Entry book: July 1695, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry book: July 1695, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1155-1163 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry book: July 1695, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1155-1163.

"Entry book: July 1695, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1155-1163.


July 1695, 11–20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 11, old style. Royal warrant, dated at the Camp at Namur, for issues to the Lottery Pensioners, detailed, ut supra, p. 964 and infra, p. 1226, for 1695, Lady day quarter: total, 627l. 10s.d. (Money warrant dated July 26 hereon.) (Money order dated July 27 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 241. Money Book XII, p. 575. Order Book IV, p. 221.
July 11. Money order for 50l. to Mahaleel Windham for himself and the other seven doorkeepers of the House of Peers for their service in attending the said House in the last Session of Parliament. Order Book IV, p. 213.
William Glanville (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Paymaster of the Works to pay to John Webb the 67l. 12s. 0d., ut supra, p. 1149, for feeding and keeping the fowls in St. James's Park, 1694, Nov. 1, to 1695, June 30. Disposition Book XIII, p. 29.
July 12. Same to Mr. Sansom tohave sent up to London from the Customs House, Southampton, 20 dozen of wine sent as a present to the Duke of Shrewsbury. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 406.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint to inform my Lords what quantity of gold is now in the Tower to be coined and if there would be any objec ion to coining into crowns of gold. Ibid.
July 14. Money warrant for 180l. 7s. 6d. to Sir Thomas Southwell, bart., for so much paid by him to Mr. Barth. Gracedue of London, merchant, for provision and transportation of French Protestants sent to Ireland in 1693 on board the John and Susanna of London. (Money order dated July 15 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 569. Order Book IV, p. 214.
July 16. Same for 60l. to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for one year to 1695, June 24, on the annuity to them for the French Ministers of the Savoy. Money Book XII, p. 569.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 3,052l. 8s.d. to the Queen Dowager for 1695, June 24 quarter, by 552l. 8s.d. this week and thereafter by 500l. a week successively. Disposition Book XIII, p. 31.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay the 7,500l. to the Prince and Princess of Denmark for last June 24 quarter by 1,000l. a week for the five weeks next ensuing and by 500l. a week for the remainder. Ibid, p. 32.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Send my Lords an account what silver or bullion hath been entered at Custom House for export since May 1 last, according to the liberty given by the late Act of Parliament. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 407.
July 16. William Lowndes to Mr. Blathwayt to procure the King's signature to a warrant for 200l. to Mr. Baker, pursuant to the King's pleasure signified by Secretary the Duke of Shrewsbury; also to duplicates of two of the three warrants already signed by the King but lost in the packet boats lately taken by the French (viz. for 6,876l. 15s. 4d. to the Bank of England and 206l. 7s. 6d. to Mr. Butts); also to a warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Rochford for arrears due in the Office of the Robes. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 407.
Same to the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches to continue Charles Bolton in his office as one of the clerks to the late Commissioners for Hackney Coaches. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. Having heard you and the Victualling Commissioners concerning the money paid to their Agents by your collectors, for which the collectors have drawn bills on the Victualling Commissioners, the Treasury Lords declared that where any money is ordered for the said Commissioners [to enable them] to pay you part of their old debt, it is intended you shall direct your officers to give the said Commissioners new credit for half the sum they shall so pay off, “for which they shall not be engaged personally”: but if the said Victualling Commissioners increase that debt further they shall be looked upon as engaged personally for it. Ibid. XV, p. 11.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Geo. Clarke, esq., concerning an arrear of 77l. 16s. 6d. owing to him for the three French Regiments of Foot. Ibid.
July 17. Money warrant for 399l. 1s. 0d. to Mathew Prior, esq., who is remaining for his Majesty's service at the Hague: being for a bill of extraordinaries in that service, Feb. 1 last to May 1 last. (Money order dated July 18 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 799l. to Charles, Visct. Dursley, on four bills of extraordinaries, 1693, June 6, to 1694, June 6, as Envoy Extraordinary to the States General. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570 Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 984l. 17s. 0d. to James Cresset, esq., on three like bills, 1694, Sept, 12, to 1695, June 12, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneburg. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 1,807l. 16s. 0d. to Alexander Stanhope, esq., on four like bills, 1692–3, Feb. 21, to 1694–5, Feb. 21, as Envoy Extraordinary to Spain. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 1,820l. to William, Lord Paget, for six months, 1692–3, March 2, to 1693, Aug. 31, on his ordinary as Ambassador Extraordinary to the: Grand Seigneur. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 944l. to same for two bills of extraordinaries, from 1692–3, March 2, till his arrival at the Ottoman Porte. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570 Order Book IV, p. 215.
