Index: G

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



G. H., 467.

Gaddesby (co. Leicester), 375.

Gage, Col. George, keeper of Hazleborough Walk, 1016.

Gallard, Joshua, pardon for murder, 129.

-, see Whitehall (Long).

Galliott, Mr., payment, 289.

Gallop, Capt. George, ships captain, 397, 590, 1416.

-, Thomas, sheriff of Dorset, 638.

Galloway, farm of customs of, 1374.

Galloway Fields
-, see Berkhampstead.

Gally tiles, imports of, 381.

Gambal, John, a King's musician, 275, 645, 824, 1419.

Gandy, Henry (gloves for), 205.

Gants Lane (Barking, Essex), 340.

Gaols, hearthmoney on, 21.

-, see Greenwich, Hampton Court, St. James's Park Garden.

Gardie, Earl de la, 739.

-, John, surety of J. Watts, 711
-, merchant, 812
-, merchant at Cadiz, 1130, 1133.

-, Capt. Thomas, taking a rebel, Bacon, in Virginia, royal bounty to, 938, 1449, 1450.

-, Timothy, commissioner for sick and hurt, 1364.

-, Mr. (Earl of Oxford's assignment to), 1039
-, (Gurney's estate), 1006, 1034-5, 1458.

-, Robert, inquisition, Essex, 735, 736
-, secret service, 1326.

Garland, Andrew, waiter, Berwick, 954.

-, Humphrey, agent for Four and a Half per cent. duty farmers, 315.

-, John, fee farm, 1238.

Garlicke, Richard, fee farm tenant, 373.

Garranfinather alias Finchehor, Ireland, 504.

Garret, Mr., clerk to the Stationers' Company, 504.

-, 428
-, or forts or Castles see Arcliff, Chepstow, Deal, Dover, Moates, Portland, Sandgate, Sandown, Walmer, and see Forts.

-, or Castles decayed, 131.

-, establishment, 43, 531.

-, -, Castles not on, 98, 502.

-, payments for, 22, 450, 531, 568, 764, 774, 790.

Garroway (Garway), John, tenant of fee farm, 377.

-, -, warehouse keeper, Bristol, 170, 1000, 1450.

-, Mr. (Commissioner of Customs) 1128.

Garryglasse, lands, Queen's County, Ireland, 508.

-, King of Arms
-, see Walker, Sir E., Dugdale, Sir W.

-, Chancellor of
-, see Sarum, bishop of.

-, collar, 815.

-, George for the Earl of Southampton, 538.

-, payments for officers, 6, 106, 256.

-, poor knights, issues for, 6, 106, 502, 581, 705, 771, 892, 959, 1045, 1246, 1398, 1427.

-, see Garroway.

Gascar, Mr., payment, 289.

-, see Wines.

-, (Gascon), Sir Bernard, 1289
-, accompt [Ireland], 3
-, goods for, 641, 1150
-, pension to, 914-5
-, French tunnage duty, 454, 500, 581, 741, 744, 914-5, 1054, 1435, 1449.

Gatehouse (Prison), 420.

Gauden, Benj., victualler, 184, 258.

-, Sir Dennis, Victualler and Surveyor General of Marine victuals, 49, 81, 184, 258, 312, 321, 359, 426, 619, 630-1, 839, 917, 1140, 1179, 1209, 1275, 1355, 1412
-, prizes, 1302.

-, John, lands, Jamaica, 1314.

-, Jonathan, victualler, 184.

Gaunt, George, subfarmer of Excise, Norfolk, 243.

Gawdy, Sir Charles (receiver of Seventeen Months' tax, Suffolk), 431.

-, surety of N. Bigsby, 617, 1097.

-, William, petition of his assigns, 75
-, orders on fee farms for the Duke of Richmond, 471.

Gay, Mr., 837.

Gaye, John, shipmaster, 763.

Gaywood (Geywood), Thomas, clerk to the Registers of Excise, 75, 1106.

Gazette (London), notices in, 64, 65, 492, 845.

-, Foreign, 880, 944, 1225.

-, French, 907, 1224.

-, Dutch, 907, 1224.

Geare (Giear, Gere), James, prisoner (witness against Harrington), 996, 1200, 1397.

Geddington Woods [Rockingham Forest, Northants], 92, 406-7.

Gedney Marsh (Lincoln), 167, 223.

Geering, Joshua, creditor of J. Lindsey, 1396.

Gell, John, of Newhaven, 958.

Gellibrand (Gillabrand), Samuel (orders for Sir W. Temple), 99, 277, 506, 818, 1125.

Gelson, Mr., Wine Licence Commissioner, 477, 480, 484, 485, 486.

