Entry Book: November 1677, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: November 1677, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp790-803 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: November 1677, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp790-803.

"Entry Book: November 1677, 21-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp790-803.


November 1677, 21-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Nov. 21. Privy seal for an annuity or yearly pension of 200l. to George Feilding, Esq., payable quarterly, commencing the first payment from Michaelmas last : during pleasure : as the King's free gift and royal bounty. (Royal warrant dated Nov. 9 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 16 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 436, 429. Docquet Book, p. 169.
Two same to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. each due to the Crown from Sir James Pool, of Poole in Wirrel, co. Chester (and William Poole, Esq., his brother, to whom the remainder of said baronetcy is granted) and Sir Francis Anderton, of Losttock, co. Lancs. (Royal warrants dated Nov. 9 for said privy seals. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 19 and Nov. 22 respectively of docquets hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrants to the Exchequer accordingly, dated Nov. 30.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 427, 431. Docquet Book, p. 170. Money Book, p. 164.
Royal warrant for 1,500l. to Sir George Carteret, Vice-chamberlain of the Household, for his term of two lives in being, and 31 years in reversion, in several tenements, gardens, yards, cellars and other conveniences lying near the fortifications at Plymouth, which premises being marked, butted and set out for the King's use his Majesty has thought fit to purchase at 1,500l. for Carteret's said interest therein and in full satisfaction for the use and enjoyment which the Crown has already had thereof : the assurance of said premises to the Crown to be first perfected with the approbation of the Attorney General and Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (Royal warrant dated Nov. 9 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 16 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Nov. 29 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 439, 431. Docquet Book, p. 168. Money Book (General) p. 164.
Same [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal for payment of 19,281l. 17s. 10d. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for providing the guns, carriages, breechings and tackles of the five ships to be built ut infra, p. 800 : the orders for said sum to be expressed and registered ut infra ibid. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 27 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Dec. 5 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 436. Docquet Book, p. 170. Money Book (General) p. 167.
Same [to same] for a same for advancing out of the Exchequer 1,766l. 16s. 4d. to Samuel Pepys for the Earl of Inchiquin as an advance on said Earl's pay as Governor of Tangier : with directions to the Exchequer that the King have defalcations thereof out of the sum of 57,200l. per an. established for said garrison, viz., 441l. 14s. 1d. quarterly from 1681, March 31, to Dec. 31 (1681 Lady Day to 1682 Lady Day) and that bonds be taken for repayment in case of said Earl's death. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 30 and Dec. 11 of two docquets hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 436. Docquet Book, pp. 171, 173.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant of the office of one of the two Auditors of Imprests (Auditors of the Prests or Imprest Accompts, First Fruits, Tenths, Customs, Mint and Coinage and other accompts) to Thomas Done, Esq., in possession for life and to William Aldworth in reversion after Broke Bridges or said Done : all on surrender of the grant of same office to Sir Richard Langley in possession and said William Aldworth in reversion. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 30 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 434. Docquet Book, p. 171.
