Entry Book: July 1680, 12-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: July 1680, 12-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp620-638 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1680, 12-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp620-638.

"Entry Book: July 1680, 12-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp620-638.


July 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 12. Same to the Navy Commissioners to hasten the calling in of the bills which are to be assigned for payment on the 37,000l. [which is] to be paid by 500l. a week so that the Treasury Lords may commence the payment of the [said] 500l. per week and [may] take care to furnish the money for the stores. Out Letters (General), p. 36.
Same to Sir L. Jenkins [Secretary of State]. The Treasury Lords are informed that Visct. Yarmouth has desired a stop of the grant of the surveyorship of Green wax to Mr. Aram. I am to signify you that the grant of the Greenwax moneys to the Earl of Peterborough, Visct. Yarmouth et al. is recalled by a signification of the King's pleasure under the great seal made upon an order of Council which [procedure] was grounded upon a condition in the grant itself. So the Treasury Lords think that Aram ought not to be obstructed by those patentees. Ibid.
Same to the Governor of Landguard Fort. The Customs Commissioners laid before the Treasury Lords May 10 [11] last an affidavit of William Parsons about a riot at Felixtow ut supra, pp. 530–1. You are to forthwith send George Adams to George Gosnell collector of Ipswich port, to be examined before him by Mr. Milton, one of the Justices of the Peace in Ipswich, in order to the prosecution of the rioters at the next assizes at Bury St. Edmunds. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Treasury Lords direct you not to strike the tallies for perpetual interest on the Excise for the quarter which will grow due at Michaelmas next till those for midsummer quarter last be first satisfied at the Excise Office; and so for the future not to strike the tallies for a subsequent quarter till those for the preceeding quarter be first paid off: and to the end you may know when the tallies for every quarter are discharged at the said Office you are to have a certificate thereof from time to time from the Cashier of Excise. Ibid, p. 37.
July 12. Money warrant for 100l. to Henry, Duke of Newcastle, for one year to Christmas last on his fee as Chief Justice in Eyre Trent north. Money Book, p. 161.
Treasury warrant to William Hewer to send to Tangier by Thomas Atterbury, one of the messengers of the Chamber, the bill of exchange for 4,500l. which is to be issued at the Receipt to you as imprest for the extraordinary expense of the present expedition to Tangier; the said sum being to be issued out of loans into the Exchequer from Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe, and the said Duncombe having agreed to furnish a bill of exchange for 20,000 pieces of 8 to be paid to Sir Martin Westcombe at Cadiz. Said messenger is "to go express by Cadiz to Tangier to the said" Westcombe and the money is to be employed for buying 300 horses with 3 months' provender, etc., according to the King's order of July 7 inst. You are to take Atterbury's receipt for the bill. Ibid.
Money warrant for 5,146l. 9s. 4d. to William Hewer, Treasurer of the Garrison of Tangier, as imprest for said garrison in further part of 14,300l. for the quarter ended Dec. 31 last (on which quarter 4,739l. 1s. 1d. is already paid). To be issued out of loans made into the Exchequer by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe. Of said sum 3,500l. is intended for the service of the mole and 1,646l. 9s. 4d. for the Victualling. (Money order dated July 13 hereon.) Ibid, p. 162. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 136.
Same for 500l. to the Earl of Rochester for one year to 1675, Christmas, on his annuity or pension. Money Book, p. 163.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be for one week's ordinary allowance of the Navy to the 10th inst. Ibid.
The like for 500l. to same on same for same week for the Victuallers.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Excise money which is already or shall be paid into the Exchequer this week. Disposition Book, p. 63.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Johnson over and above the 2,000l. per week 3,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 1,000 0 0
Treasury reference to John Lawrence and Bartholomew Fillingham of the petition of Abraham Summers on reference from the King. Petitioner sets forth that he has discovered 4 cheats, 2 whereof (James Greenly and Martin Storey) tried to bribe him to concealment. There is money in Commissary Baines's office to be disposed of by John Lawrence, Bartholomew Fillingham and said Baines for pay of the arrears of the [Barbados] officers and soldiers. Upon former addresses the Treasury Lords ordered Mr. Floyd, brother of Mr. Floyd who was chirurgeon of the [said] regiment to appear before them, who refused without a summons. Prays to be paid out of said moneys and for same to be deducted out of said chirurgeon's moneys, petitioner being greatly distressed and like to be cast in to prison for want of his money. Reference Book I, pp. 110–1.
July 12. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Mr. Knatchbull's petition [et al.]. Petitioners are certainly informed that the Customs are prejudiced and great mischiefs, etc., happen to merchants and traders in London port by the straitness of the quays, which will not admit of a secure ease and quick delivery of goods: and [therefore pray] that such part of the Tower Wharf at the west end together with the dock there and a convenient space of ground at the east end thereof may be set out and appointed so as neither to prevent the prospect nor service of the Tower, and that the same (if added to the free quays) would become a great accomodation to the merchants and for his Majesty's service, particularly the appointing the said east part for the lading and discharging of coast goods, which as they are now intermixed with other merchandise is found to be burdensome, dangerous and inconvenient. If this be approved of there will be a great expense required in building cranes and other necessary conveniences. This petitioners are ready to bear and same may, on emergency, be employed in his Majesty's service. Therefore pray a grant of same [said extension of quay] by lease for a term and on a rent to be thought fit. Reference Book I, pp. 111–111b.
Same to same of the petition of James Dowglas for a tidesman's place London port, petitioner having ventured his life for Charles I and II, and being utterly ruined in the great fire when he lost his books of accompts and wares. Ibid, pp. 111–2.
Same to same of John Clarke's petition for a tidewaiter's place, having been always true and loyal and now out of employment. Ibid, p. 112.
