Entry Book: September 1676

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: September 1676', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp320-336 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: September 1676', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp320-336.

"Entry Book: September 1676". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp320-336.


September 1676

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Sept. 1. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for 22,000l, for the Forces in discharge of an order of the 28th ult. Money Book (General) p. 441.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to pay to Dr. Taylor 1,300 guineas as part of your advance money of 20,000l. payable in one month's time. "I will take care to get you tallies for the said money."
Memorandum. This money is to be repaid upon the Duchess of Portsmouth's next quarter upon the wine licences." (See supra, p. 319.)
Ibid, p. 442.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 2,600l. into the Exchequer as soon as the weekly payments will bear [permit] it and notwithstanding any late order to the contrary : to be disposed as follows : viz., 875l. for the Earl of Bath and four Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, 750l. for the 12 Grooms of the Bedchamber and 975l. for the Queen's Dressers and Maids of Honour. Money Book (General) p. 442.
Treasurer Danby's warrant to the Receipt for payment to be made upon a copy of an order of date 1667-8, Mar. 18, for 2,000l. to Sir Denis Gauden, affidavit having been made that said order cannot be found. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Receivers of the Law Duty to pay out of the first money in their hands the tallies for 3,500l. struck on them for the Treasurer of the Chamber. Ibid, p. 443.
Same to same to pay next after the above the tallies similarly struck for 523l. to Sir Robert Southwell and for 112l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. Blathwaite. Ibid.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Hyde of Yarmouth for delivery of nine pieces of Irish bayes lying in the [Customs] warehouse at Bristol with a mitigation of the duty on it "because of his ignorance in the importation of it." Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 215.
John Tregeagle, Esq., desires to be heard before the lease pass to Richard Kendall, of Polscoith wood, parcel of the manor of Penlyne. Caveat Book, p. 21.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Attorney General for a noli prosequi to discharge the information against five hundredweight of cocoa nuts and a small cask of sugar lately brought from Jamaica in his Majesty's ship Foresight, William Davis captain, "who informs me that he intends the same for his Majesty's use." Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 404.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners for the Customs officers at Plymouth to examine the whole matter of Marcellis Jacopson's disbursements at Plymouth : giving the merchants notice to be present thereat. Mr. Westland has promised to attend you with the merchants' letters which Treasurer Danby desires you to peruse. All with a view to a full report hereon to Treasurer Danby. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 211-2.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to same to permit the landing, on payment of ad valorem custom, of 10 pictures, one gilt frame and 20 lb. weight of copper pans imported in the Katherine yacht by James Houblon, of London, merchant, for his own use and not for sale. Ibid, p. 212.
Sept. 2. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to discharge Sir Richard Pigot, Perient Trott and Humphry Beane on their accounts as late Receivers and Collectors General of the whole revenue of Hearthmoney for the half year ended at Lady day, 1666. The king, declaring himself satisfied in their [said] accounts hereby releases them from all sums, accompts and demands whatsoever relating thereto. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 29 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 215. Docquet Book, p. 91.
Letter of direction on an order for 50l. to Samuel Martin for half a year to June 24 last as Consul at Algiers : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in March next. (Charles Bertie to said Contractors for Hearthmoney dated Sept. 4. A tally is ordered to be levied on you as above. But in regard of the great hazard said Consul undergoes and the good service he doth for his Majesty and his subjects among those barbarous people, Treasurer Danby desires you to pay him this small sum presently for his encouragement and subsistence.) Money Book (General) pp. 442, 444.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier with [due] regard to the weekly payments to bring into the Exchequer 100l. (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same) for Auditor Sir Joseph Seymour for half a year's fee. Ibid, p. 442.
Money warrant for 220l. to Sir Herbert Price for half a year on his several pensions of 400l. and 40l. per an. (Charles Bertie dated Sept. 4 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Ibid, p. 443.
Sept. 2 (date altered from Aug. 18.) Same (based on the privy seals of 1675, April 14, and 1676, Aug. 31) for 2,000l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household (the officers of the Board of Greencloth having certified that the expenses of the Household exceeded by such sum the settlement thereof according to the present allowance of 52,247l. 1s. 6d. per an. from Jan. 1 last : such excess being occasioned by the continuance of the diets from Jan. 1 last to Feb. 7 last) and 26,123l. 10s. 9d. for the expense of the Household for six months from July 1 last according to the said present establishment. To be paid by tallies on the Commissioners or Receivers of Excise. Ibid, p. 430.
Sept. 2. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to issue out of the Exchequer to enquire of counterfeited debentures, bills or bonds ("forged public faith bills, etc.") : to be returnable at the latest on the morrow of the Ascension. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 405.
[?] Same from same to same to supersede process against Charles Empson and Andrew Hodges, merchant, sureties of Thomas Thorey, late collector of Customs Boston port ; they having undertaken to pay their bond of 500l. against the first day of next term if the said Collector's debt amounts to so much. Ibid.