Same, dated Whitehall, to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland as follows. Sir Richard Bellingham, heir to Sir Daniel Bellingham, deceased (who was in his life time deputy to Arthur, Earl of Anglesey and Sir George Carteret successively Vice Treasurers of Ireland), formerly complained that by reason of an intermixture of the accompts of said late Vice Treasurer[s] said Bellingham was charged with a very great debt due to the King. Thereupon said accounts were referred 1673, Aug. 28, to the Lord Treasurer of England who reported his opinion that there had been a misapplication [in the audit thereof] of warrants relating to said accounts and recommended the examination thereof in Ireland. To this end royal letters of 1673-4, Feb. 16, were sent to the Earl of Essex, then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. His answer dated 1674, May 16, thereto (together with the report to him made by Sir James Cuffe, Edward Roberts, Griffith Bodurda, Thomas Taylor and the Deputy Auditor General of Ireland to whom said matter had been referred the preceding April 8) certifies that warrants to the amount of 7,525l. 8s. 9d. and more were placed to the discharge of the Earl of Anglesey's account, although they were really paid by said Bellingham during the time of his being deputy to Sir George Carteret. The whole of this matter was referred 1674, July 14, to Lord Chancellor Finch, then Keeper of the Great Seal, as to the best way for the relief of said Bellingham's heir. Hereon the Lord Chancellor reported 1674-5, Feb. 27, advising process against the Earl of Anglesey for said 7,525l. 8s. 9d. "We resolved in Council and accordingly gave direction that the said Earl of Anglesey should be prosecuted and at the instance of the said Earl we also ordered that the said Sir George Carteret and Sir Richard Bellingham should be likewise prosecuted and that they should all appear gratis : in obedience to which order we are informed our Attorney General of that our kingdom exhibited a bill in our Exchequer there against all the said parties above a year since, and that some of them have not at this time put in their answers thereunto." The delay in the payment of the money due to us is a prejudice to our affairs, and the difference betwixt the accomptants is no just ground any longer to obstruct our satisfaction. You are therefore hereby to issue a Commission under the great seal of Ireland to Sir James Cuffe, Thomas Taylor, and such others as you think fit to open the respective accompts of the said late Vice Treasurers (the Earl of Anglesey and Sir George Carteret) and to withdraw from each Vice Treasurer's accompt the warrants that are misapplied to the other's accompt and to leave each Vice Treasurer debtor upon record so much as he is really in arrear unto us. King's Warrant Book V. pp. 434-5.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners (on a reference dated Aug. 4 last from the King to Treasurer Danby) of the petition of John Ariens van Harne et al, potters, for [remission of] the King's part [moiety] of a seizure of painted earthenwares imported by Christopher Seward and John Bolter, Seward's being seized by Gerard Andrewes and appraised at 46l. 3s. 4d. and Bolter's being seized by one Shaw and appraised at 107l. 19s. 10d. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 382.
Same to same of the petition of Joseph Framingham for restoration to his place of tidesman, London port, being about half a year ago suspended for conveying two bags of leaf tobacco from a lighter. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to Sir Nicholas Crispe, Collector outwards, London port, to certify Treasurer Danby what coals have been exported from London, Customs free, by warrant from the Treasury since 1667, Sept. 29. Ibid
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Lloyd, gent., of the office, place and charge of Paymaster of all Works concerning the repair, new building and well keeping of all our houses of access and others in time of [our] progress : in reversion after Phillip Packer. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Dec. 13 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 438. Docquet Book, p. 173.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay the outport patent officers' salaries for half a year. (Charles Bertie of same date to same to pay same.) Money Book (General) p. 159. Out Letters (General) p. 177.
Same dormant from same to same to pay the salary of 26l. 13s. 4d. per an. to William Christian as Customer of Carlisle port ; as now due and as same shall grow due in future. (Charles Bertie, vacated, dated Dec. 3 to same to pay same. Same to same dated 1677-8, Jan. 21, for said Christian's patent salary of 32l. per an.) Money Book (General) p. 159. Out Letters (General) pp. 185, 209.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc. (and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 40l. to Dr. Board for one year on his allowance as Law Professor at Cambridge. Out Letters (General) p. 178.
The like letters for 200l. to Sir Charles Cotterell for one year on his fee as Master of the Ceremonies and 120l. 13s. 4d. to Mr. Cha. Cotterel for same on his fee as Assistant to said Master. Ibid, p. 179.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to pay in next after the weekly payments (and same to same to issue) 25l. for last Sept. 29 quarter on Dr. Gibbons' pension of 100l. per an. Ibid, p. 178.
Nov. 22. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Auditor of the Receipt to satisfy the principal sum of 500l. due upon an order of loan No. 26 dated 1670-1, Jan. 18, for 500l. registered on the Customs for 1672, Lady day quarter and payable to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York : together with interest due for the same from the date of said order. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 23 to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 705l. 10s. 4d. to said Apsley, 205l. 10s. 4d. thereof being for interest for 6 years and 128 days to 1677, Nov. 23, "and this you are to do when Mr. Kent [Customs Cashier] brings in the money.") Money Book (General) p. 159. Out Letters (General) p. 181.
Letter of direction on an order of the 3rd inst. for 1,000l. to John, Lord Berkeley, for 10 weeks' ordinary as late Ambassador to Nimuegen : to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 160.
