Entry Book: September 1679

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: September 1679', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp197-214 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: September 1679', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp197-214.

"Entry Book: September 1679". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp197-214.


September 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Sept. 2. Same to Mr. Litcot. Always make your certificate of the receipts and issues of the Customs from and to the same day of the week [as] the Customs Cashier makes his [certificates from]. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 433l. into the Exchequer on Saturday next. Ibid.
Sept. 2. Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to satisfy out of the [Navy] weekly money the bill of exchange from Jamaica for 259l. 5s. 10d. payable to Renold Wilson; the others from Tangier for 45l. 0s. 9d. and 71l. 11s. 2d., both payable to Mris. Elizabeth Collier; the bill of exchange from Jamaica for 396l. 13s. 4d. payable to Anthony Swiner; and 73l. 1s. 6d. to Sir Robert Robinson for freight of a vessel hired by him and sent to France. (Same dated September 4 to the Navy Commissioners to give order to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay these sums and 170l. payable to Sir Jon. Mathews for supplying the Centurion with victuals at Cadiz.) Ibid, p. 136.
Sept. 2. Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Chamber to advance or to get advanced 5,000l. upon the [credit of] tallies in your hands on the Hearthmoney. You shall be allowed 10 per cent, interest thereon in your account. Out of this money you are to pay to the Yeomen of the Guard one quarter [? of a year] of what is due to them. Out Letters (General), p. 136.
Money warrant for the following sums to Richard Pyle, one of the King's chirurgeons: viz., 40l. for half a year to 1670. September 29, on his fee of 80l. per an.; and 13l. 6s. 8d. for half a year to 1669, September 29. on his fee of 26l. 13s. 4d. per an.; and 75l. for half a year to 1663, September 29, on his fee of 150l. per an.; all to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent payable 1680, September 19. Money Book, p. 213.
Same for 500l. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland, for half a year to Lady day last on his annuity as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber: to be by tallies ut supra. Ibid, p. 215.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 1,500l. upon the moneys remaining unpaid on the two orders of August 6 last for (in all) 16,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox, ut supra, pp. 169–70: to be issued out of the 4,000l. which the Excise Commissioners are to pay into the Exchequer this week on account of the Excise Farmers' surplus for the year ended June 24 last. Ibid.
(In the margin: Forces, 1,500l.: fortifications, 900l.: gunmaker, 300l.: tickets, 1,100l.)
Same to same to issue 900l. to Sir George Wharton on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Office of Ordnance: to be as imprest: to be issued ut supra: to be for fortifications. Ibid,
Likewise for 500l. to same: to be issued ut supra: to be by him paid over to the gunmakers.
The like for 1,100l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name: as imprest for the service of the Navy: to be applied to the payment of tickets: to be issued ut supra. Ibid, p. [...]14.
The like for 2,500l. to same for the service of the Navy: to be issued out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid.
The like for 500l. to same to be paid over to the Victuallers of the Navy: to be issued ut supra. Ibid.
The like for 600l. [to Baptist May] for the Privy Purse: to be issued ut supra. Ibid, p. 216.
Sept. 2. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to the following to enquire of wastes and spoils in New Forest, co. Southants: to be returnable within a fortnight of Easter next, viz., Sir John Norton, Sir Robert Dillington, Bart., Sir Francis Rolls, Kt., Tho. Agar, Charles Strode, the two Surveyors of Woods this side Trent, Hen. Whitehead, Francis Poulett, William Strode, Oliver St. John, Jonathan Rivel, Robert Rolls, John Burrard and Fulck Grovenor. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 72–4.
Prefixing: articles of instruction for said inquiry. (1) View said forest and the timber and examine what timber has been felled or sold since 1672, and as to the faithful execution of the warrants for such felling and sale, and whether proclamation of such sales has been made in some market towns near the forest, and whether sales have been made to private chapmen at under rates. (2) Enquire of wastes, spoils and abuses not certified in the return of the late Commission. (3) What fuel wood is challenged yearly by anybody in or near the forest and by what title, and whether same is assigned out of dead wood and kite boughs only (according to the laws of the forest) not bearing any green hue. (4) What fee wood or fuel wood belongs to the keepers and underkeepers; what is sufficient for each; what they have sold to anybody, and what trees have been headed or dismembered by them under pretence of Eme boughs. (5) What coppices, woods or wood lands are in lease, and how are the saplings and studdells preserved at the felling of the coppices; what estovers or fee wood do the tenants at Lindhurst or elsewhere claim and what timber is growing on any farms or tenements of his Majesty. (6) What browsewood is cut in every walk, what sort of timber, and at what seasons of the year, and whether is the same bigger than a buck may turn with his horns according to the Forest law; and how much browsewood has been cut and sold this last seven years. (7) What timber has been felled for building, repairs, or other uses in said forest, and how same has been husbandly laid out. (8) Call all the officers to your assistance and charge them to observe the late orders sent into the Forest by the present Treasury Lords, forbidding the cutting of unlawful browse and fuel wood or the felling any timber save by warrant.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Mr. Tannat (present collector of Falmouth) as collector of Poole, loco Edward Fane, resigned. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 92, 93.
John Penhallaricke (Penhalluricke) as collector of Falmouth, loco said Tannat.
Thomas Harrison (at present one of the landwaiters, Hull) as tidesurveyor there, loco William Lynton, deceased.
Geo. Bromfleet as landwaiter Hull, loco said Harrison.