Sept. 2. Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to restore George Pley, senr., to his place of Collector of Weymouth (his receipt having been suspended into the hands of John Clement, assistant to the Riding Surveyor) : said Pley being charged with the balance of 2,527l. 5s. 7d. due to Lady day last, which Pley acknowledges to be correct save as to 94l. 10s. 0d., which he affirms to be surcharged, but has undertaken to satisfy and clear said balance by Michaelmas, 1677, so that his Majesty's debt seems at present to be secure. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 212.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Edward Vickers as Collector in Colchester port, loco John Hebdon, late collector there, who is appointed to go in the quality of his Majesty's envoy to the Czar of Russia. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 213.
Same from same dated at Wallingford House, to Sir Phillip Lloyd, Receiver of the revenues late in jointure to the Queen Mother, to pay Sir Charles Harbord 500l. as reward for assisting in the recovery of the arrears of the said revenue as by the privy seal of 1673, Aug. 7 appointing said Lloyd as Receiver of same to get same in with the advice of Sir Peter Ball and said Harbord : the sum of 8,000l. thereof having been now raised and paid in ; on which said Ball has received 500l. as reward for such assistance. Money Book (General) p. 483.
Sept. 4. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in the 50l. and 75l. for Barbara Strickland and Honora Harding, ut supra, p. 299, notwithstanding any former restriction. Ibid, p. 423.
Five letters from same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 375l. to the Earl of Bath for half a quarter on his pensions of 1,000l. and 2,000l. per an. and 125l. each to the Earls of Lindsey, Ogle, Suffolk, and Rochester for half a quarter as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 443.
Five same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 125l. each to the Earls of Manchester, Ossory, Middlesex and Sunderland and to the Duke of Albemarle for half a quarter as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. (Memorandum : Lord Gerard is already paid out of the Customs and the Earl of Mulgrave out of the alum farm.) Ibid.
Same to same to pay the Earl of Bath 250l. for half a quarter of his pension of 2,000l. per an. as Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Money warrant for 45l. 12s. 0d. to Benjamin Coling for one year on his fee as Keeper of the Council Chamber. (Charles Bertie dated Sept. 4 to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same. Same to the Customs Cashier to bring said sum into the Exchequer with [due] regard to the weekly payments.) Ibid, p. 444.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 500l. to Lady Fisher for half a year of her pension of 1,000l. per an. (Same to the Customs Cashier to bring same in, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Ibid.
Same to same to pay as follows the 675l. for the Queen's Dressers and 300l. for the Maids of Honour which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer, viz., 75l. each to Lady Clinton, Lady Killegrew, Lady Frazier, Lady Tuke, Madame De Borde, Mris. Cranmer, Mris. Windham, Mris. Orpe and Mris. Crane for a quarter each as Dressers : and 50l. each to Mris. Walker, Mris. Howard, Mris. Frazier, Mris. Sheldon, Mris. Swan and Mris. Temple, for same as her Majesty's Maids. Ibid.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Danby to give warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a bill to pass the royal signature "or that you otherwise direct a bill to be drawn by the Clerk of the Pipe for your own hand," to pass the great seal, for a grant and demise to James Clarke of the manor of East Moulsey, co. Surrey, and of the fishing of the river of Moulsey [Mole] from Cobham Bridge downwards and also of the ferries of Hampton Court and Hampton town : all for 99 years from date hereof on surrender of his present grant thereof [and at the present rents and] under a fine of 750l. : the Surveyor General having reported that said premises are of the yearly value of 98l. 9s. 5d. over and above the present rents. King's Warrant Book V. p. 215.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant or demise to the Earl of Ailesbury, or his nominee, of the manors of Ampthill, Steppingley, Newnham, Millbrook (including Millbrook warren), Campton cum Shefford, and Dunstable and of the profits of the Courts of said manors of Ampthill, Campton and Shefford and of the bailiwick or liberty of the Honor of Ampthill and of the advowsons of Ampthill, Milbrook and Steppingley and all rents, services and reversions incident in the premises and all tolls and stalls of markets and fairs, messuages, cottages, woods, coppices, warrens, wastes, heaths, lands, meadows, pasture, privileges, royalties and appurtenances whatsoever to the same, the Great Park of Ampthill only excepted : to hold for 99 years from date hereof without impeachment of waste and without rendering any rent or other thing for same during the life of the Queen Consort, but thereafter at the yearly rent of 13s. 4d. : after such death of the Queen Consort her trustees are to convey to said Earl their remainder interest in the premises : the said Earl having petitioned the King setting forth that he and his ancestors have long held by royal grant the office of High Steward and Chief Bailiff of the Honor of Ampthill, which [office] has been lately granted to him and that he has particular estates in several parcels of the manor of Ampthill, and that his principal seat and residence is at Ampthill, which is much annoyed by the daily erecting cottages on the barren heath or waste there,whereby the poor are not only much increased, but loose and disorderly people are bred : and has therefore prayed a grant, as above, in exchange for other lands of said Earl : on which petition the Surveyor General of Crown Lands has rated the desired grant (except the advowsons) at 2,336l. 18s. 0d., and the advowsons at 130l. and afterwards on a different survey and on consideration of exceptions tendered by petitioner, said ratal was reduced to 2,217l. 4s. 8d. for the whole : the King thereupon thinking "not fitt to depart with the inheritance of the said manors and premises in any wise, but because the profits of the premises consist chiefly in small rents, very chargeable and troublesome to collect, and wee are informed some of them are never answered, and in regard the same premises lie conveniently for the petitioner as being contiguous to his aforesaid seat, and that the petitioner may be the better enabled to repress the growing mischief by the increase of the said cottagers, we are hereupon in a particular manner induced to reward his many loyal services and sufferings" by the grant as above. (For docquet hereof see under date 1676-7, Mar. 1, infra.) Ibid, pp. 226-7.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Robert Bernard of the office of Comptroller of Poole port in reversion after William Ivy. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 27 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p 232. Docquet Book, p. 97.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey the rents as below to James Heriot and John Fisher on their payment of the balance of 18l. 10s. 3d. as by the contract for same, viz. : Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 411.
