Entry Book: June 1677, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: June 1677, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp645-658 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1677, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp645-658.

"Entry Book: June 1677, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp645-658.


June 1677, 1-15

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 1. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to strike tallies on the Tenths of the Clergy for 150l. for a quarter on Sir Samuel Morland's two pensions of 300l. per an. [each] ; and tallies on the Excise for 50l. for same on his pension of 200l. per an. (Same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies for 50l.) Out Letters (General) p. 95.
Same to same to pay 1,196l. 8s. 4d. to the King's Musicians for half a year of their respective fees as follows (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring same into the Exchequer) ; viz. : Nich. Staggins, 123l. 5s. 5d. ; Jo. Lilly, 20l. ; Phill. Becket, 30l. 1s. 3d. ; Francis King, 20l. ; Symon Hopper, 30l. ; Cha. Evans, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Mathew Lock, 20l. ; Henry Hawes, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Jon. Harding, 20l. ; Henry Gregory, 30l. ; Robt. Strong, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Robt. Blagrave, 29l. 7s. 1d. ; Jon. Jenkins, 20l. ; Jo. Banister, 55l. ; Mr. Flower, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Tho. Pursell, 110l. ; Antho. Robart, 20l. ; Richd. Dorney, 10l. ; Tho. Laniere, 33l. 14s. 7d. ; Edward Hooton, 20l. ; Jo. Cloments, 20l. ; Theo. Fitz, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Jon. Gamball, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Tho. Blagrave, 20l. 4s. 7d. ; Alphonso Marsh, 20l. ; Isaack Staggins, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; William Cleyton, 76l. 6s. 8d. ; Nath. Watkins, 20l. ; Cha. Colman, 30l. ; Jon. Blow, 64l. ; William Turner, 30l. ; Jon. Goodgrome, 20l. ; Tho. Bates, 45l. ; Tho. Heywood, 50l. ; Jon. Singleton, 23l. 5s. 5d. ; Jon. Mason's executors, 23l. 5s. 5d. Ibid, p. 96.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of William Tabor's (Taber's) petition, who being bound for Ireland in the Providence, of West Chester, and being ignorant of the laws brought 30l. of English money aboard. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 311.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Samuel Finnies of certain lands, tenements and cottages in Orton, Ro[th]well, Desborough and Haselbeach, co. Northampton, parcel of the lands and tenements of Francis Tresham, Esq., lately attainted of high treason : all for 31 years from Lady day last at the ancient rent of 61s. 8d. : to be without fine in consideration of the discovery thereof, and in consideration of the covenants to be inserted for the recovery thereof to the Crown.
Prefixing : [Deputy Auditor] Raban's particular of the premises and ratal of same by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 68.
Same from same to the Receipt to take in and cancel a tally of Nov. 22 last for 2,200l. struck upon the Law Duty for Isaac Legouch and in lieu thereof to levy a new tally for 600l. upon Edward Seymour and Samuel Maydwell, late Receivers of said duty, and another for 1,600l. on the present Farmers of said duty, all at said Legouch's request and "in regard the same will be more useful in charging the said late Receivers and the Farmers with respect to the moneys that is and will be in their respective hands for the satisfaction of said sum." Money Book (General) p. 76.
Money warrant for 600l. to the executrix of William, late Earl of Kinnoul, now lately deceased, for 600l. for one year of the annuity granted to him by patent of 1672, July 19 : it appearing by certificate of Thomas Holford, Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms, that said Earl died March 25 last and was buried March 29 last. (Charles Bertie dated ? June 1 to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same when the Customs Cashier brings in the money.) Money Book (General) p. 76. Out Letters (General) p. 94.
Same for 2,150l. to Alexander Stanhope, same having been directed by the privy seal of 1673, Dec. 31, to be paid to Mris. Henrietta Maria Price who afterwards married said Alexander Stanhope and is since dead. Money Book (General) p. 76.
Letter of direction on an order of May 10 last for 3,050l. 14s. 10d. to Samuel Pepys, Treasurer for Tangier Garrison, as in further part of 22,767l. 6s. 3d. : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March 15 next. Ibid, p. 77.
The like on a same of May 11 last for 13,858l. 5s. 11d. to same for a quarter's pay to said garrison : to be hereby satisfied as above. Ibid. The like on a same of May 26 last for 590l. to Bevill Skelton : to be hereby by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors. Ibid.
Money warrant for 366l. to William Perwich for 183 days to March 25 last on his 40s. a day as employed by the King for the negotiation of certain affairs at Paris. Ibid.
