursuant to the late patent (supra, pp. 286–7) and to deliver in tallies for what you receive. You are to attend the said Commissioners on the 10th of every month to receive what they have in cash till you are satisfied. (Same dated Dec. 5 to the said Commissioners to pay their cash as above to Rives.) Ibid, p. 348.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of George Sandford's petition for the place of Thomas Mor. petitioner having been employed as a deputy in the Customs in the port of Oxford [sic? for Exeter]. Reference Book I, p. 419.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of George Gilberd, a tidewaiter [of Falmouth port], willing to resign by reason of old age, for his place to be granted to William Elliott. Reference Book I, p. 419.
Money warrant for 750l. to Richard, Lord Arundel of Trerice, for three quarters to 1680, Lady day, on his annuity or pension. Money Book III, p. 177.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 46l. 15s. 8d. to Randolph Willmor for three quarters to 1679, Sept. 29, on his fee as Customer of Strangers' Customs, London port. Ibid p. 178.
Money warrant for 1,369l. 19s. 6d. to Bevill Skelton for extraordinaries as late Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany, viz. 109l. to complete 564l. upon a bill [of extraordinaries] for the quarter ended 1679, Sept. 29 (on which 455l. was to be paid by the money warrant of 1680, May 11); 480l. upon a bill [of extraordinaries] for the quarter ended 1679, Christmas, 150l. upon the like for 1680, Lady day quarter; 212l, 19s. 6d. upon the like for 1680, June 24 quarter; 145l. upon the like for 1680, Sept. 29 quarter and 345l. upon the like for the period 1680, Sept. 29, to 1680–1, Jan. 24. And whereas Lemuel Kingdon [late Paymaster of the Forces] did in 1679–80, Mar. 22, assign to Henry Guy for his Majesty's use 1,650l. 17s. 10d. out of an order No. 87 for 7,000l. registered on the late Poll Act and also all the interest due upon the whole order (ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 489) the said Guy has thereunder received 371l. 9s. 5d. and paid same into the Exchequer 1679–80, Mar. 24, thus leaving 1,279l. 8s. 5d. remaining thereon. The said Skelton has desired that 779l. 8s. 5d. of his abovesaid bill may be satisfied out of said remainder (500l. of the said remainder being at the request of Francis Gwynne, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council. intended for him and thereon a warrant is this day signed for 437l. 10s. 0d. to him thereon as below.) Ibid, pp. 178–178c. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 265.
It is therefore hereby ordered that said 779l. 8s. 5d. be satisfied to said Skelton out of such money of said remainder as said Henry Guy shall receive as above. The balance of said Skelton's bills being 590l. 11s. 1d. is to be satisfied out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer. (Money order dated Dec. 6 hereon.)
Appending: said bills of Skelton's extraordinaries.
(1) 1679. Michaelmas to Christmas, as allowed by the Earl of Sunderland 1679–80. Feb. 24:
l. s. d.
for intelligenc, postage and Gazettes 50 0 0
for New Year's gifts at the three Courts 50 0 0
paid for the advance of 1,540l. at 20l. per cent. 308 0 0
£408 0 0
(2) 1679, Christmas, to 1680. Lady day: as allowed by the Earl of Sunderland:
l. s. d.
for intelligence, postage and Gazettes 50 0 0
laid out for several entertainments upon the ministers of the Emperor and foreign ones with Prince Lewis of Baden in the time of the Carnavall 100 0 0
£150 0 0
(3) from 1680, Lady day, to Midsummer: as allowed by Sir Leoline Jenkins 1680, July 13, for, the first two items only, the last item being referred to the Treasury Lords:
l. s. d.
for intelligence, postage and Gazettes 50 0 0
laid out in extraordinary expenses in removing from Prague to several places in following the Court in the time of plague 90 0 0
disbursed for fees in [cashing the orders for my] ordinary and extraordinary, amounting to 1,820l. 72 19 6
£212 19 6
(4) from 1680, June 24, to Sept. 29, as allowed by Sir Leoline Jenkins, 1680, Oct. 5:
l. s. d.
for travelling charges from Urbantz to Lintz 100 0 0
the audience fee to the three Courts when I took leave 45 0 0
£145 0 0
(5) From 1680, Sept. 29, to 1680–1, Jan. 24, as allowed by Sir Leoline Jenkins, 1681, Nov. 26, except the last item thereof:
l. s. d.
