Index: F

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Fairborne, Sir Palmes, Lieutenant-Governor and Commander of Tangier, 398, 449, 450, 451, 452, 455, 503, 623, 691, 699, 700, 704, 736, 758, 758–9; pension, 452, 736; disbandment, commissary of the victuals, 327, 329, 817.

Fairfax (Fairefax), Benj., disbandment, 373, 831.
-, -, Isaac, alum works, 38.

Fairecloth, Nicholas, shipmaster, 853.

Fairs, 20, 163.

Falcons and Falconers; see King's Hawks, King's Falconers.

Falkland, Viscount; see Carey.

Falmouth, Earl of; see Berkeley, C.

Falmouth (Cornwall), 26, 45, 116, 199, 267, 305, 404, 792; port, 304; quay, 807–8.

Falstone (Northumberland), 193, 206.

Fan Grove coppice (Surrey), 519, 532.

Fane, Edward; see Vane.

Fanshaw (Fanshawe), Charles, Commissioner of Appeals in Excise, 46; Envoy Extraordinary to Portugal, 535, 547, 637, 657, 682; the Queen's portion, 575.
-, -, Capt. Charles, disbandment, 375, 824.
-, -, Col., disbandment, 332.
-, -, Henry, greenwax grant, 121; Customs business, 218, 227, 756; officer for coast port books and bonds, 756.
-, -, Mary, wife of William, Irish pension, 284.
-, -, Capt. Symon, disbandment, 381, 387.
-, -, Thomas, Customs frauds, 137, 697.
-, -, -, Viscount Fanshawe, King's Remembrancer, 837, 838, 839, 842, 843, 844, 845, 854, 864, 872, 875, 877, 878, 882.
-, -, William, Master of Requests, 548, 606.
-, -, -, petition, 284, 541; discovery, 485, 555, 584, 669, 735.

Fansken (Fanskew), Geo., disbandment, 356, 821.

Fantreye, Capt., disbandment, 365.

Faringdon (co. Berks), 163.

Farley, Edward, disbandment, 349, 819.

Farmer (Farmor), Tho., of the King's music, 181.
-, -, Sir William, commission Whittlewood and Salcey, 184, 193; Disbandment Act, 815.

Farndon (co. Notts), 508.

Farnell (Farrell), Neale, noontender, London port, 304; weighing porter London, 97, 208.

Farnesis, Sieur; see Parma, Prince.

Farnham (Bucks), 783.

Farrar, John, boatman, 446.

Farrington, Lieut., disbandment, 344.

Farron, Mr., of co. Bucks, 405.

Farrow, Tho., gunner, 488.

Fashion, Joseph, of the King's music, 181, 673.

Fate; see Tate.

Faucet; see Fawcet.

Fauconberge, Anne, relict of Edward, 114.
-, -, Edward, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, 114.

Faversham (Kent), 21, 73, 123, 159, 266, 295.

Fawcet (Faucet, and see Fosset), Henry, brewer, disbandment, 351, 352.
-, -, -, disbandment, 819, and see Fosset.
-, -, John, debt from Earl of Bath, 102.

Fawley (Bucks), 474.

Fawson, Lewis, referee in Mint dispute, 154.

Fawtry, Capt. James, disbandment, 333.

Fayter, Samuel, waiter and searcher, 546.

Fearne, Dan, 501.

Fee, Henry, weighing porter, London, 97.