Money warrant for 125l. to George Porter for last Sept. 29 quarter on his annuity or yearly pension as a Groom of the Bedchamber. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 24 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in according to former directions for the rest of the Grooms : and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 160. Out Letters (General) p. 182.
Same for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Robert Ford for one year on his fee of 12d. a day as Keeper of his Majesty's house and garden at Newmarket. Money Book (General) p. 160.
Money warrant for 40l. to John Gilbert in satisfaction of his disbursements out of his purse (which he has sworn to be 18l.) and of his writing and several attendances and pains in matters relating to the execution of two Commissions for inquiry into the estates of Popish Recusants convict within the county of Wilts : he being recommended for said sum by certificate of June 20 last from Sir William Jones, Attorney General. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 27 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with respect to the weekly payments ; and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same "for prosecuting Recusants in Wilts.") Money Book (General) p. 160. Out Letters (General) p. 183.
Same for 30l. to Mris. Mary Bointon for a quarter on her pension of 120l. per an.
50l. to Izabella Bointon, widow, for same on her pension of 200l. per an.
(C. Bertie dated Dec. 14 to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same, which sums the Customs Cashier is to bring in.)
Money Book (General) p. 160. Out Letters (General) p. 189.
Same for 13l. 3s. 4d. to Richard, Earl of Carbery, on the privy seal of 1674, June 13, granting to said Earl the King's part of all penalties which had been actually levied or received before 1670-1, March 15, upon the laws against conventicles and then remaining in any sheriff's hands : it appearing that Giles Dowle, gent., hath made oath that 13l. 3s. 4d. was actually paid to Richard Stubbs and Thomas Earle, late sheriffs of Bristol, for conventicle fines before the said March 15, and that same was by said sheriffs paid into the Exchequer 1673, July 8. Money Book (General) p. 161.
Same for 100l. to Mris. Clara Bolton for half a year of her pension of 100l. [sic for 200l.] per an. (Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with respect to the weekly payments ; and to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same.) Ibid, p. 161. Out Letters (General) p. 187.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc. (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 250l. for Sir Edw. Griffin for half a year of Lord Hunsdon's pension. Out Letters (General) p. 179.
The like letters for 316l. 12s. 3d. for last June 24 quarter's salary and incidents to Sir Phillip Lloyd et al attendants on the Committee of Council for Trade and Plantations. Ibid.
Nov. 23. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to take in and cancel four tallies for 50l. each dated 1670, March 30, June 27, Oct. 1, Dec. 30, levied at the Receipt of the Exchequer upon the bishop of Lincoln as Collector of the Tenths within his diocese, and payable to Dr. John Troutbeck for one year to 1670, Christmas, on his annuity of 200l., which said tallies remain still unsatisfied in the hands of said Troutbeck, by reason that the said Tenths for the said year were over charged. In lieu hereof fresh tallies of pro are to be struck for him for 200l. upon the present bishop of Lincoln as Receiver of Tenths within his diocese. Money Book (General) p. 160.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Tenths for 337l. 10s. 0d. for a quarter on the pensions of 500l. for Mrs. Hamilton and 850l. for her children. Out Letters (General) p. 180.
[?] Same to the Hearthmoney Farmers to advance 2,978l. 7s. 0d. on the tallies for the pay of the Governor and soldiers of the Leeward Islands. [You shall have interest] at the rate of 8 per cent. per an. from the time you advance it, taking a receipt from Mr. Bradshaw who [will] deliver said tallies [to you] upon your advancing the same or [he will] advance the same money himself upon the same terms. So I desire you speedily to pay the money or give me your positive answer. Ibid.
Nov. 23. Same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc. (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 500l. [sic for 50l.] for a quarter on Mris. Jane Berkeley's pension of 200l. per an. Ibid.
