Feb. 2.
Before the Lord Treasurer.
Sir Charles Wheeler and Col. Strode, Viscount Ranelagh, Major
Andros, Mr. Nelthrop, and some other merchants called in. The
two points concerning the farm of the Four and a Half per cent.
duty are : (1) money applied by Col. Strode which Sir Charles
Wheeler says was his : (2) defalcations which they pretend to
jointly. Sir Charles Wheeler says he refuseth to sign the account
till the sum of 6,200l. be decided. His petition is read. He pretends
to two several sums, viz. : 1,162l. 13s. 2d. for transporting soldiers,
and 569l. 19s. 2d. for special service in the island of St. Christopher :
[being] both articles of the abovesaid 6,200l. Col. Strode says that
Sir Charles Wheeler drew a bill of exchange on Lord Clifford for
569l. 19s. 2d. and at the same time drew another for 400l. on Mr.
Nelthorp. Sir Charles Wheeler desires that the particular account
between him and Col. Strode may not interfere with the King's.
Col. Strode affirms that Sir Ch. Wheeler is answerable to him for
all sums of money by virtue of the broad seal. The Lord Treasurer
will see the King's rent answered. Sir Ch. Wheeler avers that
Dec. 14, 1671, Thomas Bradgate (agent to Col. Strode at Nevis,
from whom Col. Strode says that Sir Charles Wheeler did take part
of his estate) had not any effects of Col. Strode's then in his hands.
Col. Strode denies this. The minutes of the late Treasury
Commissioners on this business are to be looked up.
Mr. Scutt, merchant, pretends to be paid some orders upon the
Four and a Half per cent. next after the [Barbados] regiment for
9,000l. and odd pounds. Auditor Aldworth is to wait upon the
Lord Treasurer with the state of this accompt of the Four and a
Half per cent. duty. The Auditor is to report specially to the Lord
Treasurer where Sir Charles Wheeler and Col. Strode disallow one
another's vouchers, and when he comes upon the point of defalcations
he is to send for the merchants. The 17s. per cent. [hundred weight]
demanded by the Farmers [of the Four and a Half per cent.] is to
be debated before the merchants and the Auditor and so reported
to the Lord Treasurer.
[At this point the minutes of Feb. 6 ensue, but with the note
"more of the 2d. day [of Feb.] on the next page." The indication
seems to point to the following minutes as belonging to Feb. 2,
but there is nothing otherwise to show that they do not rather
belong to Feb. 6.]
Friday morning next Col. Strode and Sir Charles Wheeler are to
attend the Auditor. The first money that comes in upon this farm
[of the Four and a Half per cent.] is to be applied to the payment
of the Barbados regiment. Commissary Baines is to certify which
of the men on the muster rolls remain in the troop ; and, on particular
certificates from the officers or otherwise, to certify who are
out of the troops and yet alive and who are dead : and if there be
anything before him [Baines] concerning particular debts owing to
any persons that he would likewise report [as to such] to the Lord
Treasurer. On Monday afternoon next Sir Charles Wheeler and
Col. Strode are to attend the Lord Treasurer with the state of their
accompts, each of them is to bring a merchant and a law[y]er with
them. Mr. Nelthrop and Col. Strode are to attend Auditor Aldworth
on Friday morning next, "and the 490l. Sir Cha. Wheeler and
Col. Strode agreed to allow 406l." Major Andros has already
received 1,500l. upon account of the Barbados soldiers' arrears.
On Monday afternoon next Viscount Ranelagh and Lord Brereton
are to attend the Lord Treasurer.
The convocationers about tin in Cornwall are to attend the Lord
Treasurer on Monday afternoon.
[Warrant for] 500l. on Sir Stephen Fox's privy seal for secret
Sir William Temple to have 1,000l. equipage money out of the
24,000l. besides entertainment as before.
Mr. Mannton (Manaton) to have a deputation for [a place as]
landwaiter extraordinary as Bell had.
[British Museum Additional MS. 28,077, pp. 71-2, 73.]
Feb. 6.
Mr. Fanshaw's business is to be heard at the Treasury Chambers
on Monday afternoon next.
The convocationers of the tin are to wait on the Lord Treasurer
the same afternoon. Sir John Duncombe, the Lord Chief Baron,
Attorney General, Sir Robert Howard, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir
Charles Harbord and the Earl of Bath are to be summoned [to
attend then].
Mr. Lindsay's business is to be heard on Tuesday. Sir Thomas
Pennyston to be summoned [to attend then].
