Entry Book: May 1677, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: May 1677, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp625-635 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1677, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp625-635.

"Entry Book: May 1677, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp625-635.


May 1677, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 11. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for a privy seal for a grant to Francis Sandford, Lancaster Herald of Arms, and Thomas Holford, Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms, their executors and assigns, for their own use without account, of 500l. out of the first moneys which shall be recovered of certain fines, pains and amerciaments set upon the janitor or porter of the outward gate and other officers of the Court of Record of the Castle and Honor of Windsor, being set upon them by the present and former steward of the said Court, which have been concealed or at least have not been answered to the King as they ought to have been : the King purposing as well the recovery of the said fines as also to extend the royal bounty to the said Sandford and Hollford for their better encouragement to finish a Genealogical History of our royal ancestors and precedessors : the steward of the said Court to be hereby prohibited from remitting or discharging any of the said fines and together with the clerk or keeper of the books of record to permit said Sandford and Holford to inspect and take copies of the books and records containing the entries of the said fines and amerciaments : and further to assist them in the prosecuting and levying same : if the said fines produce less than 500l. then the total product thereof is hereby similarly granted to Sandford and Holford as above. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 14 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 358-9. Docquet Book, p. 134.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Speaker [of the House of Commons, i.e., Edward Seymour, in his capacity as Treasurer of the Navy]. Treasurer Danby has borrowed 35,000l. for the Navy, which you will receive of Mr. Kent upon tallies for the like sum struck upon the Customs. It is to be applied as follows, viz. : Out Letters (General) p. 84.
s. d.
For payment of ships 13200 0 0
For the Yards and guardships 14000 0 0
For the Victuallers 4000 0 0
For the bills of the second book [or list] 3800 0 0
35000 0 0
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay to the churchwardens of St. Martins in the Fields 100l. as royal bounty for the relief of the poor of said parish. (Same to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Ibid, p. 85.
[?] Same (incomplete) to [same] to issue 50l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay in for a quarter on Lady Sayer's pension. Ibid.
May 11. Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners in reply to their representation of the 7th inst. (1) I approve your proposed method for taking an account of all corn imported into Berwick from Scotland for supply of the town and garrison, and the Customs officers are to observe it during the continuance of the privilege given by my warrant of Dec. 5 last for importing certain quantities of corn from Scotland, Customs free, till further order. (2) You are to allow to the executor of Mr. Cole three half hogsheads on the wine formerly by him imported in uncertain cask, of which he made a perfect entry, and a further tun and three quarters on the 10 tuns of wine by him similarly imported. (3) You are to return the overplus of the 14l. deposited by Tho. Kett for the duty on 1,800 ells of broad S[i]lesias and 400 ells of Hinderlands from Dantzic, which turned out to be 40 shock instead of 70 shock and to contain only 900 ells. (4) The collector of Yarmouth port is to restore the duty of a pipe of Canary deposited with him by Robt. Bretton who is a great and fair dealer in wines and was at great charge in salving wines in a ship forsaken, driven on shore, and left as a wreck at Wrexham and all mixed with salt water. (5) You are to restore the aliens' duty on the sugars, etc., in the ship Success, of Bristol, imported to London from Barbados, as I intend to direct my warrant to Sir John Shaw for the entering of the said ship in the Register of the Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, which it seems should have been done by the officers of the port to which she belonged. (6) Write John Wakeman, landwaiter at Yarmouth, to give satisfaction to Mr. Cooper for the eight pieces of Holland which he seized by artifice or else to attend me hereon within ten days. (7) I approve your order to the searchers of London port about certificates for the ships to the Plantations. (8) Direct your solicitor to attend Sir Christopher Wren for a view of the encroachment