-, see Jenner.

Genoa (Italy), 190, 297, 317, 326, 870, 1130, 1134.

-, Agent from the Republic of
-, see Ambassadors.

-, English subjects at, 657.

- ship, 775.

Gent, Edward (for Barbadoes soldier), 808.

Gentlemen Pensioners, arears on First Fruits, 195, 464, 569, 740-1, 1433.

- -, Captain of
-, see Roscommon, Earl of.

- -, issues for, 35, 107, 335, 414, 579, 677, 757, 868, 945, 1030, 1124, 1176, 1190, 1393
-, individual pensioners, 569, 1176
-, annual expense under stoppage scheme, 117.

- -, paymaster and receiver of
-, see Kirke, Sir J., Kirke, J.

George, Samuel, weighing porter, London, 1090.

George, the, brewhouse, in St. Giles, 747.

-, see Gorges.

Gerard (Gerrard), Charles, son of Lord Gerard of Brandon, royal bounty to, 201, 240, 358, 519.

-, Charles, Lord Gerard of Brandon (after 1679, Earl of Macclesfield), 201, 584, 1381
-, two pensions to, one as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 34, 65, 177, 196, 274, 401, 423, 519, 596, 690, 887, 1057, 1060, 1318, 1428, 1433, 1445, 1451, 1461
-, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 51, 127, 323, 389, 551, 564, 604, 695, 766, 844, 1011, 1057, 1160
-, Housekeeper of Whitehall and Westminster, 468, 722, 901, 932, 1073, 1361
-, Receiver of the Seventeen Months' tax Cheshire and Lancashire, 430
-, lease, 140.

-, Francis, one of the King's musicians, 944.

-, Gilbert, Justice of Peace, co. Yorks, 417, 418, 1326.

-, Sir Gilbert, 61
-, surety of J. Basiere, 617, 744.

-, Mr. (Wine), 69.

-, Nicholas, of the ship Phoenix, 397.

Gerey, Sir Thomas, clerk of Treasury in Court of Common Pleas, 821.

German linen
-, see Linen.

Germany (see Palatine), 662, 934, 1265, 1465.

-, Ambassador
-, see Ambassadors.

-, Chancery, 639.

-, Emperor of, 363, 638-9, 944
-, marriage, 572
-, entry into Vienna, 638
-, birth of son, 1225
-, Archduchess's marriage, 1225.

-, Empress, 363, 639, 944, 1225.

-, -, Dowager, 572, 880, 944.

-, salt from, 66.

Geroult, Andrew, of Rouen, 347.

Gerr Famons, imports of, 1192.

-, see Gerard.

Gethin, Robert, surety for R. Mostyn, 995.

-, see Gaywood.

Ghent (Netherlands), 934.

Gibbon (Gibbons), Dr. [Nicholas], pension, 65, 296, 681, 793, 992, 1054.

Gibbs (Gibs), Mr. (Sir Rob. Thomas), 60, 94.

-, Henry, lease, 1242.

-, Walter, security of John Tooker, 950.

-, see Straits.

Gibson, J., Justice of the Peace, 417, 418.

-, Richard, Navy Clerk, 666, 1051
-, comptroller of accounts of sick and wounded quarters, 326, 455, 672, 713, 869, 1157, 1426
-, agent at Port Mahon, 558.

Gide (Gyde), Robert, Serjeant at Arms, 18, 97, 218, 271, 409, 647, 733, 875, 1087, 1116, 1441.

-, see Geare.

Gifford (Gyfford and see Kifford), Col. Charles, pension for Worcester fight, 24, 40, 63, 143, 233, 292, 304, 304-5, 355, 386, 508, 605, 686, 712, 765, 892, 982, 1133, 1169, 1172, 1291, 1344, 1427, 1435
-, lease, 237
-, grant of debt to, 1184, 1373
-, wife of, 1344.

-, Lady, 904
-, with Sir William Temple, 1242.

Gilbert, John, recusants commissions, co. Wilts, 794, 1426.

-, Robt., head collector Royal Aid, additional, one month and eleven months' taxes, St. Austins, Kent, 456, 458, 920, 1392.

Gilburne, William, tenant, London, 341.

Gilby, Col. Anthony, surety for W. Broxholme, 118.

Gilderless, Robert, shipmaster, 1150.

Giles (Gyles), Bartho. cloth dyer, 702.

Gilford, William, shipmaster, 128.

Gilford Clough (co. Lancs.), 1257.

-, see Gellibrand.

Gillam (Gilham), John, of London, carpenter, killing of, 129.

-, John, bailiff of Wingham, 499, 503, 519.