FEE FARMS, accounts, 8, 306.
-, - -, Clerk to Trustees; see Dering, H.
-, - -, contracts and grants, 100, 136, 159, 236, 247, 271, 275, 276, 289, 413, 424, 468, 505, 515, 793, 809.
-, - -, conveyances, 15; for pretended debts, 572–3.
-, - -, fees, 196.
-, - -, fixed payments and county charges, 8, 432, 637, 663, 734; to be sanctioned by the Treasury before being continued, 645.
-, - -, loans on, 51.
-, - -, moneys, orders on and issues out of, 225, 280–1, 560, 690.
-, - -, nomine decimœ, 166, 271.
-, - -, particulars, 429.
-, - -, rebate on purchases of, 573.
-, - -, Receivers' accounts, 469.
-, - -, rents, 21, 195, 302, 310, 271.
-, - -, rents twice sold and reprisals for, 289, 394–7, 405, 408, 427, 468, 516, 592, 648, 649, 793.
-, -, - rents remaining still unsold, 166, 516.
-, - -, Trustees for sale of, 8, 21, 100, 159, 231, 236, 247, 271, 276, 289, 310, 394, 396, 400, 410, 515, 516, 793; actions against, 445.

Fee wood; see Estovers.

Fees; see Customs, Exchequer (Receipt), Exchequer (Court King's Remembrancer), Treasury, Diets.
-, -, commutation of, 60.

Feild, Humphry, disbandment, 349, 818.
-, -, John, a King's waiter, London, 33, 223, 539, 661.
-, -, Nich., disbandment, 377, 833.
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 359, 824.
-, -, widow (disbandment), 371, 830.

Feilding (Fielding), Basil, waiter at Carlisle, 193; receiver general, Yorks for Poll and Eighteen Months' Assessment, 578, 664, 691.
-, -, George, pension, 390, 577, 593, 767, 768.
-, -, Capt. Robt., disbandment, 338, 367, 369, 370, 376.

Feine; see Vane.

Felixstow (Suffolk), 531, 620.

Feltham, Capt. Lucas, disbandment, 338, 381, 832.

Felton, Thomas, disbandment, 816.
-, -, -, loans, 624, 625, 659, 676.
-, -, Compton (captain of the Rose), 499.

Fenn (Fen), Edward (1631, loan to the Navy), 732.
-, -, William, disbandment, 348, 818.

Fennick; see Fenwick.

Fenton, Ralph, rector of Ludlow, 765.
-, -, Richard, Milford port collectorship, 706.

Fenwick (Fenwicke, Fennick), Arthur, disbandment, 378, 834.
-, -, John, high treason, 324, 648, 669.
-, -, Sir John, disbandment of regiment, 381; surety, 495.
-, -, Mat., 501.
-, -, William, justice of the peace, Northumberland, 849.

Fermanagh (Ireland), 774.

Fernando, Benjamin, 87.

Ferrers (Ferrars), Henry de Ferarüs, 67, 139.
-, -, John, lease, 67, 139.

Ferrier, Richard, shipowner, 799.

Fettiplace, Tho., waiter, Norwich, 542, 543, 562.

Fewson Grange (part of Moaux Abbey), 48.

Fez, Emperor of, presents to, 708.

Field, Fielding; see Field, Feilding.

Fiennes, Thomas, 9th Lord Dacre de South, 88.

Fillamore, Francis, fine on, 167.

Fillieat, William, disbandment, 823.

Fillingham, Bartholomew, Taxes Agent, 22, 54, 74, 83, 136, 177, 227, 252, 315, 320, 397, 421, 450, 463, 472, 518, 523, 561, 578, 588, 610, 618, 636, 637, 644, 645, 648, 650, 651, 653, 655, 664, 673, 682, 724, 725, 772, 794, 800, 807; deputy to Sir W. Doyly (Teller), 85, 175–6, 195, 765; Doyly's estate, 175–6.

Finch, Daniel, Admiralty Lord, 81, 447.
-, -, Francis, Excise Commissioner, 414, 416; Excise office rent, 871, 872.
-, -, Heneage, Solicitor General, 127, 136, 218, 302, 390, 447, 548, 572, 584.
-, -, -, 3rd Earl of Winchilsea, 250.
-, -, -, Lord Finch, of Daventry and Earl of Nottingham, Lord Chancellor, 152, 254, 547, 606, 699, 713; pension, 90, 107, 297, 318.

