Entry Book: July 1694, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: July 1694, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp713-732 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1694, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp713-732.

"Entry Book: July 1694, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp713-732.


July 1694, 21–31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 21. Privy seal for 20s. a day as ordinary to Matthew Prior, esq., “remaining in our service at the Hague in Holland until the arrival of another minister there” to commence from 1693, Nov. 1, and to continue until the arrival at the Hague of the minister whom the King will next send to the States General and for six weeks thereafter unless said Prior be recalled before then the first six months thereon to be paid immediately and, for the future, to be paid quarterly: together with the usual clause for allowance of his extraordin-aries. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 12.
Henry Guy to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Pay masters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay as follows, viz. l. s. d. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 277.
for twice victualling two Regiments of Scotch Dragoons detained by contrary winds in the Thames 1,262 11 0
for demurrage of ships taken up in Feb. last and discharged in March 427 2 0
for a ship to carry ordnance stores to Flanders 95 0 0
for a ship to carry stores to Flanders 73 10 0
£1,858 3 0
July 23. Money order for 100l. to Sir Littleton Powys, kt., for 1694, Hilary and Easter terms, on his 200l. per an. allowance as one of the Justices of Chester. 250l. to Sir John Trenchard for same time on his 500l. per an. allowance as Chief Justice of Chester. Order Book IV, p. 107.
July 24. Dormant treasury warrant to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] to pay the salary of 34l. per an. to William Clutterbuck, gent., as searcher of Bristol port. Money Book XII, p. 451.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Charles Balfour, esq., for a grant of some forfeited lands in Ireland in consideration of his services and losses. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 463.
Money warrant for 219l. to Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, for two years to 1693, Christmas, on his fee of 6s. a day as Keeper of New Park at Richmond. Money Book XII, p. 250.
Same for 610l. 0s. 8d. to Sir Thomas Lane, kt., and Sir Thomas Cooke, kt., late sheriffs of London and Middlesex, for the year 1693, Sept. 29, without account as in part satisfaction of 850l. 8s. 10d. claimed by them for moneys expended in removing prisoners and for apprehending highwaymen and other disbursements; the remainder being satisfied to them by allowance in their account: the present sum to be satisfied out of moneys which said sheriffs shall pay into the Exchequer as follows, viz. 1l. 9s. 0d. arrears of the Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 13]; 1l. of the Review of the said Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7]; 24l. 8s. 6d. of the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20]; 211l. 9s. 8d. of the 2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1 and c. 5]; 371l. 13s. 6d. of the [second] Poll [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2]. (Money order dated July 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 250. Order Book IV, p. 108.
Same for 400l. to the Agents for Taxes (Bartholomew Fillingham, Thomas Hall, Edmund Woodruff and Phillip Ryley) for half a year to June 24 last on their allowance. (Money orders dated July 28 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 251. Order Book IV, p. 115.
Same for 40l. to William Burton, clerk to the said Agents, for same time 30l. thereof for his salary and 10l. to be by him paid to a messenger. (Money order dated July 28 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 251. Order Book IV, p. 116.
July 24. Money warrant for 80l. to Mahaleel Windham, without account: to be by him distributed to the eight doorkeepers (whereof he is one) of the House of Peers; in reward for their service in attending the said House. (Money order dated July 26 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 251. Order Book IV, p. 107.
Same for 100l. to Thomas Rymer for half a year to June 24 last on his fee or allowance as Historiographer Royal. Money Book XII, p. 253.
50l. to Naham Tate for same time as Poet Laureat.
100l. to William, Duke of Devonshire, for one year to 1693, Sept. 29, as Justice in Eyre, Trent North.
36l. 10s. 0d. to Robert Ford for one year to 1692, Christmas, on his several fees as housekeeper at Newmarket.
200l. to Elizabeth Ellyot for one year to 1693, June 24, as Keeper of their Majesties' House and Wardrobe at Newmarket.
300l. to Simon de Brien and Mary his wife for one year to 1693, Christmas, as Housekeeper and Wardrobe Keeper at Kensington.
80l. to Sir Joseph Williamson for half a year to 1693, Sept. 29, as Keeper of the Paper Office.
73l. to Richard Leake for two years to 1693, Christmas, on his patent fee of 2s. a day, as Master Gunner of England.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. each to Sir William Bishop, kt., for one year to 1692, Christmas, on his patent fee of 12d. a day and allowance of 4s. 6d. a day as Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons. (Money order hereon for 82l. 2s. 6d. on said allowance.) Ibid, p. 255. Order Book IV, p. 119.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. each to the following for same time on their fee of 3s. a day and board wages of 2s. 6d. a day as Serjeants at Arms, viz. Edmund Williamson, Joseph Lawson, Thomas Payne, Thomas Charnock and Thomas Turst. Money Book XII, p. 255.
100l. 7s. 6d. to John Templer for one year to 1692–3, Feb. 11, as a same.
16l. 4s. 6d. to Thomas Sherley for 59 days, 1692, Oct. 27 to Dec. 25, as a same.
95l. 8s. 6d. to the executors of Richard Topham for 347 days, 1691, Dec. 25, to 1692, Dec. 6, as a same.
Same for 750l. to Thomas, Duke of Leeds, for half a year to 1694, Lady day, on his 1,000l. per an. in lieu of diet and 750l. per an. royal bounty as President of the Privy Council. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 255. Order Book IV, p. 111.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 500l. to Thomas Lloyd on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Works to be by tallies on the Post Office “the same being intended on account of paving.” Money Book XII, p. 256.