Gillingham manor (co. Kent), 736, 1047.

- (Forest, co. Dorset), 1049, 1215.

Gilmer, Sir John, President of the High Court, Scotland, 879.

-, Mr., son of Sir John, 879.

Gilpin, Edmund, tenant, London, 341.

Gimingham (co. Norfolk), manor, 700-1.

Gipps, John, killing of, 571.

-, see Gurle.

Girling, Lionel, surety of N. Bigsby, 1097.

-, John, of Thruland Castle, Lancs., petition, 718, 1389
-, receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Lancs., 1201.

-, Nicholas, receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Lancs., 820, 911.

Give (Gyve), Mr., 59.

Givendale (co. Yorks), 136.

Glamorgan, county, 245, 638, 953, 1235.

-, -, Justice of the Peace, 603.

-, -, receiver of assessments
-, see Stradling, M., Williams, J.

Glaneroghty (co. Kerry), 797-8.

Glanvill (Glanvile), Jo., collector, Looe, 50, 349.

Glasgow (Scotland), 959.

-, see Wood Farm.

Glasscloone (Ireland), 504.

-, Sir William, Master of Requests, 586, 725, 891, 1035, 1330
-, Commissioner of Appeals, Ireland, 383
-, pension on the Irish establishment, 383.

Glaston ('Claston'), co. Rutland, 374, 375.

-, see Works.

-, see Glynn.

Gleneurglyn (co. Cardigan), 527, 1021.

-, city, port, 183, 330, 356, 431, 490, 614, 824, 925, 938, 950, 1096, 1098, 1099, 1211, 1226, 1248
-, alderman of
-, see Webb, J.

-, bishop of
-, see Pritchet, J.

-, - tenths, 1269, 1281, 1338, 1387.

-, county, 132, 390, 614, 824, 1026, 1226, 1309, 1392.

-, -, Justices of the Peace, 53, 330, 390, 588, 777.

-, -, Excise, 36.

-, -, quakers, 1256.

-, -, Hearthmoney receivers see Cooke, W., Wetham, N.

-, -, receiver of Crown Lands see Smith, S.
-, Auditor see Parsons, A.

-, -, receivers of Aids, etc., 1339
-, see Veel, N., Hooke, Sir H., Aston, J., Langley, J., Pritchet, J., Warner, W.

-, -, sheriffs, 132, 390, 814, 938, 1031.

-, -, tobacco destroying in, 330, 346, 660, 702, 777, 906.

Gloves, imports of and seizures. 133, 156, 160, 170, 190, 195, 199, 205, 247, 273, 325, 350, 362, 382, 388, 393, 414, 498, 582, 589, 612, 619, 639, 641, 649, 652, 656, 673, 691, 778, 788, 809, 817, 870, 877, 1032, 1303, 1466.

Gloyne, Mr., wine licence case, 1409, 1410.

Glyde, Jeffery, watchman, London port, 224, 357.

Glyn Cothy (Carmarthen), 526, 1021.

-, (Glen), Edward, payment by the Treasurer of the Chamber without account, 334, 636, 773, 941, 1050, 1234, 1415, 1461
-, 60l. per an., 575
-, keeper of Hanger Walk, Whittlewood Forest, 455, 756, 1342.

-, George, lease, Cornwall, 317, 576.

-, Mris., issue to, 1111.

-, Nicholas, sheriff of Cornwall, 207.

-, Philip, lease, Cornwall, 317.

Goby, Mr., petition to be waiter at Poole, 5, 74.

Goddard, Mary [mother of Thomas], 1349, 1389.

-, Tho., receiver of Hearthmoney Suffolk, petition, 58, 94, 353
-, debt, 443, 444, 576, 736, 1007, 1198, 1303, 1349, 1389, 1472.

Godday (Goodday), Geo., fee farm, 799, 1440.

Godfrey (Godfry), Edward, searcher, Gravesend, 715, 1429.

-, Sir Edmund Berry, St. James's Park sewer, 1196.

-, capt., 58
-, major, 1330.

-, Francis, Customer of Lynn Regis, 254
-, secret service, 1329, 1452.

-, Michael, wine merchant, 214, 347.

-, Owen (Lynn Regis), 295.

-, Richard, surety of R. Coke, 951
-, Customer of Lynn Regis, 254, 295, 962
-, searcher, Gravesend, 715, 743.

-, see Mountaine.

Godlega (co. Devon, Cornwall duchy), manor, 270, 563.

Godolphin, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John and Maid of Honour to the Queen, pension, 817, 895, 1007, 1058, 1446.

-, Sir John, 817.

