Entry Book: June 1680, 26-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: June 1680, 26-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp591-604 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1680, 26-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp591-604.

"Entry Book: June 1680, 26-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp591-604.


June 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 26. Same for 2,300l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day. (Entry struck through. In the margin: Cancelled 1680, July 29, by reason another order [with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity] in lieu thereof was signed by the Treasury Lords the same day and dated [June 26].) Ibid, pp. 130, 150.
Same for 1,200l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of the like loan made by them this day. (Struck through and with the like marginal note: Cancelled 1680, July 29, by reason another order in lieu thereof with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity was signed by the Treasury Lords the same day and dated [June 26].) Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 130, 148.
June 28. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Elianor Wall, the King's laundress and sempstress, touching the house in St. James's Park alleged by her to have been appropriated by his Majesty's laundry, the King having directed the Treasury Lords to treat with the executors of Mris. Chiffinch either for the yearly renting of the said house or the buying out their interest in it. The Surveyor General of Crown Lands certifies us that upon the ground (parcel of St. James's Park) which your Majesty demised to Thomas Chiffinch. esq., deceased, for 99 years from 1660 under the rent of 10s., the said Chiffinch built a very good brick house which the Surveyor General rates at 100l. per an., being very convenient and well accomodated for a laundry. The purchase of the 80 years remaining would be 1,500l., but if the door that leads to it should be stopped up it would render it useless and not habitable without purchasing in another common [approach or] way, which will be very difficult and chargeable to be gotten and reduce it to a much smaller value. It is affirmed to us by Thomas Chiffinch that he is offered 200l. per an. rent for it and that his interest therein is now liable to a debt of 2,500l. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 193.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' subscription of a docquet of a demise to Robert, Lord Cholmondeley of the hundred of Nantwich, co. Chester, for 35 years at 9l. per an. rent, and fine of 40l. as paid the 23rd inst. Ibid, p. 196.
June 28. Henry Guy to Mr. Hen. Dering to forthwith deliver to William Harbord an abstract of all double conveyed [fee farm] rents for which no reprisals have yet been made, whether in reversion or possession, with the purchasers' names, dates of conveyance and purchase money. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 22.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners to apply to the service of Tangier the 1,200l. ordered this day to be paid to the Treasurer of the Ordnance. Ibid.
Same to same, forwarding bills of Visct. Morpeth for 65l. 17s. 0d. and of Mr. Brett for 224l. Send the Treasury Lords a list of all the debts of the Ordnance under these two heads. Ibid, p. 23.
Same to same to take care that security be forthwith given by the Treasurer and storekeeper of the Ordnance. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Griffin. If anything be due to the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel in your Office [of Treasurer of the Chamber] on their ordinary allowance you are to pay them a quarter with the rest of the King's servants. Ibid.
Same to Sir Robert Crook [Clerk of the Pipe]. Inform my Lords why Mr. Willerton, Undersheriff of co. Lincoln, is put to [the trouble to] sue out a particular quietus for 50l. of Recusants' forfeitures by itself when he was passing a quietus for his other accounts [as sheriff] at the same time. Ibid, p. 23.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have considered of the satisfying the debt upon bills for stores and workmanship upon the account of repairs which is estimated at 37,000l. They have determined that same shall be paid by 500l. a week to be supplied weekly for that purpose. Your are to immediately call in all the said bills and assign them for payment on the said fund. Ibid, p. 24.