Same to Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster of the Land Forces, of the petition of the orphans Horseley. Their relations were slain at sea in the engagements against the Dutch, and petitioners have certificates under the hands of the Navy Commissioners (as usual in such cases) qualifying them capable of the King's bounty. Application has been made to the persons to whom said certificates were directed, viz., Mr. Johnson and Mr. Fox, Paymasters of the Forces, for the moneys due thereupon for their relief but payment was denied there, alleging that their [the Army] establishment did not provide for it notwithstanding in their predecessor's time several persons in the same condition received satisfaction upon producing like certificates. Therefore pray that money may be ordered into said Paymaster's hands for speedy redress of said petitioners. Ibid, pp. 112–3.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of John Buckle's petition for a landwaiter's place, he having been bred a merchant beyond seas. Ibid, p. 113.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners of Mathew Bateman's petition setting forth that according to the stated debt of the Ordnance Office on account of the French war there is due to petitioner 1,462l. 17s. 7d. by 7 several debentures, upon 3 of which there is a sett [off] of 500l. imprested to him: whereupon Sir George Wharton, Treasurer of the Ordnance, refuses to deliver to petitioner his tallies for 1,462l. 17s. 7d. unless petitioner consent to the setting off of 500l. alleged to be imprested to him upon the French war. True it is that petitioner received 500l. from said Wharton as imprest; at which time said Wharton told him he had no money in his hands upon the French war, but had paid some thousands of £ above 20,000l. by him received for that service, and that money he had was for other services of the [Ordnance] Office. Petitioner has 621l. 4s. 3d. due to him upon several bills and debentures for several services (exclusive of the French war) preceding 1679, June 30. Therefore prays that the said imprest of 500l. may be set off upon the said bills and debentures of 621l. 4s. 3d., and that he may receive his tallies for said 1,462l. 17s. 7d. Ibid, p. 114.
July 12. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to repay to Mr. Duncombe out of First Fruits and Tenths, preferable to any [other] payment charged thereon, the 650l. which said Duncombe has advanced to the Earl of Plymouth on said Earl's pensions payable out of the said First Fruits and Tenths. Disposition Book I, p. 67.
Same to Sir Richard Mason et al. [Agents for Taxes] forwarding for their opinion thereon certain papers from the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 37.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 100l. to the Duke of Newcastle upon the Treasury (money) warrant of this day. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Martin Westcombe, Agent for his Majesty at Cadiz, Port St. Mary and the district thereof. By order in Council of the 17th inst. Capt. Makenny and another fit person at Tangier such as Sir Palmes Fairbo[r]ne should select were to speedily repair to Spain and there in correspondence with you buy the 300 horses intended from thence with three months' provender besides their transportation. In pursuance thereof we have caused William Hewer, the Treasurer for Tangier, to send you by this express bills of exchange for 20,000 pieces of Eight which may be sufficient for this service if expended with good husbandry. In case any more be wanting to complete it we desire you to supply it and draw bills on said Hewer payable to whom you please here in London, which shall be punctually complied with. Ibid, p. 38.
Henry Guy to Mr. Agar. On reading your report concerning the present state of New Park the Treasury Lords think it necessary that the breaches of the wall, the grate of the common sewer and the stable there be forthwith repaired, but not beyond 40l. for the wall and 10l. for the stable. Ibid.
Same to Sir James Shaen and partners for a certificate of what pensions the establishment of Ireland stands charged with and what [pensions] have been taken off since the year 1678. Ibid, p. 39.
July 12. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to pay (out of moneys provided for that purpose in Treasurer Danby's time and which is certified as remaining in the Treasurer of the Navy's hands) the following navy bills for in all 434l. 5s. 2d., the Treasury Lords being satisfied of the justness of the said debts (and same to the Navy Treasurer to pay same): viz.: Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 41, 53.
l. s. d.
12 July, 1676, Jon. Lloyd: extraordinary necess[ary] money 30 0 0
12 July, ditto, ditto 13 10 8
25 Oct., 1676, Christopher Venman (Vermnon), ditto, imprest abated 13 13 9
25 Oct., ditto, ditto 79 0 4
10 Nov., ditto, credit on the Victualling account 18 0 6
28 July, [1676], John Burton (Breton), ditto 124 18 6
5 Dec., ditto, extraordinary necess[ary] money in 1666, imprest abated 16 10 0
5 Dec., ditto, ditto 138 11 5
£434 5 2
July 13. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in 1,500l. into the Exchequer from Thomas Felton as loan on the Customs. Reserve the money for the Treasury Lords' disposal. Disposition Book I, p. 64.
Money warrant for 28l. 7s. 6d. to Anthony Sagar, gent., 10l. thereof for last June 24 quarter's salary and the remainder for necessaries provided for the Treasury Office in said quarter. (Money order dated July 13 hereon.) Money Book, p. 164. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 136.
Same for 80l. 16s. 8d. to Andrew Lawrence, Surveyor of his Majesty's ways: viz., 36l. thereof for one year to June 24 last on his fee of 2s. a day; 29l. 3s. 4d. for 175 days on his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day for [riding charges for] so many days between Michaelmas and Lady day yearly as he is employed, and 15l. 3s. 4d. on his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day for riding charges for one quarter in every year, viz., from Lady day to Midsummer. Money Book, pp. 164–5.
Same for 1,000l. to Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, for half a year to 1679, June 24, on his pension of 2,000l. per an. as by the patent of 1673, June 19, and privy seal of 1680, May 19. Ibid, p. 165.
Same for 1,050l. to Dr. (John) Taylor for 3 quarters to 1679, Christmas, on the 1,400l. per an. to him for secret service as by the privy seal of 1676, June 30. (Money order dated July 13 hereon.) Ibid, p. 165. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 136.
Same for 20l. to Sir Henry St. George for half a year to 1677, Sept. 29, on his fee as Norroy King at Arms. Money Book, p. 166.
13l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Thomas St. George for half a year to 1667 (1677). Lady day, on same as Somerset Herald.
13l. 6s. 8d. to John Dugdale for half a year to 1678, Lady day, on same as Windsor Herald.
13l. 6s. 8d. to Francis Sandford for half a year to 1679, Sept. 29, on same as Lancaster Herald.
13l. 6s. 8d. to Henry Dethicke for half a year to 1677, Sept. 29, on same as Richmond Herald.
13l. 6s. 8d. to Robert Devenish for half a year to 1678, Lady day as York Herald.
