Index: F

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Fairfax, Col. Charles, annuity of (100l.), 923.

-, Charles, Commissioner for setting out Newcastle port, 328.

-, Henry, fourth Lord Fairfax, Justice of the Peace, co. Yorks, 159, 838, 1123.

-, -, Justice of the Peace, co. Yorks, 417, 418.

-, Mr., a gentleman Pensioner, 569.

-, Thomas, annuity, 923, 1441.

-, -, Justice of the Peace, 418, 905.

-, Col. Thomas, Commissioner to adjust affairs at Virginia, 334
-, daughters, 455.

Fairlawn (co. Kent), 211.

-, 276
-, grant of, 628.

Falconer (Fauconer, Falkner, Faulconer), Robert, merchant, 499.

-, Tho., of Bermondsey, skinner, 42, 45, 203.

-, Viscount of
-, see Carye, A.

-, (co. Cornwall), 127, 128, 183, 235, 461, 626, 786, 801, 1256
-, Commission for setting out quay, 453, 456, 457, 632, 845, 852, 854-5, 859
-, Governor of see Villiers, Col.

-, Countess of
-, see Sackville, M.

Fan Grove, Coppice (Chertsey), 418.

Fancourt, Elizabeth, 804.

Fans, imports of, 107, 196, 325, 350, 593, 608, 612, 641, 649, 656, 669, 691, 788, 809.

-, Charles, pension as Commissioner for Revenue, Ireland, 175
-, Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 197, 663, 1204, 1263.

-, Evelyn, 3rd Viscount Fanshawe, King's Remembrancer, 1354.

-, Henry, Receiver of fines of Courts, 795, 896, 945
-, Trustee of part of Greenwax fines, 993
-, Receiver of arrears of prizes, 1105, 1131, 1138, 1166, 1469
-, Receiver of arrears of first Wine Act, 1304
-, keeping Hearthmoney rolls, 351, 393, 767, 1129, 1176, 1254
-, Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 663, 1263
-, payments of secret service moneys to, 1328, 1330, 1332, 1413
-, reversion of auditorship of Excise, 161.

-, Lady, pension to executors of, 163, 275, 574, 700, 818, 970, 1079, 1117, 1136, 1149, 1252, 1330
-, Lady Fanshawe's daughters, 1448.

-, the Misters [? Mistress] pension to, 30, 84, 432, 447, 852, 1327, 1330, 1332.

-, Sir Simon, royal bounty to, 538, 562.

-, Sir Thomas, King's Coroner and Attorney in the King's Bench, 126, 250, 537, 608, 1111, 1459
-, Greenwax money, 823, 916, 963
-, keeper of game, London and Westminster, 1034.

-, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Fanshawe, daughters of, 1352.

Farleigh, East, manor (co. Kent), 1047, 1048.

Farmer, Sir Edw., 497, 1353, 1363.

-, Sir William (antiques, etc., for), 679, 870, 1427.

Farnaby, Mr., payment, 289.

Farr, William, surety of G. Pley, Weymouth, 1069.

Farren, John (Customs Cashier office), 723.

Farrer, James, tidesman, Liverpool, 786.

Farriers Company, 114.

Farrington, Thomas, merchant, 403, 568.

Farrington Gurney (co. Somerset), 1204.

-, see Mint.

Fasting and humiliation, Act of Parliament and Proclamation for, 157.

-, Viscount
-, see Belasyse, T.

-, see Falkener.

-, George, royal bounty, 255, 298
-, Receiver General of the Eighteen Months' Assessment, co. Leicester, 298.

Faure (Feure), John le, shipmaster, 289, 754.

-, see Vauxhall.

Faversham (co. Kent), 201, 214, 245, 253, 288, 398, 626, 1002, 1159.

Fawkes, Tho., Justice of Peace, co. Yorks, 417.

Fawne, Francis, bond, Boston port, 312.

Fazeby, Capt. William, 557, 619, 822.

Feake, Samuel, surety of R. Dereham, 998.

Feckenham (co. Worcester), manor and park, 379.

Fee Farms

-, accounts and lists of sales, 9, 12, 51, 89, 454, 937, 1408, 1411, 1412.

-, Act of Parliament for, 745, 1374.

-, all sold, 54.

-, arrears and grants of, 437, 674, 695, 875.