Same to the Excise Farmers to attend the Treasury Lords on Monday, July 5. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hall [first Secondary in the King's Remembrancer's office] to aid Mr. Whittle and Mr. Bagshaw in getting in such arrears of the Voluntary Present in cos. Chester and Lancaster as are standing out in the hands of Nicholas Bowden, esq., late Receiver thereof: which arrears are to be brought into the Exchequer to be issued to them [Whittle and Bagshaw] in satisfaction of moneys due to them. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the following sums out of the 8,800l. which Mr. Kirwood has agreed with the Treasury Lords to lend into the Exchequer forthwith, reserving the balance of said loan for further directions from my Lords: viz.: 10l. to Robt. Bertie for Mr. Cocke, 50l. to Isabella Bointon, 50l. to Rebecca Bridges, 500l. to George Dunstan, esq., 30l. to Mris. Ursula Elliot, 25l. to Nicholas Estoll, 75l. to Visct. Falkland, 60l. to Anne Golding, 25l. to Dr. Gibbon, 125l. to Edward Griffin, esq., for Lord Hunsdon, 75l. for Mris. Harding, 125l. to Lady Howard of Escrick, 125l. to Anne and Eliz. Lawson, 125l. to Lord Lucas, 50l. to the Earl of Marlborough, 50l. to Francis Mansell, 300l. to the Countess of Newburgh, 50l. to Mary and Sophia Nevill, 125l. to the Earl of Nottingham, 250l. to the Countess of Portland, 50l. to Lady Stepney, 50l. to Edward Progers for Lady Sandys, 125l. to Lady Trevor, 75l. to John Dryden, 100l. to Mr. Feilding, 75l. to Mris, Stewart, 50l. to Mris. Bolton, 500l. to Christ's Church Hospital [for the King's mathematical boys], 100l. to Mr. Holland, 13l. 13s. 4d. to Mr. Hawkins, vicar of the Tower, 40l. to the Lieutenant of the Tower for the said vicar, 100l. to Mr. Halstead, 100l. to Col. Kingwell, 100l. to Mr. Perenant, 225l. to Lady Williams for house rent, 60l. to Mris. Coleman, musician, 100l. 7s. 6d. to Serj. Thomas Charnocke. 80l. to the Serjeant of the House of Commons for the messenger and doorkeeper there, 160l. to Mr. Miller, 50l. to Lady Hamilton, 30l. to Mr. Warner, master of the barges, 75l. 4s. 9d. to ditto for interest, 30l. to Mris. Dyke, 100l. to Mr. Oudart, 500l. to the clerks of the Council, 541l. 16s. 0d. to Mr. Kingdon for Mo[nseigneur] Machado and Perara, 193l. 15s. 6d. to Mr. Masters, 100l. to Mr. Clare.372l. to Mr. Blathwaite, 100l. to Mr. Vernon. (Total 6,421l. 17s. 1d.) Disposition Book I, pp. 55–6.
June 28. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the service of Tangier the 1,200l. lent into the Exchequer on Saturday last by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe. Disposition Book I, p. 56.
Same to same to issue as follows the Excise money paid into the Exchequer on Saturday last, viz.:— Ibid, p. 57.
to the Paymaster of the Guards and Garrisons over and above the 2,000l. per week 2,000
to Mris. Gwynne 250
to me [Guy] for secret service 250
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy; for one week to the 26th inst. on the ordinary allowance of the Navy. Money Book, pp. 141–2
500l. to same on same, for same week's allowance for the Victualling.
Money order for 150l. to George, Visct. Grandison, Edward Villiers and Elianor Villiers, executors of Dame Barbarah Villiers, for 1680, June 24 quarter, on the grant to her made by the privy seal dated 1667, Aug. 20, of 600l. per an. for 21 years from 1660, Aug. 9, in satisfaction of 2d. for every 1b. Troy weight of silver moneys coined at the Mint. To be paid out of Coinage money. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 131.
Treasury reference to William Blathwaite of the petition of Edward Randolph, Collector, Searcher and Surveyor of Customs in New England. Petitioner sets forth that he was appointed the first collector in New England by Treasurer Danby with a deputation from the Customs Commissioners, with power to appoint deputies in the several colonies where he should find it necessary, the better to oblige the inhabitants to the observation of the Navigation laws: that being now upon the place he finds very great irregularities in the trade of that country, ships daily arriving from foreign parts countrary to law to the great detriment of his Majesty's revenue: that with great hardship and expense to himself he has effected alone what the Commissioners formerly appointed came short of "and having withall entered upon the execution of his said office and endeavoured to make seizure of the said ships and goods but no person will assist him therein or take any deputation from him in the Colony of the Massachusetts because his authority and commission is little regarded, it being not under the great seal of England but only held of the Commissioners of the Customs, those people being glad to make use of any pretence to avoid the laws of England." The King's letter of June 19 last to that colony mentioned petitioner to be constituted under the broad seal collector, searcher and surveyor in New England, but he has not yet obtained such a patent, which makes that people believe he is since fallen under the King's displeasure. Therefore prays a Commission under the great seal for the better enabling him to serve the King in stopping the current of that loose and irregular trade. Reference Book I, pp. 97–8.
June 29. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to open at Lady Scroope's lodgings her goods lately come or which are to come with her from France, and to deliver them on payment of Customs. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 24.
Same to same. Inform my Lords this afternoon whether it may not be according to usage towards ambassadors to discharge the quantity of wines mentioned in the Dutch Ambassador's memorial of the 25th inst. notwithstanding there is so much of it; he affirming it to be only for his own use. Ibid, p. 25.