13l. 6s. 8d. to Thomas May for half a year to 1677, Sept. 29, as Chester Herald.
10l. to Henry Ball for half a year to 1677, Sept. 29, on same as [Rouge] Croix Pursuivant at Arms.
10l. to Gregory King for half a year to 1678, Sept. 29, as Rogue Dragon Pursuivant at Arms.
10l. to Thomas Holford for half a year to 1674, Sept. 29, as Portcullis Pursuivant at Arms.
10l. to John Gibbon for half a year to 1674, June 24, on same as Bluemantle Pursuivant at Arms.
July 13. Money warrant for 300l. to Thomas Neale, esq., Groom Porter for half a year to 1677, Christmas, on his allowance of 600l. per an, as in lieu of all his bills for furnishing several sorts of Household stuff and provisions which, by the duty of his office, he is to provide at the royal palace of Whitehall and other the King's houses. Money Book, p. 167.
Same for 45l. 15s. 0d. each to Benjamin Coling and Nathaniel Cock (Cocke) for one year to Lady Day last on their fee of 2s. 6d. each a day as Keeper of his Majesty's Council Chamber. Ibid, pp. 167–8.
Same for 30l. 10s. 0d. to the Churchwardens of St. Michael, Cornhill, for 2½ years to 1679, Christmas, on the perpetuity of 12l. 4s. 0d. per an. for the poor of said parish. Ibid, p. 168.
Same for 1,500l. to Thomas Felton in repayment of so much lent by him this day into the Exchequer: with 6 per cent. interest: to be payable out of the Customs. (Money order dated July 13 hereon.) Ibid, p. 169. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 138.
Treasury warrant to William Roberts, Receiver of the moneys for repairing and rebuilding Windsor Castle, to pay 100l. to Sigmor Verrio for half a year to June 24 last on his allowance of 200l. per an. as by the royal sign manual of May 5 last; he being employed to paint ceilings in Windsor Castle. Money Book, pp. 170, 169.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners forwarding the replies from the Treasury Lords to the queries of the 9th inst. which came from you. As to (1) The soldiers that are to be transported in the merchant ships from Ireland to Tangier are to be victualled in Ireland by a contract with the Revenue Farmers there. (2) The oats, hay, etc., for the 160 horse from Ireland are to be shipped away from thence. (3) The blankets, pillows and rugs for the soldiers from England, Scotland and Ireland are to be put on board the ships here in the Thames. (4) The hamacoes for half the men are to be provided by you. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 39.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Treasury Lords are contented that Sir Robt. Vyner may proceed in making and registering assignments upon his perpetual interest notwithstanding the direction you lately received, provided he leaves so much unassigned as amounts to 100,000l. at the least until the undischarged orders in his own or Mr. Stratford's name be discharged. Ibid.
[?] Same to same to pay 193l. 11s. 8d. to Phillip Packer for the gardeners of the Privy Garden at Whitehall and of the Garden Plots and Bowling Green at Hampton Court: the said sum remaining due upon a money order dated 1678–9, March 17. Ibid, p. 40.
July 13. Money order for 5,900l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncomb in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward per an. payable at the end of every three months. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 149.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk and Comptroller of the Pipe for summons of the Pipe to be issued out to the sheriff of co. Herts for levying the several penalties upon a list of names of the Roman Catholics delivered in by the sheriff of said county [within the Receivership of Mr. Bedford]. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 218.
The like warrants severally upon the like lists severally for cos. Bucks, Oxford, Beds and Berks.
The like warrants severally upon the like lists severally for cos. Sussex, Essex, Kent and Surrey [within the Receivership of Mr. Ralph Pemberton].
Treasury nomination and constitution of George Hodges and James Birdall, gent., as clerks to prepare bills of impost or warrants usually called the bills of impost for paying moneys to the ambassadors, noblemen and others in lieu of the impost on wines formerly allowed them, and for keeping entries of the said warrants or bills: to hold during pleasure: all locis William Fryer and George Hodges, whose authority dated 1677, April 2, is hereby voided. Ibid, p. 221.
July [? 13]. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of James, marquess of Montrose, as by the order of reference from the King dated July 12 last thereon. Petitioner prays payment of 238l. 1s. 0d. due to him for clothing the troop which he commanded in the Duke of York's late Regiment of Horse, and of 90l. 6s. 0d. arrears of pay to him as captain of said troop. We are certified by Mr. Bridges, clerk to Mr. Kingdon, late Paymaster of the Forces, that petitioner received the whole pay of his troop, that no defalcations were made by Mr. Kingdon for their clothing, because it was signified to him by the Colonel that said Marquess had provided them clothes and accoutrements at his own charge; that your Majesty's allowance for clothes and accoutrements for each corporal and trooper was 9l. and at that rate the clothing of the said troop came to 567l.; that (according to the usual deductions for clothes) the deduction which petitioner could make from the pay of the corporals and troopers towards their clothing while they stood came only to 328l. 19s. 0d., so that there remains due to petitioner 238l. 1s. 0d. There is also due to him for his pay as captain 90l. 6s. 0d. for 129 days. The allegations in the petition are therefore true. But we find upon enquiry that the providing for this particular person may draw a great many cases of the same nature upon your Majesty for which your affairs at this time are not in a condition to provide. We propose that the reimbursement prayed for may be respited for some time till your Majesty may be in a condition to provide for many other officers that have been at charges upon that service and remain still unconsidered upon that account. Ibid, p. 222.
July 14. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent [the Customs Cashier] to bring 1,000l. into the Exchequer for Prince Rupert. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 40.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the [? last Eighteen] Months' Assessment, co. Surrey, to deliver to Ralph Pemberton any duplicates which he may require of the said assessments in such towns and places where any Popish Recusants' estates lie, said Pemberton having been appointed Receiver General of the forfeitures of Popish Recusants in said county. Ibid.