-, Sidney, Envoy Extraordinary with the Prince of Orange, 936, 941, 966, 1082-3, 1138, 1448
-, Groom of the Bedchamber, 51, 123, 139, 206, 233, 300, 383, 528, 604, 701, 766, 899, 936, 968, 993, 1057, 1466
-, petition for Auditorship of Wales, 85, 98
-, Gentleman and Master of the Robes, 1160.

-, Sir William, Ambassador Extraordinary to Spain, 49, 231, 257, 261, 290, 416, 536, 560, 716, 717, 756, 890, 932, 1058, 1170, 1467.

-, Sir William, Auditor of Wales, 85, 106, 134, 156, 247, 398, 537, 749, 1214
-, Receiver of Crown lands Devon and Cornwall, 304.

Godson, Thomas, merchant, 619.

-, see Goodwin.

Goffe, Mr., fishmonger, 886.

Gohory, Jeremy, the King's dancing master, 283, 636.

-, see Gould.

Gold bullion
-, (and silver and copper or money generally), seizures of on attempted exports of, 559, 576, 645, 648-9, 651, 703, 709, 743
-, trade in bullion, 396, 397.

- fringe, 612.

- lace, 171.

- ribbon, 601.

- thread, 588
-, exports of to Portugal, 171.

Golden Ball, Bishopsgate, London, 1006.

- Cross, in Newgate Street, 569
-, (Cornwall [? Cornhill]), 358.

-, Grove
-, see Goulden.

-, Fleece (book), 643.

-, (Goulden, Goulding), Mris. Anne, petition, 43
-, pension, 65, 207, 215, 285, 293, 591, 649, 768, 1033, 1422
-, (for the ship Lamb), 632.

-, John, land carriageman, London, 750
-, tidesman, London, 980.

-, Thomas, quaker, 1257.

Goldsborough, Capt., one of the Grooms of the Great Chamber to the Queen, 1380.

-, William, Clerk of the House of Commons, 771, 787, 1304, 1342, 1384.

-, see Bankers.

Gollop, Roger, commissioner for spoils, New Forest, 303.

Gomeldon, Richard, jewels for the King, 594-5.

Gomme (Goome), Sir Bernard de, chief engineer of forts, 938, 1277.

Gonning, John, brother of Robert, 732,

-, Robert, Bristol Custom House, 732.

-, see Le Gouch.

Goodall (Goodhall), Richard (for Mr. Boone), 358.

-, -, a King's waiter, London, 1298.

-, William, surety of J. Rogers, 1096
-, affidavit, 108.

-, see Godday.

Goodenough, James, groom litterman to the King, 931, 1061, 1091, 1449.

Goodgroome, Jo., a King's musician, 275, 645, 824, 1419.

Goodlad, Richard, undersearcher, London, 527, 968, 1452.

-, see Spicer.

Goodricke, Sir Francis (Durham, bishopric), 1412, 1413.

-, H., Justice of the Peace, 418.

-, Sir Henry, exporting horses, 1092.

Goodwin (Goodwyn, Godwin), Bassingbourne, landwaiter, London, 939.

-, Charles, receiver of Seventeen Months' tax, co. Sussex, 616
-, ditto of Eighteen Months' tax, ibid, 1096, 1465
-, ditto of Poll, ibid, 952, 1374
-, ditto of subsidy, ibid, 358, 473, 964.

-, Daniel, waiter, Lynn Regis, 1181.

-, Isaac, surety of W. Norrington, 616.

-, James, collector of the Eighteen Months' tax [? Cambridge], 1364, 1386, 1419.

-, John, Surveyor General of Marine Victuals, 1209, 1267-8, 1473.

Gore, John, clothes for Virginia soldiers, 81, 82.

-, Mr., surety of R. Dereham, 998.

Gorge, Digory, waiter, Charmouth, 1078.

Gorges (Georges), Ferdinand (Foot Companies, Leeward Isles), 195.

-, Robert, Irish revenue farm, 30, 162.

Goring, George, second Earl of Norwich, pension and assignments out of, 400.

-, Percy (pension of 200l.), 415, 1319, 1327, 1331, 1334.

Gorley, James (wool), 991.

Gorsuch, Mr., order on Customs, 1382.

Gory coppice (co. Lincoln), 325.

Gosfright (Gospright), Captain Francis, merchant, tobacco, 408, 1032.

Gosling (Goseling), Henry, collector, Pemaquid, 1018, 1458.

-, Mr., herbage and pannage of Sherwood Forest, 91
-, seditious libel, 1327.

-, Ralph, of Weymouth, labourer, 955.

Gosnell, George, Customs officer, Ipswich, 667.

-, (co. Hants), 7, 214, 867, 1174
-, lands taken for forts, 843.

