Entry book: December 1695, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry book: December 1695, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1257-1269 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry book: December 1695, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1257-1269.

"Entry book: December 1695, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1257-1269.


December 1695, 16–31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 17. Royal warrant, under the King's sign manual, dated Kensington, to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Leonard Thompson, Richard Thompson and Luke Thompson, sons of Edward Thompson of the city of York, esq., of the office of Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, upon the surrender of Sir John Osborne, bart., and John Osborne, esq.: to be for life of the longest liver of them. See supra, p. 1278. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 296.
Royal sign manual for 750l. to Ralph Grey, esq.: as royal bounty, without account. (Money warrant dated Dec. 19 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 18 hereon.) Ibid, p. 297. Money Book XIII, p. 47. Order Book IV, p. 245.
Same for the following payments as royal bounty: l. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 297. Money Book XIII, p. 48. Order Book IV, p. 243.
to Dame Katherine Dallyson 50
to Nicholas Estoll 50
to Joseph Bannet 63
(Money warrant dated Dec. 18 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 18 hereon.)
Royal warrant to Sir Thomas Pinfold, Dr. of Laws, King's Advocate General, and to Samuell Franklyn, King's Proctor, to grant letters of administration to the creditors of Lieut. James Thomas, late of the Second Marine Regiment, who was a felo de se, ut supra, p. 1250: it appearing from the report of Thomas Balderston, late Agent to the said Regiment, and of — Lloyd, present Agent of same, that they are desirous and ready to pay over the said lieutenant's arrears of pay for the satisfying of his creditors if it might be done with safety and security to themselves; which cannot be legally done unless the Crown consent to the granting of administration as herein. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 298.
Dec. 17. William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Eliz. Risley, widow of Henry Risley, late a Lieut. in Col. David Collyer's Regiment, praying payment of her husband's arrears for the subsistence of herself and children. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 41.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Lieut. Thomas Meredith and Robert Davies, executor[s] of Lieut. Carew Meese, praying removal of the respits on the said Lieutenant's pay. Ibid, p. 42.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of William D'La Rose, one of the collectors of Excise for co. Hants and part of Wilts, praying an allowance of 3d. per £ on 121,645l. 9s.d. which he has paid into the Excise Office, being the allowance which hath been made to other collectors of Excise. Reference Book VII, p. 122.
Same to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby [Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland] of the petition of Sir Joseph Heme and Sir Stephen Evance for an allowance of interest to be made them on 8,557l. 10s. 1d. for clothing the Earl of Donegal's and Col. Cunningham's Regiment from the day same ought to be paid, viz. 1693, Oct. 31, for 2,846l. 4s. 0d.; 1693, Nov. 20, for 2,846l. 4s. 0d.; 1693, Dec. 24, for 2,865l. 2s. 1d., until 1694, Nov. 17, the day on which payment was made. Ibid, p. 125.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant dated Dec. 5 inst. from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Francis Lawley, Master and Treasurer of the Jewel House, for the delivery to the Honble. Paul Foley, Speaker of the House of Commons, of items of plate, ut supra, p. 1250. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 61.
Dec. 18. Royal sign manual for 100l. to James Blair, Commissary to the Bishop of London within the Colony of Virginia: to be payable out of quit rents in the hands of the Receiver General of revenue in the said Colony and Dominion. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 305.
Royal warrant, under the King's sign manual, dated Kensington, to Charles Fox and Thomas, Lord Coningsby, for a pension of 3s. 6d. a day on the Military List of the French Pensioners on the Irish Establishment to Lacoste de Saintour: to be payable as from Jan. 1 next, during pleasure. Ibid, p. 326.
Same, under the King's sign manual, to Edward Nicholas, Treasurer to the late Queen, to pay the said late Queen's pensions and charities as from Michaelmas last, amounting to 12,516l. 18s. 0d. per an.: during the King's pleasure. Ibid, pp. 299–300.