Same to the Collector of Bristol to send up John More, one of the waiters of Bristol port, on the 13 July next to answer complaints of faults committed by him. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Ormonde. It has been represented to the King that an overplus of about 300l. has arisen by means of the cheques on the [pay of the] army in Ireland since the commencement of the last [revenue] farm [viz., as residue] above the allowance paid thereout to the Comptroller of the Musters. This overplus is begged of his Majesty as a discovery but is claimed by the Farmers of the revenue Ireland as a duty, profit or income granted to them. Inform us of the nature of the said cheques and advise us as to whether the same be in the King's dispose or comprehended within the grant to the said Farmers. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Auditor Richard Aldworth of J. Duncombe's and R. Kent's account of interest made up to 1680, June 24, for their loans for the King's service: the balance of principal money [remaining due and un-paid to them at the said 24th of June inst.] being 119,513l. 10s. 7½ 2/3d., and the balance of interest 3,952l. 6s. 8d. Reference Book I, p. 96.
June 29. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to Mr. Levet out of the 2,378l. 2s. 11d. remaining [as yet undisposed] of Mr. Kirwood's loan. Disposition Book I, p. 57.
Same to same to issue the 253l. 11s. 7½d. remaining now undisposed of in the Exchequer to such officers and clerks of the Receipt as you shall judge fit. Ibid, p. 59.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, for last Lady day quarter for the support of the honour of that Order. Money Book, p. 142.
Money warrant for 160l. to Thomas Millward for 2 years to 1678, June 24, on his annuity or yearly fee as provider of robes to the Queen. Ibid.
Same for 30l. to John Warner for one year to 1674. Christmas, on his fee as Master of his Majesty's barges. Ibid, p. 143.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Tho. Charnock, esq., for one year to 1679, Sept. 29, on his fee of 3s. a day and allowance of 2s, 6d. a day for board wages as a serjeant at arms. Ibid.
Same for 55l. to John Langley as an additional allowance for his extraordinary charges and good service as late Receiver General for the Seventeen Months' Assessment, Poll money and last Eighteen Months' Assessment for co. Worcester, and also for the late Eighteen Months' Assessment for co. Gloucester. (Money order dated June 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 144. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 131.
Same for 60l. to Charles Coleman for one year on his fees as one of the King's music, viz.: for one year to 1674, Christmas, on his 40l. per an. and same to 1674, June 24, on his 20l. per an. Money Book, p. 144.
Same for 100l. to Nicholas Oudart for 1¼ years to 1677. Lady day, on his fee or salary of 80l. per an. as Latin Secretary. Ibid.
Same for 225l. to Dame Rebecca Williams for 3 quarters to 1679, June 24, on her allowance for keeping her house in New Palace Yard ready furnished to lodge such ambassadors and their train as the Lord Chamberlain shall think fit. (Money order dated July 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 150. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 134.
Treasury warrant to Henry Ayloffe, King's Remembrancer, to forbear process till next Michaelmas term against Sir Charles Wheeler on his bond for 800l. conditioned to pay in 2 years for 1,000 muskets which he received of the King when he went as Governor of St. Christopher, which bond is delivered into the King's Remembrancer's office to be put in suit. Money Book, p. 152.
Royal sign manual for 743l. 15s. 6d. to Henry Guy for secret service: without accompt: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of May 19 last. (Money warrant dated June 30 hereon. Money order dated July 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 346. Money Book, p. 145. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 133.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General to forthwith direct a scire facias to be prosecuted in Chancery against Henry Slingsby in order to the repealing of the grant to him of the office of Master and Worker of the Mint. King's Warrant Book, p. 347.
June 30. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 20l. to Mr. Pottinger out of any disposable money in the Exchequer. Disposition Book I, p. 59.
Money order for 10,515l. 7s. 9d, to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day. (Struck through. In the margin: Cancelled 1680, July 29, by reason that another order in lieu thereof with 6 per cent, interest and 4 per cent. gratuity was signed by the Treasury Lords the same day and dated [June 30].) Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 131, 150.
Money warrants for 250l. each to the Judges as follows, for last Trinity term, viz., Sir William Scroggs, chief Justice of the King's Bench, Sir William Dolben, Sir Thomas Jones, and Sir Thomas Raymond, kts., Justices of the King's Bench, Sir Francis North, chief Justice of Common Pleas, Sir William Ellis, Sir Hugh Windham and Sir Job Charlton, kts., Justices of the Common Pleas; William Montagu, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Sir Edward Atkins, Sir William Gregory and Sir Richard Weston, kts., Barons of the Exchequer. Money Book, p. 145.
