Minute Book: June 1677

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Minute Book: June 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp451-462 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: June 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp451-462.

"Minute Book: June 1677". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp451-462.


June 1677

June 1. Friday. Visct. Ranelagh will be here [this day] about the business of Londonderry.
[Day Book, p. 125.]
June 1. Treasurer Danby directs Sir Samuel Morland to be paid one full quarter on all his pensions.
John Basiere to be Receiver General of the Seventeen Months' tax (for building ships) to be raised in the counties of Durham. Northumberland, Westmorland and Cumberland, and to be allowed 30s. per cent. (100l.) for all moneys he receives and pays into the Exchequer, according to the Act : of which allowance the 2d. per allowed by the Act [for said tax is to be accompted part]. "I do agree to receive and pay the money at the rate above mentioned." John Basiere (autograph signature).
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 288.]
June 1.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer ; attending : Sir Robt. Howard, Attorney General, Sir Cha. Harbord, Sir Geo. Downing.
Treasurer Danby asks the Attorney General what method he will prescribe or advise to be pursued by the bankers for discharging all his Majesty's securities and debts claimed by them and for the delivering up of all their orders. The Attorney General advises general releases where they may be had, but where the bankers have further demands from the King in that case the release may be with a schedule annexed of what is released or with an exception of what is not released.
The goldsmiths are called in. Treasurer Danby acquaints them that they are to discharge the King by general release. They say they humbly conceive it must not be by general release, but according to some schedule because they have several other claims yet remaining upon the King.
Treasurer Danby directs that all their orders, tallies and other vouchers be viewed and compared with their accompts and grants and that Sir Robt. Howard, Sir Cha. Harbord, Sir Geo. Downing, Charles Bertie, Esq., Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Jno. Lawrence be appointed to perform this service and to compare all their assignments carefully with the register and that Wednesday next in the morning be appointed to begin this business : and the meeting for this purpose to be at Sir Robt. Howard's house or office.
Treasurer Danby tells the bankers that this being done the Attorney General will consider what kind of discharge shall be given by them to his Majesty, and that then his Lordship will direct their warrant for their payment according to their patents.
They humbly pray they may in the meantime have one quarter's payment, inasmuch as they have already delivered up their orders and tallies which are now left at Wallingford House. Treasurer Danby directs that such of them as have so left their orders and tallies shall have one quarter's payment immediately made to them.
Treasurer Danby being informed of a great super of 61,000l. set upon Alderman Backwell in Sir George Cartrett's [Navy Treasurer's] account demands of the alderman why his accompt for this sum has not been made up, since it looks very ill that whilst the King is making provision for payment of his debt to the alderman no provision is made for the King's satisfaction for any debt due from him to the King. Mr. Alderman Backwell says that true it is he has four or five several accompts to make up with the King, but he conceives the King will be in his debt upon the whole, and prays his accompts may be speedily taken. Treasurer Danby directs that Alderman Backwell's accompts, viz. : (1), that touching 5,000l. imprest upon a privy seal to the Duke of York for Visct. Muskerry's regiment ; (2), that touching the Dunkirk money ; (3), that touching the super in Sir Geo. Carteret's [Navy] accompt ; (4), that touching the [Queen's dowry or] Portugal money ; (5), that touching the [Dutch patacons or] Holland money shall be all referred to the Auditor.
Treasurer Danby also directs that an accompt be immediately brought in of all supers in any office of the Exchequer.
A letter to be written to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from the King and the Lord Treasurer re-inforcing [requiring] the payment of the 4,000l. for [recouping to the king the compensation paid for surrender of the customs of] Londonderry. In the margin : Done [meaning only : letter sent].
Mr. Battier [Basire] undertakes the Receivership of the four Northern Counties, ut antea p. 451.
The estimate for the King's chapel, about 300l., [is ordered] to be placed on the Hearthmoney in March next.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 288-90.]
