Index: J

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Index: J', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: J', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: J". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Jack, Thomas, shipowner, 1121.

-, see Jakeman.

Jackson (Jacson), George, bond to the Queen Mother, 282.

-, James, of London, merchant, 539.

-, John, merchant, of London (Bruges thread), 171
-, leather, 524.

-, -, landwaiter, Yarmouth, 641
-, collector, Southwold, 784.

-, Joseph, of London, merchant, 298, 539, 1008.

-, Mr., coffee house, 445.

-, Philip, exported money, 576.

-, Robert, for the Earl of Devonshire, 939.

-, Samuel (lease), 247.

-, Stephen, Treasurer to the Royal Fishery, 667.

-, Thomas, surveyor, Berwick, 268
-, for Ambassador Hyde, 1113.

-, William, boatman, Hull, 786
-, tidesman, London, 1078.

Jacob, John, converted Jew, 1358.

-, Sir John, Customs Farmers (1662-7), 152-3.

-, (Jacopson, Jacob, Jacops), Marcelles, petition, shipmaster, 50, 61, 89, 223, 285, 294
-, The "Lubecker," 311, 318, 321.

-, Theodore (seizure of guns), 94.

Jacobuses, 562.

Jaggard (Jagger), Abraham, Victualler, 67, 184.

-, Mr. (Kent Excise), 1409.

Jakeman, Francis, landwaiter, London port, 8, 128.

Jamaica, 317, 321, 801, 1121.

-, Act for raising revenue, 804, 873.

-, chapel furniture for Governor of, 975.

-, Clerk of Supreme Court, Spanish Town, 578.

- Council, 1378.

-, Custom and Plantation duty officers, 641, 928, 1449.

-, establishment, 117, 220, 853.

-, Governor, 927
-, see Vaughan, Lord J., Modyford, Sir T., Carlisle, Earl of, Windsor, Lord, Lynch, Sir T.
-, Deputy Governor or Lieut.- Gov., 613, see Lynch, Sir T., Morgan, Sir H.

-, map of, 643.

-, negroes brought to, 590.

-, ordnance stores for, 396.

-, purchase of lands in, 1314, 1322.

-, Receiver of duties in
-, see Martin, T.

-, ships of, 789
-, provisions for the King's ships at, 359, 577, 582, 1196.

-, viewing garrisons and harbours, 508.

James, Henry, servant to E. Vernon, 381.

-, John, tidesman Boston, 1081, 1463.

-, Sir John, a Commissioner of Excise and joint Receiver General of Excise with Major R. Huntington (including Excise advances and loans with Major Huntington on the Excise), 11, 15, 32, 34, 37, 43, 48, 54, 60, 68, 102, 113, 114, 115, 122, 123, 125, 149, 208, 229, 242, 429-30, 500, 683, 725, 735, 759, 843, 855, 864, 865, 866, 1055, 1153, 1157, 1195, 1222, 1227-8, 1249, 1264-5, 1279-80, 1293, 1306-7, 1473.

-, Mr., of the Excise Office, 1325.

-, Mr., a yeoman warder of the Tower, 848-9.

-, William, tidesman Yarmouth, 129.

James River, Virginia, 347.

Janson, Peter, smith of the Mint, 1264.

Janvrin, Daniell, ship Elizabeth, 810.

-, see Artaine.

Jay (Jaye), Christopher, Receiver of the Queen Mother's revenues for Norfolk and Huntingdon, 169.

-, George, shipmaster, 1118, 1134.

-, James, of London, merchant, 581, 592, 1341.

Jefferson, John, bailiff, bishopric of Durham, 744.

-, Matthew, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Jeffery, Sir Thomas (lands, Barking, Essex), 341.

Jeffreys, Aldr. [? Alexander], importing tobacco at Fowey, 146.

-, Sir George, counsel, 482, 493, 848.

-, Herbert, Col., commissioner to adjust affairs at Virginia, 334, 347
-, Lieut. Governor of Virginia, 946
-, regiment under, 1003, 1017
-, Virginia soldiers, 81, 82.

-, Walter, yeoman Warder of the Tower, 1377.

-, Philip, Excise Farmer, London, 108
-, Revenue farmer, Ireland, 419, 601.

Jenison (Jennison), commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, Mathew, receiver of Seventeen Months' tax, co. Notts, 616, 795, 1421
-, receiver general of Poll, co. Notts, 952, 1451, 1453
-, surety of M. Jenison, junr., 1096.

-, -, junr., surety of M. Jenison, 952
-, receiver general of Eighteen Months' tax, co. Notts and city, 1096.