Money warrant for 397l. 5s. 8d. for one year to 1692, Christmas, to the officers of the Works on their wages, salaries or allowances, viz. Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor General, 45l. 12s. 6d. William Talman, Comptroller, 27l. 7s. 6d. Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster, 36l. 10s. 0d. John Oliver, master mason, 18l. 5s. 0d.; Matt. Bankes, master carpenter, 18l. 5s. 0d.; the executors of Jos. Radcliffe, late purveyor, 12l. 3s. 4d. William Dickenson, clerk engrosser, 66l. 13s. 4d. William Ireland, master glazier, 19l. 9s. 0d. Cha. Atherton, serjeant plumber, 18l. 5s. 0d. Alex. Fort, master joiner, 52l. 12s. 6d.; Maur. Emmett, master bricklayer, 18l. 5s. 0d.; John Grove, master plasterer, 18l. 5s. 0d.; the executors of Hen. Phillips, late carver, 27l. 7s. 6d. Matt. Roberts, plumber at Windsor, 18l. 5s. 0d. Ibid.
July 24. Money warrant for 250l. to the heir of George, late Earl of Kinnoul, in part of what is due on the pension of 1,000l. per an. granted by Charles II to said Earl and his heirs. (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of the fourth of the Customs paid in by Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier.) Money Book XII, p. 91. Disposition Book XII, p. 108.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,039l. 16s. 3d. to John Packer, ut supra, p. 692, out of the arrears of any unappropriated taxes. Disposition Book XII, p. 107.
Same to same to issue 81l. 13s. 4d. to Baron Bradbury out of the small branches of the revenue 66l. 13s. 4d. thereof for half a year to 1694, June 24, on his fees amounting to 133l. 6s. 8d. per an. and 15l. thereof for last Easter and Trinity terms on his fee of 7l. 10s. 0d. per term. Ibid.
Same to same to issue 61,821l. 9s. 6d. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of loans to be made by said Treasurer or his cashier on credit of the second 4s. Aid. This sum will complete said Treasurer's order for 550,000l. for the Navy and Victualling out of the said Aid and is to be applied to such particular uses as my Lords shall hereafter appoint. Ibid.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 6,000l. which is or will be lent by the Excise Commissioners on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, viz. l. s. d. Ibid, p. 108.
to the 11 Judges for Hilary term, 1693–4 2,750 0 0
to the Judges for Wales 175 0 0
to the Masters in Chancery (memorandum should be 275l.) 257 0 0
to the Speaker [of the House of Commons] to complete 750l. due to last June 375 0 0
to Aaron Smith for special service 668 5 0
to the Baron de Luttichau [as royal] bounty 600 0 0
to the Baron de Courtny Ronselle as ditto 80 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 20 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the quarterly charity 125 0 0
to the Cofferer for the [royal alms at the] gate 54 0 0
to Dr. Oates [as royal] bounty 100 0 0
to the Serjeant of the House of commons 76 0 0
to eight doorkeepers of the House of Lords 80 0 0
to Mr. Rimer, Historiographer 100 0 0
to Mr. Tate, Poet Laureat 50 0 0
to Lady Mary Kirk for rent 100 0 0
to William Aldham et al. on a list of poor pensioners, in part of 615l. 3s. 4d. (in the margin: memorandum issued. 18l short because so much more [should go] to the Masters in Chancery) 389 13 0
£6,000 0 0
July 24. Henry Guy to Mr. [Aaron] Smith [Solicitor to the Treasury] to stop all proceedings against Col. Grahme until Aug. 24 next. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 277.
Same to Mr. Colinge, enclosing a petition of John Haughton, with a report thereon from the Deputy Auditor of Wales and a warrant [all missing], prepared to authorise him to take care of the Castle of Ludlow. Please shew same to the Lord Chamberlain and then return them to me. Ibid, p. 278.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of money paid by the Treasurer of the Navy to ships etc. between the 14th and 21st inst. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded. In reply to your memorial of this day concerning the building of a prison at Plymouth and making a safe prison in the Savoy, my Lords direct you to proceed in the making those prisons and they will take care to provide money for the charge thereof. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Gilbert Heathcote et al. of London, merchants, shewing that they fitted out the ship Hopewell Merchant for Barcelona, which was taken by the French and re-taken by the Spaniards, from whom they [petitioners] bought her and laded her with wines and fruit for London; that the collector [inwards, London port] demands aliens' duties thereon as not regularly manned with English seamen and [the ship and lading are] seized as forfeited by the Act of Navigation: therefore praying a discharge from said seizure and from aliens' duties. Reference Book VII, p. 61.
Same to same of the petition of Thomas Penington for leave to surrender his place as a King's waiter, London port, to Thomas Harrison. Ibid.
Same to Aaron Smith of the petition of Aaron Pengry for payment of 253l. 4s. 8d. due to him for several things done for their Majesties' service as Clerk of the Petty Bag and otherwise. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Henry, Bishop of Killaloe, praying a grant of 10 ploughlands (late the Lord Clare's and forfeited to their Majesties) to be annexed to his see. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 439.
Same to same. Mr. George Tollett, Accomptant General in Ireland, has represented to us that James Bonnell has for some years executed that office [as his deputy] and is now pressing to leave same; therefore desiring that William Burgh, esq., may succeed in that office and patent. Please examine Burgh's qualifications and report to us. Ibid.
July 24. The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Maurice Annesly, esq., concerning some allowances he desires out of the rent owing by him to their Majesties for several forfeited lands lot to him. Out Letters [Ireland) VI, p. 439.
July 25. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 6,000l. to Edward Noell, esq., in repayment of the like sum lent by him thereon the 21st inst. Money Book XII, p. 222.