June 6. The Lord Chancellor to be spoken with about Mr. Ellesden's business, "and Mr. Serjt. Ramsey to-morrow morning."
The postmaster of Doncaster's name (Tho. Mattocks in lieu of Mr. Munt) [is to be put upon the paper of] minutes for the King. Speak to the Duke [of York about it].
The Hearthmoney Farmers are to attend about their officers levying that duty upon smiths' forges in Hallamshire.
To move the King for 200l. for a half year for Sir Geo. Reeves.
The business of the keys [quays] at Falmouth is to be heard this day week. The [Customs] Commissioners to attend with Mr. Osborne, et al.
Sir Phill. Monkton's request for payment of 300l. per an. [is to be put upon the paper of] minutes for the King.
Sir Cyril Wyche's 500l. per an. [is likewise to be put upon the paper of minutes] for the King and also the Irish establishment.
The Earl of Oxford to be paid 500l. now and the whole [or full of his pension is to be paid] for the future.
[Order for] 400l. per an. to be settled on Sir John Corryton from midsummer last.
[Letter of direction is ordered] for 1,000l. in part of Mr. Stanhope's order for 2,150l. to be [charged] upon the Hearthmoney [Contractors' rent due] in March next.
The arrears due to Mr. Herbert, of the Revels, is to be [put] on the King's papers [for his Majesty's direction as to the fund] for placing thereof [upon].
Monsr. Petite to have a warrant for 100l. on the privy seal dormant.
Mr. Villers' request for the reversion of the [clerkship of the] Pipe Office after two lives is to be put on the papers of minutes for the King, "it having formerly passed by the Secretary." [Postea]. The King will not grant it.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 290.]
June 7.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer.
Mr. Brent to make a list as soon as may be of all the doubly conveyed fee farm rents and [of all fee farm] rents sold which were not saleable [by the Act for sale of Fee Farm rents]. This Mr. Brent undertakes to do.
A report to be made [by Treasurer Danby to the King] upon Mr. Arrundell's petition wherein his Lordship will humbly advise his Majesty to release the breach of covenant to the petitioner and humbly leave it to his Majesty whether in respect of the loyalty and sufferings of the petitioner his Majesty will release the whole covenant. In the margin : Done [meaning only : report drawn].
Sir Charles Harbord to make a new report of the value of Exmoor Forest. In the margin : Done [meaning only : warrant sent to Harbord for same].
Alderman Backwell's super [as set upon him] in Sir Geo. Carterett's accompt is to be stated by Auditor Bridges.
Mr. Bertie to speak with Secretary Coventry concerning Mr. Ellesden.
The petition from the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and also Mrs. Finch's are to be considered on Saturday next, when the Duke of Ormonde, et al, are to meet [Treasurer Danby here] about the Irish establishment.
The Lord Chancellor to be waited on in the business of Mr. Colwall. (In the margin : Done.)
Petitions read eodem die [and orders thereon made as follows] : Sarah White. Granted with such conditions as the Surveyor General advises.
Lady Bunce. Respited till Sir Bernard Gascoigne's account of the French Tunnage [duty] be settled, and then to be put with the King's papers [for his Majesty's decision].
Anne Finch. To be remembered on the Irish establishment.
James Halsall, et al. The petitioners to attend the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is to consider the petitioners' grant with regard to the alum works.
John Holman. Nil.
Eliz. Burroughs. Nil.
Fra. Finch. [Treasurer Danby decides] to speak with Sir Stephen Fox in the matter of this petition.
Mr. Mostyn. To be referred to the Auditor.
Mr. Lightfoote. My Lord Treasurer will do nothing till he [Danby] has his [Lightfoot's] accounts of fee farm rents unsold.
George Leigh. The debt of 194l. 7s. 9d. due to the King [is ordered] to be installed by 20l. per an. upon security.
Sir John Shaw for a reversionary lease. To be [put] on the King's papers.
Ditto for his part of the surplusage on the Customs account. Nil.