for passports and attestations of health as I passed through the infected countries 15 0 0
for sending of staffiers during my quarantine 20 0 0
to the Cardinal Landgrave's servants at Breslau 10 0 0
for carrying of my goods and servants from Lintz to Breslau, thence to Berlin, Hamburg and the Hague and all other extraordinary expenses on the journey 200 0 0
to the Captain of the yacht and ship's company as brought me into England 200 0 0
for transporting my goods from Holland 25 0 0
for postage, gazettes, intelligences etc. 30 0 0
paid for fees at the Treasury and at the Exchequer since my return for 1,075l. on my ordinary 25 0 0
£345 0 0
Dec. 5. Money warrant for 174l. to Edmund Poley for a quarter to Dec. 25 inst. on his ordinary as Resident with the Elector of Brandenburgh. (Money order dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book III. p. 178d. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 266.
Same for 437l. 10s. 0d. to Francis Gwynne, esq., for 1¾ years to Sept. 29 last on his fee as one of the Clerks of the Privy Council: to be paid out of the moneys on the Order No. 87 registered on the Poll etc. ut supra, p. 324. Money Book III, p. 178de.
Dec. 5. Money warrant for 1,000l. to Prince Rupert for 1681, Sept. 29 quarter, on his annuity or pension. Money Book III, p. 178e.
Same for 1,731l. 2s. 8d. to Henry Sidney for extraordinaries 1680, June 6, to 1681, July 6, as Envoy Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provinces. (Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 178gk. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 267.
Appending: bill of said extras.
Guilders. Stuivers.
[1680] June 10, paid for boats and waggons to carry my goods and servants on board the yacht at Bristol going for England 40 0
[1680] June 14, Greenwich. Given the Captain of the yacht that brought me over, 60 ducatoons [or] 189 0
given to the yacht company 20 ducatoons 63 0
given to the pinnace crew 5 ducatoons 15 15
[June 14] London. Paid for carrying my goods and servants from Greenwich to my house at London 10 ducatoons 31 10
[June] 28. Paid for carrying my goods and servants to Greenwich, going to Holland, 4l. 5s. 0d.
July 2, Brill. Given to the Captain of the yacht that carried me to Holland, 15l.
Given to the yacht company, 5l.
Given to the pinnace crew, 1l.
Paid for my going from the Brill to the Hague 12 12
Paid for my goods and servants going from the Brill to the Hague 40 0
July 16. For my journey to Breda 200 0
July 20. Paid for transporting my coach and liveries with other goods from London to the Hague 200 0
Aug. 7. For a journey to Rotterdam 30 0
Aug. 14. For my journey to Dieren 889 0
Aug. 17. For entertaining the Prince and Princess Palatine, their Highnesses having lain three nights at my house with a good part of their retinue 500 0
Sept. 21. For a journey to Rotterdam 30 0
Sept. 22. Paid for coaches and boats and a waggon to go to Rotterdam [on my] going for England [viz.] for myself, servants and goods 63 0
Sept. 26. Greenwich. Given to the Captain of the yacht that brought me over into England 60 ducatoons 189 0
Given to the yacht company 20 ducatoons 63 0
Given to the pinnace crew 5 ducatoons 15 0
Sept. 26, London. Paid for carrying the goods and servants from Greenwich to my house 12 ducatoons 37 16
Nov. 8. Paid for carrying my goods and servants to Greenwich going for Holland, 3l. 16s. 6d.
Nov. 12, Brill. Given to the Captain of the yacht that carried me for Holland, 15l.
Given to the yacht company, 5l.
Given to the pinnoce crew, 1l.
Paid for my going from the Brill to the Hague 12 12
Paid for carrying my goods and servants from the Brill to the Hague 52 0
Nov. 29. Paid to the Notary for translating 15 15
1680–1 Jan. 1. Given in New Year's gifts 492 19.8
Feb. 11. For my journey to Amsterdam 244 4
1681, April 5. Paid for goods come from London 38 2
April 7. Paid for goods sent to London 10 6
May 1. Given to the Drummer of the Guards 6 6
May 12. Given to the burghers six hogsheads of French wine and one amne of Rhenish wine 450 5
May 20. Paid for goods come from England 42 11
June 14. Ditto 22 9
Paid for one year's house and stable rent that I am obliged to pay till May next 1,513 0
Paid to a stationer for pens, ink, paper, sand, wax and gazettes 450 0
For having been 21 tides at Hunsloedyke in the time [of this account] 320 0
Paid to Mr. Campman, 13 months' intelligences 163 16
Paid for 13 months' intelligences to a gentleman at Leyden 94 10
Paid for all sorts of letters for 13 months 1,581 19
Paid to a bookbinder for books and printed papers 120 10
Paid for relieving divers English, Scots and Irish poor and sending them home 300 0
For entertaining the Prince of Orange several times within the time [of this account] 2,040 0
For entertaining the States several times within same time 1,850 0
For entertaining divers foreign ministers within same time 1,250 0
For my return into England with all my servants, goods and horses, 120l.