made on the Custom House by the neighbouring inhabitants or otherwise to survey the ground proposed for a building in the Custom House Walk, for him to report to me on said encroachments and as to a scheme of the said new building. (9) Give notice to Edward Agborrough, pricker of the Stilyard, to do the duty of a patent landwaiter, London port, for his [present] salary of 52l. per an. Acquaint me if he refuse. (10) As to your state of the Customs debts to the King, your solicitor is to recover as speedily as he can the debt due on the account of Mr. Hagedott (Hadgedott) late collector of Exeter port, and of Francis Isaacson, late procollector of Falmouth, Robert Bagnall, late collector of Faversham, John Nott, late collector of Looe, Mr. Pley, of Lyme (who proposes a bond of one Bullein Rheimes which I see no reason to accept nor to restore him to his place of collector), William Benson, late collector of Truro, Nicholas Sanders, late same ibid, Mr. Priggs, late same at St. Ives, Alexander Carnegie, late same of Rochester, and Mr. Hull, collector of Bideford (in whose receipt I think fit that Mr. Morrice the Customer of Barnstaple, whereof Bideford is a member, be continued till further order). As to Mr. Whitley who is security for Mr. Hebdon, late collector of Colchester, your solicitor is to speak with him to know whether he insists upon his privilege as a member of the House of Commons. Your solicitor may forbear to take out process against Mr. Arnold, one of Mr. Stockdale's securities, until the 26th inst. and in the meantime Mr. Lytcot is to permit Mr. Arnold and his friends to pursue [sic for peruse] Mr. Stockdale's accounts. (11) The Act of 20 Car. II. for charging 12 per cent. on Receivers detaining the King's moneys more than two months in their hands is to be observed in the case of all collectors of the Customs. (12) You are to permit the executor of Thomas Davies to ship, Customs free, goods equivalent to the 50 pigs of lead which were taken as prize by the Dutch in the ship William and George in her voyage to Leghorn, although the said pigs of lead had been shipped, Customs free, in lieu of other goods which had been lost in the Constantinople Merchant, likewise made prize by the Dutch. (13) You are to deliver to Mr. Papillion the piece and a half of Lockrams, the duty thereon being [only] 10s. and the mistake due to his servant. (14) You are to permit the parcel of Irish Bayes belonging to Tho. Hide (and which was brought to Bristol to be carried thence to Malaga, but which lie at Bristol by reason of the great duty the law imposes upon them) to be returned to Ireland without paying Custom in or out. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 293-6.
May 12. Money warrant for 80l. 0s. 6d. to Anthony Segar, gent., being 10l. for last Lady day quarter's salary and 70l. 0s. 6d. disbursed by him for the service of the Treasury Office in said quarter. (Charles Bertie dated May 12 to the Customs Cashier to pay same in notwithstanding any previous restriction, and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Money Book (General) p. 66. Out Letters (General) p. 85.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir John Shaw, Kt., Collector of Customs Inwards, London port, to swear and admit Joseph Payne to the office of deputy to Joseph Jordan (son of Sir Joseph Jordan), as one of the King's waiters, London port : said Payne being thereto deputed by reason of the nonage of said Joseph Jordan and by warrant from Treasurer Danby. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 60.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally to be struck upon the [Tenths of the] diocese of Sarum for 100l. for half a year of Mr. Whitgrave's pension due at Lady day last. Out Letters (General) p. 86.
May 13. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Done, James Sotheby and Wortley Whorwood for their lives and the longest liver of them successively of the office of chief searcher of London port, upon surrender of Edmond Long and John Danvers, present officers in possession : to be executed by themselves or deputy. King's Warrant Book V. p. 360.
May 14. Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet [of a great seal] for a grant to Richard Coling, Esq., and Richard Coling, his son, of the office of Clerk of his Majesty's Wardrobe of Robes and Clerk of all his Majesty's Wardrobe of Beds within the kingdom of England in reversion after the death of Lancelott Thornton, Esq., the present clerk : to be for their lives or the life of the longer liver, and to be executed by them or by deputy : with the several fees of 4l. per an. as Clerk of the Wardrobe of Robes, and 10l. per an. as Clerk of the Wardrobe of Beds, payable quarterly out of the Exchequer, and the fee of 6s. 8d. a day pabable by the Treasurer of the Chamber in lieu of all bills for his Majesty's service. Docquet Book, p. 134.