Gothenburg (Sweden), 703.

-, the King of Sweden's commissaries at, 739.

- masts for the Navy, 1299.

Goudhurst (co. Kent), manor, 218.

Gouge, George, doorkeeper of the House of Lords, 222, 726, (John) 1170.

Gould (Gold, Goolde), Ann (Elizabeth), keeping E. Pinckney, 1155.

-, Benjamin, riot, Weymouth, 955.

-, Edward (tenement in the Mews), 301.

-, Hannah, wife of Benjamin, 955.

-, John, ship Restoration, 1077, 1146.

-, Thomas, sheriff of London, issues to, 266, 1015.

-, Walter, Ireland navigation frauds proposal, 974, 1046.

Goulden (Golden) Grove (Carmarthen), 526.

Goulston, William, of London, gent., 1,000l. to for Viscount Yarmouth, 176, 381, 721, 833, 1118, 1433, 1434.

-, see Gurney.

Gower, Henry, boatman, Faversham, 288.

Grabu, Lewis, of the King's music, 7, 34, 236, 488, 492, 493, 1346.

Graffenfal, Heer van, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Poland, 1029.

Grafton honor (Northampton), charges on, 54, 613, 1381.

-, (Grahme), Mris. Dorothy (ne Howard), 38
-, marriage, royal bounty as portion to, 72, 106, 200
-, pension as Maid of Honour, 105, 298, 527, 605, 716, 766, 895, 1007, 1058, 1272, 1430.

-, Capt. James, husband of Dorothy, 106, 200, 298, 716, 766, 1007.

-, Richard, gent. (Barden grant), 197
-, Justice of the Peace, co. Yorks, 417, 418.

Grain (co. Kent), manor, 736, 1047.

-, Viscount of
-, see Forbes, A.

Grange, Tho., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1206.

Grant, Gervas, waiter, Lynn Regis, 1030.

-, John, waiter, Nangle, 957.

-, -, solicitor of the 1672 Eighteen Months' Assessment for co. Berks, 268.

Grantham, Capt., Nath., 737.

Grantham (manor), (Lincoln), 1281.

Granville, Charles, Viscount Granville of Lansdowne (afterwards 8th Earl of Bath), 940.

-, John, 7th Earl of Bath, 46, 58, 81, 116, 278, 320, 436, 442, 469, 725, 1327
-, Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber, pension of 2,000l. as such out of the Customs, 39, 51, 113-4, 127, 209, 221, 227, 258, 321, 323, 387, 388, 528, 695, 904, 992, 1049-50, 1089, 1104, 1147, 1269, 1281, 1428, 1430, 1446
-, allowance of 1,000l. and 2,000l. per an. as such in lieu of plate out of the Jewel Office and liveries out of the Great Wardrobe, 39, 123-4, 127, 209, 258, 290, 323, 372, 388, 546, 551, 604, 692, 695, 766, 904, 992, 1049, 1147, 1162, 1169, 1281, 1446
-, pension to with Lord Hawley in trust for the Duchess of Richmond, 189, 271, 338, 518, 585, 678, 762, 879, 963, 1049, 1132, 1230
-, Governor of Plymouth (and fortifications account), 366, 460, 622, 692, 926, 1063, 1277-9, 1414
-, Warden of the Stannaries, 1368
-, New Forest, 460
-, lease, 664, 708, 1424
-, house at St. James's, 940
-, housekeeper at St. James's, 989
-, creation money, 1455.

Grave, John de, merchant, 76, 312, 366.

Graver, Peter (ship sunk in the Thames in the Dutch war), 632.

-, see Greaves.

-, (co. Kent), 76, 111, 216, 221, 245, 329, 359, 361, 443, 445, 447, 522, 526, 559, 576, 612, 629, 633, 643, 649, 651, 697, 710, 743, 784, 949, 1000, 1119, 1172, 1188, 1376-7, 1430, 1469
-, fort, lands, war, 207, 262, 859
-, Blockhouse fields, 486, 1302.

-, Governor of
-, see Leake, T.

-, wharves, 207.

Gravestone, importation of, 217.

Grays Inn, 240, 341, 722, 1106, 1314.

Graydon, Robert, prosecuting wines, 538.

Great Back
-, see Greatbach.

- Chamberlain of England, see Lindsey, Earl of.

- Chart, co. Kent, 617.

- Nun Mead (Barking, Essex), 340, 341.

- Seal, England, 115, 468.

- -, -, four Messengers attending, 157.