The like to same severally of cos. Sussex, Kent, and Essex.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the 17,000l. which the present Hearthmoney contractors have agreed to pay into the Exchequer upon their farm rent due Lady day next but payable, by the days of grace, only on 1681, Sept. 19, viz.:— Disposition Book I, p. 65.
to the Master of the Great Wardrobe 3,912
more to same for the Stables 700
to the Duke of Monmouth on account of the Stables 4,205
to Mr. Packer 1,233
to the Privy Seal 3,000
to the Treasurer of the Chamber 3,500
to Mr. Darcy and Newport on their fee 450
Privy seal for the payment into the Exchequer by the Coroner and Attorney of the King's Bench Court of 400 marks remaining of the fine of 500 marks imposed by the said Court upon Henry Edgar, esq., who was convicted for speaking seditious words, 100 marks thereof having been allowed to the prosecutors thereof. Same is to be kept apart and distinct in the Exchequer and is hereby to be issued (or so much thereof as shall be in the Exchequer) to Sir Charles Gaudy, bart., to his own use without account. (Royal warrant dated June 30 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated July 15 for 266l. 13s. 4d. hereon: to be paid as the King's free gift. Money order dated July 11 [sic, erratum for July 16] hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 347. Money Book, p. 172. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 139.
Money warrant for 40l. to Robert Swan, gent., for half a year to June 24 last on his pension as granted him by the privy seal of 1668, Oct. 22, for his fidelity in securing his Majesty's escape after the battle of Worcester. (Money order dated July 14 hereon.) Money Book, p. 170. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 138.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Receipt for tallies of pro to be levied on the Excise for the yearly rents or sums of 327l. 19s. 2d. to Anthony Sturt, 41l. 6s. 7d. to Christopher Gunman and 27l. 13s. 10d. to Capt. Anthony Young as by the patent of 1677–8, Feb. 2, granting same to them as payable quarterly out of the Hereditary Excise. Money Book, p. 175.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Edward Whittaker's petition for a tidewaiter or other place in the Custom House, London. Reference Book I, p. 115.
July 14. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet attending for a privy seal for 50,000l. to William Hewer, Treasurer of the garrison at Tangier, as imprest for the extraordinary expense and charge of the present expedition designed for that garrison in Africa: to be by him paid according to warrants he shall receive from the Commissioners for the affairs of Tangier, or from the Treasury Lords. [The privy seal hereon was dated July 21.] King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 8.
Royal sign manual for 397l. 14s. 10d. to Henry Guy for secret service: without accompt: to be paid out of the privy seal dormant of May 19 last. (Money warrant dated July 15 hereon. Money order dated July 15 hereon.) Ibid, p. 10. Money Book, p. 171. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 137.
Same for 150l. to same for same: to be paid ut supra. (Money warrant dated July 15 hereon. Money order dated July 15 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 11. Money Book, p. 171. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 137.
Same for 100l. to Sir Cuthbert Heron, bart., as royal bounty without accompt: to be paid ut supra; and to be paid by tally on himself as late sheriff of Northumberland for the 2 years ending 1669, Sept. 29. (Money warrant dated July 19 hereon. Money order dated Sept. 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 11. Money Book, p. 183. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 166.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Receipt for tallies of pro for the yearly rent or sum of 273l. 15s. 0d. upon the Excise, as already grown due and as same shall hereafter grow due to Richard Brett by virtue of his patent of 1678–9, March 14. Money Book, pp. 179–80.
The like for Sir Edmond Turner's like yearly rent or sum of 275l. 11s. 0d. on the Excise as by his patent of 1678, Aug. 8, therefor.
July 15. Henry Guy to Mr. Courtny to attend the Treasury Lords on Wednesday next, when the Earl of Bath, Mr. Harbord and Mr. Rogers are to attend about the place of the supervisor of tin. Give notice to all the other officers of the Stannaries to attend at the same time. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 41.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign for payment Mr. William Hamond's bill of 194l. for the hire of the ship Friendship of Woodbridge, which was taken up to transport soldiers to Scotland. Ibid, p. 42.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to continue Jon. Capell as a landwaiter, London port, and not to remove him to an outport in respect of his age. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kingdon and Mr. Bridges. It is alleged by Capt. Williams, late Receiver of Assessments for co. Hants, who is indebted to the King upon that account, that you owe him a considerable sum on the accounts between you and him concerning said Assessments. You are to despatch that account forthwith. Ibid.
July 15. Henry Guy to the Woodward and regarders of New Forest, forwarding Jon. Deane's petition. You are to give an estimate of the repairs therein mentioned. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 43.
Treasury reference to Auditor Done of the petition of Thomas Swallow, an officer in the Mint, who prays for 172l. due to him. Reference Book I, p. 114.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Peter and James Houblon et al., concerned in the loading of the ship Britannia on the entry of which extra duties are demanded because she had [not] 32 men on board on her arrival, petitioners alleging that she went out with 32 men and they want their complement [only] by reason of sickness, mortality and runaways. Ibid, p. 115.
Treasury warrant to Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, to allow 20l. 8s. 6d. to Sir Godfrey Copley in his account as late sheriff of co. Yorks, being 12d. per £ on the 408l. 16s. 1d. collected by his father and himself in 1677 and 1678, and paid into the Exchequer, out of Recusants' estates; in consideration of which said Copley has prayed an allowance of the 46l. remaining in his hands of the issues of his office [of sheriff]. Money Book, p. 172.
Money warrant for 18l. 5s. 0d. each to the following for half a year each to the times specified on their allowance as Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen in ordinary, viz., Tho. Witherden to 1673, Christmas, John Robinson to 1674, June 24; Jon. Hall to 1675, Sept. 29; Hobart Colby to 1675, Sept. 29; Robert Wilmot to 1679, Christmas; John Kernan to 1679, Sept. 29; Thomas Thackham to 1679, Sept. 29; Richard Change to 1680, Lady day. Ibid, p. 173.
Same for 100l. to Sir Christopher Musgrave, Receiver General for co. Yorks of the late Seventeen Months' Tax, as in consideration of his extraordinary charges and service therein. (Money order dated July 19 hereon.) Ibid, p. 174. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 140.