The Exchequer fees for what I must receive, 134l.
Total, 304l. 1s. 6d. and 13,680 12.8
which reduced into sterling money is 1,672l. 2s. 8d.
Followed by: (1) Sidney's oath 1681, July 26, to his said account: (2) Secretary Conway's allowance dated Aug. 6 of said bill, except the item of the Exchequer fees: (3) further note as to 59l. demanded by said Sidney and allowed by Secretary Conway 1681, Nov. 16, for 200 ducatoons paid by said Sidney to Mr. Carr, the Consul of Amsterdam, "since the making up of the aforegoing bill."
Dec. 5. Treasury order that no contracts for fee farms pass to any person whatsoever until Sir John Bennet be heard upon his petition. Caveat Book, p. 15.
Prefixing: said Bennet's petition, shewing that about 10 years since he paid near 4,000l. into the Exchequer for which he was then promised fee farm rents, and has [further] several rents besides doubly conveyed rents for which [latter] the Trustees [for Fee Farms] are engaged to give reprisals: that he had several contracts [made with said Trustees] to satisfy said moneys but "by what legerdemaine it may not be prudent to say" made useless and the said rents paid to other purposes. Prays satisfaction before any new warrants [for fee farms be passed] there being but few rents now left [unsold].
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Edmond Bodham of King's Lynn, shewing that by reason of the great scarcity of grain he sent into Prussia for 1,600 or 1,700 quarters of rye, which according to the return made by the mayor and sworn jury did bear the price making it liable to only the low duty according to the Act of Tillage; yet petitioner and the rest of the merchants concerned are served with several subpœnas into the Exchequer and information not being yet made they fear it will be brought down into the county by surprise. Pray that if information be put in it may be tried at the Exchequer. Reference Book I, p. 500.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for the future not to issue any of the money arising from Recusants' estates without particular directions from the Treasury Lords. Attend my Lords on Thursday morning next. Disposition Book II, p. 108.
Same to Mr. Blathwait to lay before the Committee of Plantations the enclosed papers (copies of two letters dated May 26 and 10 July, 1681 [from] "Mr. Badcock, Maryland"). Out Letters (General) VI, p. 348.
Same to the Attorney General. Report to the Treasury Lords your opinion on the enclosed state of the case of the Corporation [of London] licences and the free vintners' charter. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign for payment out of the Navy weekly money the 292l. 10s. 0d. to Capt. Charles Talbott, late commander of his Majesty's ship Maryrose, being for his entertainment from 1678, April 20. Ibid. p. 352.
Dec. 6. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 125l. to Sir John James, for salary as late a Commissioner of Excise: he having continued in that employment till May, 1679, and has for several months since frequently attended the Treasury Lords in relation to the Excise. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 38.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe to allow 59l. 0s. 2d. to Edmund Gregory in his account as late sheriff of Oxford, being his cravings detailed for the year ended 1681, Sept. 29 (viz. for conducting Stephen Colledge, a prisoner accused of high treason, from the Tower, London, to Oxford and his trial and execution, including gallows, hurdle, fuel and 5l. 7s. 6d. to "Catch, the executioner," and 10l. reward to Francis Slaughter for apprehending Robert Clerk, a felon: said bill of expenses being sworn to by Christopher Wood, deputy to said sheriff, and vouched by the certificate of John Lampheire and Edward Norris, and by the acquittance of said Slaughter. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 14–15.
Dec. 6. Treasury warrant to the Treasurer's Remembrancer to give allowance to Sir Tho. Daniell, kt., late sheriff of co. Yorks, of 40l. out of the issues of his office arising by the estates of Popish Recusants; being an allowance of 12d. per £ on 799l. 2s. 4d. of Recusants' forfeitures, which is certified by Richard Graham as having been levied by said sheriff "besides what is pleading off": and likewise to allow him 10l. for his expenses to bailiffs, witnesses, jurymen and others in taking inquisitions of Recusants' estates: the said sheriff having petitioned representing that he has seized lands and tenements of Recusants to the value of 875l. per an, more than what was found before and has levied 900l. and upwards upon Recusants' forfeitures for the two-thirds and the 20l. per month, all which has been very expensive to him. Money Book III, p. 178f.