- -, -, Lord Keeper, 20
-, Lord Chancellor (see Finch, H.), 20, 21, 36, 38, 48, 50, 51, 52, 58, 59, 68, 114, 138, 188, 210, 249, 335, 427, 434, 442, 446, 452, 453, 455, 464, 465, 467, 474, 476, 477, 479, 483, 494, 495, 499, 501, 545, 555, 591, 835, 837, 838, 840, 841, 842, 850, 859, 860, 1347, 1356, 1358, 1368, 1407
-, pension, 586, 675, 754, 1045, 1051
-, salary, 260, 869, 953, 1036, 1121, 1191, 1319, 1320, 1322
-, house of, 47
-, impost wines for, 21, 37, 150, 188, 365.

- -, -, office, 33
-, fees in, 547.

- -, -, serjeant to, 1214.

- -, Ireland, 115, 151, 468.

- -, -, Lord Chancellor (see Eustace, Sir M.), 453, 501, 668, 1241.

- Yarmouth
-, see Yarmouth.

-, (Great Back), Mr., 13
-, Lieut. (St. Christopher Foot Companies), 195.

Greathead, Joshua, receiver of Hearthmoney, West Riding of Yorks, 325.

-, Major (for Sir R. Vyner), 7, 56.

-, (Greves, Graves), Sir Edward, Physician General to the Army of Car. I, 400
-, Physician in Ordinary to Car. II, 400
-, iron mills in St. Leonards Forest, Sussex, 24, 33, 85, 399, 400.

-, Humphrey, Serjeant at Arms, 981, 1453.

-, John, tenant of fee farm, 375.

-, Mr. [? Consul, Barbary], 262.

-, Richard, tidesman, Boston, 1081, 1463.

-, Sackville, searcher of Bristol, 135.

Grediow ("Brediow") (co. Cornwall), 251, 576, 666.

Greek sailors, 818.

Green (Greene), Lady (Catherine Pegge wife of Sir Ed. Green), mother of the Earl of Plymouth, 8, 229, 1320.

-, Edward, shipwright, 745.

-, Sir Edward, bart., 124.

-, Ephraim (for Mr. Dodd), 1174.

-, Dame Frances, issue to, 1170.

-, Hugh, discovery, 1235.

-, John, stable keeper at the mews, petition, 5, 130, 649, 888, 1095
-, Clerk of the Tents, 1284
-, prizes account (executors), 1302.

-, Mr., deputy to the Clerk of the Pipe, 546, 1465.

-, Roger, Surveyor at Virginia, 112, 346.

-, Thomas, fee farm, 799
-, Cashier and Paymaster at the Office for Exchanges or for Taxes, 1107, 1375, 1394
-, Wine Act, 1400, 1401.

-, William (ship Andrew), 275, 300.

-, -, receiver for fee farms, Warwick and Leicester, 875.

Greencloth, 32, 75, 98.

- Board, 455, 842, 843, 1170-1.

-, Clerk of
-, see Boreman, Sir W.
-, clerks of, 609.

-, officers of, 222, 322.

-, Tower and lodgings at Windsor Castle, 1153.

-, Yard
-, see Streets.

Greenfield Thomas, searcher of Chichester, 152.

Greenland Company, 172.

- trade, Act for (25 Car. II, c. 7), 172 (see Navigation Acts, 1675).

Greenley, Mr., tenant of fee farm, 378.

Greenscombe Woods, Stoke Climsland, 505.

Greenwax fines, 432, 483.

- revenue, 173
-, devoted to Windsor Castle building, 242
-, devoted half to Windsor Castle building and half to St. Paul's building, 242, 480, 522, 823, 916, 963, 993, 1164, 1183, 1447, 1452, 1468
-, granted to trustees as to part with remainder to Windsor and St. Paul's, 795, 896, 945, 993-4.

- writs sealed at the Greenwax seal, 1169.

Greenway, John, lease, 247.

Greenwich (Kent), 120, 728, 803, 1048.

-, dwarf orchard, 18, 156, 522
-, keeper of see Boreman, Sir W.

-, houses at purchased for the King, 73, 74, 362, 420, 458, 463, 464, 466, 467, 489, 786, 877, 1170, 1408.

-, manor of East Greenwich, socage tenure as of, 406, 1263, 1298.

-, King's garden and park, repairs and deer in, 157, 1154, 1247, 1285
-, plantation, 1152
-, keeper of, 1470
-, see Driver, G.

-, -, palace, 877, 1282
-, keeper of the King's wardrobe see Bowles, W.

Greffen, Giles, tenant, London, 341.

Gregg, William, repairs Whittlewood Forest, 305, 581, 636, 706, 1421.

Gregory, Edward, Clerk of the Cheque, Chatham, royal bounty to, 557, 634.

