Entry Book: February 1693, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: February 1693, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp44-58 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1693, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp44-58.

"Entry Book: February 1693, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp44-58.


February 1693, 11–20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 11. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to direct their collectors in the counties as below to supply the Lords Lieutenants named with such money from time to time as shall be requisite for carrying on the service of the impresting of seamen in accordance with the Order in Council of the 2nd inst., which ordered the said Lieutenants to imprest all seamen and watermen within their Lieutenancies and to despatch them to the Vice-Admirals at the coast and to give each man 12d. as imprest money and 6d. a day per man to maintain them till a sufficient number be gathered together and afterwards 8d. a man a day when they are marching to the place of embarcation. Money Book XII, pp. 12–13.
Appending: list of said Lords Lieutenants of the Inland Counties:
William, Earl of Bedford, for cos. Beds, Cambridge and Middlesex.
Henry, Duke of Norfolk, for cos. Berks and Surrey.
John, Earl of Bridgewater, for co. Bucks.
William, Earl of Devonshire, for cos. Derby and Notts.
Charles, Earl of Macclesfield, for cos. Hereford and Monmouth.
Charles, Earl of Manchester, for co. Huntingdon.
Charles, Earl of Monmouth, for co. Northampton.
James, Earl of Abingdon, for co. Oxford.
Bennett, Lord Sherrard, for co. Rutland.
Francis, Visct. Newport, for co. Salop.
William, Lord Paget, for co. Stafford.
George, Earl of Northampton, for co. Warwick.
Charles, Earl of Shrewsbury, for co. Worcester.
Thomas, Earl of Pembroke, for co. Wilts.
Algernon, Earl of Essex, for co. Herts.
John, Earl of Rutland, for co. Leicester.
Money warrant for 3,880l. 1s. 2d. to Bernard Eales, their Majesties' Goldsmith, for jewels, plate work etc. by him delivered into the Jewel House from 1691–2, Mar. 17, to 1692–3, Jan. 20. (Money order dated Feb. 13 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt, dated Feb. 10 [probably erratum for 13], to pay same out of loans to be made by said Eales on the three fourths of the Customs.) Ibid, pp. 14–15. Order Book III, p. 347. Disposition Book XI, p. 74.
Appending: certificate of said jewels etc.:
832l. 6s. 8d. for a fair onyx George set with large diamonds with an enamelled George and Garter on the backside; a diamond Garter set with large diamonds and a gold collar weighing 32oz. 12dwt. 12gr.: all for the Duke of Saxony.
18l. 5s. 0d. for a table diamond set in the Globe of the King's Crown and for new setting some diamonds therein, refreshing a gold Letter Garter and adding some gold to the King's George.
796l. 14s. 7d. for 1,385oz. 17dwt. of gilt plate, great part most curiously wrought and enchased.
332l. 14s. 9d. for 787oz. 2dwt. 12gr. of white plate, part enchased.
105l. 5s. 0d. for new making 477oz. 7dwt. 12gr. of their Majesties' gilt store plate.
314l. 9s. 11d. for gilding and repairing 3,057oz. 17dwt. 12gr. of said gilt store plate.
1,177l. 14s. 7d. for new making 12,024oz. 10dwt. of the white store plate.
170l. 5s. 6d. for boiling and repairing 13,622oz. 12dwt. 12gr. of same.
131l. 15s. 2d. for engraving arms, payments to the casemaker and cutler, crystal glasses for sconces, a Garter fee to the officers of the Jewel House allowed by the King's sign manual etc.
Feb. 11. Money warrant for 100l. to Philip Howard for last Christmas quarter on his annuity for 11 years out of the Lotteries, as by his great seal of Jan. 28 last. Money Book XII, p. 19.
Henry Guy to Lord Coningsby to certify, with Mr. Fox, what is due to the officers of the Army in Ireland on account of their personal pay to 1691–2, Jan. 1. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 449.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing an Order in Council [missing] concerning the paying the arrears due to the two Foot Companies in New York. Send my Lords a state of said arrears. Ibid.