-, Castle Guard rents
-, see Castle.

- contracts, 127, 136, 234, 267, 278, 325, 373-8, 405-6, 513, 522, 525, 531-2, 549, 560, 561, 571, 585, 635, 700-1, 706, 707, 799, 806, 809, 821, 1031, 1047-9, 1075, 1198, 1206, 1215, 1238, 1260, 1285, 1410.

-, doubly conveyed or unsaleable, 453.

-, exchange of with the Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls, 2
-, and see St. Paul's (Dean).

-, fixed county payments charged on, including arrangements for the transfer of such payments to other branches of revenue in consequence of the failure of fee farm revenues, including also complications in Receivers' accounts by reason of such failure, 11, 25, 131, 225, 305, 350, 368, 493, 494, 531, 707, 1080, 1310, 1373, 1374, 1388, 1403, 1404.

-, instructions for removing doubts and mistakes in sales and double sales, etc., 131-2.

-, leases, 1016.

-, liquidation of public debt by means of
-, see Bennet, Sir J.

-, loans on, 1375.

-, office in the Temple, 1219, 1284, 1376
-, records in, 1376.

-, orders, issues, etc., charged on, 54, 57, 83, 164, 295, 470, 471, 664, 751, 1061, 1085, 1121, 1122, 1291, 1348, 1462.

-, particulars, 438.

-, receipts, 1169.

-, Receivers, 350
-, names of Receivers, 875
-, and see Fee Farms (fixed payments).

-, sales, 406.

-, Trustees, 11, 25, 127, 131, 136, 325, 373, 405, 513, 541-2, 561, 674, 707, 1016, 1047, 1198, 1206, 1223, 1376, 1403, 1404, 1411, 1413
-, clerks to see Blaney, R., Lightfoot, R., Dering, H.

-, unsaleable rents, 131.

Fee trees, destruction of timber under pretence of, 91.

-, see Exchequer Court (King's Remembrancer), Exchequer Court (Pipe), Exchequer Court (Chamberlain), Exchequer Receipt (Chancellor), Privy Seal, Ireland (Vice Treasurer), Customs, Secretary of State, Signet Office.

-, annual expense under stoppage scheme, 117.

-, commuting
-, see Commuting.

Feild (Field), Francis, outlaw, 151.

-, John, a King's waiter, London, 161, 224
-, comptroller of Wines, London, 346, 368, 552, 723, 824, 1020, 1268, 1298.

Feilder (Fielder), Andrew, tidewaiter, Southampton, 129.

-, (Fielding) Basill, Receiver General of Eighteen Months', co. Yorks, 1097, 1436, 1439
-, ditto of Poll, co. Yorks and Kingston upon Hull, 953, 1455.

-, Honourable George, pension, 790, 908, 983, 1001, 1079, 1089, 1195.

-, Mary, wife of the third Earl of Denbigh, 1063, 1297-8.

-, Robert, pardon for killing, 757.

-, William, third Earl of Denbigh, Visct. Fielding, creation money, 425, 520, 727, 1162, 1430, 1434.

Fell, John, Bishop of Oxford, 191.

-, Rapha, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Felo de se
-, see Escheated.

Feltmakers, 238, 652.

-, Thomas, Groom of the Bedchamber, 51, 123, 139, 206, 233, 300, 383, 528, 604, 701, 766, 899, 968, 993, 1057, 1141, 1162
-, Master of the Hawks, 107, 200, 261, 344, 523, 582, 773, 890, 990, 1064, 1237, 1253, 1415.

Fenn, John, Remembrancer of First Fruits, 1039.

-, -, [Navy, agent to Sir G. Carteret], 362, 422, 426, 428, 594, 1009.

-, Mr., extended estate, 1357.

Fennotry (Venn Ottery) manor (Cornwall, co. Devon), 270, 563.

Fenstanton (Fenny Stanton) (co. Hunts), 1257.

-, Sir John, 564, 565, 1330, 1332
-, regiment, 1055
-, Justice of the Peace, 1217
-, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, Island, Captain of fort
-, see Widdrington, Lord.

Fernes, Henry, shipmaster, 976.

Ferrington manor (? Farrington, co. Radnor), 1281.

Ferrour (Terrour), John, Comptroller of Lynn Regis, 254, 308.

Fetter, Erasmus, searcher for uncustomed goods, 224.