Finch, Jane, relict of Frances, 414, 416.
-, - John, Windsor avenue, 533.
-, -, Sir John, regiment, 338.
-, -, William, fee farm, 468; of Worcester, 860.
-, -, Wyndsor, Excise, Norfolk (1668), 853.

Fines and Alienations; see Alienations (Writs).
-, - and Forfeitures; see Greenwax.
-, - -, moneys of, 761.
-, - -, devoted to the Privy Purse; see Privy Purse.
-, - upon contempt and misdemeanor, 19.

Fincher, Lieut.-Col. Richard, annuity, 740.

Fingrins; see Scotch pladdings.

Finny, Edward, disbandment, 356, 822.

Fire of London, 242, 289, 407, 582, 585, 794, 798; and see Northampton, Wem, Southwark, Temple.

Firebot (Fire boot), 184, 300.

Firebrace, Mr., merchant, 404.

First Fruits, accounts, 7, 38, 100, 240, 649, 709, 762, 772.
-, - -, discharge of, 140, 533.
-, - -, debt on, 631; see Gentlemen (Pensioners).
-, - -, installing, 533.
-, - -, issues out of and tallies on, 1, 108, 197, 390, 428, 429, 514, 520, 555, 571, 609, 623, 630, 713.
-, - -, laws relating to, 762.
-, - -, moneys and receipts of, 426.
-, - -, pensions on, 7; 147, 191, 298, 533, 536.
-, - -, question of collection of, 762.
-, - -, Remembrancer and Receiver General of First Fruits and enstalled Tenths; see Prettyman, W.; question of his continuing in his office, 47; instalment of his debt to the King; see Prettyman, W.

Fish oil, bounty on, 26; see Seal oil.

Fish, Cornelius, waiter and searcher, 529.
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 371, 830.

Fisher, Cecil, of Holborn, apothecary, 171.
-, -, John, fee farm, 231, 468; deputy surveyor of Crown Lands, 806.
-, -, Martha, wife of Cecil, 171.
-, -, Mr. boatman, Boston, 194.
-, -, Richard, surveyor, Poole, 97, 98, 266, 710.
-, -, -, King's silver scullery, 403.

Fisher, Samuel, Customs seizer, 90.
-, -, Thomas, Genoa ship, 426.

Fisherton (Wilts), 534.

Fishery Company (Company of the Royal Fishery of England), charter and constitution of, 1–3.
-, - -, company of (1661), 3.
-, - -, first shareholders of, 2.
-, - -, King's subscription toward to D. Collingwood, 320.
-, - -, names of doggers, 48, 146, 736.
-, - -, royal bounty for doggers, 3, 48, 146, 175, 432, 736.

Fishing trade, bill for promoting, 163.

Fishings in England, Scotland and Ireland, 3; herring and North Sea Fishery; see Yarmouth.

Fissard, John, French seaman, 413.

Fitch; see Fitz.

Fitz (Fitch), John, fortifications Gosport and Portsmouth, 495; ditto, Guernsey, 634.
-, -, Theophilus, a King's musician, 181, 673.
-, -, Sir Thomas (fortifications Gosport and Portsmouth), 461, 469, 495, 645; ditto, Guernsey, 634, 645.

Fitz-Charles, Bridget. Countess of Plymouth, her husband's pension, 734, 771; trustees for, see Bertie, E., Bertie, P., Osborne, C.
-, -, Charles, Earl of Plymouth, annuities, 147, 191, 555, 734; going to Tangier, 571, 581, 748; grants to, 294, 322; loans to, 623; marriage with Bridget Osborne, 147, 292, 322, 397, 479, 509, 654, 771; patent, 748; regiment, 646, 681, 693, 726, 737; tallies to, 57.

Fitz-Gerald (alias Villiers) Edward, 493–4.
-, -, Capt. Garret, Roman Catholic officer, 494, 701, 790.
-, -, John, 493–4.
-, -, Katharine, wife of Edward and daughter of John, 493–4.
-, -, Capt. Robert, comptroller of Musters, Ireland, 553.

