Entry Book: February 1693, 21-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: February 1693, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp58-70 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1693, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp58-70.

"Entry Book: February 1693, 21-28". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp58-70.


February 1693, 21–28

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 21. Establishment, under the King's sign manual, for two additional Reformed Captains to the Lord Galway's Regiment of Horse at 10s. a day each (total establishment, 365l. per an.): the King having appointed Hector de Cramahe and —— Le Goulesnes as such over and above the number allowed to said Regiment by the Establishment of the Forces. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 82.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay to William Smith, Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 6 per cent. interest on 3,000l. Hearthmoney tallies struck for the arrears of said Band: to be paid out of the arrears of Hearth-money to be paid in by William Tempest, late a Receiver of Hearthmoney; the said Smith being informed that Tempest will in a few days pay in 1,500l. on his account; “the remaining sum due to petitioner [Smith] being but 750l. Money Book XII, p. 25.
Money order for 20l. each to Peter Le Neve and John Lowe for Michaelmas and Hilary terms, 1692, on their additional allowance for sorting and ordering records, foreign and domestic, in the Treasury [of the Receipt] at Westminster. Order Book III, p. 352.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 500l. to Charles Trelawney, esq., out of loans on the Exchequer in general. Disposition Book XI, p. 98.
Same to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier], enclosing a certificate as follows of 6 per cent. interest paid upon loans to John, Lord Ossulston. You are to pay him 2 per cent. as gratuity thereon: Ibid, p. 99.
l. s. d.
on 6,000l. from 1692, June 23, to 1692–3, Feb. 10 228 6 6
on 4,000l. from 1692, June 25, to 1692–3, Feb. 11 151 11 2
Same to the Earl of Bath and the Countess of Devon respectively. The Treasury Lords will hear on Monday next the business between you relating to the estate claimed for Sir Lawrence Esmond. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 4.
Same to Sir Francis Lawley [Master of the Jewel House]. Is there in the Jewel House any account of the plate in Ludlow Castle. If so, certify my Lords the quantity of it. Ibid, p. 5.
Feb. 21. Henry Guy to the Earl of Montagu to provide liveries with banners etc. for two trumpeters of the Earl of Scarborough's Troop: to your estimate of about 130l. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 5.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Walter Devereux, praying payment of 108l. 7s. 9d. due to him as Capt. Lieut. in Col. Toby Purcell's Regiment. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Customs Commissioners have ordered the respective port collectors to defray the expenses of impresting seamen as by the Proclamation of 9 Feb. inst., supra, p. 44. They desire, in order to the encouragement of the said collectors, the speedy passing of the like port collectors' accounts for moneys disbursed in the like service for 1690, amounting to 282l. 9s. 9d., “which although not vouched according to the forms of your office” are certified by the Comptroller General of the Customs as reasonable and the vouchers to be as regular as the nature of the affair would admit. My Lords therefore direct you to pass those accounts forthwith, “although not strictly within the forms of the Navy.” Ibid, p. 6.
Same to Sir Leonard Robinson. In reply to your letter concerning the loans which are about to be made at the Exchequer by the citizens [of London] my Lords desire you to use your endeavours to get as much money as you can paid in on the 1,000,000l. Act. “They will take care that you have timely notice sent you before they come into the city to borrow money on the 4s. Aid, as you desire.” Ibid, p. 7.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor], enclosing a letter [missing] of Mr. Overton, Warden of the Mint, desiring that you may attend the sheriffs with the privy seal lately passed for clippings etc. You are to do this and to demand from the sheriffs the clippings etc. in their hands, “which if they refuse to deliver,” you are to proceed against them at law. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to insert John Hodgson on the establishment at 20l. per an. as a deputy at Liverpool to James Vary, Comptroller of Chester port: the deputy at Liverpool having enjoyed that allowance from the King. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 33.
Treasury reference to Auditor Parsons of the memorial of Mr. St. Loe concerning money which Mr. John Bennet and Mr. Thomas Bennet were in arrear as receivers of the fee farm rents for cos. Dorset and Somerset in the years 1674 and 1676 “and [his] desire to get the accompt passed which amounts to 771l. 0s. 2d. Reference Book VI, p. 450.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of George Copley's petition to the King, praying to be discharged of his impost bond for 10,000[lb.] weight of tobacco, [bond] value near 100l. Ibid.