-, see Faure.

Feuquiere, Monsieur de [Antoine de Pas, Marquis de Feuquires, French General, 1648-1711], ambassador from France to Sweden, 186, 189.

Feuries, Monsieur, merchant, goods for the King, 136.

-, Earl and Countess of
-, see Sondes, G. and M.
-, Duras, L.

Fewdon Coppice
-, see Wychwood.

Fiagh (Ireland), 517.

-, Fielder, Fielding
-, see Feild, Feilder, Feilding.

-, Bartholomew, issues to for secret service, 181, 192, 229, 318, 636, 767, 1105, 1169, 1209, 1309
-, for the Earl of Plymouth, etc., 659, 869-70
-, militia money, 847
-, arrears, 432
-, inquisition, 821
-, deputy to Sir W. Doyly as Teller, 1093
-, Agent for Taxes, 6, 25, 33, 36, 51, 57, 62, 64, 226, 266, 278, 310, 423, 463, 464, 466, 467, 469, 477, 491, 494, 684, 1070, 1337, 1339, 1379, 1444, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468.

Filliter, Mr., ships master, 112.

Finch, Anne, daughter of Capt. William Finch, Irish establishment [pension], 97, 453, 454, 710, 1432.

-, George, surety of R. Dereham, 998.

-, Heneage, Lord Finch afterwards Earl of Nottingham, Lord Chancellor, 4,000l. per an. to, 204, 643, 792
-, grant of advowson, 414, 628
-, grant of fairs, 627-8.

-, Sir H., 47.

-, Jane, widow of Francis, 1375
-, Sandwich searchership, 1450.

-, Francis [Excise] Commissioner, 23, 81, 83, 122, 441, 442, 454, 646, 1375.

-, Mr., Counsel, 434, 481.

-, Mr. [? Customs officer], 1407.

-, Capt. William (slain in service), 710.

Fincham, Mr., shipmaster, 1012.

Finchamstead bailiwick
-, see Windsor Forest.

-, see Garranfinather.

-, Alienation fines
-, see Alienation.

- and compositions in the Exchequer, 1253.

- and forfeitures estreated into the Exchequer, grant of collection of, 474.

- and amerciaments, surveyorship and receivership of, see Aram, T.
-, grant of in trust to the Earl of Peterborough et al., 795, 896, 945, 993-4.

- de banco, 362.

-, grant of king's moiety of, 890.

-, Countess of
-, see Plunkett, M.

Fingle, John (Copley's estate), 517.

-, see Scotch cloth.

-, Samuel, lease, 612, 691, 1422
-, [collector and receiver of Crown rents], 645.

Fire of London
-, 13, 19, 121, 309, 440, 1067, 1233, 1362, 1372
-, destruction of orders and tallies, 1009.

-, 74
-, see Northampton, Newport.

First Fruits (and Tenths and see Tenths)

-, accounts, 29.

-, Auditor of, 396, 977, 1226.

-, charges on, 839.

-, installing, 190, 236, 349, 412, 963, 970, 1235, 1295, 1309-10, 1450, 1452, 1453.

-, issues out of and orders charged on, 35, 107, 188, 195, 264, 270, 289, 335, 361, 525, 569, 614, 650, 653, 672, 676, 677, 694, 752, 757, 779, 790, 925, 945, 954, 1124, 1136, 1160, 1171, 1177, 1187, 1189, 1190, 1195, 1222, 1223, 1230, 1253, 1282.

-, Prettyman's debt, installing of, 464, 649, 740-1.

-, processes for recovery of, 584.

-, Receiver General (see Prettyman, W.), 107, 264, 289, 1406, 1407, 1409
-, during Prettyman's suspension see Cordell, L.
-, instructions for, 977-8.

-, Remembrancer of (see Prettyman, W., Fenn, J.), 226, 439, 1408
-, deputy to, see Porter C.

Firth, John, searcher, Colchester, 332.

-, duty on, 745, 919
-, and see Fisheries, Fishing.

Fisher, Benet, 62, 1366.

-, Sir Clement, 529, 1014.

-, Lady (Jane Lane, wife of Sir C. Fisher), 1,000l. per an., 4, 29, 55, 56, 144, 257, 323, 529, 712, 1014, 1431.

-, John, fee farm, 325.