-, Henry, one of the King's musicians, 174, 645, 824, 1419.

-, Mr. (for the Earl of Dover), 1325.

-, Oliver, 62, 74.

-, Serjeant Richard, messenger attending the Lord Treasurer, 99, 101, 130, 177, 200, 253, 267, 285, 338, 352, 359, 507, 520, 579, 608, 667, 671, 685, 688, 694, 827, 1418, 1421, 1422, 1426, 1428.

- William, one of the King's musicians, 1022.

-, (Greenvile, etc.), Bernard, 455
-, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 51, 123, 139, 206, 227, 300, 383, 528, 604, 701, 766, 899, 968, 993, 1057, 1141, 1162
-, Envoy to the Duke of Savoy, 114
-, grant of tenths, 772, 1424, 1426
-, grant of fines, 397, 439, 657, 1349
-, grant of Chertsey manor, 132
-, keeper of Petersham Lodge, Richmond Park, 149
-, receiver of fines of Courts, 795, 896, 945
-, trustee for part of Greenwax fines, 993
-, secret service payments to, 1326, 1330, 1332
-, goods for, 190.

Gresham, Thomas, tidewaiter, London, 52, 288.

-, see Greaves.

Grey, Anthony, twenty-second Earl of Kent, 1365.

-, Henry, Lord Grey [? ninth Earl of Kent], 160, 417.

-, Lady, petition, 1387.

-, Thomas, son of Lord William, 182.

-, -, of London, merchant, 805.

-, -, commissioner for admeasuring. Newcastle coal keels, 1206.

-, William, Lord Grey of Werke, 182.

Greyhound Inn (Newmarket), 80.

-, [Edward] [Office of Treasurer of the Chamber], 5, 7, 18, 27, 34, 40, 41, 49, 50, 57, 62, 76, 80, 91, 93, 233, 402, 454, 489, 835, 928, 1246, 1320, 1340, 1351, 1355, 1356
-, pension, 740, 773, 968, 1311, 1429, 1435, 1438
-, interest to, 1466.

-, Sir Edward, Treasurer of the Chamber, 74, 80, 149, 248, 249, 293, 299, 302, 314, 331, 334, 344, 414, 491, 511, 538, 567, 575, 605, 618, 636, 642, 656, 697, 717, 731, 757, 773, 794, 805, 818, 871, 886, 901, 904, 941, 963, 1011, 1050, 1093, 1101, 1104, 1107, 1136, 1207, 1226, 1230, 1231, 1234, 1260, 1264, 1282, 1291, 1292, 1306, 1311, 1340, 1351, 1437, 1438, 1454, 1461, 1471
-, interest account, 1464, 1467, 1468.

-, Mr., servant to Sir W. Temple, 904.

Griffith, Arnold, undersearcher, London, 689, 727.

-, Hugh, page of the Bedchamber, 120, 926.

-, John, deputy Auditor, Cornwall Duchy, 1184.

-, Sir John, ordnance for Jamaica, 396.

-, -, commissioner for Wine Licences, 56, 197, 254-5, 816.

-, Mr., tenement in Pall Mall field, 341.

-, Robert, tidesman, Swansea, 785.

Grills, Charles, receiver of the Eighteen Months' Assessment (1661), for Cornwall, 942.

-, see Grymes.

Grimscote (Northants), 374.

Grimston, Sir Harbottle, Master of the Rolls, 394.

Grinfield, Thomas, searcher of Chichester, 104.

Grinsdale, William and wife, quakers, 1256.

Grinstead, East (co. Sussex), George Inn at, 1047, 1048.

Gripp, Matthew, tidesman, London, 1211.

Grise, John, Lord Treasurer's ironmonger, 569.

-, Nicholas (of Leeds), 569.

Groats, 301.

Groidon, Mr., 629.

Groom Porter
-, see Royal Household.

Gronen, Adam, merchant, 734, 1087, 1145.

Grosse, Ambrose, quaker, 1256.

Grounds, Mr. [payments to for apparently secret service], for Nell Gwynn, 29, 260, 500.

Groute, Christopher, limberman or harborer of the Privy Buckhounds, 1123.

Grove, George (bill assigned), 475.

-, John, Master Plasterer of the Works, 200, 411, 1311, 1371.

-, Mary, widow of Samuel, petition, 8, 454, 673
-, royal bounty to, 497, 1361, 1365, 1424.

-, Samuel, husband of Mary, a King's waiter, London, 8, 673, 1361, 1365.

Groves, Thomas, coffee house, 445.

Gruchy, Elias de, of Southampton, merchant, 1042, 1459.

Grymes, John (security of J. Meynell), 281.

