Entry book: June 1695, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry book: June 1695, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1117-1135 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry book: June 1695, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1117-1135.

"Entry book: June 1695, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1117-1135.


June 1695, 16–30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 17, old style. Royal warrant, dated “at our camp at Becelaer,” to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a new Commission for licensing and regulating Hackney coaches: the new Commissioners to be Daniell Blake, Thomas Strickland, Edmund Clarke, Charnock Heron and William Congreve, in place of Henry Villiers, Richard Gee, Henry Ashurst, Walter Overbury and Henry Killigrew, hereby superseded: with 100l. per an. each salary from Lady day last. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 223.
June 17. Same, dated same, to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,850l. per an. each to Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, and Sir William Trumbull, Principal Secretaries of State: to be payable quarterly from Lady day last out of the Customs. (Dormant money warrant dated July 8 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated June 29.) Ibid, p. 224. Money Book XII, p. 565.
Same, dated same, to same for a same for 2,000l. to said Sir William Trumbull, for secret service, without account. (Money warrant dated July 8 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated June 29.) (Money order dated July 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 225. Money Book XII, p. 565. Order Book IV, p. 210.
Same, dated same, to same for a same for 200,000l. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, as imprest for land and sea services of the Office of Ordnance. (Money warrant dated July 8 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated June 29.) (Money order dated July 8 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 225. Money Book XII, p. 566. Order Book IV, p. 212.
Regulation under the King's sign manual, dated same, relating to the payment of the Forces, in pursuance of the method and provisions of the Act of Parliament [7–8 William III., c. 23] for punishing Mutiny, Deserters and false Musters. In accordance therewith the Agents of any Regiment, Troop or Company are to issue in manner following the moneys they have received since May 10 [last] or shall in future receive, viz. to the respective Field and Staff Officers their proportion of the subsistence, to the several Captains (or in their absence the Commanding Officer) the subsistence of themselves, the officers and soldiers of their Troop or Company according to the Regulation lately signed, except such sums as they [the Agents] may at any time have paid for debts in Quarters for the said Troop or Company. And the acquittances of the said officers shall be a sufficient discharge to the said Agents. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 226–8.
Further, that what money the paid Agents shall receive upon account of the offreckonings, the fund for clothing where the offreckonings are issued to any period of time, they shall (after deduction of that part of the said offreckonings due to the officers' servants and their own agency [out] of the pay of the non-commission officers and private soldiers, except where the agency [fee or commission] is otherwise allowed) pay so much of the remainder to the clothiers with whom the Colonels have contracted or shall contract for clothes and accoutrements. And the offreckonings of the officers' servants they shall pay to the officers.
“And we having hitherto fixt no Regulation of the offreckonings and it appearing to us that several of our Regiments have on their yearly clothing exceeded their offreckonings, we do hereby direct and make the following Regulation to commence the 1st Jan. last” and to be in each case exc[lusive] of the 12d. per £ and one day for the Hospital to be deducted upon clearings, viz.:
Per annum.
l. s. d.
for each of the Troops of English Guards 3,514 4 10
for the Troop of Scots Guards 2,492 15 0
for the Troop of Grenadier Guards 1,332 4 0
for each Regiment of Horse consisting of nine Troops of 59 men each 3,736 1
for each Regiment of Horse consisting of six Troops and 59 men 2,490 14 3
for each Regiment of Dragoons consisting of eight Troops of 60 men each 2,737 14 0
for the 1st Regiment of English Foot Guards 10,150 9 6
for the 2nd Regiment of Guards 5,075 4 9
for the Regiment of Scots Guards 3,850 7 4
for the Royal Regiment of Foot 5,021 3 4
for an ordinary Regiment of Foot 2,504 8
for each Regiment of Foot in the West Indies commanded by Col. Holt and Col. Russell 1,443 4
for the Regiment of Foot in the West Indies commanded by Col. Lillingston 3,402 6 6
for the Company of Miners commanded by Capt. Pitt 406 14 3
for the Company at Upnor commanded by Sir Thomas Taylor 155 16 11
for the four Companies at New York 1,154 11 10
for the Company in the Leeward Islands 192 12 11½
All officers concerned are not to exceed the above yearly sums “unless by any particular warrant or direction from us we see cause to advance to any Regiment, Troop or Company more than their year's offreckonings amount unto.”
Upon stating the accounts, with the Paymaster General, of any the said Regiments etc., and receiving the balance due to same, the respective Agents shall account with each Commission Officer for his own pay and with each Captain for the pay of the non-commission officers and privates of his Troop or Company according to such warrants as shall be signed by the King for the payment thereof; and shall be allowed to deduct the remainder of their agency [fee or commission] not taken out of the offreckonings and otherwise allowed, and shall pay the balance that shall appear to be due to them respectively.
June 17. Royal warrant, dated “at our camp at Becelaer,” to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Hill and Ralph Hardwick of the forest or chase of Arkingarthdale, alias New Forest in Arkingarthdale, co. Yorks, with the divers lands therein as particularly expressed in a grant made 1688, June 28, by James II. to Archibald Douglas (since deceased) to the value of 300l. per an., which were then found to have been unjustly concealed from the Crown, excepting the fee farm rent of 53l. 5s.d. per an. issuing out of the Lordship of Arkingarthdale, which fee farm was then and still is in jointure to the Queen Dowager, and also a certain rent of 3l. 10s. 0d. per an. payable for lead mines within the said Lordship or forest. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 228–30
The present grant is to be of the said premises and all arrears thereof and with exceptions as above, for 51 years from date of the expiry of the seven years limited in said grant to Douglas: at the rent of 6s. 8d. per an. The lessees to covenant to recover the premises at their own costs and this lease to be void for such parts thereof as they shall not recover within seven years. The said Hill is married to Elioner, widow of said Douglas, and he and said Ralph Hardwick of London, merchant, now have the right of said Douglas vested in them and have been at great charges in law and equity in order to recover the premises, but have not been able to effect the same by reason the persons in possession thereof have been and still are defended by privilege of Parliament and the seven years' limitation as above of the grant to said Douglas is near expired.