Same to Sir Leonard Robinson [Chamberlain of London]. In the [time of the] last general [Royal] Brief for [public collections for] redemption of captives [in Barbary], which was when Sir Thomas Player was Chamberlain of London, several sums of money were paid to William Bowtell, merchant, for several captives redeemed by him out of Algiers. Send my Lords a certificate of the sums so paid and the dates and the names of the persons for whom same were paid. Ibid, p. 450.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Send my Lords your opinion on the enclosed paper [missing] containing some queries necessary to be agreed upon concerning the importation and exportation of tobacco. Ibid.
Treasury order to same to observe an Order of the King in Council dated Feb. 9 for leave to the ship Abigail, with five men, one landman and one foreigner, to return to New England. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 29.
Francis ketch, with five men and a boy, to go to the Canaries.
Same to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, pp. 30–1.
Prefixing: a like Order, dated Whitehall, Feb. 2 inst., for orders to the respective collectors of the ports next adjoining the localities as below to pay sums as follow to the Vice Admirals or their deputies for impresting seamen as follows, by way of imprest at 10s. per man, which sum is ordered in view of the uncertainty what the full charge for such impressed men may amount to.
650l. to George Courtney, who is to raise 1,300 men in Devonshire.
125l. to the Bishop of Exeter: to raise 250 men in South Cornwall.
50l. to Sir John Molesworth: to raise 100 men in North Cornwall.
100l. to Sir John Guise: to raise 200 men in co. Gloucester.
250l. to Sir Edward Philips, bart.: to raise 500 men in Bristol.
150l. to the Earl of Carbery: to raise 300 men in South Wales.
100l. to Sir William Williams: to raise 200 men in North Wales.
250l. to the Marquess of Winchester: to raise 500 men in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
400l. to the Earl of Scarborough: to raise 800 men in Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle.
100l. to Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven: to raise 200 men in Cumberland and Westmorland.
100l. to Sir Edward Phillips: to raise 200 men in co. Somerset.
250l. to the Earl of Shaftesbury: to raise 500 men in co. Dorset.
150l. to Sir Jo[h]n Pelham: to raise 300 men in co. Sussex.
150l. to Isaac Rebow, esq.: to raise 300 men in co. Essex.
100l. to Visct. Sidney: to raise 200 men in co. Kent.
150l. to the Lord Warden: to raise 300 men in the Cinque Ports.
250l. to Sir Robert Rich: to raise 500 men in co. Suffolk.
250l. to Sir Henry Hobard: to raise 500 men in co. Norfolk.
75l. to Visct. Castleton: to raise 150 men in co. Lincoln.
250l. to Visct. Erwin: to raise 500 men in co. Yorks.
150l. to Lord [Gerard of] Brandon: to raise 300 men in cos. Lancs and Cheshire.
[Total, 4,050l. for 9,100 men.]
Feb. 11. Treasury reference to Mr. Blathwayt of the petition of Robert Livingstone [represented] by Jacob Harwood of London, merchant, shewing that upon the invasion of the French into New York he expended 2,983l. 16s. 37/8d., of which there is yet unpaid [to him] 2,278l. 8s. 63/8d., which he is informed is inserted in the claim made by Col. Dungan: therefore praying that it may be deducted from the said Col. and paid to petitioner with the interest thereon. Reference Book VI, p. 443.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Apprice, praying to surrender his patent as a King's waiter, London port, to Edward North. Ibid, p. 445.
Feb. 11. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a particular of the lands and goods of Thomas Price, late of London, goldsmith, extended into the hands of the late King James II for moneys owing to the King by said Price. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 125.
Feb. 13. Money warrant for 125l. each to the Commissioners of Public Accounts (Sir Thomas Clarges, Sir Peter Colliton, Paul Foley, Sir Mathew Andrews, Sir Benj. Newland, Sir Samuell Barnardiston and Robert Harley) for a quarter each to Jan. 25 last on their allowance of 500l. per an. (Money order dated Feb. 14 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 15. Order Book III, p. 348.
Treasury warrant to the Principal Officers of the Ordnance to apply the 10,000l. this day directed infra for the Treasurer of the Ordnance to the payment of persons for ammunition or services to the Ordnance in the course of the respective bills or contracts for same according to a book to be kept by the Storekeeper of Ordnance for registering the said bills or contracts: all in strict observance of the terms of the Act for the 4s. Aid. Money Book XII, p. 20.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to apply as follows the 40,000l. this day directed infra for the Navy Treasurer, viz. 10,000l. to the Victualling; 20,000l. for pay of officers and seamen; 10,000l. to wear and tear. Ibid, p. 22.