The business about the exported beer is to be heard the same day.
Col. Birch and all parties concerned therein are to attend.
Write the Auditor to certify what the interest amounts to for a
year for all money stopped in the Exchequer except what relates to
[Ibid. p. 72.]
Feb. 7.
Mr. Bynyon's business is to be heard on Monday afternoon next.
Mr. Cottle to attend then.
Mr. Robert Forth and John Cholmeley are to attend at the
Treasury Chambers on Tuesday afternoon next. The Farmers of
the London Excise are to attend the same day.
Warrant for Lord Chandos' pension.
Warrant for 200l. for Mr. Finch.
[Same for] 2,000l. for Sick and Wounded upon the contingencies
of the second quarter [of the present Eighteen Months' tax].
Write for the [weekly and other] certificates [due to be returned
from the office] of the Navy.
On Monday afternoon the 9th inst. the business of Lord Holles is
to be heard : Capt. Carter and all other parties concerned therein
are to have notice.
[Ibid. p. 74.]
Feb. 10.
All businesses that were to be heard this day the Lord Treasurer
defers till Saturday next : viz. the business about exported beer,
Mr. Lyndesay's business and Mr. Morrice's [and also that of] the
Vintners and Wine Coopers, in pursuance of an order of Council of
the 6th inst. : and [also the business of] Sir Charles Wheeler.
Feb. 12.
Sir Peter Ball and Col. Cooke are to attend the Lord Treasurer
to-morrow morning.
The Marquess of Worcester is to be desired to attend on Monday
next about the Forest of Dean.
Give Alderman Backwell Custom House bonds for his hemp,
[such bonds to be payable] after the list [of payments] on the
Lady Scroop to have a warrant for 360l. 18s. 0d. for repairs and
adorning her lodgings at Whitehall.
Sir Herbert Price to have a warrant for half a year's pension.
Mr. Smith's arrears [to be paid] for 5 years [the same] as
Bridges had.
Mr. Bennyon's business is to be heard on Thursday, the 19th
[British Museum Additional MS. 28,077, p. 74.]
Feb. 13.
Consult all the Customs Commissioners concerning the Prizage
and Butlerage and show them the Attorney and Solicitor General's
report thereupon.
Write the Clerk of the Parliament to send the Lord Treasurer
notice from time to time when anything is offered to the House
that concerns His Majesty's revenue.
Sir William Godolphin's additional allowance is to commence
from the 29th Sept. last.
[Ibid. p. 75.]
Feb. 14.
The business of the Wine Coopers and Vintners is to be heard on
Monday next. On the same day also Mr. Lyndesay's business and
the business of exported beer.
On Thursday Sir Charles Wheeler and Col. Strode's business is
to be heard. Put off by consent.
On Thursday the convocationers of the tin are to attend. All
parties formerly appointed are to be summoned ut supra under
Feb. 6.
Mr. Bennyon and Mr. Cottle's business is to be heard on
Thursday, the 19th inst.
Feb. 16.
Sir Charles Harbord's report on the case of Mr. Montagu, of
Gillingham, is to be read to the Lord Treasurer.
The commission of Giles Dowle about tobacco is to be drawn by
Sir William Jones.
Mr. Skelton's petition and report are to be put among the Lord
Treasurer's papers for the King.
Sir Hugh Cholmly's state of the harbour of Saltwich [sic for
? Saltash] is referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A King's warrant to be drawn for 200l. per an. on the Customs :
to be paid to Mr. Hext in consideration of his wife (Mrs. Coningsby)
being instrumental in the King's escape at Worcester.
"Monsieur Bapt. du Teile for 3,000l. for the service of the gallies
[built at Genoa] : to move the King in it next Council day."
Mr. Daw's [Dawes'] petition is to be considered on Thursday
next at the Treasury Chamber. Dawes is to attend then.
Lord Windsor's petition read. The King to be moved in it.
A warrant to strike a tally upon the Treasurer of the Navy for
100l. paid to Sir John Brampston.
Send to Sir Robert Southwell for one of the commissions of the
Sub-Commissioners of the Prizes and also for a commission of every
officer in the several districts.
See if any sums of money are paid to any persons without
mentioning that 'tis without accompt. Query whether those persons
shall be made to accompt.
The Excise Commissioners and Col. Birch are called in about
exported beer. The two principal points are (1) what the allowance
is to be ; (2) by whom it is to be made. The Excise Commissioners to
take cognisance of all beer and ale exported and to make allowances.