Privy seal dormant for the issue from time to time to Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster of the Forces, of 2,264l. 4s. 2d. for the pay of the two companies and deputy commissary on the island of Jamaica to Jan. 1 last exclusive, and 2,245l. 2s. 8d. to complete the pay and allowances of the Governor [of Virginia], Deputy Governor, Major General, incident charges and expenses and maintenance of the forts, pay of the chaplain, chirurgeon, engineer, gunsmith and his two mates, the commissary of musters and that company of the said two companies in Virginia which remains unpaid to the said Jan. 1 last exclusive: and from the said Jan 1. last onwards to pay to said Johnson at such times and in such proportions as the Treasury Lords shall think fit sums not exceeding 3,373l. 4s. 2d. per an. for the pay of said Jamaica companies and the Commissary there and not exceeding 6,502l. 16s. 8d. per an. for the allowances to the Governor, Deputy Governor, Major General, incidents, maintenance of forts, chaplain, chirurgeon, engineer and servant, gunsmith and 2 mates, commissary of the musters and the two whole companies in the colony of Virginia: the said moneys to be received by Johnson as imprest and to be issued according to royal warrant and according to musters of the said companies. All former privy seals for issues for such services to be hereby repealed: the king having in 1677 settled 3,327l. 11s. 8d, per an. for the pay of the two Foot Companies on the island of Jamaica and afterwards 45l. 12s. 6d. per an. for a deputy commissary of musters, which sums have been paid up to 1679, May 1; and having further by 2 other establishments settled 1,000l. per an allowance for the Governor of Virginia, 600l. per an. for the Deputy Governor and Lieutenant General there, 300l. per an. for the Major General there, 600l. per an. for incidents and maintenance of forts there, 3,327l. 11s. 8d. per an. for the pay of two Foot Companies there, 121l. 13s. 4d. per an. for a chaplain, 91l. 5s, 0d. per an. for a chirurgeon, 219l. per an. for an engineer and his servant, 152l. 1s. 8d. per an. for a gunsmith and 2 mates and 91l. 5s. 0d. per an. for a Commissary of the musters there, amounting in all to 6,502l. 16s. 8d. per an., which has been paid to 1679–80, Jan. 1: and the King having lately resolved by the advice of the Privy Council to continue the payment of all the above annual sums and allowances, but having as yet not authorised the issuing thereof to the present Paymaster of the Forces. (Royal warrant dated June 23 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VII, pp. 341–3; VIII, pp. 6–7.
June 30. Privy seal for the payment to Thomas Kirwood, of London, goldsmith, of 14,011l. 15s. 6d. without account, being 13,218l. 14s. 0d. principal money owing to him from the King (whereof 8,800l. was by him lent into the Exchequer, 1680, June 28, and the remaining 4,418l. 14s. 0d. being by the King agreed to be paid and satisfied to him, "which has been due to said Kirwood for a longer time"), and 793l. 1s. 6d. for interest. To be paid out of any money in the Exchequer. (Royal warrant dated June 28 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated July 8 hereon: to be paid by tallies on the Customs. Money order dated July 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 346. Money Book, p. 157. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 135.
Royal sign manual for 375l. to Henry Guy for secret service: to be without accompt: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of May 19 last. (Money warrant dated July 1 hereon: in the margin: "for the Countess Dowager of Sunder-land." Money order dated July 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 348. Money Book, p. 148. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 132.
Privy seal for 200l. to Roger Crofts, esq., as royal bounty without account: to be paid out of money in the Exchequer for the Custom or duty of imported salt now in farm to Sir Thomas Strickland, kt. (Royal warrant dated May 9 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal. Money warrant dated Aug. 2 hereon. Money order dated Aug. 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 334. Money Book, p. 213. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 163.
Same for a pension of 50l. per an. to Eleanor Mather, widow and relict of Capt. William Mather, ut supra, p. 524. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 28.
June 30
and July 5.
On this day, June 30, several letters were signed by the King and the Treasury Lords to the Governors and other officers of the Plantations as follows. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor), pp. 14–17, 17–19, 19–22, 22–23, 41. King's Warrant Book, pp. 350–352. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 227–9, 231–2.