Peter Bennet as a tidesman extraordinary London port, and to be a tidesman in fee on the first vacancy, said Bennet having been deputed as tidesurveyor at Hull, loco William Linton, but Thomas Harrison having been since appointed thereto ut supra.
Same to same to give order to the Customs Cashier to pay 100l. to Edward Randolph as advance for one year from 1679, June 24, on his salary as collector, surveyor and searcher in New England: it appearing that said salary is paid to June 24 last: this advance is made to enable him to defray the charges of his deputies and under officers for the said year, "the allowance of such charges above his salary is hereafter to be taken into consideration as there shall appear reason for the same": it appearing that in the said Commissioners' report of 1678, August 25, to Treasurer Danby, they were of opinion that a boat and two men would be often necessary to said Randolph in the execution of his office, but that they could not advise such charge to be put on the Customs here [in England], and therefore left it to said Danby to decide how otherwise it should be paid; further the present Treasury Lords being certified by Mr. Blathwayt, assistant to the Clerk of the Council attending the Committee of the Plantations, that the said late Treasurer Danby having desired the opinion of the said Committee how the said Randolph might satisfy his deputies and other officers to be employed by him for prevention of frauds against the Acts of Trade, the said Committee were of opinion that in case the duties arising to his Majesty in that country [of New England] will not countervail all charge for preventing abuses, it will then be necessary to have some other certain provision for him so that he may not by necessity be tempted to permit that [illegal] trade which he is sent to prohibit, and therefore advised that his salary be always advanced, and that he furnish thereout the succeeding charges of the whole year which might be [then] allowed him if thought fit by the Customs Commissioners. Ibid, pp. 93–4.
Sept. 4. Royal sign manual for 108l. 5s. 0d. each to Sir John Micklethwayte, Dr. Richard Lower, Dr. Jasper Needham and Dr. Needham of the Charterhouse: as royal bounty without account: to be paid out of the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 20th inst. (Money warrants dated September 5 hereon. Money orders dated September 6 hereon. Note of the disposition of the said sums as to be paid out of the 433l. which the Treasury Lords have directed the Excise Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer Saturday next.) King's Warrant Book, p. 116. Money Book, p. 217. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 39. Disposition Book, p. 12.
Sept. 5. Henry Guy to Mr. Duncombe (and the like to Mr. Kent and Mr. Stephens to attend the Treasury Lords at the Earl of Essex's house in St. James's Square this day week at 8 in the morning. Let nobody know of their Lordship's meeting, as they desire to be private. Out Letters (General). p. 136.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to give order at the request of the Earl of Halifax) to the Customs officers in the northern ports to deliver to Robert Stanfield the corpse of Mr. Gervase Pierrepont, lately deceased in Holland, "without opening the lead it is lapt in." Out Letters (Customs), p. 94.
Sept. 9. Treasury warrant to the same to employ William Tilleard as Surveyor of Customs at Blackwall, loco John Shaw, deceased. Ibid, pp. 94–5.
John Wilson as waiter at Morpeth in Berwick port.
Richard Writtle to have a Commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods in Essex and Kent.
Sept. 9. Treasury instructions to the Customs Commissioners in reply to their memorial of the 1st inst. (1) You are to retrench the 30l. per an. allowed to Mr. Cole, Clerk Comptroller Bristol port, for his clerk to keep a book of all entries in and out, that service being represented to be needless. (2) You are informed by the collector and surveyor of Southampton port that Lymington is a place of great consequence and requires an able officer there as riding surveyor for guarding the coast, there being only a very unfit waiter there; you are therefore to employ Benjamin Dewey as riding surveyor at Lymington and to keep a horse at 30l. per an. Humphrey Bampfield, the present waiter at Lymington, is to be dismissed and his place of waiter and searcher is to be sunk and his 10l. per an. salary is to be made part of said Dewey's salary of 30l. per an. the remaining 20l. to be taken from the allowance formerly made to the abovesaid Cole's clerk at Bristol. The remaining 10l. per an. saved by the retrenchment of Cole's clerk at Bristol is to be added to the 15l. per an. salary of the officer at West Mersea in Colchester port to keep a boat for the better guarding that coast, and Gregory Church is to be waiter and searcher there, loco Thomas Hawes, formerly dismissed. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 95–6.
Treasury warrant (dated Windsor) to the Receipt renewing a lost order, No. 226, dated 1670, July 21, registered on the Wine Act, being for 234l. 12s. 0d. to Thomas Haynes in repayment of so much lent, with 6 per cent. interest: said Haynes having sworn that same is lost, and that he hath not assigned away the principal or interest thereon. Money Book, p. 217.
Followed by: same to same to pay said order and 6 per cent. interest thereon from 1672–3, January 22: paying same by tallies on Henry, Bishop of London, as collector of the Tenths of the Clergy within his diocese.
Sept. 10. R[obert] S[herwyn] [for Henry Guy] to Mr. Roberts. The Earl of Essex has commanded me at Windsor in the absence of Mr. Guy, to send to you to attend the Treasury Lords on Friday morning next at 8 a.m. at the said Earl's house in St. James's Square, and to bring with you an account of the revenues of the Honor and Castle of Windsor, and whether they have been improved, and how they now stand; how the said revenue is disposed of, how much to the payment of officers, and how much about the [operations of] buildings and reparations of the Castle. Out Letters (General), p. 137.