Henry Guy to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] to pay 2 per cent. gratuity as follows to persons for loans on the Exchequer in general, on which they have already received 6 per cent. interest out of the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book XII, p. 93.
26l. 12s. 10¼d. to Robert Fowle; on 5,000l. from 1692, June 18, to Sept. 24.
27l. 3s. 10d. to ditto; on 5,000l. more from 1692, June 18, to Sept. 26.
116l. 3s.d. to Charles Fox; on 10,000l. from 1692, June 9, to several respective dates.
12l. 0s.d. to Edward Russell; on 1,000l. from 1692, June 13, to 1692–3, Jan. 20.
23l. 9s. 2d. to Sir Jo[h]n Read for 5,500l. from 1692, Aug. 9, to 1692–3, Jan. 28.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Guy] for secret service the 2,000l. which Mr. Duncombe was directed, supra, p. 39, to pay into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 74.
Same to same to issue as follows out of loans on the 4s. Aid: viz.: l. Ibid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for four bomb vessels; out of contributions 2,000
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for sea service 10,000
to the Treasurer of the Navy: 10,000l. for Victuallers; 20,000l. for wages; 10,000l. for wear and tear 40,000
Same to the Postmasters General to pay the tallies for 41,600l. directed, supra, p. 38, for Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, by weekly payments of 620l. for 67 weeks, commencing from the determination of the weekly payments already directed. Ibid.
Feb. 13. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. My Lords are informed by the Admiralty that there is at present a great want of seamen for manning the fleet. You are to employ in the service of the Customs as few seamen and watermen fit for the Fleet as possible and for no longer time than necessary. Send my Lords a list of men you have given protection to, with their quality (whether seamen, watermen or seafaring men), the date of the protection and how long same will be in force: and send the like account to my Lords monthly: all as desired by the Admiralty. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 450.
Same to Mr. Feilding. I have laid before my Lords yours of the 3rd inst., with your memorial of the rates of provisions. They think the prices of the straw and faggots too dear. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Smyth (a tidesman extraordinary, London port) for a tidesman in fee's place. My Lords recommend him for the first vacancy. Reference Book VI, p. 443.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Robert Rowe et al., praying payment of the Proclamation reward of 20l. for seizing every libel; they having seized in the house of Mris. Maryweather great quantities of the late King James's Declarations and of a pamphlet entitled “Just Weights and Measures.” Ibid.
The like petition of Nath. Kenton et al.; they claiming to be the seizers.
Feb. 14. Royal sign manual for 155l. to Sir John Trevor for 31 days, Dec. 31 last to Jan. 31, on his allowance as Speaker of the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated Feb. 17 hereon.) (Money order dated Feb. 20 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 45. Money Book XII, p. 24. Order Book III, p. 350.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners for tallies on the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise for 15,000l. to Lancelot Burton in repayment of so much lent by him Dec. 3 last on credit thereof. Money Book XII, p. 17.
Same to the Auditor and the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall for payment of 60l. to Francis Cole, one of the 4 supervisors of tin blowing houses, for his charges in seizing and prosecuting a parcel of tin belonging to William Rawlyn for not having paid the King's duty. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export to Flanders, Customs free, of things in the enclosed list [missing] for clothing the Regiments commanded by Brigadier Ramsay, Sir Cha. Graham and the Earl of Leven. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 451.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] concerning the Receivers of Taxes refusing to take crackt money in the country. Ibid.
Feb. 14. Henry Guy to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing the duplicate [missing] of the last quarter of the Poll for Trigg Hundred, co. Cornwall. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 451.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith, enclosing papers relating to a parcel of tin in Cornwall seized by Mr. Cole; and Mr. Courtney's report [all missing] thereon. You are to prosecute at the King's expense. Ibid, p. 451; XIV, p. 1.