July 17. Money warrant for 495l. 14s. 2d. to John Robinson on six bills of extras, 1693, Nov. 12, to 1695, May 3, as Agent in Sweden. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 460l. to Geo. Stepney, esq., for a bill of extraordinaries, 1694, Oct. 30, to 1695, April 30, as Minister to the Elector of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse Cassel. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 646l. 15s. 0d. to Philibert D'Hervart (De Hervart) for two bills of extraordinaries, 1693, Sept. 25, to 1694, Sept. 25, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 393l. 2s. 0d. to Sir Paul Rycaut for three bills of extraordinaries, 1693, July 1, to 1694–5, Jan. 1, as Resident with the Hanse Towns. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 585l. 3s. 6d. to Henry, Visct. Galway, Envoy to the Duke of Savoy, to complete 1,135l. 3s. 0d. for a bill of extraordinaries from 1693, Dec. 7, to 1693–4, March 1, whereon 550l. has been already paid by the privy seal of 1693, Nov. 27. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 216.
Same for 852l. 1s. 2d. to same as same for a bill of extraordinaries, 1693–4, March 1, to 1694, Dec. 31. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 1,800l. 10s. 0d. to Robert, Lord Lexinton, for three bills of extraordinaries, 1694, May 1, to Dec. 10, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 570. Order Book IV, p. 215.
Same for 500l. to Aaron Smith on account towards Crown Law charges. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 571. Order Book IV, p. 216.
Same for 20l. to Andrew Geddis as reward for service by him to be performed as schoolmaster at Maryland and for the charges of his transportation thither. (Money order dated July 20 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 571. Order Book IV, p. 218.
Same for 250l. to Capt. Stephen Elliott in part of 500l. as by the Order in Council of 1694, Nov. 15, in reward for his service in making his escape from Petit Guaves with two others in a small canoe and giving notice of the designs of the French upon Jamaica. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 571. Order Book IV, p. 216.
Same for 300l. to Cha. Gifford, esq., for one year to 1691, Sept. 29, on his pension. Money Book XII, p. 572.
Treasury warrant dormant to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay the salary of 62l. 6s. 8d. per an. to Hen. Starkey, gent., as Customer of the Petty Customs, London Port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to Parry Walton, gent., as reward for his services and pains in mending and repairing his Majesty's pictures and providing colours and other necessary materials: for half a year to 1694, Sept. 29. (Money order dated July 20 hereon.) Ibid, p. 573. Order Book IV, p. 218.
July 17. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay the 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords, ut supra, p. 1125, out of the [unappropriated] fourth of the Customs. Disposition Book XIII. p. 29.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 72l. 17s. 8d. of the Tenths of the Clergy, 30l. 11s. 8d. of Fines for Alienations, 340l. of money repaid by Mr. Parry et al., which was imprested to them in 1686 out of the Excise, and 864l. 10s. 2d. of Mr. B. Burton's loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise; making in all 1,307l. 19s. 6d., viz.: l. s. d. Ibid.
to Sir Thomas Southwell 180 7 6
to Capt. Ellyot 250 0 0
to Capt. Phillips 50 0 0
to Mr. Weket 75 0 0
to Mr. Walton 100 0 0
to Sir Thomas Abney et al. 98 16 0
to Lady Mary Kirke 125 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the late Queen's coffin 328 16 0
to me [Lowndes] for secret service 100 0 0
£1,307 19 6
Same to same to issue 27,901l. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the Forces: to be issued out of the following funds, viz. 22,014l. 3s.d. of duties on coals and glass and 5,886l. 16s.d. out of the purchase money of reversions on annuities: the whole to be applied by said Earl as follows, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. [...].