-, see Army, Yeomen of Guard.

- House, in St. James's Park, 1146, 1152.

Gubbs, John, 1428.

Guernsey, 104, 147, 648, 1400.

-, Captain of
-, see Hatton, Lord C.

-, Castle, boat and guns, 689.

-, Customs free export to England, 633.

-, garrison account, 689.

-, ground called Rue Faire, 689.

-, inhabitants, commissioner for
-, see Haviland, J., 1400, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1408.

-, licence for exporting wool etc. to, 790, 874, 1420.

-, Lieut.-Governor, 633.

-, paymaster of Forces in
-, see Barcroft, J.

-, register for sea passes, 166.

-, victuals for, 1037, 1458.

Guilders, 394, 1019.

-, Dutch. 1019, 1075.

-, see London.

Guilsborough (co. Northampton), 799.

Guinea (Africa), 529, 619, 812, 1012, 1080, 1119.

Guineas, 834, 1096, 1193.

Guitar, imports of, 303, 351, 582.

Gully, Mr., petition, 3.

Gum, arabic, 584, 623.

-, seneca, imports of for dyeing, 238, 455, 623, 652, 660, 734, 750, 918, 1002, 1087, 1145, 1427.

Gun Wharf
-, see Woolwich.

-, Capt. Christopher, ship's commander, 213, 413
-, interest for money due, 426, 669, 973, 976, 1029, 1427, 1433
-, bankers' annuity, 874, 921.

-, Peter
-, see Chichester, bishop of, Ely, bishop of, 657, 772
-, and see Conning.

-, 31
-, corn powder, 396.

-, dues on for Tangier, 1167, 1314.

-, patent for making, 540.

-, shipping of, 629, 640, 758.

Guns, question of duty on, 94, 1119, 1192, 1471, see Ordnance (stores for private ships).

-, export of, 1119
-, see India
-, and see Ordnance.

-, Mris. Katherine, 26, 61
-, (her husband in Worcester fight, escape), 100
-, pension, 268, 275, 364, 393, 524, 623, 731, 769, 878, 914, 1090, 1111, 1434, 1460.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 569.

Guppy, John, Yarmouth Customs smack, 957.

Gurle (Gyrle, Girle), Joseph, of Maribone, brewer, 342.

-, Leonard, keeper and gardener of St. James's Park garden, 269, 828-9, 983, 1072, 1095, 1135, 1193, 1443, 1444.

Gurling, Matthew, surety of N. Bigsby, 950.

-, (Gourney), Francis, of Maldon, Essex, 735, 936
-, estate of, 1006, 1034-5, 1364, 1458, 1459.

-, John (loco Sir W. Petty, Irish farm), 27, 30, 162, 173, 837, 841.

Guthlaxton, hundred (co. Leicester), 744.

-, Henry, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 4, 51, 123, 137, 206, 233, 300, 383, 528, 604, 701, 766, 857, 899, 968, 982, 993, 1057, 1094, 1141, 1157, 1468
-, receiver of arrears of fee farms, 437, 674, 695, 875, 1214, 1425, 1426, 1462
-, pension for Dame Cope, 458, 709, 1429, 1431, 1444
-, grant of lands, Somerset, 982
-, grant of the bailiwick of Westminster for J. Hall, 511, 927, 1020, 1429
-, Excise Receivers' advance to for the Army 1265
-, payments by, 1473.

Guyon, Sir Mark, sheriff of Essex, 713.

Gwavas, William, surety of R. Coke, 616, 951.

Gwillym (Gwillim), Devereux, killing of, 412.

-, Mr., clerk for drawing parliamentary bills, 1337.

Gwynionedd Ucharden (Cardigan), 527, 1021.

-, (Gwyn and see Wynne), Eleanor or Nell, 38
-, issues to, 196, 500, 563, 613, 885, 886, 1041, 1133, 1213
-, pension to, 344, 578, 688 (for the Earl of Burford see Beauclerk, C.), 1,000l. per an. added to her pension of 4,000l. per an., 434
-, grant of logwood, 88
-, grant of register in Chancery, 88
-, house in Pall Mall Field, 342.

-, Francis, commissioner to the farmers of revenue, Ireland, 180 ;
-, receiver of the Seventeen Months' Assessment, co. Wilts, 431, 463.

-, Richard, a groom litterman, 267, 532.

- (Wynn), Richard, collector of Hearthmoney co. Somerset, 134, 470, 473
-, surety for J. Vaughan, 474, 475, 736.

-, William, an auditor of Crown revenues, 247.

-, see Gide.

-, see Gifford.

-, see Giles.

-, see Gurle.

-, see Give.