Index: O

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Index: O', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: O', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: O". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Oadby (co. Leicester), 376.

Oakeley (Okley, Okely), Richard, tenant of fee farm, 377.

-, Richard, landwaiter, London, 441, 629.

-, Rowland, waiter, Bourne and Pevensey, 1212, 1420.

Oakes, William, receiver of Hearthmoney, Kent and Canterbury, 1248-9, 1400, 1401.

Oakley, Great (Northants), 373.

Oatlands manor
-, keeper of game
-, see Alexander, R., Howard, Sir R.

Oblivion, Act of, 1001.

-, Henry, Lord O'Brien, son of the seventh Earl of Thomond, receiver of fines of Courts, 795, 896, 945
-, trustee for part of Greenwax fines, 993
-, fee farms, 470, 471
-, issue, 1320.

-, William, second earl of Inchiquin, Governor, Colonel and Captain of Tangier, 43, 69, 80, 241, 508, 510, 536, 569, 604, 656, 791, 819, 878, 1312, 1417, 1440, 1441, 1442
-, Earl and Countess of Inchiquin (with the Prince of Orange), 783.

O'Carroll Ely, lands of, 517.

Oddy, William, tidesman, London, 755.

Odiham manor [Southants], 264, 1049.

Odyke, Monsieur, Ambassador Extraordinary from Holland and Commissioner from the Prince of Orange, 822, 1440.

Offley (Ofley), John, surety of J. Chetwynd, 615, 951, 1099.

-, -, senr., quaker, 1257.

-, Lady, 1331.

-, Mr., Counsel, 481, 488.

-, Thomas (Groom porter), 488, 489, 1343, 1349.

Offord Cluny (co. Huntingdon), 1257.

Ogilby, John, "History of America," 283.

-, Sutton, of Cowling, co. Yorks, 718
-, issues, 35
-, Master of the Studs, 202, 361, 552, 800, 970.

Okes, Minne, shipmaster, 1100.

Olantigh (Wye, co. Kent), 616.

Old coppice
-, see Whittlewood Forest.

- Court manor (Kent), 239.

Oldbury manor (Boxgrove, Sussex), 1047, 1048.

Oldenburg, Count Anthony of, Ambassador from Denmark, 964, 973, 1107.

Oldham, William, tenant of fee farm, 374.

Olivecrantz, Monsieur, Swedish Ambassador, 962.

Oliver, Anne, widow of Thomas, 1347, 1444, 1446.

-, Mrs. Eliz., housekeeper, laundress and keeper of plate, etc., at Ludlow, 70, 74, 300.

-, George, tenant of fee farm, 375.

-, Nathaniel, waiter, Bridport, 1078.

-, Thomas, receiver for the Queen Mother, Worcester, Hereford, Salop and Stafford, 900-1, 1347, 1444, 1446.

Ollerton (co. Notts), 548.

Olveston (co. Leicester), 375.

One per cent
-, duty
-, see Navigation Act.

Oneby, Lady [for the Messengers of the Chamber], 75, 1038, 1415.

Oneglia (Italy), 1134.

O'Neill, Daniel, late powder maker, 540.

Oporto (Lisbon), 752.

Orange flower water, 297, 589, 623.

-, William Henry, Prince of, 177, 1471, 1472
-, at Soesdck, 696
-, at Newmarket, 753
-, return to Holland, 783, 788, 1440.

-, -, chapel, 817.

-, -, chaplain to
-, see Cox, Dr.

-, -, Commissioner from
-, see Odyke, Mr.

-, -, chief domestic to
-, see Overkirke, Mr.

-, -, Comptroller to Household of
-, see Isaac, P.

-, -, Envoy from see Bentinck, W., Marr, Mr. le
-, Envoy to see Sylvius, Sir G.

-, -, goods for, 761, 763, 1437.

-, -, grandmother's dowry due from Charles I, 399, 509
-, Dutch patacons assigned for, 541, 783.

-, -, horses for, 384, 491, 821.

-, -, in England, lodgings for, 893, 925, 1445
-, wines for, 1329
-, drum and trumpet to attend him into England, 879.

-, -, marriage, 944
-, issues to for marriage portion of the Princess, 835, 847, 857, 1153, 1191-2
-, interest to, 416.

-, -, nurse to, 187.

-, -, quarters in the Netherlands, 1083.

-, Princess of (Princess Royal of England, 1641), 509.

-, -, Mary, 1440
-, marriage portion, 1191-2
-, servants to, 783
-, chaplain to see Dr. Lloyd
-, furniture for her chapel, 1321.