Same for 100l. to Sir Phillip Warwick for one year to Sept. 29 last on his annuity. Money Book, p. 174.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 27l. to Henry Brabant for one year to Lady day last, on his fee as Customer of Newcastle port. Ibid, p. 176.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 5,200l. to Baptist May on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Keeper of the Privy Purse: 5,000l. thereof being intended for last June 24 quarter's expense of the Privy Purse, and 200l. for his Majesty's particular direction. Ibid.
Same to William Johnson, Sheriff of Lancaster, to pay 20l. to John Risley (Risly), a Justice of Peace of said county, for apprehending Jon. Penketh about the 10th of April, 1679, upon suspicion of being a Popish priest and conveying him to Lancaster: it being certified by Justice Dolben that John Penketh was convicted at the assizes at Lancaster, 1679, Aug. 23, for being a Popish priest. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 62l. 6s. 8d. to Randolph Wilmer for one year to 1677, Christmas, on his fee as Customer of Strangers' Customs, London port. Ibid.
July 15. Money warrant for 350l. to Lieutenant William Armstrong for 1¾ years to June 24 last on his annuity or pension of 200l. per an. during pleasure out of the Queen's portion. (Money order dated Oct. 7 hereon: to be paid out of that part of the Queen's portion which yet remains unpaid.) Money Book, p. 179. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 175.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Thomas Millar, Customs officer of Carolina, as an incident charge for his present support. Money Book, p. 180.
Same to Sir John Shaw, kt. and bart., collector inwards London port, to swear Joseph Venner (Vennor) into office as deputy to William Lownds, one of the King's waiters London port: he being certified the 9th inst. as fit by the Customs Commissioners. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 140.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt. On Sept. 30 last I intimated to you to get 200l. lent by one of the Tellers of the Exchequer for supply of the Duchess of Southampton, to be paid to Richard Topham for her use. I herewith enclose a Treasury warrant for 200l. to the Duke of Southampton on his pension of 3,000l. per an. The Treasury Lords desire that this warrant may be satisfied out of First Fruits and Tenths now remaining in the Exchequer, whereby the Teller that advanced the said 200l. may be regularly discharged thereof according to the method of the Exchequer. (Money warrant dated July 15 for 200l. to said Duke as in part of 1679, June 24 quarter of said pension, on which quarter 250l. has been already paid.) Disposition Book I, p. 65. Money Book, p. 173.
Same to same for a list of what warrants you have before you charged on the First Fruits and Tenths and remaining unsatisfied. Disposition Book I, p. 66.
The Treasury Lords to [the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland]. On the application of Sir James Shaen, Capt. Edwd. Richbell and Mr. Lau. Stanyan (on behalf of themselves and their partners in the Irish Revenue Farm), the King ordered you to take off the late restraints laid upon them, procured from hence by Mr. Rider while the differences continued between them. Give the Farmers no just occasion to complain that the King hinders them from enjoying the benefit of their grant. What lies hardest on them (as they tell us) is their being hindered from Lady day, 1678, to draw so much out of the produce of their farm as remains unpaid of their advance money after the rate of 500l. per month and their poundage after the rate of 4,000l. per month for every 20,000l. part of their farm rent [all, viz.] from that time until the 1st of May, 1680, whereby they have been and are like to be very great sufferers both in their profit and credit. They tell us that all their efforts to borrow money here to satisfy what they have agreed to pay for Mr. Rider's three shares in the farm have proved ineffectual, and they have entreated us to move the King to lend them so much as would discharge the same. We were willing to yield hereunto if his Majesty's finances permitted, because we are sensible of the straights they are in, and are of opinion that their intentions are sincere and real to carry on his Majesty's service to the utmost of their power. They assure us they have no other expedient to pull themselves at ease but by drawing out the residue of their interest money and poundage from 1678, Lady day, to 1680, May day, and they will endeavour by their diligence in getting in their arrears, more unanimous management and quicker collection of the revenue in future that the growing payments to the civil and military lists shall not be retarded. This request seems to us very moderate and reasonable, considering that they have not hitherto (as they say their predecessors did) craved any defalcations or abatements of their monthly rents (except for the cheques whereby so much was really saved to his Majesty out of the [Irish] establishment and whereof in case there be a surplus they are only to have a sixth part). We have therefore acquainted his Majesty herewith, and he is willing that the Farmers should find the effects of his restrictions to countenance them, and that they should receive from you not only such encouragements as their covenants entitle them to but also such other as you shall find requisite to enable them to improve the King's revenue to the best advantage, particularly the reducing the payments of the civil and military lists (as the farm rent is) into monthly payments would be in their opinion of great advantage to his Majesty's service by making a better and quicker circulation of the money. We offer this to your consideration as a thing wherein we see no manifest inconvenience. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 84–5.
July 15. Treasury reference to Auditors Done and Bridges of the petition of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners: said petition shewing that they petitioned Treasurer Danby for an old arrear of 25,790l. 15s. 11d. due to them and obtained three assignments in 1670 and 1671 each for 3,000l. or 9,000l. in all, on the First Fruits, but thereof they only received 2,921l. 13s. 11½d. the payment of the remaining 6,078l. 6s. 0½d. being obstructed by a privy seal obtained two years later by the Earl of Arlington for 5,338l. 17s. 6d. charged upon the First Fruits: whereupon, the whole matter being represented to the King, he referred same to Treasurer Danby, who reported the inconvenience to his Majesty's service if the Earl of Arlington's privy seal should take place to misapply his Majesty's moneys from their proper assignments: [thereupon] Mr. Prettyman, Remembrancer of First Fruits, being in debt 7,965l. 17s. 8d. prayed to have his said debt installed, and it was installed at 800l. per an. and the Earl of Arlington has lately obtained an order to have the said 5,338l. 17s. 6d. paid out of said instalments: if so paid there will be a balance of 2,627l. 0s. 2d. of said instalments: pray that said balance may be paid to them in view of the great arrear due to them. Reference Book I, p. 127.
July 16. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Send to the Treasury Lords the report made some years since by Mr. Osborne or Mr. Dunstar on the condition of Bristol port. Out Letters (General), VI, p. 43.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 7l. to the minister of St. Botolphs, Aldersgate, for one year to June 24 last, on his perpetuity. Ibid.