-, Joshua, innholder, 1194.

-, Mris., petition, 24.

-, Mary, daughter of Capt. Thomas, petition, 62, 1366.

-, Richard, of Newark on Trent, 795.

-, -, surveyor, Fowey, 559, 579, 726, 809.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 726.

-, Tho., merchant, of Bristol, 788, 913, 927, 963.

- -, deputy to Sir C. Harbord, Surveyor General, 337, 757, 1373, 1389.

-, Capt. Thomas, burser general, Auditor General of Hearthmoney, 1366.

-, William, quaker, 1257.

-, Royal Fishery Company, 56, 154, 246, 1432
-, [in Holy Island], 99.

-, -, duty on imports, 666-7.

-, -, incorporation, 711-2.

-, -, salt for, 66, 294.

-, -, ships of, privileges of and Naturalizing, 51, 99
-, royal bounty on, 712, 877-8.

-, Iceland
-, see Iceland.

Fishing rights
-, 138
-, cases, 324, 345, 517, 1125-6.

-, imports, 886, 887.

-, exports, 1008.

Fishpool (Delamere Forest, Chester), 973.

Fisk, John, noontender, London, 1063, 1462.

Fitch, John, workmaster of forts, 55, 1160.

-, Mrs., petition, 54.

Fittleton (co. Wilts), manor, 821.

Fitz (Fittz), Mr., for the Earl of Lichfield, 447.

-, Theophilus, a king's musician, 275, 645, 824, 1419.

Fitz - Charles
-, Charles, Earl of Plymouth, goods for, 1159
-, pension, 22, 35, 189, 285, 498, 657, 771, 940, 1281, 1421, 1431
-, other issues, 432, 502, 659, 1319, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1330, 1331, 1333
-, debts and creditors of, 8, 63, 64, 75, 85, 229, 447, 449, 450, 834, 869, 1444
-, play in Holland, 1321, 1322, 1323
-, going to the campaign, 71, 707, 1319, 1320
-, marriage with Lady Bridget Osborne, 1281
-, grant of manors for, 1281
-, lodgings at Whitehall, 1159.

Fitz-Gerald, Katherine, wife of Ed. Villiers (lands), 501.

-, Mabel Digby alias Fitz Gerald, 501.

-, Robert, pension on the Irish establishment, 398, 1241.

-, Thomas, quitting Dutch service upon the King's proclamation, 1389.

-, Viscount
-, see Berkeley, M.

Fitz Patrick, Col., 1410.

-, Charles, Earl of Southampton, afterwards Duke of Southampton, pension of 3,000l., 164, 211, 683
-, George for, 538
-, Duchess of, 1317.

-, George, earl of Northumberland afterwards Duke of Northumberland, pension of 3,000l., 164, 211
-, equipage, 190
-, custody of Hampton Court, 568.

-, Henry, Earl of Euston, afterwards Duke of Grafton, pension of 3,000l., 164, 211
-, equipage, 190.

Fitz Simonds
-, see Simmonds.

Fitz-Thomas, tidesman, London, 1142.

-, Lord
-, see Mildmay, B.

Fitz-William, Ellen, widow of Oliver, second Viscount Fitzwilliam and second Earl of Tynemouth, pension of 300l. on the Irish establishment, 398.

Five Island (Antigua), 976.

-, see Hoggard.

Flag, lowering the Flag to a Spanish man-of-war within English waters, 152.

Flanagan, Owen, tidesman, London, 888.

Flanders, 366, 539, 588-9, 607, 1001, 1031, 1055, 1063, 1087, 1092, 1150, 1173, 1282, 1319, 1320.

-, campaign in, 432, 562, 578, 662.

-, cloth, 812.

-, English soldiers in, 726, 851
-, recalled from, 857, 1055, 1063.

-, Flemish built ships, 317.

-, Governor of, 578
-, see Villa Hermosa
-, court officials, 1265.

-, horses for, transported to, 851
-, freight for, 1104.

- lace
-, see Lace.

-, officers called home from, 1231.

Fleet bridge, tolls, 52.

- prison, hearthmoney, 21.

- -, warden, 211.

Fleet, Paul, mariner, 147.

-, Arthur, goods for, 619
-, commissioner for Wine licences, 56, 197, 254-5, 306, 477, 816
-, (secret service) for C. Bertie, 35, 36, 201, 328, 329, 330
-, Clerk Comptroller of Tents, 661.