Same to William Tailer of the petition of John Farrington, shewing that in 1652–3, Jan. 10, Skinner Ryder demised, for 1,900l., Wallwood part of the manor of Layton, co. Essex, to Edward Holmes for 500 years at a peppercorn rent; Holmes left his estate to his two daughters Susanne and Mary; Mary released all her interest in Wallwood to Susanna, who afterwards married petitioner and is dead; that his said wife was for some time kept out of possession by the vergers and officers of Waltham Forest, who pretended it belonged to the Crown, and upon the same pretence keep petitioner out of possession to his great damage, “being 3,000l. worth of timber sold of [off] the premises by such as pretend a right under the Crown”: therefore praying to be put into possession. Ibid.
Feb. 21. Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of John Phillips, a collector of Excise, shewing that he was robbed of 198l. 2s.d. near Enfield; that he defended himself and killed one of the highwaymen: therefore praying to be allowed said sum in his account. Reference Book VI, p. 451.
Same to same of the petition of Jos. Thompson, distiller, shewing that his distilling house, dwelling house, goods etc. were burnt Dec. 9 last, whereby he is become uncapable of paying 115l. 4s. 8d. for three months' Excise due on wines and spirits; therefore praying to be allowed same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of John Jones for repayment of 337l. 12s. 0d. disbursed in the King's service and “for reward for his pains, attendance and sufferings.” Ibid, p. 452.
Treasury warrant to Sir Edward Clarke and Sir Francis Child, kts., late Sheriffs of London, to deliver to Peter Hume, Yeoman of their Majesties' Removing Wardrobe, all the goods and chattels of John, late Earl of Melfort, which by inquisition taken before said sheriffs at the Sign of the Castle in Paternoster Row 1690–1, Feb. 10, were found and seized, to the value of 986l. 14s. 6d., as in possession of said Earl in the bailiwick of said sheriffs the day of his being outlawed for treason, to wit on 1689–90, Feb. 10. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 130.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of John Ford that notice be given him before any noli prosequi be entered to the informations which he has exhibited in the Attorney General's name against Nath. Dowridg and John Addis for sundry frauds and embezzlements to the value of 1,100l. and severally against said Dowridge to the value of 500l. Caveat Book, p. 31.
Feb. 22. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to take no Exchequer fees on the 223l. 10s. 0d. for Lady Mary Kirke et al., supra, p. 41, in accordance with the letter of 1691, Aug. 10, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1257. Disposition Book XI, p. 99.
Dec. [sic, erratum for Feb.] 22. Same to Mr. Duncombe [Excise Cashier] to forbear payment of the 205l. 8s.d. to Edward Noell, ordered Dec. 30 last, supra, ibid, p. 1958, my Lords having given direction for satisfying same at the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 100.
Feb. 22. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay the 402l. 6s. 7d. which Mr. Duncomb will pay into the Exchequer out of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise to Edward Noell and Thomas Brown upon their orders of the 17th inst., ut supra, p. 41. Ibid.
Feb. 22. Henry Guy to Sir Francis Lawley to forthwith call into the Jewel House the 6,084 ounces of white plate and 534¾ ounces of gilt plate belonging to their Majesties which you certify to be in the hands of the Earl of Macclesfield. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 7.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe to remit the fine of 165l. in the lease of the Hundreds of Bosmere etc. to Thomas Felton, ut supra, p. 44, and Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1952: in accordance with the King's pleasure. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 115.
Feb. 23. Royal warrant to John Richards, gent. (appointed by privy seal of date hereof to be Receiver General of Recusants' Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures, with instructions to dispose of same as the King shall appoint by warrant under the sign manual), to pay out of his receipts thereof from time to time to Thomas Baker and Peter Stepkin one full third part of such receipts: to be taken by them without account as reward for their services and charges in discovering, prosecuting and recovering such moneys. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 51.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 4s. Aid: l. Disposition Book XI, p. 100.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 14,300
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 5,000
Treasury warrant to the Principal Officers of the Ordnance to apply to the expense of the Office of Ordnance in respect of naval affairs the 5,000l. directed as above, p. 61, as in further part of 700,000l. appropriated, by the Act for the 4s. Aid, to the Navy and Ordnance. Money Book XII, p. 30.
Henry Guy to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] to pay into the Exchequer to-morrow 2,000l. upon account of the fourth of the Customs. Disposition Book XI, p. 100.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 101.