Money warrant for 344l. 9s. 5d. to Gregory King, Lancaster Herald, being due upon a bill signed by Secretary the Duke of Shrewsbury, for extraordinary disbursements in carrying the Order of the Garter to the Elector of Saxony. (Money order dated July 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 254. Order Book IV, p. 108.
Treasury allowance of the 1694, June 24 quarter's salary bill of the Officers, detailed, for Regulating Hackney coaches. Money Book XII, p. 254.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise for 1,125l. to Charles, Duke of Southampton, on his pension of 3,000l. per an. 350l. thereof to complete 1688, Lady day quarter, and 750l. for the succeeding quarter. Ibid.
Money order for 708l. to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, for 1693, Sept. 29, to 1694, March 25, on his diet allowance of 4l. a day as Lord Privy Seal. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 255. Order Book IV, p. 115.
Same for 97l. 6s. 8d. to Capt. Michael Studholme, Keeper and Guide of their Majesties' Roads; 36l. 10s. 0d. thereof on his patent fee of 2s. a day, viz. to 1692, Christmas, and the remaining 60l. 16s. 8d. for his riding charges and expenses at 3s. 4d. a day from Christmas, 1691, to Christmas, 1692. (Money order dated July 30 for said 60l. 16s.- 8d. hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 114.
Same for 60l. to Robert Stephens, messenger of the Press (“messenger appointed to look after the Printing Press”) 50l. thereof for reward for one year to Lady day last and 10l. for incidents and in lieu of bills for same time. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 257. Order Book IV, p. 115.
Same for 132l. 3s. 4d. to Henry Villiers for one year to 1692, Christmas, on his fees or allowances of 8d. a day and 120l. per an. as Master of the Tennis Courts. Money Book XII, p. 257.
Same for 125l. each to Sir John Nicholas, Richard Colinge, William Blathwayt and James Bridgeman for half a year's fee or salary to 1693, Sept. 29, as Clerks of the Privy Council. Ibid, p. 258.
Same for sums as follows to the Kings, Heralds and Pursuivants at Arms for one year to 1692, Christmas, on their respective fees and allowances, viz. Ibid.
100l. to Sir Thomas St. George as Garter Principal King at Arms.
40l. to Sir Henry St. George as Clarencieux King at Arms.
40l. to Sir John Dugdale as Norroy King at Arms.
26l. 13s. 4d. each to Robert Devenish as York Herald Henry Dethick as Richmond Herald Francis Burghill as Somerset Herald Gregory King as Lancaster Herald; Cha. Mawson as Chester Herald; Peers Mawditt as Windsor Herald.
20l. each to John Gibbon as Bluemantle Pursuivant Laurence Cromp as Portcullis Pursuivant Peter le Neve as Rouge Croix Pursuivant Hugh Clopton as Rouge Dragon.
July 25. Money order for 1,099l. 16s. 1d. to William Blathwayt, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council attending the Committee for Trade and Plantations, for one year to 1693, Sept. 29, for salaries and incidents to said Committee: as by four quarterly bills thereof. (Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 262 Order Book IV, p. 117.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to forthwith issue 56,019l. 8s.d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on his orders for the Forces to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the second 4s Aid. This sum is for the clothiers of the Army. Disposition Book XII, p. 108.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Contributions on Salt, viz. l. s. d. Ibid, p. 109.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for pay of the Woolwich to 1693, Sept 30 4,380 0 0
to ditto for recalls 2,481 12
£6,861 12
Same to Mr. Bartholomew Burton. There was lately put into your hands 5,000l. without account; but the same was intended to satisfy an allowance of discount of 1½ per cent. to lenders on credit of the Exchequer in general in ready money [on the understanding that the loans were] to be [re]paid out of the present Quarterly Poll with the charges thereupon. My Lords consider that the charges for such loans will not amount to near the said sum. You are therefore to pay 100l. thereout to Lancelot Burton for procuring or paying in 5,000l. in ready money to answer bills of exchange for the expense of the [part of the Royal] Household [attending the King] abroad which sum was paid in on [credit of] tallies on the Hereditary Excise, which tallies my Lords had put into the Cofferer's hands for that purpose “being at the rate of 2 per cent. for the said 5,000l. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir Tho. Cooke, praying to be allowed the benefit of debentures for 300 bags of pepper exported. Reference Book VII, p. 61.
Same to [Auditors] Sir Joseph Seymour and Mr. Aldworth of the petition of William Hawkins for the office of Receiver of Crown Revenues for cos. Northampton and Rutland. Ibid, p. 62.
July 25. Treasury reference to [Auditors] Sir Joseph Seymour and Mr. Aldworth of the petition of John Hewit for the like office in cos. Lincoln, Warwick and Leicester. Reference Book VII, p. 62.
Same to same of the petition of William Hayhurst for the like office in cos. Lancs, Westmorland and Cumberland. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir Edward Ward, Attorney General, to enter a cessat processus to the proceedings against Richard Grimston and 13 others, detailed, tenants of the late Visct. Preston's estate in co. Cumberland, who have attorned tenants to the Crown, and who are indicted at this present Assizes [by pretenders to said estate] for pretended forcible entries, with intent only to reduce them to ruin and misery. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 322.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to take from William Benson a conveyance of his estate as in trust for the Crown and on his giving bond to pay 100l. per an. thereout, to permit [admit] him to the management and possession thereof he being late collector of Excise in cos. Westmorland and Cumberland and became indebted 3,500l. to the Crown, on which an extent issued, an estate of 36l. per an. was seized and he now a prisoner in the King's Bench, but he having offered to make such conveyance etc, as above if he may have the management of his said estate, on which he had built a malt house. Thereupon he is to be enlarged from prison. Ibid, p. 323.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Thomas Batchelor of a messuage and tenement in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, co. Midd., parcel of the lands of William Nash, outlaw at a rent of 1s. 4d. per an. and fine of 2s. 8d. Ibid.