Royal sign manual, dated as above for the following payments, viz.: l. Ibid, p. 231. Order Book IV, pp. 207, 208.
to Mary, Duchess of Buckingham, as royal bounty 300
to Sir Robert Atkins, Kt. of the Bath, for good and acceptable services 500
to Mary Kirk as royal bounty 125
to Thomas, Earl of Sussex, in consideration of a great debt owing to him from the Crown 600
to Susannah Foxton for one year to Lady day last on her allowance as royal bounty 100
to Philip Howard, esq., for good services in relation to the duty on barillia and potashes 150
(Money warrant dated June 27 hereon.) (Six money orders dated June 29 hereon.)
June 17. Royal warrant, dated as above, to the Lords Justices [sic for Lord Deputy], Ireland, to insert in the Civil List on the present and all future Establishments of Ireland the fee or salary of 200l. per an. for William Burgh as Comptroller General and Accomptant General of the Revenues, Ireland (whereto he was appointed by sign manual of Jan. 2 last), and 200l. per an. for his clerks: to be payable quarterly from 1694, Michaelmas. Out of the money hereby so appointed to be paid him there is to be deducted such sums which he received from the collector of Dublin port or otherwise by direction of the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, on account of the said allowances. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 33.
Same to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to pay to Margarett Maurice, widow of the late Dean of Londonderry, 500l. either by inserting 50l. a year for 10 years on the Establishment of Ireland or by delivering to her brass money to the value of 300l. coined by the late Earl of Tyrconnell and left in the stores of Limerick, Galway and Dublin, and inserting a payment of 50l. per an. for four years on the said Establishment: all by reason that the late Queen's sign manual of 1694, Oct. 5, prescribing as above was not complied with for reasons set forth in a report of Feb. 28 last from the late Lords Justices to the Treasury Lords; but the King nevertheless graciously compassionating the circumstances of the said Margaret and determining that the said late Queen's intended grant should be made good. Ibid, pp. 36–7.
Same to same for the discounting of Army bills in Ireland out of the arrears of Excise and Licences as follows. Such discounting was ordered by the sign manuals of 1692, Nov. 9, and 1692–3, March 15 [supra, Vol. IX, p. 1894 and Vol. X, p. 99]. The Revenue Commissioners have since represented that the said letters have not had the hoped for success by reason that many persons who owed money on the Excise, Licences and Forfeited Lands Accounts could not discount their bills if they amounted to more than was due [on Army bills or claim vouchers], nor could the then Deputy Receiver General give Exchequer acquittances for some bills signed and allowed as directed: and they have therefore proposed that not only the said arrears of Excise and Licences to 1691, Dec. 25 (amounting to 18,000l.) but also an arrear contracted between 1691, Christmas, and 1692, Christmas (amounting to 6,000l.) and a further sum of 5,000l., part of the arrears of 11,000l. standing out on the said revenues between 1692, Christmas, and 1693, Nov. 1, may be discounted and discharged by certificates signed by the Commissioners for Stating the Accounts of the Army [in Ireland], and further that the said certificates may be transferrable; by reason that many persons who are unable to pay the arrears of Excise and Licences in money have money owing them by other persons who will pay them with certificates only: and the not paying these debts is a great hindrance to the growing produce of these two branches of the revenue: but since the debts due to the country [people of Ireland] from the Army are greater than the said arrears it is thought better to limit this regulation to the debts of such Regiments as have accompted and further (on the representation lately in England from Frances Robartes and Zachery Sedgwick, two of the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland) the term of allowance should be extended to 1693, Dec. 25, so as to render more methodical and easy the accounts of the collectors of the said branches of the revenue, which are always made up at Christmas. All the said arrangements are hereby authorised and directed to be made accordingly. To prevent frauds and abuses in buying in of certificates at under rates the collectors are to be strictly charged, on pain of instant process and dismissal, neither directly nor indirectly to buy any such and to certify on oath that they have not done or connived at any such purchase. Ibid, pp. 37–9.
June 18. Money warrant for 160l. to Hen. Wheatley, esq., late sheriff of Surrey, for so much paid to several persons for apprehending etc. John Salter, John Blaxton, Fran. Thorne and William Stephens, four highway robbers. (Money order dated June 21 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 548. Order Book IV, p. 204.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Waller of London, merchant, shewing that he bought in town 27 small bags of Smyrna galls, which were seized in his warehouse by the City Garbler on pretence of not having paid the City Duty, “that he offered the said Garbler his dues on the said goods and that he might garble the same before they were seized, which he refused, alleging that it was too late, the goods having been imported above eight months”; and that he never dealt in this sort of commodity before and was altogether ignorant of the city custom, being no freeman thereof: therefore praying a noli prosequi on the King's behalf on the said goods. Reference Book VII, p. 103.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the Earl of Inchiquin, praying that for the future his pay of 20s. a day as Governor of Kinsale may be applied to the discharging of his Crown and quit rent. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 9. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 35.