Same to same to pay with respect to, etc., 241l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Shaw, viz., 116l. 13s. 4d. for last Sept. 29 quarter on his salary as Collector Inwards, London port ; and 125l. for same as Surveyor of the Navigation Act. Ibid, p. 181.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer for process of immediate extent against Samuell Boys, of Wakefield, co. York, merchant, for the sum of 1,271l. 17s. 10d. which which Mathew Jenison, Receiver General for co. Notts of the Seventeen Months' tax lately delivered to him in order to the payment thereof into the Exchequer upon account of the second quarterly payment for said county : which said Boys drew a bill of exchange for the said sum upon Cornelis van Alderworld, of London, merchant, directing him to pay the same into the Exchequer upon the account of the said Receiver, which bill has been refused by said van Alderworld, and said Boys now absconds himself and oath has been made by Richard Fisher, of Newark upon Trent, that he conceives the King's money to be in danger to be lost. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 123.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the grant to Thomas Aram of the office of Surveyor and Receiver of the fines, issues, amerciaments, recognisances and other forfeitures set and forfeited in the courts of justice in England and Wales (said office having been granted to him with 150l. per an. salary by patent of 1672-3, March 24, for the rectifying and preventing of the frauds and abuses of sheriffs, bailiffs and officers in detaining and concealing the revenues arising from said fines, etc.), since the date of which grant "as we are informed the said frauds and abuses are rather increased than reformed, which in a great measure may be prevented by the care and industry of fit and understanding persons. Said office is hereby to be granted to Henry, Earl of Peterborough, Robert Visct. Yarmouth, Henry, Lord O'Brien, baron of Ibenkane [Iracken] in Ireland, Sir Francis Compton, Bernard Greenvill, Esq., Henry Fanshaw, Esq., and Percival Brunskell, gent., to them and the longest liver of them during pleasure. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated [? 24 Dec.] of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V p. 437. Docquet Book, p. 176.
Nov. 24. Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to suspend the execution of the second article of Treasurer Danby's instructions of the 16th inst. to you, application having been made to Treasurer Danby by several gentlemen on behalf of Mr. Ettrick, Collector at Sunderland, desiring his Lordship not to remove him unless he has misbehaved himself there. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 382.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Navy Victuallers have presented to Treasurer Danby your letter of Oct. 29 last, who thereupon directs that 7,466l. 13s. 4d. (which the staple will amount to) be paid them [the victuallers] by 10 weekly payments, commencing at the termination of their 10 monthly payments for the year, which was Oct. 7. Make them out bills weekly for the same by way of imprest, payable out of your weekly money as it shall be received by the Navy Treasurer : in lieu whereof Treasurer Danby has appointed the like value in wine bonds to be paid over to the Navy Treasurer for the uses your weekly money ought to supply. Out Letters (General) p. 181.
Nov. 26. Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay to the Mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of Clifton Dartmouth Hardnes the annuity of 40l. (as now due and as same shall grow due in future) as granted to same by patent of 1485-6, Jan. 16, granting them said annuity out of the Customs of Exeter and Dartmouth in consideration that they had begun and would finish a tower and bulwark there and for ever furnish the same with guns and artillery for the defence of said place and parts adjacent. Money Book (General) p. 161.
Same from same to same to pay the yearly fee of 78l. 6s. 8d. (as now due and as same shall grow due in future) to James Vernon as Customer of Chester port. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 27 to same to pay same.) Ibid, p. 162. Out Letters (General) p. 182.
Same from same to the Receipt for tallies of assignment on the Receiver of Tenths of the diocese of Llandaff for the annuity of 155l. 5s. 4d. as granted thereout to Ellis Lloyd for three years (from the first day of the preceding Easter term) by the privy seal of 1675, July 13, and for a further three years (from the first day of Easter term 1678) by the privy seal of June 20 last : together with warrant for 104l. 8s. 6d. which by certificate from William Pretiman, Remembrancer of First Fruits, appears to be due from the bishop of Llandaff for the First Fruits of his diocese. Money Book (General) p. 162.
Money warrant for 125l. to Sir Ralph Delaval for last Sept. 29 quarter on his 500l. per an. for three years as by the privy seal of Aug. 9 last. (Charles Bertie dated 1677-8, Jan. 19, to the Customs Cashier to bring same in notwithstanding any former restriction : and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 162. Out Letters (General) p. 208.
Letter of direction on an order dated Aug. 11 last for 1,518l. 9s. 8d. to John, Lord Berkeley, for his extraordinaries 1676, Nov., to 1677, June, as Ambassador at Nimuegen : same to be hereby by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 162.