July 26. Treasury warrant to the Receipt transferring to the Vellam Duty the principal of the following loans on the first 4s. Aid to wit to satisfy principal sums as follows amounting to 21,113l. 11s.d. to the respective persons entitled, out of loans to be made by them severally or by their respective assigns on credit of the new duties on vellum the interest thereon already due is to be paid forthwith out of the 4s. Aid the issues of said principal and interest to be made upon orders or assignments registered on the register of said Aid as in satisfaction of so much thereon. Money Book XII, pp 252–3.
Prefixing: an account of tallies (on the 4s. Aid) delivered to the brewers “dated the 14 Oct, 1694” said account being dated Victualling Office, July 6 inst. l. s. d.
P[ete]r Wickrod, 1 tally 1,000 0 0
Hump. Hill etc., 4 tallies 2,500 0 0
Jno. Simball, 1 tally 1,000 0 0
Charles Vene, 3 tallies 2,000 0 0
John Cholmly etc., 5 tallies 3,500 0 0
Sam. Ratcliffe, 4 tallies 2,000 0 0
Benj. Andrews, 2 tallies 1,000 0 0
Joseph Helby, 3 tallies 1,300 0 0
Gregory Page, 1 tally 300 0 0
Jno. Aldersey etc., 2 tallies 600 0 0
Mat[hie]u Walraven, 2 tallies 600 0 0
Noah Overing, 1 tally 363 11
Ant. Phillips, 4 tallies 1,750 0 0
Excise [Commissioners] per Mr. Phillips, 4 tallies 1,400 0 0
William Ewers for Mr. Phillips, 2 tallies 550 0 0
John Travers, 1 tally 250 0 0
Barnard Ludman, 2 tallies 750 0 0
John Travers, 1 tally 250 0 0
remaining (which was since d[elivered] Mr. Middleton) 250 0 0
July 27. Royal sign manual for 668l. 5s. 0d. to Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] for their Majesties' special service, without account. (Money warrant dated July 30 hereon.) (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 484. Order Book IV, p. 110.
Same for 301l. 3s. 0d. to Hugh Broughton, Consul at Venice, in satisfaction of a bill [of extraordinaries] for 1689, Nov. 19, to 1691, Nov. 19, signed by the Earl of Nottingham, late Secretary of State. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 484b. Money Book XII, p. 262. Order Book IV, pp. 114, 121.
64l. 16s. 0d. to Nicholas Herne, Consul at Leghorn, for a same for the period 1693, June 24, to 1694, May 24 as allowed by Secretary Sir John Trenchard.
176l. 15s. 3d. to—Westcomb, esq., Consul at Cadiz, on a same for the years 1692 and 1693, as allowed by said Trenchard. (Money warrants dated July 31 [sic for 30] hereon.) (Money orders dated July 30 for said Broughton and Herne hereon.)
Same for 750l. to Sir John Trevor for 150 days, 1693–4, Jan. 31, to 1694, June 30, on his allowance as Speaker of the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated July 30 hereon.) (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 484b. Order Book IV, p. 111.
Same for 1,250l. to Edward Pauncefort, gent. as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated July 30 hereon.) (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 484b. Order Book IV, p. 111.
Same for payments as follow as royal bounty, without account, viz. (Money warrant dated July 30 hereon.) (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 486–7. Order Book IV, pp. 112–13.
20l. each to William Aldham Mary Bocock.
10l. each to Alice Baggot, widow; Mary Brincknell.
15l. to Hester de Civill.
10l. to Alice Ellyott.
25l. to Nicholas Estoll.
20l. to Joyce Greeting, widow.
5l. each to Thomas Fay; Thomas Gummins; William Bawkham; Joane Head, widow; Joane Mills, widow; Katherine Roberts; Joane Lance; Ursula Clarke, alias Ellis.
10l. to George Holder.
20l. to Katherine Ironmonger.
10l. each to Richard Jennings; Dame Elizabeth Lenthall.
20l. each to Elizabeth Loup and Elizabeth Richards.
25l. to John Lee,
20l. each to Mary Mitchell; Elizabeth Madge.
25l. each to Mary Nevill Sophia Nevill.
15l. to Ellen Prediaux.
16l. 13s. 4d. to Eleanor Pendrell.
10l. each to Eleanor Ross Ann Silver.
6l. to John Stephens.
5l. to Magdalen Thomas.
25l. to Susanna Woodward.
20l. to Margarett Whittall.
10l. to Richard Yates.
7l. 10s. 0d. to Francis Gorman.
10l. each to Susannah Wosencroft, widow; Mary Leech, widow.
20l. to Isabell Gwillims.
10l. to—Tessine, widow.
5l. to Mary Webster.
20l. to Brune Clench.
15l. to Martin Carbonell.
5l. to—Ely, widow.
20l. each to Anne Dennis Rabsy Smisby.
10l. to Job Atking (Atkins).
50l. to Mary and Eliz. Reynolds.
80l. to Baron Courtney Russell.
100l. to Dr. Titus Otes.
100l. to Col. Baldwyn Leighton.
200l. to Bryan Fairfax.
200l. to Perry Walton for one year.
100l. to Dame Mary Kirke for the rent of a certain tenement now inhabited by Mris. Mary Kirke for one year from 1693, May 17.