Same to same, returning his report on the petition of Geo. Pitt, junr., praying to be restored to his estate forfeited for killing John Hoyle. Send my Lords a certificate of the value of the furniture, coach and horses, plate and jewels in your report. Ibid, XIII, p. 451.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland to pay 50l. to Lewis L'Estang, Lieutenant reformed, as royal bounty. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the innholders and inhabitants of Hungerford concerning a debt of 139l. 19s. 11d. due to them from Sir Pury Cust's Troop in the Duke of Leinster's Regiment. Ibid, XIV, p. 3.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Pye, gent., as solicitor for taking care of coast bonds loco Samuel Nash. Out Letters (Customs XIII, p. 31.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Feb. 9 inst., for the issue of a Proclamation forthwith charging all seamen and mariners remaining in any county of England and Wales and not listed in his Majesty's service to render themselves to the Navy Commissioners at Chatham, Portsmouth, the storekeeper and muster master for the Navy at Harwich, Hen. Greenhill, agent for the Navy at Plymouth, Major Robert Yate at Bristol, or the collectors of the ports of Ipswich, Wells, Lynn, Boston, Scarborough, Sunderland, Whitby, Southampton, Cowes, Poole, Weymouth, Lyme, Topsham, Dartmouth, Falmouth, Looe, Fowey, Truro, Pembroke, Newcastle, Hull, Liverpool and Great Yarmouth, being places appointed for the receiving the said seamen: the collectors of the ports being to defray the charges of their conduct and subsistence until they be put on board.
Treasury reference to Sir John Somers, Attorney General, of the petition of John Addis and Nathaniel Dowrich of Plymouth, gentlemen, shewing that in Easter term last they were prosecuted in the Exchequer for selling French goods by retail and likewise Dowrich separately for suffering French wines and pruans to be embezzled and not staved whilst he was employed at the Prize Office in Plymouth: that the said informations are occasioned by one Ford out of malice, who has put them to the expense of long journeys to London without bringing the case to a hearing and threatens further trouble to them: therefore pray a noli prosequi. Reference Book VI, p. 446.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Turner for a landwaiter's place now vacant in Lynn port. Ibid, p. 447.
Feb. 15. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the officers of the Receipt to take in before May next sums not exceeding 1,000,000l. on the Act [4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] granting rates and duties of Excise under the terms therein whereby funds are appointed to be set apart to be divided amongst the contributors for life with advantages of survivorship; and to make out tallies of loan for same and to draw orders from time to time for payment of the share or dividends which such respective contributors are to have under said Act: and to keep such books and registers as therein prescribed and to pay the said orders in such method and form as therein. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 44.
Same to same for a same for 100,000l. to Ralph, Earl of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe: as imprest for the service of the said Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 45.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for an indenture of grant to Thomas Neale, esq., and John Tyzacke, gent., of all wrecks, jetsam, flotsam, lagan, gold, bullion etc. on any rocks, shelves, shoals etc. within 30 miles of the Isle of Sables in America between 40 and 50 degrees of north latitude within seven years from date hereof: they yielding a full fifth to the Crown: with right to the Treasury Lords to inspect the fishing on said wrecks etc. Ibid, pp. 52–4.
And further for another great seal to grant to the said Thomas Neale the Crown's fifth part reserved in the abovesaid grant, upon payment of 200l. by said Neal.
Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces Ireland, to pay 50l. to Nicho. Stoaks on account of arrears of pay due to him as Quarter Master in Col. Langston's late Regiment of Horse. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 2.
50l. to Mary Parvins, widow: as royal bounty.
Treasury reference to the agent of the Second Regiment of the Mariners [Marines] of the petition of Fra. Mogson, chirurgeon to said Regiment from 1689–90, Jan. 17, to 1690–1, Jan. 20, praying an allowance for his drugs and physic proportionable to the number of the men. Reference Book VI, p. 447.
Feb. 16. Privy seal concerning clippers and coiners, ut supra, p. 18. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 370.
Same for 200l. to Visct. Villiers for Hyde Park, ut supra, p. 30. (Money warrant dated Feb. 25 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 2 hereon.) Ibid. XVII, p. 29. Money Book XII, p. 27. Order Book III, p. 355.
Same for 120l. per an. to C. Dormer, ut supra, p. 24. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 438.