(a) (1) Royal letter to the [Earl of Carlisle] Governor of Jamaica. Upon taking into consideration the public affairs and interests of our several foreign dominions in America we have for their better support, prosperity and protection established here such Councils [counsels] as may provide for the particular welfare of every one of them and preserve our royal authority there. It is a matter of the greatest importance that such rents, revenues and profits as belong to us, both as of our royal dignity and for the support of our Government there, should be brought into a more certain method and inspection to the end that our subjects of Jamaica may not in future have the least colour to complain of the misapplication of the money raised there for our service. We have therefore constituted William Blathwayt, esq., to be Surveyor and Auditor General of all our revenues in America, ut supra, pp. 544–5. You are hereby to give him and his employees all assistance, and to take especial care that speedy and effectual justice be administered in all cases concerning our revenue, paying him [your quota of] his salary from time to time, ut supra, ibid. You are to charge all persons to whom it may belong to intermeddle with any part of our said revenue to pursue Blathwayt's directions and to transmit to him from time to time the particular accompts of the said revenue of what nature soever, to the end same may be by him represented to the Treasury Lords. "And that you give all such persons and others whom it may concern to understand that as we are graciously inclined to apply such of our revenues as accrue within our said dominions to the immediate support and security thereof so we are resolved to hold a strict hand upon the execution of their respective duties abovementioned." These commands are to be entered in the public records of Jamaica. Memorandum: the like warrant was sent to Sir Henry Morgan, Commander in Chief of Jamaica, upon the departure of the Earl of Carlisle, dated 4 Aug., 1680.
(a) (2) Letter dated July 15 [sic for July 5] from the Treasury Lords to the Commander in Chief of Jamaica. The King has especially required of us the putting William Blathwayt into a present execution of his abovesaid office. We therefore earnestly recommend him to your particular care. To this end we think it necessary that you give immediate order for the transmitting a particular accompt of all such rents, revenues, prizes, fines, escheats, forfeitures, seizures, duties and profits whatsoever as have accrued since your entry upon your Government, what part thereof is come to your Lordship's hands and how same has been expended for the King's service in the support of the [Jamaica] Government: and we desire that the same be performed [sent to England] for the future every six months or oftener together with [copies of] all laws and public Acts [issued in your colony] concerning the revenue. Memorandum: the like letter as the above was sent 4th Aug., 1680, from the Treasury Lords to Sir Henry Morgan upon his departure (in the absence [place] of the Earl of Carlisle).
(a) (3) Letter dated July 5 from the Treasury Lords to Mr. Martin, Receiver of all the impositions, payments, quit rents, fines, forfeitures and escheats payable to the King within Jamaica, to take notice of Blathwayt's constitution as above, to keep a constant correspondence with him, transmitting to him all informations and papers concerning the service: and every six months to send a complete and fair or distinct accompt of all such said revenues and of all moneys received and disposed of by you for that service with the names, habitations and settlements of all such persons as shall remain in arrear of their payments and the sum of such arrear: and to present a duplicate of said accounts to the Governor of Jamaica that he may be enabled to give us such informations concerning the same as shall tend to the advancement of the revenue: and to immediately transmit to Blathwayt a particular catalogue or ledger book of all persons answerable to the King for any quit rents or other payments whatsoever by reason of any lands held by them of the Crown or by virtue of any other concession or obligation whatsoever, as also the particular sums or value of money for which such persons stand charged or indebted to the King; together with copies of all laws and public Acts concerning the [Jamaica] revenues, to the end Blathwayt may be the better enabled to allow or disallow of such accounts as shall come before him and take care for the more effectual charging such persons as shall be found in default: and in general to follow said Blathwayt's directions. We are resolved to take a very exact account from time to time of your observance hereof.
(a) (4) A royal letter dated June 30 to the Surveyor General of Jamaica to prepare exact duplicates of all surveys made of any lands, tenements or hereditaments within Jamaica with the names of the persons to whom same are patented or belonging, and the particular quit rents payable to the King by them for the same, and such other informations concerning our quit rents and surveys of our said island as you shall think necessary for our service: and to transmit same to the Treasury Lords, and so from time to time as further surveys of patents shall be made.
(b) (1) The like royal letter dated June 30 to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Barbados, practically as in (a) (1) supra, except for the omission of the clause relating to Blathwayt's salary. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor), pp. 23–5, 26–7. King's Warrant Book, pp. 349–50b. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 234–5.
(b) (2) The like letter dated July 5 from the Treasury Lords to said Atkins, Governor of Barbados, practically as in (a) (2) supra, save that the accounts of the rents and revenues required herein are to be sent to the Treasury Lords.
(c) (1) The like royal letter dated June 30 to the Governor of the Leeward Islands all as in (b) (1) supra. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor), pp. 28, 28–9, 29–31. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 1–2; VII, p. 353. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 224–5, 229–30.
(c) (2) The like letter dated July 5 from the Treasury Lords to the said Governor of the Leeward Islands all as in (b) (2), supra.