Same for 54,500l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer, as imprest for the service of the Household : to be by tallies on the Excise. Ibid, p. 78.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 10l. for one year to Lady day last to Mansell Stradling on his fee as Searcher at Cardiff. (Charles Bertie dated June 2 to same to pay same "to bear his charges out of town.") Ibid, p. 78. Out Letters (General) p. 95.
Let no free quay be granted to Newport alias Ayresome Bank at the request of Sir William Hurstler [Hustler] or any other without notice first given to Sir Thomas Stringer on behalf of the town of Stockton or to Robert Dormer, of Lincolns Inn, on behalf of the Bishop of Durham. Caveat Book, p. 28.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for a privy seal for 100,000l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, as imprest for the service of the Household. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 9 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 368. Docquet Book, p. 141.
Same to same for a same to remit, release and for ever quit claim to Sir Deny Ashburnham, bart., Sir George Benyon Kt., Francis Finch and Edward Wingate their respective fourth parts (being 249l. 10s. 1d. each) of the debt of 998l. 0s. 3d. owing by them to the King on their account for the year ending 1668, June 24 as then Commissioners and Governors of Excise : the said Benyon being dead and his heirs having been already released of his quota as above by the privy seal of 1674, July 30 : which release is now extended to the remaining three as above on their petition and in consideration of their many and faithful services to the late and present King. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 9 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 369. Docquet Book, p. 141.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a great seal for a grant to John Rogers, of Hubbold Grange, co. Salop, gent., and Anne his wife (daughter of Richard Pendrell, gent., deceased, as a further mark of the King's esteem and remembrance of the eminent loyalty and fidelity of said Richard Pendrell in contributing to our escape after the battle of Worcester, and in consideration of the marriage between said Rogers and said Anne, for whom as we do well remember we promised to make some provision) of an annuity or yearly pension of 100l. out of the Tenths of the Clergy in the dioceses of York, Exeter, Winchester, Lincoln and Sarum, to them and their heirs male or to the heirs of the body of said Anne ; from Lady day last : to be paid by tallies of assignment to be struck at the Exchequer quarterly on said Tenths : or to be paid out of any money in the Exchequer if at any time the revenue of the Tenths happens to be paid into the Exchequer, or if by any other reason said annuity cannot be duly satisfied by such tallies of assignment. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 2 of docquet hereof. For Treasurer Danby's warrant hereon to the Receipt, see infra under date Nov. 14.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 360. Docquet Book, p. 149.
Same to same [for a same] for a grant of the office of one of the Undersearchers, London port, to John Evance and William Clough (altered to Robert Cowley), upon surrender of the patent of 1674, Dec. 15 granting same to John Evance and Thomas Evance for life : the present grant to be for life with power to appoint a deputy and with a non obstante to the statute of 6 Henry VIII. King's Warrant Book V. p. 370.
Warrant under the royal sign manual [and signet] confirming and establishing Peregrine Bertie and Edward Courthop in their respective places in the Office of Alienation in as full and ample manner as they have enjoyed the same by the several grants from the King to them, and with further authority to each of them to perform all things fit to be done in their respective places. Ibid.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Capt. James Wallis as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated June 7 hereon.) Ibid, p. 371. Money Book (General) p. 80.
June 2. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc.) 50l. 3s. 9d. to Serjt. Smith. Out Letters (General) p. 97.