Out of 1,861l. 10s. 9 12;d. of the complements of the Excise; and 23,213l. 11s.d. of contributions [on 4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3]: making 25,075l. 1s. 11d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence to the Forces as well here as in Flanders, including the Train of Artillery and the several additions lately made 22,525 17 7
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Jos. Hern towards answering the value of bills given by him for the Hanover Troops 1,208 6 8
to ditto for subsistence to Lieut. Col. Causabon 121 12 8
to ditto for the two New York Companies 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Goddard as exempt in the First Troop of Horse Guards, half pay to 1692–3, Mar. 1 111 6 8
[Out of] contributions.
to Mr. Fox for one week's subsistence to the Regiments of Hamilton, La Melonier, Du Cambon and Belcastle 852 11 4
to ditto for Sir Jos. Hern in further part of 10,000l. advanced to the Danish Forces 2,000 0 0
to ditto for Sir John Hanmer for his pay as Brigadier to 1691–2, Jan. 1. 280 10 0
to Mr. Goddard for his equipage as Governor of Bermudas out of any disposable money as is or shall come into the Exchequer 200 0 0
£28,408 3 3
Feb. 23. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to take no more fees on the 402l. 6s. 7d. for Mr. Noell and Brown, supra, p. 61, “than what are taken for the moneys issued to me [Guy] for secret service.” Disposition Book XI, p. 101.
Same to the Lord Privy Seal. A caveat is entered before you to obstruct the privy seal appointing Mr. Richards (who executes the office of Treasurer of the Chamber) as Receiver of [Recusants' and] Dissenters' forfeitures. My Lords desire that the said privy seal may be despatched, as there are several persons ready to pay the King's money and his Majesty's service suffers for want of an authority to receive it. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 6.
Same to the Lords [Commissioners] of the Great Seal. Some persons for private advantage have entered a caveat before you to obstruct the sealing of the contract lately made by the King with Mr. Corbet for coining copper farthings. My Lords desire you to seal that contract, wherein his Majesty's service is so much concerned. Ibid, p. 7.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Brigadier General Churchill concerning money due to his Regiment. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Philip Ryley of the petition of Christopher Montague, shewing that the 47 tons of timber and 212l. in money are not sufficient for repairing the several lodges in Salcey Forest: therefore praying [a further] 16 tons of timber and 127l. in money: to be raised by sale of dotard timber in that forest. Reference Book VI, p. 451.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Newton, woodward of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, to set out and fell sufficient timber for the gating, posting and “cabaning” of the coppices called Danes Coppice in Salcey Forest in the Walk of John Stirk, keeper; and Maine Fallow Coppice in Gallet Walk and Pond Riding Coppice in Shrob Walk and Smalladine in Wakefield Walk in Whittlewood Forest: the said coppices being of 21 years' growth and over, and fit to be cut and felled this season and sold for the Queen Dowager's service. Last year's gate and post timber is to be used where it can be conveniently spared. An account of the offal to be rendered to the Auditor of the County, and an account of the number and value of the trees felled is hereby to be rendered to the Treasury Lords. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 132–3.
Feb. 24. Treasury warrant to the Auditors of the Land Revenues in England and Wales to allow 2d. per £ to the Receivers of the second Twelve Months' Aid, on gross receipts, in accordance with the Act [2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1]; provided the respective Receiver has returned his duplicate and upon the due clearing of his account. Money Book XII, p. 13.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of loans on the 4s. Aid, viz.: l. Disposition Book XI, p. 102.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for wages 15,000
to ditto for wear and tear, whereof 1,200l. for Sick and Wounded 11,200
to ditto for Victualling 800
to the Earl of Ranelagh in part of what remains due for bread and forage for the Hanover Troops 4,000
to ditto in part of what is to be advanced for forage for the other Forces 6,000
to ditto for carriages for the present campaign 5,400
Same to Mr. Clarke and [Mr.] Sharpe to deliver to Major Ingram and Mr. Rawkins the parcels of cloth embezzled by Mr. Baradel and others, tailors concerned in clothing the Marine Regiments in 1690, and which were seized by you and are now in your custody. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 8.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition of Robert Lord and George Parsons, shoemakers, concerning a debt due to them from Phill[ip] Colby, clothier, deceased. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to lay before the Committee for Trade and Foreign Plantations the enclosed report [missing] from the Customs Commissioners on the petition of Luke Lopdell for vacating his 1,000l. bond given in Virginia. Ibid.