(c) (3) Royal letter dated June 30 to the Escheator of the Leeward Islands to observe for the future such directions concerning your said office as you shall receive from the Treasury Lords or from the said Blathwayt.
(c) (4) Letter dated July 5 from the Treasury Lords to (Mr. Crisp), the said Escheator of the Leeward Islands, to keep a punctual correspondence with Blathwayt touching the escheats, fines and forfeitures committed to your charge, transmitting to him all informations which shall occur to you and arise concerning the same: and to transmit to him six monthly accounts of moneys and arrears as in (a) (3) supra, and to transmit to him copies of all laws and public Acts made [in the Leeward Islands] touching the said escheats and profits.
(d) (1) Like royal letter dated June 30 to the Governor of Virginia as in (a) (1) supra "to the end our subjects of Virginia may not have occasion any more to present unto us their general complaints of grievances and pressures by reason of the mismanagement and misapplication of the impositions and taxes laid upon them for the support of that our Government for want of some further inspection," etc. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor), pp. 31–4, 35–7, 38–41. King's Warrant Book VII. pp. 351–2, 354–5. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 225–7, 236–7.
(d) (2) Like letter dated July 5 from the Treasury Lords to the said Governor of Virginia all as in (a) (2) supra.
(d) (3) Royal letter dated June 30 to the Auditor of (the public accounts of) Virginia (formerly ordered to be sworn in by Sir William Berkley, late Governor of Virginia) to transmit from time to time to said Blathwayt all accompts of money paid or payable for the support of our Government [in Virginia] by reason of any rents, revenues, taxes, impositions and profits of what nature soever; and to observe the directions of the Treasury Lords and of said Blathwayt relating to the said revenue.
(d) (4) Letter dated July 5 from the Treasury Lords to the said Auditor of Virginia to obey the patent appointing Blathwayt as above: "and to the end his Majesty may receive a better assurance of the good management and right application of the revenue arising in Virginia towards the support of the Government [there] than hath hitherto been given by the irregular and imperfect accompts that have been formerly sent hither from that Plantation" you are to keep a punctual correspondence with Blathwayt, transmitting to him informations and an accompt every six months of all such rents, revenues, prizes, fines, escheats, forfeitures, seizures, duties and profits whatsoever as accrue to his Majesty and his Government [there] or [as] shall be disposed of for that [Government's] service in said colony of Virginia and the names, etc., of all persons in arrear, etc., ut supra as in (a) (3) supra, and a catalogue or ledger book of all persons answerable to the King for rents, etc., ut supra, ibid.
June 30, 28.
July 1, 8,
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to make out a dedimus to Edward Cooke of Highnam, Gloucester, John Webb, Alderman of Gloucester, John Marston and Arnold Aram of Gloucester to take the securities of John Langley as Receïver General of the Forfeitures of Popish Recusants for cos. Worcester, Gloucester and Monmouth: said sureties being said Langley, William Cooke of Highnam, Richard Browne of Leigh, co. Gloucester: total bond, 1,500l. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 195, 201–2.
The like for taking the securities of William Christian of Beamish, co. Durham, as the like Receiver for cos. Westmorland, Northumberland, Cumberland, Durham, Newcastle on Tyne and Berwick: said securities being said William Christian, Ewan Christian of Grays Inn, Middlesex, and Cuthbert Dyke of Newcastle on Tyne: total bond, 1,500l.: a dedimus for taking said securities is to be issued to Henry Brabant, Ralph Williamson and Anthony Isaacson, esqrs.
The like for taking the securities of Ralph Pemberton of St. Albans, co. Herts, as the like Receiver for cos. Essex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex: said securities being said Pemberton and John Howland of Maidenhead, co. Berks: total bond, 1,500l.
The like for taking the securities of John Randall as the like Receiver for cos. Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Dorset, Poole, Exeter and Bristol: said securities being said Randall and John Randall his son: total bond, 1,500l.
The like for taking the securities of Richd. Hurleston of Sundridge, co. Kent, as the like Receiver for cos. Northampton, Rutland, Warwick and Leicester: said sureties being said Hurleston and Geo. Doe of Lincoln's Inn, co. Midd., and Edward Thornbury of Mincing Lane, London, merchant: total bond, 1,500l.
The like for taking the securities of John Every, esq., as the like Receiver for cos. Chester, Anglesea, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth and Montgomery: said sureties being said Every, Thomas Agar of London, esq., and Charles Rogers of London, esq.: total bond, 1,500l.
[? June 30
or postea.]
Instructions for the Receivers General, their deputies and agents, to enquire after Recusants' estates or the 20l. per mensem. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp 196–9.