The like for 25l. 1s. 10d. to Serjt. Gide for a quarter on his fee. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners. From your report of the 4th inst. in the case between the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight and the officers of Southampton, port, it appears that for the accommodation of said inhabitants in their market trade to the neighbouring towns on the main, you have agreed with said officers and divers gentlemen on behalf of the island that all the goods of the breed, growth, product or manufacture of the island (except wool, fullers' earth, tobacco pipe clay and leather) shall be freely shipped and transported under such regulation [for securing the Customs] as was proposed by your former reports to me, viz., that a convenient number of the passage boats carrying goods between the island and the main be under security to deliver such goods as above at some member or creek of Southampton port, they first obtaining a warrant from said officers for lading such goods ; and so to be at liberty to carry said goods to any of the markets of the neighbouring towns within the districts of said port without cocquet, certificate or other warrant whatsoever. Also you propose for the further accommodation of said inhabitants, and Mr. de Cardonel, Customer of Southampton, has agreed, that for the goods excepted as above (which are by law prohibited to be exported out of this kingdom and therefore ought to be under security and take out cocquets as formerly to prevent transportation) that where the said goods shall not exceed 10l. in value only 12d. fee should be paid for the cocquet, the bond and the certificate of landing, and 3s. for same when the goods exceed 10l., provided the said inhabitants shall not ship any of the last mentioned goods elsewhere than at Cowes, Newport and Yarmouth, and land them at Lymington, Portsmouth and Southampton and not elsewhere. I hereby approve and authorise the above. I have not thought fit to allow the permission of shipping the said [prohibited] commodities at Ryde for the reasons given me in your said report. The King's Graver is to provide seals for the Customer and Comptroller at Yarmouth and Newport, and the officers at Southampton are to keep deputies there, but said deputies are not to make use of said seals for any other purpose than for despatch of coast cocquets and returns for goods carried as above between the isle and the main. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 309-10.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to admit to entry as an English ship, an English-built ship (laden with wines and prunies and now under stop by the Navigation Act officer) belonging to John Hackshaw, of London, merchant, which ship coming from Rouen by Nantes was not permitted to discharge her lading because she had not her legal complement of English : it appearing from your report of May 21 last on said Hackshaw's petition that James Roberts was sent to Rouen to take possession of said vessel by reason of the fraud of the then master, and that he dismissed seven English mariners who sailed in said ship from the Thames, and so he could not proceed to Nantes, but took in [at Rouen] two mariners who, with their broker, declared that they were of Guernsey, and at Nantes he shipped a Swede, not being able to get English mariners, and arrived [in England] May 14 with five English, one Swede and two of Guernsey : so that the proportion of English mariners is within half a man of what the law requires. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 311-2.
Same from same to same dated at Wallingford House to discharge the seizure of William Tabor's 30l. ut supra p. 645, seized by Mr. Chiffinch, one of the Patent Searchers at Gravesend, when said Tabor was transporting himself, three small children and his wife big with child to Ireland : said Chiffinch being willing in commiseration to relinquish his [moiety] interest in the seizure : the money to be delivered to Tabor on condition he doth not transport the same in specie. Ibid, p. 313.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, hats and breeches for 1,170 soldiers, to be sent to Tangier in five dry fatts by order of the Lords Commissioners for Tangier. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 314.
Same from same to same to deliver, Customs free, some silk livery lace, lace cornets, French fans, plain French gloves, laced stomachers, copy paper, two pictures and a small bundle of paper prints brought from France for the Duchess of Ormonde and now in the Warehouse, London port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,300l. to Ralph Montague, Esq., for a quarter's ordinary March 2 last to June 1 inst. as Ambassador Extraordinary to France. (Charles Bertie dated July 26 to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 1,300l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay in.) Money Book (General) p. 78. Out Letters (General) p. 125.
Same for 24l. to John Greene for one year on his fee as Keeper of his Majesty's Stables in the Mews. (Charles Bertie dated June 2 [to the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay same, which the Customs Cashier will bring in.) Money Book (General) p. 78. Out Letters (General) p. 97.
Same for 31l. 18s. 9d. to John Whyniard for 3 years to Lady day last on his fee of 6d. a day as Keeper of the House of Peers. See supra, p. 639. (The usual letters dated June 14 to the Customs and Exchequer : to be brought in with respect, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 78. Out Letters (General) p. 100.
Same for 180l. to Anne Goulding, widow, for 1 years to Lady day last on her pension. (The usual letters dated June 2 to the Exchequer and Customs.) Money Book (General) p. 79. Out Letters (General) p. 95.
Letter of direction upon an order dated May 16 last for 484l. 15s. 0d. to Sir Edward Wood ut supra p. 622 : to be hereby by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March 15 next. Money Book (General) p. 79.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated May, of a grant to George Russell, Serjeant of the Hawks, of the office of one of his Majesty's falconers for life, with the fee of 5s. a day, payable quarterly out of the Exchequer. Docquet Book, p. 140.
June 2. [altered from April 16]. Royal warrant for a privy seal for enstalling the debt of 8,465l. 17s. 8d. due to the King upon the accounts of William Prettiman, to Dec., 1675, as Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths : to be paid by 800l. a year (payable half yearly 400l. a time every Nov. 20 and May 20, the last payment to be May 20, 1687, for 365l. 17s. 8d.) and 500l. to be allowed as so much paid to Lawrence Hide for the service of the Robes : Prettiman having represented to the King that he has had many misfortunes and losses by suretyships and otherwise which have rendered him unable to pay the said debt. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 13 of docquet hereof. King's Warrant Book V. p. 349. Docquet Book, p. 143.