on account of the month s subsistence to the Forces in Flanders to the 15th inst.; which makes 86,000l. issued in part of 99,274l. 18s. 0d. 20,000 0 0
in part of 7,600l. for the week's subsistence [of the Forces] in England to July 23 inst. 2,014 3
to complete the said week's subsistence of the Forces in England 5,585 16
to Jno. Blake for the pay of one master gunner and two other gunners at Howness Fort at 5s. a day from 1690, June 1, to 1692, April 1 167 10 0
to ditto for the pay of one additional gunner to same time 33 10 0
to Sir John Edgworth on account of pay claimed by him for his Regiment before they went into Ireland 100 0 0
£27,901 0 0
Also to issue 2,003l. 2s. 11d. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby on the order in their names for the Forces [in Ireland], to be applied as follows, viz.: l. s. d.
to the Commissioners of Transports to complete 9,925l. 6s. 5d. for several services as per their memorial of June 21 last (in the margin: 1,718l. 5s.d. paid July 22; 207l. 1s.d. paid Aug. 12) 1,925 6 5
to Mr. Geo. Clarke for a debt owing to him from the three French Regiments of Foot according to his Majesty's warrant 77 16 6
£2,003 2 11
July 17. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the duties on low wines) 328l. 19s. 0d. to Philip Packer on his money order of June 26 last for necessaries furnished to the Commissioners and Managers of the Million Adventure. Disposition Book XIII, p. 31.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship Bennett and Arthur, Capt. Tybbington; it appearing by the petition of Thomas Vernon and Arthur Shallett of London, merchants, that William Newton, a servant to Sir Thomas Vernon, at his arrival at Smyrna on the Turkey [Company's] ships did lade for his own account two chests of mastick and one of scammony on the Golden Fortune, Capt. Littlefair, the master and company being English and under the King s commission, but the ship being bound for Amsterdam he ordered the master to transfer said goods to the first ship bound for London which he met on his voyage from Smyrna; and meeting the said Bennett and Arthur, an English built ship, between Smyrna and Cadiz, he did so transfer same and consigned them to petitioner, Thomas Vernon: and same were seized on arrival in the Thames as under the Navigation Act the goods of the product of Turkey are to be imported in English built shipping manned by master and three-fourths English, whereas the Golden Fortune was foreign built or not proven to be English built, although her master, owners and most of her crew of 40 were English. But the Customs Commissioners in their report of the 5th inst. state that this is the case of a young merchant abroad not thoroughly skilled in the Navigation Laws and who has sustained very great loss in the late misfortune of the Turkey Fleet, therefore they recommend his case for favourable consideration. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 202–3.
July 17 and 31. Same to the King's Remembrancer to take the security of Richard Butler as [Regimental] Agent to Col. Hugh Wyndham as in the following bond. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 484–5.
Prefixing: (a) the form of the bond to be given by the [respective Regimental] Agents of the Army for his duly answering all his receipts after 1695, May 10, and his faithful applying same and accounting for same according to the Act for furnishing officers etc. (6 and 7 Wm. and Mary, c. 8, § 8, as continued by 7 and 8 Wm. III, c. 23).
(b) Certificate by Mord[ecai] Abbott, dated July 12, of the sureties proposed by said Butler, and advising that the amount of the bond be 2,000l.
Note of the like certificate for William Spenceley as Agent to Col. William Lloyd's Regiment: with note of the like warrant.
Ditto for James Deanes as Agent for the Earl of Arran's Regiment of Horse; and separately as same for Col. Coys Regiment of Horse.
Ditto for Newdigate Owsley as Agent for Brig. Edward Matthews Regiment of Dragoons and separately as same for Col. Cornelius Wood's Regiment of Horse; and separately as same for Col. Thomas Windsor's Regiment of Horse; and separately as same for Richard, Earl Rivers' Troop of Guards.
Ditto for John Blake as Agent for the Earl of Bath as Governor of Plymouth, Pendennis and; Scilly; and for Lord Irwin [Visct. Irvine], Governor of Scarborough.
Ditto for Samuell Corbett as Agent for Col. Zachariah Tiffin's Regiment of Foot; and separately as same for Col. Henry Trelawny's Regiment of Foot.
July 18, old style. Royal warrant under the King's sign manual, dated “at our camp before Namur,” for a discharge of plate to Dame Philip Trenchard, widow of Sir John Trenchard, late Secretary of State, viz. for 1,045½ ounces of white plate for the service of his table to the value of 339l. 12s. 6d., delivered to him 1693, May 22, out of the Jewel House: she having petitioned that same may be deducted out of the money owing to said Trenchard which he disbursed for secret service. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 242–3.