s. d.
Co. Devon : The rent of the rectory of Tormoham and chapel of Cockington 43 19 8
Co. Northampton : The rent of the rectory of Cransley 18 0 0
Co. Lincoln : The rent for lands called Gory Coppice, per an. 20 0 0
The rent for Keynall Ferry, per an. 4 10 0
The rate of the last two rents above 24l. 10s. 0d. at 16 years' purchase comes to 392l. 0s. 0d., out of which is to be reprized as by the contract as above, 373l. 9s. 9d., leaving said balance of 18 10 3
Same [from same] to the King's Remembrancer for process of extent against Joshua Greathead and of scire facias against his sureties : it appearing that Toby Humphryes, senr., late deputy of the late Farmers of Hearthmoney, Yorks, has in his account for the half year ended 1666, Lady day (for which half year said Farmers were collectors of said duty for the King's use) charged said Greathead, the preceding Receiver of said revenue for the West Riding of Yorkshire and York city with 1,334l. 3s. 0d. received by him of said revenue before said Farmers' officer did enter upon that receipt : and that said Greathead, though he has brought in an account thereof to the Auditor does not prosecute same nor pay in said money. Ibid, p. 406
Treasurer Danby to the Commissioners of the Navy. On perusal of yours of the 28th inst. [sic for ult.] I take notice that the fund I designed for paying for stores hath met with much greater disappointment than I expected : and I do therefore at my return home resolve to take some other way to give you a supply and to appoint such a settlement for the time to come as may be more certain to you ; of which you may acquaint the merchants and others who deal with you for naval stores. Ibid.
Warrant from same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, customs free, to David Rowland, Groom of Her Majesty's Robes, a box of nine dozen of sweet gloves and 15 fans sent for into France by the Queen's commands, and for her use. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 213.
Same from same to same (vacated, see supra, p. 73) to appoint Capt. Thomas Crow as commander of the yall or boat attending the Customs at Queenborough and to be waiter and searcher there, loco Richd. Solomon, who desires to relinquish. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Burton as Customs Surveyor, Newcastle port, loco Arthur Walbank, deceased. Out Letters Customs III. p. 214.
Same from same to same to permit the ship Streights Merchant, Thomas Sutton et al, owners, to depart the port with her present lading free from all seizures or sureties for the goods in her imported, and that what other goods said owners desire to lade from this kingdom may be entered upon some ketch or other small vessel on payment of Customs : despatches are to be given to said ship as to any outward bound ship from London port : said owners having prayed leave to land (and reship for Lisbon, Customs free) said ship's lading which she took in at Genoa for delivery at Lisbon, where she was denied Pradach [pratique] or quarantine in regard she had touched and delivered part of her lading at Cartagena where the pestilence was thought to break out : on which petition the Customs Commissioners report that a case of the like nature happened at Portsmouth in the [case of] the Advice frigate, but that petitioner's case is a hard one and not likely to happen and be drawn into a precedent hereafter. Ibid, pp. 214-5.
Entry of the reference to same of the petition of Nicholas Badcock, late master of the smack at Queenborough, praying to be restored to his employment. Ibid, p. 213.
Sept. 6. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to pass, customs free, the goods in a schedule annexed [missing] belonging to his Imperial Majesty of Russia's Envoy and to John Hebdon, appointed Envoy from England to his said Imperial Majesty : "who are transporting themselves thither." Ibid, p. 216.