-, Mris., the Duke of Norfolk's servant, 1252.

-, Robt., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, Sir Ralph, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Jenkins, Anne, a rocker, pension, 394, 395, 1460.

-, Col., 53.

-, John, receiver to the Queen Mother, 45, 61, 97, 463, 473, 609-10, 710, 1413.

-, John, tenant of fee farm, Hereford city, 377.

-, -, of the King's music, 174, 645, 824, 979, 1419.

-, Sir Leoline, Judge of the Prerogative Court, 717
-, Envoy Extraordinary for the treaty of Peace at Cologne, 290, 304
-, ditto for same at Nimuegen, 36, 64, 79, 80, 170 (took leave of the King 13 Dec., 1675), 207, 234, 246, 272, 351, 380, 391, 412, 523, 568, 656, 677, 748, 819, 915, 943, 974, 1019, 1024, 1112, 1189, 1239, 1265, 1414, 1415, 1424, 1435, 1436, 1450, 1458, 1471.

Jenkinson, Durant, surety of E. Jolly, 615, 953, 1099.

-, Sir Robert, 589, 1416.

Jenks' speech (libel), 70.

Jenman, Thomas, searcher for wool, 1312, 1454.

Jenner (Gennor), Mr., Counsel, 481, 492.

-, (Jennens) Sir Edmund, sheriff of Yorks, 87, 635, 645, 915, 940, 1418
-, Surveyor General of Customs, 1271.

-, Edward, lease, 1028.

-, Jonathan and Sir Jonathan, Justice of the Peace, Yorks, 417, 418.

-, Margery (bastards' estate), 681.

-, Mrs. (for the Duchess of York), 190.

-, William, sheriff of Cornwall, 1261.

-, Sir William, navy bill, 1170.

-, see Jenison.

Jerkins, imports of, 1192.

-, Henry, third Earl of St. Albans, 1364
-, Register in Chancery, 88
-, payments by, 234
-, payments to, 1193, 1329
-, creation money, 234, 1447
-, plate sold to the King, 234
-, fee farm in St. James's Fields, 234
-, tenant, Pall Mall, 342
-, at Newmarket, 472
-, goods for, 539, 822
-, lease, St. Martins in the Fields, 719, 1432, 1433
-, lease, Byfleet, 1118, 1466.

Jersey, 388, 992, 1178.

- castles and forts, 1178, 1353.

- garrison
-, see Lunsford, Sir H.
-, stores for, 754.

-, Governor of
-, see Morgan, Sir T.

-, licence for exporting wool to, 746.

-, paymaster of forces in, 1368.

-, register for sea passes, 166.

-, ships trading with from the Plantations against the Navigation laws, 810, 1353, 1404.

-, victuals for, 1037, 1458, 1460.

-, prints of, 170
-, goods from, 737, 870.

-, garters, 772.

Jervis, John, gent., steward of the Household of the Marches of Wales, issues to for the servants of Ludlow Castle, 151.

Jessamy oil, 589, 900.

-, jewels, royal presents of to ambassadors and potentates
-, see Royal presents.

- sold to the King, 353, 354
-, see Legouch, I., Mussard, P., Alvarez, J.

- Office or House, allowances to Groom of the Stole
-, see Bath, Earl of.

-, -, annual expense of under the stoppage scheme, 117.

-, -, interest on money borrowed for, 210.

-, -, Master of, 522, 1187 (see Talbot, Sir G.)
-, issues to, 69, 856, 1471.

-, -, new year's gifts payable into, 829.

-, -, plate out of, for ambassadors and return of same again into the office
-, see Plate.

-, -, - and gold works delivered to the Jewel Office by Sir R. Vyner, 22, 80, 277, 432, 522, 538, 594, 612, 632, 815, 945, 1187, 1247, 1268-9.

Jews converted
-, 3, 1358
-, home for, 1358.

Jodrell, Edmond, copyholder, 1105-6, 1125, 1465.

-, Paul, clerk, House of Commons, 1303.

Johnson (Johnston), Benjamin, collector of Hearthmoney, London and Westminster, 1213.

-, Francis, shipmaster, 984.

-, Geo., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, Henry, [banker's] annuity on the Excise, 1268.

-, James, surety of R. Coke, 1098.

-, John, petition, 62
-, lands, 97
-, Sandwich port admeasurement, 398
-, collector at Hythe, 170, 262.

-, Martin, comptroller, Boston, 1056, 1463, 1464.

-, Matthew, grant of escheat, 497
-, lands, co. Lincoln, 1354
-, grocer of Hull, 584, 623.