June 2. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the tenement and land in Eton in order to an extension of lease thereof to John Powney to 31 years at [the present] rent of 3l. 8s. 4d. and without fine (which according to your report on Powney's petition may reasonably be rated at 250l.) in consideration of his release to the Crown of the inheritance of the tithes within Windsor Great Park and Mote Park or either of them : which [release] "the petitioner is to make without abatement or prejudice to the fee farm rent issuing out of the said tythes." Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 69.
Authorization from same to Thomas Andrewes and John Morice, of London, Esqrs., to appoint a deputy for their office as Comptrollers of Cardiff port, granted them by patent of March 16 last : they having at present under their management other affairs relating to the King's service, whereby they cannot attend the said office. Ibid, p. 70.
June 4. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant to Ellis Lloyd, gent., of an annuity or yearly pension of 155l. 5s. 4d., being the yearly Tenths and other duties due to the Crown charged upon the Bishopric of Llandaff and payable at the Exchequer : the present grant to be for three years from 1678, Easter : and further for a grant to him, his executors and assigns of the sums of money due to the Crown from the (present) bishop of Llandaff for the First Fruits of his diocese : to be paid by tallies of assignment on said bishop, both for said Tenths and said First Fruits. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 13 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 371. Docquet Book p. 142.
June 5. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir Robt. Howard, Charles Bertie, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir Geo. Downing, William Wardour, Richard Aldworth and John Lawrence. On passing the goldsmiths' grants for their annuities it was agreed by them that all tallies, orders and other securities [held by them] should be delivered up and cancelled or otherwise discharged. To the end same may be done regularly and with most safety to the King, you are forthwith or on Wednesday next and so from time to time to meet at Sir Robt. Howard's house or office [of Auditor of the Receipt] at Westminster or where else shall be thought most convenient to receive all the said securities and to inspect and examine same with the respective accounts thereof made up by the Auditor, and with the books of entry and registers in the Exchequer, and how the totals thereof agrees with the sums mentioned in the letters patent for the said goldsmiths' annuities, and to take such further examination thereof as you think fit, and having fully examined same to report to me, that such further course may be taken therein for the King's discharge as the Attorney General shall advise. Further the goldsmiths have applied to me for warrants for payment of their annuities. You are to prepare a draft of such warrant agreeable to their patents and to the course of the Exchequer. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 68-9.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Christian, Collector of Whitehaven, to be acquitted of a surcharge of 35l. 17s. 0d. set on him by mistake and for an allowance for [charges of] returns of money and for a year's salary, and for his salary and allowance for returns to be deducted quarterly in future from his collection. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 315.
June 6. Money warrant for 50l. to Thomas Haywood, for half a year on his fee of 100l. per an. as one of the King's Musicians. (See supra, p. 645.) Money Book (General) p. 79.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Samuel Lome, master of the ship Brittania, of Yarmouth, 120l. seized at Gravesend by Mr. Chiffinch, said Lome having received same on Friday evening the 1st inst. from Mr. Thomas Dade, merchant, for the payment of his mariners, and about 50l. more received the day before from said Dade and others, he having been obliged to sail [from Yarmouth] the same night because of a favourable wind, his mariners having consented to take their wages at Gravesend : Treasurer Danby being satisfied that there was no intention of transporting this money. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 314.
Reference from same to same of the petition of Peter Barbee (John Barbee), of London, merchant, concerning ten pieces of coarse woollen stuffs imported from Calais, and which have remained in the warehouse since Feb., 1672-3, to his great loss. Ibid, p. 315.
June 7. Royal sign manual for 100l. to William Lownds as royal bounty. (Charles Bertie dated June 8, to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with [due] respect to the weekly payments ; and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 372b. Out Letters (General) p. 97.
Warrant under the sign manual [and signet] to the Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. By royal letter of April 26 last the 4,000l. remaining due from the King for the purchase of the Customs of Londonderry was ordered to be paid out of the surplus of rent payable by the present Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland for the first year of their farm ended Christmas last. We are satisfied that after the payment of said 4,000l. there will remain 1,432l. 17s. 3d. or thereabouts unassigned of the said surplusage of rent. In the military list of the present establishment of Ireland, which commenced 1676, March 25, we allowed an additional pay of 3d. a day to each private horseman of four troops doing duty in Dublin, amounting to 756l. per an. ; and we also allowed 1,128l. per an. for the maintaining a company of Foot Guards to be armed and clad as the Yeomen of the Guard here [in London]. No use was made of said allowances during the year ending March 25 last, none of the troops of our army having been brought up within that time to do duty there [at Dublin], and the said company of Foot Guards being not yet established according to our then intentions. Therefore said sums of 756l. and 1,128l. are wholly within our dispose. They are hereby. (together with the abovesaid 1,432l. 17s. 3d.) to be applied for the further carrying on the buildings at Windsor, and you are to order the Vice-Treasurer of Ireland to return them [over to England] to Charles Bertie for that purpose. King's Warrant Book V. p. 372b.