Same to Lieut. Gen. Talmach to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] made by Col. Venner concerning the Hospitals in Flanders for the next campaign. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith, enclosing the petition, supra, p. 36, of Mris. Ann Ball concerning parish duties on her house within the King's Timber Yard at Windsor; with the Attorney General's report [missing] thereon. You are to carry on the suit at the King's charge. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Van Homrigh. The King has directed the stating the accounts of those Regiments, 25 in number, that served in Ireland and now in England and Flanders in order to clear them to 1692, April 1. You are forthwith to enter with the Commissioners for Stating the Accounts of the Army in Ireland all vouchers in your custody for provisions etc. delivered by you as one of the Commissaries General of the Army; and then to return the said vouchers to the Paymasters General [of the Army] of Ireland here in order to deliver them up to the several Regiments when allowed by them on their account. The certificate of the said Commissioners of Accounts shall be a sufficient voucher for discharge of so much upon your account. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 249.
Feb. 24. Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of John Farrington against any grant of a parcel of land called Wall-wood near Epping Forest to Visct. Colchester or any other till he be first heard. Notice to be given him at Mr. Vaughan's in Gunpowder Alley, near Shoe Lane in Fleet Street. Caveat Book, p. 31.
Same of a same in behalf of James St. Amand that no grant pass to the Earl of Manchester or any other of the estate of John Ashton, lately executed for high treason. (In the margin: withdrawn by Mr. St. Amand 1692–3, Mar. 3.) Ibid.
Feb. 25. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to repay loans as follows (as by the warrants of 1692, July 27, Sept. 2 [Aug. 31], and Oct. 14, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, pp. 1742, 1798, 1862) out of the Double Excise and the impositions on beer etc. [as granted by 2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 3, and 2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 10] to a total of 33,271l. 13s. 4d.: the said sums being charged for repayment on the Quarterly Poll in the abovesaid warrants, but that fund now proving insufficient. The 6 per cent. interest on said sums is to be paid out of the fourth of the Customs. Money Book XII, p. 26.
Appending: schedule of said loans:
Earl of Montague, 5,000l., registered after 139,408l. 8s. 7d. on the second quarter of the said Poll.
Cha. Fox, 374l. 9s. 0d., registered after 144,408l. 8s. 7d.
Earl of Ranelagh, 3,047l. 4s. 4d., registered after 144,782l. 17s. 7d.
Bartholomew Franklin, 200l., registered after 147,830l. 1s. 11d.
Mary Durez, 50l., registered after 148,030l. 1s. 11d.
Edward Osborne, 200l., registered after 148,080l. 1s. 11d.
John Matthews, 200l., registered after 148,280l. 1s. 11d.
Earl of Montagu, 1,000l., registered after 148,480l. 1s. 11d.
Mr. Fox, 3,200l., registered after 140,075l. 6s. 5d. on the third quarter of said Poll.
Edward Russell, 6,724l. 13s. 7d., registered after 143,275l. 6s. 5d.
ditto, 13,275l. 6s. 5d., registered after 136,724l. 13s. 7d. on the fourth quarter of said Poll.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Mainhardt, Duke of Leinster, of all wrecks etc. on any rocks, shelves, shoals, seas, rivers or banks in America between the latitudes of 12 degrees south and 40 degrees north within 20 years herefrom, excepting the wrecks within 20 leagues of the Island of Bermudas, and between Cartagena and Jamaica and Havana, and within 30 leagues of the Isles of Sables in America and any other parts where grants of the like have been already made: reserving a full tenth part of the proceeds hereof to the Crown: he to keep true and faithful accounts etc. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 63–5.