Money warrant for 893l. 15s. 9d. to Sir Leonard Robinson; 282l. 2s. 9d. thereof for charges and expenses he has been at in receiving 244,660l. [loans] from divers citizens [of London] and others and paying same into the Exchequer on credit of borrowing clauses of the Poll Act and 611l. 13s. 0d. for his care and pains therein. (Money order dated Feb. 30 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt, dated Feb. 24, to pay same out of the fourth of the Customs.) Money Book XII, p. 19. Order Book III, p. 354. Disposition Book XI, p. 102.
Feb. 16. Money warrant for 10,000l. to John Richards, gent., as imprest for wages, bills etc. payable in the Office of Treasurer of the Chamber: as in part of 30,000l. under the privy seal of Feb. 16 inst., supra, p. 31. (Money order dated Feb. 21 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 21. Order Book III, p. 352.
Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to apply as follows the 27,000l. this day directed for the Navy Treasurer, viz.: 10,000l. for wages; 6,200l. for wear and tear, whereof 1,200l. for the Sick and Wounded; 10,800l. for the Victualling, whereof 800l. for the Sick and Wounded. (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same accordingly.) Money Book XII, p. 22. Disposition Book XI, p. 97.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book XI, p. 95.
l. s. d.
Out of 2,000l. 1s.d. of the complements of the Excise; 799l. 16s. 0d. of low wines moneys; 22,700l. of contributions on survivorship; 20,684l. 9s.d. of loans on the 4s. Aid: making 46,184l. 6s. 7d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence to the Forces as well here as in Flanders, including the Train of Artillery and the several additions lately made 22,525 17 7
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne towards answering the value of his bills given for the Hanover Troops 1,208 6 8
to ditto for additional subsistence to 81 Troopers of Lord Galway's Regiment 453 12 0
to ditto for Col. Lumley's Regiment, the like 453 12 0
to ditto for Machado and Pereira in full for bread waggons for the years 1690 and 1691 5,000 0 0
to ditto towards 20,000l. for the Hospitals this year 2,000 0 0
to ditto more in part of same, for the officers of the Hospitals 1,000 0 0
to ditto for 214 recruit horses to six Regiments: (to be detained till further order, see infra) 3,210 0 0
to ditto for 25 recruit horses to Fitzharding's Dragoons 225 0 0
to ditto for the General Officers, upon account 10,000 0 0
Out of loans on the 4s. Aid.
to Mr. Fox for one week's subsistence to the Regiments of Hamilton, La Melonier, Du Cambon and Belcastle 852 11 4
to ditto for Sir Jos. Hern in further part of 10,000l. advanced to the Danes 3,000 0 0
to ditto for so much paid to Sir Joseph Hern for the exchange of 6,000l. returned to Hamburg 300 0 0
to ditto for a day's pay to three French [Huguenot] Regiments for subsistence to the widows 117 8 0
£50,454 5 11
Feb. 16. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 500l. to me [Guy] for secret service out of any unappropriated, unreserved money in the Exchequer. Disposition Book XI, p. 96.
Same to the Navy Treasurer to charge the Navy Victuallers with the 6,000l. which you were desired, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1950, to advance to them for the Chest; “the same having been made good to the Chest at Chatham otherways.” Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to detain in your hands till further order the 3,210l. and 225l. directed to you this day, ut supra, p. 51. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Duncomb to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 1,800l. of the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the above 1,800l., viz.: l. Ibid, p. 97.
to the Privy Purse 500
to the Master of the Horse for the Stables 800
to the Paymaster of the Works for the scaffolding in Westminster Hall 250
to the executors of Mr. Shadwell 150
to me [Guy] for secret service 80
to Mr. Richards for a chapel boy 20
Same to the Earl of Montagu for a certificate of the cost of two trumpeters' coats for the Earl of Scarborough's Troop. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 451.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, a tun of wine belonging to the Envoy from Portugal, being for his own use. Ibid, p. 452.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. On your report on the petition of George Arnold and Richard Low, sureties for Robert Spencer, late collector of Hearth-money, who is indebted 119l. 16s. 11d. to the King, my Lords think you should not prosecute them. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Griffith for a state of the debt owing to the officers and soldiers of the Marine Regiment to which you are agent. (The like letter to Mr. Balderston [for the Marine Regiment for which he is agent].) Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] of Step. Faget and Peter Fauconier concerning a debt due to them for clothing the Regiments of Hesse, Brandenburg and Groben. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland to pay 50l. to Hester Walker, widow, as royal bounty. Ibid, p. 453; XIV, p. 1.