Ditto for salary as Surveyor of the Act of Navigation. Nil.
Kinward, et al. [Ordered] to be paid out of some [particular] arrear [of taxes or moneys owing to the King].
James Davis. [Ordered] to be paid for my Lord [Treasurer's] time [of office as Lord Treasurer].
John Hayes. Nil.
Mary Sophia Nevill. To be put on the King's papers.
Mary Grove. The like.
Richard Reeve. Nil.
Sir William Doyly. Gibson to have a copy of this petition and Mr. Shales to give my Lord Treasurer an account what Mr. Gibson says to it.
Mr. Mounteny. Mr. Bertie to speak with Mr. Kent on the matter of this petition.
Major William Christian. To be referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Capt. King. Write to the Earl of Lindsey to know if he agrees.
Kath. Eaton. Nil.
Grace Silverton, et al. My Lord Treasurer can do nothing in it till provision be made for such kind of debts.
Company of Carpenters. The papers to be referred to the Navy Commissioners intimating an overvaluation and to have their report.
Secondaries in the King's Remembrancer's office. Referred to Sir Cha. Harbord.
Jno. Ashburne. My Lord Treasurer to speak with Judge Bertie in this business and to write to Sir William Roberts to know what he has received.
Daniel Judd. Referred to Sir Cha. Harbord.
Mr. Cotton. To speak with Mr. Griffin upon this complaint against him.
Walter Lapp. To speak with Sir Geo. Wakeman in this.
Offices of the Council of Trade. Mr. Smith to be writ to smartly.
Mr. Kirwood. [Ordered] to be paid quarterly till his claim be [fully settled and so run] out.
Francis Howes. Nil.
Sir Rich. Pigot. To be heard when the Chancellor of the Exchequer is present.
Mris. Robinson. To have a remote day for hearing.
Mr. Kilby. Granted, if his allegations be true, which must be examined.
Sir Nicho. Armorer, et al. My Lord Treasurer is of opinion that their compensation [should] be on the Irish revenue and not elsewhere.
Mr. Glynne. [Ordered] to have the survey of the officers of the Forest.
Mr. Grenvile. To be [put] on the King's papers.
John Jones. Mind [take care to observe] the scheme [? of suspension and retrenchment in expenditure].
Mris. Browne. To see in what state her debt stands.
Mr. Standley. Referred to the Attorney General.
Pages of the Presence. Referred to the Board of Greencloth.
Col. Fairfax's daughters. [Ordered] to be paid for the future.
Mr. Phillips, distiller. Nil.
Robert Lobb. The administration is to be granted him of the estate of the bastard dead intestate [referred to in this his petition].
My Lord Treasurer to move the Lord Chancellor to put the Duke of Marlborough in the Commission of the Peace for Somerset and Wilts.
To know his Majesty's pleasure touching the importation of gum seneca.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 291-4.]
June 8. Friday. Mr. Cornwall Bradshaw to attend in the afternoon [of this day] upon [the subject of] his accompt.
Mr. Ellesden's petition touching Mr. Plea's [Pley's] debt is to be considered [this day].
[Day Book, p. 125.]
June 12. A letter to be written to the Navy Commissioners to [tell them to] pursue the [prescribed] course of payments except for new buildings [of ships] only "which are assignable on the Act for 585,000l."
A warrant [is ordered] for a privy seal to empower the Lord Treasurer to appoint such person or persons as he shall think fit to supervise the comptrol of the stores (and wages paid in the yards) of the Navy, with power to inspect all accompts thereof, and to [empower the Lord Treasurer also to] direct such methods for the regulating those accounts as his Lordship shall judge most for his Majesty's service ; and to allow a salary not exceeding per an. to such supervisor and the under clerks necessary to be employed in this business, to be paid quarterly by the Treasurer of the Navy by bills made out at the Navy Board [in like manner] as the salaries of the officers of the Navy are paid.