Money warrant for 750l. to the Duke of York for three quarters to Lady day last on the 1,000l. a year for maintenance of his Majesty's forts and garrisons in the Province of New York. (The usual letters to the Customs and Exchequer dated June 14 : to be brought in with respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 80. Out Letters (General) p. 99.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 60l. to same for 1 years' creation money to Lady day last. (Like letters as above.) Money Book (General) p. 80. Out Letters (General) p. 99.
Money warrant for 500l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, for one year's imprest from 1676, April 1, for repair of Audley End as by the privy seal of 1675, July 31. Money Book (General) p. 80.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to open and deliver, Customs free, at St. James's House a box of gloves lately brought from Dover to London, being sent as a present from the Duchess of Modena for the Duchess of York. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 315.
Same from same to same to deliver (on payment of Customs) 34 hogsheads of gum seneca imported by William Jordan from Rotterdam and seized as not being imported from the place of growth ; it appearing that Jordan's correspondent laded same without Jordan's knowledge and that they were sent off before Jordan could stop them : it further appearing "that it is affirmed to you by the certificate of divers dyers and feltmakers that the said commodity is of absolute use and necessity in the working the manufactures of their trade and upon enquiry you are informed by divers merchants and druggists trading in the said commodity that the same hath not been at any time nor can be imported by us from the place of its growth, but has usually been imported from France or Holland." Ibid.
Instructions from same to same. You are to retrench the 80l. per an. established for maintaining the shallop at Dover and instead thereof provide a boat which may be managed by two or three hands, establishing two persons as boatmen and tidesmen with 20l. per an. each and an allowance for an extraordinary man upon occasion. You are to employ John Walker as one of the said boatmen. Ibid, p. 316.
June 8. Warrant from same to same to pass outwards for France, Customs free, some tea, porcelain, drugget, English cloth, gloves and knives belonging to Monsieur de Canaple. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal as follows. By indenture under the great seal dated 1670, June 2, the farm of imported salt was demised to Sir Thos. Strickland, Kt., for 18 years and 6 months from 1670, Lady day, at 1,000l. per an. rent. By patent of 1672, May 22, 800l. per an. out of said rent was granted to Henry Slingsby in trust for such uses as the King should declare from time to time under his sign manual. By an instrument under the sign manual and signet dated 1673, Oct. 17, said 800l. per an. was granted to Charles Maitland, the Treasurer Deput of Scotland, for the residue of said [Strickland's] term with directions to said Slingsby to pay same over to said Maitland with all arrears thereof during said term. Said Maitland has prayed to have the trust aforesaid transferred for the residue of said term to Sir John Ernle, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Therefore said Slingsby is hereby to transfer all his interest in the premises to said Ernle, who is hereby authorised to receive same and all arrears thereof as above : with directions to said Ernle to pay same from time to time to said Maitland : without accompt. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 13 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 371-2. Docquet Book, p. 142.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Bartholomew Price of the 2,900l. owing to the King from Thomas Price, of Wistaston, as Receiver of the Royal Aid for co. Hereford : the bonds for said debt (said Thomas Price's bond of 6,780l. and all other bonds) to be delivered to said Bartholomew Price with power to sue, etc. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 18 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 372. Docquet Book, p. 144.
Same to same for a same for the payment of 2s. a day each to Thady Kenedy and Robt. Willmott (Wilmot) admitted Grooms of the Queen's Chamber in ordinary, locis Bartholomew Lucar and Richard Carter : to be payable quarterly from the times they are sworn into their said offices. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 16 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 372. Docquet Book, p. 151.
Royal sign manual for 110l. to Rene Petite as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated June 9 hereon. The usual letters dated June 14 hereon to the Customs and Exchequer : to be brought in with respect to, etc.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 373. Money Book (General) p. 81. Out Letters (General) p. 99.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated June of a grant to Dr. Thomas Witherly of the office and place of Physician in Ordinary to the King's person in the room and upon the surrender of Sir John Baber : to be for life with the yearly salary of 100l. ; the first payment commencing from 1675, Sept. 29 : together with a clause for [payment of] Sir John Baber's arrears from 1673, Sept. 29, to 1675, Sept. 29. Docquet Book, p. 140.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 125l. to William Thornebury for 2 years to Lady day last on his fee as one of the Customers of the Great Customs, London port. (Charles Bertie to same of same date to pay same.) Money Book (General) p. 81. Out Letters (General) p. 97.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to strike tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. for a quarter on the Earl of Oxford's pension. Out Letters (General) p. 97.