Sept. 12. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: for the service of the Navy: to be issued out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Money Book, pp. 216, 218.
The like for 500l. to same for the Victuallers: out of same.
The like for 1,000l. to same: to be applied to the payment of tickets: to be issued out of the 4,000l. Excise surplus money which is to be paid in this week.
Same to same to issue 2,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox on the two orders of the 16th inst. for 16,000l. ut supra, pp. 169–70: to be paid ut supra. Ibid, p. 217.
Sept. 12. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue [to the Treasurer of the Navy, the Treasurer of the Ordnance et al. to be by them paid over] to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe such sums as the said Kent in his capacity of Customs Cashier shall pay into the Exchequer over and above 3,000l. per week for the Navy and Victualling: same to be for repayment to said Kent and Duncombe of moneys advanced by them, they having advanced to the Treasurer of the Navy 22,000l. (see supra. p. 76) and 32,600l. and 12,105l.; and to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 3,840l.; 955l. to Mr. Sidney and 500l. to Prince Rupert (making 50,000l. ut supra, pp. 102, 134); 4,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy (ut supra, p. 180); and 10,000l. to same (ut supra, p. 193): all which sums by the various warrants on the pages cited above were to be repaid out of Customs money payable into the Exchequer by said Kent after the weekly payments to the Navy and Victualling and after the 600l. per week to the Privy Purse. The Treasury Lords having now taken care to pay the Privy Purse out of another branch of his Majesty's revenue, the repayment to Kent and Duncombe is hereby to be made out of Customs money only after the item of 3,600l. per week to the Navy and Victualling. Money Book, pp. 219–20.
Henry Guy to Mr. Litcott to attend the Treasury Lords at the Earl of Essex's house in St. James's Square on Saturday sevennight before 8 a.m. Out Letters (General), p. 137.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 600l. into the Exchequer this week, and so every week successively, to be disposed of as the Treasury Lords shall direct. Ibid, p. 138.
Same to Mr. Chiffinch, housekeeper [of the Excise Office] to forthwith put Capt. Wingate, one of the Commissioners of Excise, into the rooms now or late in the possession of Sir John James in the Excise Office. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners not to remove Mr. MacAdams, a landwaiter, from London port for this winter. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bridges. You have not, according to your promise, carried to the Auditors of the Imprests Mr. Kingdon's accounts of the new raised Forces, nor his accounts of interest, notwithstanding the money has been fully advanced to him, without which you affirmed you could not. You are forthwith to carry in the said accounts to the Auditors and to attend the Treasury Lords at the Earl of Essex's house in St. James's Square on Saturday week at 8 a.m., for their Lordships will bear no further delay. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kingdon to the like effect as above. Ibid, p. 139.
Money order for 12,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much lent by them this day as by a tally levied in the Exchequer this day together with 6 per cent. interest: as by the privy seals of 1668, April 30, and 1679, August 14, ut supra. pp. 173–4. See also infra, p. 212, under date September 30. (Note dated September 12 of the disposition of the abovesaid 12,000l. as follows, viz., 11,500l. to the Treasurer of the Navy; 500l. to the Ordnance.) (Henry Guy dated September 12 to the Receipt to receive the abovesaid 12,000l. on loan, to give Kent and Duncomb a tally for same, and to immediately issue same to the Treasurer of the Navy and Treasurer of the Ordnance ut supra.) (Same dated September 12 to Sir George Wharton to apply the abovesaid 500l. for fortifications in the island of Guernsey.) (Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply the abovesaid 11,500l. as follows, 884l. for discharge of the Northumberland; 6,116l. to pay off the James galley; 4,000l. for a quarter to [the Yards at] Deptford and Woolwich; 500l. towards paying the anchorsmiths; and in case 190l. can be spared from any of the heads abovementioned, same is to be paid towards the discharge of shipwrights.) Order Book XXXVIII, p. 42. Disposition Book, p. 13. Out Letters (General), pp. 137, 138, 140.
Sept. 14. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 600l. to Baptist May on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the Privy Purse: to be paid out of the 600l. which the Excise Commissioners are directed to pay into the Exchequer this week. Money Book, p. 220.
Sept. 15. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding a letter directed to him from Mr. Hayter, Secretary to the Admiralty Lords, containing a copy of another letter from Capt. Wilford, commander of the Guardship Eagle at Sheerness, giving information of a vessel there laden with French wines and brandy, upon which the said captain has put a man on board to keep possession that no more may go out of her. Take such care herein as the nature of the business requires. Out Letters (General), p. 139.
Sept. 16. Same to Sir William Hicks, bart., Sir William Holcroft, Kt., Robt. Sheffeild, Tho. Coleman, Henry Wite and Phillip Burton to view the timber now standing or growing in Wallwood in Waltham Forest, and to value same. Ibid, p. 141.
Sept. 18. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the import, Customs free, of the goods [baggage] of Sir Leoline Jenkins and his retinue from Nimuegen. The books to be first visited by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury or Bishop of London and allowed to be imported as the law directs. Out Letters (Customs), p. 97.
Appending. schedule of said goods (three coaches, books, bedding, chairs, plate, &c.)
Sept. 20. Henry Guy to Sir Peter Pett. The Treasury Lords desire to speak with you at the Earl of Essex's house in St. James's Square on Tuesday morning next. Out Letters (General), p. 140.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply as follows the 8,000l. now to be lent by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe, viz.: Ibid.
l. s. d.