Col. Birch says the question is whether there be an allowance to be
made at all. The Excise Commissioners abate 3 barrels in 23, the
brewers demand 3 in 20. Col. Birch says the law is clear for the
brewer, but does not justify the actings of the Commissioners.
That the King was not intended to be either gainer or loser by the
Act. The [London Excise] Farmers promise to refer themselves
to the Lord Treasurer for defalcations, and submit the whole matter
to his determination whether [such defalcations are to be calculated]
by a medium [or average of so many years] or not. The Excise
Commissioners [are ordered] to peruse Col. Birch's [calculation of
such average or] medium and to see what the brewers complain of,
and also that the Commissioners present at the same time an
accompt to the Lord Treasurer what the brewers demand from the
[London Excise] Farmers for time past since commencement of
the Act, which they pretend to. On Monday next the Excise
Commissioners and the Farmers of [the London] Excise and also the
brewers are to attend. The King's Counsel [the Attorney and
Solicitor General et al.] to be summoned for the same time.
The Vintners and Wine Coopers called in. The order of Council
of the 6th inst. is read. Mr. Muloy says that several informers
prosecute the vintners, though they have cleared all their accounts
with the Commissioners. The Counsel on the other side answer
that though these men are cleared by the Commissioners yet they
prosecute them for other concealments.
Col. Birch proposes one John Howland for the prosecution of the
debts due from the Vintners and Wine Coopers.
The Lord Chief Baron and some of the King's Counsel are to
attend on Monday next.
Acquaint Mr. Lyndesay that Sir Tho. Player, Sir Ri. Ford and
Sir Jo. Robinson will prefer a petition to the King concerning the
fee farm rents and that his business must be respited till that
Mr. Folio [Foley] is to attend the Lord Treasurer with Sir
Baynham Throckmorton and Col. Cooke on Friday morning next
about the Forest of Dean.
Warrant for 20,000l. on the sixth quarter [of the present Eighteen
Months' tax : to be] for the Master of the Ordnance.
[Order for] 4,000l. for the Victualler : to be paid out of the
There is 60l. to be added to the Lord Privy Seal's diet [charged]
on the Customs, which is 1,460l.
The report on Sir William Boreman's case is to be drawn.
Warrant for Widow Hooker : for one year.
[British Museum Additional MS. 28,077, pp. 75-8.]
Feb. 21.
Present : Lord Treasurer.
Mr. Benyon called in with his Counsel. His petition and the
report intended thereon are read, and also the petition of Alice
Cottle and Eliz. Smith, daughters and executrixes of Sir George
Benyon. Mr. Cottle's Counsel says that George Benyon has
endeavoured to suppress his father's will. Mr. Marriot says that
every child hath as good a provision as Mr. George Benyon. The
Lord Treasurer conceives there is no other thing to be done in this
matter than to know upon which of the persons His Majesty will
please to place his favour.
Sir Charles Wheeler and Col. Strode called in then. Mr.
Buckworth says [that] upon examination of this matter formerly
they did not think fit to allow Sir Charles Wheeler's bill to Col.
Strode. [Ordered that] Col. Strode bring on Monday next his
patent [for the lease of the Four and a Half per cent. duty] to be
perused by the Lord Treasurer concerning defalcations. Col. Strode
desires the Lord Treasurer that the 1,162l. 13s. 0d. and 569l. may
either be allowed him or remain in the Exchequer till a
determination of this matter.
[Ordered] that a hearing be had before the Lord Treasurer
betwixt Viscount Ranelagh and the Barbados merchants before anything
be ordered on Viscount Ranelagh's privy seal.
Memorandum : that Sir Robert Howard give an account concerning
the payment of the tally on the Four and a Half per cent. in the
This day week, Feb. 28, Viscount Ranelagh, Lord Brereton and
Mr. Skutt are to attend the Lord Treasurer concerning their privy
seals on the Four and a Half per cent. in the Barbados.
The Lord Treasurer to move the King for 2,778l. 10s. 8d. for the
payment of two foot companies raised and kept still in pay in the
Isle of St. Christopher : to whom there is [further] due in June next
two full years' pay. Also another privy seal is granted to Col.
William Stapleton for 700l. as Governor of the Leewards.
Sir John Shaw's account is referred to Mr. Litcot's examination :
and the other patent officers [of the respective outports] are to give
such accounts of [their receipts] of the Coinage [money or duty] as
Mr. Litcot shall demand.