Reference (signed by John Shales in the absence of Secretary Bertie) to the same of the memorial from Henry Pikkert, Envoy from Holland, for [delivery of] a coffer of cloths seized. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Richard Gibson, clerk comptroller of the accounts for the Sick and Wounded, to forthwith go to the several ports and places where sick and wounded seamen and others were quartered and accommodated during their cure in the time of the last Dutch war, and in each place to call to your assistance the agent employed by the Commissioners of the Sick and Wounded, and to take an exact account of what remains due and unpaid for the quarters, accommodation and cure of said seamen, etc. In your account hereof you are to distinguish how much of said debt remains in the proper hands of the first creditors and how much is by them assigned to butchers, mealmen, chandlers and other mean trades and what is assigned to brewers, landlords, agents or other rich purchasers of said debts that I may see the present state of the debt as it really is in order to the payment thereof in such manner as his Majesty's affairs will permit. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 407.
Sept. 7. Privy seal for pardoning, remising and releasing to Henry, Marquess of Worcester, all moneys imprested to him at the Receipt by the name of Henry, Lord Herbert, as Governor of Chepstow, being for the wages of said garrison : none of the said money having been imprested to him until he first delivered from time to time to the officers of the Exchequer the muster rolls of said garrison and said sums were isssued to him according to said muster rolls : but said muster rolls being since lost, he cannot make a proper account thereof before the Auditor of Imprests : the King being well satisfied that said moneys were duly applied to the pay of said garrison, and that none remains in said Marquess's hands. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 22 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 4 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 229-30, 211. Docquet Book, p. 89.
Same for 336l. 7s. 10d. to (Col.) John Lamplugh without accompt : the King being pleased to bestow same upon him in consideration of his eminent services and sufferings for the late and present King. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 31 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 4 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Oct. 3 hereon. Letter of direction dated Oct. 27 on an order dated Oct. 14 hereon, "let this order be satisfied by levying of tallies upon the above-named John Lamplugh for moneys payable by him as Receiver of the last Eighteen Months' tax.") King's Warrant Book, V. pp. 228, 215. Docquet Book, p. 89. Money Book (General) pp. 459, 474.
Same for 600l. to John Hebdon (whom his Majesty has appointed to go his Envoy to the Czar of Muscovy) as in full of his ordinary, and of the expenses of his journey and all other charges in his said employment : to be received by him without account. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 1 of docquet hereof. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier dated Aug. 31, notwithstanding any late order or restriction to bring said sum into the Exchequer for Hebdon "for his journey into Russia." Money warrant dated Sept. 16 hereon. Fresh letter from C. Bertie to the Customs Cashier dated Wallingford House Oct. 6 to forthwith bring said sum into the Exchequer "to discharge Mr. Hebdon's order of that sum, notwithstanding any former order or restraint, the said money having bin advanced to Mr. Hebdon, and must be made use of to despatch Sir John Berry until his [said Berry's] orders can passe in the Exchequer. Therefore pray faile not to bring it in to-morrow, it being of great concern to his Majesty's service.") King's Warrant Book V. p. 216. Docquet Book, p. 88. Money Book (General) pp. 440, 447, 463.
Sept. 8. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Commissioners, Comptroller and Auditor of Excise. The present Farmers of Excise did by detainer of part of their advance money according to covenants, and by money paid, satisfy the 82,004l. 16s. 7d., part of their rent due Mar. 25 last before the day limited in their lease for forfeiture of their interest [on their advance money], and tendered you a tally for 1,758l. 1s. 1d., which was refused, they being obliged [by their covenants] to pay their rent in money : whereupon June 27 last being 13 days after the utmost time limited for payment of their rent, they paid the said 1,758l. 1s. 1d., which with allowance of interest for their daily cash and advance money completes their said rent. As you think that the days were so few before they made good their whole payment, it will be hard upon them to forfeit their interest of their advance money, being a considerable sum, and as I likewise conceive there is equity in their case, you are hereby to allow them 3,675l. in their said account, being the interest for their advance money for the quarter ended Mar. 25 last, as if the said 1,758l. 1s. 1d. had been paid before the day limited in their lease for forfeiture of their interest. Money Book (General) p. 445.
Letter of direction on an order of the 6th inst. for 5,451l. 19s. 7d. to the Earl of Arlington for extraordinary postage of letters : same to be hereby satisfied by 1,400l. of the Tenths of the Clergy now in the Receipt, 1,200l. of the Alienation fines, 100l. of money upon [the head of] lands seized, 300l. of Post fines, and by tallies on the Customs for the remainder. Money Book (General) p. 445.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to the following for setting out ports and wharves in the port of Newcastle and members.
Prefixing : note of draft of said Commission directed to the Mayors of Newcastle and Stockton, Charles Osborne and Giles Dunstar, General Surveyors of Customs, Henry Braband and William Burroughs, customers there, Martin Foster, Comptroller, and George Cock, searcher there, Anthony Isaacson, Thomas Browne, John Clarke, Walter Ettrick, Michael Hardcastle, John Eden, Richard Potts, Charles Fairfax, Allan Wharton, and Thomas Woode, gent.
Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 216.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment, customs free and unopened, of particulars as in a paper annexed [missing] which Signr. Duarte Riburo de Mando, formerly Envoy of the Prince of Portugal in France, being in his return home has landed in London port : same are to be put on the ship appointed to carry him and his family to Lisbon. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer presently, immediately, without fail) 368l. 10s. 0d. for the Masters of the Hawks. Money Book (General) p. 484.
Sept. 11. A[rthur] F[leetwood], in the absence of Charles Bertie, to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to John Langwith a year of Treasurer Danby's creation money. Ibid, p. 445.
Same to same. Mr.[Charles] Bertie wrote on the 1st inst. to the Customs Cashier to bring in 750l. for the twelve Grooms of the Bedchamber. This was intended to pay off their late warrants for half quarters apiece. Ibid.
John Shales to Mr. Stephens to pay 330l. to the Paymaster for the Capt. and company of the Kitchin yacht, and to "signify your readiness for the said yacht's payment to the Navy Board that they may appoint clerks to attend the said payment." Ibid.
Money warrant for 25l. to Col. John Legge for half a year on his fee as a falconer in part of 87l. 10s. 0d. arrears due thereon to Lady day last. (The Secretary of the Treasury dated Sept. 16 to the Customs Cashier to bring in said sum, notwithstanding any former restriction : and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 446.
Mr. John Lindsey having an order of loan payable out of the late Subsidy, of which order 387l. 18s. 10d. remains unpaid besides the interest [thereon] and the interest of a greater sum : and Mr. Boon, of London, merchant, having 1,000l. principal besides interest due to him upon the credit of said [Subsidy] Act : and there being no considerable sum expected to come in upon the said Subsidy, but [except] about 2,000l. owing by John Northcot, Receiver thereof for Devon and Exeter, who sues for a discharge, the said Lindsey and Boone desire that neither said Northcott nor any other Receiver of the subsidy may be discharged till their said debts be satisfied. Caveat Book, p. 22.
Sept. 13. Treasurer Danby's letter of direction dated at Rycot on the order of the 28th Aug. [drawn on the warrant of Aug. 23, ut supra, p. 313] for 2,367l. 14s. 3d. to Sir Stephen Fox for interest : same to be hereby paid by tallies on the Excise. Money Book (General) p. 446.
The like letter on an order of Aug. 22 for 5,788l. 0s. 3d. to said Fox for interest of money disbursed for pay of the Forces. Ibid.
The like letter on an order of Aug. 28 last for 210l. 19s. 6d. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, for interest. Ibid.
Money warrant (dated from Rycote) for 150l. to John, Bishop of Chester, in part of 600l. as by the privy seal of Dec. 15 last (on which 100l. is already paid) for the arrears to the King's Preachers co. Lancs. : said 150l. to be paid over by said bishop to Thomas Marsden, one of said preachers for three years on his allowance of 50l. per an. : same to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due 1677, Sept. 19. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, customs free, particulars as in a paper annexed [missing] lately brought from Venice in the ship Lucitania for the proper use of the Venetian Resident. Out Letters (Customs) III p. 217.
Same from same to same to deliver to Emanuell Deas, customs free, the goods on board the Queen's frigate Saudades, now daily expected from Lisbon : said Deas being particularly appointed by the Queen to take care of said goods. Ibid.
Same from same to same to lighter (at some convenient place on the river this side Gravesend) the goods in the ship Streights Merchant, Thomas Sutton and other merchant owners, to be aired and put on board again as soon as said ship shall be caulked and fit to receive them : and to give said ship the necessary despatches as to any outward bound ship and to permit her to lade other goods for export on payment of customs. Ibid.
Sept. 16. A F[leetwood] in the absence of C. Bertie to Mr. Stephens to pay off the Spragg frigate. Money Book (General) p. 446.
A F[leetwood] in the absence of C. Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to Mr. May the 400l. formerly brought into the Exchequer for Healing Medals and 200l. more as soon as the Customs Cashier pays it in. (Same to Mr. Mounteney to pay in said 200l.) Money Book (General) p. 446.
Treasurer Danby to Sir John Tracy, Sir Baynham Throckmorton, barts., Richard Baugh and William Stratford, Esqrs., and other Justices of Peace for co. Gloucester residing near Winchcomb ; "covered [addressed under cover] to Mr. Alexander Mayo, an Attorney in Gloucester." I have been attended by Nicholas Robinson, Constable of Winchcomb, who complains that in doing his duty to prevent the planting of tobacco in England he has met with great discouragements and grievances from some of the inhabitants and rude people in violently assaulting and menacing him, his wife and children with design to force him to leave the town, and from others by malicious prosecutions on purpose to put him to charge and trouble. This has not appeared to me by any other testimony than his own. Examine the matter of fact, and if true, give him your protection by binding to the Sessions or good behaviour as you shall judge most fit : this being a thing wherein both his Majesty and the publique are concerned, to encourage such as act pursuant to the laws for destroying tobacco, and wherein the Justices of Peace are particularly interested, I am the better assured of your compliance herein. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 408.