-, Mrs., widow of Arthur, 477, 480, 484, 485, 486.

-, William, glazier, 1194.

Fleming, George, Justice of the Peace, Westmorland, 41, 47.

-, Richard, waiter, Moston, 760, 785.

Flemingston (Flimpstone) (Glamorgan), 61, 245, 315, 417.

-, see Flanders.

Fletcher, Sir George, Justice of Peace, Westmorland, 41, 47.

-, William (Whitehaven), 999, 1065.

-, see Flemingston.

Flint, town, 785.

- county, 526, 991, 1002.

- -, receivers of assessments
-, see Whitley, R.

-, see Flouse.

Florence stones, 772.

-, Henry, petition, 50
-, surety of G. Pley, 225, 370, 686, 828, 936, 1090, 1428.

-, -, commissioner for frauds Lyme Regis, 1109, 1142, 1207.

Flouse (Floore, Northants), 373.

Flower, Edmund, a King's musician, 221, 645, 824, 1208, 1419.

-, see Lloyd.

Floyer, William, commissioner for frauds, Lyme Regis, 1109.

Flushing (Netherlands), 920, 1148.

Flye, Edmund, coffee house, 445.

Fobbing marsh (co. Essex), 309.

Foche (Foshe), John, grant of debt, 917, 1446, 1447.

Folewood park (Notts), 572.

Foley, Robert, taxes money of co. Worcester, 125.

-, Mr., seizer of foreign wine, 1454.

Foliard (Foillard), Raphael, barber to the King and for barbing linen, 124, 265, 491, 496, 528, 677, 852, 888, 1114, 1425, 1444.

-, Richard, barber to the King, 827, 899
-, pension, 1114.

Foliot, Mr., Surveyor General of Customs and Excise, Ireland, 198.

Folkes, Martin, grant, Pall Mall field, 341, 719.

Fontainebleau (France), 872, 908.

Foote, William, quaker, 1257.

Forbes, Arthur, Viscount of Granard, 398, 499, 1241.

Ford (co. Kent), manor, 218.

-, Sir Henry (Parliament House, Dublin), 620
-, sick and wounded, issues for, 725.

-, Sir Richard, 40
-, ground sold to Navy, 291.

-, Robert, keeper of the King's house and garden at Newmarket, 538, 793, 1017, 1438
-, petition, 62, 98.

-, Samuel, tenant, London, 341.

-, William, landwaiter, London, 220
-, surveyor of landwaiters, 928.

Fordham, Tho., yeoman of the bows, 1386.

Fordington (co. Dorset), manor, 216.

Fordred, Capt. William, warehouseman at Bristol, 170, 663, 732, 1431.

Foreign Affairs, Committee for, 30, 487, 976, 1401.

- Apposer
-, see Exchequer Court.

- Plantations, Council
-, see Trade.

Forelands, North and South, lighthouses, 1355.

Foreman, Henry, brewer, 1417.

-, see Forside.

-, 1402
-, see Ashdown, Dean, Delamere, Melchet, New, Rockingham, Salcey, Sherwood, St. Leonards, Walton, Whittlewood, Windsor, Woodstock, Wychwood, Wyre.

Forged debentures, bills, public faith bills, etc., commission for enquiry into, 322.

Forrester, Andrew, 633.

Forside (Foreside), James, surety of E. Jolly, 1099.

-, John, surety of E. Jolly, 953.

-, see Foster.

Forsyth, James, doorkeeper (Committee of Union), 527, 622.

Fort, Alexander, master joiner to the Works, 747, 970.

-, Alderman Dannet, Excise farmer, London, 108
-, Revenue farmer, Ireland, 54, 422, 436, 525, 601.

-, Alderman John, Excise farmer, London, 108
-, Revenue farmer, Ireland, 2, 11, 54, 125, 126, 422, 525, 601, 668, 711.

-, the two Forths, 11.

-, Thomas, brewer, of London, Revenue farmer, Ireland, 747.

Fortrey (Fortry, Fortree), Samuel, clerk of deliveries of Ordnance, 174, 830, 854, 1111.

-, the King's
-, see Garrisons.

-, Hearthmoney on, 21.

-, see Foche.