July 16. Henry Guy to the Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith pay to Robert Ryves 450l. (which you had in cash the 4th inst.) upon his tallies in course as by the warrant of May 3 last, supra, p. 517. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 43.
Same to same to certify the Treasury Lords what salary is due to Nathaniel Curzon and Charles Rives, late Commissioners for Wine Licences. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding for their report an order in Council made upon the petition of Mr. Kemp et al. The petition was for licence to import 100 tons of red Saunders [wood], or liberty to import it for 3 months, on payment of Customs. Ibid, p. 44.
Same to same, forwarding for their report the draft of the patent for Mr. Randolph, the [Customs] officer at New England, to have his authority there under the great seal of England. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Sir Creswell Levens, Attorney General, of the petition of Edw. Bradshaw, same being referred to the Treasury Lords by the King at Whitehall the 14th inst., his Majesty being disposed to gratify him. Petitioner sets forth that at the sessions at Great Yarmouth in 1677 he was convicted and attainted for killing John Ward. By patent of 1677, Nov. 19, the King granted his estate to his brother, Sir James Bradshaw, in trust for petitioner, with a non obstante the not finding of any office or inquisition of the premises. Petitioner is informed by counsel that for want of an office first found the patent might be frustrated. There is lately an office found of petitioner's lands to the value of 20l. per an. Therefore prays a new patent to Sir James Bradshaw in trust for him and according to the said office lately found. Reference Book I, pp. 115–6.
Same to Sir Richd. Mason et al. [Agents for Taxes], of the petition of John Chetwynd, Receiver for co. Stafford, of the Seven Months' Tax, the Poll and Eighteen Months' Tax, who is in arrear on the Seventeen Months and Eighteen Months' Tax for [the towns of] Sheriff Hales and Adbaston, which is alienated from the county. Petitioner prays that said arrear may be reassessed, and that he may have some allowance for his pains and hazard [in making his returns of moneys]. Ibid, p. 116.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Smyth for a commission for seizing uncustomed and prohibited goods. Ibid.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Thomas Prouse, as by a reference thereof from the King dated at Windsor, July 5. Petitioner sets forth that by grant of 1606, Aug. 9, John Bond, gent., was granted divers tenements in Taunton and Milverton, co. Somerset, under certain chief rents reserved to the Crown, and for 60 years in reversion of certain terms then unexpired to several persons. Petitioner's brother, John Prouse, esq., paid a fine and obtained a new grant of the premises in reversion for 31 years and assigned same to petitioner, who is in actual possession ever since; but of late John Edisbury, esq., brought an ejectment against him for the two third parts of the premises and upon a trial at law produced a grant dated 1632, Dec. 1, purporting a grant of that part of the premises to him in fee, and thereupon verdict and judgment was obtained against petitioner for the same two third parts, which is almost ruin to petitioner, he having lately paid 1,400l. to the King as a surety for the Hearthmoney collector for co. Devon, of which he never had or is like to receive a penny compensation. Therefore prays a grant of the remaining tenements in fee under the ancient chief rents by way of reprize for what he has lost. Ibid, pp. 117–8.
July 16. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay 15l. 3s. 4d. to John Langwith for last Lady day quarter on the 3s. 4d. a day usually paid to the messenger appointed to attend the Customs. Money Book, pp. 179, 182.
Treasury allowance of said Langwith's bill of 15l. 3s. 4d. for the like allowance for his attendance on the Treasury Lords for same quarter.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay off Dr. Taylor's order of the 13th inst. for 1,050l.; paying same out of the 1,073l. 19s. 1½d. of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall, lately paid into the Exchequer. Disposition Book I, p. 66.
[?] Same to [same] to reserve for the Treasury Lords' directions the 4,000l, which will be paid into the Exchequer to-day of Wine Licence money. Ibid.
July 16. Money warrants for 100l. to the Grooms and Pages of the King's Chamber for one year to Christmas, 1674, on the allowance of 100l. yearly to be divided between them as his Majesty's bounty for their pains taken the year before, and similarly for 66l. 13s. 4d. to the Queen's Grooms and Pages for one year to 1671, Christmas, on their 100 marks per an. as the King's free gift against Christmas for their pains taken the year before. (Money orders hereon dated July 19 respectively: Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay these two sums out of Mr. Kirwood's loans.) Money Book, p. 178. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 139. Disposition Book I, p. 66.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt. On the 9th inst. I conveyed the Treasury Lords' directions for you to pay Sergts. Topham, Gyde, Mease, Ramsey, Bishop and Harsnett, sums ut supra, p. 619. You are not to issue said moneys to them or any other [their assigns for them] till you receive the Treasury Lords' directions. Disposition Book I, p. 63.
Treasury reference to Sir Richd. Mason, Bartholomew Fillingham and Serj. Ramsey of Peter Woodcock's petition for an allowance for his great pains and charges as Receiver for co. Rutland of the Seventeen Months' tax and the Poll and the Eighteen Months' tax, all which he has paid into the Exchequer, save only a small sum. Reference Book I, p. 130.
July 17. Money order for 2,700l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncomb in repayment of the like sum by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. per an. reward thereon [payable] at the end of every three months. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 148.
July 19. Henry Guy to the Lord Mayor. The king in Council has referred to the Treasury Lords the petition from yourself and the Aldermen and others, Commissioners for assessments in the city of London: said petition complaining of the Commissioners and other officers of the Customs for not paying what has been rated upon them. The Treasury Lords will hear this matter on Monday afternoon, the 26th inst. (Same to the Customs Commissioners to attend at the above hearing. The above petitioners complain that your refusal to pay gives pretence to many other of his Majesty's officers at the Custom House to deny payment of their assessments.) Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 44–5.
July 19. Henry Guy to the Master of the [Great] Wardrobe to apply for the service of the Stables 700l. of the 4,612l. which you received at the Exchequer last week out of Hearthmoney. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 45.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Treasury Lords direct you to draw orders for payment of 4 per cent. reward (over and above the 6 per cent. interest) from June 24 last for the loans made by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe. You are to continue to do the like for the future. Ibid.