Feb. 25. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a discharge to John Kent and Nicho. Fenn, two of the executors of Richard Kent, as follows: the said Richard did on 26th April, 1672, lend 1,000l. to Roger Vaughan, who entered into a Statute Staple to Francis Coffin in trust for said Richard Kent in 2,000l., and Vaughan dying said Kent took in the encumbrances on his estate for his better security: said Vaughan was in 1670 appointed Receiver General of Hearthmoney for co. Hereford and gave two bonds of 1,800l. each to the Crown, and on his account ended 1671, Sept. 29, was indebted 216l. 13s. 0d. and on his like account for the following year 457l. 3s. 0d.: whereupon his estate was seized by the Crown: whereupon the title thereto of Richard Cocks, an infant, under deed dated 1664, Aug. 17, was confessed by the Attorney General and the estate was discharged from seizure: which discharged estate was taken in by said Richard Kent as above and his executors have now sold same and desire for the better satisfaction of the purchaser that it may be discharged from the said Vaughan's surety bonds: it appearing further that Humphry Cornwall and Herbert Aubery, sureties of said Vaughan, were discharged from their surety bonds by Charles II and that said Vaughan died in a very mean condition. The King therefore hereby discharges the said executors or any others entitled to the estate of said Vaughan from the Crown's claim of said balances of 216l. 13s. 0d. and 457l. 3s. 0d. and all other obligations of said Vaughan and his said bonds are hereby to be given up to said executors to be cancelled. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 71–3.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Jacob Leisler, son of Jacob Leisler, deceased, of the city of New York in America, of all the real estate in New York or in England of the said father, he having with Jacob Milburne, late of New York, been some time since condemned and executed for treason or supposed treasons in the Colony of New York, and their widows and children have petitioned setting forth their distressed condition and praying to be restored to their estates. Ibid, pp. 94–7.
And similarly to grant to Mary Milburne, relict of said Jacob Milburne, all his real estate forfeited similiter.
And similarly to grant and restore to Gerrard Beckman, Thomas Williams, Myndert Coarten [Courteen], Abra. Brasier, John Vermullie [Vermuillen] (all of the Province of New York, who were convicted of high treason there 1691, Mar. 31) and Abraham Gouverneur (of the said Province, who was at the same time convicted for the murder of Josiah Browne, late of the same place, labourer) all their respective real estates forfeited thereby.
Same [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal to discharge Henry, Earl of Athlone, of divers sums as follow. By commission under the royal signet, dated 1690, July 30, said Earl arrived in Ireland 1690, Sept. 21, to the chief command of the Forces there as being eldest Lieutenant General there upon the return of the Count de Solmes out of Ireland. During his command the said Earl issued warrants etc. for payments relating to the said Forces between 1690, Sept. 15, and 1691, Dec. 31, and now prays an effectual discharge in respect of his signing the said warrants. Thinking the same reasonable and being well satisfied with his good and faithful services, the King hereby approves, ratifies and confirms all the said warrants, orders and directions given by him between the said dates and hereby discharges him, his heirs etc. of all claims etc. in respect thereof. Ibid, pp. 49–50.
Feb. 25. Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to pay 200l. to Capt. John Goddard, appointed Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of Bermudas, without account: for the transportation of himself, family and household goods: being the usual allowance to his predecessors to carry them to that Government. (Money warrant dated Feb. 28 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 2 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 50. Money Book XII, p. 28. Order Book III, p. 353.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 100,000l. to Francis, Visct. Newport, Cofferer of the Household: as imprest for the ordinary and extraordinary expense of the Household. (Money warrant dated Mar. 10 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Mar. 9.) (Money order dated Mar. 13 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 50. Money Book XII, p. 35. Order Book III, p. 357.
Sign manual to the Treasury Lords to pay 10,000l. to Caspar Frederick Henning: as imprest for the service of the Gardens: to be expended under directions from William, Earl of Portland, Super-intendent of their Majesties' Gardens. (Money warrant dated Mar. 2 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 52. Order Book III, p. 355.
Money warrant for 250l. to the Earl of Essex for 1692, Christmas quarter, as one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. (Money order dated Feb. 28 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 9. Order Book III, p. 341.
Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to apply as follows 41,300l. [being partly sums, ut supra, p. 63], viz.: l. Money Book XII, p. 22.
for wages 15,000
for wear and tear, whereof 1,200l. for the Sick and Wounded 11,200
for the Victualling, whereof 800l. for the Sick and Wounded 15,100
Same to Brook Bridges, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to allow in account to John Rawkins (who upon the death of —— Vanvliet, gent., hath taken upon him to pass the account of moneys issued to Henry, Seigneur D'Auverquere, Master of the Horse to his Majesty), viz. as follows: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 27.
the balance of the last account of the Stables 9 4 8
money disbursed by the said Mr. Vanvliet 12 8 6
more for his [Rawkins'] pains and charges in keeping and passing these accounts 109 15 0
£131 8 2
Feb. 25. Money warrant for 40,000l. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works: as imprest for the service of the Works, as by the privy seal of Feb. 23 inst. (Money order dated Mar. 6 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 27. Order Book III, p. 355.