[The Lord Treasurer] to move in [the Privy] Council for the
naturalising of foreign ships that shall be bought [by native
subjects] till such time as the trade can be carried on by our own
Harman's business is to be answered the next time the [Customs]
Commissioners come.
[Ibid. pp. 78-9.]
Feb. 23.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Lord Holles and creditors [of Sir Frescheville Holles] called in
with their Counsel in relation to Sir Frescheville Holles's estate
and debt of 1,500l. to the King and the disposal of it. Mr. Ofly
reads the petition to the King from the creditors, and the reference
[thereof from the King] to the Treasury. Then opens the case and
says Lord Treasurer Clifford looked upon the creditors' pretensions
as preferable before all others. The Lord Treasurer and Chancellor
of the Exchequer are of opinion that the King be advised to pay the
creditor's debts in the first place.
The Vintners and the Commissioners of the Retrospect are called
in. Mr. Muloy says the question was whether the King by law
could discharge the Vintners upon the prosecution of informers.
The Attorney and Solicitor General are of opinion the King may
discharge. Mr. Milward pretends to the benefit of such concealments
as were not known by the Commissioners [of the Retrospect] and
shall be discovered by him. The Lord Treasurer directs that the
names of such men [as he pretends to discover] shall within a
fortnight be named by Mr. Milward and be produced to Col. Birch
and that in case they do not come in and compound then he shall
be at liberty to prosecute them.
The business of exported beer. The Excise Commissioners
present to the Lord Treasurer an account of exported beer for 2
years [last past]. Mr. Breedon says the brewing within the city of
London decreased the very year the Act for exported beer took
place. The Attorney General says the Farmers of the Excise are
only to be considered for what had been exported in case the Excise
had lain upon it. Col. Birch says the increase of brandy is the
cause of the falling of the Excise. The brewers desire the Lord
Treasurer would direct the Commissioners to discount with them
the sum of 364l. 11s. 6d. When the brewers come again the Lord
Treasurer appoints that the Farmers' accompts be made up by Col.
Birch's medium.
An order to the Customs Commissioners to consider the drafts of
the conveyances concerning the Custom House and the exceptions
thereon. The officers of the Works and the Customs Commissioners
are to view the ground together to see if it be butted and bounded
Mr. Tregagle, Mr. Courtney, Sir Ch. Harbord, Lord Arundell of
Trerice, Earl of Bath, the Lord Chief Baron and Sergeant Mainard
are to meet at the Treasury Chambers on Thursday afternoon about
the tin business.
Business of exported beer. His Majesty's Counsel and the
Farmers and Commissioners of Excise are heard upon complaint of
the brewers who are exporters of beer by a late Act of Parliament
for that purpose, who affirm that the said Farmers and Commissioners
detain from them several sums of money which they
ought to have been allowed upon exportation of several quantities
of beer, [such detention being] under pretence of abating three
barrels in 23, whereas the brewers offer, by witness, to prove upon
oath that 23 barrels gauged in the guile will not make more than
20 barrels when it is settled and filled up ready for exportation.
And upon full examination of the said complaint and causes thereof
in presence of the aforesaid persons and the Auditor of Excise it
was agreed that the money so detained from the exporters was not
any way beneficial to His Majesty but to the benefit of the Farmers,
neither did any clear reason appear from the Farmers or Commissioners
for such detention, and therefore it was ordered that the
money so detained, being about the sum of , shall be forthwith
repaid or defalked by the Farmers to the said brewers, who
are, or have been, exporters, and now complain : and that for the
future, during their farm, no such money be detained by the
Farmers or Commissioners, nor any office kept to the charge of
His Majesty for or concerning any beer so to be exported : it being
agreed on all hands that His Majesty ought not to be either loser
or gainer by the said Act or [by] any beer exported or to be
exported thereupon. And whereas Auditor Birch, now present,
informs the Lord Treasurer that the Farmers of the London Excise,
&c., demand allowance of several sums of money for beer exported
since 1671, June 24, the matter being now debated with the advice
of the King's Counsel, and it appearing that the King ought not to
gain or lose by that Act, made for the free exportation of beer, it
was therefore resolved that by a medium of three years next before
the commencement of that Act for exportation of beer the Farmers'
account for the three years ended June 24 next be made up, and
deductions [are to be thereupon] made and allowed to the Farmers
by the Auditor according to that medium, unless the Farmers of the
London Excise shall, within seven days, show to the Lord Treasurer
some further reason to the contrary. Orders in pursuance hereof
to be sent to the Farmers and the Auditor.
The business of vintners and coopers, &c.