Prefixing: detailed list of said pensions and charities, see supra, pp. 1127–30. l. s. d.
to be paid to the hands of the Lord Almoner, 1,901l. per an. (ut supra, p. 1127, but adding 60l. per an. to Lady Willoughby) 1,901 0 0
to be paid to the hands of the Bishop of London, 100l. per an. for the Ministers in New England 100 0 0
to be paid to the hands of the Bishop of Sarum (ut Ibid.) 100 0 0
to be paid to the hands of Madame Auverquere to distribute 165 0 0
to be paid to the hands of Mris. Golstien to distribute (by warrant of 21 April [1696], to be distributed by Mr. Godfrey), ut Ibid., with the addition of 23l. per an. to Mris. Mary Lee: Mr. Haughton's daughter appears as Mris. Hautin's daughter, Mr. de la Muce appears as the Marquis de la Maus' sister, Lootee appears as Loots, and Crevemort as Crevemore, and 20l. per an. to Mr. Leup or Lenep is inserted 795 8 0
to be returned to Mynheer Van Schuylenburg, ut Ibid., with the addition of 24l. per an. for Mris. Keysers and 25l. per an. to Barbara Wilhuis 1,134 0 0
to the hands of Abell Tassin D'Allone, esq., ut Ibid., Mr. Arnaud being omitted 62 0 0
to the hands of Sir John Chardin to return to Mr. Arnaud 100 0 0
to be paid to the hands of Monsieur Lovigny, ut Ibid., Marancie and de Rigner appearing as Marancie and D'Reginer 1,097 8 0
to be paid to the hands of Dr. William Stanley, ut Ibid., with the addition of 10l. per an. for the lecturer at Kensington, 20l. per an. to Mr. Laney for his sermons; 12l. per an. for Mr. Haughton's son and 13l. per an. for John Smith 259 0 0
to be paid to the hands of the respective persons themselves, ut Ibid., Mris. Helsley appearing as Mris. Johanna Helseley and with the omission of Monsieur de St. Helene, Capt. Cunningham's widow, a blind man, Lady Douglas for her daughters, Mris. Frances Langford, a blind lieutenant and Mr. Emillian: and with the insertion of 29l. for house rent for Lord Mordington; 10l. for Mr[is.] Frances Roche; 50l. to Lady Douglas and 20l. for her daughter; 40l. to Mris. Franklyn; 26l. to Mris. Dives; 26l. to Mris. Deborah Roleston; 26l. to Mris. Bridgeman; 20l. to Mris. Croisett; 50l. to Mris. Magdelen Cunningham 1,603 10 0
to be paid to Mr. Braguier, Treasurer to the French Refugees, 100l. weekly, to begin the 18th day of Sept. last (undated memorandum: “ this payment is ceased”) 5,200 0 0
£12,516 18 0
Dec. 18. Money warrant for 40l. to Robert Gainsford and Jno. Tockfield as reward for apprehending and prosecuting William Smith, convicted at Ailesbury in July last for counterfeiting and clipping, as certified by Sir Samuell Eyre, one of the Justices of the King's Bench. (Money order dated Dec. 19 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 47. Order Book IV, p. 246.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 225.
Prefixing: Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, Dec. 12 inst., made upon reading the petition of Samuel Kelly, master of the Mary and Margaret, and Johnson's [petition], master of the Success, shewing that the said ships were fully laden for Genoa “for the Company's service” before the 1st inst., but were hindered by contrary winds from being cleared at Gravesend in time [for the convoy]. It is hereby ordered that they be permitted to proceed provided they be in the Downs within six days, wind and weather permitting.