Treasurer Danby to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. I have yours of May 12 last with the computation of the receipts and disbursements of the revenue of Ireland for the year ended Dec. 25 last by which there seems to be no overplus of rent for that year. This would render ineffectual the King's directions for payment of the 4,000l. remaining due for the Customs of Londonderry. This made me desirous to inform myself the best I could therein and after hearing Sir Cyrill Wyche I perceive some mistake between your and my calculation, for you make that only [to be] part of the year's rent to Christmas last which was received at or before that time, whereas I accompt all moneys paid from the commencement of the farm to be part of the first year's rent till that [year's rent] be completed, and on my advising with the Attorney General, I find he is of opinion that the revenue being demised to the Farmers for seven years under the rent of 240,000l. per an. as soon as that sum is completed by their monthly payments it is to be looked upon and called their rent for the first year of their farm ending Christmas last, notwithstanding a considerable part has been paid since that time, for it was paid for that year though not within it, as will always happen in farms where days of grace are given ; and as the days of grace [of this particular farm] are now settled (which was done by your advice) the rent of one year will not be completed till May of the next year, and so the establishments cannot receive that one year's pay till that time, and yet his Majesty will not allow or intend that the overplus of one year should be applied to carry on the charge of the next year nor be otherwise disposed of than to satisfy the assignments on it. Therefore this 4,000l. for the Customs of Londonderry being directed to be paid out of the overplus of rent payable for the year ending Christmas last (which is or ought to have been paid before this time) I hope there will be room enough for it unless it could appear that the rent of 240,000l. for that year is not sufficient to answer the established charge of that year, which to me seems otherwise ; and I doubt not but the overplus of the next year (if the King doth not increase his charge) will amount to upwards of 30,000l. which the King hath designed for uses which will shortly be explained to you. In conclusion let me put you in mind to give the necessary orders to remit hither with all convenient speed the saved interest [ut supra p. 597] which the King has designed for the buildings at Windsor. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 70-1.
June 9. Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition from James Burkin, Esq., on behalf of his correspondent at Amsterdam, said petitioner alleging that the Blue Dove, of London, Robert Cooke commander, from Amsterdam bound for Rochelle, came to the English coast for a pass, and while she lay there dispute arising amongst the owners, the master, to preserve himself and vessel, came into the Thames, where he is seized. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 316.
The like of a petition of the Royal Africa Company for leave to transport 20 tons of oak timber for repair of the King's forts and castles for defence of the trade on the Coast of Africa. Ibid, p. 317.
June 12. Money warrant for 50l. to Sir Gilbert Talbot for one year on his fee as Master of the Jewel House. (Charles Bertie dated June 12 to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same which the Customs Cashier is to bring in.) Money Book (General) p. 81. Out Letters (General) p. 98.
Same for 54l. 15s. 0d. to James Davies for four years on his salary of 9d. a day as Keeper of his Majesty's Standing Wardrobe at Windsor. (The usual letters dated June 14 to the Customs and Exchequer : to be brought in with respect, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 81. Out Letters (General) p. 100.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer, notwithstanding [any former restriction], 420l. for the extraordinary service of the Wardrobe. Out Letters (General) p. 98.
June 12 [? erratum for July 12.] Warrant from Treasurer Southampton to Francis Dickins, Esq., Woodward of New Forest. There is a great quantity of brousewood in New Forest undisposed of, which ought to be sold to pay the keepers wages. You are to sell same and pay the proceeds to the keepers according to directions which you shall receive from the Lord Warden of said Forest : making a just account hereof to the King ; to be allowed by the Auditor of the premises upon your accounts. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 82.