June 19. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 20,000l. to Edward Russell, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans on the Exchequer on the Duties on coal, glass etc: to be applied to the Victualling in general. Disposition Book XIII, p. 11.
Same to same to issue 9,010l. 12s. 5d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Forces, 1,121l. 15s. 9½d. thereof out of loans on the 300,000l. of the Customs (“and completes 625,000l. for Land Service out of that fund”), 3,559l. 2s. 4d. out of purchase money of reversions on annuities and the remaining 4,329l. 14s. 3½d. out of loans on the Duties on coals, glass etc. Ibid, p. 12.
The said sum is to be applied by said Earl as follows, viz.: l. s. d.
in part of 7,600l. for a week's subsistence to the Forces in England to June 24 inst. 1,121 15
in further part of same 3,559 2 4
in full of same 2,919 1 10½
to Robert Henley on a contingent warrant 445 10 0
to Lord Galway and several officers under him in Savoy for their entertainments from Jan. 1 last to March 31 last at 10l. 3s.d. a day 916 6 3
to the widow of Col. Cole, late of Visct. FitzHardinge's Regiment, for so much due to him on an account stated by the Agent of the Regiment 48 16 2
£9,010 12 5
June 19. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Arthur Shallet of London, merchant, for a warrant for shipping, Customs free, 80 chaldrons of coal for the use of the Fleet under Admiral Russell in the Mediterranean, viz. in the ships Barcelona, Capt. Jo[h]n Tibbington commander; Releife, Capt. Cha. King commander, and Joseph, Capt. Christopher Marshall commander. Reference Book VII, p. 103.
Same to same of the petition of same, shewing that by reason of the great debt due to him for the Irish Transport service and for transport service anno 1693 he is unable to discharge some Customs bonds which the Receiver General of the Customs presses him very hard to discharge: therefore praying that same may be discharged out of the moneys so due. Ibid.
June 21. Treasury warrant to the Auditor and to the Receiver General of Crown Revenues of Wales to pay 50l. augmentation fee and 15l. diet money to Francis Lloyd, one of the Judges in Wales [to be for the half year as follows]: it appearing that by law two circuits are required to be kept annually in Wales, but the circuit whereof he is Judge was not kept last Spring, whereby there is a necessity of holding two circuits this Summer, and that as Thomas Burton, esq, the preceding Judge, lived after Lady day last his executors claim the whole half year's salary due at that time, though the duty is to be done by said Lloyd. But the 25l. due at Lady day on the patent fee of said Burton is hereby to be paid to his executors. Money Book XII, p 545.
Money warrant for 425l. 19s. 2½d. to Edward, Visct. Villiers, Keeper of Hyde Park, for workmen, rails, boxing of trees, levelling of banks, planting trees, cleansing ditches and other repairs in said park and watering the Ring and road there, and repairing the watering engine etc. in 1693 and 1694. (Money order dated June 22 hereon.) Ibid, p. 546. Order Book IV, p. 201.
Same for 300l. to Dalby Thomas, esq., 260l. thereof to complete 1,760l. disbursed by him in incidents etc. relating to the Commission to the Managers of the late Million Adventure (as certified by Christopher Montague and several other of the said Commissioners) and the remaining 40l. for his own care and pains. (Money order dated June 22 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 547. Order Book IV, p. 203.
June 21. Money warrant for 40l. to Bartholomew Anhorne, minister of the Reformed Church in Switzerland, for his service and travail in bringing from Switzerland to present to the King a book dedicated to his Majesty, being a “System of Divinity” in Latin in nine large volumes in quarto elegantly bound, which has been placed in his Majesty's library, as is certified by Richard Bentley, library keeper. (Money order dated June 22 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 547. Order Book IV, p. 202.
Same for 84l. 18s. 8d. to the churchwardens of the parish of St. Magnus, London, for four years to 1694, Sept. 29, on a perpetuity of 21l. 4s. 8d. for the relief of the poor of said parish. Money Book XII, p. 548.
Same for 46l. to the churchwardens of St. John Baptist, Walbrook, London, for six years to 1694, Christmas, on the perpetuity of 7l. 13s. 4d. [for the poor of said parish]. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. on the unsatisfied order in the name of Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby for the service of the Forces [in Ireland]: to be issued out of loans in the Exchequer on the duties on coals, glass etc: and to be paid over to the Commissioners for the Transport Service in part of 9,925l. 6s. 5d. due for several services specified in their presentment of this day's date. Disposition Book XIII, p. 12.
Same to same to issue as follows out of loans made by Bartho. Burton on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 13.
to Visct. Villiers 625 19
to Lord Capell 2,000 0 0
to Aaron Smith 100 0 0
to Mr. Le Vasseur 100 0 0
to Paul Boyer 40 0 0
to the poor of St. James's 50 0 0
to the poor of Walbrook parish 46 0 0
to the poor of St. Magnus 84 18 8
to Edward Sayer 60 0 0
to Mr. Anhorne 40 0 0
Same to Sir Christopher Wren for an “estimate of the charge of making a marshall's office in the Savoy.” Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 400.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure the King's pleasure and signature to the enclosed warrant for 100l. to Col. Henry Kingsmill, 50l. to John Crowne and 50l. to widow Mary Stedman (see supra, pp. 1007–8, under date 1695, April 25). Ibid, p. 401.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. I have laid before my Lords your letters relating to the proposals for furnishing hemp for the Navy and the contract you have made with Mr. Martin; but have received no directions thereon from them since you were here. My Lords have adjourned till Monday next. I cannot send you their answer till then. Ibid.