Treasury authorisation to Auditor William Aldworth to take the accounts of the Crown revenues in cos. Essex, Herts, London and Middlesex and cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon and to execute the office of Auditor there as fully as John Phelips or any other predecessor therein might do: the said Aldworth having been appointed by a great seal of 1689, Nov. 2, to be auditor of all such casual revenue as might grow due to their Majesties by reason of any penal laws and of all such other accounts as the Treasury Lords should from time to time refer to him, so as the same interfered not with the right of any auditor then constituted: and the office of auditor of the above counties being vacant by the death of John Phelips and Aldworth is willing to undertake the said office without further charge to the Crown and with only the present allowances which merely defray the clerk's salaries and the incidents. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 61.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the Order in Council of May 23, requiring the Treasury Lords to give direction to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes to make an allowance to Capt. Peter Pickard, his officers and ships' company, of gunnage for a French man of war of 52 guns and a privateer of 18 guns destroyed by him on the coast of France. The said Commissioners have by a memorial of Nov. 23 last to us, the Treasury Lords, represented that they are not in cash for payment of such rewards, but are of opinion that the tenth part of all prizes (except those taken by privateers) granted by Act of Parliament to be paid [to] the Navy Treasurer to be disposed of by the Admiralty Lords for medals and other rewards for officers and seamen doing any signal service at sea (“for which service this reward of 700l. seems to be”) may be a proper fund for payment thereof. We, the Treasury Lords, have no objection to the payment in such manner. Ibid, p. 62.
Dec. 18. Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant dated 1694–5, March 22, from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Francis Lawley, Master of the Jewel House, for the delivery to Col. Francis Nicholson, Governor of Maryland, of two little flagons, a chalice, a paten and a receiver for offerings, being plate for the use of his Majesty's chapel there: not exceeding 60l. value in all being thought necessary by the Bishop of London. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 64.
Treasury warrant to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes to employ Thomas Chamberlaine, — Slocomb and Ralph Lee as joint Agents for Prizes in the port of Messina in the kingdom of Spain and the liberties of that Consulship: to be rewarded according to the merit of their service without any standing salary. Ibid.
The like for Benj. Simpson and Jos. Sedgwick, merchants, to be Agents for Prizes in the Island of Jamaica loco George Hastings, deceased: to be rewarded ut supra. Ibid.
Royal warrant, under the King's sign manual [to the Governor of Virginia], to pay 100l. out of the quit rents of Virginia, as royal bounty to James Blair, Commissary in Virginia to the Bishop of London. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 437.
Dec. 19. Treasury warrant to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay 80l. to Seymour Tredenham, esq., keeper of the prison of the Duchy and Stannaries of Lostwithiel, for the repair thereof; the same being ruinous and in decay and not fit for the prisoners either for safety or health; several sums having been paid out of the revenues of the Duchy for the repair of same since 1660. He is to take the advice and assistance of the Mayor, Recorder and burgesses of Lostwithiel herein. Money Book XIII, pp. 49, 48.
Same to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] to pay 80l. 12s. 4d. to the officers of the Pipe for one year to June 24 last on their several fees payable out of the Customs, viz. 63l. 2s. 0d. to Robert, Lord Russell, Clerk of the Pipe, and the Secondaries and sworn clerks in that Office; 5l. 15s. 0d. to John Pottenger, Comptroller of the Pipe; 11l. 15s. 4d. to John Ady and Henry Ballow, Deputy Chamberlains in the Exchequer. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Ralph Grey the 750l. which will be paid into the Exchequer by Richard Nevill and George Davenant as the fine of a lease of the lighthouses at Winterton Ness and Orford Ness. Disposition Book XIII, p. 75.
Dec. 19. Willliam Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 6,460l. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Forces: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the Exchequer in general and to be applied as follows, viz.: l. Disposition Book, XIII, p. 76.
for the advance upon the contract for forage “and completes 15,000l., being the value of 150,000 guilders demanded for that service” 3,000
for recruits for the Regiment now Col. Wilks', which was at Dixmude, “and makes 2,000l. issued in part of 3,737l. 10s. 0d. demanded for that service” 1,000
for one month's subsistence to three Regiments that are to embark for Flanders: upon accompt 2,460
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. On the arrival of the above three Regiments at Ostend it is the King's command that you take care they be subsisted in like manner with the other Regiments now in Flanders. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send to the Earl of Portland's lodgings in Whitehall goods as follows arrived from the Straits in the ship Deptford. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 42.
Appending: list of said goods: Mountain Aliceint wine; two chests of Muntepulciano; one half chest of Muscatella; one chest of Vindi [Vin de] Chanti; one jam containing 10 gallons of Virgin Lucia oil; two Livorne barrels of anchovies; one pot of caveer [caviari]; dry Maligo [Malaga]; one box of Tiruvan mats.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Richard Egglesfeild as collector of Carlisle port loco Robert Farish, dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 226.