Fitz-Herbert (Fitzherbert), John, customer, Bristol, 267, 701; commissioner of Dean Forest, 196.

Fitz-James, Capt. George, disbandment, 338, 341, 380, 832, 835.

Fitz-John, sub-commissioner of Excise, Dorset, 877.

Fitz-Patrick, Capt. Edward, 332, 362, 375, 823.

Fitz-Roy, Charles, Earl and Duke of Southampton, pension, 320, 532, 534, 630, 639–40, 748; and see Palmer, B. (children).
-, -, George, 13th Earl of Northumberland, pension, 320, 532, 534, 639, 748; and see Palmer, B. (children).
-, -, Henry, 1st Duke of Grafton, pension, 320, 532, 534, 639, 748; and see Palmer, B. (children).
-, -, Mary, Duchess of Southampton, wife of Charles (afterwards Duchess of Cleveland), 213, 630.

Fitz-Symonds, Orlando, serjeant at arms, 181, 635, 778.

Five Bells (in the Strand), 258.

Flamorie, Monsieur, Envoy from the Duke of Orleans, 182.

Flanders, 51, 86, 124, 187, 241, 254, 683–4, 705.
-, -, forces in, 87, 128, 149, 173, 179, 248, 636, 664, 743.
-, -, -, sickness among the, 295, 797–8.
-, -, providoer general for; see Machado and Pereira.

Flannagan (Flanagan), Dennis, disbandment, 367, 828.

Fleet, prison warden of, 848.

Fleming, Charles, grant of Raby for Lady Delavall, 148.
-, -, Daniel, Justice of the Peace, Westmorland, 874.

Flemish lace; see Lace.

Fleshwarr (see Fletcher), Edmund, noon-tender, London port, 305.

Fletcher, Sir George, Justice of the Peace, Cumberland, 870.
-, -, John, sub-commissioner of Excise, South Wales, 875–8.
-, -, Mr., noonwaiter, London, 243 (see Fleshwarr).
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 363, 826.
-, -, -, collector of Excise, Salop (1667), 838; ditto, Worcester and Hereford, 839, 840.

Fletham, Edward, importer of rye, 613.

Flint (town), 161.
-, - county, 558.
-, - -, escheators, 174.
-, - -, receivers of forfeitures of Recusants in 586, 601 (see Every, J.); comptroller of pleas, records, etc., 174.
-, - -, receivers of Taxes; see Whitley, P. and R.
-, - -, sheriffs, 174.

Flody (Flouddy); see Amultually.

Flory, Henry, surveyor at Lyme port, 29, 266.

Flower, Edmund (Edward), of the King's music, 181, 672.
-, -, Sir William, knt., Irish Foot Regiment, 155; house, 293.

Floyd (and see Lloyd), Mr., chirurgeon of the Barbados Regiment, 621; brother of, of the Barbados Regiment, 621.

Floyher, Jno., collector Plantation duties, Jamaica, 754.

Flushing (Zealand), 254.

Flutter, Henry, Mayor of Guildford, 368, 829.

Foillard, Ann, widow of Ralph, 183.
-, -, Ralph, King's barber, 183, 678.

Foley, Robert, receiver of the Royal Aid, Additional Aid, and Eleven Months' tax, Worcester, 751.
-, -, -, son of Robert, 751.
-, -, Thomas, iron wire seizures, 89, 756.

Folkestone (Kent), 266.

Foot, Sir Tho., Commissioner of Excise (1650–3), 872.
-, -, William, shipmaster, 148.

Forbes, Arthur, Viscount (afterwards 1st Earl of) Granard, 690; provisions for Irish Army, 154–5; General of Horse, Irish Army, 155.
-, -, Capt. Arthur, Irish Army, 155.

Forcers, Thomas, disbandment, 367, 828.

Ford (Foord), Edward, disbandment, 368.
-, -, Mr., sale of tin, 132.