20l. to Widow Verbon [as same].
111l. 9s. 1d. to Andrew Hamilton in full of his arrears of pay as Capt. in Lord George Hamilton's late Regiment of Foot.
Feb. 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Tailer to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Payne for a grant of the lordship or manor of Holme Cultram, co. Cumberland. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 1.
Same to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing the duplicate of the fourth quarter of the Poll for Hemlingford Hundred, co. Warwick. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance. The King has ordered that all accoutrements of war delivered to the Army in Ireland in 1689 shall be given to the Army; but the Officers of the Ordnance there have sent over a general charge without distinction of time. Please ask the Master of the Ordnance, Ireland, to draw a distinct charge of the quantities of arms, tents and other habiliments of war delivered to the Regiments in 1689 and of the quantities delivered afterwards. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Bridges to report on the enclosed memorial of Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby for a privy seal to authorise the passing of the account of the Danish Forces to 1692, April 1. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox. Insert in your next [weekly] memorial for money 348l. for Isaac Teale, apothecary, in accordance with his petition enclosed [missing]. Ibid, p. 2.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Francis Lecester as collector of Padstow port loco Griffith Bowen, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 32.
John Thomas as tidesman and boatman at Dale in Milford port loco Redmond Kething, deceased.
William Stonehouse and Jo[h]n Thompson as boatmen at Stockton loco Thomas Anderton and Aaron Harrison, dismissed.
Richard Beach as boatman at Sidlesham in Chichester port loco John Browne, superannuated and unfit for service.
Mathew Price as waiter and searcher at Oxwich and Penarth in Swansea port loco Nicho Weeks, lately deceased.
Nathaniell Tull as tidesman in fee, Bristol port loco James Browne, lately preferred to be land-waiter there.
Treasury reference to Sir John Cotton and Thomas Franckland, Postmasters General, of the petition of Christopher Reynolds, praying to be discharged from the balance of 51l. on his account as late Postmaster at Nottingham. Reference Book VI, p. 443.
[?] Same to the Auditor for Wales of the petition of Fra. Smith, shewing that he was constituted by Charles II to be Serjeant at Arms to attend the Court and Council in the Marches of Wales with the fee of 3s. a day; that the said Court was taken away by Act of Parliament [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 27, as from the] 1 June, 1689, whereby he lost his office; that from 1688, Michaelmas, when he was last paid, to 1689, June 1, there is 36l. 15s. 0d. due to him, for which the Auditor [of Wales] refuses to give him a debenture. Ibid, p. 446.
Feb. 16. Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Lady Rachel Russell to the King for a grant of all the dissolved Abbey of Strata Marcella with its rights etc. in co. Montgomery: mortgaged to Mr. John Nowell for 6,000l. and forfeited to the Crown by the attainder of the Marquess of Powis. Reference Book VI, p. 446.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Ann King, praying restoration of some Canary and muslins seized coming from Holland, “she satisfying the officer.” Ibid, p. 447.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of Abra. Jordan, carpenter, shewing that 1,000l. is due to him on account of building the Scotch house in Whitehall, and praying to be paid out of the Earl of Melfort's goods now in the hands of the sheriff, and likewise the moneys that shall become due for the alterations now making. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Tailer of the petition of Robert, Earl of Holderness, to the King, praying a grant for his life and that of Coniers Darcy, his brother, of the offices of Bailiff of the Franchise and Liberty of Richmond, co. Yorks, and Steward of the said Liberty, with the return of writs, precepts and warrants, and the office of Steward of the Forest of Richmond and Master Forester or Chief Keeper of said Forest and Constable or Keeper of Middleham Castle: with the fee of 50l. 6s. 4d. per an.: which petitioner's ancestors have enjoyed for years past and now vacant by the death of Coniers, late Earl of Holderness, petitioner's grandfather. Ibid.