Money warrant for 3,285l. 4s. 2d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for interest and reward as by an account thereof stated by Auditor Anthony Stephens and allowed by the Treasury Lords the 2nd inst.: to be paid out of Customs money which is to be paid into the Exchequer for that purpose. (Money order dated Dec. 8 hereon.) Ibid, p. 178f. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 266.
Same for 600l. to Jno. Chetwynd, Yeoman of the Horse, to complete the 1,000l. for the year 1681, May 1, to 1682, May 1, for buying horses and for such other uses as the Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse should direct; 400l. having been paid thereon July 5 last. (Money order dated Dec. 7 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 178q. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 267.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor General of the Works, and to the other officers of the Works of a ground plot [or plan] of the old Artillery Ground near the Spittle, together with the report from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands thereon. The referees are to certify what the ground may be worth when improved by building and are to endeavour to find out some persons to deal for building thereupon. Reference Book I, p. 500.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests of Mr. Kent's account of charges in passing two accounts of the Customs from 1678, Sept. 29, to 1680, Sept. 29. The referees are to report what precedents there are for allowances of this nature. Ibid, p. 501.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Capt. Henry Lemynge for the place of surveyor of Colchester port loco Jno. Vickars, in view of petitioner's loyalty and sufferings for the late King. Ibid.
Same to same of an Order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, 1681, July 28. Ibid, pp. 501–2.
Prefixing: said order, referring to the Treasury Lords the petition of Edmund Tassell, Mayor of Lynn Regis, co. Norfolk, for restoration to his place as surveyor of Lynn port, from which he was removed on being made Mayor. The King being sensible of petitioner's loyalty and good affections, desires the Treasury Lords to gratify him.
Dec. 6. Treasury reference to Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster of the Forces, of the petition of John Benloss, praying for payment of 2,700l. which he paid upon bills of exchange for the use of the Governor of Jamaica. Reference Book I, p. 502
Same to Richd. Graham and P. Burton of the petition of Tho. Heber, esq., shewing that the sheriff of co. Yorks seized into the King's hands two-third parts of the manor of Barmbrough, Parlington, Barwick in Elmet, Garforth and divers messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments of Tho. Gascoigne, a Recusant convict, same being found by inquisition to be of the yearly value of 316l. 13s. 4d., the premises being charged with a fee farm rent of 63l. per an. to the King, an annuity of 30l. to Francis Gascoyne and an annuity of 30l. to John Gascoyne, brother to said Thomas Gascoyne. Petitioner "being given to understand that the said premises may be let to farm" prays a lease thereof with consideration of the said incumbrances which were not considered at the time of said inquisition and craving an allowance of 50l. per an. for repairs and taxes. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows (out of the 213l. of Customs money now remaining in the Exchequer reserved for Mr. Poley) 169l. 10s. 0d. to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 2,059l. 10s. 0d. The remainder of said 213l. is to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' directions. Further to issue 50l. to me [Guy] in part of same 2059l. 10s. 0d. and out of Recusants' money. Disposition Book II, p. 108.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners. Send to the Treasury the original instructions for the Office of Ordnance in the time of Charles I, and those which were first given by his present Majesty and likewise the instructions to the Clerk and Surveyor of the Ordnance, and the clerks of the liveries "in the manner of those you have already sent for the [Ordnance] Treasurer and storekeeper." You are to hasten the executors of Sir George Wharton to finish his account; the details of his payments are to be signed by the [Ordnance] Officers, "which are to be vouchers to his account." Out Letters (General) VI, p. 349.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. Report to the Treasury Lords on the two enclosed papers, being the abovesaid instructions for the Treasurer of the Ordnance and the instructions for the Storekeeper of same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Jackson, undersheriff of Yorkshire, to forthwith pay to the Receivers of Recusants' forfeitures for co. Yorks, the considerable sum of money in your hands arising out of Recusants' estates. Ibid.
Dec. 7. Money order for 230l. 13s. 2d. to John Walker, usher of the Exchequer Court, for necessaries delivered to the officers of said Court in 1681, Michaelmas term. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 269.
Privy seal for 40,000l. to Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, as imprest for the service of the Great Wardrobe. (Royal warrant dated Dec. 1 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 278, 283.