Money warrant for 200l. to her Highness, Princess Elizabeth for half a year on her pension of 400l. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 27 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with respect, etc., and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Money Book (General) p. 162. Out Letters (General) p. 183.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to forbear or forthwith supercede process until next term against George Pley, senr., Collector of Weymouth port on his debt to the King. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 124.
Report from same to the King on the report dated Aug. 19 last from the Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on the petition from Sir William Petty and Robert Marshall ; said Earl of Essex's report being as follows. According to your Majesty's letters of 1676, April 28, grounded upon said petition, I have examined the matters mentioned in said petition and in regard some of them cannot be settled here without further directions from your Majesty concerning same, I do at the desire of said Petty certify (1) As to the misnomers which are alleged by the [said] petitioners [as to the details] of several lands passed to them by certificates from the late Court of Claims or the letters patent thereupon, and [also as to] double charges of the quit rents in charge upon such lands I conceive you may order the Barons of the Exchequer here [in Ireland] to rectify all such double charges, and may impower the Chief Governor of Ireland to pass to them and their heirs new patents of such lands as were intended to be passed to them by their former certificates or patents, and which have not therein been rightly named. (2) As to the valuation which petitioners desire to be made of the lands passed to them in the county of Kerry, petitioners preferred a petition to the Commissioners lately appointed for reducing quit rents concerning the abatement [desired by them, said petitioners] of the quit rents due from them for lands passed to them in the baronies of Glaneroghty [Glanaruddery] and Dunkerron, co. Kerry. Thereupon a Commission issued to persons nominated by the Farmers of the Revenue and by the petitioners for examining the value of said lands and upon return thereof the Commissioners for abatement of quit rents did value the lands passed to Robert Marshall, containing about 39,000 acres in Glaneroghty, to be worth about 450l. per an., and the lands passed to him in Dunkerron, containing 21,000 acres, to be worth about 375l. per an., and according to these values the quit rents thereof were ordered to be reduced to two-fifths of the said values, viz., about 180l. and 150l. per an. respectively. As the present Farmers [of the Revenue of Ireland] make some exceptions to the reducements, the certificates have been hitherto respited. As to the arrears of quit rents out of said lands, the said Commissioners have ordered nothing, they being required by their Commission not to reduce such arrears till further order from your Majesty. I consider it necessary that a reducement be made of the said arrears as the said lands cannot be planted or improved or the growing rents answered thereout while so great an arrear remains charged on them. (3) As to the several undisposed lands in Kerry which the petitioners desire to be granted to them in reprisal for what lands are due to them by the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, I find that by order dated 1668, May 4, of the late Commissioners for executing the said Acts upon Sir William Petty's desiring the lands in the stock of reprizals lying in the barony of Iveragh and county of Kerry in satisfaction and reprise of such interests as were to be satisfied to him according to value, and forasmuch as no person that was deficient in the said barony would accept of the lands acre for acre, it was ordered by said Commissioners that said Petty should be allowed the undisposed forfeited lands so far as they would satisfy him what he was to be reprized in value : upon which order a report was made, by the sub-Commissioners attending the said late Court of Claims, of all the undisputed lands in the said barony in order to passing a certificate of said lands to said Petty and his heirs. A great part of said lands contained in said report have been since passed in certificate to said Robert Marshall, but some of the coarsest lands which were not looked upon [as] worth the charge of passing a certificate and patent thereof were left out of the said certificate and are now held by Sir William Petty by virtue of a custodiam [grant of demise] out of the Exchequer. I also find by another report of the said sub-Commissioners attending the late Court of Claims that several lands lying in the baronies of Dunkerron and Glancroghty in co. Kerry, mentioned in the said report, were certified by said sub-Commissioners to said Court of Claims as claimed by Robert Marshall in right of soldiers and were allowed by said Court of Claims to be confirmed to said Marshall