To pay the Merlin and Monmouth yachts 2,500 0 0
To the Yard at Portsmouth 3,000 0 0
To clear the remaining pay of the James galley 900 0 0
Towards paying the Yard at Chatham 1,300 0 0
To pay Mr. Aris, Mr. Cawthorne and Mr. Morgan, chaplains late at sea and now designed abroad again; and towards the dead men's clothes 300 0 0
Sept. 20. Henry Guy to Mr. Backwell to attend the Treasury Lords at the Earl of Essex's house by 8 in the morning about Mr. Slingsby's accounts. Out Letters (General p. 141.
Same to the Attorney General. Mr. Rowe and his partners, present contractors for the Hearthmoney, desire that a proclamation may be issued to signify that the said duty is now in their management, the like having been formerly issued at the request of the late Farmers or Contractors. Prepare the draft of such a proclamation to be presented to the King in Council. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bridges to inform the Treasury Lords whether you have ever paid any money for quarters of that part of Capt. Mutlow's company of soldiers which were quartered on the Isle of Wight county in Virginia from 1677. July 14, to 1677–8, January 16, or of that part of the said company which quartered in Nanbrem, or of those soldiers under command of Capt. William Norris which quartered in Yorke and James City counties in the said colony and to give my Lords an account if the said quarters or any of them have been paid. Ibid, p. 142.
[?] Same to Mr. Slingsby. The Treasury Lords have appointed to hear the business between you and the Auditors of Imprests (concerning their queries or exceptions to your account) on Tuesday morning next at the Earl of Essex's house in St. James's Square. Attend by 8 o'clock for that purpose. Ibid.
Sept. 20. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay Serjeant Beck 50l. 3s. 9d. upon the money warrant lying before you for his salary and board wages, he having attended the King at Windsor, and being also to give his attendance at Newmarket. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kingdon. Process will issue against you unless you deliver the state of your account of the new raised Forces with all vouchers thereto belonging to Thomas Done and Brooke Bridges, Auditors of Imprests, by October 1 next. Ibid.
Same to Sir Stephen Fox. The Managers [Farmers] of Excise will furnish you with 1,200l. upon your note [of hand] for the carriages to Newmarket till the whole matter with them is settled. Ibid, p. 143.
Same to Mr. Pepys to perfect all your accounts as Treasurer of Tangier by October 1 next. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to certify the Treasury Lords by Tuesday morning whether the following orders have been satisfied [in their course] or discharged in any other way: viz.: Ibid.
l. s. d.
Orders on the Additional Aid unsatisfied:
Margaret Good assignee of Sir Den. Gauden 290 3 10
Several orders in the name of Sir Den. Gauden, unassigned 9,000 0 0
Several orders in the name of the Earl of Anglesey, which it's conceived ought to be delivered up to the King's use 20,000 0 0
Several Navy creditors for goods furnished to the stores 1,308 12
[sic] £20,548 16
[Ditto] on the Eleven Months' Tax:
Mris. Ann Porter 40 0 0
Mr. Hamond 29 10 2
£69 10 2
Sept. 20. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be by him applied to the payment of tickets: to be issued out of the 4,000l. payable into the Exchequer this week of the Excise farm surplus for the year ended June 24 last. Money Book, pp. 220, 221.
The like for 500l. to same for the Victuallers: to be issued out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week.
The like for 2,500l. to same [for the Navy]: to be issued ut supra.
The like for 600l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse: to be issued out of the 600l. which the Excise Commissioners are to pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 222.
Money warrant for 900l. to Sir William Temple for nine weeks, May 21 last to July 23 last, on his ordinary as Ambassador to the States General, he having been recalled and his said embassy having been determined by the King July 25 last. Ibid, p. 228. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 41.
Appending: certificate dated Windsor, September 15, by the Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State, of said Temple's recall as above. (Money order dated September 22 hereon.)
Letter of direction on an order dated February 20 last for 2,000l. to Dame Anne Sylvius (lately called Mris. Anne Howard) as royal bounty: same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent payable 1680, September 19. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 41.
Sept. 22. The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Ormonde. We are commanded by the King to signify to you that the Earl of Ranelagh undertook to pay 12,000l. per an. (being part of the King's own money reserved on the establishment of Ireland) by 1,000l. on the 10th day of each month, to be employed for the building at Windsor. This payment is behind for the last two months of August [last] and September [inst], notwithstanding the Farmers of the revenue of Ireland have been careful to pay this money to the Vice-Treasurer [Ireland] for the King's particular use. Mr. Hugh May, who undertakes the said works [at Windsor Castle], pressed the said Earl before he left England to pay this 2,000l in arrear and to give him some assurance for future payments that so he might know what measures he might take to proceed in the building this next year. The Earl told him he had left orders with one Capt. Trant not only to pay the arrear, but to comply with future payments in his absence. But Mr. May has since spoken with Capt. Trant, who denies the knowledge of anything at all of the matter. His Majesty having given orders to pull down a good part of Windsor Castle this winter to build it up again the next spring, the work is forced to stop for want of an assurance of the said arrear and future payments. Return us your opinion on this matter that so (if you can be certain the money will be duly paid) the work may immediately go on, which his Majesty very much desires should be perfected. Out Letters (General), p. 154.
Sept. 22. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay 100l. to Sir William Darcy for last Lady day quarter on his annuity of 400l. for 7½ years as by the privy seal of August 30 last: out of the Customs duties on alum. Money Book, p. 221.