Dec. 8. Henry Guy to Sir Gilbert Talbot [Master of the Jewel House]. In accordance with the Treasury letter of 1679–80, Mar. 12, you are to give directions that no new things, either stores or plate be provided, till the Treasury Lords be acquainted with the particulars. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 350.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to instruct the Customs officers at Dover to forward to London unopened a ballot which will be speedily brought to Dover directed to the Queen and for her own use. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign the payment of the following three surgeons' widows out of the weekly money of the Navy in two weeks [instalments] viz. 16l. 1s. 4d. to the widow of Paul Bush, 16l. 7s. 9d. to the widow of Walter Venione, 5l. to the widow of John Moyle. Ibid.
Same to same to assign for payment out of the Navy's weekly money by four weeks' instalments the 224l. 13s. 10d. to Thomas Frost, master of the Anne and Francis flyboat, being for the freight of said vessel for carrying soldiers to Tangier. Ibid, p. 351.
Same to Auditor Phillips. Send to the Treasury Lords an account of the [arrears of] moneys due on the Poll Act and the names of the persons from whom they are due. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General, enclosing copies [missing] of Mr. Reading's proposals, the minute about Mr. Reading taken out of Mr. G[uy]'s book Dec. 8, another paper endorsed `Mr. Reading's proposals,' and Mr. Wright's opinion or report upon said Reading's papers. See that the draft of the privy seal which Reading will bring you is agreeable to the substance of these papers. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Report your opinion to the Treasury Lords on the enclosed answer of the Lord Mayor of London to the report of William Jackson, deputy Customer of London port. Ibid, pp. 352–3.
Appending: said answer. The Lord Mayor's exceptions to the Customs Commissioners' report was referred by said Commissioners to said deputy Customer, whose answer in effect is that if such an order were granted as the Lord Mayor desires of the Treasury Lords no one would contend with the Clerk of the Cocquets if he refuse to make any cocquets for any such provision till he first have a warrant from the Lord Mayor, the like being now practised on behalf of the several chartered Companies as the Levant and Russia Companies, without a warrant from whose Governors no cocquet is made for any of their goods. The Lord Mayor hopes that this answer makes nothing against him but will be a further argument with what he has formerly offered to induce the Treasury Lords to grant the desired order. He questions not but that upon a faithful discharge of it the benefit of it will be manifest in the Customs inwards and outwards especially in corn, coals, salt and other provisions whereof greater quantities are daily shipped and landed than are entered and the searchers thereof put to very great difficulty and charge in the discovery thereof "which this [my proposed] ancient practice [if] re-assumed would certainly prevent."
Dec. 8. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 108.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000 0 0
to ditto for offreckonings 2,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,648 16 10
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200 0 0
£5,848 16 10
Same to same to issue to Lord Arundel of Trerice the 730l. of Customs money which has been directed to be paid into the Exchequer for him. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Wright, watchman for the Treasury in the Custom House for near 20 years, praying for his office to be transferred to John Illing his ancient friend and kinsman, petitioner's health being much impaired by constant attendance every other night and for want of natural rest in respect of his age. Reference Book I, p. 503.
Same to same of John Guy's petition for a place in the Customs. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General of the petition of Nathaniell Reading, shewing that several fines have been imposed by the Commissioners of Sewers of Hatfield Level, but have not been paid, no person having been employed to prosecute same, therefore praying to be made collector of said fines. In the margin: cancelled 1681–2, Feb. 12. Ibid, pp. 503–4.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the papers of John Houghton for improving the revenue by refining of sugar, the said Commissioners having reported thereon Aug. 13 last. Hereon they are to report what duty is fit to be reserved or allowed upon the said proposal. Ibid, p. 504.
Money warrant for 76l. 13s. 4d. to Timothy Whitfeild, Clerk of the Foreign Estreats, for one year to 1680, Sept. 29, on his several fees of 10l. 33l. 6s. 8d., and allowance of 26l. 13s. 4d. for his and his clerks' pains in writing and extracting all fines and amerciaments and on his allowance of 6l. 13s. 4d. for writing and extracting all fines, issues and rents in the 12 shires of Wales. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon for 33l. 6s. 8d. on his said two allowances.) Money Book III, p. 178kl. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 268.
Same for 30l. to said Whitfield for 1½ years to Sept. 29 last on the allowance of 20l. per an. formerly allowed and paid at the Exchequer to the Clerk of the `Estreats for his attendance and travail in safe keeping all such records containing the forfeitures of Recusants as have been estreated into the Exchequer Court and in carrying the same records from time to time to the Office of the Pipe to the intent the debts therein may be speedily drawn into the great roll. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon: to be paid out of Recusants' [forfeitures']money.) Money Book III, p. 178l. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 268.