That the churchwardens in every parish present at every quarter sessions such Popish Recusants as come not to church and that special care be taken by the Justices of peace and the clerks of the peace that such persons as shall be so presented be convicted without delay and that such convictions shall be forthwith returned into the Exchequer.
That the respective counties be divided into several receipts and Receivers General appointed for each receipt that so they settle their several deputies and agents in each county for finding out the estates of Recusants, in what parish they lie with a particular of the lands.
That then Commissions may issue out to the sheriffs of each county (but delivered to the Receiver General) for seizing the estates of such convicted Recusants: in order to which the said Receivers are to cause their respective deputies and agents to prepare witnesses on behalf of the King as to the manors and lands and the values and rents thereof, ut supra, p. 530, and after they are thus prepared the said Receivers are to take special care that the respective writs be delivered to the sheriff, with whom they are to appoint certain days and convenient places for the juries to appear, which the said Receivers or their deputies and agents are to observe and attend with good and sufficient witnesses to prove the particulars aforesaid to the end perfect and exact inquisitions may be taken and returned. Subpœnas are to be taken for such witness as said Receivers General shall find necessary for proving the value of each Recusant's estate or upon any other occasion and if after due service thereof they appear not the Receiver General is effectually to prosecute them upon the statute of 5 and 9 Eliz.; to which purpose the Commissioners of Assessments in each county and division are desired to grant copies of the bills of assessments in the respective towns where any Recusants' lands lie and the assessors and collectors, or as many of them as shall be thought convenient, are desired upon due notice to attend the said sheriff to give their full evidence on behalf of the King.
Where the estates of convicted Recusants are returned at an under value the said Receivers General are to take a melius inquirendum and to take care by the rules aforesaid to have them found at the real value and to take special care that none be discharged either at the assizes or sessions but in open court, and to avoid all exceptions which may be taken to the inquisitions the Receivers General are to take care that they be returned indented, mentioning the place and county where they be taken, before whom, by what jury, the names of such jururs, and that they be twelve of them or above and probi et legales homines praedicti comitatus.
Where a Recusant has or had manors, lands or tenements at the time of his conviction or since the Receiver General is to take care to find how he was seized thereof, whether in fee simple, fee tail or for life, and the certain time when he was so seized or at least that he was seized of after his conviction or some other [person] for his life or in trust for him, and in whose occupation they be; and if he have but an estate for life that then the Receiver General find [out as to] him to be living.
Where a Recusant hath a manor it is sufficient to find that he is seized according to his estate of such a manor with the appurtenances in the same county; but he may have many lands that lie within the manor that are not parcel of the manor and therefore it's safe in all cases to find not only the manor but also the lands within the town or manor as particularly as may be.
Where a Recusant hath messuages or lands the Receiver General is to return in the inquisitions, how many messuages, how many acres of arable, meadow, pasture and wood lands, where and in what counties and parishes and to express the certainty of the names and in whose occupation, and to certify and distinguish the yearly value of every manor and farm by itself.
Where a Recusant hath a capital messuage or a tenement known by a certain name the Receiver General is to certify by what name it is called and in what parish and county it lies, and if it be a messuage, to find it so, and if a cottage, to find it so and not to term it a messuage or tenement, which is uncertain; and likewise to certify as near as possible the qualities and quantities and acreage of land, meadow, pasture or wood belonging to the same.
Where a Recusant hath a lease of a manor or lands the Receiver General is to find and certify when the same began and how many years are unexpired or at least that he is possessed of it for a certain number of years yet to come, as for 10 or 12 or 21 years as the case shall require.
Where there may happen any doubt or question in giving evidence of any conveyance or assurance or other thing which may tend to the disadvantage of the King or hindrance of his service the Receiver General is not to allow thereof but to have the matters to be determined upon proof in the Exchequer Court.
Where the Receiver General shall find anyone to be a wilful hinderer of this service the Receiver General is to signify their names and offences to us, the Treasury Lords, the Barons of the Exchequer or Attorney General that such orders may be taken for punishment as the offence deserves.
As particular directions cannot be given [beforehand] in all things which may fall out, the Receiver General is to take care and use such diligence that all things be managed according to law in order to his Majesty's service.
Where Recusants shall after seizure plead off their estates the Receiver General is to take their 20l. per mensem and is to be diligent to consider upon all occasions whether it will be of greater advantage to the King to take the two-thirds or the 20l. a month according to the election by the statute of 3 James: and to pursue the King's interest accordingly: and is to take care to convict the children of such Popish Recusants above the age of 9 years and their wives to the end that such as have not great estates may be willing to compound for two-thirds.