Same for 686l. 5s. 0d. to Thomas Felton and the executors of William Chiffinch for half a year to Christmas last on their several fees as Master of the Hawks. Money Book XII, p. 28.
Money order for 89l. 9s. 0d. to Robert Humfreys, esq., without account: for fitting and accommodating the rooms belonging to the late Court of Star Chamber for the Trial of the Pix, July 4 last, and for the entertainment of the officers of the Mint and the Jury of Goldsmiths attending same. Order Book III, p. 353.
William Lowndes (in the absence of Mr. Guy) to the Earl of Ranelagh to report, with Mr. Fox, on the enclosed list [missing] of officers and attendants for the Hospital in Flanders, with the allowances designed for them, to commence May 1 next. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 5.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition of Charles Trevanion of Crego, esq., together with Mr. William Tailer's report [all missing, see Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1656] thereon. (A fresh letter hereon [to the like effect] dated 1693, April 5.) Ibid, p. 9.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order in Council dated Feb. 23 inst. for eight fishing ships with 60 men to go to Newfoundland. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 29.
Treasury reference to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of several merchants of London, referred to the Treasury from the Privy Council Feb. 23 inst.: said petition setting forth that they supplied his Majesty with ships to transport soldiers to the West Indies; therefore praying to be recompensed for the stay of their ships (to take said men on board) about three months beyond the time agreed on with the Victualling Commissioners. Reference Book VI, p. 451.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a Commission under the great seal of Ireland to Sir Michael Mitchell, kt., now Mayor of Dublin, Charles Dering, John Weaver, William Mollineux and John Nelmes to be Commissioners for Forfeited Estates in Ireland (“for inspecting and examining into all our Stores of War and Provisions, and into all such goods and chattels as have or ought to have been forfeited unto us and into all such rents and arrears of rents which are or ought to have been paid to us since our accession to the Crown out of all forfeited houses, lands, tenements and hereditaments, chattels real, mortgages” etc. . . . how the same has been managed and how we have been abused in each particular and by whom): with power to them to lease for seven years from Mar. 25 next all lands forfeited, or which shall appear hereafter to be forfeited: with 400l. per an. each: to be paid out of the said goods, leases etc.: Richard Darling to be Secretary and Register with 300l. per an. for providing clerks, books, papers etc. All by reason that the King is very sensible that many great abuses have been committed by several persons in the management of the said stores of war and provisions and that he has not received the benefit of the said forfeited goods, lands etc. forfeited or that ought to have been forfeited by the treasons committed by several persons in Ireland and that the rents of the forfeited estates have been so mismanaged that the Crown has received little or no advantage thereout and that no direct means or methods have been used in leasing the said estates and that a great part of the profit has been converted to private ends. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 250–3.
Appending: instructions for the said Commission: (1) Power to summon all persons concerned: (2) and to take into their hands all books, papers, bonds etc.: (3) and to administer oath: (4) and to reward discoverers: (5) and to settle all accounts and give discharges: (6) and to seize all forfeited lands: (7) and to seize estates of persons who have embezzled any the said goods, stores etc.: (8) and to pay persons employed herein and contingencies: (9) Commissioners to be sworn to act without favour or affection: (10) to have Exchequer assistance or information from the [Privy] Council [Ireland]: (11) power to inspect all estates etc. forfeited since the accession and how applied; and all rents and arrears thereout due to May] next to be paid to said Commissioners: (12) power to lease as above: (13) to keep books of all such leases by them with entries of Protestant incumbrances which they have taken notice of before such leasing: (14) the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to furnish them with all books, rent rolls etc. necessary: (15) the collectors in every district to obey the Commissioners herein: (16) rent rolls to be made of all leases set by them as above, for the Commissioners of Revenue and the Auditor General to collect the rents and put same in charge: (17) a standing Council to be appointed for constant advice: (18) the Commissioners to give in an account half yearly to the Lord Lieutenant: (19) the Lord Lieutenant to give further instructions from time to time.