and his heirs, but said Marshall passed a certificate of only part of said lands. The residue remain undisposed and are some of them also now held in the said custodiam [demise] by the said Petty from the Exchequer Court. Petty desires patents of such of the lands (appearing by the said two reports to have been allowed by the Court of Claims to be confirmed to him or said Marshall) as have not yet been passed to him or said Marshall in any former certificate and which are now held by him in custodiam. In regard it appears that all the lands contained in the said two reports were intended and ordered to be confirmed to said Petty by said Commissioners for executing the two Acts, and said land being generally so coarse and barren that no others in the time of the sitting of said Court would accept thereof as reprizals, I conceive that such patents as above may be passed to Petty, viz., of such lands as are yet undisposed of and are now held in custodiam by him under such rents as they shall be found sufficient to bear (they being so coarse that they cannot answer the full quit rent now payable thereout as by the said Acts). Care to be taken on the passing such grants that the Farmers of the Revenue Ireland be not entitled to any defalcations by reason thereof ; and that the present rent to the Crown from the said custodiam be not lessened, but rather increased. [The above said report from the Earl of Essex being referred by the King in Council to the Lord Treasurer] Treasurer Danby hereby reports to the King fully agreeing with the same. Ibid, p. 124-6.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby [to the Customs Commissioners] to deliver, on payment of Custom ad valorem, two cases of Dutch tiles brought from Rotterdam in the ship Griffin, Dorrick Rymes master, for Mr. Bulstrode : same having been seized by Thomas Jones. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 382.
Reference from same to same of the petition of the pott makers for superseding the order for delivering [the abovesaid] Mr. Bulstrode's tiles. If there be cause Treasurer Danby is pleased that the tiles claimed by Mr. Bulstrode be not delivered till the report on the [said potters'] present and former petition now depending before the Customs Commissioners be expedited. Ibid, p. 383.
Warrant from same [to the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms] to convey the rents as follows :
Prefixing : ratal of a contract for purchase by Geo. Godday of the rent reserved for the manor of Ellington, co. Hunts, being 68s. 10d. per an. and the rent payable by the Mercers' Company being 13s. 4d. per an., all by reason that the rents of the rectory of Guilsborough and Ravensthorpe, co. Northampton being 64s. per an. had been granted by the Trustees for Fee Farms to Sir John Banks et al and afterwards by mistake to said Godday and his heirs, in lieu of which he is [hereby] to have the first recited rents which [John Philips] the Auditor of the ratals [of fee farms] values at nothing more than Godday paid for the said rectory rents and the arrears due thereon.
Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 127.
Same from same [to same] to convey to Thomas Greene and his heirs (upon payment of 18l. 8s. 11d. into the Exchequer, being the difference of the purchase money) of the rent of the rectory of Zeal, co. Devon : all in lieu of the 23s. 6d. per an. [rent reserved out of the] manor of Petrockstow, co. Devon which was 1674, July 6, conveyed by said Trustees to Edward Boseawen and his heirs and on the 9th of the same month by mistake conveyed to said Green.
Prefixing : Ut supra.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect &c.) 50l. 3s. 9d. for half a year's salary and board wages to Serjt. Bishop. Out Letters (General) p. 182.
The like letters for 200l. for the Treasurer of the Chamber on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of said Office : same to be by him paid over to widow Christmas, for herself and her child as royal bounty for the loss of her husband who was slain in Poland. Ibid, p. 183.
Nov. 2 [sic. erratum for 26.] Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 25l. 1s. 10d. each to Serjt. John Ramsy and Serjt. Harsnet for a quarter's salary and board wages as Serjeants at Arms. Ibid.
Same to same to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in on Wednesday next notwithstanding any former restriction) 3,450l. as follows, viz., 3,000l. to the Judges of England, 175l. to the Judges of Wales and 275l. to the Masters in Chancery for fees and salaries for the present Michaelmas term. Ibid.
Nov. 27. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 100l. into the Exchequer for Mr. Oglethorpe, notwithstanding any former restriction : "for which [sum] I writt to you some months since." Out Letters (General) p. 183.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, a twillett, looking glass and other necessaries for a dressing table imported from France for the French Ambassador here. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 383.