Upon hearing the King's Counsel and the Counsel on behalf of the
vintners, wine coopers and importers of wine concerned in the Wine
Acts, and upon hearing Counsel on behalf of the informers and also the
informers themselves (who are complained against for prosecuting
several persons on the said Acts) it was resolved on, by the advice of
the King's Counsel and by consent of the Counsel on behalf of the
vintners and informers, that all persons who have already put in
any information or shall desire to put in any information against
any person for breach of the said Acts shall bring in the names of
such persons and the causes of such their informations to the Wine
Act Commissioners within 20 days, and said Commissioners are to
send for the persons so complained against and examine the matter
and agree the same if they can and receive the money due to His
Majesty without further charge or trouble : and in case the said
Commissioners or any two of them shall find any such informations
or intended informations causeless they are to present the
same to the Lord Treasurer to the end he may direct the Attorney
General to enter a noli prosequi. That no informers presume to
molest any of the said persons under any the aforesaid pretences
unless he shall have given in the names and causes as before
directed, and if he do a noli prosequi to be entered. That every
such informer shall by the end of Michaelmas term next bring all
such complaints to a hearing else a noli prosequi to be entered.
That notwithstanding the aforesaid orders in case such persons as
are or shall be found debtors to His Majesty upon either of the Wine
Acts by the said Wine Act Commissioners, and after all reasonable
allowance given shall not make payment of the moneys so due upon
summons, in that case the said Commissioners are to endeavour to
recover such money by the speediest and most effectual course of law
they can, to the use by the said Acts directed. Said Commissioners
are from time to time to acquaint the Lord Treasurer with their
proceedings herein.
Send [the abovesaid orders] to the Commissioners for the Wine
Acts ; who are to endeavour to acquaint the informers.
[British Museum Additional MS. 28,077, pp. 80-3.]
Feb. 26.
Present : His Majesty, Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, Chancellor of the Duchy [of Lancaster], Sir Ch.
Harbord, Solicitor General, Secretary Coventry.
The petition of the city of London is read concerning the [fee
farm] rents of the Duchy of Lancaster [which the city desire to
have to complete their security for the 60,000l. loan]. The
Chancellor of the Duchy says the case of this matter is misrepresented
and that there were more fee farm rents (exclusive of those
of the Duchy) than would satisfy the debt to the city. The Lord
Treasurer says the fee farms were disposed of before he came in [to
office as Lord Treasurer]. The Chancellor of the Exchequer says
that Lord St. John [for himself and his partners in the late intended
farm of the Customs] and Sir John Banks [for his own debt] made
the first breach into the fee farms and so opens the whole case and
shows how Mr. Lindsey came into them [sc. into said rents by
having undertaken to meet the remain of the King's debt to the
city] : that 1,500l. per an. in nomine decimae rents are assigned
them [? the city] but that will not do the work [=suffice]. Sir
Stephen Fox [Paymaster of the Forces] pays the interest money
upon His Majesty's behalf till this debt be satisfied [because the said
60,000l. was borrowed from the city for the pay of the forces] : that
800l. per an. is [still remains] to be paid either out of these [Duchy]
rents or [out of] some other [and that this] is the [substance of]
the present demand.
Agreed : that the city have nothing of the said fee farms in possession
but [only in] reversions. Mr. Brent is to attend the
Chancellor of the Duchy to adjust this business.
[Ibid. pp. 83-4.]
[Feb.] 26.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Earl of Bath, Lord Arundell of Trerice,
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Cha. Harbord, Attorney General,
Sir Robert Howard, Sergeant Maynard, Sir Peter Killegrew, Sir
Jonathan Trelawney, Mr. Tregeagle, Mr. Courtney, Solicitor
Sir C. Harbord's paper read with the state of the tin [affair] and
every article therein is examined. Sir C. Harbord acquaints the
Lord Treasurer that one William Smith offered 15,000l. per an.
at the King's coming in, for the [King's rights of] pre-emption,
exportation and [tin] coinage duty. Afterwards in 1664, Sir
Richard Ford and partners took the [tin] farm at 10s. per hundred
[weight]. Then Billott and Ennis farmed the coinage duty for
2,000l. per an.
Serjeant Maynard affirms that the King's power of pre-emption
was never disputed.
The Attorney and Solicitor General acquaint the Lord Treasurer
that the [King's right of] sole exportation of tin is not to be found
so clear in their books as the pre-emption is.