Same to Charles Fox of the petition of Geo. Story, chaplain to the Earl of Drogheda's Regiment, for payment of 279l. 19s. 5d. due to him as by an account stated by the Commissioners of Accounts, Ireland. Ibid, p. 448.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The King has commanded that the Commissioners of Accounts in Ireland do immediately send over the original bills vouching the sums charged to the Army in the third column of the scheme of debts, which are distinguished as bills brought in but not examined by the officers of the Army; as also all other vouchers for debt which they judge are justly chargeable on the Army; and in case the originals are not in their custody then you are to give public notice to all persons concerned to deliver in such bills and vouchers to the said Commissioners, who are to register same for the security of the persons concerned. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 249.
Feb. 17. Money warrant for 582l. 14s. 6d. to William Blathwayt for half a year to 1692, Sept. 29, for the clerks and incidents of the Committee for Trade and Plantations. (Money order dated Feb. 20 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 23. Order Book III, p. 350.
Same for 228l. 10s. 7d. to Thomas Baker, Consul at Tangier, for a bill of extraordinaries, 1691, Aug. 25, to 1692, Oct. 10, as allowed by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham Jan. 9 last. Money Book XII, p. 23.
Appending: said bill: l. s. d.
accustomary duties to the several officers at the festival af Bairam 35 17 6
the same at [the festival of] Corban 35 17 6
[paid to] Mr. Joseph Bourne when pursuant to my instructions I sent express to his Majesty with the ratification of the peace; for his extraordinary payment for his passage, two months' expenses in the lazaretto, charges of sickness and burial at Leghorn, “as by the Consul's and Mr. Baker's accounts” 83 0 4
illuminations, fireworks and entertainments on the Dey's breaking the King of Fez's Army 10 6 6
presented [to] the secretaries of the King's house and officers of the Marine 18 18 3
subsistence to delivered up men brought in on ships without passes 10 10 0
relief to the poor galley slaves and others our miserable countrymen 12 15 6
Treasury and Custom House [sic for Exchequer] fees for payment of my last year's extraordinaries and for receiving seven quarters' salary 21 5 0
£228 10 7
Feb. 17. Money warrant for 150l. to the executors of Thomas Shadwell for half a year to 1692, Michaelmas, on his allowance as late Poet Laureat and Historiographer Royal. Money Book XII, p. 24.
Same for 1,200l. to the Agents for Taxes; to be by them immediately paid back into the Exchequer on Richard Burnaby's account as Receiver General of the second Twelve Months' Aid for co. Rutland, his correspondent in London having by mistake paid same in Nov. 3 last on account of the Poll. (Money order dated Feb. 20 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 24–5. Order Book III, p. 349.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 20,000l. to Edward Russell on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Russell on credit of the East India goods duties: to be applied to the Victualling. Disposition Book XI, p. 97.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of money paid by the Treasurer of the Navy to ships etc. between Feb. 7 and 14 inst. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 2.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit four boxes of chocolate brought from Holland by the Duke of Ormonde and now in the Custom House to be carried back to Holland. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Nottingham. The commanders of the three ships Charles the Second, James frigate and Dove frigate have given the bonds as in your letter of the 9th Jan. last; and my Lords have no objection to their proceeding on the intended voyage to the Spanish West Indies. Ibid.
Feb. 17. Henry Guy to the Earl of Montagu, enclosing a memorial [missing] of the trumpet[er]s, kettle drum[mer]s and hautboys of the Troops of Guards and Grenadiers concerning their liveries. Send my Lords an estimate what said liveries will come to. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 3.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Christopher Gibbons as a watchman, London port loco Thomas Bishop, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 32.
Thomas Turner as landwaiter, Lynn Regis port loco William Ghent, deceased.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 6, approving of the Treasury Lords' report, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1922, concerning the Zante frigate.
Treasury reference to Mr. Tailer of the petition of John Dennis for a new lease of a small tenement in the Castle Close at Exeter of which he is tenant as assignee of Jane Baker, executrix of Henry FitzWilliams. Reference Book VI, p. 447.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Luke Lopdell for delivery up of his 1,000l. bond given in Virginia to answer the landing of some brandy out of the Biscay Merchant. Ibid.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Mary Walsum and John Wolsum of several lands and tenements in Llandinam, co. Montgomery, being part of the estate of Edward Lloyd, outlaw; at a rent of 9s. 6d. per an. and fine of 19s. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 129.