Dec. 10. Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners. In your report concerning the stores sold at Hull you inform the Treasury Lords that Lord Belasyse is ready to pay 129l. Call on him to pay same forthwith to the Treasurer of the Ordnance and take care that said Treasurer be charged therewith on his account. Out Letters (General) VI. p. 353.
Same to the Attorney General. In the present commission of the Customs there is left out the power to get in the arrears of the new additional duty on wine [the Act for] which is expired. Consider the enclosed draft [missing] of such an authority to be given to them [and report] whether the Treasury Lords can lawfully grant that power, and whether the same will be effectual. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Duncombe. The Treasury Lords desire that the 3,000l. a week usually paid into the Exchequer for the Navy may for three weeks (reckoning the present week one of them) be paid in for the following uses, viz. 1,000l. a week for the Victuallers and 2,000l. a week to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the ordinary of the Ordnance. Ibid, p. 354.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for copies of two orders (registered on the second Disbandment Act) in the name of Capt. Saml. Williams and by him assigned to Sir George Wharton, viz. No. 918 for 517l. 4s. 11d. and the other No. 981 for 4,340l. with 8 per cent. interest. Ibid, pp. 356, 357.
Same to same to issue to Mr. Johnson for the pay of the soldiers in Virginia the 5,018l. 15s. 0d. of Customs money which will be speedily paid into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II. p. 109
Same to same to pay 30l. to Timothy Whitfeild out of Recusants' money now in the Exchequer: for 1½ years on his Recusants' fee. Ibid.
Mr. Fulke Emmes having a grant of the reversion of a King's waiter's place, London port, desires notice if any other pretend to the same. Caveat Book, p. 15.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, as imprest for the Great Wardrobe in part of the 40,000l. as by the privy seal of the 7th inst. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Money Book III, pp. 178–9. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 268.
Dec. 12. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to attend the Treasury Lords this day week with your opinion on the paper of retrenchments and the affidavits concerning the port of Liverpool. The Treasury Lords desire you to forthwith take into your consideration the better management and regulation of all the outports and that you begin with London and bring your opinion this day week. Out Letters (General), p. 355.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the 5,000l. of Customs money now in the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 109.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the ordinary of the Ordnance 3,000
to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay off the Orange Tree 2,000
Dec. 12. Treasury warrant to Serjeant John Ramsey to arrest George Gatacre, gent., late undersheriff of co. Stafford, he having last Michaelmas term given an account to Francis Wightwick, Receiver General of Recusants' forfeitures for said county, of several sums of money, 1,300l. in all, which he Gatacre owned to have levied of several Popish Recusants in said county, of which 320l. was paid to said Wightwick and 180l. discharged by order of the Exchequer Court, leaving about 800l. remaining which he has been often desired to pay to Wightwick, but has refused to do so. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 15–16.
Dec. 13. Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh to meet the Auditors of Imprests and Mr. Roberts to-morrow at the Solicitor General's chambers to settle your objections to the computation: the matters being "most of them matters of fact and must be determined out of the contract, but cannot out of the papers." Out Letters (General) VI, p. 357.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Mr. Henry Fanshaw has something to add to the paper I sent you Oct. 27 last concerning his services in relation to the coast trade. Allow him to alter his paper. Ibid.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have concluded the sale of the [old] Artillery Ground and have read the report made to you April 2 last by the officers of Ordnance. The said report sets forth that the said ground having formerly run some hazard of being begged of the King has been preserved by arguments as to its usefulness in the King's service, especially for the exercise of his Majesty's fee'd gunners, the master gunner having a dwelling house there for that very purpose and for the proof of small guns which [proofs] have always been made there as a place most convenient; and that the Lieutenant General of the Ordnance has by his patent the custody and consequently the benefit of the herbage thereof and the rent of the other houses thereon standing: but that the said ground may be disposed of without prejudice to his Majesty if any other convenient places can be found out for the exercise of the said gunners and the proof of small guns and if the Lieutenants of the Ordnance will quit their interest therein as Col. Legg, the present Lieutenant, has declared he freely will, and if the master gunner be accommodated elsewhere with a house and ground capable and fit for the exercise of his Majesty's fee'd gunner, which by virtue of his office he is obliged to. The Treasury Lords therefore desire to know whether the said master gunner be so accommodated elsewhere. Ibid, p. 358.
Treasury reference to Jno. Birch, Auditor of Excise, of the following account. Reference Book I, pp. 506–7.