109l 12s. 10d. to Symon Smith, Knight Harbinger, for so much by him expended in lodgings for Prince Lewis of Baden's retinue.
Total, 1,564l. 16s. 2d.
July 27. Royal sign manual for the following payments, viz. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 487. Order Book IV, p. 113.
20l. to Jos. Dancy, clerk, as royal bounty towards the charges of his passage to New England, whither he is going chaplain.
5l. to Margaret Chaplin as royal bounty.
(Money warrant dated July 30 hereon.) (Money order dated July 30 hereon.)
Royal warrant dormant, under the Queen's sign manual, for payment of the respective salaries of 500l. per an. each to the Commissioners for Stating the Public Accounts of the Kingdom for one year from April 24 last, viz. Robert Harley, Sir Thomas Pope Blount, bart., Paul Foley, Sir Thomas Clarges, kt., Charles Hutchinson, Sir Edward Abney, kt., and Sir James Houblon, kt. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 485.
Money warrant for 10l. to Thomas Kerby, Nicholas Salter and Abraham Brydall, without account: in reward (under the Royal Proclamation of 1690, Oct. 30) for apprehending and convicting John Barber for felony and burglary committed by him, together with John Pitford, William Jones and John Andrews, in the house of said Salter at Stoke Poges, co. Bucks. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 256. Order Book IV, p. 110.
Same for 50l. to the churchwardens of St. James's, Westminster, for one year to May 19 last on the annuity for the maintenance of the poor of the parish. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 257. Order Book IV, p. 114.
July 27. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 1,308l. 3s. 6d. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, upon account, for the service of the Works: to be by tallies on the Post Office revenue. Money Book XII, p. 258.
Money warrant for 240l. to John Goddard, esq., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Bermudas or Saunner Islands, for one year to March 1 last on his annuity or yearly salary of 240l. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 115.
Same for 140l. to John Child, Receiver General for co. Wilts of the second Poll, the first and second Twelve Months' Aid and the Quarterly Poll: for reward and for his extraordinary charges in bringing up his moneys by strong guards. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 116.
Same for 124l. to William Cawthorpe and Christopher Randes as same for co. Lincoln of the 12l. Aid, 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid], Review of the Poll and last Poll: as for the like. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 116.
Same for 145l. to Thomas Trueman as same for cos. Notts and Leicester of the first 4s. Aid and Quarterly Poll: as for the like. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 116.
Same for 100l. to Samuell Bradshaw as same for co. Derby of the first 4s. Aid and the Review of the Quarterly Poll: as for the like. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 116.
Same for 114l. to John Newsham as same for co. Warwick of the same as for the like. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 116.
Same for 80l. to Samuell Swift, late sheriff of co. Worcester, for the like sum he paid to John Appletree, esq., and Posthumus Sheldon, gent., for apprehending Gabriell Dubourgh and James Alexander for robbery on the highway, as certified by Justice Gyles Eyre: the said sheriff having no money of the King's in his hands to satisfy same. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 259. Order Book IV, p. 111.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for 750l. to George, Duke of Northumberland, for 1693, June 24 quarter, on his pension of 3,000l. per an. Money Book XII, p. 260.
Same to same for same for 1,000l. to Ann, Duchess of Buccleuch, for same quarter on her pension. Ibid.
Money warrant for 106l. to Thomas Richards, gent., Receiver General for co. Herts of the first Quarterly Poll, the Review thereof and the first 4s. Aid, for his extraordinary charges etc. therein. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 260. Order Book IV, p. 110.
Same for 75l. to the executors of Charles Mansell; 50l. thereof for 1690, Sept. 29 quarter, on their [his] pension and 23l. in part of the succeeding quarter. Money Book XII, p. 261.
Same for 150l. to Ann Baker, widow; 25l. thereof to complete 1692, Christmas quarter, on her pension of 300l. and 125l. for the succeeding half year thereon. Ibid.
July 27. Money warrant for 300l. to Sir Thomas Windham, kt., for half a year to 1691, Lady day, on his pension. Money Book XII, p. 262.
200l. to Rachell and Frances Windham, daughters of Dame Ann Windham, for half a year to 1691, Christmas, on same.
Same for 250l. to Thomas Lane for half a year to 1690, Lady day, on his same. Ibid.
Treasury warrant dormant to Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, to pay himself from time to time 150l. a year for the pains of himself and his clerks (who are to be rewarded at his discretion) for managing and paying the 140,000l. per an. “to the Bank and annuities” on the Tonnage Duties, for keeping the registers, directing and issuing the several payments etc., as by the Act [5 and 6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] for said Duties. Ibid, p. 263.
Same to John Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay 177l. to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke, for half a year to Lady day last on his fee of 20s. a day as Keeper of the Privy Seal. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 750l. to William Smith for the pay of Lord Lovelace, ut supra, p. 708 to be issued out of loans to be made by said Smith on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XII, p. 110.
Same to the Paymaster of the Works to issue 200l. to Edward Lloyd for the under clerks of the Council, ut supra, p. 699 out of the arrears of any unappropriated taxes. Ibid.
Same to same. Out of the 1,308l. 3s. 6d. tallies put into your hands, you are to assign 404l. 7s. 6d. to Capt. Michael Studholme in full payment for work already done in making the new road in Hogmore Lane, between Kensington and Chelsea according to the enclosed account [missing]. Ibid.