Fossy lands, Queen's County, Ireland, 508.

Foster (Forster), Andrew, discovering libels, 1327.

-, Katherine, relict of Martin, 1380.

-, Luke, tenant, Bucks, 341.

-, Capt. Martin, Comptroller, Newcastle, 328, 949, 1045, 1308, 1380.

-, Sir Reginald, 31
-, surety of J. Pritchett, 952
-, inquisition, 1286.

Fothergill (Fothergil), George, surety of B. Feilding, 953, 1097.

Foucard, Mr., payment, 289.

Fountain garden
-, see Whitehall.

- tavern, Charing Cross, 589.

Fountaine, Thomas, tidesman, London, 1185, 1348.

Fountains Abbey (co. Yorks), 875.

Four And A Half Per Cent, Duty, Barbados

-, -, accounts, 12, 319, 420, 456, 458, 459, 464, 466, 475, 476, 1280, 1300.

-, -, Barbados merchants acting in
-, see Barbados (merchants).

-, -, collectors, 476, 774.

-, -, Commissioners or Receivers, 12, 338.

-, -, creditors on, 421, 423, 424, 464
-, and see Barbados (Regiment), Kinnoul, Earl of.

-, -, debt on, 3.

-, -, Farm, proposals for, 6, 82, 83, 492, 493, 495, 835-6
-, new farm, 961-2, 1447, 1451, 1452.

-, -, Farmers (see Strode, Col. J., Spencer, R., Wheeler, Sir C., Tucker, C., Daniel, H.), 3, 6, 9, 24, 55, 56, 58, 60-1, 70, 72, 114, 243, 424
-, defalcations to for obstructions in their farm, 12, 16, 22, 60, 84, 424
-, Farmers' goods (sugar, etc), sent home to England, 6, 16, 61, 70, 114, 306, 315, 319, 774, 1000, 1008, 1456.

-, -, payments out of and tallies and orders charged on, 45, 63, 159, 243, 338, 345, 387, 402, 587, 758, 846, 904, 929, 965, 1017, 1040, 1084, 1116, 1196, 1213, 1310, 1378.

-, -, pensions on, 60, 83, 387.

-, -, question as to this duty being chargeable on Plantation goods, 386.

-, -, resumption of farm, 70, 774.

-, In The Leeward Islands

-, -, creditors on, 421.

-, -, Farm, proposals for, 495, 835-6
-, end of, 774.

-, -, Farmers (Strode, J.), 929, 1008
-, (Spencer, R., Strode, J., Tucker, C., Daniel, H.), 961-2.

-, -, revenue, 387
-, payments out of, 345, 1196.

Fourse, John, shipmaster, 987.

Fowbridge (co. Lancs), 1257.

Fowey (Cornwall), 106, 146, 183, 319, 559, 579, 726, 809, 1433.

Fowler, Elizabeth, daughter of John, pension, 929, 998, 1449, 1455, 1458.

-, John, Judge Advocate of the Fleet, 557, 929, 998.

Fowles (Fowlis), Sir David, alum works, 1068.

-, Mary, widow, grant of fines, 381.

-, Thomas, banker, London, grant out of French duty, 914.

- (Fowley), William, searcher, London, 777, 1298, 1433.

Fownes, Nicho., payment, 289.

-, Richard, steward of several manors, Somerset, 1204, 1472.

-, Thomas, Customs officer, 7
-, prizes account, 1302.

Fox (Foxe), Gerard, tallies on the Alum farm, 419, 688, 982.

-, Mathew, shipmaster, 734.

-, Mr., messenger, 1333.

-, Mrs., petition, 43.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 1150.

-, Col. Somerset, pension to, 101, 285, 595, 894, 982, 1045, 1177, 1322.