Sept. 19. Warrant dated at Wightam, from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer for a commission for setting out and assigning wharves and quays for the port of Exeter and members thereof. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 218.
Letter of direction on the unpaid remainder of an order of July 31 last for 10,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret service : same being hereby to be paid by tallies for 2,000l. on the Receivers or Farmers of the Law duty and tallies for 3,630l. on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due 1677, Sept. 19. Money Book (General) p. 485.
Sept. 20. Privy seal for 500l. to John Brisbane for equipage and 3d. a day as ordinary, payable quarterly in advance and 100l. per an. for a clerk, with the usual clause for allowances of extraordinaries : he being appointed the King's agent in the Court of France to solicit the affairs of our merchants there. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 13 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 217. Docquet Book, p. 90.
Sept. 22. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer 9,000l. for the Treasurer of the Navy. As to Sir William Prichard's money (if you intend [mean] the compensation for his houses and lands at Woolwich) I find that in Feb. last the Treasurer of the Ordnance had tallies struck on the Hearthmoney for 4,294l. to be paid one moiety this Sept. and the other in March next, and said Treasurer was then directed by Treasurer Danby's warrant to deliver to said Prichard 3,363l. 5s. 3d. thereof upon said Prichard's perfecting the assurance [of said lands to the Crown] "so that I do not see how this matter relates properly to the Customs." Money Book (General) p. 447.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt (to issue the abovesaid 9,000l.) and to Mr. Stephens (to reserve it in his hands till further directions from Treasurer Danby, except 200l. which Treasurer Danby is willing should be issued for payment of the men turned over in the Deptford ketch. Money Book (General) p. 447.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 5,000l. on any unsatisfied orders in the name of Edward Seymour as Treasurer of the Navy : to be by tallies on the Excise. Ibid, p. 448.
Money warrant dated from Rycott for 500l. to John Brisbane for his equipage and preparation and 273l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance as his Majesty's Agent for soliciting merchants' affairs in the Court of France : his said ordinary to be accompted from the 19th Sept. inst. being the day which Secretary Coventry has certified as that of his departure from his Majesty's presence upon his said employment. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to pay 400l. to Sir Edward Griffin (on any orders drawn in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber) : to be as imprest for the Gentlemen and Yeomen Harbingers paid in his office : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due 1677, Sept. 19. Ibid.
Same dated at Rycott from same to the Customs Commissioners to have opened in the Custom House, London, and then shipped off for Holland a hair trunk of wearing apparel and other necessaries belonging to Sir Henry Pickard (Pickkart) an Envoy from Holland to the Court of France, which was left with the Custom House officer at Dover by his secretary, Monsieur De St. Katherine, to be shipped off for Holland after the said envoy, who returns home by [way of] England. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 220.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition of Sir Nico. Armorer and Sir Gabriell De Sylvius. I have considered their pretences and the way they propose for their gratification which is the same they formerly petitioned for. If your Majesty please to grant away any further part of your revenue in Ireland petitioners' circumstances recommend them to favour. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 409.
Sept. 23. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners. By the ancient laws and customs of the Stannaries there is due to the King for the ordinary coinage duty of every hundred pounds stannary weight of tin the sum of 4s. which ought to be paid at the respective coinages yearly, and no tin ought to be sold or exported out of the Stannaries unless it have paid the said duty and have the coinage stamp on it. Of late years great frauds and abuses have been practised by embezzling and conveying away of tin without paying said duty, whereby the King's revenue is decreased and fair traders are discouraged and damnified. You are hereby to direct the Customs officers in Devon and Cornwall to search for, stop and seize all tin shipped or in the way to be exported in blocks, bars or other pieces not having the coinage stamp on it ; they giving instant notice of such seizure that prosecution may be made in the respective Stannary Courts according to the laws and customs of the Stannaries or in the Exchequer where care shall be taken for their prosecution and punishment according to the course of that Court. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 2. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 228.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby [to the Customs Commissioners] to employ Webster as waiter and searcher at Colchester, loco John Firth. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 225.