And 903l. 16s. 0d. for works and repairs in the Mews from 1693, Dec. 24, to 1694, April 1, whereof 826l. 16s. 0d. to Francis Negus, Surveyor of the Mews, for his part of said charge, and 77l. to Mr. Ireton, Gentleman of the Horse, for repairs done within his house as by an account thereof examined by Sir Christopher Wren.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to levy tallies [on the Excise] for 750l. for last Lady day quarter's l pension to the Duchess Dowager of Grafton and Charles, Duke of Grafton. (Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay same.) Ibid, p. 111.
July 27 [? 28]. Same to same to issue as follows out of loans to be made by the payees respectively as follows or by any other at their nomination on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, viz. l. s. d. Ibid.
to Brian Fairfax as [royal] bounty 200 0 0
to the Judges for 1694, Easter term 3,000 0 0
to the Judges for Wales 175 0 0
to the Masters in Chancery (in the margin: the Masters are 275l.) 257 0 0
to the Attorney General for half a year to Lady day last (in the margin: “before paid”) 40 13 4
to the Solicitor General: for same (in the margin “before paid”) 35 0 0
to the Great Wardrobe 3,000 0 0
to Mr. Henning for extraordinaries to the Gardens 924 9 8
to the Speaker [of the House of Commons] to complete 750l. 375 0 0
£8,007 3 0
July 27. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 3,692l. 16s.d. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the Exchequer in general: 2,889l. 7s.d. thereof to be for the clothing of the First Troop of Guards and the remaining 803l. 9s. 5d. for the clothing of the Third Troop of Guards. Disposition Book XII, p. 111.
Same to same [sic, erratum for the Excise Commissioners] to pay the tallies for 1,125l. to the Duke of Southampton by 50l. a week those for 750l. to the Duke of Northumberland by 100l. a week and those for 1,000l. to the Duchess of Buccleuch by 100l. a week. Ibid, p. 112.
Same to same to issue sums to the Navy, Ordnance and Forces respectively as follows, “the Commissioners for taking subscriptions for the Bank of England being directed by my Lords of the Treasury out of the 300,000l. which hath been received by them for the first quarter part, on the contributions on the Act of Parliament relating to the said Bank, to make the underwritten payments into the Receipt of the Exchequer at the respective days and in such proportions as are hereafter mentioned, that is to say”: Ibid, pp. 113–15.
For the service of the Navy and Victualling.
On Aug. 1— l. s. d.
for wages to ships 5,000 0 0
for hemp 3,000 0 0
for recalls 5,000 0 0
for imprests & bills 1,000 0 0
for the Victuallers 10,000 0 0
24,000 0 0
On Aug. 7—
for wages 5,000 0 0
for hemp 3,000 0 0
for recalls 5,000 0 0
for imprests and bills 1,000 0 0
for the Victuallers 5,000 0 0
19,000 0 0
On Aug. 14—
for the like five payments 19,000 0 0
For the Treasurer of the Ordnance for land service.
On Aug. 1—
for the gunmakers 5,000 0 0
On Aug. 7—
for ditto 500 0 0
On Aug. 14—
for ditto 500 0 0
6,000 0 0
For the service of the Forces in the pay of the Earl of Ranelagh according to particulars as below.
On Aug. 1 80,000 0 0
On Aug. 7 40,000 0 0
On Aug. 14 25,955 8 0
145,955 8 0
For the service of the Forces lately employed in the reducing of Ireland according to particulars as below.
On Aug. 1 3,000 0 0
£216,955 8 0
Followed by: l. s. d.
Particulars of the uses to which the 145,955l. 8s. 0d. for the Forces under the pay of the Earl of Ranelagh is to be applied.
the remainder of the memorial formerly given in by said Earl for subsistence 1,864 7
to Sir Joseph Heme for the third payment of his fourth credit for 92,875l. 9s. 4d., being the subsistence in Flanders for one month ending the 21st inst. 23,258 17 4
to four weeks' subsistence for the following Regiments ordered to encamp at Hounslow the 24th ult. to the 21st inst., viz. 1,291l. 10s. 0d. each to the Horse Regiments of the Earl of Arran, the Earl of Macclesfield and Col. Wind and 1,168l. 14s. to the Dragoon Regiment of Col. Leigh 5,043 4 0
to Sir Henry Belasys' Regiment ordered to march from the Tower to Norwich for four weeks' subsistence for the same time 820 2 4
to Col. Farrington's Regiment ordered to march from Norwich to the Tower for the like 820 2 4
to Col. Lillington's Regiment ordered to march to Leicester for the like 820 2 4
to John Murrey, Commissary of the Provisions; to provide for the encampment at Hounslow 2,375 12 0
to said Murrey for his salary for 18 months from 1693, March 16, at 10s. a day 274 10 0
to Monsieur Belgard to enable him to pursue his journey to Piedmont 50 0 0
to Joseph Herne for the last payment of his fourth credit for 92,875l. 9s. 4d., being to complete the subsistence in Flanders for one month to the 21st inst. 23,218 17 4
to ditto for the first payment of his fifth credit for 92,875l. 9s. 4d., being for one month's subsistence to said Forces to the 18th prox. 23,218 17 4
to ditto for the second payment of his said fifth credit 23,218 17 4
to ditto for the third payment of his said fifth credit 23,218 17 4
to the Earl of Arran's Regiment of Horse for four weeks' subsistence and half pay from the 22nd inst. to the 18th prox. 1,291 10 0
to the Earl of Macclesfield's Regiment for the like 1,291 10 0
to Col. Windsor's Regiment for the like 1,291 10 0
to Col. Leigh's Regiment for the like 1,291 10 0
to Sir Henry Bellasys' Regiment of Foot: for the like 820 2 4
to Col. Farrington's Regiment for the like 820 2 4
to Col. Lillington's Regiment for the like 820 2 4
for Exchequer fees 1,200 0 0
for subsistence to the First Regiment of Foot Guards from the 23rd inst. to Aug. 28 next 2,800 0 0
towards arrears to two Troops of Col. Winn's Dragoons 400 0 0
for Sir William Gore 5,955 8 0
£146,021 5 11½
The uses to which the sum of 3,000l. for Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby [Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland] is to be applied.