Peter Spooner as waiter and searcher at Wells in Lynn Regis port loco Roger Pedley, dismissed for fraud and misdemeanour.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the account of William Betts of houses in Norwich late belonging to Christian Langley and afterwards to Thomas Price, “which he sold and the produce amounted to 1,890l. 11s. 11d., and by the said account he hath expended and paid 1,923l. 5s. 9d. Reference Book VII, p. 122.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Joseph Cagnomi, Francis Cagnomi and Thomas Wethered of London, merchants, praying noli prosequis to the two informations exhibited against them by way of Devenerunt for recovery of several parcels of wines imported from Leghorn in two ships, Patriarch Jacob and Stella, belonging to Leghorn: they having paid Aliens' duties for the same to the satisfaction of the officers. Ibid, p. 124.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe to make [prepare] a new grant to pass the Exchequer seal to William Morris, gent., of the office of Keeper of the Gaol of the liberty of the dissolved Monastery of St. Albans, co. Herts, and of porter of the great gate of the said dissolved Monastery loco Thomas Sturgeon and Roger Sturgeon, deceased: together with the ancient fee of 11l. 1s. 4d. per an. payable as formerly by the Receiver General of [Crown Lands] co. Herts. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 63.
[? Dec. 19.] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of a lease to Edward Tregenna (at the nomination of Anthony Trethewy) of several lands, meadows etc. within the disparked park of Lauteglos and Hellesbury in co. Cornwall, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, for 99 years terminable on the lives of John Trevelyan and Elizabeth daughter of said Tregenna, at a rent of 10l. 13s. 4d. and fine of 120l., ut supra, pp. 1172, 1223. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 63.
[?] The like of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Thomas Cole, esq., and Maria his wife of several lands and tenements in co. Gloucester, parcel of the lands of Francis Oreswick, esq., outlaw; at a rent of 9s. 2d. per an. and fine of 18s. 4d. Ibid.
Dec. 20. Treasury warrant to Edward Nicholas to pay 839l. 9s. 1d. to the persons following in satisfaction of their debts and demands upon bills and otherwise: to be paid out of imprests for the service of the late Queen, viz.: l. s. d. Money Book XIII, p. 50.
to Mr. Needham for the Collegiate Church of St. Peter's [Westminster] for the interment of the late Queen 67 11 8
to the churchwardens of St. Martin's parish for the poor 100 0 0
to Sir John Elwes, due from the late Queen to the late Mr. Carew Jesson 50 0 0
Bills not brought in before.
to Mris. Anna Van Golstane 82 12 3
to Abell Tassin D'Allone, esq. 24 16 0
to Anthony Peiterson 210 2 4
to Robert Astrey 60 5 4
to Mr. Thomas Cherret 4 5 0
to Edward Godfrey for disbursements 225 1 6
to Mr. Joderell for votes etc 14 15 0
£839 9 1
Treasury order to the Principal Commissioners for Prizes to observe (a) infra. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 19 inst., that the allowance to Captain Pickard, his officers and ship's company for gunnage, ut supra, p. 1260, be made according to the Order of Council of May 23 last.
William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners forthwith to pay into the Exchequer 150l. of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise; to be issued to George Toilet to complete his order for 2,000l. for the incidents of the Commissioners for the Public Accounts of the Kingdom. Disposition Book XIII, p. 76.
Dec. 20. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,332l. 9s.d. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby on the unsatisfied order in their name for the Forces [in Ireland]: to be issued out of the 52l. 10s. 0d. remaining of loans on the Duties on Glass, Coals etc., and 1,279l. 19s.d. of loans to be made by said Fox on credit of the said duties: and to be paid over to the Commissioners of the Transports in part of 2,664l. 19s. 7d. demanded by them for providing shipping for 2,400 men and 100 horses that are to be transported hence to Ostend and for 10 days' provisions for their passage. Disposition Book XIII, p. 77.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver at Sir William Trumbull's house in Gerrard Street wines as in the enclosed bill of lading [missing]: on payment of Customs. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 41.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, for a state of the revenue of Ireland with the debts charged thereupon: as also of the moneys lately granted in Parliament, with the application which your Excellency would propose to be made thereof: all in order to laying same before the King for his consideration and directions therein. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 56.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition of Capt. John Forward, praying a grant of the forfeited estates of Sir John Nugent of Taghmon, co. Westmeath, Col. Richard Nugent, his brother, and Chris. Nugent of Dardistown, co. Westmeath, esq. Ibid.