Fordingbridge (Hants.), 534, 688.

Foreign Apposer; see Whitacre, C.
-, - Estreats, clerk of; see Whitfield, T.

Foreman, Richard, disbandment, 822.

Foreside, Lisley, disbandment, 381.

Forests; see Dean Forest, Fan Grove, New Forest, Needwood, Richmond Park, Salcey, Sherwood, Stubb Ride, Waltham, Whittlewood, Windsor, Wichwood.
-, - Courts; see Dean Forest.
-, - law, 199.

Forfeited recognizances, 19, 55.

Forfeitures on penal statutes; see Penal.

Forgie, Mary, disbandment, 386.

Forster; see Foster.

Fortescue, Henry (Bristol port surveyorship), 63.

Forth, Dannett, Farmer of Excise of London (1668), 851; ditto of the five counties, 850–1.
-, -, John, alderman, Excise Farmer, 231, 408; ditto of London, Middlesex and Surrey (1667), 844, 849, 851; ditto of the five counties (1668), 850–1; ditto of Kent (1667), 838, 844, 846, 848; timber out of Dean Forest, 642.
-, -, William, LL.D., Excise Commissioner (1670), 879, 881.

Fortry, Samuel, clerk of deliveries of Ordnance, 56, 431, 573.

Forty, Richard, searcher, Shoreham, 478.

Fortune, Richard, disbandment, 370, 829.

Fosdick, Thomas, soldier, 531.

Fossett (Fosset) and see Faucet, Edward, disbandment, 349, 819.

Foster (Forster), Ely, waiter, 659.
-, -, James, debt, like bankers, 124.
-, -, -, disbandment, 826; Capt., disbandment, 826.
-, -, John, undersheriff, co. Surrey, 93, 810.
-, -, -, referee in Mint dispute, 154.
-, -, Martin, comptroller Newcastle, 36, 53, 77.
-, -, Matthew, disbandment, 381.
-, -, Mr., attorney for N. Tilson, 14.
-, -, Mris., Navy pension, 779.
-, -, Ralph, disbandment, 342, 381.
-, -, Richard, disbandment, 354, 821.
-, -, Tho., surety of Sir W. Doyly, senr., 539.

Fothergale, John, disbandment, 381.

Foubert, Monsieur Solomon de, academy in London, 132; royal bounty to, 140.

Fountain Garden; see Whitehall.
-, - Stairs, near St. Catherine's [wharf], 132.

-, - IN BARBADOS, Farmers of (Strode, Col. J., Wheeler, Sir C., Spencer, R.), 247, 313, 513; accounts, 131, 145, 170–1, 218, 240, 261, 435, 445, 504, 513–4, 519, 574, 582, 589, 651, 723, 733, 748–9, 759; bound to keep books, 722, 724; defalcations, brokerage, &c., 513–4; farm terms, 254, 256, 452, 716.
-, - -, tallies on, 57, 170–1, 178, 298, 314, 415, 416, 422, 432, 457, 583, 648, 708, 741.
-, - -, question of commutation of for other sources of revenue, 720, 722, 729, 743.
-, - LEEWARD ISLANDS, Farmers (Spencer, R., Stroud, J., Tucker, C., Daniel, H.), (separate from Barbados, 1670), 254, 256, 313, 716, 743, (jointly with Barbados, 1677), 574; accounts, 574, 582, 655, 663, 720, 722–3, 724, 729, 743, 757–8; books of, 722, 724.
-, - -, office of escheator, 313.
-, - -, question of commutation of, for other sources of revenue, 720, 722, 729, 743.
-, - -, release of the duty in St. Christopher; see St. Christopher.
-, - -, subject to the Treasury Lords' examination, 721.
-, - -, tallies on, 298, 314, 432, 708.
-, - -, to be applied to the militia there, 170, 172; to be used for fortifications, 256.

"Fourdelice" [Fleurdelice] in the Strand, 589.

Fowey (Cornwall), 98, 267, 307, 358.