Same to same to issue 700l. to Sir George Wharton upon any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance: to be for land and sea service of the office of Ordnance, and to be paid over to Sir Thomas Fitch and his brother John Fitch for work done in the fortifications of the island of Guernsey: to be issued out of loans made into the Exchequer by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe. Ibid, p. 46.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Lord Mayor has informed the Treasury Lords that Miles Temple has made his submission to him and to the Court of Aldermen for the late action in the city of London. As far as the Treasury Lords' favour is concerned therefore said Temple stands as he did before the service which he made in the said city. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a certificate of what orders, if any, remain unsatisfied of those which were registered on the Poll of 18 Car. II, the One Month's Assessment, the Eleven Months' Assessment, and the Subsidy of 23 Car. II. Ibid, p. 47.
Money order for 20l. to William Parks for one year to 1680, June 24, for salary for his attendance at the gate of the Receipt, as porter of the Receipt of the Exchequer, for the better securing of his Majesty's treasure and for his attendance upon the officers there. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 141.
Same for 18l. 5s. 0d. each to John Kernan, Richard Change, Hobart Coleby, Robert Willmot, John Hall, Tho. Thackham, and Jon. Robinson, for half a year to respectively 1679, Michaelmas, 1680, Lady day, 1675, Michaelmas, 1679, Christmas, 1675, Michaelmas, [ ] Michaelmas, and 1674, Midsummer, on their allowance of 2s. a day as Grooms of the Great Chamber to the Queen. Ibid, pp, 141, 142, 143.
Same for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Martha Wetherden, relict of Tho. Wetherden for half a year to 1673, Christmas, on her late husband's allowance, ut supra, as one of the Grooms of the Great Chamber in ordinary [to the Queen]. Ibid, p. 143.
July 19. Money order for 20l. each to Matthew Lister and John Lowe, Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, being for 1680, Easter and Trinity terms, upon the allowance of 40l. per an., payable to them termly as an additional increase of fees in respect of their extraordinary service in sorting and ordering his Majesty's records as well Foreign as Domestic remaining in the Treasury at Westminster. Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 143, 144.
Same for 712l. 2s. 7d. to Robert Packer, usher of the Receipt of the Exchequer, being for paper, parchment, books, ink, bags and other necessaries delivered by him for the use of the officers of the said Receipt in 1678, Easter and Trinity terms, 1677–8, Feb. 14, to 1678, June 19. Ibid, p. 144.
Money warrants for 50l. 3s. 9d. each to the following as serjeants at arms for half a year to the respective dates stated on their fee of 3s. a day and board wages allowance of 2s. 6d. a day, viz., Robert Gyde to 1676, Christmas, Roger Charnock and John Topham to 1679, Christmas, Richard Thorne to 1675, Midsummer, on his fee and to Christmas, 1675, on his allowance, John Templer to 1678, Midsummer, George Smith to 1675, Midsummer, William Mease to 1679, Lady day, Edmund Williamson to 1672, Christmas, Edward Hatch to 1677, Aug. 30, John Ramsey and Roger Harsnett to 1680, Midsummer, Orlando Fitz Symonds to 1670, Midsummer, on his fee and to 1671, Midsummer, on his allowance, John Middleton to 1674, Lady day, on his fee and to 1672, Michaelmas, on his allowance, Thomas Payne to 1676, Christmas, on his fee and to 1677, Lady day, on his allowance, William Bishop to 1677–8, March 10. Money Book, pp. 181, 244.
Same for 9l. 2s. 6d. to Sir William Bishop for half a year to Midsummer last on his fee of 12d. a day as Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons; and 41l. 1s. 3d. for same half year to make his fee equal with that of the rest of the Serjeants at Arms, as has been usually paid to him. (Money order dated July 22 for 41l. 1s. 3d. hereon.) Ibid, p. 181. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 145.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy, being for one week's ordinary allowance for the Navy to the 17th inst. Money Book, p. 182.
The like for 500l. to same on same for the Victuallers for same week.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 1,000l. to Prince Rupert out of Customs money which the Customs Cashier is directed to pay into the exchequer for that purpose. Disposition Book I, p. 66.
Same to same to issue to the Earl of Rochester in part of his [500l.] warrant the 400l. paid into the Exchequer last week by the Wine Licence Commissioners. Ibid, p. 67.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Martin and Adams. Petitioners set forth that they are by the establishment settled in half pay in peace as having been mariners of the first rate ships, and have several bills due to them for said allowance to 1679, Dec. 31, and the allowance then ceasing their creditors grow very clamorous so that petitioners can no longer subsist without their money. Pray speedy payment. Reference Book I, p. 118.
July 19. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Barney, gent., for the surveyor's place at Rochester port upon the resignation of Nichol Stoakes, petitioner having been brought up a merchant. Reference Book I, p. 119.
Same to same of the petition of Walter Dike for a place as weigher or tidewaiter London port, having faithfully served under Sir Jon. Narbrough, Sir John Ernle and others, but now out of employment since the paying off of his Majesty's ship Defiance. Ibid.
Same to Attorney General Sir Creswell Levins (altered to Sir Robert Sawyer) of the case of Richard Michill (Michell) which was read at the Council Board the 7th inst. and referred thence to the Treasury Lords. Petitioner is to make out to the said referee his title to the lands petitioned for. Ibid.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Coldgate: said petitioner setting forth that Sir Thomas Chichely, late Master of the Ordnance, and Sir Jonas Moore, Surveyor [of the Ordnance], employed him in transporting several freights of guns and other stores to and from several of his Majesty's ships on account of the French war, for which he was promised ready money according to the course of the Office, the whole amounting to 154l. and upwards, as appears by 4 debentures. Prays payment to relieve the necessities of his family. Ibid, p. 120.