Same of a same [of a same] for a grant to Heneage, Lord Finch, High Chancellor of England, and his heirs of two fairs to be held at Daventry, co. Northampton, one on the 23rd of July, the other on the 16th Oct., unless either of the said days shall happen to be a Sunday, and then on the Monday following, yearly, for ever, with the tolls and profits thereof : as also a grant of the advowson of the vicarage of Ravenstone, co. Bucks, in the diocese of Lincoln with the profits thereof. Ibid, p. 135.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet [of a great seal] for a grant to Capt. Richard Leake of the office of Master Gunner as well in the Tower of London and in the kingdom of England as elsewhere : to be for life and to be exercised by himself or deputy : with the wages of 2s. a day payable out of the Exchequer, and all other fees and profits thereto belonging. Docquet Book, p. 135.
May 15. Money warrant for 15l. each to Aubrey Porter and Henry Wroth for half a quarter on their pensions of 120l. per an. as Pages of Honor to the King. (Charles Bertie dated May 14 to the Customs Cashier with [due] respect to the weekly payments to bring in and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 60l., being 15l. each to the King's four Pages of Honour, viz., Mr. Legge, Mr. Porter, Mr. Berkeley and Mr. Wroth.) Money Book (General) p. 66. Out Letters (General) p. 86.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Ralph Montague, Esq., Master of the Great Wardrobe, to provide and deliver (in accordance with the King's pleasure signified to Treasurer Danby) to Simon Pearson, Trumpeter to the King's Troop of Guards under the command of the Duke of Monmouth, and to the kettle drummer attending the Queen's Troop of Guards under the command of Sir Phillip Howard and to the kettle drummer attending the Troop of Horse under the command of Captain Legg, a livery each as the rest of the King's Trumpeters have in the Wardrobe : and for the future to take care that the said persons be inserted in the next establishment of the Office of Wardrobe to have the like liveries yearly : the charge of their present liveries to be put on the account of extraordinaries of the Wardrobe. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 61.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order in Council as follows :
Prefixing : Order in Council dated Whitehall, April 6, made in the presence of the King, Prince Rupert and 21 other members detailed. Upon a memorial this day presented in the name of Henry Sheeres, Surveyor General of his Majesty's mole at Tangier, praying leave for shipment, Customs free, of materials as follows for the building of said mole. Treasurer Danby is ordered to direct the Customs Commissioners to permit same, care being taken that no other merchandise or provisions of any kind be shipped under pretence of this liberty.
Followed by : A schedule, countersigned by Sir Philip Lloyd of said materials, being quantities detailed of oats, beans, coals, carpenters' tools, beds, iron, bread, 50 cart horses, 200 dozen of shodd shovels, tackle blocks, cordage, pitch, okam, tar, linseed oil, train oil, 200 suits of cloths for the sailors and workmen of the mole, 60 pair of cart wheels, 19,000 pickhelnes, carriages, powder, quarter cans, sifts for corn, elm board, plank, cheese steel, butter, firelock muskets, fir, oak and ash timber, 500 dozen each of shirts and shoes, worsted stockings and woollen stockings for the workmen, 300 mens' provision for 12 months, surgeon's chest, candles, drugs for horse medicines, 20 dozen of oars, spars, 200 horse harness, lead, canvas, 1,000 sacks of corn, sacking hemp, collarmakers' material for 20 seamen, beer and paper.
Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 297-9.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Rowland Okely as a landwaiter, London port, in addition to those now in the establishment. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 299.
Instructions from Charles Bertie to same in reply to their memorial of the 7th inst. on points therein "which are not answered in my Lord Treasurer's instructions sent to you of the 11th inst." (1) Treasurer Danby has sent instructions to the Navy Commissioners and officers of the Ordnance to give notice to you when they cause any gunpowder, etc., to be shipped or waterborne. (2) His Lordship will take the king's pleasure whether coals, etc. for Tangier shall pay custom. (3) His Lordship will give warrant for the 36 cwt. in Alderman Lewis' parcel of currants. (4) The Attorney General is to be reminded in the matter of the Plantation trade in Ireland, Treasurer Danby having formerly sent the case to the Lord Lieutenant desiring him to take care in prosecuting the offenders. (5) I am to write to Sir John Heydon to know why he sends a letter and petition without proof, and to Timo. Salter to come up and clear himself. (6) The Gravesend searchers are to attend with one of your number to-morrow before the [Privy] Council sits. Mr. Culliford has a copy of your report. (7) The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is written to to prosecute the bond against the ship William, of Limerick. (8) You are to give commissions for seizure to persons as in the enclosed abstract [missing]. (9) Treasurer Danby will give warrant for adding to the salaries [that] of a clerk to the Plantations ; your secretary is to attend at the Treasury for a warrant for it. (10) The Attorney General is to stay process as long as he conveniently can against Mr. Groidon. (11) Anthony Watts is to have an extra commission to reside at Gravesend and Mr. Bellamy is to be allowed the 4 pipes which he has paid for and the eight outs which he has not. Ibid, pp. 301-2.
Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet attending] for a privy seal for the passing of the Earl of Anglesey's accounts as follows as Treasurer of the Navy. By the privy seal of 1665, Sept. 4. Sir George Carteret, Vice Chamberlain of the Household and late Treasurer of the Navy, was authorised to transfer to the Earl of Anglesey, the succeeding Treasurer of the Navy, all tallies levied for the Navy remaining unpaid in said Carteret's hands and all orders registered on the Additional Aid and the Poll remaining unassigned in his hands. In pursuance thereof Carteret transferred several tallies and orders as above. There remain yet unpaid to said Earl of Anglesey upon several of the said tallies and orders several sums of money, viz., 9,257l. 0s. 10d. upon a tally dated 1665, July 17, struck on Sir Thomas Player, Kt., late Receiver of the Royal aid for London ; 15,000l. upon a tally of same date struck on same ; 15,000l. upon a tally dated 1664-5, Feb. 17, struck on same ; 800l. upon a tally dated 1665, April 11, struck upon Thomas Price, late Receiver of the Royal and co. Hereford ; 400l. upon a tally levied 1667, May 22, struck upon Roger Whitley, Esq., late Receiver of the Royal aid co. Flint ; and 1,000l. upon a tally of same date struck upon Robert Bendish, late Receiver of same co. Norfolk : which said tallies remain still in the hands of the Earl of Anglesey unpaid ; the moneys due thereon amounting in the whole to 41,457l. 0s. 10d. Likewise there yet remains unpaid to the said Earl of Anglesey upon 11 several orders dated 1667, April 6, registered in the Exchequer in the name of said Carteret and by him assigned to said Earl and still remaining unassigned in said Earl's hands several sums amounting in the whole to 46,000l. The Lord Treasurer is hereby to order the Auditors of Imprests to discharge said Earl of said sums of 41,457l. 0s. 10d. and 46,000l., the said Earl first delivering in the said tallies and orders and making such assignments thereof and of the moneys due thereon as Treasurer Danby shall direct. (fn. 1) The Lord Treasurer is further to direct the vacating of the said tallies and the assigning or cancelling of the said orders as shall be thought necessary. Further said Earl of Anglesey stands charged in the Receipt of the Exchequer with 2,775l. 16s. 6d. by five several orders registered in his name on the Eleven Months' tax, which [orders] were by him assigned to John Colvile by warrant of the late Treasury Lords dated 1668, June 16, made in pursuance of an order in Council dated 1668, June 3, in satisfaction of the interest and gratuity of [i.e. on or for] 42,000l. lent [by said Colvile] upon the Poll Act. Further the said Earl of Anglesey is charged with 44,503l. 4s. 5d. by several other orders registered in his name on the Eleven Months' tax which orders were by warrant of the late Treasury Lords dated 1669, July 30, assigned by said Earl to Sir William Warren, Capt. Cooke [Cock] and other creditors of the Navy in consideration of several other orders of like value registered on the Additional Aid [and] "assigned by the said creditors to him as followeth," viz., 30,000l. to Sir Dennis Gauden, 10,000l. to Col. William Legge, 1,155l. to Major Andros and 3,348l. 4s. 5d. to Alderman Backwell, amounting in all to 44,503l. 4s. 5d. And the then Auditors of the Imprests were by the said order, in passing the said Earl's accounts of the Navy to make him full allowance of both said sums of 2,775l. 16s. 6d. and 44,503l. 4s. 5d., making 47,279l. 0s. 11d. in all. Treasurer Danby is hereby to order the Auditors of the Imprests to similarly allow and discharge said sums amounting to 47,279l. 0s. 11d. Further the said Earl of Anglesey has in pursuance of an order of the late Treasury Lords dated 1667, Sept. 24, assigned to Sir Thomas Allin for his sea wages 2,000l. out of the 30,000l. chargeable by the privy seal of 1667, Sept. 6, on the Eleven Months' tax, with interest, as in lieu of an order for the like sum of 2,000l. registered on the Poll Act, which [order] was by Sir George Carteret assigned to said Sir Thomas Allin and by him to said Earl, which said order remains undischarged in said Earl's hands and no part thereof has been received. Likewise by warrant of the late Treasury Lords dated 1668, May 22, said Earl of Anglesey has made assignments of orders registered upon the Eleven Months' tax for 5,000l. to Edward Backwell in lieu of two other orders both dated 1666, May 23, one for 3,000l. the other for 2,000l. registered on the Poll Act [and] assigned by Sir Dennis Gauden, Victualler of the Navy, to said Backwell, and by Backwell assigned to said Earl and now remaining unpaid in said Earl's hands. Likewise by warrant of the late