Fowke, Jon., 609.

Fowler, Mris., Navy pension, 159.

Fowles (Fowlis, Fowlys), Sir David, alum works, 38.
-, -, William, chief searcher, London, 116, 465.

Fownes, Jon., surety for F. Hanbury, 316, 441.

Fox, Capt. Charles, 733.
-, -, Gerard, riding surveyor, Newcastle, Scarborough, &c., 754, 804.
-, -, Michael, disbandment, 817.
-, -, Somerset, annuity, 271, 470, 471, 674, 780, 781.
-, -, Sir Stephen, 247, 248, 416, 417, 541, 773; Paymaster of the Forces, 70–1, 133, 285, 399, 622, 788, 840–1, 847, 853, 855, 868–9, 882; for issues to, as such, see Army (Paymaster); a Treasury Lord, 265, 567, 728, 765; issues to, for secret service (on 8,000l. per an. for the Treasury Lords), 161, (on 2,000l. per an. for the Earl of Lichfield as by the privy seal of 1674, July 27), 48, 490, 781, (on 2,000l. per an. for the Earl of Sussex as by the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 25), 48, 490, 695, 781; interest to, 580; for the Earl of Sunderland 216; carriages to Newmarket, 204; tallies with the cofferer of the Household, 441.
-, -, William, debt to, like the bankers, 124; ship's purser, 499.

Foxall, John, Customs place, 651.

France, 13, 45, 51, 198, 226, 233, 248, 409, 438, 450, 474, 475, 516, 522, 594, 664, 680, 795.
-, -, ambassadors to and from; see ambassadors (to and from).
-, -, English officers and regiments in, 796; quitting service of, 168, 618.
-, -, goods from and prohibited trade with, see French.
-, -, King of, coming to Calais, 620; coming to Dunkirk, 648, 656; progress in Flanders, 705.
-, -, salt from; see Salt.
-, -, ships of, 111; and see French (duty).
-, -, war in, assessment for and moneys chargeable on account of the New Raised Forces for the war and for their disbandment, see assessments (Poll and Eighteen Months' tax and Six Months'); accounts of, 288; issues for 41, and see Army (New Raised Forces), Navy, Ordnance; stores bought for, 207, and see Navy, Ordnance; ships taken up for, 307; disbanding the New Raised Forces, see Army; debt on the whole account of the war and the disbandment, see Navy (debt), Ordnance (debt), as under Assessments (Poll).
-, -, wool export to, illicit; see Wool.

Francis, John, charges against Capt. Sydenham, 137.

Franck, Edward, linen draper, London, 857.

Franco, Don Antonio, secretary to Spanish Ambassador, 542.
-, -, Mr., valet, 542.
-, -, Don Pedro, 542.

Frankland, Mr. (at the Exchequer Office), 298.

Franklin (Franklyn, Francklyn), Edward, perpetual interest, 106, 107, 269.
-, -, Sir John, Master in Chancery, 90, 152, 296, 446, 548, 605.
-, -, Mr., Admiralty enquiry, 306, 406.
-, -, Tho., groom litterman, 183, 190, 239.
-, -, Sir William, knt., disbandment, 373, 830.

Frauds in Customs and Excise and Act of Frauds; see Customs (frauds), Excise (complaints).

Frazier (Frasier, Fraser, Frazer), Sir Alexander, the King's principal physician, 64, 232, 739, 744.
-, -, Cary, Maid of Honour, pension, 86, 456, 457.
-, -, Dr. Charles, physician in ordinary, 265.
-, -, Lady [Mary], Queen's dresser, 173, 191.
-, -, Thomas, tidesman, London, 794.

Freake, Mr., mariner, 561.

Freeborne, Samll., messenger to the House of Commons, 253, 561.

Freeman, Edward, tidesman, Bristol, 206.
-, -, Capt., Barbados merchant, 722, 729, 757.
-, -, Mr., assignment, Ordnance, 457.
-, -, Rice, purser, 499.
-, -, Richard, disbandment, 357.
-, -, William, victualler, disbandment, 377, 833.