Dec. 21. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 66l. 13s. 4d. to Thomas Done, one of the Auditors of Imprests, out of any disposeable money in the Exchequer. Disposition Book XIII, p. 77.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report a fit reward for James Smith, customer of Chichester, for the seizure referred to in your leport on his petition. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 42.
Same to Col. Steward for an account of the moneys due to the four Regiments which went under your command to the Straits [to wit] from the time of their embarcation to the time of their landing in England. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Samuell Johnson, “correspondent for the Excise at 100l. per an.” shewing that at the commencing of the Salt Duty at Lady day, 1694, he “drawed” out an account of the salt works and since executed the office of correspondent for that Duty, for which the [Excise] Commissioners offered a presentation for an allowance of 50l. per an., “which not being done he prays a warrant for the 1¾ years past at 50l. per an. and the continuance of the same.” Reference Book VII, p. 122.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the representation from the [Principal] Commissioners for Prizes, shewing that the ship La Britton of Rochefort, 350 tons, returning from Newfoundland with fish, was taken by the King's ship Harwich, Capt. Andrew Douglas commander, and brought into Falmouth, where she now lies, and is condemned as prize: that a greater duty of Customs was expected than the whole was worth, whereby there will be nothing left to divide for the captain and ship's company who took her, nor for the Sick and Wounded, as was intended by the late Act for Encouragement of Privateers: therefore praying that the fish may be admitted to entry as if imported by English in an English bottom. Ibid, p. 123.
Dec. 21. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners for stay of process, until further order, against Edward Fleatham of Yarm, co. York, merchant, who has been a great dealer in tobacco for several years past and has paid 20,000l. duty for that commodity during the King's reign and was instrumental at the late Revolution in transporting Forces for the reduction of Ireland in ships that he was concerned in, and was the only person that discovered and prevented the fraud of importing tobacco stalks, whereby the revenue had benefitted 30,000l. per an., for which he was promised a reward, but never received any: and hath had great losses at sea both by pirates and shipwreck to the value of 3,000l. in three years past, and is now debtor to the King in 952l. 13s. 11d. for Customs, and his effects and estate have been seized to the value of 360l. 3s. 0d., and he hath not wherewith to provide subsistence for himself and seven children: whereby he is an object of compassion. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 232–3.
Dec. 23. William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh for a state of the offreckonings of the several Regiments, Troops and Companies from 1694–5, Jan. 1, to 1695–6, Jan. 1. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 45.
Dec. 24. Money order for 1,090l. 13s.d. to John Packer, Usher of the Receipt, for necessaries by him delivered to the officers of the Receipt in Easter and Trinity terms, 1694. Order Book IV, p. 245.
William Lowndes to Mr. Povey to lay before the Committee for Trade and Plantations the enclosed accounts [missing], viz.: Out Letters (General) XV, p. 43.
a report touching the memorial of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Secretary of the Province of Maryland, relating to the trade and manufactures in those parts.
a report touching an Act to prevent ingrossing, forestalling and exporting of provisions, arms and ammunition sent to Jamaica.
Same to the Navy Treasurer. It is represented to my Lords that there are great complaints among the seamen and workmen in the Yards for having been paid their wages in halfcrowns, which are current but till next new year's day, and that sundry inconveniences may follow therefrom. It is the King's pleasure that in case you have any money in cash of a lesser species and that will have longer course you do rather direct the payment to those poor men in that smaller sort of money. Ibid.