-, Mr., Hearthmoney officer, Notts, 465.

-, -, sub-farmer of Excise Northern Counties and Wales, 863.

-, Nathaniel, New Hearthmoney farmer, 1151.

-, -, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, Richard, landwaiter, London, 916, 1223, 1291.

-, -, quaker, 1257.

-, Robert, merchant, of Scotland, Scotch cloth, 1071, 1119
-, petition, 43
-, Hearthmoney, Westmorland, 47.

-, Samuel, petition, 62.

-, Thomas, prizes account, 1302.

-, William, shipmaster, 1015.

Jolliffe, John, merchant, Leghorn, 1133.

-, Edward, receiver of Seventeen months' tax, co. Huntingdon, 615
-, ditto of Eighteen Months' tax, ibid, 1099
-, ditto of the Poll, ibid, 952, 1455.

-, Mr., the King's Harbourer, 1415.

Jones, Ann, petition, 23.

-, Charles, Clerk of Market, Barbados, petition, 1383.

-, Dr., surety of R. Bagnall, 214.

-, Humphry, land carriageman, London, 1230.

-, John, Apothecary to the King, 4, 237, 285, 455, 664, 767, 875, 1370, 1429.

-, -, fee farm tenant, 374.

-, Llewellen, riot, Pembroke, 258.

-, Mr., tidesurveyor, London, 1266.

-, Owen, boatman, Plymouth, 147, 755.

-, Col. Philip [receiver of Assessments, 1652], 413.

-, Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, rights in Barbados in right of his wife, a coheiress of Francis, Lord Willoughby, 4, 6, 74, 421, 904, 1296-7
-, Vice-Treasurer, Ireland, 220-1, 231, 460, 464, 465, 467, 477, 479, 483-4, 499, 1100-1, 1128
-, contract concerning the Irish revenue (undertaking to pay the Forces etc., Ireland) and relations with the Irish Revenue Farmers and payments for Windsor Castle works to C. Bertie, 1, 11, 31, 103, 126, 174-5, 179, 198, 213, 451, 461, 462, 494, 495-6, 507, 611, 668-9, 678, 691-2, 711, 768, 789, 840, 1255-6, 1400, 1402, 1409, 1411, 1446, 1465, 1467
-, issues to, 31, 229, 231
-, pension to (300l. on the Irish establishment), 398
-, pension to with Lord Hatton, 79, 89, 164, 177, 178, 212, 263, 395, 560, 609, 703, 781, 897, 975, 996, 1052, 1145, 1253
-, Chiffinch's money, 853
-, attending the Treasury, 49, 52, 436, 835, 837, 842.

-, -, the King's litterman, 931, 1061, 1091.

-, Robert, collector, Lyme, 172
-, Customer, Poole, 588, 828, 1073, 1109, 1207.

-, Sir Theophilus, 499.

-, Thomas, of Kilgerran, 258
-, riot in co. Pembroke, 102.

-, -, Customs officer, 303, 799, 969.

-, Sir Thomas, a Serjeant at Law, 286, 291
-, a Justice of the King's Bench, 203, 996.

-, William, tidesman, London, 1233.

-, -, Apothecary and server of perfumes to the Royal Household, 664.

-, - (Teller, Customs Cashier's office), 723.

-, Sir William, Attorney General, 111, 145, 151, 218, 237, 238, 239, 254, 410, 522, 533, 581, 600, 727, 750, 787, 794, 842, 908, 918, 955, 971, 1021, 1024, 1179, 1204.

Jordan, Adam, discoveries, 309.

-, Joseph (son of Sir Joseph), a King's waiter, London, 250, 627, 720, 780, 824, 1020, 1243, 1268, 1298.

-, Sir Joseph, 250, 627, 780
-, pension, 557.

-, Thomas, of London, agent to the Law Farmers, 749.

-, William, merchant, 652.

Joyce, Isaac, noontender, 530.

Jubber (Jubbard), Henry, surveyor, Poole port, 855, 1135, 1230.

-, Daniel, petition, 454
-, houses near the Tower, 1367, 1372.

Judges, going Circuit, 52.

- to uphold Hearthmoney, 20.

-, payment of, 16, 56, 57, 83, 87, 118, 208, 383, 385, 548, 640, 678, 799, 856, 912, 991, 999, 1182, 1230, 1239.

- opinions, 440.

-, Treasury writing letters to
-, see Treasury.

Justices of Peace
-, 48
-, and see under each County
-, not upholding the Excise and Hearthmoney see Excise, Hearthmoney
-, not upholding the Law duties, 512
-, Treasury writing to see Treasury.