for 14 days' subsistence to the 28th inst. for the four Regiments raised for the service of Ireland 691 1 4
for same to same from the 28th inst. to Aug. 11 next 674 18 4
to the widow of Mr. Lassells for so much by him advanced for Brigadier Stewart 1,000 0 0
to Major Follyes of Col. Wynn's Regiment of Dragoons: on account of his pay 100 0 0
to Capt. Verdelles to enable him to discharge his debts and transport himself and family into Ireland 100 0 0
to Capt. Vignees, the like 100 0 0
to Capt. Rossiers of Belcastle's Regiment to clear him on account of pay to 1693, April 1 118 4 6
to such particular uses as my Lord shall direct 215 14 10
£3,000 0 0
July 27. Henry Guy to the Paper Commissioners. Please report to my Lords what addition of salary you advise for Mr. Bridges, your secretary. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 279.
Same to the Commissioners for taking Subscriptions for the Bank of England. My Lords direct that out of the 300,000l. which has been received by you for the first quarter part on the contributions on the Act of Parliament relating to the Bank of England you do make the following payments into the Exchequer, viz. Ibid, pp. 279, 281.
On 1 Aug. the sum of 24,000l. for the Navy and Victualling; on 9 Aug. 19,000l. more and on 14 Aug. 19,000l. more for the same service.
On 1 Aug. 5,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance; on 7 Aug. 500l. more and on 14 Aug. 500l. more for the same service.
On 1 Aug. 80,000l. for the service of the Forces in the pay of the Earl of Ranelagh on 7 Aug. 40,000l. more and on 14 Aug. 25,955l. 8s. 0d.
On 1 Aug. 3,000l. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby for the Forces lately employed in reducing Ireland.
(Henry Guy to Mr. Stephens [the Navy Treasurer's Cashier], Mr. Fox and the Earl of Ranelagh and the Treasurer of the Ordnance to attend the receiving of the said moneys at the Exchequer.)
Same to Major General Trelawney, Alexander Pendarvis, esq., and John Waddon, esq., Deputy Governor of Pendennis Castle. The Castle and buildings of Pendennis, with the lands thereto, are the inheritance of Sir Peter Killegrew and for many years past have been used as a garrison for the public defence of the kingdom. The lease thereof to the Crown is now expired and it is thought fit that Sir Peter grant a new lease to trustees for the Crown. He desires a rent proportionable to the improvement and advantage he might make thereof in case he had the same in hand. My Lords refer this matter to you as near neighbours to the Castle and trusting entirely in your judgment and integrity. Please view and estimate what yearly improvement Sir Peter might make of the premises. In the margin: The like letter signed 22 Nov., 1694, to said John Waddon and John Manly of Truro, esq. Ibid, p. 280.
Same to Peter Gery. My Lords have a complaint from Berwick that the garrison there (part of Col. Beaumont's Regiment, of which you are agent) are not paid their subsistence money. You are to take care the said garrison be paid their subsistence forthwith to the end their quarters may be satisfied so that there be no further occasion of complaint. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Hen. Howlett to act [as deputy] for the searcher in Fowey port loco John Lloyd, removed to be landwaiter in Liverpool port. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 105.
William Edgar as tidesman in Bristol port loco Mathew Perkins, deceased.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to discharge the debt of 193l. 7s. 0d. resting on Richard Batson, distiller, ut supra, p. 512, upon his paying 20l. thereon; he being an honest, industrious, sober and careful man, but fallen to decay by great losses. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 338.
July 27. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to the Lords Justices, Ireland, for a patent under the great seal of Ireland to grant to Sir William Ashurst, Lord Mayor of London, the principal debt of 1,218l. 0s. 6d. and interest thereon as follows. The said Ashurst in behalf of himself and others debtors of Richard Dalton and Andrew Dalton, late of Dublin, merchants, having petitioned shewing that said Daltons owed them 4,827l. 5s. 6d. and at their prosecution were outlawed of high treason for being guilty of the late rebellion in Ireland that he, Ashurst, has now discovered some moneys owing to the said Daltons, and therefore praying a grant thereof: on which petition Sir Richard Levinge, kt., Solicitor General of Ireland, has reported that said Ashurst et al. have discovered the estate of the said Daltons, consisting entirely of personalty to the amount of 5,703l. 0s. 2d., of which 2,000l. is desperate; which estate said Solicitor General has divided into three parts, viz. 108. 16s. 4d. due from persons whose estates are granted in custodiam and which cannot be granted to petitioner and 1,915l. 2s. 0d. as the debts of those who have forfeited to the King, “and as to those you [the said Lords Justices] are of opinion that if we will charge our estates with those debts, which are become bad debts by reason of the forfeiture of the rebels' estates, then the said debts may be granted with a clause that shall subject the several forfeited estates of those persons to the payment of those debts. In relation to the last head concerning the debts due from those who have not forfeited their estates or are restored or entitled to be restored by the Articles of Limerick and Galway, you observe that in case we grant these debts there will be more allowed to the petitioner for the discovery of them than has been allowed in other cases, for in other cases there has been allowed only a fourth part to the discoverer “wherefore the Queen is pleased to grant to said Ashurst (in consideration of his good services and also of his expenses in regard to the said discovery) that he should receive from the estate of the said Daltons the debts due from them to him alone, which Ashurst swears were 1,218l. 0s. 6d. on the 31st Dec, 1688 to be paid out of the debts of those who have not forfeited their estates or are restored or are entitled to be restored under the said Articles, or (if those prove insufficient) then out of the debts due under the second division as above. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 439–41.