June 13. Privy seal to Treasurer Danby, etc., to pardon, release and discharge Sir John Narbro' (Narbrough), Kt., late Admiral of our Fleet in the Mediterranean seas and his heirs, executors and administrators of the sum of 80,000 dollars, payable by the Government of Tripoli to the King according to the articles of a treaty dated 1675-6, March 5, which said Narbro' by virtue of the King's Commission and instructions concluded with the said Government : the said Narbro' having on the King's behalf agreed with the said Government in lieu of 50,000 of the said 80,000 dollars to accept of the liberation of 89 Christian captives of several nations free of all charges, and in lieu of the remaining 30,000 dollars to take 200 ton of brimstone at 150 dollars a ton ; the King being well satisfied that pursuant to said agreement the said number of Christian slaves have been set at liberty and the said quantity of brimstone delivered and brought to England on board the fireship Anne. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 10 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 374. Docquet Book, p. 141.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated June of a privy seal for 100l. per an. to the Cofferer of the Household from 1675-6, Jan. 1, to be by him paid over to George Barkham, yeoman rider, and Ferdinando Herbert, yeoman of the stirrup to the Queen, at the rate of 50l. per an. each as in lieu of their diets during their service of those employments. Docquet Book, p. 143.
Same of same dated same of a pardon to Thomas (altered to) John Harrison of all felonies, etc., by him committed before May 31 last except such only wherein the benefit of clergy is by any statute taken away. Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,500l. to Isaac Legouch for a diamond ring of one stone which the King did with his own hand give to the Duke of Crequi, Envoy Extraordinary to [sic for from] the French king : as by the certificate of May 8 last from the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the Household. (Charles Bertie dated July 26 to Mr. Kent, Cashier of the Customs, to pay Legouch's tallies for [said] 1,500l. with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 82. Out Letters (General) p. 126.
Same for 200l. to John, Bishop of Chester, for one year to Lady day last for the use of four ministers called the King's Preachers within the county of Lancaster, "as the said bishop shall nominate." Money Book (General) p. 82.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 15,500l. to George Wharton for the Ordnance on any orders in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance : to be by tallies on the Customs : 10,000l. thereof for the quarter's ordinary to Lady day last and 5,500l. for stores sent to Virginia. Money Book (General) p. 82.
Money warrant for 2,500l. to Lawrence Hyde, Master of the Robes, for half a year's advance to Sept. 29 next on the 5,000l. per an. for the Robes. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Sir Edward Griffin on any orders in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber for the service of the Chamber : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March 15 next. Ibid, p. 83.
Letter of direction upon an order of 1676, June 7, for 7,500l. to abovesaid Griffin for 1676, Christmas quarter's allowance for the Office of the Chamber : same to be hereby payable as above. Ibid.
Same on 1,000l. in part of an order of June 2 last for 2,150l. to Alexander Stanhope for Mary Price's attendance on the Queen as Maid of Honour : to be hereby payable as above. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 80l. to Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery for two years' creation money. (Charles Bertie dated June 14 to pay same with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Ibid, p. 84. Out Letters (General) p. 99.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, the equipage and necessaries belonging to John, Lord Berkeley, imported on the hoy Justice, of London, Bastiaen Reyners master.
Appending : Schedule of said goods certified by Edw. Clarke, servant to said Lord Berkeley, June 13 (cases, boxes, trunks, state chair, stools, four bale of tapestry hangings, 18 horses, 2 coaches, a curry, etc.)
Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 317a-b.
Same from same to same to deliver, Customs free, to the Prince of Monaco some fans and gloves brought from France for him and now in the warehouse, London port. Ibid, p. 318.
June 14. Money warrant for 1,300l. to Sir Leoline Jenkins for a quarter's advance of ordinary June 10 inst. to Sept. 9 next as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the Treaty of Peace at Nimuegen. Money Book (General) p. 82.
Same for 51l. 11s. 8d. to James Marriott for one year on his several fees of 12d. a day and 33l. 6s. 8d. per an. as Keeper of his Majesty's Wardrobe at Hampton Court. (The usual letters dated June 14 to the Customs and Exchequer : to be brought in with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Ibid, p. 84. Out Letters. (General) p. 100.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to observe the warrant for 125l. quarterly to the Earl of Inchiquin without interruption until 1,500l. be completed, and if any quarters be behind and unpaid, to pay same forthwith with respect to the current weekly payments. Out Letters (General) p. 98.
Charles Bertie to Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer 10,000l. for the Navy. Out Letters (General) p. 98.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay (and [same to the Customs Cashier to bring in] with respect, etc) 75l. for Mr. Corbin for 1 years to Lady day last on his salary as Surveyor General of Woods Trent North. Ibid, p. 100.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Benson, Collector of Truro, praying to be set at liberty on paying 50l. more (which his loving wife will procure for him and promises to pay the rest when able) towards his arrear of 360l. 0s. 9d., whereof 136l. 8s. 4d. is levied on his debtors. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 318.