A state of the present charge on the revenue [is ordered] to be prepared and a scheme for the service [expenditure] of the year.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 294.]
June 13 Wednesday. Mr. Arnold's business touching Mr. Stockdale's debt [is to be considered in the afternoon of this day]. Struck through. In the margin : [Customs] Commissioners summoned.
Mr. Moor's business against the four waiters at Bristol [to be considered on the afternoon of this day]. Mr. Richard Meredith [who lodges] at Sir Charles Harbord's lodging appears for the four King's waiters.
Sir Thomas Peyton to be heard [on the afternoon of this day] on his order of Council touching the debt of Robt. Gilbert, head collector for the Royal Aid in the lathe of St. Austin's, Kent. In the margin : Done. [Meaning : all the parties summoned.]
Mr. Bradshaw to attend [on the afternoon of this day] and be heard upon [the subject of] his accompt.
Mr. Ellesden's petition touching Mr. Plea's [Pley's] debt as collector of Lyme [port, is to be heard the afternoon of this day] In the margin : Done. [Meaning : the parties summoned].
The business touching the wharfes and keys of Falmouth to be heard [in the afternoon of this day], and Sir Robt. Southwell, Col. Birch, Sir Rich. Egecombe, Sir Peter Killegrew, Mr. Boscowen, merchant, are to attend. Struck through. In the margin : [The parties] summoned.
Mr. Culliford's business touching registering of seizures and personal informations is to be heard [on the afternoon of this day] and the Barons of the Exchequer, the Attorney General and the Customs Commissioners are desired to be present. Struck through.
The Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty [in Barbados are] to attend [on the afternoon of this day] with the Auditor (Aldworth) and their accompt. In the margin : Done. [Meaning : the parties summoned.]
[Day Book, p. 126.]
June 13. My Lord Treasurer has now agreed with Mr. Kent to borrow 50,000l. upon the credit of the Additional Excise. Mr. Kent to have tallies of loan struck and order of repayment upon that revenue [of Additional Excise] upon orders given to the Treasurer of the Navy (struck through). [The loan to be] at the interest of 7 per cent.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 295.]
June 13.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Chief Baron, Baron Littleton, Baron Bertie : Attending : Customs Commissioners, Attorney General, Sir Cha. Harbord.
Mr. Culliford and his Counsel (Mr. Sawyer) called in. Mr. Sawyer opens the case concerning the office of Register of Seizures, after the reading of Mr. Culliford's petition and the order made by my Lord Treasurer and the Chancellor and Barons [of the Exchequer]. Mr. Sawyer says the Court of Exchequer may erect such an office without letters patent, and that this office is pursuant to the statute of 16 Eliz. Cap. 5, and that every article of the order is grounded upon this statute. He further says that it cannot be acted [upon] over all England but by deputies, and that it is necessary for the King's service and this is an ancient office in King James's time. Mr. Sawyer answers the objections against appraisements and the objections against taking of bonds, and says that he [the Register] is to execute this office without demanding any fee, and only for his salary.
The Attorney General has certified that this order does agree with the letters patent and privy seal. The Lord Chief Baron says the taking of bonds was never practised. Mr. Tho. Hall (an ancient clerk in the King's Remembrancer's office) agrees that the information [of the seizure] should be entered with the Register [of seizures] before process issue.
Treasurer Danby directs that the order shall be amended in all parts repugnant to the Commission given to the [Customs] Commissioners, and to be fully explained in all the doubtful parts [there] of. Mr.Sawyer says it [Culliford's order] does not in any wise lessen the Lord Treasurer's power or that of the [Customs] Commissioners. It is said that personal informations ought also to be entered in the Exchequer and with the Register [of Seizures]. Treasurer Danby directs the old order to be considered and this new one to agree with it as much as may be. Treasurer Danby refers the whole matter to the Lord Chief Baron and the other Barons of the Exchequer to hear it on Thursday next, in order to the bringing it before his Lordship.