Same to the Receipt to issue to Sir Thomas Player all moneys due to him for the interest of loans made upon the credit of the Act for disbanding the Army: the Treasury having, for the encouragement of such citizens of London as should lend thereon, agreed to pay said Player, "in whose name the loans were made," 8 per cent. interest at the end of every three months. Ibid, p. 222.
Treasury instructions to the Customs Commissioners in reply to their memorial of the 6th inst. (1) George Butler, Surveyor of Boston port, may (in regard his father Col. John Butler is made customer and collector of that port) be removed to be landwaiter at Bristol, loco George Bourchier, who is to be tidesurveyor there. Allan Wharton, formerly collector of Whitby, may be surveyor of Boston, loco said George Butler. Out Letters (Customs), p. 98.
Same to same in reply to their memorial of the 6th inst. to retrench the place and salary of one of the porters Newcastle port (William Jennison, late one of the porters, being deceased) and to apply his salary of 5l. per an. to Francis Stone, who is hereby to be appointed as messenger between Newcastle and Shields with the salary of 8l. per an.; the officers of Newcastle port having represented that it will be necessary to have such a messenger to carry letters daily between Newcastle and Shields to give them notice of the arrival of ships. Ibid, p. 100.
Same to same in reply to their memorial of the 6th inst. You are to suppress the office of waiter and searcher at the Pill in Bristol port from Michaelmas next with the salary of 35l. per an. as useless, there being a surveyor, which is sufficient for the guarding that place. Edward Freeman the present waiter there is to be made a tidesman at Bristol on the first vacancy. The salary of the Surveyor of the Pill is to be but 80l. per an. from Michaelmas next, thus retrenching 20l. per an. thereof, George Bourchier, formerly recommended to be landwaiter at Bristol, is to be tidesurveyor there and inspect the coast business at the salary of 55l. per an., which salary is to be made up of the abovesaid two retrenchments of 35l. and 20l., "whereby no new charge may be brought upon his Majesty." Ibid, p. 101.
Treasury warrant to same to employ John Thompson as waiter and searcher at Falstone, Berwick port. Ibid, pp. 98, 99.
John Stone (present assistant to the warehousekeeper at Bristol) to have a commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods.
Stephen March to be waiter at Newport in Cowes port, loco Robert Mills, lately deceased.
Nicholas Stokes as surveyor, waiter and searcher at Rochester, loco _ Brabourn, deceased.
Sept. 23. Henry Guy to Mr. Hayter. I immediately communicated to the Treasury Lords your letter received yesterday. They have not yet provided for the payment of the moneys remaining due for the stores which were bought upon account of a war against the French King, but they have same under their consideration, and intend to do something speedily for satisfaction of the merchants concerned. But as to the 800l. which is put into the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy for carrying on the repairs of the London, Gloucester and Crowne, the same having been specially provided and designed to that use, the Treasury Lords do not understand that the application thereof accordingly will violate or interfere with the orders which have been already made [out] in behalf of the said merchants. Lay this opinion of my Lords before the Admiralty Lords. Out Letters (General), p. 144.
Same to the Excise Farmers to pay forthwith to the Excise Commissioners the 1,031l. of the money remaining in your hands of the second year's surplus of your farm: so that they can pay it into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 145.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay the abovesaid sum into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 146.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy, Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe have now undertaken to lend 4,000l. more into the Exchequer. You are to apply this to complete (with the 1,300l. appointed the 20th inst., supra, p. 203) the payment of the Yard at Chatham. Ibid, p. 145.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to have satisfied out of the weekly money of the Navy, Sir Thomas Clutterbuck's bill of 1,300l. for stores provided in the Mediterranean, viz. by 300l. a week for four weeks, and the remaining 100l. out of the subsequent week. The Treasury Lords will take care to make this sum good again to the Navy in some reasonable time. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brett to give the Treasury Lords an accompt what money concerning the prizes is in your hands or in the hands of the Commissioners of Prizes, and what is likely to be got in on that account. Ibid, p. 146.
[?] Same to the late Contractors for the Hearthmoney. The Cofferer of the Household has complained to the Treasury Lords that you have not yet satisfied two tallies struck on you for the service of the Household, and long since due (viz. one for 250l. struck on your rent due at Michaelmas, 1678, the other for 325l. [on same] due at Lady day, 1679). You are forthwith to satisfy same. Ibid.
Sept. 23. Same to Sir Ro. Holmes. The Ordnance Commissioners have represented to the Treasury Lords that the Castle of Cowes is in a very bad condition. Advise with said Commissioners as to laying out the 300l. which you lately received for fortifications in the Isle of Wight. Ibid, p 147.
Sept. 23. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to attend the Attorney General for his opinion whether by the Act for Encouragement of Coinage any more than 3,000l. per an. can be allowed to the Master and Worker of the Mint, in his account, for fees, salaries and repairs. When you get this opinion, attend the Treasury Lords therewith. Out Letters (General), p. 147.
Same to the Farmers of the Law duty. You will be sent for in custody if you do not before this day week satisfy the Cofferer of the Household's tally for 5,371l. 12s. 6d. stricken on you, and which should have been paid by the 1st of May past. You have refused to appear, notwithstanding the Treasury Lords have often sent to you about this affair. Ibid, pp. 147–8.