Prefixing: account of the Farm of the Excise for the year ended June 24 last.
l. s. d.
produce of the Excise 559,786 3
over duty received of brewers 61 12
£559,847 15
l. s. d.
one year's farm rent 446,000 0 0
charge of management 56,000 0 0
allowance for bad debts 5,000 0 0
one year's reward 10,000 0 0
one year's exported beer 747 3
allowances to brewers 56 1 10¼
overcharge paid to Jno. Wilcox, brewer 100 9
£517,903 15
Thus leaving a surplus of 41,944l. 0s. 8¼d. towards which the Farmers are allowed 34,143l. 17s. 2½d. paid on account of said surplus, 2,097l. 4s. 0d. for 12d. per £ on said surplus, 1,317l. 5s. 10¾d. for interest on said 34,143l. 17s. 2½d. and 34l. 10s. 5d. for 35 days' interest on 6,000l. paid to Bernard Turner, making 37,592l. 17s. 6¼d. in all, thus leaving a balance on the surplus due to the King of 4,351l. 3s. 2d. to which is to be added 160l. 2s. 8d. for compositions for co. Somerset for the three years 1677–80, not formerly brought to account.
Dec. 13. Treasury recommendation to the Customs Commissioners of George Lloyd for a surveyor's, landwaiter's, or searcher's place in the Customs, London port. Reference Book I, pp. 507–8.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' report on said Lloyd's petition. He is a person of great integrity and skilled in accounts.
Money warrant for 1,500l. to George, Earl of Northumberland, on his pension of 3,000l. per an.; 650l. hereof is to complete 1680, June 24 quarter, and the remainder is upon the succeeding half year. Money Book III, p. 179.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to issue fieri facias against Saml. Williams, Receiver for co. Southampton of the last Six Months' and Twelve Months' Assessment, he not having paid or accounted for his receipts thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 16.
Dec. 15. Henry Guy to Mr. Brisbane. I have communicated to the Treasury Lords your letter with an enclosed copy of one from the Navy Board desiring a present supply of money for providing materials for the new ships. Inform my Lords what will be the charge of the materials that are wanting in order to the launching of the first rate ship, therein mentioned, by the time his Majesty expects that they may provide the money accordingly. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 359.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make bills of imprest for 112l. 4s. 8d. to Richd. Nevett (Nevet) due to him on a bill dated 1676, Dec. 6 and to assign same for payment on the Navy's weekly money in three weeks' [instalments or] time. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners for the original instructions etc. ut supra, p. 330. Also to signify to the executors of Sir George Wharton that process will issue against them if they do not bring in their accounts to the Auditor this day week. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 359.
Same to Sir Robt. Carr for a copy of Mr. Heywood's grant of the forfeitures of recognizances, co. Lancs. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for co. Gloucester of the last Six Months' Assessment. In ours of July 11 last we acquainted you with the great arrear of Mansell Stradling, your receiver. In yours of no date in reply you say Stradling hoped he had before the signing of yours paid what was due from your county. As he has failed in his duty hitherto we once more give you notice of his arrear of 382l. besides [12 per cent.] damages, that so you may take effectual course for same to be answered and yourselves and the county preserved from further trouble. Ibid, p. 360.
Same to the Board of Greencloth to forthwith remove Christopher Banister out of the King's house. that so he may be proceeded against, he being considerably indebted to the King and shelters himself from arrest in Denham's Buildings within the limits of the King's house. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests, enclosing an account of the value of the exchange of moneys from Dublin to London for several years past. Ibid.
Same to Benedict Thistlethwaite. You formerly received orders out of the money carried with you to Tangier to redeem so many of the King's subjects as are slaves to the King of Morocco at the rate of 200 dollars each. We have since been informed that Admiral Herbert is of opinion that the Moors taken captive by him may be exchanged man for man with his Majesty's said subjects and that if the said Moors should be sold by him he cannot get more for them than from 50 to 70 dollars a man. You are hereby directed in case such exchange be effected, to pay to Admiral Herbert out of the said money for so many of the said slaves exchanged for the King's subjects the price that every such slave could have been sold for, which must be attested under Admiral Herbert's hand. The balance thus saved you are to keep in your hands till further order. (In the margin. sent to Mr. Brisban 17 Dec., 1681.) Ibid, p. 362.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (upon the two orders in Capt. Williams' name and assigned to Mr. Bertie for the use of the Ordnance) 97l. 2s. 10d. for three months' interest of 4,857l. 4s. 11d. payable out of the late Disbanding Act, "but the said money is to remain in the Tellers' hands till Mr. Bertie's privy seal [as Treasurer of the Ordnance] is passed." Disposition Book II, p. 109.