Same, dated same, to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 3,000l. to the Duke of Shrewsbury, Secretary of State, for secret service: without account. (Money warrant dated Aug. 2 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated July 31.) (Money order dated Aug. 2 hereon.) Ibid, p. 244. Money Book XIII, p. 3. Order Book IV, p. 222.
Same, dated same, to same for a same for 50,000l. to Charles Fox and Thomas, Lord Coningsby, Paymasters General of the Forces lately employed in the reducing of Ireland: as imprest for the pay of said Forces and the contingencies thereof. (Money warrant dated Aug. 7 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated July 31.) (Money order dated Aug. 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 245. Money Book XIII, p. 7. Order Book IV, p. 227.
Same, dated same, to the Treasury Lords for 1,000l. to Charles Bertie, without account: for 2 per cent. gratuity on 50,000l. lent in his name into the Exchequer May 26 last: to be by him distributed to the assignees upon the orders for the said loan. (Money warrant dated July 31 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 2 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 246. Money Book XIII, p. 4. Order Book IV, p. 224.
July 18. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 20l. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby on the unsatisfied order in their name for the service of the Forces [in Ireland]: to be issued out of purchase money of reversionary annuities: and to be applied to Lovis Chabrole in part of his arrears of pay as a Reformed Capt. in Col. Melionere's Regiment of Foot “during the war of Ireland: to enable him to repair to that kingdom.” Disposition Book XIII, p. 31.
Same to same to issue 8,000l. to Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of purchase money as above: and to be for the Victualling Commissioners, to be by them applied as follows, viz. 6,000l. to the head of Victualling in general and 2,000l. towards discharging the debt to the Excise for the credit which said Commissioners had out of the Excise. Ibid.
July 18. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 300l. to Aaron Smith, out of loans made on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise by Mr. Bartholomew Burton. Disposition Book XIII, p. 32.
Same to the Earl of Romney, Master of the Ordnance. I have laid before my Lords your estimate of the 13th inst. of stores necessary for the guns at James City and other places in Virginia, amounting (with freight and incidents) to 655l. 12s. 1d. My Lords approve thereof and desire you to direct the Board of Ordnance to provide same and to pay for same and for freight [thereof] out of the imprest for the land service of the Office of Ordnance. Ibid.
In the margin: A warrant afterwards prepared for paying this sum out of the revenue of Virginia.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, enclosing the petition [missing] of Nathaniell Booth for a lease of the Pre Fines and Post Fines in cos. Chester and Flint at the former rent of 100 marks: together with reports [missing] thereon by Auditor Aldworth and the Deputy Auditor for Wales. Please certify my Lords what fine you advise. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 407.
Same to Col. Lutterell, enclosing a list [missing] of Irish officers alleged to have come over to the King's army upon the surrender of Limerick. Please certify how many of them are now in being “and whether their quantities were the same as mentioned in the said list and whether all or how many of them are entitled to the benefit of what was promised by the Earl of Athlone when General of his Majesty's Forces in Ireland.” Ibid, pp. 408, 411.
Same to the Earl of Carlisle. The tenants to Visct. Preston's estate in co. Cumberland have presented to my Lords a statement of their case. Please communicate same as enclosed [missing] to Sir George Fletcher and return my Lords your answer [thereto] so as the matter may be heard before them 14 days hence. Ibid, p. 408.
July 19. Money warrant for 125l. to the executors of Col. Peircy Kirke, deceased, for one quarter to 1691, June 24, on his annuity as a Groom of the Bedchamber. (Money order dated July 22 hereon) Money Book XII, p. 573. Order Book IV, p. 217.
Same for 50l. to John Phillips, esq., as reward for bringing an express from Lord Berkeley from St. Malo to the Lords Justices of England, giving an account of the bombarding of that place. (Money order dated July 19 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 573. Order Book IV, p. 216.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 400l. to Mr. Granville on the order in his name; out of such money as shall be paid into the Exchequer by the executors of Francis Villiers, esq., late one of the four Tellers of the Receipt. Disposition Book XIII, p. 33.