Nov. 28. Reference from same to same (on a reference dated Nov. 23 from the King in Council to Treasurer Danby) of the petition of Tho. Sandys, of London, merchant, praying liberty to ship out of Virginia free of the impost of that country 580 hogsheads of tobacco for England in lieu of the like quantity which after payment of the duty he exported thence in 1665 on the William and Sarah, John Ruds commander, for London, which was taken by the Dutch and lost to petitioner, the same being no more than what is allowed of in England by Act of Parliament for goods shipped out and taken or lost and always practicable in the Customs upon the like occasions. Ibid.
Privy seal for the following sums to be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy for building five more of the thirty ships of war as by the Act for the Seventeen Months' Tax, ut supra, p. 721, under date Aug. 9 last (of which five ships one is to be a first rate and four are to be second rates) : viz., 95,300l. for building the hulls, masts, and yards ; 21,853l. for the rigging, ground tackle and boats ; and 8,921l. for the boatswain's and carpenter's sea stores : all as by the estimates approved in Council July 24 last and set out in the privy seal of Aug. 9 last, supra, pp. 721-2. The orders to be drawn for these sums are to specify the uses for which the said moneys are to be distinctly issued, and are to be registered in course on the said Act for the Seventeen Months' Tax as therein directed. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 27 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Dec. 5 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 440, 436. Docquet Book, p. 170. Money Book (General) p. 167.
Money warrant for 1,825l. to Sir Thomas Higgons for one year 1676, Sept. 8, to 1677, Sept. 8, on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the Republic of Venice. (Charles Bertie dated Dec. 22 to the Customs Cashier to bring same into the Exchequer one moiety forthwith and the other moiety with respect to the weekly payments : and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Money Book (General) p. 162. Out Letters (General) p. 195.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Richard King, junr., and John King of the office of Searcher of Boston port in reversion after William Wilson, gent., and to be to them for life successively "as they are named in this our warrant." (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated 1678, March 25, of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 438. Docquet Book, pp. 191-2.
Royal sign manual for 161l. 3s. 4d. to Edward Progers in satisfaction of so much by him disbursed for hay for the deer and for pales, nailing and spurring up the posts and repairing the lodges, barns and stables in the Middle Park of Hampton Court in 1675, 1676, and to the 17th of May, 1677, according to an account thereof stated by Auditor John Phelips. (Money warrant dated Dec. 8 hereon. Charles Bertie dated Dec. 21 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in notwithstanding any former restriction and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 438. Money Book (General) p. 169. Out Letters (General) p. 193.
Privy seal for 2,000l. to Sir Joseph Williamson for secret service without account. (Royal warrant dated Oct. 25 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 27 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Dec. 13 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 443, 424. Docquet Book, p. 171. Money Book (General) p. 170.
Nov. 29. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Major John Clarke (Clerk) and Edward Stratford and their heirs for ever of the sums of 144l. 10s. 9d. and 123l. 17s. 9d. per an. ; the first sum to said Clark and his heirs and the second sum to said Stratford and his heirs, and to be issuable out of the Excise in like manner as the annuities to the goldsmiths are : to commence from Michaelmas last : it appearing by accounts stated by Auditor Aldworth that there is due to them from the King upon orders registered in the Exchequer the sum of 2,409l. 3s. 5d. to said Clerk and 2,066l. 10s. 4d. to said Stratford. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Dec. 17 of docquet of said Major Clarke's annuity.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 441-2. Docquet Book, p. 174.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Stephen Tomlins as waiter and Searcher at Milton, to accompt to the Collector and to keep a boat in like manner as Humphrey Atwick, dismissed, did. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 384.
Same from same to same to discharge the seizure of the ship Amity and of the 50 barrels of pitch and tar and one bale of pepper which were brought in her from Holland, same being seized on said ship's arrival at Falmouth port with intention to clear for Jamaica : it appearing from the petition of Thomas Duck, of London, merchant, and from the letter of the Surveyor of Falmouth that the master of the ship declared on his arrival at Falmouth that he came to that port to clear there for Jamaica and intended to enter his ship and make report of the said prohibited goods with the rest of the lading, which he the next day did, and that this clear way of proceeding in the regular entering the ship and reporting all the said goods argueth that he was ignorant of the breach of the Act of Frauds, and the owners appearing altogether ignorant of the matter as living so far away as Jamaica. On this discharge the goods are to pay duty inwards and draw back half subsidy outwards according to law, but the officer is to recover reasonable satisfaction. Ibid.