June 21. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Andrew Huddleston, Receiver General for Cumberland and Westmorland, of the first and second 4s. Aid and the late Quarterly Poll, praying an allowance for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. Reference Book VII, p. 103.
Same to William Wardour [Clerk of the Pells] of the petition of the four Tellers of the Exchequer, shewing that they are obliged to keep four clerks for paying the annuities appointed to be paid by Acts of Parliament; therefore praying an allowance proportionable to what their fees bear with the other officers of the Receipt. Ibid.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to William Drew of several lands and tenements in co. Wilts the property of John Baldwyn, outlaw; at a rent of 6s. 8d. per an. and fine of 13s. 4d. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 470.
June 21. The like of a same to Edward Noell, esq., of several lands and tenements in cos. Dorset and Somerset, the property of Shadrack Pride, Hugh Pride and Symon Pride, extended for debt: at a rent of 6s. 10d. per an. and fine of 13s. 8d. Ibid.
Report to the Lords Justices from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Jahleel Brenton, esq., collector of Customs in New England, petitioner shewing that his Majesty's interest there has very much suffered by the officer appointed by the Governor, called the Naval Officer, pretending to have the sole power of managing those affairs which come within the cognisance and management of the officers of the Customs; and therefore praying to be recommended for said office in order to prevent the said inconveniences. Ibid, p. 471.
We referred said petition to the Customs Commissioners and herewith submit their report [missing] thereon. We agree with said Commissioners that Jahleel is fully qualified for said office and that it will be for his Majesty's service to appoint him thereto.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process [against George Evelyn] till further order for levying the arrears of a fee farm rent of 22l. 0s. 1½d. per an. out of the manor of Burnham, co. Bucks; “which matter now lies before us for our determination.” Ibid.
June 22. William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed Proposal [missing] of Charles Abington for furnishing the Forces with bread, hay, oats and straw at their next encampment [on Hounslow Heath]. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 401.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. My Lords have spoken with the Attorney General on your report of the 5th inst. on the petition of John Bludworth, ut supra, p. 1098. He is of opinion that if the [Customs] officer and the merchant by consent refer this case to you, you may award what you think reasonable in satisfaction of the officer's share in the forfeiture and that he sees no reason why the officers may not take it. Ibid.
June 22. R. Powys (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners to permit Col. Lutterell (who is going to make the campaign in Flanders) to export 18 horses for his own use. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 9.
June 24. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 2,187l. 0s. 8d. to Edward, Lord Russell, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber: to be-by tallies on the Post Office: and to be paid to the gardeners in part of 4,087l. 0s. 8d. which will be due to them at Michaelmas, 1695, for one year on their established allowance in that office [of the Treasurer of the Chamber]. Money Book XII, p. 549.
Money warrant for 328l. 19s. 0d. to John Packer, Usher of the Receipt; 308l. 19s. 0d. thereof for necessaries furnished to the Commissioners of the Million Adventure on the Salt Act [5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7], as certified by John Thrale, Secretary to the said Commissioners or Managers; and the remaining 20l. for his pains in attending said Commissioners. (Money order dated June 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 549. Order Book IV, p. 209.
Treasury warrant to John Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to Christopher Tilson for 1695, June 24 quarter, for making a particular account of the receipt and application of the Customs and for other services. Money Book XII, p. 549.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, Charles Montagu, Sir William Trumbull and John Smith) for same quarter's salaries. (Money order dated June 25 hereon.) Ibid, p. 550. Order Book IV, p. 209.
Money warrant for 1,176l. 11s. 9½d. to Sir Leonard Robinson in full of his charges and pains in receiving from the Exchequer and repaying to divers citizens of London several sums amounting to 320,416l. 0s. 3d. for principal and interest for loans on the second 4s. Aid and second Quarterly Poll and for keeping distinct accounts with the lenders of the said moneys. (Money order dated June 26 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 560. Order Book IV, p. 208.
Same for 25l. 4s. 6d. to Thomas Bendyshe, gent., for the charges of passing a privy seal and other expenses for his Majesty's service. (Money order dated June 26 hereon.) (William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt dated July 2 to pay same out of any disposeable money in the Exchequer.) Money Book XII, p. 560. Order Book IV, p. 209. Disposition Book XIII, p. 21.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to advance 6,000l. to George Doddington, Agent to the Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans in the Exchequer on the duties on coals, glass etc.: to be applied to satisfy bills of exchange from Admiral Russell, Capt. Wilshaw and others on account of wear and tear of the Navy. Disposition Book XIII, p. 14.
Same to the Attorney General and the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Francis Gell for a 99 years' lease of certain waste lands lying on both sides of the Dee in cos. Flint and Chester, which have been concealed from the Crown; in consideration of petitioner's great expense in making out the Crown's title thereto. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 402.
June 24. William Lowndes to Sir Christopher Wrenn to view the cellars and stores under the clerks' room in the Treasury Office, the same being so very offensive by reason of the ill scents that arise from thence that the clerks are not able to perform the business of the office. Out Letters (General) XV. p. 9.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Robert Flory to command the sloop at St. Helens in the Isle of Wight at 25l. per an. in place of Thomas Compton, lately deceased (who has served in same at 20l. per an. by incidents and 5l. per an. out of the salary of Robert Lysle, one of the boatmen); and to establish said Lysle at a salary of 20l. per an. only. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 192, 193, 194.