Money warrant for 150l. to Madame Henriette des Bordes for half a year to Christmas last on her annuity or pension of 300l. per an.: 75l. thereof to be satisfied by tallies on Charles Duncombe on the moneys received by him for a certain parcel of tin sold for his Majesty's use; and 75l. by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent payable 1680, September 19. Money Book, p. 223.
In the margin. Madame des Bordes. pro Mrs. Roper.
Money order for 12,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much lent by them this day as by a tally levied in the Exchequer this day: together with 6 per cent. interest as by the privy seals of 1668, April 30, and 1679, August 14, ut supra, p. 173: see also infra, p. 212, under date September 30. (Henry Guy dated September 23 to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy the abovesaid 12,000l. "and to give Mr. Kent and Duncombe dispatch this morning with all expedition" [in levying their tallies of acknowledgment and in making out their orders for repayment].) Order Book XXXVIII, p. 42. Out Letters (General), p. 144.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ George Scott, the present surveyor of Barking, as surveyor of Blackwall, loco John Shaw, deceased. William Tillyard (who by the Treasury warrant of the 9th inst, supra, p. 200, was to be surveyor at Blackwall) is to be surveyor at Barking, loco said Scott. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 102, 103, 104.
Robert Alvey as a weighing porter London port, loco Neale Farrell, who resigns same.
Thomas Nelson as a tidesman in fee London port, loco Edward Howard, deceased.
Francis Knipe (one of the watchmen of London port) and William Norris (a tidesman ibid.) to change places.
Charles Sydenham (Sidenham) as a tidesman Lyme Regis, loco John Westly, deceased.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of James Davison, commander of the ship Success, of London, who sailed in October last with 32 men and 16 guns from Gravesend to Leghorn, where three of his men, being foreigners, deserted; thence he proceeded to Zante, where one of his men died; thence to Messina, where another of his men, a foreigner, deserted; thence to Tangiers, where the King's ships pressed three of his men; and so he arrived in London with only 24 men, whereupon the Customs Commissioners require of the freighter a fifth more than the usual Customs "because the said vessel came home with less than her complement." He prays to be admitted to entry as if he had come home fully manned with 32 men. Ibid, p. 102.
Sept. 24. Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to pay 1,488l. 9s. 11¼d. into the Exchequer this week and 550l. next week. Out Letters (General), p. 148.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the abovesaid 1,488l. 9s. 11¼d., viz. 588l. 9s. 11¼d. to the falconers, 500l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance, 50l. to same for the repair of Deal and Landguard Forts, 400l. to the Treasurer of the Navy as for Sick and Wounded. Ibid.
Likewise to issue to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for like services as above [i.e. 500l. for the Ordnance and 50l. for repair of Deal and Landguard Forts] another 550l. out of Excise money.
Same to Mr. Stephens to presently pay the remaining money due to Mr. Morgan, Mr. Cawthorne and Mr. Arris, chaplains of ships, being 57l. 11s. 8d. (200l. having been already provided for them), as they are forthwith to go to sea again. The Treasury Lords will take care that this shall be remembered [reimbursed] to you out of the next money which shall be ordered to the Treasurer of the Navy. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Pepys to speed his Tangier accounts and to state how the 2,500l. allowed yearly for the fortifications there has been yearly disposed. Ibid.
Royal sign manual for 1,031l. to Henry Guy for secret service: without accompt: to be paid out of the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 20th August. (Money warrant dated September 25 hereon. Money order dated September 25 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 112. Money Book, p. 224. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 41.
Treasury warrant to George Dashwood et al. Farmers of Excise, to pay 35,000l. to the Excise Commissioners as part of the 50,000l. instalment payable on or before December 25 next (or within 20 days after) of the 250,000l. advance money on the Excise farm, as by the contract of March 13 for said farm. On the said Commissioners' acquittances, said Farmers are to have tallies levied in the Exchequer for their repayment. Money Book, p. 224.
Same to the Receipt to issue 35,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox as the unsatisfied remain of the order of July 23 last for 55,000l. to said Fox for three months' pay to January 1 next of the Guards, Garrisons and contingencies thereof: to be by tallies on the abovesaid 35,000l. Excise Farmers' advance instalment. Ibid, p. 225.
Money warrant for the following payments for half a year's fees or salaries as falconers, viz. George Russell 32l. 10s. 0d. as Serjeant Falconer and 45l. 12s. 6d. as falconer; Marmaduke Conway 40l. as falconer and spaniel keeper; Arthur Wichells, William Sakins, Andrew Holmes. John Sylvester and Sylvanus Rowly 25l. 1s. 10¾d. each, John Preston, John Legg, William Poulton, James Russell and Peter Croles 25l. each; John Burchill, Richard Edes, Abell Daniell, Thomas Dechampe, and Thom. Duffeild 22l. each; George Russell, junr., 24l. 18s. 4d.; William Russell. 19l. 0s. 2¾d., John Osboldstone 15l. 19s. 4¾d.; in all 538l. 9s. 11¼d. Ibid, pp. 226–7.
Sept. 24. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Miller complaining against Mr. Tomlin and Mr. Stretch for not doing their duty, but being his hindrance when they were ordered to assist him in making seizures; and further praying a Treasury warrant for seizing prohibited goods. Out Letters (Customs), p. 104.