Feb. 25. Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to place on the Military List of the establishment of Ireland two additional Deputy Commissaries of the Musters at the salary of 5s. a day each from 1691–2, Jan. 1, and to pay what is due thereon to Jan. 1 last and for the future quarterly: all by reason that by letter of Jan. 17 last said Lord Lieutenant has represented that in several petitions Mr. Yarner, Muster Master General [Ireland], sets forth that in all former establishments of Ireland never less than eight or six Deputy Commissaries of the Musters were allowed, whereas there are but four in the present Establishment, and that it is impossible to carry on the business with so small a number: of which inconvenience the late Lords Justices were so sensible that they ordered the two that were to be reduced to proceed on the business as formerly till the King's pleasure should be known; and they have done duty ever since. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 253.
Feb. 27. Henry Guy to Mr. Duncomb to pay into the Exchequer forthwith 420l. of the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XI, p. 102.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the above 420l.) to me [Guy] 419l. 3s.d. for secret service “in full of 500l. directed to be paid to me out of any disposable money in the Exchequer.” (In the margin: the remainder is but 411l. 3s.d.) Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of the Great Seal. The Members of Parliament for the County of Cornwall have presented a petition to the King against passing the contract with Mr. Corbet for coining copper farthings. Notwithstanding my letter of the 23rd inst., supra, p. 63, you are to forbear sealing the contract till the matter be determined by the King in Council. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 9.
Same to the Lord Chamberlain to give warrant to the Earl of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, to provide cloth etc. for Consul Baker as a present for the Algiers Government, ut supra, p. 57. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. In reply to yours of the 14th inst. desiring 250 or 300 loads of knee timber for the Navy out of Windsor Forest, the King is not willing that any such timber should be felled there. Send my Lords word where it may be otherwise had “that so the same may be bought for the said service.” Ibid.
Same to the Postmasters General. In yours of Nov. 17 last you signify that by Treasury order of 1692, Aug. 24, 100l. per an. is to be paid to Mr. Vanderpoole at the Brill from 1691, Sept. 29, and that said Vanderpoole had before a salary of 20l. a year for taking care of the mails and despatching the packet boats from the Brill. You are hereby to pay him both the said 20l. per an. and the said 100l. per an. Ibid.
Feb. 17
[sic, ? erratum for Feb. 27].
Same to Mr. Richards. Send me an account from time to time of your receipts of money under the privy seal lately appointing you Receiver of the Fines etc. of Recusants, from 1677, Sept. 29, to 1688, Nov. 5. Ibid.
Feb. 27. Same to Mr. Blathwaite, enclosing the petition of Col. Kirkby, Governor of Chester, praying the establishment for him of the like allowances as Sir John Morgan, the late Governor there, had. Please prepare a royal warrant to be signed by the King for this. Ibid, p. 10.
Appending: note only of said petition.
Treasury warrant to William Tayler for a particular of the premises (ground in the bailiwick of St. James's, ut supra, p. 30), petitioned for by William Lownds in order to a lease thereof to him for 99 years from 1722–3, Feb. 14, or other sooner determination of the term in being, granted by Charles II to Sir William Pultney: at the rent of 13s. 4d. per an. for each of the three parcels of ground. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 130.
Prefixing: note only of said Tailer's report on said Lownds' petition for same.
Feb. 28. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in at the Exchequer any contributions not exceeding 1,000,000l. in all before May 1 next on the terms as to survivorship interests etc. as in the Act [4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3], granting certain rates and duties of Excise for securing such advances: tallies to be levied for moneys so advanced and orders to be drawn for the payment of the shares and dividends as such contributors are to have by the said Act: and such books and registers to be kept as are prescribed by said Act: and in all other matters the rules and directions of said Act to be observed. Money Book XII, p. 29.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Whitebread, Receiver of the second Twelve Months' Aid and Quarterly Poll for co. Beds, praying an allowance for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. Reference Book VI, p. 452.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for records of surplusage to be made to satisfy the 40l. 19s. 2d. owing to Walter Howland, esq., late sheriff of Surrey, as the surplusage on his account for the year ended 1691, Sept. 29: same to be hereby satisfied out of any debits of any other sheriffs. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 131.
Prefixing: extract from the Great Roll of the Pipe of said surplusage.
The like for the surplusage of 38l. 3s. 6d. of Henry Wallis, due upon his account for the same year as sheriff of co. Wilts. Ibid.
Prefixing: as above.