Paul Couran as a landwaiter, Southampton port, at 20l. per an. so long as Mr. Stoakes is incapacitated by sickness; it appearing that Oct. 13 last John Mellish, a landwaiter there, was presented for the post of surveyor of Portsmouth loco Lawrence Cole, deceased, and that his [landwaiter's] salary be sunk during the war; and further Mr. Stoakes, the only [other] landwaiter left at Southampton (owing to Gilbert Poulson, the other landwaiter on the establishment, having for some years past officiated in the same capacity at Portsmouth), has been infirm a long time under the affliction of the stone and gravel and is seldom capable of acting: all as is reported by Mr. D'Cardonnell, collector of Southampton port.
Richard Philpott (waiter and searcher at Whitstable) as boatman at Faversham loco George Hulbert, removed to Milton.
Robert Row as waiter and searcher at Padshaw [Padstow] loco Charles Anderson, dismissed.
Jno. Clear as writer and searcher at Whitstable in Faversham port loco Richard Philpot, removed to Faversham as above.
Charles Hughes as riding surveyor in the island of Jersey loco Joshua Guille, who is in prison for murther.
George Hulbert (one of the boatmen at Faversham) as a boatman at Milton within said port to supply the vacancy there.
Treasury reference to Mr. Richard Harnage, Agent to the First Marine Regiment, of the petition of John Hawgood and John Woodcraft, sword cutlers, shewing that they delivered swords and belts for the use of said Regiment to the amount of 990l. which was to be paid them with the rest of the clothiers for 1694, but the other clothiers have received [payment] but petitioners have not. Reference Book VII, p. 104.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Cornet Lewis Jones concerning a debt of 1,100l. lent by his grandfather, Lewis Jones, late Bishop of Killaloe, to Sir David O'Brien, grandfather to the late Lord Clare. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 35.
June 25. William Lowndes to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded to report on the enclosed memorial of Col. James Kendall, late Governor of the Barbados, praying payment of 825l. which he furnished to several Captains of his Majesty's ships of war upon their bills which have been accepted by you the said Commissioners three years since and yet remain unpaid. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 402.
Treasury warrant [probably should be royal warrant, under the King's sign manual] to Edward Nicholas to pay 4,167l. 14s. 6d. for the late Queen's charity due at 1695, Lady day, to the several poor pensioners and others as follow. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 247–50.
Prefixing: list of the late Queen's yearly pensioners and charities at 1695, Lady day: l. s. d.
To be paid to the hands of William, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry.
for the said Queen's ordinary charity to poor pensioners and petitioners: to be distributed 200 0 0
for the Vaudois ministers and schoolmasters 425 0 0
for the School of Offenbach 37 10 0
for Mr. sherman 10 0 0
for Mris. Keightley 50 0 0
for Mris. Dartiquenave 5 0 0
for Mris Haywood 2 10 0
for Lady Dorothy Burgh 25 0 0
for Mr. Torway 12 10 0
for Mris. Banister 10 0 0
for Mris. Laisnee 5 0 0
for Mris. Verboon 15 0 0
re Mr. Gaffarelli 5 0 0
for Mr. Davies 5 0 0
for Mr. Hartman's son 5 0 0
for Mr. Bowden 32 10 0
£845 0 0
To be paid to the hands of Gilbert, Bishop Sarum.
for to distribute 28 0 0
for Mr. Vernon's Duke 11 0 0
for Mr. Edward Duke 11 0 0
£50 0 0
To be paid to the hands of Madame Auverquer to distribute £82 10 0
To be paid to the hands of Mris. Goldsteine to distribute.
for Mris. Manning 10 0 0
for Mris. Doyley 10 0 0
for the Lady Prestwich 10 0 0
for Thomas Lewen 5 0 0
for Alice Antwine 5 0 0
for Mary Clark 5 0 0
for a Garde de Corps daughter 1 10 0
for Mris Nanny 5 0 0
for Mary Gates for the Turkish children 10 0 0
for Mris. Villeneuve 12 10 0
for Mr. Hermon's widow 10 0 0
for Mr. Neville for the rent of his house 4 0 0
for a poor woman at Hampton Court 3 0 0
for Mr. Gilbert, for the rent of his house 9 0 0
for Mr. William Worthington 7 10 0
for Mr. Harris's son 4 0 0
for Eliz. Clarke 2 10 0
for Mr. Stewart 7 10 0
for Mr. Haughton's daughter 2 10 0
for Mr. de la Muce 16 10 0
for Mris. Short 8 16 0
for Mris. Donavant 5 10 0
for Mris. Sparrow's daughter 8 16 0
for Mris. Griften 5 10 0
for Mr. George 5 10 0
for a Garde de Corps widow 3 6 0
for the French Church 2 4 0
for the Dutch Church 2 4 0
for Mris. Miller 3 6 0
£185 12 0
To be returned to Mynhier Schuylenburgh.