Treasury instructions to same in reply to their memorial of the 22nd inst. We intend to lay before the King in Council the informations concerning the great quantities of salt and other commodities supposed to be French which come from Jersey and Guernsey; as also the proposal for the future [sic for further] dispensation for admeasurement of keels till March 25 next. We will communicate to you what orders his Majesty shall give thereon. We have appointed to hear on the 13th prox. the business of the respective officers who claim a share in the 12d. per £ mentioned in the Act for Coinage. We shall thereupon give such direction as the King's service requires in the speedy passing of the Coinage accounts. We also purpose at the same time to consult the Barons of the Exchequer and the King's Remembrancer about settling the rules for better regulating the business of the coast bonds. We approve the securities of the several collectors of the outports as in your list. You are hereby fully authorised to make the allowance of 5s. per hogshead to encourage the seizing of French wines in cases where the officer can recover nothing from the proprietor thereof, and over and above the charge of bringing them to the King's warehouse, the King having declared his pleasure therein, but our previous orders therein not having empowered you so fully as you desired in your memorial of June 30. As to an allowance for other prohibited French goods, you shall have directions when we have received his Majesty's pleasure thereon. You are to remove James Blackbourne (now surveyor of Plymouth) to be surveyor of Southampton; and the surveyor of Southampton to Plymouth, and John Rogers the waiter to some other port as soon as you can find a convenient remove for him. Ibid, pp. 104–6.
Sept. 25. Henry Guy to the chief officers of the Customs at Newcastle port. The Privy Council has considered a further dispensation to the keel owners for non-admeasurement and has taken the Attorney General's opinion thereon. He conceives that an Order of Council will not be sufficient for the said keel owners in regard the admeasurement is required by Act of Parliament. In order that they may not be under discouragement, and the people suffer for want of coal, till another Act may be passed in the next Parliament, the Treasury Lords direct you to forbear to make any seizures upon the said Act for non-admeasurement within the time limited, and you are to satisfy the said owners that if any information be commenced against them by any other person for this cause the Attorney General will be ordered to non pros. the same. (The like letter to the chief officers of Sunderland port.) Out Letters (General), p. 149.
Sept. 25. Henry Guy to the Hearthmoney Contractors to send to the Treasury a state of the revenue under your care, made up to Michaelmas next, how it stands charged with tallies and otherwise. Out Letters (General), p. 150.
The like to the Commissioners of Wine Licences; Commissioners and Farmers of Excise; Receiver General of Customs; Farmers of the Law duty; and the Auditor of the Receipt for a like state how the whole revenue stands charged with tallies, etc.
Same to Mr. Pepys to send to the Treasury a state of the debt which will be due to the Garrison of Tangier at Michaelmas next. Ibid.
The like respectively to the officers of the Ordnance; Navy Commissioners; Sir Stephen Fox and the Victuallers for like statements of the then debt of the Ordnance, Navy, Guards, etc., and Victualling.
Same to the Master of Tents and Toils to send to the Treasury a state of the condition of your Office, with the debt thereof made up to Michaelmas next. Ibid.
The like respectively to the Master of the Jewel House; the officers of the Works; the Master of the Great Wardrobe; the Treasurer of the Chamber; the Master of the Robes; the Cofferer of the Household. (All the above letters "sent away the 26th September.")
Money order for 27l. 7s. 6d. to Thomas Witherden for 1673, Lady day quarter, on his allowance of 2s. a day as one of the Grooms of the Great Chamber to the Queen: 18l. 5s. 0d. thereof to be satisfied by tally on the Hearthmoney, the remainder by tally on Mr. Duncombe. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 41.
Sept. 26. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be for the Victuallers: to be paid out of the 3,000l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Money Book, p. 226.
The like for 2,500l. to same [for the Navy]: to be issued out of same.
The like for 600l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse: to be issued out of the 600l. which the Excise Commissioners are directed to pay into the Exchequer this week for that purpose. Ibid, p. 230.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the 1,031l. (which the Excise Commissioners are to pay into the Exchequer this week) to me [Guy] on an order of the 25th inst. in my name for secret service. Out Letters (General), p. 151.
Sept. 30. Treasury constitution and appointment of Michael East as clerk to the Commissioners for Appeals in Excise, loco James Barbone, gent., lately deceased: with the salary or wages of 200l. per an. King's Warrant Book, p. 115.
Sept. 30. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to receive 10,000l. as loan from Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe, they having agreed to lend same to the King. Tallies of loan are to be given them and further. by virtue of the privy seals of 1668, April 30, and 1679, August 14, orders are to be drawn for repayment of said sum to them with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward "for the labour and service or by way of compensation for charge and pains of lending or procuring the said loan"; such interest and reward to be payable quarterly till repayment of the principal: on receipt of said sum same is to be issued as follows, 9,800l. to the Treasurer of the Navy upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Navy, and 200l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for land and sea service of the Ordnance. Money Book, p. 229.
Same to same to draw like orders as above (by virtue of the same privy seals) for repayment of 24,000l. to said Kent and Duncombe with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward, they having lent same to the King (viz. 12,000l. the 12th inst. and 12,000l. the 23rd inst.), "which moneys are borrowed for divers urgent occasions of his Majesty's Navy and the Office of the Ordnance." Ibid, p. 231.
Same to same to issue 500l. to Edward Seymour on any of his unsatisfied, unappropriated orders as Treasurer of the Navy: to be for the Victualling: to be issued out of the 3,000l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 230.