Order under the royal sign manual as follows for regulating the Stannaries. By the ancient known laws and customs of the Stannaries no tin ought to be exported by land or water out of Cornwall or Devon without the coinage stamp on same ; and until the late licentious times all tin was thence exported in great blocks only, and those duly coined : whereby the coinage duty was well secured. But some merchants having for their conveniency of trade for some years since presumed to re-melt and export their coined tin in small bars without any stamp upon the same, which we were willing to indulge, supposing it might conduce to the good of the tinners and advance of the trade of Cornwall, not suspecting so evil a return as is now by colour of that permission put in practice by very many merchants who run their uncoined tin into small bars, and then pretending their bars were of tin duly coined in the block, do export the same in deceit of our coinage, whereby our revenue arising out of our Stannaries is very much lessened, and tinners and merchants are oppressed, the fair dealing merchants being beaten out of trade by the embezzlers, who by stealing and defrauding us of the duty, undersell such as pay the same, and thereby also the price of tin is become very low and the tinners discouraged in their adventures. For remedy hereof it is hereby commanded that no person ship, export or carry any tin in any form whatsoever out of Cornwall or Devon or out of the proper Stannary within which it was made without having the coinage stamp on the same upon pain of forfeiture. And whereas we are informed that it will be of great danger to our merchants of Cornwall and Devon not to have liberty to export their tin in small bars, we have for that end, at our costs, caused furnaces to be erected in our Coinage Halls of our respective Stannaries, that such as desire to re-melt their tin may do it without any hazard to themselves or loss to our revenue. The King's officers at every coinage of tin are to appoint some convenient time for re-melting and casting into bars, or other pieces, such tin as then shall be desired to be so re-melted and shall re-stamp the same with fit stamps for that purpose to be provided by virtue of this order and after it is so stamped shall give cocquets for exportation of the same. And for their encouragement herein the said merchants or owners of the tin so re-melted shall have 3s. allowed for every hundred [weight] of dross coinage out of such tin there re-melted, and shall pay to the King's officers for re-melting the same no higher than the rates now usually paid. If any merchant or owner shall be so refractory as to despise this provision and shall attempt to transport unstamped tin in blocks, bars or other picees, they are not to expect any favour or exemption from such penalties as by course of justice may be inflicted upon them. King's Warrant Book V. p. 224.
Sept. 26. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay off Sir William Temple's order of July 31 last for 1,000l. out of money in Sir William Doyly's hands of the second quarter of the [last] Eighteen Months' tax ; and another order of said Temple's of Aug. 28 last for 2,246l. out of so much lately paid into the Exchequer for that purpose by the Customs Cashier. Money Book (General) p. 448.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to pay 990l. to Sir Francis Chaplin for 1 years' interest of 11,000l. principal money due to him upon 21 orders registered on the Hearthmoney : said payment to be by tallies on the Excise. Ibid, p. 442.
Sept. 28. Robert Huges, belonging to the King's backstairs, desires that no grant may pass to the son of Major Hart of certain lands in Kirton in Lindsey and Spalding, co. Lincoln, till the children of Major Izod, who claim an interest in part of the premises, are heard. Caveat Book, p. 21.
Lord Frescheville desires on behalf of John Lowe, Esq., that no grant may pass to Mr. Thomas Eyre or any other of Millhey Moor in Derbyshire, till his Lordship be heard. Ibid.
Warrant dated at Wallingford House from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to direct the officers of Dover port to permit the export, customs free, of 56 horses belonging to the equipage of Ralph Montagu, Ambassador Extraordinary to France. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 218.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's subscription of the docquet of a demise to Sir William Morrice, senr., of the office of Havener of the Duchy of Cornwall for the life of William Morrice, gent., son of John Morrice of London, merchant : at 30l. per an. rent and fine of 200l. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 409.
The like of a lease to John Buller of divers lands, etc., parcel of the manor of Bucklawren, co. Cornwall, separately for 99 years terminable on the lives of John, Maria, Francis, Anna and Katherine his children at the rent of 15l. 9s. 3d. per an. and fine of 610l. 16s. 8d. ut supra, pp. 315-6. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Thomas Agar and Charles Strode, Surveyors General of Woods, Trent South, not to proceed upon the warrant of Aug. 28 last for felling trees in New Forest to meet the charge of the Commission of Inquiry there "which Commission I have ordered to be superseded." Ibid.
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer to supersede the abovesaid Commission to Edward Noell et al for enquiring into spoils in said forest. On conference with the Attorney General I do not think it for his Majesty's service that any further procedure be made therein. Ibid, p. 410.
Sept. 29. Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a grant to John Baggelly, Esq., of the office of his Majesty's Chief Glazier of all his Majesty's buildings in England, with the fee of 1s. a day and 24s. for his livery, payable quarterly out of the Exchequer from June 24 last during pleasure. Docquet Book, p. 90.
[?] Same of a same dated 1674, Nov., of a grant to Edward Hooton (as one of his Majesty's musicians in ordinary for the lutes and voices, loco Gregory Thornedell, decased) of 40l. per an. wages during pleasure : to commence from 1671, Lady day. Ibid.
Sept. 30. Privy seal for 60l. per an. during pleasure to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to be by him paid to Edward Glynne, gent., and to be by him [Glynne] received without accompt : the first payment to commence from June 24 last. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 2 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 253. Docquet Book, p. 91.