Same to same for a great seal to grant to Alice, Countess of Drogheda, 2,000l. out of the debts due by Randall, Marquess of Antrim, and Sir John Fleming as follows, viz. said Countess has petitioned the Queen shewing that she has lost the benefit of her jointure, being 1,000l. per an., for three years past, being all she had to live on, which has reduced her to a low condition, therefore praying a grant of debts owing to her grandson, Lord Slane, when she was guardian to him, out of the estates of Randall, Marquess of Antrim, and Sir John Fleming: on which petition Sir Richard Levinge, kt., has reported that by reason of the late rebellion she has lost upwards of 2,500l., as is attested by Charles Cambell; that by a patent under the great seal of Ireland all the said Lord Slane's real estate is granted to Godart, Earl of Athlone, but not the personal estate and that the said debts desired by her are (1) 660l. due from Randall, late Earl of Antrim, upon an old bond forfeited in 1636 by him and William, Lord Slane, grandfather of Christopher, late Lord Slane, and others to William and Hugh Wood, and which was paid by said Christopher upon an eligit and for which his estate ought to be relieved against said Lord Antrim (2) a. debt due from Sir John Fleming, being money received by him and by James Barnwall and Christopher Barnwall out of said Christopher's estate and for the recovery of which said Countess some years before the late troubles as guardian of said Christopher preferred a bill in equity against them, but the account was never settled, the sum claimed from them and from tenants to whom they had settled the lands being 2,000l. Ibid, pp. 441–2.
July 27. The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Hellen, Viscountess Kenmare, concerning the annuity of 400l. directed to be paid her out of the rents of her husband's forfeited estate, for the support of herself and children. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 442.
Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to same to allow sums as follows to the respective Receivers or Collectors [of the Revenue, Ireland] to the end James Hamilton of Tallymore may be acquitted of same and have their bonds delivered up it appearing from his petition that he and other gentlemen of Ulster engaged themselves to several persons for said sums of money, amounting to 400l. 4s. 1d., for the use of the Association in Ulster in 1688, and that divers of the said sums were procured from the collectors and other officers of the public revenue; as to which collectors the royal letter of 1692, Aug. 31, to the Lord Lieutenant, did order the allowing and discharging thereof in the accounts of said collectors and that the remaining items in said total, representing sums borrowed by said Hamilton from private persons, should be paid to him out of any part of the revenue in Ireland to enable him to discharge the said debts to such private persons but it appearing that the said royal letter is lost or mislaid so that said Hamilton has received no benefit thereby wherefore the same is hereby renewed. Ibid, pp. 443–4.
Appending list of said moneys, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, pp. 1801–2, certified ut ibid.
July 29. Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,000,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster General of the Forces as imprest for the pay of the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces. (Money warrant dated Aug. 1 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated July 31.) (Money order dated Aug. 1 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 484. Money Book XII, p. 260. Order Book IV, p. 109.
July 30. Money warrant for 875l. to the Commissioners of Accounts for one quarter to July 24 inst. on their privy seal, ut supra, p. 722. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 485. Money Book XII. p. 262. Order Book IV, p. 114.
Henry Guy to Mr. Bartholomew Burton to pay (out of the 5,000l., ut supra, p. 719), 120l. to Edward Noell for 2 per cent. allowance on a loan of 6,000l. lately made at the Exchequer in his name on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, supra, p. 718. Disposition Book XII p. 109.
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Navy Treasurer] to pay the bills as follow out of the 3,853l. 9s. 11d. directed ut supra, p. 708, to the said Treasurer for the hire of ships in the West Indies, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 112.
a bill drawn by Col. Kendall, Governor of Barbados, for the hire of the ship Six Friends, Jo[h]n Dagger master, for two months and two days as a transport in the expedition against the French in those parts 484 14 3
a like bill for hire of the ship Bourdeaux Merchant, Lawrence Sterman master, for two months and six days, for the like service 264 16 7
a like bill for the hire of the sloop Dilligence, William Burrough commander, for 2½ months, for the like service 62 3 0
a bill drawn by Col. Codrington, Governor of the Leeward Islands, for the hire of the pink Neptune, Thomas Foster master, in the like service, from 1692–3, March 24, to May 12 following 136 10 0
£948 3 10
July 31. Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay to Charles Orchard, gent., his two fees of 83l. 6s. 8d. per an. as Customer at Exeter and 50l. per an. as Customer at Barnstaple. Money Book XII, p. 267.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise 158l. 14s. 2d. to Sir Stephen Evance and Thomas Browne. Disposition Book XII, p. 112.
And 1,250l. to Edward Pauncefort on the unsatisfied order in his name out of loans to be made by himself or any other at his nomination on credit of said Excise.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the memorial of Monsieur Pauly [Paulli], the King of Denmark's Resident, praying that “those” ships may be freed from the payment of the duties of entries, discharges, tonnage, wharfage, light[house] money and the other impositions upon corn in regard they were not stopped by their own fault or have done anything contrary to the Convention nor were their - goods contraband by the Treaty: said petition being referred to the Treasury from the Privy Council. Reference Book VII, p. 62.
July 31. The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Margaret, Viscountess Purbeck, to the Queen, concerning some moneys owing to her in Ireland which are forfeited to the Crown by the attainder of Robert Feilding, her husband. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 452.