Orchard, Charles, Customer, Exeter, Bideford and Barnstaple, 698, 743, 809, 920, 957, 1432.

- alias Oulart, lands in Queen's County, Ireland, 508.

-, paper orders
-, see Exchequer (stop).

-, lost, renewal of, 321, 523, 1220.

Ordnance, accounts, 424, 539-40, 970.

-, armourers, etc., 1033.

-, books of, 1412.

-, chief engineer of forts, etc.
-, see Beckman, M., Gomme, Sir B. de.

-, clerk of
-, see Sherburne, E.

-, clerk of deliveries
-, see Fortrey, S.

-, commissioners for
-, see Ordnance (Master).

-, debt of, 64.

-, engineers
-, see Loup, T.

-, estimates, 721, 839.

-, keeper of handguns
-, see Bachelor, R.

-, keeper of stores
-, see Conyers, E.

-, King's gunfounder of brass and iron ordnance
-, see Browne, G.

-, lands taken in for forts
-, see Gosport, Plymouth, Portsmouth.

-, Lieutenant General of
-, see Walter, D.

-, Master of (see Chichley, Sir T.), 42, 55, 116, 236, 247, 294, 486, 827, 843, 878
-, Commissioners for office of Master of the Ordnance, 1412.

-, master gunner
-, see Leake, R.

- Office, 1409
-, annual expense under the stoppage scheme, 117
-, officers, 174, 176, 228, 620, 629, 640, 830, 959, 1302, 1347, 1412.

-, saltpetre for
-, see East India Company.

-, shipment of ordnance prohibited without consent, 236.

-, ships employed for, 1451
-, ordnance for private ships, 94, 337, 767, 1433, 1440, 1441
-, rules as to ships taking ordnance for themselves, 277.

-, smith of
-, see Hodgkins, Mr., Silvester, E.

- stores, 947
-, contracts for, 845
-, customs on, 1167
-, for the Plantations, 69, 827
-, for foreign countries, 253, 277
-, for India, 758
-, for Jamaica, 396, 582
-, for Jersey, 754
-, for Tangier see Tangier
-, for Virginia, 372, 391.

-, surveyor of, 486
-, see Moore, Sir J.

-, Treasurer and Paymaster of, Office of (see Legg, W., Wharton, G.)
-, issues to, 11, 37, 38, 45, 51, 53, 55, 69, 78, 79, 83, 115, 119, 130, 196, 209, 215, 233, 258, 271, 272, 286, 289, 300, 302, 303, 310, 314, 330, 335, 354, 357, 369-70, 391, 450, 469, 470, 503, 504, 548, 569, 656, 669, 670, 681, 686, 701, 704, 714, 718-9, 720, 731, 748, 791, 856, 879, 881, 897, 902, 928, 929, 943, 959-60, 1012, 1033, 1056, 1069, 1071, 1174, 1180, 1236, 1253, 1271, 1283, 1314, 1404, 1434, 1441, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1456, 1457, 1470
-, payments by, 145, 175, 273, 424, 929, 1063, 1071.

-, workmaster of forts
-, see Lanyon, P., Fitch, J.

Orfeur, William, sheriff of Cumberland, 639.

Orgill, Andrew, invention for sugar cane squeezing engines, 104.

Ories (lands, Ireland), 985.

Original seal and pre fines (Carnarvon, Anglesea, and Merioneth), farm of, 736.

-, see Chancery.

Orleans, Henrietta, duchess of, reception of, 1354.

Ormaine, Mr., payment, 289.

Ormskirk (co. Lancs.), 1099, 1257.

Orpe, Mris., dresser to the Queen Consort, 123, 223, 292, 323, 378, 528, 604, 716, 766, 895, 1006, 1058, 1430.

-, Earl of
-, see Boyle, R.

Orton (Northampton), 645, 691.

Osbeston, N., lighthouses, North and South Forelands (Kent), 1355.

Osboldstone, John, falconer, 402, 716, 1116, 1429.

Osborne, Bridget (daughter of the Earl of Danby), marriage with the Earl of Plymouth, 1281.

-, Charles, Surveyor General of Customs, 33, 108, 114, 196, 205, 219, 295, 296, 328, 346, 398, 453, 461, 468, 596, 609, 702, 732, 750, 842, 886, 1108, 1207, 1271, 1306, 1382, 1436
-, a Customs Commissioner, 1219, 1306
-, receiver for arrears of prizes, 1105, 1131, 1138, 1166, 1464
-, a Commissioner for inspection of the Mint, 751, 986
-, a Commissioner for admeasuring coal keels, 1206
-, grant in trust for the Earl of Plymouth, 1281
-, fee farms [in trust for the Earl of Plymouth], 1047-9, 1215, 1288.