The like of a lease to John Mogg of coal mines in the manors of Farrington Gurney and Midsomer Norton, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1904. Ibid.
Feb. 18. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies [on the Excise] for 750l. for last Christmas quarter on the pension to the Dowager Duchess of Grafton and Charles, Duke of Grafton. (Same, dated Feb. 21, to the Excise Commissioners to pay same.) Disposition Book XI, pp. 98, 99.
Same to the Postmasters General to pay by 180l. a week for 58 weeks (from the time the 800l. a week to the Works shall determine) the tallies for 10,527l. 5s. 0d. which are appointed to be struck on the Post Office revenue for Caspar Frederick Henning for the service of their Majesties' Gardens. Ibid, p. 98.
Establishment under the King's sign manual for the Secretary at War at 1l. a day as from Jan. 1 last, from which time the allowance of 3l. a day to same on the Army establishment is to cease and determine. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 165.
Henry Guy to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Samuell Spurwaie, Commissary of the Stores in the city of Londonderry, praying payment of his salary and disbursements in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 3.
Feb. 20. Money warrant for 10,000l. to Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Treasurer to the Queen; to complete the 50,000l. for the Queen as by the privy seal of 1692, April 28, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1606. (Money order dated Feb. 21 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 21. Order Book III, p. 308.
Henry Guy to Mr. Tailer. Send by to-morrow at furthest your report on the petition of Thomas Payne, ut supra, p. 53, so that it may be laid before the King on Wednesday. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 3.
Same to the Earl of Montagu [Master of the Great Wardrobe], enclosing a letter [missing] from Mr. Baker, Consul at Algiers, asking for a bale of the finest cloth and 20 yards of the richest Brocado for a present to that [the Algiers] Government. Please provide same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Tailer, enclosing a memorial [missing] of Mr. Aaron Smith touching the leasing of Pipewell Abbey etc. in co. Northampton, part of the estate of the late Marquess of Powis. Please survey the estate and send my Lords a particular thereof. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Feilding. In reply to yours of the 15th inst. concerning the prices of the straw and faggots delivered to the Army upon their encampment at Portsmouth, you are to deduct from the Army after the rate of 12s. for the straw and 10s. for the faggots. Ibid, p. 4.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letters [missing] from the Admiralty Lords and Secretary the Earl of Nottingham for making free the ship New Dilligence in the place of the ship Dilligence, formerly made free “and to be employed in what may relate to the Navy for their Majesties' service.” Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from Secretary the Earl of Nottingham concerning a bill drawn on you for 95l. by Mr. Thomas Kirke, Consul at Genoa, for money by him expended in supplying “the English seamen who came hither from France.” You are to pay same. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Prizes, enclosing a letter [missing] from Secretary the Earl of Nottingham concerning a little ship lately taken and brought into Jersey laden with French salt and sold by the Lieutenant Governor [of Jersey] “and the produce remains in his hands.” Ibid.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn to fit up a new office in the Star Chamber for the Auditor of the Receipt for his accommodation in performing the business required of him by the late Act of Parliament for settling a Fund for Survivorship and Annuities: at a cost of 112l. 16s. 6d. according to your estimate for same. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] for the improvement of the revenue arising from the duties on tobacco. Ibid, p. 5.
Feb. 20. Henry Guy to Mr. Fox to report on the petition of Edward Southwell, esq., on behalf of Mris. Helena Dering, relict of Col. Daniel Dering, deceased, shewing that the Regiment lately commanded by said Dering being going to be cleared and there being money due to the widow, therefore praying that 1,000l. may be stopped in the Paymaster [of the Forces'] hands till her accounts can come over from Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 5.
Appending: note of said petition.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners of Transports of the petition of Emanuel Lawrence to the King, praying to be paid for a vessel sunk at Torbay to prevent the French from landing when they were upon the coast; as also for powder and other ammunition furnished for their Majesties' service. Reference Book VI, p. 450.