The like for 2,500l. to same [for the Navy]: out of same.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Henry Guy for secret service for last Michaelmas quarter on the 20,000l. per an. for three years from Christmas last for secret service as by the privy seal of June 30 last: to be by tallies on the Excise. (Money order dated October 1 hereon; with a letter of direction dated October 10 for same to be paid out of the 5,000l. which the Excise Commissioners are directed to bring into the Exchequer this week.) Ibid, p. 232. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 41.
Privy seal for the issue of 6.114l. 6s. 0d. to Sir Stephen Fox, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: same to be by him paid over to the Governor of Virginia for the payment of the allowances by establishments as follow, 5,600l. thereof to be for the said allowances to July 1 last and the remainder being (1) to pay that one of the two Companies as follow, which is now to be embarked for Virginia. viz. to the time of embarcation. and (2) after that what remains is to be applied for subsistence money for the soldiers of both the said Companies excluding the commission officers. All the said payments to be made as shall be directed by warrant of the King or of the General of the Forces: the King having by several establishments made by advice of the Privy Council settled the yearly allowances of 1,000l. per an. to the Governor-in-Chief and Captain-General of the Colony of Virginia, 600l. per an. to the Deputy Governor and Lieutenant-General. 300l. per an. to the Major-General. 600l. per an. for incidents and the maintenance of the forts there. 3,327l. 11s. 8d. per an. for the pay of two Foot Companies to serve in that Colony, 121l. 13s. 4d. per an. for a chaplain and 91l. 5s. 0d. per an. for the pay of a chirurgeon for the said Governor and Garrison of that Colony; the above amounting in all to 6,040l. 10s. 0d. per an.; the King having also thought fit to settle and establish for his Majesty's service in Virginia for some time longer one engineer with his servant at 12s. a day and one gunsmith with two mates at 8s. 4d. a day, amounting to 371l. 1s. 8d. per an., and also to settle and establish a Commissary of the Musters to continue with the Forces there at 5s. a day, amounting to 91l. 5s. 0d. per an. (Money warrant dated October 14 hereon. Money order dated October 17 hereon for the allowances "to the several officers and soldiers settled or designed for the said Colony, according to the establishment in the said [present] privy seal," with a letter of direction dated October 21 for same to be satisfied by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners on the half-year's Hearthmoney farm rent payable 1680, September 19.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 118–9. Money Book, pp. 233–4. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 44.
Sept. 30. Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply as follows the 9,800l. this day ordered to be issued to you out of the 10,000l. which Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe have agreed to lend to the King. Out Letters (General), p. 151.
l. s. d.
To pay off workmen in the yards 1,500 0 0
To pay [seamen's] tickets 2,000 0 0
To pay such men as did not appear at the pay-table, by computation about 600l., the remainder to pay off inferior officers of the ships 4,000 0 0
To [the] minister and chirurgeons 890 0 0
To pay off the _ sloop 160 0 0
Repairs of the Richmond and Katherine yacht 250 0 0
To anchor-smiths in part 500 0 0
For a new yacht 500 0 0
£9,800 0 0
Same to Sir Robert Howard, Kt. The Treasury Lords desire you to lend 100l. this week and 100l. next week for supply of the Duchess of Southampton. Pay same to Mr. Richard Topham for her use. The Treasury Lords will see this money repaid to you within a fortnight or three weeks at furthest. Also please send a certificate of the whole sum now registered on the last Act for disbanding the army by which it may appear how far same is overcharged. Ibid, p. 152.
Same to same to pay (on the money warrant lying before you) 60l. to Charles Coleman for one year on his fee as musician. Ibid.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords desire that the inferior officers of the ships may be paid off first and in the same order that the ships are paid off. Ibid.
Same to Sir George Wharton to apply to fortifications in the Isle of Guernsey the 200l. this day ordered to you out of the 10,000l. which Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe have now agreed to lend into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 153.
Sept. 30. Henry Guy to Mr. Shales to expedite the account of the Farmers of the Law duty now lying before you. Out Letters (General). p. 153.
Same to Lord Colepeper to take care that the Company now quartering at Lusam [Losenham]. Bromley and thereabouts in Kent may not receive their pay till the moneys due for their quarters in those places be first satisfied. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Auditor Richard Aldworth of Richard Kent's and Charles Duncombe's account of interest for 1679, Sept. 29 quarter, for several sums of money advanced [by them] for his Majesty's service, amounting in all to 77.990l. 14s. 8d. principal and 2,727l. 7s. 8d. interest. Ibid, p. 156.
Same to John Birch, Auditor of Excise, Elias Ashmole, Comptroller of Excise, and John Shales, one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, of the account of the produce of the Excise for one year ended 1679, June 24, as follows— Ibid, pp. 155–6.
l. s. d.
For all the counties in England and Wales and City of London produceth 673,271 10
Whereof is paid in money and per contra 634,217 15
Remains 39,053 15
Poundage of 1s. per £ on said remain is 1,952 2 9
Remains 37,101 12
Seven per cent. interest of the said 37,101l. 12s. 5½d. from 1679, June 24, till such time as the overplus will be due by covenants 3,895 13 5
Remains £33,205 19
l. s. d.
Payments and allowances out of the year's produce, per contra:
Paid one year's rent in money according to covenants 560,000 0 0
For one year's charge of management as per covenants 70,000 0 0
630,000 0 0
For disbursements allowed by his Majesty 1,000 0 0
For money paid by order of the Treasury Lords 420 0 0
For allowances to brewers for exported beer 2,665 13
For allowances by the [Excise] Commissioners to brewers 132 2 5
£634,217 15