for the Society of the French Refugees Gentlewomen at the Hague 100 0 0
for Mr. and Madam Lisle 25 0 0
for Madlle. d'Angeau 50 0 0
for Madlle. de Moulin to distribute 240 0 0
for Madlle. de Pardaillan 15 0 0
for Madlle. de Vittenvall 15 0 0
for Madlle. de Langueracque 25 0 0
for Peter Lootee 20 0 0
for Jacques Crevemort 15 0 0
for Anthony de Young 15 0 0
for Joost Verkuylen 15 0 0
for Mary Johnson 15 0 0
for Anthony Cassan 12 10 0
for Bernardina Barens 2 10 0
for Matchell Wetzenhuyson 15 0 0
for Mr. Nievelt 20 0 0
for the Turkish woman 7 10 0
for old Beatrix 2 10 0
to the window Paul 7 10 0
for Geertie of Honslardyck 5 0 0
for Madam Ranvall 11 10 0
for the widow of Lieut. Wolfe 5 0 0
for Madam de Montgomery 15 10 0
for Mesdames de Stiruin 50 0 0
for Gabriel Bourcourt 20 0 0
for John Willens 20 0 0
for Lambert Vandalem 15 0 0
£752 10 0
To be paid to Abell Tassine D'Allone.
for to distribute 22 0 0
for Mr. Abbadie 10 0 0
for Mr. Arnaud 50 0 0
£82 0 0
To be paid to Monsieur Lovigny.
for the French Refugees Officers' widows and orphans, in all 51 families, five quarters of the seven due to them, viz. 1693, Michaelmas, to 1694, Michaelmas 1,250 0 0
for les Dames de Marancie and de Rigner 87 10 0
for Madlle. de la Barr 13 15 0
£1,351 5 0
To be paid to the hands of Dr. William Stanley.
for to distribute 22 0 0
for the English Church at the Hague 30 0 0
for the minister at Hampton Court 25 0 0
for the poor of Kensington 25 0 0
for a French woman to teach school 8 10 0
for three gentlewomen at Twickenham 15 0 0
for the widow Cunningham 10 0 0
for Ruth Yates 5 0 0
£140 10 0
To the hands of the respective persons themselves.
to Mris. Jane Gidney, for the Lady Frances 55 0 0
to Lord Mordington 76 15 0
to Madlle. de Mercy 13 15 0
to Madlle. de Venevenne 11 0 0
to Mr. and Madame L'Hospital 13 15 0
to the French Ministers at Greenwich 20 0 0
to Madam Justell 15 0 0
to Madlle. de St. Germaine 13 15 0
to Monsieur Berteau 25 0 0
to Eliz. Lord 5 10 0
to the French Minister of Orange 11 0 0
to Monsieur de St. Helene 35 0 0
to Mr[is.] Cunningham, Capt. Cunningham's widow 30 0 0
to Mr. Rowland Brock 2 15 0
to the Lady Elphinston 39 12 0
to Mris Mays 2 10 0
to Mris. Katherine Russell 12 10 0
to the Lady Arabella MacCharty 26 8 0
to the Lady Rookesby 33 0 0
to the widow Whaley 5 10 0
to a blind man 2 15 0
to Mris. Hilsley 13 4 0
for the Lady Hamilton 22 0 0
for Mris. Killegrew 13 4 0
to the Lady Douglas for her daughter 16 10 0
for Mris. Mary Wareup 6 17 6
for Mris. Frances Langford 100 0 0
for Mr. Ronsele 5 10 0
for the Lady Slingesby 5 10 0
for Mris. Stewart 11 0 0
for Mris. Abell 3 17 0
for Mr. Conway, an Ensign 11 0 0
for a blind Lieutenant 2 15 0
for the widow Macdonnell 13 15 0
for Mr. Emillian 2 15 0
£459 7 6
(Full total, 4,167l. 14s. 6d.)
June 25. Money warrant for 400l. to Robert, Lord Lucas, in repayment of so much expended or to be expended for his Majesty's service. (Money order dated June 27 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 550. Order Book IV, p. 206.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to advance 300l. to Paul Foley, Speaker of the House of Commons, on his 5l. a day: to be advanced out of fines for Alienations. The regular warrants herefor shall be sent as soon as they can be despatched. Disposition Book XIII, p. 14.
Same to same to issue 3,365l. to Lord Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber: to be advanced out of loans to be made by said Lord, or by any others at his nomination, on credit of the Post Office revenue: to be applied to the payment of the Yeomen of the Guard for half a year to Christmas last, viz.: Ibid.
2,775l. for the officers and Yeomen of said Guard.
500l. for Visct. Grandison on his pension of 1,000l. per an., which is usually paid up with them.
90l. for the Yeomen Ushers, Yeomen Hangers, bedgoers and robegoers.
Same to same to issue 14,995l. 16s. 10d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the Forces; 3,735l. thereof out of the purchase money for reversions on annuities; and the remaining 11,260l. 16s. 10d. out of loans on the duties on coals, glass etc. The said sum is to be applied as follows, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 15.