Same from same to same to put in execution an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall the 28th inst. for preventing the ship Mary (being designed for a trading voyage within the limits of the Royal Africa Company in contempt of the King's proclamation and several orders of the Privy Council) from proceeding on her voyage till the master thereof appears before the King in Council at the next Council day : also for same of a further order made by the King on the same day authorising the Lord Treasurer, on any application from said Company in the intervals of Council, to give order for the stay of all such interlopers until the King on hearing the parties concerned shall have declared his pleasure therein. Ibid, pp. 385-6.
Reference from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Humphrey Atweeke (Atwick) setting forth the causes of his dismission [and praying restoration] as Customs officer at Milton, Kent. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 386.
Warrant from same to same and to Sir John Shaw, Surveyor of the Navigation Act, to register as a free ship (and to give out the usual certificates of same for) the Hope, of London, a Scotch prize of about 250 tons burden : it being certified by Secretary Coventry the 20th inst. that the royal warrant dated 1675, Aug. 18, for such naturalization is entered in the entry book in his office. Ibid, p. 385.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc.) 20l. for one quarter on Mr. Millward's salary as provider of the Queen's robes. Out Letters (General) p. 184.
Money warrant for 66l. 13s. 4d. to John Dugdale, Esq., for 2 years to Sept. 29 last on his 40 marks per an. as Windsor Herald. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 29 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with respect : and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same : same dated 1677-8, Jan 19, to the Customs Cashier to bring same in notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 162. Out Letters (General) p. 184.
Same for 1,750l. to Sir Thomas Williams for 1 years on the 1,000l. per an. as by the privy seal of 1675, June 21, for such uses and services as the King should direct. Money Book (General) p. 163.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 9l. to Daniel Colwall, gent., for three quarters to June 24 last on his salary as an under-searcher, London port. Ibid.
Money warrant for the following sums for last Sept. 29 quarter for the attendants on the Lords Committees of Council for Trade and Plantations as by the privy seal of 1676, June 23, viz., 100l. to Sir Phillip Lloyd ; 37l. 10s. 0d. for William Blathwaite ; 12l. 10s. 0d. each for two clerks and 130l. 10s. 5d. for a bill of extraordinaries. (Charles Bertie dated Dec. 21 to the Customs Cashier to bring in said 293l. 0s. 5d. with respect, etc. : and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same : same to the Customs Cashier dated 1677-8, Jan. 19, to bring same in notwithstanding the restriction.) Ibid, p. 163. Out Letters (General) p. 193.
Same for 437l. 10s. 0d. and 480l. to Sir Joseph Williamson for 1 years to 1674, Sept. 29, on his fee of 250l. per an. as late a clerk of the Privy Council, and for three years to 1677, Sept. 29, on his fee of 160l. per an. as Keeper of his Majesty's papers of State at Whitehall. Money Book (General) p. 164.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay the 300l. per an. to the Duke of Albemarle for Mote Park as by the privy seal of 1675, Sept. 22, viz., what is due thereon and as same shall grow due in future. (Charles Bertie to same to bring in with respect, etc., 150l. for half a year of said rent to Sept. 29 last : and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Money Book (General) p. 164. Out Letters (General) p. 196.
Nov. 30. Warrant from same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, 46 coffers and bales lately come from France in the Kitchin yacht which lies now at Greenwich, same containing the baggage of the French comedians. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 385.
Money warrant for 61,665l. 14s. 2d. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, as imprest for the service of the Household. Money Book (General) p. 164.
Same for 91l. to Thomas Plot for a quarter's advance of ordinary as Agent in the Court of the Great Duke of Tuscany. Ibid, p. 165.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay 47l. 4s. 2d. to Sir Robert Croke for a year on his fee as Clerk of the Pipe. Ibid, p. 165. Out Letters (General) p. 184.
Nov. 31 [sic]. Privy seal for 20s. a day to Thomas Plott for his ordinary as Agent in the Court of the Great Duke of Tuscany : to be payable quarterly, the first quarter in advance. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 16 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 439. Docquet Book, p. 168.