Touching the setting out of wharfes and keys of Falmouth, etc. : this day fortnight is appointed for the hearing the several towns on their petitions concerning the setting out keys and wharfes.
Mr. Arnold and Mr. Dent (who were sureties for Mr. Stockdale) are called in with Mr. Sawyer their counsel. Mr. Sawyer says he hopes there will be no cause to charge Mr. Arnold, because Mr. Stockdale has misapplied his last receipts to pay his old arrear. The Attorney General confesseth that the law is against the King upon the printed bond, and that the sureties are only bound for the growing duty, but money has no earmark, and therefore it must be proved to be out of the [moneys of Stock dale's current or] new receipt, for it may be out of the old money in his hands. Mr. Sawyer says Mr. Stockdale's letters do not misapply near [so much as] the sum [total which Stockdale is] in arrear, and that the sureties having no information of the state of the debt, cannot in equity be chargeable therewith. The Attorney General says that Mr. Stockdale himself declared that this money was paid in satisfaction of the old arrear. All parties are ordered to withdraw, and after some debate, they are again called in. Treasurer Danby acquaints them that he has considered the whole case, and says that Mr. Arnold has agreed to an estallment of Mr. Stockdale's debt, which if Mr. Arnold doth not agree to perform, his Lordship directs that such prosecution shall be made against him as the Attorney General shall advise.
My Lord Clifford to have 300l. per an.
Sir Jeoffry Shackerley to have as much as will make his 8s. per diem up to 300l. per an. being 154l. per an. addition.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 295-7.]
June 15. Friday. Mr. Guy to attend the Lord Treasurer on the morning of this day about Sir Anthony Cope's arrears of the 274l. per an. rent, reserved upon [the lease of the ground of] the Custom House [which rent is now] four years in arrear. In the margin : Done. [Meaning : Mr. Guy summoned by letter].
Sir Thomas Peyton to be heard [on the morning of this day on] his order of Council touching the debt of Robert Gilbert, head collector of the lathe of St. Austins, in Kent, for the Royal Aid. The like marginal note.
Mr. Moore to be heard [on the morning of this day] against the four waiters of Bristol [port].
Mr. Bradshaw to be heard [on the morning of this day] concerning his account.
Mr. Ellesden's petition touching Mr. Pley's debt as collector of Lyme [is to be considered on the morning of this day].
Mr. Warrell to be re-heard [on the morning of this day] on his pretensions for his house and ground at Greenwich upon an order of Council.
The Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. [duty in Barbados are] to attend [on the morning of this day], and Mr. Aldworth with their accompt. The like marginal note as above.
[Day Book, pp. 126-7.]
June 16. Saturday. The referees of the goldsmiths' business are to attend Treasurer Danby at 4 in the afternoon [of this day] with the Attorney General with their report touching a warrant to be prepared for their quarterly payment. In the margin : summoned.
[Ibid. p. 127.]
June 16.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Attending : The Attorney General, Sir Robt. Howard, Sir Geo. Downing, Mr. Wardour.
Concerning the draft of a warrant for payment of the goldsmiths' interest : the Attorney General offers that the goldsmiths might be eased as far as by law they may [they] having but bare interest for their money. He says that if his Majesty please, he may determine [abrogate the present constitution of] the head Office of Excise, and then he may cause the money to be paid where he please, which is the reason why the words "or otherwise to our use" were inserted in the goldsmiths' patent, which [as it insured the payments] being perpetual, was to meet all objections, and therefore the advice which is given to the Lord Treasurer by Sir Robt. Howard, Sir Geo. Downing, etc., to pay it always at the Exchequer ought to have no place, and the payment by tally or by ready money is all one, but he conceives the difference is only about [the Exchequer] officers' fees.