Dec. 26. Same to Mr. Blathwayte to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 1,332l. 9s.d. to the Commissioners of Transports in part of 2,664l. 19s. 7d. demanded by them for providing shipping for 2,400 men and 100 horses to be transported hence to Ostend and for 14 days' provisions for their passage. Ibid.
Dec. 27. Royal sign manual for 1,000l. to Samuel Johnson, clerk, as royal bounty: without account. (Money warrant dated 1695–6, Jan. 7 hereon.) (Money order dated Jan. 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 301. Money Book XIII, p. 54. Order Book IV, p. 250b.
Treasury warrant to the Auditors of the Imprest to allow in account to Edward Seymour, Clerk of the Hanaper, 40l. for the expense of passing his account as such for the year ended Sept. 29 last. Money Book XIII, p. 48.
Prefixing: certificate by Auditor Brook Bridges that Seymour has delivered in his said account.
Money warrant for 20l. each to the following chaplains as reward and for the charges of their transportation to Maryland, viz. John Gourdon, Hugh Jones, Mr. Kniblo and Mr. Line. (Money order dated Dec. 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 51. Order Book IV, pp. 246, 248.
William Lowndes to Bartholomew Burton to pay 369l. 15s.d. to Thomas Browne for 2 per cent. gratuity on 21,000l. lent by said Browne Nov. 20 last on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XIII, p. 64.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any disposeable money in the Receipt) 1,000l. to Sir William Trumbull, one of the Principal Secretaries of State, on the unsatisfied order in his name for secret service. Ibid, p. 76.
Same to same to issue 35,047l. 10s. 2d. to Edward Russell, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Treasurer on the credit clause of the Act for Reversionary Annuities: and to be applied towards payment of wages to seamen. Ibid, p. 77.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed memorial touching the concealment of certain prohibited goods which were seized by the King's officers in White Fryers. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 43.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 226.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, Nov. 21 last, made on reading a report from the Admiralty Lords on the petition of the merchants and planters trading to Barbados, praying extension of the time limited (Dec. 1) for the sailing of their ships. It is hereby ordered that the time for the said ships to be ready to sail with the convoy be prolonged to Dec. 31 next and no longer.
Treasury warrant to same to employ William Chamberlain (Deputy Comptroller of Bideford port) as Register of certificates in the island of Jersey loco Samuel Dassell. Ibid, p. 227.
Samuell Dassell as landwaiter in London port; he to allow a moiety of his salary to Thomas South, incapacitated by indisposition, and for whom said Dassell was appointed to officiate.
Dec. 27. The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mris. Hanna Mac-Donell, referred to the Treasury Lords from the King. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 56.
William Lowndes to the Secretaries of the Admiralty for the Admiralty Lords' opinion on the enclosed memorial [missing] presented to the King by Mr. Meesters relating to six ships taken up by him in June last. (Same to the Earl of Romney for his opinion on same.) Out Letters (General) XV, p. 60.
Dec. 28. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 3,377l. 14s. 8d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Forces: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the Exchequer in general: and to be applied as follows, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XIII, p. 77.
to complete 3,737l. 10s. 0d. for recruits for Col. Wilks' Regiment which was at Dixmude 1,737 10 0
for one week's subsistence to the Regiments of Bellasyse, Brudenall and Coot for Dec. 23 to 30th inst. 615 1 9
for five weeks' subsistence to Col. Farrington's Regiment, which is to embark for Flanders, in the room of Col. Coote's; from Nov. 26 last to Dec. 30 inst. 1,025 2 11
£3,377 14 8
Same to same to issue 58,642l. 1s. 8d. to Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: 41,888l. 6s. 6d. thereof out of loans in the Exchequer on the third 4s. Aid: 16,174l. 17s. 7d. out of the like on the Annuity Act; 578l. 17s. 7d. out of the like on the Duties on Marriages. The said total is to be applied towards the payment of wages of seamen. Ibid, p. 78.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. It is the King's pleasure that you pay no further subsistence to Col. Holt until further order. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 44.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Abraham Garington for an allowance of 10l. per an. as assistant to the correspondent of Excise and Salt Duty from 1694, Lady day, being the commencement of that [latter] Duty; in consideration of the additional trouble occasioned thereby. Reference Book VII, p. 123.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of premises as follows in order to a reversionary lease thereof to John Pultney, esq., for 99 years at a rent of 10s. per an. and fine of 250l. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, pp. 65–6.