Treasury reference to Auditor Raban of the account of John Basire as Receiver, General for Northumberland, Newcastle, Berwick, Durham, Cumberland and Westmorland, of the last Eighteen Months' Tax and Six Months' tax. Reference Book I, p. 508.
Prefixing. abstract of said account.
Charge. (Eighteen Months' Tax.)
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Northumberland and Durham [receipts] 6,269 12 6
Cumberland and Westmorland 2,558 14 9
8,828 7 3
salaries at 7d. per £ 256 18 11
tallies on the first six months 2,846 19 11
tallies on the last twelve months 5,100 0 0
8,203 18 10
remains £624 8 5
Charge. (The last Six Months' Tax.)
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Northumberland and Durham [receipts] 2,089 17 6
Cumberland and Westmorland 852 18 3
2,942 15 9
salaries at 7d. per £ 85 16 7
tallies 2,089 13 5
2,175 10 0
remains £767 5 9
Total remains, 1,391l. 14s. 2d., towards which petitioner has bills in town for 500l. and claims allowance for supers which he cannot receive by reason of [a] difference betwixt Newcastle and Berwick; and he also craves allowance for these and the two last taxes per agreement with Treasurer Danby, which, when allowed, will leave little remain in said receiver's hands.
Dec. 15. Treasury warrant to [? the Hearthmoney Farmers] to pay 1,916l. 14s. 11d. to Thomas Ducke for 6 per cent. interest to Nov. 24 last on 40,000l. by him lent to his Majesty. Money Book III, pp. 180–3.
Prefixing: account of said interest as stated by Auditor Henry Aldworth and allowed by the Treasury Lords the 2nd inst.
l. s. d.
Interest at 6 per cent. on 14,000l. advanced into the Exchequer (5,000l. on 1680, Dec. 24; 1,000l. 1680–1, Mar. 23; 3,000l. 1681, April 9; 1,000l. April 20; 1,000l. April 22; 1,000l. April 26; 1,000l. April 27; 1,000l. April 28) said 14,000l. being not repaid at the close of the accompt 609 11 1
The like interest on 17,059l. 15s. 8d. which was by the Treasury Lords' orders advanced by Duck to Robert Squib, gent., for his Majesty's service (viz. 5,000l. on 1680, Dec. 24; 4,351l. 9s. 0d. on Dec. 31; 3,723l. 6s. 8d. on 1680–1, Jan. 3; 985l. on Jan. 24; 1,600l. on Jan. 27; 1,400l. on Jan. 29, which sum the said Squibb paid into the Exchequer on days stated, the said sum being not repaid at the close of this account 917 16 8
The like interest for 2,940l. 4s. 4d. which by the Treasury Lords' order he advanced to Anthony Stephens for the service of the Navy (viz. 1,925l. 4s. 4d. on 1680–1, Jan. 5, and 1,015l. on Jan. 22) which sums were afterwards paid into the Exchequer upon part of two tallies of loan, one dated 1680–1, Jan, 7, and the other Feb. 12; said sum being not repaid at the close of this account 155 3 10
The like interest on 6,000l. which by the Treasury Lords' orders he advanced to Charles Duncombe (viz. 5,875l. 15s. 7d. on 1681, April 2; 124l. 4s. 5d. on April 8) which sums were afterwards paid into the Exchequer upon part of a tally of loan for 9,000l. dated 1681, April 9; the said 6,000l. being not repaid at the close of this account 234 3 4
£1,916 14 11
Dec. 15. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to vacate the several payments of the sum of 30,000l. specified in their Journal book of disbursements to be paid to Sidney Godolphin, the Treasury Lords being lately necessitated to make use of 30,000l., which was no part of Excise money, in order to the discharge of several tallies struck upon the Excise, which money is since repaid to said Godolphin, of whom it was received. And the Comptroller of Excise is hereby to omit the said payments in his quarter books and other books of accounts which are to be by him transmitted to the [Excise] Auditor. And the said Auditor is to take special care that no allowance of any part of said sum be given to the Excise Commissioners or their Cashier in the declaration of their accounts. The reason for the present warrant is that the Excise Commissioners are by Act of Parliament to pay all their moneys into the Exchequer and are not chargeable with any moneys advanced or lent upon the credit of the Excise, but [where such loans are authorised] by a special warrant under the great seal or privy seal and whereof tallies shall be levied at the Exchequer for repayment thereof. This warrant is therefore to the end that no difference [dispute] may hereafter arise either about the regularity of charging said sum or the repayment and discharging of it by the Excise Commissioners, or by Charles Duncomb, their cashier, who received and issued the said 30,000l. by Treasury order only. Money Book III, p. 184