towards clearing the arrear of subsistence to the Forces in England to Jan. 14 last 1,000 0 0
towards clearing the General Officers to Jan. 1 [last] 1,000 0 0
in part of 7,600l. for the week's subsistence to the Forces in England to July 1 next 1,735 0 0
to complete the said week's subsistence 5,865 0 0
to Lord Galway for three recruit horses at 15l. each in the room of so many killed out of his Regiment the last campaign 45 0 0
for Brigadier Eppinger for seven Dragoon horses at 9l. each, to recruit so many killed out of his Regiment at the same time 63 0 0
for Mary, widow of Ensign Birt, late of Col. Selwyn's Regiment, for the arrears of his pay to the time of his death 28 12 2
for Sir Joseph Herne on a bill of exchange drawn by Brigadier Stewart April 26 last at double usance for 4,000l., with 40l. for commission, on account of pay of the four Regiments with him in the Straits 4,040 0 0
for Col. Henry Villiers, Governor of Tynemouth Castle, to provide a guard boat to attend the garrison for security of the port and the River Tyne and the ships there 55 0 0
for Col. Holt's Regiment of Foot in the Leeward Islands on account of subsistence and is to reimburse so much expended by Col. Codrington, Governor of the said Islands, for provisions for the said Regiment 964 4 8
for Col. Fletcher, Governor of New York, to be paid to Mr. Heathcote, merchant, to provide coats and other particulars to be sent to the said Colonel for presents to the Five Nations of Indians and the River Indians at Albany according to an Order in Council of the 6th inst., to engage them against the French 200 0 0
£14,995 16 10
Also to issue, out of the like loans on coals and glass duties, 2,000l. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby, on the unsatisfied order in their names for the Forces [in Ireland]: to be for the Transports Commissioners as in further part of 9,925l. 6s. 5d. due on their warrant of June 21 inst.
June 25. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of low wines moneys) to the four messengers of the Receipt the several sums due to them for carrying and dispersing the Acts of Parliament for the Land Tax and that for the Births and Marriages [Duties]. Disposition Book XIII, p. 16.
Same to same to issue 317l. 4s. 6d. to me [Lowndes] on the order in my name for secret service: out of fines for Alienations, forfeitures for Treason, Letter Office money, Tenths of the Clergy and fines of leases. Ibid.
Same to same to issue 10,000l. to Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans in the Exchequer on the coals and glass duties: to be paid to the Victualling Commissioners to pay such of the bills drawn on them for provisions furnished in the West Indies (amounting to 7,181l. 13s. 0d.) as are most pressing to be paid in the first place. (Same to said Commissioners to so apply same. Give my Lords an account next week how many of the said bills you shall have so paid.) Ibid.
Same to the Postmasters General to pay by 300l. a week (next and immediately after the satisfaction of the 2,000l. to the gardens) the tallies for the further 2,187l. 0s. 8d. directed by my Lords for the gardeners on account of wages; which tallies bear date June 15 inst. Ibid, p. 17.
June 25. William Lowndes to the Earl of Romney, enclosing an Order of Council [missing] for stores for Virginia as per a list thereof. Please send my Lords an estimate of the charge of providing same. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 402.
Same to Mr. Clarke, enclosing an Order of Council [missing] made on the petition of the master gunner and four other gunners of Hownes's Battery. Please procure [the Lords Justices' signature to] such establishment for them as is directed by said Order. Ibid. XV, p. 9.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robert Harrison and Jo[h]n Pereira concerning some wine imported from Lisbon and entered, in ignorance, only in the name of Harrison, which entry they immediately applied to alter and to pay the alien duty thereon, but Mr. Singleton, who discovered the mistake, threatens to prosecute them to a forfeiture: therefore praying a stop to the prosecution. Reference Book VII, p. 104.
Same to Mr. Balderston of the petition of James Moyer and David Jones, shewing that 72l. 18s. 0d. is due to them from James Thomas, deceased, late a Lieut. in the First Marine Regiment; that they are informed there is money of said Thomas's in the hands of Mr. Balderston, agent of the said Regiment: therefore praying a direction to Balderston to pay same. Ibid.
June 26. Treasury warrant to Edward Nicholas to pay 3,072l. 4s. 6d. for the late Queen's charity [for the quarter] due at Midsummer, 1695, to several poor pensioners and others as follows. Money Book XIII, pp. 8–12.
Prefixing: list of said pensioners and others. [The list is in substance ut supra, pp. 1127–31, with the following variations: Mris. Golsteine's list includes Mrs. Mary Ley, 5l. 15s. 0d.; Mris. Villeneuve appears as Monsieur de Villeneuve; Mr. Steward is described as Lord Mountjoy's brother, the King's scholar; Mris. Miller is described as a blind woman; the money for Mr. Abbadie in Abell Tassine's list is here directed to be paid to the hands of Sir John Shardin to be forwarded by [bill of] exchange; Dr. William Stanley's list includes new items, viz. the lecturer at Kensington, 2l. 10s. 0d.; Mr. Laney for his sermons, 5l.; Mris. Haughtin's son, 3l.; John Smith, 3l. 5s. 0d., and the money, 7l. 10s. 0d., for the three ladies at Twickenham is to be paid to Mr. Bee for them; and in the final list there are added the names of Lady Douglas, 12l. 10s. 0d.; ditto, for her daughter, 5l.; Mris. Franklyn, 10l., Mris. Divee, 6l. 10s. 0d.; Mris. Deborah Rolestone, 6l. 10s. 0d.; Mris. Bridgeman, 6l. 10s. 0d.; Ensign Conway is described as blind; Mris. Hilsley appears as Johanna Hilsley; Mr. Braguier, Treasurer to the French Refugees, is inserted for 800l. for eight weeks at 100l. per week [to] the 19th June inst.: and the following names are omitted, viz. Capt. Cunningham's widow; Frances Langford; Mr. Emillian.
June 27. Money warrant for 50l. to Thomas Rymer for 1695, June 24 quarter, on his fee or salary as Historiographer Royal. Money Book XII, p. 551.
[?] William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 200l. to Aaron Smith to complete his order for 300l. for Crown law charges: to be issued out of loans made by Mr. Bartholomew Burton on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XIII, p. 17.
June 27. Same to same to certify the Navy Board once a month the respective payments [issued at the Exchequer] to the Navy, distinguishing therein out of what funds, and for what services same are issued. Ibid.