Freind, John, Excise Farmer, 46, 585; Hearthmoney, Northants, 259.

Freiston, Honour, disbandment, 352, 820.

Freitas, Señor Gaspar Abrin de, ambassador from Portugal, 6, 479.

French, George, haberdasher, disbandment, 383, 384, 386, 387, 833.
-, -, Thomas, sub-commissioner of Excise, co. Hereford, 860.

FRENCH in West Indies, 138; conduct of and treaty of neutrality with, 254–6, 313, 428; in St. Christopher; see St. Christopher.
-, - duty (of 5s. per ton on French shipping in English ports), 52, 109, 111, 167, 220, 299, 438, 794.
-, - -, Farmers of (B. Gascoigne), 167; (Major R. Huntingdon and Sir W. Bucknall for England and Ireland, 1667–71), 397, 438, 468–9; (Sir W. Bucknall for England), 397; (Sir John James and G. Dashwood), 424; (Sir G. Carteret, for Ireland), 564.
-, - Gazetteer, 719.
-, - goods, 20, 403; prohibition of, under the Poll Act; see French (trade).
-, - linen; see Linen.
-, - Protestant refugees, 293.
-, - seamen, arrests of, 413.
-, - ships in the West Indies, 254–6.
-, - trade, prohibition of import of French goods under the Poll Act, and certificates of non-French origin, 6, 45, 50, 73, 239, 453, 490, 552–3, 690, 714, 764; prosecutions and seizures of prohibited French goods and frauds and discoveries of French wines and salt, 27, 28, 117, 159, 193, 203, 210, 239, 275, 303–4, 411, 478, 618, 680, 687, 712, 758; proclamation concerning (Jan., 1679–80), 410–11, 413; and see Guernsey, Jersey.
-, - -, diminution of English Customs receipts from the prohibition of French trade, 5.
-, - wines; see Wines.

Frenwith, Thomas, collector of St. Ives, 510.

Frescheville, John, Lord Frescheville, disbandment, 344, 345, 381, 384; grant of debt as royal bounty, 508, 804; York and Clifford's Tower, 618.

Fricker, Edward, waiter, Eastbourne, 149.

Frisby, Richard, disbandment, 353, 820.

Frith (Fryth), William (Robert), Windsor Bridge, 216–7.

Frobisher, Ensign Martin, disbandment, 336, 829.

Frogmore (Windsor), lease of, 160, 547, 588, 798.

Froud (Frowde, Froude), Corney, assistant to weigher and teller of the Mint, 423, 696; chief clerk of the Mint, 298, 397, 423, 707.
-, -, George, disbandment, 363, 827.
-, -, Philip, deputy Post Master General, 51, 68; lands, Ireland, 557.

Fry, William, Welsh Excise, 516.

Fryer, William, clerk of impost bills, 324, 626.

Fryth; see Frith.

Fuel wood, 199.

Fulham (Middlesex), 368, 376.

Fuller, Richard, noontender, 588.
-, -, Samuel, disbandment, 365, 366, 367, 827, 828.

Fulling mills, not to be exported, 26.

Fulthrope, Charles, of Hartlepool, 584.
-, -, John, Mayor of Hartlepool, 584.

Furley, John, merchant, London, 852.

Furman, Jno., disbandment, 373, 831.

Furneaux Pelham (Herts), 859.

Furnis, Walter, sadler, disbandment, 385.

Furnival's Inn (London), 679.

Fursman, John, Wareham Hospital, 810.

Fürstenberg, Prince Egon of, 191; two Counts, 191.

Fussell, Arthur, receiver Dorset and Poole of the Seventeen Months' tax and Eighteen Months' tax and Poll, 651, 769.

Fuzzard, Daniel (to fell timber), 652.

Fyles, James, disbandment, 367, 828.

Fynogien (co. Denbigh), 325.