-, Sir Stephen, 7, 62, 454, 1349, 1405, 1411
-, Paymaster General of Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces, 502, 531, 1412
-, patent as such revoked, 126, 128, 145
-, accounts as such, 273, 1077, 1456, 1464
-, issues to as such see Army (Paymaster)
-, loans by and troubles concerning his tallies and the Cofferer's tallies on the Excise, 10, 11, 14, 15, 22, 31, 37, 58, 60, 64, 83, 422, 425, 426, 429-30, 551, 559
-, interest to, accounts of and payments for, 1, 5, 15, 22, 32, 128, 139, 196, 305, 313, 329, 423
-, loans to from the bankers, 28
-, French money, 1316
-, poundage, 1307
-, payments by, 22, 27, 36, 1279, 1375, 1389
-, pensions paid by, 22, 35, 37
-, issues to unclassed, 23, 129
-, issues to for secret service, 20, 29, 100, 104, 130, 201, 273
-, ditto for the Earl of Lichfield (2,000l. per an. by the privy seal of 1674, July), 27, 100, 101, 177, 266, 368, 518, 592, 680, 771, 786, 880, 960, 1033, 1120, 1197, 1451, 1466
-, ditto for the Earl of Sussex (2,000l. per an. by the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 25), 100, 101, 130, 206, 219, 266, 368, 535, 592, 680, 771, 786, 880, 960, 1033, 1125, 1197, 1451
-, ditto for the Lord Treasurer (8,000l. per an.), 100, 138, 269
-, ditto for the Earl of Plymouth (2,000l. per an. by the privy seal of 1672, Nov. 24), 189, 285, 498, 657.

Fox Hall
-, see Vauxhall.

Foxcroft, H., coastwaiter, 62.

-, Sam., tidesman, 48.

Foxenden, tenement, Neat's Court, Kent, 511.

Foxton (co. Leicester), 375.

Framingham, Joseph, tidesman, London, 755, 792.

France, 71, 98, 112, 124, 147, 160, 170, 172, 184, 213, 225, 238, 252, 273, 275, 312, 334, 348, 491, 500, 529, 580, 613, 632, 633, 652, 707, 745, 759, 836, 961, 1062, 1146, 1230, 1237, 1329.

-, ambassadors to and from England
-, see Ambassadors.

-, -, in Sweden
-, see Feuquire, M. de.

-, -, in Poland, 697.

-, -, from Holland to
-, see Pickkart, Sir H.

-, -, from Portugal
-, see Mando, D., R. de.

-, -, from Sweden, 739.

-, army in Flanders, 726.

-, English soldiers, companies and regiments in, 179, 1095
-, English officers in, 839, 948
-, English killed in the French service, 13.

-, exports to, from England, 366, 367
-, of horses, 939, 949, 973, 1032, 1112
-, prohibition of export of horses to see Horses.

-, goods from (individual parcels of goods), 135, 195, 198, 199, 202, 210, 215, 220, 235, 247, 297, 303, 315, 325, 348, 352, 362, 366, 372, 401, 501, 552, 565, 587, 593, 596, 601, 608, 612, 619, 623, 639, 641, 649, 651, 656, 667, 669, 673, 676, 691, 732, 737, 739, 746, 752, 755, 758, 761, 763, 777, 780, 800, 803, 818, 822, 870, 905, 918, 940, 1081, 1087, 1090, 1110, 1119, 1139, 1465.

-, Hotel des Ambassadeurs, 680.

-, imports from, 108, 987
-, account of value of, 892
-, and see Wines (French)
-, prohibition of see Assessments (Poll).

-, King of, 872, 932, 1095
-, officers of, 680
-, present to from Charles II, 780
-, stable and horses for, for his own riding, 1032, 1038, 1321, 1459
-, money received from by Charles II see Chiffinch, W., Bertie, C.

-, linen imports from, 987.

-, marine treaty (1677), 584.

-, Master of the Horse to
-, see Levalle, Monsieur.

-, natives coming from in response to the English King's invitation, 312.

-, ordinance for resuming trade with England (Nov., 1676), 382.

-, point de (lace)
-, see Lace.

-, privateers
-, see Privateers.

-, prizes taken by the French, 124, 307, 311.

-, Queen of, 872, 1095.

-, war with Denmark, 593.

-, - with England
-, see War
-, orders drawn on the Act for supply for this war see Assessments (Poll).

-, - with Norway, 569.

-, - with Spain, 914-5.

-, woollen exports to, 987.

Francis, Geo., riot, Pembroke, 258.

-, John, collector, Beaumaris, 1185.

-, Mr., footman, 1328, 1330.

-, Thomas, Clerk Comptroller of Tents, 661, 991
-, grant of Law duty concealments, 658, 1040, 1425.

Frankland, William, Justice of Peace, co. Yorks, 417, 418.

Franklin (Franklyn), Arthur, a seaman killing a Swede, 1224.