The Receiver General is to proceed with all diligence effectually to prosecute all Popish Recusants within his district according to these instructions and from time to time to inform us, the Treasury Lords, what progress he shall make and whatever occurs to him whereby this service may be better carried out. And he is to apply himself to the Justices of assize and gaol delivery and to the Justices of peace at their sessions for their assistance and advice as often as he finds it necessary.
June 30. Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners to apply as follows the 6,256l. 17s. 3d. which the Treasury Lords have provided for the Ordnance out of the loans made into the Exchequer by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe: viz.:— Out Letters (General) VI, p. 26.
l. s. d.
for the week's money upon account of stores sent to Tangier 856 17 3
for arrears upon the establishment for Tangier due to Dec. 9 last 1,400 0 0
for arrears of the ordinary [of the Ordnance] to be applied to the satisfying of bills for repairing of arms 4,000 0 0
The Treasury Lords have determined to provide 1,200l. a week for 4 weeks [to the Ordnance] to pay for stores issued out of the Tower.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to bring to the Treasury Lords for declaration Sir William Turner's accounts. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harbord and Mr. Napier referring to them from the Treasury Lords the following proposal. You are to call some of the officers of the Mint to your assistance in reporting thereon. Ibid, pp. 26–9.
Appending: a proposal [from Sir William Smyth and partners] to manage the pre-emption of tin for his Majesty's service.
(1) That the coinage duty of 4s. the hundred[weight] be paid to the King by the tinners at this time and that it be kept distinct from and not swallowed up in the pre-emption. (2) That the coining of farthings of tin may proceed according to his Majesty's warrant that so the copper farthings may be called in and exchanged with all speed possible. (3) That the King order the Lord Warden of the Stannaries to call a Convocation of the tinners in Cornwall to the intent the price of tin may be agreed, which (it is advised) may not exceed 4l. the hundred[weight] stannary weight, out of which the tinners to pay the king the said Coinage duty of 4s. the hundred[weight]. And this may be done during the time the said tin farthings are making and so his Majesty's farther loss by the delay of the settlement of this affair may be prevented. (4) That care be taken the tin be made fine as it ought to be, otherwise returned to be refined before it be paid for or a proportionable abatement be made. (5) That the tin may be brought to London in his Majesty's ships and delivered to Sir William Smyth and his partners who shall pay for the tin delivered so much money as it shall amount unto at the price agreed as aforesaid which money the King may lay down to the tinners out of his Majesty's revenue arising in the West Country and so return it to London without trouble or charge. (6) That the King may have a place in London and an accountant of his own to keep his Majesty's tin and money and all accounts relating thereto. (7) That Sir William [Smyth] and partners deliver all the tin which they do not use in farthings into the [King's said] accountant's hands who is to enter the quantity and what sum of money and when the said Sir William paid for it. (8) That the said Sir William Smyth and partners may have 8 per cent. for the money so advanced and the tin in the King's storehouse or bank to be their security and the money with interest to be repaid as the tin is disposed. (9) That the said Sir William Smyth and his partners dispose and order the King's said tin for his Majesty's profit and advantage and when they take any of it out of the bank or storehouse 5l. 10s. 0d. per hundred-[weight] be allowed [to] his Majesty for it so that the King shall have a certain profit and adventure nothing.
The advantages which will accrue to his Majesty by this undertaking are these. (1) His Majesty will receive all the revenue of the Coinage duty as he now does and so parts with nothing. (2) His Majesty will have all the profit which will arise by the pre-emption and not be put to the inconvenience of advance money. (3) Neither will his Majesty be put to the inconvenience of giving security for the said money upon any branch of his revenue. (4) In a short time the money will be repaid and the tin in bank will be his Majesty's own without interest, which will be a foundation of credit upon which the King may draw bills and make good payment if his Majesty will please to permit the tin to clear itself. (5) This affair being once well settled the pre-emption of tin for the future will never lie dead nor will his Majesty be under a necessity to seek farmers for it but being put into an easy method may be easily managed by any commissioners the King may think fit to employ.
This Sir William [Smyth] and his partners will undertake for his Majesty's service if they may have satisfaction for the damage they sustained by the breach of contract for the tin farm and [if] that his Majesty will give them some recompence for their service when he recovers the fruit of it. And if the King give encouragement to the undertaking it might be so ordered that bills might be drawn upon the tin for his Majesty's service so soon as it is brought into the bank provided those bills may be received by the King in payment and allowed by the Treasury Lords: and so no tin shall ever be dead.