Same to Jno. Lawrence, Bartholomew Fillingham, and Capt. Talbot, of the petition of William Bacon and Jon. Baker, soldiers. Petitioners shew that they are fitly qualified to receive the arrears due to them for service in the West Indies and their particular rights have been examined and stated by Sir C. Harbord, Charles Bertie, Jon. Lawrence and Bartholomew Fillingham, referees therein, but by reason said Bacon was a soldier in the King's regiment in Flanders, and William West (who was assigned by said Baker to receive his arrears) was also in that service, they could not appear before the said referees at the time appointed to make their claim, and they were certified in a third head of qualification, his Lordship [Danby] being not then pleased to allow them to pass with the former account [of the Barbados regiment's arrears]. Petitioners and others complained to the King and Privy Council July 9 last [? year] and obtained an order of reference for their relief, which now remains in [the Treasury] Secretary Guy's custody. Petitioners are informed that a report is lately made to the Treasury Lords by said Lawrence and Fillingham concerning their inspection of the moiety of arrears already paid by Commissary Banes to the officers and soldiers of the Barbados Regiment [and] there appears by the discovery of Capt. Talbot several persons (whose names are in said report) who were found to be cheats and thereupon the moneys claimed by them were stopped by said Lawrence and Fillingham, and are now remaining in Commissary Baynes's hands for disposal. Pray to be paid thereout a moiety of the arrears due to them. Ibid, pp. 120–1.
July 19. Treasury reference to Sir Richard Mason, Bartholomew Fillingham, and Serjeant Ramsey [Agents for Taxes] of the petition of Anthony Davys, Receiver for co. Wilts for the Seventeen Months' Assessment and the Poll (for both of which he has accounted and obtained his quietus) and for the Eighteen Months' Assessment for the disbanding (for which he has cleared his account). Prays some allowance for the very great expense and loss he has incurred in returning the moneys [thereof by exchanges, &c.]. Reference Book I, p. 122.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the equipage of Charles Fanshaw, esq., Envoy Extraordinary to the Prince Regent of Portugal, to be transported to Portugal custom free on board his Majesty's ship Falcon, provided the pewter do not exceed 700lb. weight. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 242–3.
Appending: schedule of said goods (42 cases, including a chest of books).
Same to Henry Ayloff, King's Remembrancer for a Commission under the seal of the Exchequer Court for setting out the port of Chichester (the open places, quays, and wharves for discharging and lading in said port and the members thereof). Ibid, pp. 244–9.
Prefixing: form of said Commission directed to the Mayors of Arundel, Rye and Hythe, Charles Osburne, Surveyor General of Customs, Robert Hall, and Robert Tayer, Customers of Chichester port, Freeman Howes, esq., Comptroller of same, Miles Edgar, searcher of same, William Culliford, John Clement, Robinson Beane, Christopher Williams, collector of said port, Robert Bradshaw, Robert Hall, junr., Fra. Ligh[t]fote, Robert Lucas, John Brewer and John Annias, gent.: the Commission itself being in the usual form, see supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. I. p. 736.
The like for the port of Ipswich and Maldon and members thereof.
The like for Grimsby, Bridlington and Scarborough and members thereof.
The like for Bristol and Gloucester [and members thereof].
The like for Southampton with Cowes [and] members thereof.
The like for Chester with Liverpool, Aberconway, Beaumaris, Carnarvon, Bolton and Lancaster and members thereof.
The like, dated July 27, for Bridgwater and its member, Minehead.
Same to Sir Peter Killegrew, Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, to detain in his own hands out of the revenue of said Duchy 34l. 7s. 6d. due to him for 2¾ years to June 24 last on the yearly rent of 12l. 10s. 0d. due to said Killegrew for the scite of Pendennis Castle, on a demise or grant formerly made of said scite for his Majesty's use: which said rent has been paid out of the [Crown] revenue of the county of Cornwall up to 1677, Michaelmas, but the said revenue being not now sufficient to answer said rent over and above the other [fixed, annual, county] charges payable thereout. For the future said Killegrew is similarly to detain said rent of 12l. 10s. 0d. yearly out of the revenue of said Duchy, and same is to be allowed on his account as Receiver of same. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 233–4.
July 19. Henry Guy to Sir Denis Gauden, transmitting the petition of Mr. Creed. Give the Treasury Lords a state of the 7,587l. therein mentioned as due to him upon an assignment of yours out of all moneys payable to you in relation to the victualling of Tangier. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 54.
Appending: copy of order of reference dated 1679–80, March 9, from the Lords of his Majesty's P[rivy] Council of the Committee for the affairs of Tangier to the Treasury Lords of said petition so far as relates to said 7,587l. accrued due upon advances to enable the sending timely supplies of victuals to Tangiers.
July 20. Treasury warrant to the Auditor, et al., of the Receipt for the future not to make out or deliver any particular imprest roll or certificate whereby to charge any accomptant upon his accompts before the Auditors of Imprests without certificate first brought you by such accomptant from the said Auditors of Imprests expressing the times of the commencement and determination of said account. Upon receipt thereof make your imprest charge to agree in point of time therewith: all by reason that the Treasury Lords are given to understand by Thomas Done, one of said Auditors of Imprests, that upon examination of the several accounts depending before him and particularly that of the Ordnance, he finds that accomptants generally bring in their accompts of disbursements to a farther time than they are charged by their imprest rolls, which if not hitherto prejudicial to the King, may prove so for the future in regard that many accomptants demand allowance of interest for money borrowed for his Majesty's service, whereas if the charge agreed in point of time with their disbursements, it might probably appear that they had money in their hands and therefore that there would be no ground for such demands: which said inconvenience could not be avoided in the past because the Auditor et al. of the Receipt were not acquainted with the times of the commencement and determination of the said accounts. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 232–3.
[Henry Guy to all the parties concerned.] The Treasury Lords have appointed Thursday afternoon, Oct. 21 next, for hearing the business of the petition of the under tenants of the manor of Lawhitton, alias Lawhiddon, co. Cornwall, on the reference dated June 30 last from the King in Council. Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 46–7.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Excise money which shall be paid this week into the Exchequer, viz., 1,000l. to the Cofferer and 300l. to Mr. Topham for the Duchess of Cleveland's children. Disposition Book I, p. 67.
Money order for 3,951l. 13s. 6d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward per an. [payable] quarterly. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 149.