(1) Sir Geo. Downing is for payment of the money into the Exchequer. (2) He says there is no fee due nor demanded. (3) He says that as to the Attorney General's argument that the head Office [of Excise] may cease, and so the money may be paid elsewhere than in the Exchequer, he conceives the Attorney General is under a mistake, for whether the [Excise] revenue be farmed or not the [Excise] Commissioners must pay the money into the Exchequer and the judicial powers are all vested in the [Excise] Commissioners and not in the Farmers, and [further that] the actual payment of the money into the Exchequer will appear better upon record and have a more regular accompt.
The Attorney General says that the [Excise] Commissioners, as Commissioners, have nothing to do with the receiving or paying the money, but as they are a head office, which is to last no longer than the King pleases, and then the money must be paid where and as the King pleases, and as to the payment of the money into the Exchequer and issuing it thence a payment by tally is all one, and as regular [in the audit routine it undergoes in order] to be accompted.
Sir Geo. Downing says that although the party have sometimes struck a tally of pro or sol, yet he can instance and prove that he has come again and demanded his money, de novo.
The rest of the [Exchequer] officers utterly deny it.
Treasurer Danby directs the warrant already drawn for [payment to be made to the bankers by] tallies of pro [on the Excise] and [which has been] approved by Sir Robt. Howard and Mr. Wardour shall be the warrant to be signed for payment of the bankers' interest [or] yearly annuity, with this addition only that there shall be an expression in it that those tallies are desired by the bankers ; and the Attorney General is directed to amend it accordingly, which is now done.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 297-8.]
June 22. Friday. The Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. [duty in Barbados] are to attend [this day] with Auditor Aldworth and their account.
Mr. Halsall and partners [are to] attend this day.
[Day Book, p. 127.]
June 22.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Treasurer Danby directs a report to be drawn upon Sir Thomas Peyton's order of Council.
The old Farmers of [the Revenue of] Ireland are to attend on Wednesday next with Visct. Ranelagh upon their petition concerning their arrears in Ireland and the 19,600l. upon the balance of their accompt.
The arrears due to Sir Anth. Cope [for the ground rent of the Custom House] are to be settled [on some fund for payment] and the patent is to be viewed to see how the said rent is reserved and secured.
Look out Sir Gilbert Talbot's petition and lay it before my Lord Treasurer.
Sir Geo. Carterett and Sir Cha. Harbord are to attend on Wednesday concerning Sir George's interest in Lambhay and Mrs. Bigg's claim or business [concerning her like interest] there [at Plymouth is to be considered] at the same time.
The business of Lindhurst House [is to be considered] at the same time, and the Earl of Bath is desired to attend about it and [also] Mr. Knowles.
[Memorandum] : To receive my Lord Treasurer's directions for payment of the Earl of Bath's order of 3,488l. 8s. 3d., due as the surplus of his account [as Governor] of Plymouth.
A letter to be written to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to proceed upon the Earl of Anglesey's account between Sir George Carteret and him, notwithstanding any former orders, and to mind my Lord Treasurer therein forthwith for his directions in the said letter.
Mr. Pley and Mr. Ellesden are called in upon a debt of 2,500l., due to the King from said Pley as collector of Customs at Weymouth, and pray an allowance of a Navy bill of about 950l. and of 1,900l. [in] money due upon a privy seal, besides interest, towards satisfaction of said debt due on said Pley's collection. Treasurer Danby upon hearing the matter refers it to the Commissioners of the Navy to make a state thereof, and what imprests have been made out thereupon : and Treasurer Danby to speak with the Customs Commissioners on Monday next [concerning the same].
Visct. Ranelagh to be shewed the Lord Lieutenant's report touching the discharge of an arrear of the rent [due from the London Company for the Customs] of Londonderry, due before 1665, and to be heard thereon on Wednesday next.
[Warrant ordered for the felling of] sixty load of timber for the Prince's [Prince Rupert's] stables at Windsor.
[Order for] 500l. to be provided for the discharging of the [bills for] hay, etc., for New Park. The King's surveyors are to give Treasurer Danby an account concerning the repairs of the wall, "and see the privy seal."