Same for 500l. per an. each to Sir John Berry, Kt., Col. Francis Morrison and Herbert Jeffrys, Esqrs., appointed to go as Commissioners to adjust and settle several matters at Virginia : same to be for their pains and charges in that service without accompt. (Royal warrant dated Sept. 24 for said privy seal. In this warrant the Commissioners are given as Sir John Berry, Kt., Col. Francis Morison and Col. Thomas Fairfax. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 4 of docquet hereof ; the names being as in the privy seal above. Money warrant dated Oct. 4 hereon, the names being as in the privy seal above. Charles Bertie to the Cashier of the Customs dated [Oct. 16] to bring 1,700l. into the Exchequer ; and same to the Auditor of the Receipt dated Oct. 16, to pay same to said Commissioners as in the privy seal above, viz., 1,500l. as above, 100l. for their clerk and 100l. for their charges in passing their privy seal as by the royal sign manual of Oct. 4., infra.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 223, 217. Docquet Book, p. 93. Money Book (General) pp. 463, 465.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit a chariot, two coach horses and two saddle horses to be shipped at Rye for France, customs free. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 218.
Treasurer Danby to the Navy Board. In answer to yours of the 25th, I have taken care as I promised you, to supply the failure of the money intended for navy stores in this manner, viz., by 20,000l. which shall be forthwith paid to the Treasurer of the Navy and 30,000l. more which shall be paid to him by 15,000l. in November and 15,000l. in December next, making 50,000l. in all, which I desire may be paid upon bills in course for stores, save one quarter part of each payment to be applied to imprests for stores. And because you have paid several sums out of your weekly money for imprests [for stores] hitherto, I have ordered 20,000l. to repay so much of your issues of the weekly money to carry on your other list of bills. I have also directed money for payment of another quarter to the yards, so that with this money, which shall be made good to you, and a future monthly supply for stores after Xmas, I hope you will be able to encounter and proceed upon such extraordinary repairs (at least) as the workmen now in the yards are able to perform ; for the doing whereof if you want directions you will do well to apply yourselves to the Admiralty Lords for the same, wherein I shall most readily concur. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 410.
Entry of the reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Trelawney for the ship Victory to the like effect as in the case of the Streights, of London, ut supra p. 317. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 208.
Sept. [? 30]. Letter of direction on 8,825l. 1s. 4d. in part of an order of the 23rd inst. (as by the privy seal of the 31st ult., ut supra, p. 320), for 20,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret service : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Duke of Albemarle for moneys payable by him upon a contract for fee farms in Cos. Southampton and Wilts. Money Book (General) p. 448.
Sept. 30. Money warrant for 700l. to Dr. John Taylor for half a year to Sept. 29 last of the 1,400l. per an. for secret service as by the privy seal of June 30 last. Ibid.
Letter of direction on an order of the 27th inst. for 773l. to John Brisbane : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in Mar. next. Ibid, p. 449.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 100l. 7s. 6d. to John Middleton for one year as a Serjeant at Arms. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. Newport and Mr. Darcy "each of them for half a quarter of their salaries." (Same to the Customs Cashier to bring in said moneys, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay Mr. Wharton's tallies for a quarter of the Ordnance Office allowance to June 24 last. Ibid.
Money warrant for 34,500l. to Lemuel Kingdon to complete the Guards, Garrisons and incidents of the Forces to Jan. 1 next : 26,000l. hereof out of the Exchequer and 8,500l. to be by tallies on the Excise. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for 500l. to the Lord Chancellor for half a quarter on his pension : which according to the order of suspension carries him on to Michaelmas last. (Same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies.) Ibid.
Same to the Receivers of Excise. The King has signified his pleasure for 300l. per an. to Mr. Tho. King from Midsummer last over and above all the money he had received. He desires his said allowance to be made by you. If you think fit to supply him with a year of the said allowance I will take care to see you repaid. Ibid.
Money warrants for 1,500l. to Sir John Kirke for last Sept. 29 quarter to the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners : to be paid out of the receipts from First Fruits. Ibid, p. 450.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 50l. to Sir Charles Scarburgh for half a year of his salary. (Same to the Customs Cashier to bring same in, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 450.
Same to the Treasurers of Excise to pay forthwith to the Duchess of Portsmouth 2,150l. on account of her pension : "for which you shall have a regular discharge." Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay off Mr. Montagu's two orders of the 16th ult. and 17th inst., struck on the Customs for 4,000l. for the service of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay off Sir William Turnor's order of Aug. 8 last for 100l. (Same to the Customs Cashier to pay said sum into the Exchequer, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Ibid, p. 451.
Same to same to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in, etc., ut supra), 50l. for one quarter of Mrs. Jane Berkley's pension. Ibid.