-, Sir John, inquisition, 1315.

-, Mr., Navy bill, 413.

-, Sir Richard, 1318.

-, Samuel, King's Proctor General, 717.

-, Theophilus, tidesman, London, 4, 113, 122, 171.

-, Thomas, Groom litterman, 362, 532, 705, 1061, 1091.

Franks, George, teller in the Customs Cashier's office, 723.

-, see Frazier.

-, see Customs, Excise, Hearthmoney.

- Act of
-, see Navigation (Acts).

-, (Frasier) Sir Alexander, his Majesty's principal physician, 44, 206, 530, 571, 593, 918, 1056, 1066, 1415
-, daughter of, 1413.

-, Cary, a Maid of Honour to the Queen, 123, 223, 292, 323, 378, 528, 604, 716, 766, 895, 1007, 1058, 1430.

-, Charles, physician in ordinary to the King, 697, 769.

-, Margaret, issue to, 73.

-, Lady [Mary], a Dresser to the Queen, 123, 223, 292, 323, 378, 528, 604, 716, 766, 895, 1006, 1058, 1306, 1429.

-, widow, pension to, 34.

Freake, Mr., suit against, 524.

Frederick, Sir John, merchant, 382, 412.

Freeman, Mr., Justice, Southwark, 90.

-, Ralph, issues of lead, co. Derby, 163.

-, Sir Ralph, Master of the Mint, 787.

-, Richard, Navy bill, 1201.

-, Thomas, searcher Southampton port, 552, 572.

-, William, of London, merchant, exporting convicts, 826.

French capers, fear from, 223.

- comedians, 803, 962.

- duty (5s. per ton on French ships), 500, 529, 580, 1435
-, accounts of, 1054
-, farmer of see Gascoigne, Sir B.
-, pension on, 1082.

- Gazettes
-, see Gazette.

- goods, imports of and trade
-, see France (goods), France (imports).

- merchants, 127.

- ministers in the Savoy
-, see Westminster Abbey (Dean).

- money
-, see Chiffinch, W., Bertie, C.

-, musicians, 1461.

- Plantations
-, see Plantations.

- sailors, 1134.

- secretary
-, see Henshaw, T.

- ships, 1402, 1447
-, bought by English, 727, 745.

- soldiers on campaign, 120.

- weight, 397.

Frescheville, Anne Charlotte, wife of Lord John, pension to, 1259-60.

-, Frances (Mrs. Culpeper), daughter of Lord John, pension to, 1260.

-, John, Lord Frescheville, pension to, 192, 248, 387, 663, 764, 776, 880, 965, 983, 1040, 1123, 1149, 1172, 1232, 1259-60, 1292, 1305, 1318, 1319, 1419
-, fee farms to, 405-6, 525
-, Governor of York, 988
-, grant, co. Derby, 333.

-, see pictures.

Fricker, Edward, waiter, Eastbourne and Pevensey, 1218.

Friederickstadt (Germany), 246.

-, (Freind) John, Northampton Hearthmoney, 724
-, Excise Farmer, 532, 536, 830, 855, 903, 1178, 1250.

Fringes, imports of, 593.

-, see Phrip.

-, see Mallet Down.

-, see Throgmorton.

Frontera, Marquis de, present from the Queen Consort, 502.

Frontini, Monsieur, house in York Buildings, 1139.

Froud, Corney, Weigher and Teller of the Mint, 232.

-, Mr., petition, 33.

-, Philip, 1078.

Frye, Capt. William, royal bounty to, 231, 246.

Fryer (Friar, Frier), John, waiter Stonehouse, 1181.

-, William, pension, 767, 908, 982, 1148, 1437, 1439, 1446, 1453
-, watchman, London, 1211.

Fuente, Marquis de, Resident from 1081.

Fullers' earth, 648, 925.

- -, not to be imported to Ireland, 1091.

Fullerton, Sir James (temp. James I.), trustee for the Prince of Wales, 238, 542.

Furstenberg, Prince William of, 880.

-, Arthur, receiver of Seventeen Months' tax Dorset and Poole (succeeded W. Twist), 617, 886
-, ditto of Eighteen Months', ibid. and county of Poole, 1099, 1100
-, ditto of Poll, ibid, 953.

Fust, Sir John, sheriff of Gloucester, 390.