On Wednesday week next Mr. Alderman Backwell and Mr. Parry are to attend with Mr. May touching the [Queen's dowry money or] Portugal accompt.
Treasurer Danby to move the King that [a grant of] Mr. Brown's fine may not be begged [by any person].
Mr. Bradshaw's case and papers are referred to the Chancellor [of the Exchequer's] determination.
A state of Mr. Prettiman's debt is to be drawn in reference to the Lord Chamberlain's petition : [said state is to be inserted] in the papers for the King.
[Order for] 1,500l. to be settled for the Queen's progress.
Lord Crofts to be paid as others of the Bedchamber are.
Warrant [ordered] for Visct. Falkland for a blank sum.
Mr. Packer to have a warrant to pay interest at 8 per cent. for money advanced upon tallies for the Works.
In Sir John Narbrough's account of disbursments in the Mediterranean [he] charges 500 pieces of eight as paid to Henry Caple, whom Sir John had ordered to reside at Tripoli in the quality of Consul. The Navy Commissioners write to Secretary Bertie that the 500 pieces of eight may be deducted out of the said Consul's salary.
Sir William Killegrew to be paid in full.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 298-9.]
June 27. Wednesday morning, ten of the clock. The business touching the keys and wharfes of Falmouth [is to be heard this day] and all the petitions of the several towns concerned are to be then ready : the Customs Commissioners, Mr. Osborne, Sir Robt. Southwell, Sir Rich. Edgcombe, Sir Peter Killegrew, Col. Birch and Mr. Boscowen and the Attorney General are to attend.
Mr. Moore and the King's waiters of Bristol port are to attend [this day].
The business of the arrears of rent due from the Company [for the Customs] of Londonderry before 1665 [is to be considered this day].
[Day Book, p. 129.]
June 27.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer. Attending : Sir Charles Harbord.
The case of Mr. Moore and the four King's waiters of Bristol port [is heard, and they are] called in. Their petitions are read touching the adding a fifth man. The King's waiters admit the legality of Mr. Moore's grant, but submit it to his Lordship's [Treasurer Danby's] judgment whether the encouragement be not too small for five, which they beg leave to represent to Treasurer Danby.
The petition of the several towns of Falmouth, Penryn, etc., concerning the setting out the keys and wharfes [of Falmouth port and members thereof is read, which matter they] desire to be heard after the term [so] that Counsel may attend.
Upon hearing Sir George Carteret's petition concerning his interest in Lambhay, taken into Plymouth fort, it did appear that Sir Charles Harbord values it at 1,500l., but Sir George, by his counsel, does insist that there being a survey taken by the mayor, etc. [of Plymouth] it was valued at 2,200l. This the Chancellor of the Exchequer will lay before Treasurer Danby for his determination, with this [addition] that there is almost two years' interest incurred since the land was taken into the fort.
The interest of the widow Biggs and others [included in one and] the same petition for [consideration for] their lands taken into the fort at Plymouth was then taken into consideration. Widow Biggs' part was valued at 20l. per an. since it was taken in, but it was let at 30l. per an. when in gardens. She is contented with the valuation of 20l. per an., which for her term amounts to 140l. (for seven years' purchase) so [long as or on condition that] she may have interest from the time it was demolished and taken into the fort. The rest her fellow petitioners submit it to Treasurer Danby, but desire their interest also.
The old Farmers [of the revenue] of Ireland are called in, Visct. Ranelagh not appearing [with them]. They desire that the Lord Lieutenant's order for stopping the payment [to them] of the money levied [and in their collectors' hands] may be superseded till the business be heard. They say this order of stop has done great injury ; many of the collectors who had brought money to discharge several of the arrears, did, upon notice of this order, go out of town and paid no money. They, the Farmers, further humbly pray that no letter may pass from his Majesty to create [grant] to any person any title or claim to the balance of their account, especially to Sir James Shaen and their partners [the present Farmers of the revenue of Ireland]. The old Farmers are to attend [again] on Friday next.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 300.]