-, Edward, Visct. Latimer, creation money, 503, 1333, 1414, 1415
-, steward, etc., of Sherwood Forest, 572
-, grant of first Wine Act arrears, 1180, 1472
-, grant of arrears of the Poll, 988, 1454
-, grant of Warren's debt. 1299-1300
-, grant of a ship, 1388
-, grant of imprest moneys, 361
-, grant of the Cockpit, 135
-, grant of prizes' arrears, 350
-, house in Buckingham, 620-1
-, troop of, 1385.

-, John, Russia merchant, loan to the King, 1392.

-, Sir John, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, 244, 871, 1015
-, for the Sick and Wounded, 16.

-, Mr. (Mr. Butt, etc.), 41
-, (Old Hearthmoney Farmers), 196
-, (bishop of Durham's lease), 34
-, secret service, 1325.

-, Peregrine, Visct. Osborne, of Dunblane, grant of the Cockpit, 135, 886.

-, Richard, room in the Temple, 1088, 1463.

-, Thomas, Earl of Danby, Lord Treasurer, 20, 1281, and passim as Lord Treasurer
-, Farmer of Alienation Office, 1081
-, away from London, 75, 186
-, return to London, 757
-, at Newmarket see Newmarket
-, goods for, 145, 822
-, grant of the Cockpit, 135
-, creation money, 328, 503, 1121
-, Chamber of, 1343
-, lodgings at the Cockpit, 1052
-, house of see Wallingford House
-, salary as Lord High Treasurer (8,000l. per an.), 29, 100, 138, 269, 302, 307, 338, 506, 663, 687, 754, 875, 981, 1065, 1079, 1165, 1176, 1190, 1305, 1311 (20s. a day out of the Customs), 249, 1268
-, issues to [? for secret service], 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323
-, preparing accounts of the King's losses by interest not provided by Parliament, by shortages of assessments and by debts prior to his Treasurership, 853, 855, 857
-, for his official acts as Lord Treasurer passim and see Treasury (Lord)
-, former Treasurer of the Navy and accounts of, 36, 180, 359-60, 384, 553-6, 556-8, 917, 1348, 1356, 1390.

Osborne's fort
-, see Holy Island.

Osgodby, William, law duty farm, 521.

Osgood, John, merchant, London, 641.

-, Duke of, Envoy from
-, see Ambassadors.

-, bishop of, 620
-, see Parry, J.

-, bishopric, lands of embezzled, 144.

-, Earl of
-, see Butler, T.

Ostend (Flanders) (see tin), 115, 171, 224, 311, 574, 667, 707, 732, 755, 774, 812, 962, 971, 973, 1063, 1221, 1237-8, 1251.

Otford (Kent), 1242, 1270, 1291.

Otley (co. Yorks), 923.

Otto, George, merchant, of Hamburg, 871.

Ottone, Signor Carlo, agent for the Republic of Genoa, 297.

Otway, Capt. Edw., Captain of a privateer, 590.

-, Sir John, a King's Counsel, 392, 705
-, lease, 924, 1044, 1448.

Oudart, Mr., petition, 4.

-, Nicholas, Latin secretary, 395, 397, 779, 1121.

-, see Orchard.

Oughtred, Edward, copying clerk outwards, London, 1304.

Ouse (Dorset), 237.

-, see Custodiam leases.

Over parish (co. Cambridge), 1256.

Over Treveria (tenement Bucklawren, Cornwall), 251, 315.

Overbodiga (tenement, Bucklawren, co. Cornwall), 251, 316.

Overkirke, Monsieur, chief domestic to the Prince of Orange, 822.

Oxenden, Sir Henry, baronet fee, 987, 1457.

-, Earl of
-, see Vere, A. de.

-, Bishop of
-, see Compton, H., Fell, J.

- bishopric, first fruits, 190, 236.

- circuit, 135.

- City, 804, 1368.

- -, King Car. I at, 1288, 1361, 1391.

- -, King Car. II at, 1343.

- County, 112, 247, 613, 767, 1048, 1288.

- -, auditor and receiver of Crown revenues, 948, 1215.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc., of taxes
-, see Browne, T., Levett, W.

- -, sheriffs, 780.

- University, Brasenose College, 514.

- -, Law, Professor of
-, see Boucher, Dr. T.

- -, Physic, Professor of
-, see Hyde, Dr.

- -, St. Margaret's Professor of Divinity, perpetuity to, 296.