Treasury Lords dated 1668, April 17, made in pursuance of an order in Council of 1667-8, March 18 (by reason that the Poll being overcharged the orders and assignments made thereupon to Sir Dennis Gawden, victualler of the Navy, cannot thence be satisfied) the Earl of Anglesey made assignments of orders to the amount of 15,000l. (registered on that part of the Eleven Months' tax consigned for seamens' wages) to said Sir Dennis Gawden for the speedy and effectual carrying on of the victualling in lieu of ten several orders of his [Gauden's] to the [like] amount of 15,000l. placed on the Poll bill which [last named] orders are still in the hands of said Earl of Anglesey unpaid. The total of such orders on the Poll bill remaining in said Earl's hands unpaid as above is 22,000l. He is hereby to deliver up the abovesaid orders in such way as the Lord Treasurer shall appoint, and to be discharged of said sum as is just and reasonable, seeing that he is charged in his account with the several orders by him assigned to the said Sir Thomas Allin, Edward Backwell and Dennis Gawden. Further, several sums have been borrowed by the late Treasury Lords for the Navy at 6 per cent. interest, which sums have been paid into the Exchequer on the security of the last ten [months] of the Eleven Months' tax. For said loans interest has been paid in the Exchequer and said Earl of Anglesey has been charged therewith to the amount of 16,553l. 6s. as appears by certificate of the Auditor of the Receipt. Further the sum of 3,900l. 12s. 6d. has been paid to the East India Company for the interest of 50,000l. lent [by said Company] for the Navy, such interest being paid by orders on the Eleven Months' tax assigned by the Earl of Anglesey to said Company. Further there has been paid to Sir John Wolstenholme and others late Farmers of the Customs for the interest of 30,000l. by them lent for the Navy, several sums amounting to 1,153l. 1s. 1d., in orders registered in the name of said Earl of Anglesey on the Eleven Months' tax which orders were by him assigned to them. The [above] said [three items of] interest money amounting in all to 21,606l. 19s. 7d. are included in the 480,000l. wherewith said Earl of Anglesey is charged in his Navy accompt. He ought therefore to have an allowance thereof. Same is to be hereby made. Finally said Earl has paid several sums of money by orders [of] and upon bills signed by the Navy Commissioners, several thereof in pursuance of orders of the Lord Treasurer to the several persons hereafter named, others in reward for extraordinary service, or as royal bounty for their losses and damages in the King's service or otherwise allowed and paid them upon several extraordinary occasions, viz., 500l. to Sir John Chichley for his acceptable service at sea ; 150l. to Lord Douglas for the charge of transporting horses into France ; 135l. 1s. to John Tippetts for his extraordinary pains and charges in taking up money in the country and conveying it to Portsmouth ; 267l. 9s. 6d. to Anne Gouldens, widow, by order of the Duke of York in pursuance of an order in Council to make the ship Bull given her to be of equal value with the ship Lambe which was sunk ; 250l. to Capt. Cocks for several services and for the loss of his houses in Tower Hill ; 2,385l. 19s. 5d. to Thomas Clutterbuck by order of the Duke of York for money due to him upon two victualling accounts at sea in 1662 and 1665 ; 122l. 10s. to Dame Batten, relict of Sir William Batten, late Surveyor of the Navy, for 1667 Christmas quarter's salary, not due until after his decease, but paid by order of the Duke of York ; 255l. to Ellinor Capell, widow, whose husband was killed at Seale, being as reward to herself and three children, the [Navy] Commissioners' warrant for payment thereof being lost ; 930l. for the purchase of several houses at Harwich for the naval affairs there ; 76l. 15s. 2d. to sundry mariners for wages between 1664-5, Jan. 3, and 1667, April 10, upon double tickets, not discovered [to be duplicate] till after payment thereof ; 453l. 18s. 6d. to Peter Graver in pursuance of an order of Council of 1667, Nov. 27, for satisfaction of several sorts of apparel and provisions on board a certain ship sunk in the river when the Dutch were coming up ; 124l. to sundry seamen and soldiers for their losses in their ships burned at Chatham. The abovesaid sums amounting in all to 5,649l. 13s. 7d. are hereby to be allowed, the authority of the Navy Commissioners being sufficient for the making the payments, although there was no authority therefor under [any] great seal or privy seal. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 2 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 361-5. Docquet Book, p. 123.