Mr. Courtnay says the farming of the tin has been always looked
upon [as] so great a prejudice to the country [of Devon and Cornwall]
that the people [the tinners] themselves have advised to give
10s. the hundred [weight] to the King more to prevent the putting
it into a farm. The first farm was in Queen Elizabeth's reign.
The Kings have always appointed the places where the tin is to be
Mr. Tregeagle proves that the melting down of tin into small bars
hath been the great occasion of defrauding the King in the coinage
duty and [in] debasing the metal. The Stannary laws are judged
to be binding in Westminster Hall. 'Tis conceived that the best
way to prevent all abuses in this matter is by a concurrence of the
Parliament of tinners with the King. Mr. Tregeagle affirms that
all unwrought tin, be it in bigger or lesser figures as in bars, &c.,
is seizable and forfeitable, in which opinion both the Attorney and
Solicitor General concur, giving this reason for it that otherwise
the end of coinage is lost. And Serjeant Maynard is of opinion
that if the tin be melted down it will be judged to be done for no
other end than to defraud the King. The right of pre-emption
obliges the tinners to bring their tin to the Coinage Hall.
Question : whether upon bringing the tin to the Coinage Hall and
there offering to sell it to the King and he refuses to buy it, one
may then carry it home again. Mr. Tregeagle is of opinion one
may. The King is first to declare his pleasure concerning the
buying of it.
Ordered upon the whole debate that the Attorney of the Duchy
of Cornwall, Sir Peter Killigrew and Mr. Tregeagle do collect such
laws of the Stannaries as they can and other writings belonging to
it, and attend the Attorney and Solicitor General [with same] who
upon perusal of them are to draw up a state of the King's right to
the pre-emption, the coinage [duty] and the power of sole
exportation ; reporting first to the Lord Treasurer. In the margin :
The [tin] Convocationers name Sir John Carew, Sir William
Godolphin, Sir Richard Edgecomb, Mr. Hugh Buscawen, Sir John
Coryton, Mr. Prade.
Summon as formerly the Convocationers and all parties concerned
[to attend the Treasury] on Tuesday next at three in the afternoon.
Mr. Tregeagle exhibits a complaint against Nicholas Saunders,
collector of Truro, for a contempt of the Lord Treasurer's warrant,
and desires his Lordship would please to put him out. The Lord
Treasurer will inform himself from the Customs Commissioners
before he resolves anything in this matter.
[British Museum Additional MS. 28,077, pp. 85-7.]
Feb. 27.
Present : Lord Treasurer.
[Called in] the Marquess of Worcester, Sir B. Throckmorton,
Col. Cooke. The Lord Chief Baron to be spoken with about prosecution
of those men that commit spoils in the Forest of Dean.
[Ordered] to move the King to remove the ironworks out of the
Forest as they are conceived to be the destruction of the wood and
timber. Sir B. Throckmorton is of opinion that the cutting down
of the coppice wood is inconsistent with the raising of timber. The
Lord Treasurer thinks it proper to have the woods in Lea Baily cut.
Mr. Folio [Foley] called in and the Lord Treasurer proposes to sell
the wood in Lea Baily to him and demands what price Mr. Folio will
give for it. [There are] 33,000l. cords contained in that wood.
Mr. Folio will take off 8,000 short cord of wood every year. Mr.
Folio offers the same price as formerly for it. The Lord Treasurer
insists that the wood be taken off in three years. Mr. Folio offers
4s. 6d. for every short cord (besides [undertaking the cost of]
the cutting) which [price] will come in neat to the King. The Lord
Treasurer directs Mr. Agar to prepare some articles of agreement
[by] to-morrow morning.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer to be summoned to-morrow
morning to be by nine of the clock at Wallingford House.
Mr. Folio will undertake to keep horses out at the cutting of the
[British Museum Additional MS. 28,077, pp. 84-5.]
Feb. 28.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[Called in] Marquess of Worcester, Sir Baynam Throckmorton,
Col. Cooke, Mr. Foley, Mr. Agar, Mr. Strode.
The Lord Treasurer directs that the Lea Bayly Wood in the
Forest of Dean be set to sale at the Treasury Chambers in Whitehall,
and all persons who are willing to buy the same are to repair
thither to bid accordingly. If any have a mind to make any tender
for the timber to be fallen in the said Lea Bayly Wood this day
week is appointed for the sale, being March 7.
The Lord Treasurer to make enquiry after the Commission that
put a stop upon the Exchequer and of the several Acts of Parliament
relating to the payments in the Exchequer.
[Ibid. p. 87.]