Same to same to advance (out of the third double 9d. per barrel of Excise) 7,000l. to George Doddington, Agent to the Treasurer of the Navy; on account of the charge of building the 27 ships of war. As this service greatly requires this payment, the Teller is to take Doddington's acquittance till a power can come from the Navy Treasurer, who is now in the Straits. Ibid, p. 18.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay as follows the 300l. 16s. 0d. directed to you out of the purchase money of reversions on annuities, viz.: Ibid.
100l. to Capt. Thomas Silver, as advance on his pay as firemaster to the Grenadiers, to enable him to go to the Bath for the cure of his wounds and broken leg.
200l. 16s. 0d. to Major Thomas Garth for 14 months' pay, 1693, April 1, to 1694, June 1, as Captain in the Regiment late Col. Godfrey Lloyd's, now Col. Holt's, in the West Indies [to enable him to go to the West Indies].
Captain Silver's growing pay is not to be stopped on account of the above 100l. or the 200l., which he received on Oct. last, until the King's pleasure be known therein.
Same to Mr. Maddocks forthwith to attend the perfecting of Sir Edward Seymour's accounts as late Treasurer of the Navy. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 403.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of land in the manor of Reigate of which Sir John Parsons, kt., desires a lease, ut supra, p. 1114: all in order to a lease thereof to him accordingly for 31 years at 30l. per an. rent. Reference Book VII, pp. 104–5.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Parsons' petition; (b) report thereon by S. Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The ground is called Parke Hill and contains 100 acres of hilly land formerly in possession of Anthony Sheperd. In 1686, on a proposal for purchasing [to the Crown] the moiety of this manor from Deane Goodwyn, esq., this parcel was valued by Mr. Fisher at 28l. per an., which he accounted high enough if the tenants were to covenant to use the lands well. In a later valuation it was put at 30l. per an., and petitioner holds it at that rental as tenant at will.
June 27. Treasury reference to S. Travers, said Surveyor General, of the petition of John Rayner for a grant of several small things [in the way of land] in co. Lincoln, which he has discovered to be concealed from the Crown and out of lease. Reference Book VII, p. 105.
Same to same of the petition of Jno. Thatcher for a fresh lease on surrender of a tenement in Shippon, co. Berks, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Peter Godfrey for the like of two tenements in the manor of Austell Prior, part of said Duchy. Ibid, p. 106.
Same to same of the petition of John Manley, esq., for a grant of a small burgage and garden within the borough of Fowey and for a grant of a moor stone quarry in the manor of Stoke Climsland and Calstock, parcel of said Duchy; same being concealed and detained from the Crown. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Henry Stephens for a fresh lease on surrender of a tenement in the manor of Climsland Prior, “and that there may be included in the grant a small quarry and loppice.” Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of John Avery for the like of a tenement in the manor of Stratton Sanctuary, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
William Lowndes to William Clarke, enclosing the Earl of Ranelagh's report [missing] on Mr. Blathwayt's letter concerning the respit on the Earl of Dalhousie's pay as Capt. in Sir Charles Graham's Regiment of Foot, being for the period 1690–1, Jan. 1, to 1691, Aug. 31, for which time the said Regiment has been long since cleared; the pay for him and his servants for that time amounting to 121l. 10s. 0d. Please prepare a warrant for the King's signature for taking off the said respite. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 415.
June 28. Treasury warrant to Francis Dickens, Woodward of New Forest, to pay out of the proceeds of sale of dotard timber in said forest 600l. for the keepers' wages for two years to 1695, Lady day; to be distributed according to directions to be received from the Lord Warden of said forest. Money Book XII, pp. 550–1.
Money order for 10l. to John Lowe, one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1695, June 24 quarter, for locking up and delive ing out the treasure of the Receipt. Order Book IV, p. 206.
Same for 40l. to said Lowe and Peter le Neve, Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1695, Easter and Trinity terms, on their additional allowance of fee for sorting and ordering the records, foreign and domestic, in the Treasury [of the Receipt] at Westminster. Ibid.
Same for 5l. to William Parks, Porter at the Gate of the Receipt, for 1695, June 24 quarter's attendance. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to William Wardour [Clerk of the Pells] for one year to 1695, June 24, for attending the Treasury Lords for the despatch of his Majesty's affairs. Ibid, p. 207.
June 28. Money order for 45l. 8s. 4d. to William Wardour [Clerk of the Pells] for 1½ years to 1095, June 24, for attendance in vacation in his office “and is in lieu of 16l. 13s. 4d. and 8l. 15s. 0d. per an. antiently allowed him by tallies of assignment out of the Customs.” Order Book IV, p. 208.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 300l. 16s. 0d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Forces: to be issued out of purchase moneys of the reversions on annuities: and to be for Capt. Thomas Silver and Major Thomas Garth, ut supra, p. 1133. Disposition Book XIII, p. 17.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Col. Samuell Venner, praying payment of 1,099l. 2s. 5½d. due to him for salary and disbursements whilst Governor of the Hospital in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 403.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit Henry Summers to export to Muscovia a bell of about 1,000lb. weight, “which he hath provided for the Emperor's service.” Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 471.
William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Medlycott of Dublin city, praying my Lords to recommend him to be counsel to you. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 40.
June 29. Same to Mr. Clark to procure a warrant, to be signed by the Lords Justices of England, to authorise the Paymaster of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 2,000l. to the Commissioners of Transports on account. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 403.