May 16. Sir Robert Southwell for himself and the members of several corporations in the West desire to be heard on the Commission returned about the quay of Falmouth before Treasurer Danby give any directions relating thereto : "and this is done per my Lord's order." Caveat Book, p. 28.
Letter of direction upon an order of 1676-7, Feb. 9, for 1,400l. 15s. 6d. to Sir Robert Vyner in full of 4,708l. 8s. 1d. for plate, etc., delivered from 1675-6, Feb. 10, and 1676-7, Feb. 5 : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies in course on the Law Farmers. Money Book (General) p. 66.
The like on the remainder of an order of 1676, May 31, for 2,500l. to Lawrence Hyde for half a year's advance for the service of the Robes, whereon 750l. is paid : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs in the name of Richard Mounteney. Ibid.
Money warrant for 20l. to Edward Teare (Tyer) for extraordinary pains and charges in delivering letters and other things by command of Treasurer Danby. (Charles Bertie dated May 28 to the Customs Cashier to bring in with [due] respect to the weekly payments and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 66. Out Letters (General) p. 92.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Mathew Cradock as a landwaiter, London port, loco Richard Walmesley, who is willing to relinquish.
George Cruft as a tidesman at Poole, loco Thomas Hickes, who declines same.
William Cowland as a tidesman at Lynn, loco James Michel, who declines same.
Elias Scott as waiter at Wooler, loco James Davison, who declines same.
John Tyler as a seizer of prohibited goods. Richard Leake as coal waiter at Newcastle, loco Thomas Barber, who declines same.
Bazill Hill as surveyor, waiter and searcher at Bridgwater, loco Mathew Halsted.
Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 299, 301.
Same from same to same. Robert Turner, et al inhabitants of Guernsey have by petition informed me that they have privilege to transport yearly, Customs free, sundry goods out of England for the use of Guernsey ; and that the said John Turnor and John Tooper, another inhabitant thereof, have licences from the Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey to transport, Customs free, goods to the value of 20l. [Customs thereon]. You are hereby to permit goods to that amount upon each licence to be passed outwards for the provision of said island. Ibid, p. 300.
Same from same to same to deliver to the Ambassador from the States General goods as in two papers of particulars in French [missing], imported from Holland in the ship George (the books being permitted to be brought in by the annexed warrant [missing] of the bishop of London). Ibid.
Same from same to same to pass, Customs free, for France, goods as in a particular [missing] thereof signed by Andrew Forrester, being for the use of Mr. Brisbane, his Majesty's Agent for Merchants' Affairs in France. Ibid.
May 17. Same from same to same to employ Antho. Watts as tidesurveyor, London port, to reside at Gravesend to prevent frauds which are alleged to be often committed near Gravesend : to be without salary but to have a pair of oars to attend him in this service, as other tidesurveyors have. Ibid, p. 299.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies of assignment for 250l. to Lawrence Hyde to be struck upon the farm of the logwood : same to be for half a year to Lady day last. Out Letters (General) p. 86.
May 18. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Edward Christian to cut down (under the direction and by the assignment of the Duke of Lauderdale) so many trees in his Majesty's park called New Park, near Richmond, as will fence in a lawn in East Shaine within said park, which lawn it is thought convenient for the King's service to fence in. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 60.