July 19. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of loans to be made by the respective payees themselves or their agents [or appointees], viz. 460l. to Geo. Stepney; 646l. 15s. 0d. to P. D'Hervart; 393l. 2s. 0d. to Sir Paul Rycaut; 984l. 17s. 0d. to James Cresset; 799l. to Visct. Dursley; 495l. 14s. 2d. to Mr. Robinson; 1,437l. 4s. 8d. to Visct. Galway; 399l. 1s. 0d. to Mr. Prior; 2,764l. to Lord Paget; 1,800l. 10s. 0d. to Lord Lexinton; 1,807l. 16s. 0d. to Mr. Stanhope; 923l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. Gregg. Disposition Book XIII, p. 33.
Same to the Lutestring [Lustring] Company. I have read to my Lords your memorial of the 18th inst. Please send me a copy of the Proposal which was sent to you from the Duke of Shrewsbury, with your answer thereto. My Lords expected you to attend them to-day at the Treasury. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 408.
Same to the Warden etc. of the Mint. I have this day directed the Customs Commissioners to be very watchful in searching for any guineas or coined pieces of gold resembling guineas which shall be imported from any foreign parts and to bring same into the King's warehouse and to inform you instantly thereof. As soon as you receive notice thereof you are to have same examined by an experienced officer to see whether they be such as were originally coined in the Mint and if not he is to certify the said Commissioners the number of such counterfeit pieces and the said Commissioners are to give my Lords an account thereof in the name of the person who imports same. (Same to the Customs Commissioners to the like effect.) See infra, p. 1166. Ibid, pp. 408, 409.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt, enclosing four warrants for the King's signature, viz.: Ibid, p. 409.
for 150l. to Mr. Granvill.
for 300l. to Mr. Hutchinson.
for a discharge to Mr. Bennet et al.
for the Lord Deputy of Ireland about Mr. Petty.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners [Ireland] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] from John Hanson, your Chamber keeper, praying an addition to his salary and for a small ho [use] of about 10l. a year for him and his family's dwelling. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Allen, a landwaiter, London port, as a land surveyor ibid. loco John Jennings, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 203, 204.
John Banks as wine taster ibid. loco said Thomas Allen. “But in the case of the death or removal of a land surveyor the said John Banks is not to expect by this step to be preferred before Mr. Henry Colchester, one of the landwaiters.”
John Foster (landwaiter at Dover) as surveyor, Dover port, loco James Collins, dismissed.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Margaret, Countess of Fingal, praying that, according to the last will of her father Donogh, Earl of Clancarty, she may receive 3,000l. out of the estate of her brother, Justin Macarty, deceased, “which is desired [? devised] to his Majesty.” Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 42.
July 20. William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to pay 7,800l. to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded and for Prisoners of War: paying same out of moneys in the hands of the Navy Treasurer or his agent, George Doddington, for wages to seamen. Disposition Book XIII, p. 33.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to advance to the said George Doddington 150,805l. 18s. 1d. as follows, viz. 74,168l. 18s. 0d. thereof out of loans to be made by said Doddington on the Burials Duties; 22,490l. 2s. 6d. out of loans received or to be received [at the Exchequer] on the 300,000l. per an. of the Customs; 25,000l. out of loans to be made by said Doddington on the Duties on Glass and Coals; 24,146l. 18s. 0d. out of loans now in the Exchequer on the third 4s. Aid; 5,000l. out of the third of the Double ix d. Excise: the said total to be applied as follows, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 34.
to wear and tear for the course of the Navy 74,168 18 0
for the ordinary of the Navy 22,490 2 6
towards building and rigging four new Second Rates 24,146 18 1
towards building 27 ships out of the third of the Excise 5,000 0 0
for wear and tear, viz. for a quarter to the Yards to 1694, Christmas: to be satisfied out of the ready money of the sums to be issued as above 25,000 0 0
£150,805 17 10
Same to the Customs Commissioners to visit the goods of Baron Schwerin, Minister from the Elector of Brandenburg, in order to their transport beyond sea. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 410.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Samuell Bradshaw, Receiver General for co. Derby of the second 4s. Aid and the second Quarterly Poll, praying for 131l. 5s. 0d. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. Reference Book VII, p. 107.
Same to Mr. Travers [Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of the Admiralty Lords' memorial, shewing that it is the King's pleasure to grant part of Old Spring Garden on the backside of Willingford [Wallingford] House in fee for the use of the Lord High Admiral of England or the Admiralty Lords, “as necessary to the Office of Lord High Admiral kept at Wallingford House”; and therefore praying the passing of a grant thereof. Ibid.