June 15. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Charles FitzCharles, Earl of Plymouth, of the yearly annuity or pension of 4,000l., payable quarterly out of the Exchequer from Lady day last during his natural life : the present grant to revoke the privy seal of 1672. Nov. 24, for 2,000l. per an. to Sir Stephen Fox for secret service "which wee caused yearly to be paid over to the said Earl." (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 30 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 375. Docquet Book, p. 154.
Same to a same for a same for a grant to Simon Bennet, Esq., or his nominee, and his and their heirs for ever of a yearly rent or sum of 433l. 7s. 8d. out of the Excise in like manner and quarterly as it is granted to the goldsmiths : to commence from Christmas last : it appearing from an account made up by Auditor Aldworth and allowed by Treasurer Danby May 26 last that there was due to said Bennet 7,223l. 4s. 7d. for the principal and interest due upon several orders registered in the Exchequer. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 2 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 375. Docquet Book, p. 149.
The like for a similar annuity of 171l. 14s. 4d. to Henry Bernard, Esq., representing the like 6 per cent. annuity on a principal debt of 2,862l. 0s. 5d. (due upon an order for 2,000l.), as by a like account thereof stated by Auditor Aldworth and allowed June 1 inst. (Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet ut supra.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 376. Docquet Book, p. 149.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a privy seal for a grant to Bernard Grenvile, Esq., of the debt of 227l. 6s. 3d. due to the King from Peter, the present bishop of Ely and late bishop of Chichester, for the Tenths of the diocese of Chichester received by him or his sub-collector, Francis Hobson, for the year ended 1674, Christmas : same being granted to said Grenvile on his petition and in reward of his many faithful services, and particularly in consideration of his charges in attending lately several months upon the officers [sic for affairs] of our subjects at Genoa in pursuance of our commands. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 2 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 376. Docquet Book, p. 148.
Same [to the Clerk of the Signet attending] for a privy seal for 2,000l. to Sir George Reve as royal bounty and without account : to be paid 200l. forthwith and so onward 200l. every Christmas and June 24 till same be satisfied. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 2 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 376. Docquet Book, p. 150.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir John Coryton, bart., of an annuity or yearly pension of 400l. payable quarterly out of the Exchequer from Lady day last : all in consideration of his good and faithful service to the King. King's Warrant Book V. p. 376.
Same to same for a privy seal for a grant of 1,000l. to Sir Edmond Windham, Kt., Sir Robert Townsend, Kt., Thomas Windham, and Thomas Francis their executors and assigns to be by them taken to their own use without accompt out of the first moneys accruing to the Crown out of concealments, penalties or forfeitures as by the proviso contained in the lease of the Law Duty lately made to Sir John Bendish, et al, whereby it is provided that any of the said duty concealed or not accounted for or not duly received and the penalties and forfeitures for same are to be collected by the Farmers [of said duty] and accounted for by oath in the Exchequer with allowance of a moiety to themselves, except in the case of arrears for recognisances upon licences of alehouses and other arrears for which process are [were then already] issued : the King being disposed to grant the prayer of said Windham, et al, as above for such grant : the Farmers to pay the King's moiety to said Windham, et al, as above, until said 1,000l. be satisfied. (For a docquet of a similar [? the same] grant, see under date 1678, July 3, infra].) Ibid, p. 377.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 2,018l. to Phillip Packer for the extraordinary service of the Works. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 22 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated July 9 hereon : this money warrant quotes the privy seal as dated June 27.) Ibid, p. 378. Docquet Book, p. 144. Money Book (General) p. 97.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition of Francis Arundel (as by the order of reference of May 28 last) said petition praying a release of a covenant in the grant from Charles I. to Sir Francis Crane (petitioner's ancestor) of the park called Stoke Bruerne Park, co. Northampton, by which covenant the grantee and his heirs were obliged for ever to keep 300 deer in said park for the recreation and delight of said King and his heirs when he and they should personally come to hunt there, and to keep up the woods for the covert of said deer. On reference the Surveyor General of Crown Lands reports to me that the benefit of said covenant being altogether uncertain cannot, in respect of what is past, be granted over before recovery, and that the matter of this covenant relating to your Majesty's personal pleasure and your Majesty not coming into those parts, the damage to be recovered, if any, would be very inconsiderable, and that therefore petition may be granted in view of the distance of the place and of petitioner's loyalty and sufferings. I agree herewith as to what is past, seeing that all the deer in said park were destroyed in the late wars. As to the release for the future I submit it to your Majesty. Money Book (General) p. 83. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 71.