Charles Bertie to the [Customs] Commissioners to deliver to the Dutch Ambassador in the Dean's Yard, Westminster, and to see opened there, goods as in the warrant of the 16th inst. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 302.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal to constitute John Canham Receiver General of the Law duties during the continuance of the farm of said duties lately let to Sir John Bendish, bart., John Canham and James Roffey, of which farmers the said Sir John Bendish has released his interest therein to said Canham and Roffey, who have prayed the appointment of said Canham as above. Canham to be hereby empowered to give acquittances and discharges for said duty. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 31 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 365. Docquet Book p. 139.
Let no grant pass of the head searcher's office in London port until the undersearchers be heard upon notice [which is to be given] to Mr. Bernard [in their behalf.] Caveat Book, p. 28.
May 19. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Rawson Hart under the Exchequer seal of parcels of the manor of Kirton in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, part of the duchy of Cornwall, as formerly demised to his father, Major Theophilus Hart, deceased : the present lease to be for 14 years from 1693, Lady day, under the several rents of 15l. and 6s. and at a fine of 160l.
Prefixing : Particular of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal.
Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 61-2.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Richard Kent of the office of Receiver General and Cashier of Customs and subsidies [and] of the impositions on wine and vinegar during pleasure and with the yearly fee of 1,000l. and from June 24 next, from which date the grant thereof to Richard Mounteney, senr., is to be made void. (See May 7 supra. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 21 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 365. Docquet Book, p. 136.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for a privy seal to the Lord Treasurer to authorise the Navy Commissioners to sign a bill upon the Treasurer of the Navy for 1,000l. without account, imprest or other charge, to Edward Gregory, Clerk of the Checque of the yard and Navy at Chatham, as royal bounty for his long and faithful services performed in the business of the Navy : same to be payable out of the first moneys that shall arise by the sale of decayed provisions, ships, vessels and other naval stores within the several yards. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 25 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 366. Docquet Book, p. 136.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant, pardon and release to Henry, bishop of London, of the 254l. 17s. 1d. which by his composition with the Crown for the First Fruits of his bishopric ought to have been paid at Lady day last. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 31 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 366. Docquet Book, p. 139.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet attending [for a privy seal] for 4,456l. 17s. to Sir William Haward, Kt., without account in consideration of the same sum due to him for principal and interest charged upon the Court of Wards (so much due to him from the King and formerly charged upon the Receiver of the fines and other revenues of the late Court of Wards) in the name of Sir Ed. Hendon, Kt. : same to be paid by levying tallies upon any contract made or to be made by said Haward for fee farm and other rents. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated June 8 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 366. Docquet Book, p. 140.
Money warrant for 36l. 10s. each to John Robinson, William Lowe, Hobart Colby, John Hall, Richard Change, Richard Elton and Thomas Witherden, for one year on their 2s. a day each out of the Exchequer as Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen. (Charles Bertie dated May 21 to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 18l. 5s. each to the above for half a year each.) Money Book (General) p. 66. Out Letters (General) p. 88.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 40l. to the Duke of Monmouth for one year's creation money as Duke ; and money warrant for one year's creation money to same as Earl of Doncaster. (Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer with respect to the weekly payments and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 20l.) Money Book (General) p. 67. Out Letters (General) p. 91.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Seymour and Mr. Maydwell to pay what money you have in your hands of the Law duty to Mr. Le Gouche in part of what is due to him upon his tallies struck on said duty. Out Letters (General) p. 87.
Same to the Farmers [of said Law duty] to pay to him [Le Gouche] what money is in their hands. Ibid.
Same [to the Customs Cashier] to bring in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 100 marks for one year of David Walter's fee as Lieutenant General of his Majesty's Ordnance. Ibid.


  • 1. The Docquet Book entry makes the total of tallies and orders transferred as above to be 109,457l. 0s. 10d. This sum appears to represent the two sums of 41,457l. 0s. 10d. and 46,000l. above and the 22,000l. on p. 631 infra. Otherwise this docquet might from the fact of its preceding the warrant by over a month, be regarded as having been vacated and replaced by another docquet not preserved in the Treasury Docquet Book.