Prefixing: said Surveyor's report on said Pultney's petition for same. The premises (granted 1668, Aug. 11, to Sir William Pultney, petitioner's late father, for 34 years) consist of a substantial new brick tenement, built and inhabited by petitioner, over against St. James's Palace, being parcel of a plot of ground or garden plot formerly enclosed with a pale and containing 37 foot 6 inches, next the street or highway leading westward towards Cleveland House, and 40 feet in depth, with a garden or yard of 36 feet depth northward; an old decayed brick tenement, two rooms of a floor on the east side of a court called Russell Court near the same street adjoining northward to a house in the tenure of Francis Russell; being 28 feet by 33, but with no yard or background to it; and a coach house and stable in a stable yard near St. James's Street, being a weakly old building 34 feet by 18 feet. The first said tenement is a new building, but much incommoded by a passage of 5 foot broad which leads northward under the west side thereof. I value it at 80l. per an. and the house in Russell Court at 14l. per an. and the stable at 6l. per an. On a reference I reported in 1693–4, Feb., a ratal of 300l. for the fine of the desired lease, but petitioner thought it too much and desires a reduction to 250l.
Dec. 30. Money order for 200l. to Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, for one year to 1695, Dec. 25, on his accustomed allowance for extraordinary service performed in his said Office. Order Book IV, p. 247.
William Lowndes to Mr. Neale [Master and Worker of the Mint]. The Principal Officers of the Ordnance have attended the Treasury Lords and my Lords acquainted them with what you desired concerning a room belonging to the Ordnance which would be proper for the business of the Coinage. They desire a memorial in writing of what you desire. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 44.
Same to Sir Robert Dashwood for an account how much of the debts owing to you by the Duchess of Cleveland remains now unsatisfied. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Paulus Calandar, merchant, shewing that the late Queen granted him leave by warrant to bring in sword blades made at Nuremberg in order to export same to the East Indies; that the licence was limited to two years, and he being ignorant the term was expired imported two chests of sword blades, containing about 58 dozen, which are seized. Reference Book VII, p. 123.
Dec. 31. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 750l. to me [Lowndes] on the unsatisfied order in my name for secret service: to be issued out of the seizures of uncustomed and prohibited goods. Disposition Book XIII, p. 78.
In the margin: “This letter was cancelled because no [moneys in the Exchequer out of] seizures to answer it.”
Same to [the Customs Commissioners]. Notwithstanding several directions from my Lords, you have done nothing to provide Mr. Hely with some employment in the Customs. My Lords peremptorily direct you to present him. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 44.
Same to Mr. Fox. I have read to my Lords the Order of a Court Martial on the petition of Lieut. Gyles Stephens, for 18l. 1s. 4d. for his pay as a Lieut, in Col. Sankey's Regiment of Foot. Please insert that sum in your next [weekly] memorial for money. Ibid, p. 45.
Dec. 31. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Mary de Maude, widow, praying restoration of a seizure of some lace to the value of 100l. which she brought from Flanders; she being ignorant that same was prohibited goods, and being in a poor condition. Reference Book VII, p. 123.
Same to same of the petition of Hugh Redman of London, merchant, shewing that he has been a very great trader and paid yearly 6–7,000l. in Customs; that in 1693 by reason of divers losses he became indebted 2,000l. to the King, but has reduced same to 674l.; therefore praying to compound for the balance by payment of 200l. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General of the petition of Abraham Beake of London, merchant, shewing that one Daniel Prince, vintner in Oxford, was indebted 367l. 5s. 0d. to him and for nonpayment was outlawed at petitioner's suit and his chattels seized by the sheriff to the value of 143l. 5s. 0d. and the said goods sold under a writ of venditioni exponas, but the proceeds are kept in the sheriff's hands for his Majesty's use: therefore praying a privy seal for payment of the money to him. Ibid, p. 124.